Dark Aquarius! (Future RP)

Millenia in the future, Man has regressed back in to the age of sword and sorcery. The year is 7,000 AC. (After Cataclysm) In the land once called North America, various governments have been established and re-established, fallen and destroyed, refined and reshaped over the millennia. Over the thousands of years that Man has advanced and fallen, they have never managed to replicate the knowledge they once had. We, their would be Overlords have managed to conquer them in both flesh and heart, but there still seems something missing we have yet to conquer. We need not fear their uprising. We are gods. There is no need to fear.

The Gods:

Seven thousand years ago, the Great Cataclysm caused so much suffering and death that the barrier between the world of science and the world of magic was shattered. As a result, deification became reinstated as a fact of life, and some of the old gods may have made a return. During character creation, you choose one of the following for your Warlocks.

Sinistrals: The Dark Lords. The vast majority of these is evil. Their representing god in the main setting however, is affably evil at worst, and more of an anti hero/anti villain. Xenon, the lord of immortality and the element of shadows. The key to being a Sinistral is in some way having a tie to darkness, not necessarily evil but always being dangerous, lethal or otherwise harmful, thus the name.

Beyonders: If you've played the Elder Scrolls, these Beyonders are basically similar to the Daedric Princes. They are "Beyond", in alternate dimensions. Pocket dimensions loosely tied to the Earth, and they, for the most part, can't enter our planet. They are ni-omnipotent beings in their own dimensions, having always been representative of a certain principle of life, such as chaos, madness, death, etcetera.

Primevals: In real world mythology, these would be similar to the Titans, only these Primevals are more like Prehistoric Animals, for the most part. A few of them even resemble Human giants. Their representative is Baraka, the Ape god, the benevolent god of families and masculinity. Primevals combined elemental powers with the powers of animals for their abilities. One of them is even an intelligent T-Rex. If you need a more simple explanation, think "Magic Kaiju".

Forgotten Ones: These are the Eldritch Abominations that resemble the Elder Gods of Lovecraft's horror works. Their true terror, however, isn't that they regard us as worthless dots in the infinite expanses of space and time, the true terrors among them are they who think of us cattle, or even worse, experiments.

Founders: To the Norse and the Irish, their forefathers were known as the Aesir, the Vanir, and the Tuatha De Naan. To the Humans of Earth, those who were among the most powerful and first to master magic and gain a strong hold in the cosmic order are called "Founders". Odin, Ra, Zeus, these gods are not the originally named deities of Norse, Egyptian and Greek, but rather those driven mad with the power they had possessed. Fortunately for us, some of these gods are only mad in an eccentric, as so far harmless, even beneficial way towards us.

Grandmasters: If you want to think "Grandmasters", think "Shennism with any skin tone". Only not indigineous to China, Grandmasters arose in North America with the resurgence of genuine Shao Lin and it's mystical arts. (As well as in the surviving areas of China). The powers they grant are based more on the martial arts (usually) than straight out witchcraft or mystical power.

Guardian Forces: The protective forces of the universe localized on Earth 7,000 years ago. These people are those who have become god like through mystically transforming into abstract concepts, places or even people through various means. There is a Guardian Force of Good, a Guardian Force of Evil, etcetera. The Guardian Force of Good, Ego, is the representative of Guardian Forces.

Power Mongers: Power Mongers travel the world to grow in power, gaining their abilities from many different sources of strength and power, not focusing on any single one, nor being content to just being jack of all trades. Through special, secret means, Power Mongers combine all their knowledge into their own signature powers and become like demigods, or more. What makes Power Mongers so special is that they stay on Earth when ascending.

Pretenders: The lunatic, turned reasonable folk of Earth, Pretenders are much like Power Mongers, but the difference between them is simple. Pretenders can jump from power far more dramatically, from having a starting point of being weak and powerless, to being more than demi gods. They become Pretender gods through fanatic devotion and belief that they are something other than what they are, and then they can become it.

Otherworldly Patrons: The Otherworldly Patrons are said to be former mortals from another world who became as gods. Thus, nearly identical to the Founders. Otherworldly Patrons operate under different rules than the Founders however. In some ways they are more similar to Beyonders. While Beyonders are tied to specific things, Otherworldly Patrons can be more multifaceted.

Crystal Entities: Crystal Entities are living, intelligent beings empowered by magical crystals that grant them powers over natural phenomenon. Crystal Entities aren't nearly as good at dabbling in magic outside natural forces as other gods, but they are the best at what they are focused on.

Archfiends: Devils, demons and evil spirits are called Archfiends. Similar to Sinistrals, only Archfiends are always evil and always unredeemable. Xenon and other Sinistrals may possibly show benevolence, but Archfiends are just jerks.

Mazoku: The Mazoku are god like creatures originally from Japanese mythology and folklore, taken up to eleven in this setting. They are similar to Sinistrals however, in that while they have an evil bent, they aren't always evil and unredeemable demonic creatures like Archfiends are.

Character Creation:

Warlock Of:
(Put one of the god examples above, if you are a Warlock)
You Are Good At/You Can Do: (What are you capable of?)

RP Premise:
There's a powerful cult growing in America that seems to be benevolent, charitable, and perfectly reasonable. Too good to be true, there have been recent events pointing out clergy of this new Cult to horrendous deeds, and you are tasked with investigating and putting a stop to further insanity.
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-Placeholder For Setting Information-

Population of North America isn't Fallout small. The US likely has between forty and fifty million people throughout the whole former nation, an Emperor, and a bizarre technological base similar to the High Middle Ages.

Character Type Suggestions:
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-System Specs-
I've got a lot of ideas for this. I've got an idea for Big Eyes Small Mouth. SJ Carella's Witchcraft, and maybe some others. Maybe even Pathfinder might be a good idea to play this. I've never done Pathfinder before though.
Name: Svajoklis
Age: 26
A man dressed for number of pockets rather than fashion or comfort. Svajoklis is in not particularly good physical shape, but clothes tend to obscure this and he has some muscle on his arms from grinding alchemical ingredients. His face is pale and his black hair is grayed and frazzled by potion fumes. He wears thick beard and mustache to be shaven off in case of people looking for him. His eyes are sharp and gray.
Svajoklis is an alchemist specializing in poisons. He finds interest in quiet death that comes unseen and unheard. Although his work attracts some rather unscrupulous clients, his main and most stable source of income are potions meant to get rid of various weeds and pests. He dreams to one day brew a potion to poison death.
Warlock Of:
You Are Good At/You Can Do: Svajoklis is capable of brewing a wide variety of specialized poisons, from insecticides to herbicides, to pain numbing elixirs. He is also capable of brewing poisons meant to kill people, but he tries not to advertise it much. He is passable at knife combat, having used the skill to deal with less polite of his clients.

Is this correctly filled? Should I add in more or change something?
Name: Luna Quistia.
She has mocha colored skin, black hair tied into two little buns, a lithe and athletic body frame. Her more womanly attributes such as her chest are more pronounced and she is very curvy. Bluish-green eyes. She wears shorts and a sleeveless top that falls down below her waist and looks kind of like a miniskirt. Carries two daggers hidden by the lower half of her top.
A woman that lives by the grace of her tongue and social skills. Luna has been homeless on several occasions and learned various skills and talents for survival such as foraging for foods and drinks, thievery, misleading words and body language and a fierce tendency to protect lost souls and children.
Con Artist/Rogue.
You Are Good At/You Can Do: Close quarters combat primarily involving striking at the most damaging areas, being friendly and personable, survival on the streets of cities and towns and not leaving a trace of messy activities.
Name: Svajoklis
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Appearance: A man dressed for number of pockets rather than fashion or comfort. Svajoklis is in not particularly good physical shape, but clothes tend to obscure this and he has some muscle on his arms from grinding alchemical ingredients. His face is pale and his black hair is grayed and frazzled by potion fumes. He wears thick beard and mustache to be shaven off in case of people looking for him. His eyes are sharp and gray.
Description: Svajoklis is an alchemist specializing in poisons. He finds interest in quiet death that comes unseen and unheard. Although his work attracts some rather unscrupulous clients, his main and most stable source of income are potions meant to get rid of various weeds and pests. He dreams to one day brew a potion to poison death.
Occupation: Warlock
Warlock Of: Sinistrals
You Are Good At/You Can Do: Svajoklis is capable of brewing a wide variety of specialized poisons, from insecticides to herbicides, to pain numbing elixirs. He is also capable of brewing poisons meant to kill people, but he tries not to advertise it much. He is passable at knife combat, having used the skill to deal with less polite of his clients.

Is this correctly filled? Should I add in more or change something?

No that's fine. What kind of magic can your Warlock do, or is he only good at potion magic?

Name: Luna Quistia.
Sex: Female.
Age: 19.
Appearance: She has mocha colored skin, black hair tied into two little buns, a lithe and athletic body frame. Her more womanly attributes such as her chest are more pronounced and she is very curvy. Bluish-green eyes. She wears shorts and a sleeveless top that falls down below her waist and looks kind of like a miniskirt. Carries two daggers hidden by the lower half of her top.
Description: A woman that lives by the grace of her tongue and social skills. Luna has been homeless on several occasions and learned various skills and talents for survival such as foraging for foods and drinks, thievery, misleading words and body language and a fierce tendency to protect lost souls and children.
Occupation: Con Artist/Rogue.
You Are Good At/You Can Do: Close quarters combat primarily involving striking at the most damaging areas, being friendly and personable, survival on the streets of cities and towns and not leaving a trace of messy activities.

Luna will be on standby then. I'd happily play regardless of how much people we get. I was originally going to go for a Pretender who wills herself to be a woman. Or maybe a woman that follows the ape god that'd be hilairs. Yet I chose a normal rogue type instead for simplicity.
Name: Keiron "The Wanderer" Bast Maphilus
Sex: Male
Age: 43
Appearance: A rugged man with a wide-brimmed hat and broad shoulders. He is reasonably tall and broad-shouldered. His strength is still apperant, but his quickness, while suprising, is past-peak. His body is heavily tatooed at the arms, chest and legs. The Tatooes are shapes and give no particular meaning.
Keiron is a Wanderer of the Americas, hunting down Warlocks, Witches and Bandits. He stays in communities for a few weeks at most and disappears when their states have been resolved. He carries everything he owns on his person, including his weapons
Occupation: Bounty-Hunter, Soldier, Saint and Brigand. He takes the side of whatever is "Right" without constraint of the law.
Warlock Of: Guardian Forces: Hope; Not that he would care. He does not preach of "them". He is merely an instrument of their will
You Are Good At/You Can Do: Keiron was blessed (or cursed) with the unique ability to be almost fully immune to magic. Magic does not affect his mind or body unless it is immensly powerful: And even then, it is reduced significantly in strength. He is a Fighter, using convential weapons with great effect against those who find their abilities fail against him. While he does not have to concentrate on his immunity, his only "active" ability is to unravel the fabrics of ongoing magics when he concentrates on the task.