Everything was going great you were just in the greatest battle for the Black Company leading...
User | Total |
ChildishChimera | 9 |
Yay wordplay always funIt's been 40 years since we died and the first thing we need to do is protect and serve someone who brought us back from the dead.
This reminds me of those mobile card games, except, we're the monster card instead of the player.
[X] Niña
-[X] of the Biting Blades
[X] Practice your skills, you haven't used any of them in a long time.
-[X] Get used to your new body.
[X] Speak to Nero
-[X] Who does she work for?
-[X] Most of our men? Does that mean some of our compatriots are still alive?
Niña from the Spanish La Niña because I like the way it sounds, and also, it's a bit ironic since we did base her theme off of the Sun (Drought, El Niño) and then get her name from La Niña (Downpour). It's sort of a pun, I guess!
First priority should be getting used to our new body, but as much as I'd like to test all it's functions, information is valuable and I'd like to know who we're working with and what happened in that 40 year gap. Not necessarily in one huge info dump, I'm fine with a trail of bread crumbs too to avoid information overload.
Also, I'm assuming we can ask multiple questions, I'll go ahead and change if it turns out that we can't.
Yeah sorry about any mistakes, I find it easier to write at night when I'm tired. But it has a side effect of my double check's missing stuff. I'll try and fix it up after some sleep[X] Sword
[X] Dimachaerus Style
[X] Find a place to Sleep
[X] Have a spar with Nero
Well, our appearance does depict us with two swords, so it's best if we go with that.
That said, finding a base of operations we can fall back to and hide in if things go south is top priority right now. I'd love to go diving into the tower already, but we have to prepare first and get used to combat with our new body and see what magic we have, amongst other things, before that.
Anyways, the updates really could use a beta-reader, Chimera. They're still enjoyable, but a little polishing won't hurt anyone.
Forty years was a long time to be away from battle, away from soldiers, away from comrades. Starting over again would be difficult, even with the to tower to herself.
Minutes passed in silence, your steps kicking up dust as you walked down corridors and staircases that had been empty for decades. To fight as you remember; in harmony with your body, you needed to know you limits and how you'd changed.
Making a final turn, you found the armory(I'd recommend a series of "..." to represent a pause in narration) or what was left of it with a coat of dust and rust over everything swords and spears, hammer and axes, shields and bows all lined up at the ready. Finding what she wants, Nina grabs a
getting used to the weight andbeforegoing through some familiar motions as she imagined how she would face those hungry spirits, golden shades that wanted her soul. One plan after another flashing through her as she moved moved around the room attacking in the formations that came naturally. Her moves not as they should but close, (Either "attacks quickly and" or "quick attacks") easily parting the air, while it wasn't the same it was familiar enough for her to settle into her old:
AsSimple joy came over Niña as she moved, setting her new body towards what she felt was right, each movement more effortless than the last, a haze motions that continued until Nero returned with food.
"Good quality ,no" Nero said, setting upmyyour meal "I promise (not a correction, just a recommendation, placing "you" here would help flow.)Niña, that "body is" or body's of the highest quality possible"
"That's good to know but, I still have some things I'm curious about."
"Like what?"
"Well you said that the maelstrom only killed most of my men, so does that mean some of my compatriot are still alive?"
"Well kinda, most got caught up in the disaster and just got consumed or dragged away, a small band waswasable to escape, about twenty or so. That's how I knew to get you actually, they were able to recognize that you were doing some kind of mix of binding and soul sealing magic to not become a snack like the rest. But they couldn't really reach you to help out, which is how I first got involved."
"So does that mean you work for whats left of the Black Company?"
"Less for and more with, I want to get rid of the sky ghosts and your the kindaof person that can help with that.Andeven if that magic you cast was some kind of miracle, you would still be able to get information from the Tower and help against General Jubileus."
"Good to know I wouldn't be consider useless If I had nothing for the 'bright ones'.,By the way, what exactly are you looking for insiderthere anyways."
"Anything you could find on Soul Anatomy, Binding, Spell theory and Soul incompatibility, stuff like that should help since we're basically building a new spell ourselves." Nero exclaimed cheerfully.