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Prepare for a delve into madness and horror unending and unforgiving. Sweat, tears, and blood are the price of entry into the Darkest Dungeon.
The Letter


In Madness Fallen
United States

Okay, let's try this again.

Characters will die a lot.
Missions will fail a lot.
Every step of forward momentum will feel like two steps back.
This quest will be true to the spirit and style of Darkest Dungeon.

In time, you will know the tragic extent of my failings.
-The Ancestor​
The Letter came as a surprise to you, living in the finery of the capital. Your father and your grandmother, self-exiled from the family Estate, have lived on the generous stipend sent from your great-grandfather for as long as you've lived. To you, Great-Grandfather Daedalus was an eternal monolith, a looming, immortal benefactor. To your father and grandmother, he was an unspoken stain, a faux pas in an otherwise unblemished family history.

Obsessed with the strange and unnatural, your father would often be sent letters of request, threatening a cut-off of funds if your father couldn't provide him with a stream of curios, knick-knacks, and, occasionally, desperate and hopeless poor, in seek of steady pay.

But all that was now at an end. On the same day as your father's final breath, The Letter arrived by coach.

My descendant, my final hope,

I write this letter in a fleeting moment of sanity, and horrified hindsight. For countless years I have embraced the wanton indulgence of my mind and flesh, sought dreadful artifacts and forbidden secrets, in the vain hope to find some enlightenment, some purpose beyond the ephemeralities of the corporeal and the rigid divines. I was a fool.

In these waning hours of mine, with my mind a jumble of a lifetime's regrets, I seek absolution, I seek repentance. I write this letter a dying man who spent his life trying to see, only to realize he was clearest when he cared not for such things. I bequeath to you the estate of our shared ancestry and storied past, as well as the ancient oath I had forsworn in brashness and youth.

There shall be no more transmission of funds or goods. You must return to our estate, you must right what I have made so frightfully wrong.

Final Regards,
Daedalus Valoth

You are:
[] [Name] Write-in
[] [Sex] Male or Female
[] [Appearance] An image (spoilered, please) given a title in the vote line, or your best approximation in words
[] [Estate] Samsara is an old place...

of the ancient and storied House Valoth. A scion of the House, you have never known your noble birthright by sight, nor it's previous lord, your Ancestor, in all your twenty years of life. Instead you spent your time in the capital,

[] [Background] Navigating the courts and balls of the capital's socialites and nobility - You know a thing or two about dealing with others of your new station, and have even managed to make a few friends among the courts of high society.
(The Noble Class is devious and clever, an expert manipulator and schemer in battle. Brings a Man-at-Arms as a retainer)
[] [Background] Fighting in the drill yards and ranges - You were raised to be a stoic soldier of the realm Athaera, and years of mock-battle have trained your body to excellence.
(The Warlord Class is a god of battle, armed with skills and tactics only the most dedicated could hope to master. Brings a Highwayman as a retainer)
[] [Background] Cloistered among the priests of the divines - You are devout and stout of faith, favored enough to know a few holy chants and divine rebuttals against the dark.
(The Devout Class is a powerful channel for the Divine and the Light, able to heal and smite in equal measure. Brings a Halberdier as a retainer)
[] [Background] Hidden among the books and scrolls - Feared by your own father and accursed by your grandmother, you were born with a thirst for understanding rivaled only by your shameful ancestor. Unlike that imperious figure, however, yours are not driven by helpless addiction, but determination and an unknowable sense of purpose.
(The Seeker Class is possessed of a great deal of True Knowledge and fortitude of self, and bears more than a few contracts with lesser outsiders. Brings a Crusader as a retainer)

As you sit in the stagecoach that rattles along the old highway to your family's home, you ruminate...

[] [Difficulty] On the nature of your family's heroic appointment of the Estate in ages past. (Easy)
(This difficulty will add resistance, dodge, and crit to your heroes)
[] [Difficulty] On the turgid past of your line, frought with tales of weak-willed sons and daughters. (Difficult)
(This difficulty will be roughly in line with the common Darkest Dungeon experience, with my own personal spin on the underlying story)
[] [Difficulty] On the contents of The Letter, and what things your Ancestor regrets. (Darkest)
(This difficulty is on par with the Stygian Difficulty in terms of sheer challenge without the time limit, with increased stress gain, increased enemy crit and dodge, less chance of positive town events, fewer purely positive narrative events, and a modified, darker twist on the story of House Samsara you might be familiar with from the previous quest)
Character Roster
Legend of symbols:
X - Invalid skill use or target position
O - Valid skill use or target position
() - Multi-target skill

Special Characters


Blood of the Line - ???
Inured to the Truth - The Heir has a special resistance to Stress, ignoring any stress effect 33% of the time.
Darkened Heart - The cynicism of one who seeks the truth is not a positive trait in this line of work. -5% Virtue Chance.

Seeker 0/0: 23 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 6-10 DAMAGE, 6% CRIT, 6 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 30%, Blight/Bleed/Burn 40%, Debuff 70%

Onyx Blade, XXOO-OOOX
9% crit, 90 acc, Heal 3

Flesh Twist, XXOO-(OOOO)
-66% Damage, -3% crit, 85 acc, -10% all resists (110 base)

Vile Calling, OOOX
Self Bleed 2 (70 base), Self +10 Dodge/Advance 1, Gain Riposte (-20% Damage, +2% Crit), Companions +4 Stress (66%)

Reality Bend, OOOO
Target gains Stealth until their next turn, Target gains +40% Damage/+4% crit/+15 Dodge until their next turn

Split Misery, OOOO
Target Party member Heal 2-12, another random party member (prefers high health %) Bleed 1 (70 base)

Invoke Calamitous One, XXXO-(OOOO)
-100% Damage, 15% crit, 90 acc, Fallback 3, add four effects to this skill at random from the following list (base 110 for debuffs)
Blight/Bleed/Burn 4
Dodge -20
Acc -15
SPD - 5
Crit -5%
Crits Received +5%
This Skill deals +50% Damage
+15% Damage Taken
Strip buffs/Guard/Stealth and Shuffle All

Shambling Protector (Self +30% Riposte Damage, Block Ambush)
Dark Communion (Companions Heal 50%/Remove Mortality/+20 Stress)



Sympathetic - This Religious hero is significantly more accepting of Heathen or Unclean things.
Witness - A trauma has shaken this hero's faith. They cannot benefit from Prayer.

Crusader 1/1: 40 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 7-14 DAMAGE, 4% CRIT, 1 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 50%, Blight/Bleed/Burn/Debuff 40%
Brings Holy Water

+20% Damage vs Unholy, +1% crit, 85 acc

Pommel Smash, XXOO-OOXX
-50% Damage, +1% crit, 90 acc, Stun (100 base)

Zealous Refutation, XXOO-(OO)XX
-40% Damage, -2% crit, 85 acc

Charge!, OOXX-XOOO
+20% Damage vs Unholy, +6% crit, 85 acc, Forward 1

War Healer, OOOO
Heal 2, -5 Stress, +1 Torch

Bulwark, XXOO
Gain 20% Armor (Battle), Mark self, +3 Torch

Unshakable (Self -40% Stress)
Stand Tall (Companion -25 Stress, Remove Mortality)

Mankind Hater - This hero has a reason to despise mortal men. +15% Damage vs Humans, -15% Stress vs Humans

Woodsman 1/1: 33 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 7-14 DAMAGE, 3% CRIT, 2 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 40%, Blight/Bleed/Burn 50%, Debuff 30%
Brings Herbal Medicine

+30% Damage vs Marked, +10 acc vs Marked, 5% crit, 90 acc

-25% Damage, 6% crit, 90 acc, Bleed 5 if Marked (110 base)

Herbalism II, OOOO
Heal 3-5, remove all debuffs

-80% Damage, 4% crit, 95 acc, Lock Position/-13 Dodge (110 base), Mark Target

Timber! II, XXOO-(OO)XX
-40% Damage, 5% crit, 85 acc, Push 1 (110 base)

-100% Damage, 100 acc, Advance 1, Pull 1 (120 base), Mark Target

Sharpen Axe (Self +15% Damage/+5% Crit)
Trapper (Gain 2 random loot drops, Block Ambush)

Photomania - This hero feels safe in the light. -20% Stress when Torch is >12.
Quick Shot - This hero is quick to strike. +4 SPD in round 1.
Mercurial - This hero is not particularly stable. -5% Virtue chance.

Musketeer 1/1: 32 LIFE, 5 DODGE, 5-10 DAMAGE, 7% CRIT, 3 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 50%, Blight/Bleed/Burn/Debuff 40%
Brings Bandage

Aimed Shot, OOXX-XOOO
+50% Damage vs Marked, 5% crit, +9% crit vs Marked, 95 acc

Suppressing Fire, OOXX-(OOOO)
-90% Damage, -10% crit, 95 acc, remove stealth, -5 acc/-5% crit (100 base), Companions remove Stun/Marked

Call Shot, OOXX-XOOO
-100% Damage, 100 acc, Mark target, -20 Dodge (100 base)

Buckshot, OOXX-(OO)XX
-50% Damage, 2% crit, 95 acc, Push 1 (75 base)

Sidearm, OOOO-OOOO
-10% Damage, 75 acc, Hits a random target, Self +3 SPD

Patch Up, OOXX
Heal 2-3, Target +20% Healing Received

Field Dressing (Companion Heal 50%, Remove Bleeding/Burning)
Triage (Companions Heal 20%)

Malleable - This hero seems strangely at ease with flesh warping. +20% Healing received from Eldritch sources.
Intensity - This hero is filled with power! +3% Crit.
Fear of Mankind - This hero has suffered some trauma at the hands of Man. +15% Stress vs Human, -10 Acc vs Human.
Torn Rotator - This hero has suffered a previous injury. -5% Melee Skill Damage.

Plague Doctor 1/1: 26 LIFE, 5 DODGE, 5-8 DAMAGE, 3% CRIT, 7 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move/Debuff 30%, Burn/Bleed 60%, Blight 70%
Brings Antivenom

Noxious Burst, OOOX-OOXX
-80% Damage, 5% crit, 95 acc, Blight 5 (100 base), -5 acc (100 base)

Plague Grenade, OOXX-XX(OO)
-90% Damage, 95 acc, Blight 4 (100 base)

Incision, XOOO-OOXX
5% crit, 85 acc, Bleed 2 (100 base)

Disorienting Blast, OOOX-XOOO
-100% Damage, 95 acc, Shuffle/Stun (100 base)

Battle Medic, OOXX
Heal 1, Self/Target Cure Blight/Bleed, Target Cleanse Random Debuff

Might Vapors, OOOO
Target +20% Damage/+3 SPD (Battle)

The Cure (Self Remove Disease/Resist Disease/+30% Blight Resist)
Self-Medicate (Self -20 Stress/20% Life/Remove Blight/Bleed/+10 acc)

Fated Pair (Emila) - This hero's relationship with another could prove useful. Cannot be removed.
Resilient - This hero's will is iron. -10% Stress.
Hesitant - This hero has a tendency to overthink their situation. -3 SPD.
Sorrowful - This hero is particularly melancholic. +20% Stress everywhere.

Vestal 1/1: 29 LIFE, 5 DODGE, 5-10, 2% CRIT, 4 SPD
Resists: Move/Stun/Blight/Burn/Debuff 30%, Bleed 40%
Brings Holy Water

Hand of Fervor, XXOO-OOOX
-40% Damage, +15% Damage vs Unholy, 1% crit, 85 acc, +25% Damage Steps/6 acc self

Judgement, OOXX-OOOO
-25% Damage, 5% crit, 85 acc, Heal 3 Self

Grace, OOXX
Heal 4-5

Comfort, OOOX
Party Heal 1-3

Bless (Companion +10 Dodge/+10 Acc/+3% crit)
Chant (Companion -15 Stress/-20% Stress if Religious, -5 and -5% otherwise)

Fated Pair (June) - This hero's relationship with another could prove useful. Cannot be removed.
Enlightened - This hero requires meditation. They will not partake in other forms of Stress Relief.
Weak Grip on Life - This hero is not long for this world. -5% Deathblow Resist.
Hot to Trot - This hero is raring to prove themselves. +25% DMG, +20 ACC, +5% Crit in the first round.

Sorceress 1/1: 25 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 6-12 DAMAGE, 4% CRIT, 4 SPD
Resists: Move/Stun 20%, Bleed/Blight 30%, Debuff 40%, Burn 50%
Brings Torch

Witch Lightning, XOOX-OOOX
+80% Damage vs Marked, 3% crit, +3% crit vs Marked, 85 acc, self -20% DMG/-10 DODGE

Tongue of Fire, OOOX-XOOO
-60% Damage, 4% crit, 85 acc, Burn 3 (100 base)

Drain Life, OOXX-XOOX
-70% Damage, 4% crit, 85 acc, Heal 2-4

Firestorm, OOXX-XX(OO)
-40% Damage, -2% crit, 80 acc, Burn 1 (100 base)

Thunderous Shout, OOOX-(OOO)X
-80% Damage, -1% crit, 90 acc Advance 1, -5 acc/+3% crit received (100 base)

Gather Power XOOO
Self +25% Damage/+25% Stun Resist for 3 turns, Retreat 1

Infusion (Companion +30% Damage, Self -10% Damage)
Mystic Eye (-15% Party Surprise, Block Ambush)

Called - This hero is drawn by an inexplicable call to Samsara. May attain Resolve Level 7. Cannot be removed.
Gentle - This hero soothes the mind, and the body. +10% Healing Done.
Meek - This hero is possessed of a most useless virtue. -10% Damage on skills.

Vestal 1/1: 29 LIFE, 5 DODGE, 5-10, 2% CRIT, 4 SPD
Resists: Move/Stun/Blight/Burn/Debuff 40%, Bleed 50%
Brings Holy Water

Judgement, OOXX-OOOO
-25% Damage, 5% crit, 85 acc, Heal 3 Self

Bedazzle, OOOX-OOOX
-75% Damage, 5% crit, 90 acc, Stun (100 base), +1 Torch

Illuminate, XOOO-OOOO
-75% Damage, 90 acc, ignore stealth and destealth, -20 dodge (100 base), +1 Torch

Grace, OOXX
Heal 4-5

Pray (Companions -15 Stress/15% Armor if religious, -5 Stress/5% Armor otherwise)
Sanctuary (Companions Heal 50% if Mortality/Remove Mortality, Block Ambush)

BORN LEADER - This hero is truly inspirational! Sometimes does random beneficial effects. ONE PER ROSTER.
Distant Love - This hero has a love elsewhere. Will not use the Brothel for stress relief. Cannot be removed.
Optimistic - This hero looks on the bright side. -20% Stress when at 50 or less stress.

Halberdier 1/1: 34 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 5-10 DAMAGE, 4% CRIT, 3 SPD
Resists: Move/Stun 50%, Bleed/Burn/Debuff 40%, Blight 30%

8% crit, 100 acc

Impale II, XXXO-(OOOO)
-60% Damage, -1% crit, 95 acc

Spear Wall II, XOOX
Ally guards self, ally gains 10 dodge/Riposte (2 turn) (-40% Damage, 0% crit)

Javelin Toss II, OOXX-OOOO
-30% Damage, 4% crit, 100 acc, self +7 acc

Field Dressing (Companion Heal 50%, Remove Bleeding/Burning)
Iron Discipline (Self -25% Stress/-20 Stress)

Quickdraw - This hero is fast. +4 SPD on the first round.
Driven - This hero is not easily swayed from his path. Resistant to Knowledge Curio penalties.
Risktaking - This hero laughs at danger. +10% DMG, -10 Dodge.

Highwayman 0/0: 23 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 5-10 DAMAGE, 5% CRIT, 5 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move/Blight/Bleed/Burn/Debuff 40%

Split Vein, XOOO-OOXX
-20% Damage, 95 acc, Bleed 2 (100 base), -20 Bleed Resist/-1 Speed (100 base)

Point Blank, XXXO-OXXX
+50% Damage, +5% crit, 95 acc, Fallback 1, Push 1 (100 base)

Dueling Pressure, OOOX-OOXX
+5% crit, 85 acc, Forward 1, gain Riposte (-30% Damage, +2% crit)

Vendetta, OOOO-XOOO
-80% Damage, ignore stealth and destealth, 95 acc, +10% Damage, +5 acc, +3% crit

Dark Humor (-25 Stress Self, 75% Companions -20 Stress, 25% Companions +10 Stress)
Gunkeeping (+20% Ranged Damage, +10 Ranged acc, +8% Ranged crit)
Zealot - This hero is maddened by holy purpose. Enables the Fanatical Affliction, gains +30% debuff resist for each active debuff.
Unholy Slayer - This hero is an expert at destroying the undead. +10 ACC and +5% Crit against Unholy.
Stress Eater - This hero eats for comfort in hard times. Double food consumption over 50 Stress.

Zealot 0/0: 35 LIFE, 0 DODGE, 6-12 DAMAGE, 4% CRIT, 0 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 30%, Blight/Bleed/Burn 20%, Debuff 60%

5% crit, 90 acc

Destroy Evil, XXOO-OOOO
-33% DMG, 3% crit, 90 acc, inflict -20% prot/stunned (100 base)

Brand Heretic, XOOO-OOOO
-80% DMG, 100 acc, inflict marked, inflict Burn 1 (100 base)

Execute Evil, XXOO-OOXX
+30% DMG vs Marked, 4% crit, +6% crit vs Marked, 90 acc, 33% chance to instantly kill a non-boss marked target

Lay Hands (Companion Heal 100%/75%/50%/25%/0% - Can't be 0% if Religious)
Zealous Vigil (Self -25 Stress, -15 MORE Stress if Afflicted, Block Ambush)
Precision - This hero has preternatural dexterity. +5% Melee Crit.

Leper 0/0: 35 LIFE, 0 DODGE, 8-16 DAMAGE, 1% CRIT, 2 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 60%, Debuff/Blight 40%, Bleed/Burn 10%

3% crit, 75 acc

-50% Damage, -4% crit, 75 acc

Purgation, XXXO-OXXX
-40% Damage, 85 acc, Push 3/-20% Damage/-3 SPD (100 base), Self +2 SPD/+10 acc/Mark

Revenge, OOOO
Self +10 acc/+25% Damage/+7% crit/-10 Dodge/+25% Damage Taken (battle)

Unmask (Self -25 Stress, Companions +5 Stress)
Quarantine (Self -20% LIFE, Companions -20 or -15 Stress)
Spiritual - This hero has quite a bit of faith. Counts as RELIGIOUS, +20% Divine Healing received.
Shock - This hero is a little soft. -10% Stun Resist.

Bounty Hunter 0/0: 25 LIFE, 5 DODGE, 5-10 DAMAGE, 4% CRIT, 5 SPD
Resist: Move 40%, Stun/Bleed/Blight/Burn/Debuff 30%

Collect, XOOO-OOXX
+90% Damage vs Marked, +15% Damage vs Human, 7% crit, 85 acc

On the Hunt, OOOO-OOOO
-100% Damage, 100 acc, Mark target and -10% ARMOR (100 base), self gain 3 SPD

Come Hither, OOOO-XXOO
-80% Damage, 90 acc, Mark target and Pull 2 (100 base)

Caltrop Toss, OOOX-XXOO
-95% Damage, 5% crit, 90 acc, Bleed 2/+10% Damage taken/-4 SPD (100 base)

Takedown Plan (Self +25% Damage vs Large/+15 acc vs Large)
Scout Ahead (+25% Scouting)
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The Estate
The Hamlet

The hamlet is a squalid, dismal place. Many buildings are run down, monuments are defaced and broken. It is a sorry state of affairs.

The Stagecoach, Tier 1 (Brings 2 heroes after each mission that was either a success, or in which a hero was slain)

The Barrack, Tier 2 (Has space for 12 heroes, special characters require their own lodgings)

Personal Quarters, Tier 1 (The private quarters of the Heir in the town. The tier of this building controls the level of the heir. The cobwebs are cleared, but many rooms and house offices remain unused)

The Tavern, Tier 1 (A rosy face, a cheerful game. The tavern is open once more. May Drink, Gamble, or Take Comfort for 300g each)

The Chapel, Tier 2 (A light in the window, a murmured prayer in the hall. The priest has returned. May Pray, Meditate, or Flagellate at 110% effectiveness for 250g each)

The Drill Yards, Tier 1 (Heroes can visit the drill yard to gain new skills and improve existing ones, for a nominal fee. Add secondary skills for 200g, improve all skills to Tier 2 for 500g)

The Smithy, Tier 1 (Equipment for your heroes can be improved and strengthened at the Smithy, for a cost. Resolve 1 Heroes can improve their weapons or armor, for 150g each)

The Hospice, Tier 2 (Supposedly, your ancestors were some of the first to popularize the use of care houses, for those afflicted with lasting injuries of mind and body. The head nurse wanders the halls... May clear two perks and reinforce two quirks each week, on the same or different characters, 300g each)

The Nomads, Tier 1 (The nomads are a strange people, enchanters and mystics all, with great skill in crafting useful items. You will be able to choose one of two offered trinkets, on even numbered weeks)

The Collector, Tier 1 (The collector is an oddity. A man with little concern for propriety or sense, he takes any valuable-seeming bauble you're willing to offer him. He even dabbles a bit in trade... for a more esoteric price...)


Store of Goods:
Dodge Stone (+4 Dodge, -1 SPD)
Ferocity Stone (+3% Crit, -1 SPD)
Health Stone (+10% Health, -1 SPD)
Bleed Charm (+20% Bleed Resist, -2 Dodge)
Blight Charm (+20% Blight Resist, -2 Dodge)
Burn Charm (20% Burn Resist, -2 Dodge)
Caution Cloak (+10% Scouting, -10 SPD on round 1)
Protection Stone (+5% Prot, -1 SPD)
Archer's Ring (+5 ACC Ranged, -1 SPD)
Swift Cloak (+2 SPD, -20 Move Res)
Seer's Stone (+15% Scouting, -1 SPD)

Splinterbark Charm (Woodsman) (+15% Damage, -4 Dodge)
Youth Chalice (Vestal) (+20% HP, -10% DMG)
Unholy Slayer's Ring (+25% Damage vs Unholy, -8 Dodge)

Sacrificial Cauldron (Occultist) (+20% Damage, +10% Stress)
The Simulacrum (Heir Only) (+25% Debuff Chance, +25% Damage, Negates Stress Resistance Quirk)
I crafted it's heart from the blood of a fertile woman, a mithril cage, and a bit of my own flayed flesh...
6 Resources
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[X] Gunther Rothbauer
[x] Male
[x] Image
[x] [Background] Navigating the courts and balls of the capital's socialites and nobility - You know a thing or two about dealing with others of your new station, and have even managed to make a few friends among the courts of high society.
[x] [Difficulty] On the turgid past of your line, frought with tales of weak-willed sons and daughters. (Difficult)
Nice, another try of this DD-quest.

[X] Plan: May Knowledge Shield Us From Madness
-[X] [Name] Ardelia Valoth
-[X] [Sex] Female
-[X] [Appearance]
-[X] [Background] Hidden among the books and scrolls - Feared by your own father and accursed by your grandmother, you were born with a thirst for understanding rivaled only by your shameful ancestor. Unlike that imperious figure, however, yours are not driven by helpless addiction, but determination and an unknowable sense of purpose.
-[X] [Difficulty] On the turgid past of your line, frought with tales of weak-willed sons and daughters. (Difficult)

I first thought about doing another version of our previous Heir, but lets try another kind of character.
[X] Plan: May Knowledge Shield Us From Madness

I didn't play in the last Quest but I've put a lot of hours on Darkest Dungeon so I'm interested!
Are dungeon runs happening through Discord like previously?
I will continue to offer dungeon runs on the discord channel for now, which I'll link when the vote is called. I just now have a very convenient program I can use to track combat logs and handle the random number generation.

Ideally, I'll figure out how to stuff the usable code into a discord bot.
Wait, so we would not control the party directly?
In the discord, you will have direct control of the Party Leader (manage the use of supply items, direct party members to use curios, use skills in combat), who will, upon run completion, be your POV for the accompanying narrative update in the thread.

I will manage (to the greatest of my ability) your other three party members. I am fully aware of the various tricks and tactics you can engage in and will actively attempt to support the most effective party-comp tactics given the situation, and am possessed of a healthy fear of character death.
Yeah, coming up with those group compositions was always the hardest part. Really made you wrack your brain.
New Quest! Interesting… and disturbing, as can be expected from a "Darkest Dungeon" setting.

As running away and escaping to another universe doesn't seem to be an option for the MC, let's go with the Plan that has an appealing Lovecraftian vibe, "forbidden lore in old scrolls that may (or may not) protect us from madness".

[X] Plan: May Knowledge Shield Us From Madness
I'd support any plan for darkest difficulty.

What else would one come into the darkest dungeon for if not bravery, madness and death?
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Some skills, from the unknown classes:

Noble: Made to move, the Noble can keep the party functional in the back, and dance to the front to deal the finishing blow
Waltz Phantasma, O-O-O-O
Party Dodge +10, Party Stress -6, Shift 2 (if in rear, shift to front, if in front, shift to rear)

Warlord: Powerful and straightforward, the Warlord prefers to simply batter the enemy line until they scatter like so much chaff
Contempt, XXOO | OOXX
4% crit, 95 acc, Target +15% Damage taken (110 base)

Seeker: Debilitating and horrific, the Seeker is a mostly self-sufficient debuffer who excels with other control characters
Flesh Twist, XXOO | O-O-O-O
-66% Damage, -3% crit, 85 acc, -10% all resists (110 base)
Noble: Made to move, the Noble can keep the party functional in the back, and dance to the front to deal the finishing blow
Waltz Phantasma, O-O-O-O
Party Dodge +10, Party Stress -6, Shift 2 (if in rear, shift to front, if in front, shift to rear)
Damn, Noble has stress removal.
[X] Gunther Rothbauer
[x] Male
[x] [Background] Navigating the courts and balls of the capital's socialites and nobility - You know a thing or two about dealing with others of your new station, and have even managed to make a few friends among the courts of high society.
[x] [Difficulty] On the turgid past of your line, frought with tales of weak-willed sons and daughters. (Difficult)
[X] Gunther Rothbauer
[x] Male
[x] [Background] Navigating the courts and balls of the capital's socialites and nobility - You know a thing or two about dealing with others of your new station, and have even managed to make a few friends among the courts of high society.
[x] [Difficulty] On the turgid past of your line, frought with tales of weak-willed sons and daughters. (Difficult)
First call for participants
Locking as the Seeker. Here is the Seeker's full stat sheet.

Seeker: 23 LIFE, 10 DODGE, 6-10 DAMAGE, 6% CRIT, 6 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 30%, Blight/Bleed/Burn 40%, Debuff 70%

Onyx Blade, XXOO-OOOX
9% crit, 90 acc, Heal 3

Flesh Twist, XXOO-(OOOO)
-66% Damage, -3% crit, 85 acc, -10% all resists (110 base)

Vile Calling, OOOX
Self Bleed 2 (70 base), Self +10 Dodge/Advance 1, Gain Riposte (-20% Damage, +2% Crit), Companions +4 Stress (66%)

Split Misery, OOOO
Target Party member Heal 2-12, another random party member (prefers high health %) Bleed 1 (70 base)

Shambling Protector (Self +30% Riposte Damage, Block Ambush)
Dark Communion (Companions Heal 50%/Remove Mortality/+20 Stress)

Here is your Crusader.

Crusader: 33 LIFE, 0 DODGE, 6-12 DAMAGE, 3% CRIT, 1 SPD
Resist: Stun/Move 40%, Blight/Bleed/Burn/Debuff 30%

+20% Damage vs Unholy, +1% crit, 85 acc

Pommel Smash, XXOO-OOXX
-50% Damage, +1% crit, 90 acc, Stun (100 base)

Zealous Refutation, XXOO-(OO)XX
-40% Damage, -2% crit, 85 acc

Bulwark, XXOO
Gain 20% Armor (Battle), Mark self, +3 Torch

Unshakable (Self -40% Stress)
Stand Tall (Companion -25 Stress, Remove Mortality)

I will be present for the next 4 hours here, awaiting at least a few participants. If nobody shows up, this is just the carriage mission, there's hardly any real risk to allowing me to handle it all.
The Old Dale Road
You gazed out the carriage window, as it crested the hill. Within your satchel laid the letter, mostly forgotten, but for the strange weight it seemed to add. What possessed the man to contact you now? Age and infirmity, perhaps? Men often find themselves with a glut of will and strength when they know their end is nigh, and for a man of at least ninety, you would be amazed if he had any years left in him.

You had long suspected your Great Grandfather to be a practitioner, like yourself. In your studies and various temporary apprenticeships with various court sorcerers and occultists, you would be a fool not to recognize the subtle power in the kinds of things your father was expected to send back to the family estate, or the summons of various private societies you had danced on the edge of in the past.

The letter... It was hard not to think about it, what it likely meant.

"What schemes are you devising, woman?"

The interruption derails your thoughts, and you wrinkle your slightly upturned nose at the offender with a huff. "I have no need for schemes, and if I did, I do not pay you to know them, knight."

The armored man shifts slightly in his seat, his unsheathed greatsword rattling in his arms. Such a ridiculous practice, to posture that Crusaders' blades never be sheathed in their 'vigilance against the heathen'. "You may not pay me to know your thoughts, but I would know why you thought to pay me at all. You can't expect I would not question why someone such as you would come to the divines for aid."

You almost smile. "What makes you think I hold no respect for the divines?"

"Are you going to claim you do?" he says with a disbelieving snort. "Do not take me for a fool. The powers you court are worse than demons and heathen gods alike. I have put down enough gibbering madmen to know that much."

You raise an eyebrow. "Oh? Do not equate me with fools and the desperate. Any idiot can beg for power from their betters. It takes discipline to only claim a little," you smirk at him. "Do the masses not do much the same with the Light?"

You seem to have incensed the man. "YOU DARE-"

"GRANTED!" you shout, interrupting him. "The Light is merciful enough to refuse those without the discipline to ask only a little. Mostly. How is the latest Prophet, knight?"

The Crusader comes up short at your jab. "You've investigated me."

You almost smile. "Enough to know you understand the value of a disciplined mind."

The knight turns his head, thoroughly disabused of talking to you any further. He opts to look out the window on his side, and immediately gasps. "L-light preserve me..."

You look out, bracing yourself for a sight. What you see renders you mute and awed. The forests surrounding your lands are wrong, twisted in all the worst possible ways. A thick miasma of brown-orange fog hangs low over the trees, with only a handful of green patches across acres and acres of canopy. You think you see a crow the size of a house in the distance.

Not in a hundred bargains with evil and eldritch things have you garnered the knowledge necessary to manipulate the fabric of life and creation on such a massive and terrible scale. The letter suddenly feels much, much heavier in your bag. Ancestor Daedalus... What bargain did you make for all this?

"Lady. I begin to see why you would call me, but I fear your problem is not something one sword arm can solve."

Again, his sudden chatter disturbs you from your thoughts, but this time you feel little need to banter. A memory flows unbidden to your mind. The first lesson in summoning and invocation is to take no gifts from the patron you call. No Elder's knowledge ever comes to the mind without a price, and if you allow the Elder to dictate his boon, you will soon find yourself naught but a well-strung puppet.

Your lips are dry. You try to lick them, but even that moisture seems to have fled your mouth, as well. You will learn much, here, if you survive.

In an instant, you are thrown from your seat, landing on your shoulder painfully on the opposite bench. The knight is steadier, but is even more shaken by the stop. "Coachman! What is the meaning of this?!" He shouts, gripping the pommel of his blade tightly.

"V-v-very sorry Sir, Milady... The, um, the carriage seems to have fallen into a p-pit!" comes the timid and mewling reply. You heft yourself up and dismount to see the damage, and it's enough to make you frown in concern. The front wheels seem to have simply exploded under the strain of falling onto the far side of the little ditch, which you have no doubt was dug intentionally.

The old coachman fumbles slightly with a small hand cannon, firing a bright flare. "I-I've alerted the stable in the hamlet. They'll be able to bring some replacement parts shortly, Milady Valoth!"

You dismiss him with a wave, motioning for your aide. "This was set up, knight. We need to scout out the surrounding hedges and trails before they fall upon us here."

Alecnon nods, hefting his blade over his shoulder. He says no words, he does not need to. He takes the front.

You have hardly picked your way down a promising-looking woodsman's trail when you hear the snap of brush from behind. An ambush, then. The pair is still trying to brandish their weapons in a theatric, intimidating fashion when you simply gut the man with the blunderbuss with your sacrificial gemstone knife. You hadn't ever intended to use the boon bargained for over the blade, but you feel invigorating life surge through your veins all the same as the victim gurgles and dies on the forest floor.

The rush and accompanying shock at which you easily slew someone leaves you reeling, long enough for the other thief to simply die to Alecnon's blade. Your fingers feel wet. I haven't put on my gloves for the sacrifce. I need to wash my hands.

An armored gauntlet shakes your shoulder, drawing you back. The darkened visor gives nothing away, but Alecnon bows his head lightly. You march on, bitter amusement roiling within. So much for discipline.

You push down your sudden nerves with much-practiced effort, and march forward. You stumble over a hastily-cleared campsite, liberating a few bloodied sacks from your would-be killers, when Alecnon points further ahead, where you can see silhouettes moving through the wood.

The second battle is far more challenging, though this time you are prepared for the violence and headrush that accompanies your blade's boon. Still, the experience of your retainer humbles you, as he fells a man at least seven feet tall and well over three hundred pounds in the time it takes you to kill another spindly gunman.

You're going to have to learn if you're going to fix your ancestor's mistakes.


Alecnon becomes level 1, gaining +10% to each resistance.
Quest Reward: 1000g, 4 Resources, 1 Common Trinket
Loot: 400g, 6 Resources, 2 Common Trinkets

Common Trinket - Dodge Stone (+4 Dodge, -1 SPD)
Common Trinket - Ferocity Stone (+3% Crit, -1 SPD)
Common Trinket - Dazing Stone (+10% Stun, -1 SPD)