Dare to be Hot Blooded, Blind Friend Insert ft Allenwalker

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The journey begins


Banned Forever
Hurray, first story here. Its a blind Friend Insert with @AllenWalker, so please don't spoil the series. Hope you guys enjoy!


I awoke in a dark void. There's no gravity, nothing was holding me down. There's no air, but I'm not choking. It's like I don't need it anymore. I spotted distant stars, the twirl of galaxies far as the eye can see. It all looks so tiny. Its so distant, but I have a sensation that I can reach out, and pluck them like fruit. As if all of creation can be molded to my will.

"Wha-?" What's happening? Am I dreaming?

I spoke but there was no sound. No air. No one to listen. Only, that's not true.

Fall. He fell.

It's not words I hear. Not thought. It's as if the void is speaking. But I have a feeling it can hear me.

What the hell is going on?

He betrayed us. He fell to despair. They lied. All gone. Away.

Many voices spoke. Not in any language, but I understood them all the same. A tremor of whispers in this silent realm, radiating shock and fear. Fear of… there was something behind me. Something vast and terrible.

What? Who? I frantically looked around if I could see where the voices came from.

Behind me, there was… I wasn't sure what it was. A black sheen, darker than a moonless sky. Stretching in all directions, going on and on for what seemed like infinity. But the center, there was a depth that felt like staring into a deep ocean, too far to tell anything. There was something there, what set my hair on edge and… and…

Anger. Both mine and the voices. Whatever it was, they feared the depths, but they hated it far more. A rage that showed as bright a star burned within my breast, giving hate to this thing that wasn't mine.

You are not what we wanted, but you are what we need.

The black ocean, it frightened me, but I wanted to strike it down. And… I felt as if I could truly do it. Throw a fist and destroy that affront.

I felt fear at all of this, where I was, whatever that thing was, who was talking. Everything.

We bestow upon you the last of our strength. There is little, for that we are sorry.

The voices were remorseful, that carried on a stream from the ether. Glowing rivers of greenish light, flowing into me. I sensed it was power, unlike anything that I've ever known.

This is our gift to you. With it, you must grant our last wish.

What? Who are you? What wish?

We are what remained, before we were destroyed. All that is left of us will carry on within you. And you, you must succeed where we failed.

I… what? Was I on drugs? Was this what being on drugs felt like?

Suddenly I couldn't move. Everything was constricted, frozen in place. The voices now felt rage, directed at me.

Do not doubt! Doubt is what stole our victory from us. Doubt will make you fail, and all this, it will be for nothing.

The hold loosened, almost ashamedly.

You are not the first, but the last. We can choose no one else. You will carry on. You must.

Okay? Might as well do what the crazy space voice is telling me, doesn't look like I have much of a choice anyway.

You are wrong. You must fulfill our wish, but your will is your own. You can do whatever you want, we cannot force you. Only you can defy your own desires.

The void started to shrink. Stars winked out, galaxies ceased to be, infinity was turning in on itself. All of the universe was rushing back to this spot, to end. And to be born anew.

Now go forth, our champion. Bearer of our last dream. Go. Do what cannot be done. See what cannot be seen. Sally forth.




I snapped awake, jolting upward from the hard surface I was resting on.

"That was the weirdest- no second weirdest dream I had in my life." Still doesn't beat the "I´m a werewolf in asymmetric space" dream I had as a kid, but it came close. Also I don't remember my bed being quite as hard?

And why was it shaking?

Wait, what? I jump up and look around trying to get some awareness over my surroundings. Was there an earthquake going on?

While I stumbled upright on shaky ground, I realized three things in quick succession. The first was that the air was musty and filled with dust, it smelled like an old cellar. The second was that it was dark and cold, with some heat but none of the familiar warmth from the sunlight. And third, oh shit!

There was a herd of pigs charging right at me, and some crazy idiots were riding on the lead ones, whooping and hollering.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" What the hell kind of pigs were those, they were easily grizzly bear sized!

I tried fleeing to the side, only to nearly fall over a very steep edge. My balance was thrown off from the correction, wobbling from the fifteen meter drop straight down. That two second move cost me any chance to escape; the nearest furry pig slammed into me, and with a flop threw me overhead, sailing into the air right over the beasts.

"Hey!" one of the riders yelled in alarm, a dirty child hanging on for dear life while helplessly watching me fall.

"I got ya!" the second laughing man reached up, extending a burly arm to snatch mine in midair, yanking me down to land on a giant pig hard enough to knock the breath out of me. That was the good news, but now I was on the damn thing!

I of course reacted to this situation as any rational, grown up man would. I screamed like a girl from the top of my lungs, desperately trying to not soil myself at the face of my almost certain death. Whatever this madhouse really was I wanted no part of it.

But of course my unmanly scream didn't stop the wild ride. The stampede of pigs ran up a winding ramp, one of many crisscrossing a bowl shaped area; I could see lights and many hunched over people looking at this insanity with far too little concern, and the figures whom I inadvertently joined.

"Hey there!" Yelled my "rescuer" as he held on.

He's maybe eighteen or twenty, shirtless and covered by a lot of tattoos and wraps over his bronze skin, his spiky blue hair flapping in the wind. Behind a set of goofy pointed orange glasses, his eyes looked me over.

"Who are you!?" he asked conversationally, before grinning. "Hold that thought, we're going up!"

"Wait, what do you mean with going UP?" I made the mistake of looking where we were going… oh no. There was another stampede of pigs on the same narrow path, barreling right at us. There was no way they were going anywhere but- "Oh shi-"

Again I lost contact with the ground, slamming into the pigs at full throttle. My impromptu mount squealed and grunted at scrambling over its fellows, while I held on with a white knuckle grip. Someone was screaming-oh right.

Common sense claimed that the pigs would collide into a pile of animal flesh. Instead, the pigs scrambled and bumped and went up, and up, and up. The floor ran away frighteningly fast, as my mount joined the boys in riding this snake of pigs upwards, right towards a solid stone ceiling.

"Ahhhhhh." What the hell, what the hell, whatthehellWHATTHEHELL!

On the last ramp before the ceiling, I saw someone peek over, a large shirtless man with a stick. It would've been easier to tell details if I wasn't riding a physics defying pig snake to the ceiling, while this loon at the head rode it like a rollercoaster.

All I heard was "Kamina you idiot!" before the train flew off the rails, and I went flying; one second I was hanging on to some mangy fur, the next I was tumbling head over heels as the big man knocked the pig train apart, sending everything to the floor in a rain of grunts and squeals.

Good news: I landed on a pig. It cushioned a very high fall, although a rational corner of my mind (how that functioned now I had zero clue) noted I shouldn't have survived anyway, not with just a ton of pain and the air forced out of my lungs. Bad news: the crazy idiot who "saved" me did too, landing right beside me on his head. Then someone hit my lap, pain exploding on my legs as he cried out.

I screamed once again, for the third time this night (?) and instinctively tried to shove whatever hit my lap off. The tiny weight fell onto another pig with a pained grunt, leaving a dirty imprint on my pants; it was a boy, he looked about fourteen or so, clad in goggles, a ragged cloak, and tattered pants. He groaned as he sat up, holding his side with a gasp.

"Ow, ow, ah." he grunted out. As he squirmed something slipped out from under the cloak, a tiny necklace it looked like. He shook his head twice before doing a double take at me. "Uh, ah, hi, ow. Sorry about that… who are you?"

I stood up with a groan before fixing my eyes on him. "Ru- Allen Walker." I had no idea who those guys were, probably shouldn't tell them my real name. "Who are you? And where am I?"

"I'm Simon-" The boy glanced sideways then scrambled, too late to get away from that big guy from seconds ago, who strode up with a lot of rope. In my state I wasn't in any condition to stop him from nabbing me next. In seconds my wrists were bound tightly enough to cut off blood flow, followed by four others, including that bare chested boy who "saved" me in mid air.

He lined us all up and glared, planting the point of what looked like a sheathed sword on the ground. "What is wrong with you people?!"

The little boy and the trio of dirty teens cowered, but not the glasses boy. He stood tall and proud, matching the big man's glare with his own.

"You set my herd loose, caused a commotion, and made a mess, for what? When will any of you come to your senses!?" he barked, eyes roaming until he landed on me. His anger dissipated as he walked closer, filling my nostrils with a very rank odor. Ugh, it's like he hadn't bathed for a week. "You, I don't recognize you."

"And I don't you either." I respond feeling some anger form up in me along with a lot of sudden concern. I slowly try to shift my body, getting ready to tackle him.

"Then who are you?" he asked slowly and dangerously, watching me intently.

"He came from the surface."

In one motion the big man whirled around, leveling a fresh glare upon the glasses teen. He shoved himself right into his face, but the guy didn't budge.

"The son of a liar tells a lie, who would've thought. The surface of yours doesn't exist, you numbskull. Just like your old man." he snarled.

"Like hell!" he shouted back. "It's up there, I've seen it! Ask this guy, he'll tell you all about it."

"Oh he will, in the stockades." he backed off, switching to the lackeys. "Same goes for the rest of you. No supper!"

All three cringed and cowered, bowing and pleading for forgiveness. One even more when the boy sent him a death glare.

"Sorry Kamina, losing supper isn't worth it bro-"

"Don't call me bro." If looks could kill that boy would drop dead.

The big guy, a chief maybe? He marched back to me to take my wrists. "You, don't pull any funny business. Tell me what you know and it'll work out good for you."

"What I know? What do you mean? I-I don't even know what's going on!" I rambled out rather quickly.

"Sure." a lot of strength when into his grip on my restraints, giving a strong tug forward. Before he walked however he sidestepped to the small boy, Simon he said his name was? And he undid his restraints, letting the shackle clatter to the ground. "Simon, you can go."

"But, chief, I-" Simon glanced at him with confusion.

"I know Kamina roped you into this mess. Your job is too important to be wasted beside that idiot and whoever this guy is." Unlike before his voice was softer, looking at him almost paternally.

Simon shook a moment before gulping. "I'll…"

"Go Simon." Kamina told him calmly, staying that way when he shot him an incredulous look. "It's okay. Don't sweat it, go on."

I eye the exchange while looking around, seeing if there was anything that could allow me to maybe orientate myself and, if I was lucky, would get me out of this situation. But all I saw was a pit, literally; a huge bowl shaped area that was maybe a hundred meters in diameter, lined by electric lights and smaller holes. It looked dirty, smelled dingy, and it felt cold. The people in sight were pale and clad in rags as dirty as themselves as they watched. A sinking feeling made me look up, discovering a dark stone ceiling overhead, like a giant plug. Whatever this place was, it was somewhere I definitely didn't want to be.

Naturally this is when the ground started to rumble again. It wasn't a stampede this time, everything was shaking from seemingly everywhere.

"It's an earthquake!" the chief's bluster evaporated, as the townsfolk erupted into panic; screams filled the cramped air as the people dove for cover, scrambling into holes or hunching over while running.

I spared one quick glance to see that the attention was currently not and me, and legged it into the opposite direction, paying that the noise from the earthquake was going to be louder than my running. There was a small alcove, maybe that led somewhere? One way to find out.

Bound in front meant I could still use my hands, which made hunching over easier. Dirt and pebbles rained around me, oh god I hoped the ceiling wouldn't give out. Scrambling into the tunnel, I whacked my head on the ceiling by accident, making me wince. Who designed a pit for midgets? Never mind, sprinting now, down this dark tunnel.

I did spare a look back though, and what I saw was dumbfounding. Simon was clutching Kamina, trying to get him to move, but the tall boy didn't move. He was so calm it was eerie, after a moment of talking (I was too far away to hear a word) he drew him into a protective hug. The rumbling was dying down now, until it faded entirely.

I dismissed any questions and took off again. The tunnel was rougher here, with jagged rock walls that weren't smoothed down at all. Every few meters was a smaller tunnel that led into darkness. How long did this place go? And… there's no machines. No trolleys, rail lines, excavators; these people didn't dig all this by hand did they? Never mind, where was an exit? A fire escape, a ladder, something.

"Where in God's name am I?"

From the way I came I heard a shout of "get back here!" from none other than the chief. He sounded very angry, running after me in a full sprint. "Stop or I'll beat you to a pulp!"

Yeah, fuck no. I sprinted away as well, looking back and trying to find a way out. There has to be something, anything! He's gaining, how can someone that big run that fast?! Has to be, has-

"Stop running!" he lunged, jabbing that stick at my back.

I tried jumping out of the way, but with how tiny this tunnel is I can only avoid the first strike. The second hits my midsection, staggering me for a followup tackle. A swift kick makes him wheeze when he brings us to the ground, shoving the shaft under my chin so I can't bite. With his full weight slamming down I can't escape.

"You, stop, that!" he punched me in the jaw.

That was that then. I was in bad pain, and couldn't escape even if an exit was in sight.

While I was dazed the chief grabbed me by the ankles and started dragging, the rough dirt floor scraping at my back. I'm not sure how far he took me, it felt like a while, but the ceiling scrolling past didn't offer any clues. Not until another tiny roof blocked most of the light, and with a grunt he picked me up to shove against a wall. Metal shackles rattled before the rusty clamps clicked around my wrists, suspending me in place. I was sitting down at least.

The chief glowered upon lowering to a crouch. "Why'd you run? Talking now will make things easier on you mister."

"Because someone I don't know, at a place I have no idea how I got to, bound me with rope and threatened me with physical harm."

"Don't be a smartass." The chief raised a fist, but after a second he stood up. "Let's see how a night in the stockade changes your attitude. No supper, for either of you." He marched off, slamming a thick metal door behind him.

After a moment of ringing, I heard a snort. "What an idiot."

I peeked; it was that Kamina guy, strung up like me, and with a lot of dirty welts on his torso. He didn't look bothered by it though, in fact apart from that and his missing glasses he was the same as earlier.

"But what do you expect with a pit town? Not like the surface at all is it mister?" he smiled in the dim light, framed by illumination from the tiny window. "The name is Kamina, leader of Team Guren. You?"

I look at him suspiciously for a moment. "Allen Walker." Still not telling any strangers my real name.

"Walker eh? I like it. Say, there's an opening in Team Guren if you're manly enough to join." he chuckled dryly. "Say, where's your tunnel at? The one you came here in?"

"No idea. As far as I am aware I have no clue how I ended up here. Maybe I was drugged, maybe someone is playing a real mean prank on me or maybe I somehow have amnesia."

"Hm, weird." Kamina sent a dark look at the window. "If it's around I hope we find it before the chief. That big idiot will fill it in if he finds it." he groaned as he shifted his weight; he seemed way too calm for being locked up. "Whatever reason you came here, you picked a crappy pit to visit. Anyway, I'm gonna get some shuteye. If I'm lucky the chief will let me out in a couple days. Can't speak for you though."

"Kamina? Can I ask you some questions?"

"Go ahead, I got nothing better to do Walker." he shrugged with his eyes closed.

"Where are we? Why are you Living underground?"` I assumed we were underground at least.

"Giha village. We're here because the chief and most of the people here are cowards." he said the last part with anger. "You're here, which means they can't deny the surface is real. I've known it is for a long time now, my old man took me there a long time ago." His expression twitched at the last part. "I'm going up up there no matter what. When I do, I'll take you with me."

"Can't deny that the surface is real? How long have you lived here already?"

"Me, my whole life. For Giha, I dunno, long time. Everyone else thinks we started underground, I dunno about that but they think there's nothing else but the pit." Kamina definitely has a lot of anger towards the village, that was for sure. He rolled his shoulders and opened his eyes at me. "Hey, what's the surface like where you're from? I know there's this big light in the sky and it gets warm."

"That's called the sun. It's a distant stellar body." Did that mean these people didn't even know what the sun was? Good god, that must be terrible for everyone's health here. "It is warm, but staying too long in it's light can damage your skin a bit."

"How long? Never mind, I'll figure it out for myself." he declared. He certainly didn't lack confidence.

"How do you plan to get out?" Hopefully that also involved me getting these shackles off somehow.

"With my manly cunning and seizing the opportunity when it arises." he grinned enthusiastically. I translated that as he didn't have a plan.

Talk ceased after that. Not long from that I heard the chief's voice bellowing in the village, yelling for lights out as darkness enveloped the area. It's a deeper black than I'm used to, there's only a couple lamps to give any light. It's a little spooky to be honest.

Without much I can do, I did my evening prayers, asking for guidance and assistance through whatever this was. As always prayer was a calming experience soothing my stress somewhat and helped somewhat to not let the panic take me over.

I had no idea where I was or what was going to happen, but by God, I wasn't going to die here.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" I look up to Kamina stopping my prayer for a moment.

"That, you're talking to yourself." he raised a brow in the dim light. "You're not one of those crazies are ya?"

"I´m not talking to myself, I'm praying." I might have an annoyed undertone there. "And what do you mean with crazy?"

"Some people go a little nuts down here. Everyone says I am because I've seen the surface. If you are whacko I dunno how much I want you in Team Gurren." he shifts in place.

"Yeah, No I'm not crazy. Have you really never seen anyone praying before?" I perked up at his remark about seeing the surface. Maybe he knew a way out of here?

"Nah, never. Some old guys when I was real little talked about holy balance and stuff, but that's it. Dad never cared about it and neither have I. If praying is something surface people do, then, hmm…" he hummed in thought before shrugging. "Ah well. Surface life has enough perks for me. Actually, tell me more about the place. The sky, the sun?" he brightened up.

In his lap there was a wiggle, making him look down. Something tiny was moving by his pants, although he didn't seem worried; a tiny snout popped up, crawling out to peer up at him. It's hand sized, brown, and looks like a rodent.

"Oh hey little guy, you came to visit me?" Kamina greeted it before switching back to me. "Guess Boota here wants to hear it too."

"That depends. The sun is a massive fall of superhot gases and plasma that is far away from the earth. The light is radiation bombarding the planet. Can be quite pleasant but if you stay too long in it, it can damage your skin." I eyed the thing before me. That's one weird looking mole. "And the sky is blue, though what's mostly a reflection of the ocean onto the atmosphere. And if you want I can explain to you more about prayers and religion."

"Yeah, keep talking." For a moment I thought he was sincere. Then Kamina yawned.

"Really? Doesn't sound like you are interested." I looked around. "You want to escape later, correct? If yes we should sleep, that we are well rested for tomorrow."

"Yeah, yeah, that's-" Kamina yawned then slumped. Before my eyes he fell asleep, beginning to snore.

The mole shook itself and scampered to me, making a sound that was halfway between a squeak and an oink, like a pig. It paused by my leg, twitching and peering at me. It may have been a trick of the light, but its eyes resembled sunglasses.

I look at it sadly before finishing my prayer, asking God to look after my friends and family, before going to sleep myself.
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Fascinating. I'll be observing this for the time being.
I do wonder how this new piece on the board will change things.
Interesting TTGL. There's about no good fanworks for this, and good FIs can be really excellent, so I'm excited to see where this goes.
"And the sky is blue, though what's mostly a reflection of the ocean onto the atmosphere.
Interestingly, that's not true! It's caused by Rayleigh scattering, which occurs due to different kinds of light needing more air to divert them from a straight line. Blue can make due with the vertical distance, so it spreads out across the entire sky, wheras Reds and Yellows scatter less. However, in the evening there's more air between you and the sun, so you get a sunset.

Of course, they are supremely unlikely to be called out on this in real life, much less by someone who says they have never so much as seen the sky, so if you're confident in it you won't be gainsaid.
Man I'm so fucking hyped right now, there's not nearly enough good
fanfiction around. Watched with gusto!
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Open Ceiling
Just wanna say first, you guys? All of you are awesome. @QTesseract, thanks for the note, I'll pass it along.

Also, reminder because I forgot: this is a blind insert, so Allenwalker has no idea what's going to happen. So please put spoiler things in spoiler boxes if you can, Please?


Scrape, scrape scratch. Weird noises roused Walker from a fitful sleep, having only started to nod off by now. Shaking himself awake, he glanced around the cell; what was making that racket? It sounded like-

The rock before Kamina's lap broke, sending pebbles flying as a point stabbed through the earth. It spun with a whirr before slowing, waggling around to make room.

"Wah?" Walker gaped, that looked like a drill! Did the village even have electrical machines that small?

The drill wormed its way up, revealing a stubby creature with glowing eyes, literally; spots filled his vision from the bright light. It squirmed before peering up with a grin.

"Kamina!" he exclaimed. Walker did a double take; it was the boy from earlier, who stayed with Kamina during the quake.

"Simon? What're you doing here?" Kamina looked surprised, but strangely not by much.

"I found something you gotta see, cmon." Simon climbed out of his hole and shook himself, doing little for all that dirt clinging to him.

Kamina sighed. "I would, but the chief doesn't like busting out of jail. He means it this time." he rattled his metal shackles for emphasis. "Must've really made him mad after that stampede."

"Oh right, hang on." Shifting around, Walker spied that Simon's drill wasn't mechanical, but had a hand crank behind it. With expert ease he stuck it by the shackles and wound, grinding through the metal in astonishing time.

"How in the world does that… what?" Walker gaped again; There is no way a hand cranked drill can just get through stone and earth like that! As much as he wanted to look a gift horse in the mouth he shook himself, he had other problems at the moment. "Where does that tunnel lead?" he asked, hoping it could be used for a safe and unnoticed escape.

Simon did a double take. "Huh? Wait, you were that guy Kamina helped."

"Yeah, he's from the surface. He said he'll show me his tunnel to Giha. Can you break him out too buddy?" Kamina stood up and rubbed his wrists.

"Well…" the boy looked uncertain, gazing at him for guidance.

"I, uh, have no tunnel. I don't even have an idea how I got here." Walker shifted his weight. "Although, I have an idea how to get out if that drill continues to be so unreasonably potent."

"Wait, then how…?" Simon groaned. What mattered was that he walked over and defied his knowledge of how drills and engineering worked, by cranking an arm sized machine that swiftly busted the shackles without even touching his skin.

"So bud, what was so important that you broke in here?" Kamina asked with a yawn, stretching his arms overhead. He suddenly froze. "You found an exit."

"Uh uh, something better. Cmon." he darted over to undo a latch, swinging the grated door wide open. Kamina sent an expectant look and waggled a hand after him.

"Wait!" Walker blurted out, pointing at where Simon came from."If we use the tunnel we won´t run into any potential guards, and it's much less likely that our escape is discovered!"

"Oh, I didn't even think of that." Simon jogged back before leering at the hole. "I didn't make it big enough for three people, but if you think it's better…"

"A real man doesn't back down from a fight. But I don't wanna get you in trouble." Kamina decided.

"Can we three traverse it if we crawl behind one another?" Walker peered down to check, checking the width and any signs of instability. It was a dirt and stone tunnel without visible supports by his inspection, so it couldn't be too stable.

"Gonna have to. Okay, I'll dig wider." Simon hefted his drill, and with a leap jumped back in to start digging. He worked…

How fast can he dig? Walker asked himself, gawking as he wiggled back into the hole, in seconds taking his feet out of sight.

"That's a digger for ya. Keep up." Without hesitation Kamina braved the dirt flying out and crawled in, although with much more effort than the smaller boy.

Walker gave the tunnel one last look, before lowering into the hole and following after them. It was tiny, cramped with dirt flecking every time he scraped off the side; he thanked God that he wasn't claustrophobic by nature, so it failed to bother him as much as it should. He was far more worried about it collapsing while they were down here. The fact it shouldn't be created this fast was kept away.

Ahead Kamina crawled at a decent pace, his shoes never closer than arms length from Walker. Beyond him Simon wasn't visible, but he heard him digging away at the tunnel. How did he know where to go? Was it random, or did this boy actually know how to navigate underground? Because if he was half a meter off he might've stabbed Kamina instead.

Perhaps thirty meters away Simon turned up, poking a hole in the roof. Kamina crawled after him without issue, and Walker was only a little bit behind him, entering a dark hallway. Nobody was in sight while he dusted himself off.

"Okay, now what'd you find?" Kamina spoke normally.

"Huh? I found nothing, but I know it should be fairly easy to dig our way upwards with a drill like that." Walker pointed at Simon. "All we really need is to be cautious to make the tunnel we're making not too unstable and we should make it out without too much trouble. Speaking off, I think it would be best if we collapse that tunnel there…" He then gestured towards their exit, "and make a new one for us to hide in while we discuss our plans. That way the chance of us being discovered is way lower."

"Collapse it? That's a bad idea." Simon turned around with a look of concern. "I mean, there's other tunnels crisscrossing this whole area. I break it and that could cause someone's roof to fall in."

"Besides, we already tried digging up before. Didn't work. If we can't find your tunnel then we're out of luck." Kamina let out a sigh. "Sides, we have to get back in jail before daytime, or they'll be hell to pay from the chief. You'll be caught by that too Simon. Hope this was important."

"Oh, I, uh, I didn't think of that. But what about you, mister…" Simon frowned uncertainly, only to get clapped on the shoulder.

"Cmon Simon, stand up tall and look 'em in the eye." Kamina encouraged, making him nod and reluctantly straighten up his back.

"Walker. I'm Allen Walker. And thanks for getting me out of there, great job. Can you please make a new tunnel for us to hide and speak in? That would make the situation easier. If not, that isn't too bad either." he flashed him the kindest smile he could muster; partially because Simon was obviously the person most useful in getting him out of wherever this place was, but there was genuine gratitude there as well. He had no wish to see what the chief would have done to them tomorrow.

"Well… I guess I could hide you by the giant face I found." Simon offered hopefully.

"A face?" Kamina suddenly looked at him confusedly.

Walker mirrored his facial expression, but he was in no position to ask for much. "Could you bring me to that face then?"

He nodded excitedly. "Sure! It's right over this way, you two can-"

Everything went white. Walker heard a clack sound before it happened, but all of a sudden he was blinded. Rubbing the spots out of his eyes, He detected plodding stomps coming up from behind, and when he could almost see again a looming shadow rose on the wall behind the duo. Both boys stopped flinching, with Kamina mustering a glare.

"Going somewhere?" asked a deep and threatening voice. The chief planted his sheathed sword on the ground, framed in the light as a handful of lackeys held a powerful lamp steady, and well out of reach.

"See, this was why I wanted to hold our talk in the tunnels." Walker mumbled ruefully. If they hadn't stopped to yammer...

"You have nerve aplenty Kamina. And you. Off to steal our food?" The chief stomped closer, wearing a hateful look.

Kamina managed to look almost bored. "Simon, I've already seen this face."

"Don't you talk back to me boy!" The chief snarled. "What made you idiots think I didn't stand guard at night?! You made such a racket escaping! You too Simon." the boy in question flinched. "I know you've been digging tunnels on your off time. I was willing to let it go, but if you're breaking Kamina out of jail, then I'm putting my foot down! I don't take care of you orphans because I like it! And you, Walker! I was just gonna chat. Now, you wasted that chance."

Walker prepared to rush him; he had size, but with surprise he was sure he could take him down. That half baked plan met a snag immediately when Kamina unexpectedly stepped towards the chief with his arms outstretched.

"Leave 'em alone. It was me."

"Huh?" Walker did a double take; did he really step forward to protect someone he barely knew? Some respect flared up for the young man. Eyeing the lackeys the chief had with him Walker hunted for a rock or any other weapon for the inevitable fight, while trying to not lose sight of them. It didn't take long to find a nicely edged piece of stone on the side of the road.

Kamina mouthed, "stay out of it." As the chief marched up, shoving his face into his. Yet the young man hardly budged.

"Oh I know it was. You're the source of all the problems in this village!" The chief reared back, swinging the weapon right at his neck. It hit with a meaty blow, and before he could jump in he swung again, making the shaft land right between the eyes.

He didn't look like he was holding back, but Kamina hardly even flinched. He just kept glaring defiantly at the chief.

Walker stared incredulously at the young guy, having gotten detailed first hand descriptions about what blunt force trauma could do to a human skull, both from his big brother and his Jiu-jitsu teacher. A blow like that should have had a good shot at caving his face in!

"What the hell?" He exclaimed.

A flinch on the chief's face hinted he was just as shocked. With a snarl he drew back, this time looking like he was done playing around. Now he was ready to kill him.

Without an idea of what exactly let Kamina shrug that off, Walker wasn't about to allow that fat bastard to beat someone to death right in front of him. With a snarl and all the skill of someone who spent ten years of his life playing various ball sports he jacked it towards the chief just as he was in his backswing, aiming the rock at his temple.

He was about to save Kamina, the ground decided to save the chief. It was like they stepped on a trampoline, flying off the floor with a tremendous rumble. The rock tumbled from nis hand in spite of frantic grabbing, sailing into nowhere as everyone else forgot what gravity meant, at least until it all crashed down.

Landing was hard, sending pain racing everywhere, so much that the ceiling started to-wait, the ceiling was cracked!

All the chief's bluster was gone, he cowered like everyone else while screams echoed. "I-its an earthquake!"

Overhead, the circular top of the ceiling cracked. And something fell through.

"Holy mother of God…." Walker forgot to move as he stared at the thing that had just broken through the ceiling. It was huge, twelve or fifteen meters tall, smashing into the main bowel in a tremendous crash. So awestruck was he that he only barely noted the sunlight streaming in with it.

Kamina regained his footing, taking a step forward. From where he withdrew those silly orange glasses was a mystery, but he did, and he put them on with a grin.

"So Simon, you said something about faces? Was this it?" he sounded disturbingly eager while the dust cleared.

For before them was a bull's face, huge and ivory painted, grinning at the now gawking villagers with teeth larger than a man was tall. It didn't move, yet, but it could've at any moment. Just enough to motivate Walker to scramble out of some rubble to stagger upright.

Kamina however, turned to the gawking crowd and stabbed a finger into the air. "All of you, look up! That's the surface, just like I said! This big thing came from above the ceiling!"

"Bro-" Simon gawked and cowered at the same time. So did everyone, Walker included.

"Run away from the giant monster you maniac!" he was already booking it in the opposite direction from whatever the hell that thing was.

Stone rumbled, then it shattered. The bull rose up while trembling, breaking itself free. Now they discovered that for whatever bizarre reason, it was face and limbs only; its arms were attached below its horns, and legs were placed where its neck was supposed to be. It would've been comical if it wasn't right there!

Above one arm raised higher hefting a massive club. With way too much speed for its size it swung, narrowly missing several screaming villagers who scattered for cover, fracturing rock like glass. Even well away from it they felt the ground rattle.

But did that fool listen? Not at all. He kept that confident smirk, hands in his pockets as he leaned by the terrified chief.

"Well, protector of Giha? What're you waiting for?" he didn't have the sense to take cover, but found time to mock him?! "I thought I was supposed to be the liar, right?" using one foot he flipped the sword off his cowering form, managing to twirl it around before resting the sheath on his shoulder.

Simon was already trying to take cover, gesturing for them to follow while he squinted in the light. "Bro, this way! We have to-"

Kamina walked. That crazy idiot walked, not sparing so much as a glance anywhere but the giant machine on his way to a tall boulder. What was he thinking?

"Heyheyheyhey!" he called out to the bull, managing to halt it in its tracks.

"You got guts making trouble in my village! You and that ugly mug you got!" he bellowed at it.

Has he gone mad? Walker grabbed Simon by his shoulder and dove towards the nearest cover away from that thing. The boy thrashed in his grip, unwilling to take his eyes off him.

"Wait, we have to get him!" he yelped while trying to escape.

"That ends here!" Kamina hadn't noticed anything while the giant peered at him. "I won't stand for any more of your troublemaking!"

"WHAT? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" The bull roared.

Simon froze to gawk. "It talked!?"

Walker froze for a moment at that particular impossibility, before going back to searching for adequate cover and planning on how to get himself , Simon and hopefully Kamina out of this situation. The youth had stood up to the chief for him after all. Cover was easy to find with all these boulders, but nothing felt good enough with that thing stomping around.

"I'm gonna tell you something important now, pay attention because I'll say it once! The reputation of Team Gurren echoes far and wide! Whenever they talk about its badass leader, an indomitable pillar of manly spirit, they mean me! The mighty Kamina!"

Yeah… He was going to die. There was nothing that could be done- "Wait, Simon, you said there were tunnels everywhere that were dangerous to collapse, right?"

Simon shook himself, looking awestruck by that legendary display of idiocy. "Uh yeah, I think we can hide there. There's some close by. But-"

The bull's grating voice laughed, raising its club into the air. Unless the light was playing tricks or he took a blow to the head, its jaws moved with the speech; how, why? "HA! WHAT CAN A PUNY LITTLE HUMAN LIKE YOU DO TO STOP ME!?"

"Try and find out!" Kamina yelled right back.

The giant's arm suddenly jerked, as a loud *bang* reached his ears. It paused with an audible grunt, swiveling one eye to the now sagging arm, while the townsfolk and the boys froze in confusion. He did too, but for a different reason; was that a gunshot?

More shots boomed, staggering the bull. From the corner of his eye he saw the source: there was a figure riding a line down, one with a lot of red and a big gun, unloading as they swung around the foe. When they were close they let go, managing to skate across the ground towards his spot, in full view of Kamina, Simon and Walker. And… its a woman.

She looks roughly Kamina's age, with a long mane of red hair as far as her waist, bronze skin, and clearly a lot of wiry muscle. But those clothes; knee high boots, hot pants, and a bikini top with a fire pattern? The armless sleeves hardly registered, besides her skimpy outfit all that did was the huge rifle she slung.

With protective glasses over her eyes, she sent them a stern glare. "All of you get to cover!"

Already done, although not as secure as he prefered. Who was this girl, what was going on, and what was with that outfit?

"Wha?" Simon was gawking at her, as she hefted the gun and unloaded on the bull. It snarled and grunted as it staggered further, falling down with a massive rumble.

Kamina... there was no reason to be surprised. He not only didn't move, he managed to whistle over the noise. "Woah, nice."

The girl racked a bolt and whipped around, taking off to the homes with an eye on the bull. "I only knocked it backwards so it can still get up! You two get moving!"

"Yes Mam!" With the robot thing distracted Walker made a dash towards the nearest tunnel, Simon in his arms while praying that it wouldn't be able to follow. The boy weighed a lot for being so small, slowing them down.

That prayer went unanswered as it propped itself on a wall, gouging out homes as it got back on its feet. A stomp threw off his footing, letting Simon slip away; young or not he only hit the ground once before scrambling back up, before ducking into a small tunnel. But he had no time to worry about him.

"Cmon!" the girl urged, moving towards a ruined building with Kamina by her side, sword resting behind his neck.

"Hey babe, what brings you around here?"

"Really not the time to flirt now!" Walker half yelled half squeaked as he ran for his life. Didn't the guy care at all about the danger he or his brother were in?

"A man seizes any opportunity to impress the ladies!" He declared. Walker started wondering if he had a condition.

"What is wrong with you?!" the girl snarled, overtaking them both to sprint behind a busted wall, slamming her back against the rock with Kamina on her heels. Without much else for cover he ducked under a busted wall by her.

"Hey, I need a weapon." Walker told her while covering my head.

She grimaced while peeking around the wall. "I got a small handgun for backup, but it won't do squat to that Gunman."

"Gunman eh? They have those with stuff like that weapon there?" Kamina grinned beside her, whistling again. "Maaan, with a fine body like that? No wonder."

"Would it work as a distraction?" He ignored Kamina and kept an eye on the robot, Gunman, whatever. "Can your gun destroy it?" Generally having a weapon was better than not having one, and if they made it out of here he could need it for the villagers and that psycho chief of theirs.

"If I can hit the power conduits on the top I should. You sure you wanna be a distraction? I can't promise you'll walk away alive." she grimaced.

A shadow loomed in the sun rays. That thing raised its club again, swinging at the cover. Right before it smashed the stone below gave way, dropping them with yelps onto a hard surface, which was drowned out by the tremendous crash of shattered rock. Centimeters from his head the rock buckled dangerously close.

The sight almost made Walker crap his pants and he wasn't ashamed to admit to screaming. "To hell with it, if you don't take it down we are dead anyway!" he motioned for her to throw a weapon, anything.

Grimacing while squirming in the tight space, the girl groaned while patting at her boot. After a second she withdrew a tiny pistol. "Here, I usually use this for hunting but it's all I got on me. Besides my rifle. Sorry."

She handed over the gun, which fitted in his hand with plenty of room to spare.

Yep, I am gonna die. Walker thought.

"Wait a sec." Kamina scrambled at a head jutting by his leg; it finally dawned that he could see well in this darkness, because-

"You okay guys?" Simon poked out from his hole, shining light from his goggles.

Kamina grinned. "Nice going Simon, you saved our butts here."

"Bro, that face I found." Simon faced him. "It's just like that thing."

"Gunman." the girl added, bouncing when the ground shook.

"Less talking, more hole running!" Waller waved for them to run in the damn tunnel! They were under attack by a goddamn bull robot!

Simon hopped right back in, digging out more room. Walker scrambled after him, with the girl behind him and Kamina at the rear; he prayed that he wouldn't be that stupid right now.

"Where are we going?" the girl asked as the tunnel rattled.

"To the thing I found, Gunman. I think it can help." Simon spoke over his shoulder.

"You have one down here? Pits aren't supposed to have Gunmen." she said.

"How would you know?" Kamina demanded.

"There wasn't any in my pit. Never saw one until we came up." she replied. Ahead the tunnel veered, twisting to and fro; how was Simon this good at crawling?

Kamina unexpectedly sputtered. "Wait, you're a pit chick too!? Damnit! Get out of my face thunder thighs!"

"What's with that you moron?!" she snarled.

Simon only hesitated when the tunnel unexpectedly ended, shattered by that thing's club I assumed. He led them into what he guessed was a living room, with a picturesque sight of the ruined town and that giant bull stomping around right there.

"Okay, I think I can hit the conduits from here." the girl darted to the window and took aim, peering down the scope. "Cmon, hold still…" Kamina grabbed the windowsill beside her. He wasn't about to, oh no!

Walker snatched his arm and pulled with all he had, making him help as he fell onto his back, out of view of that thing.

"Hey, what are you doing?" he snarled.

"That's a giant fucking mech, could you please stop trying to get us all, including your little brother, killed?" he snapped. The adrenaline and sheer shock from the prior situation had lessened, but now he felt anger at the Kamina's recklessness and stupidity bubbling up.

"I don't back down from a fight." he growled.

Simon halted from a new tunnel, looking worried. "Everyone, this way!"

"Just a sec…" the girl pulled the trigger. The gunshot was deafening in the tiny space; Walker swallowed down a response and looked (and prayed) that she would make the shot.

Past the ringing he couldn't hear much, but he could easily feel the ground shaking again. Outside the bull staggered again, slamming against the wall yet still moving.

"Damn, hit something important anyway." She whirled to the boy's tunnel. "Time to go."

Kamina followed Simon first, sending Walker a dangerous look before ducking in. With a breath Walker crawled back into the tunnel, heading after them with the girl in the rear. Through the winding path they crawled, feeling the earth shake from its footsteps, and its roar chasing into the tunnel.

Time stretched until the group popped out even lower, what looked like not far from where they were caught earlier. Simon took off down a larger tunnel, cut much rougher than the others, towards a dead end of rocks and something red.

"Here!" he brushed the debis off to reveal…

Well he said a face, I don't know what I was expecting. Walker thought with a head scratch. Something this contoured wasn't what came to mind however.

For whatever reason it reminded him of Star Platinum from Jojo, angular and carefully sculpted. Beyond that it was like the one above, and with an open hatch where its brain should be. It was shorter than him and almost as wide as he was tall.

Kamina whistled. "Quite a find bud. I like its face, looks bold."

"Huh, it's smaller than the one up there. I wonder if it's a partner to it." The girl noted with a glance at the ceiling.

Simon grunted as he hopped into a seat, grabbing two joysticks on the side. "I think we can use it."

"Yeah, I like that idea." Kamina rubbed his chin with a grin.

"You have any idea how?" Chances were if some pilot who had no idea how to use it jumped in, he'd just stomp over any bystanders. "Though if we can use it, it should provide a decent distraction for sniper girl to take her shot on the gunman." Walker pointed at her. "What is your name by the way? Mines Allen. It's a pleasure. "

"Yoko, nice to meet you." she answered with a hum. "That plan might work. I say it's worth a try."

"Yeah! You can do it bro-" Simon halted, staring at his chest. Around his neck was a small pendant, Walker thought he saw it earlier; was that a drill bit?

Why was it glowing green, and pulsing, and… Walker had a very uneasy feeling about that tiny thing. Especially when the Gunman's eyes began pulsing as well. It better not be about to explode, nobody needed that right now.

"I think its working!" Simon exclaimed.

Walker fully expected Kamina to hop into the radioactive mech with his usual gung go stupidity. But he didn't. Instead he looked unusually thoughtful, rubbing his chin while staring at the machine.

"Bro?" Simon asked in concern.

"I think you should do it." Kamina spoke calmly.

"Does he know how?" Why did He just assume a complicated piece of technology would just magically work for a child?

"I-" Simon sputtered.

"Does he? Wait, you lost your nerve." Yoko accused.

"I'm no coward." Kamina snarled. "But I'm no thief either. Simon found it, that makes it his. What kind of person do you think I am?"

"An idiot." Yoko guessed. Kamina scoffed.

On his end Simon started to cringe. "But, I can't…"

"Dumbass." Kamina mustered a confident smirk. "You can. Kick logic to the curb and do the impossible. That's how Team Gurren rolls." He concluded with a fist pump. The ground around us shook at the same time.

"...maybe it works. Try it?" There was no way this would happen. It doesn't look complicated actually, there was a circular screen and those sticks, a game controller has more buttons. If he couldn't, Walker was going to try.

"But…" Simon kept protesting even as Kamina hopped in beside him, giving him an encouraging clap on his back.

"Listen Simon, don't believe in yourself." Kamina pointed a thumb at himself. "Believe in me. Believe in the Kamina who believes in you. You can do this."

In lieu of forcing the issue Walker gave him a thumbs up while looking around frantically, if the tunnel was crumbling anywhere. Dirt was flecking down, it wouldn't last much longer.

Simon gulped, letting out a shaky breath. "Got it."

There was a small slot in the center of the screen, looking to be the same size and shape of his pendant. He raised a brow, but with a thumbs up from Kamina and a nod from him, Simon took the glowing drill, and brought it towards the spot.

He hesitated at the last second, taking one more gulp before sticking it in. And just like that, the tiny red Gunman came to life.
First Ride
The moment the tiny Gunman came to life, bright light spilled from the machine like a tide, filling the entire cavern with a blinding green glow. Covering his eyes, Walker heard parts shifting on it, thumps on the walls telling him something was happening.

"Its working!" Simon yelled triumphantly over the deluge.

Walker opened his mouth, then it shot forward; he slammed against the red thingy when it rocketed ahead, caught by metal arms which threatened to let him slip out at any moment. He screamed, wrapping himself around a limb with everything he had. Only the tiniest part of his rationality was pleased upon hearing the others screaming too.

Left, right, up, a dip down, then rocketing up. It was like a roller coaster with no seat belts, or safety harness, or anything. The gunman wasn't running, that'd make too much sense; its eye watering speed and sheer noise were due to a massive gout of green flames on the back, like some madman installed a jet engine.

"Whew! You got it Simon!" Kamina cheered over the noise.

"Wah!" Yoko screamed in panic.

Walker screamed too, suddenly grunting when the arms curled up. A heartbeat later and they impacted a hunk of rock, shattering it in a cloud of pebbles back into open air, adding sunlight to his blindness.

Until it hit something, lurching head over heels and coincidentally flinging him into the air. Walker had but a second to yelp before he hit the ground to skid, rolling god knows how far until a helpful rock broke his tumble; before he had time to even take a breath another body skidded into the stone beside him, groaning when she slumped.

Walker groaned plaintively, mustering the strength to check on Yoko; she was upside down with the gun mashed on her chest, falling sideways as he watched. He didn't see any bleeding, but she was scuffed up bad, not to mention quite upset.

"Those, morons." she groused. Shaking her head, Yoko groaned as she repositioned into a crouch, hefting the rifle around. "Okay, I think we can shoot it now."

"Where do we need to hit it?" He looked to where the robot was, patting his pockets for the weapon she lent.

More rock was smashed from the bull smashing the ground, only just missing a tiny red object which leapt out of the way on long spring legs. After yanking its weapon free the giant swung again, and it missed once more for the same reason.

Over the noise Walker heard Kamina bellowing, "Simon! Stop dodging and hit it head on!"

"Good enough." Yoko took aim, narrowing her eyes with a groan. "Stay still so I can hit the couplings."

Fresh screams reached Walker's ears, this time not from the others; whipping around he saw a couple villagers frantically trying to dig someone out of rubble, sparing fearful glances at the battle. He peeked at her a moment before deciding.

"I'll get it out of the way!" he barked before darting off, hearing her yell "be careful!" in response.

Defying all notions of common sense, Walker sprinted at the giant bull mecha, waving his arms and shouting like a madman. Oh he was scared alright, but if things went as planned then it wouldn't matter. He just had to get its attention.

The bull thrusted again, this time managing to impale the red gunman into a wall. Kamina was flung from the top, rolling down the club and onto the thing's head out of sight.

"Get off!" It roared, stomping around as it raised a hand to swat at the boy. That left it vulnerable to two shots at the arm, hitting the joints to freeze it in place.

Common sense politely suggested to run like hell. Against his better judgement, Walker stopped to take aim, yelping a little at the gun bucking in his hand. Swallowing a lump he started jumping and waving his arms.

"Hey ugly! Think you're hot shit!?" he screamed while praying that for once Kamina would be smart.

He only stopped when he saw the red midget pry itself free, sprinting down the club towards Kamina. Now Walker started to back away, his work done. So he wished anyway, for then the bull shook itself with an ear splitting roar, ignoring the followup shots as Simon was flung off its head, the boy screaming in terror as he bounced off the ground a few meters away.

Although he was shook up badly, Kamina appeared no worse for wear; if anything he looked mildly annoyed at being rescued. "Alright, thanks for the save. Now lets clobber this hunk of junk."

A shadow loomed overhead; Walker didn't want to peer up, but he did anyway, numbly watching the club rise right over the tiny gunman, and coincidentally him as well. He hadn't had the chance to appreciate just how big a bus sized club would seem until now.

Without thinking Walker ran for his life, out of the impact zone. Nothing else mattered, he just wanted to get away from the blasted thing before he was squashed. His shoes slapped the rock, his breath was rapid and shallow, and all he could think was to get away.

Walker's throat was starting to get sore from how much screaming he was doing, but he couldn't help it. What else could he do when the ground rumbled again, shaking him to a stagger; even in a panic he heard the gong sound this time. From where the boys were!

He risked twisting around to look, and found himself speechless. The mech had… grown a skull? There was a beige covering over the cockpit, below the club which had indented the tiny machine into the rock. When it withdrew the bull let out a loud, "Huh? What the?"

"What?" Yoko gawked too, slowing from her spring. "How did it…"

That was something to find out when they weren't in lethal danger anymore. "Can you hit it from here?"

"Uh, right." Yoko coughed nervously and took aim, letting two shots fly that failed to stop it.

The bull roared again, this time with frustration in its synthetic voice. As it raised its club the tiny gunman wiggled free and started running towards them, baring teeth on its face like it too was scared; Walker ignored why that happened and started to duck, yet was scooped up by the thing anyway, knocking the breath out when he hit something loud and warm. Before he processed that it mashed him against the canopy, then somehow it cracked open to stuff them inside.

Everything got so much worse inside. Walker was lodged in tight, squirming for any centimeter of breathing space. That would be easier if he wasn't either mashed on metal or with a foul smelling foot in his face. That and how the whole thing kept bouncing, knocking his head against something every second.

"Gah, what's the big idea Simon? You could've-" Kamina grunted at a fist hitting his face.

"Its so cramped." Yoko whined with her own grunts.

"Hey, stop making those noises!" Kamina objected indignantly.

"Bro, we have to get out of here." Simon managed to get out, flattened against the glowing screen.

"You don't say. Can anyone of you do something?" Walker shoved for more room, recoiling at the foot trying to stuff itself into his mouth.

"We have to, move your foot! Have to stop that thing!" Kamina forced a hand over to grab Simon's shoulder. "You can do it buddy."

"But-" the whole thing bounced again, for a second throwing the four into freefall. There was absolutely not enough room for this, and Walker paid the price of having an elbow jab itself into his stomach.

"Can someone-" Yoko wheezed from her own jab.

"If, ah, if I had more power…" Simon gulped. Groaning and struggling, one of Walker's hands managed to break free from the tangle of limbs, landing on Simon's other shoulder by accident.

The effect was instantaneous; the screen suddenly surged, with a green bar rising in a winding circle. Around them the cockpit began to glow with power, forming a crystal clear view screen that showed in front of them. Even with a hand entangling his mouth Walker saw a green spike jut forward, solidifying into a torso sized drill.

"What the?" Yoko let her jaw hang open.

Walker gaped too, turning into a gasp when the roof caved in, throwing them about as the hull began creaking ominously. Outside they heard the bull's cackle.

"Aha, got you now you little pipsqueaks!"

"Simon! Attack!" Kamina yelled.

The boy clamped his eyes shut, his raw terror transforming into a battlecry. Walker lurched when the gunman did, his cry drowned out by the squeal of twisted metal as the outside view swam away.

"Ah yeah!" Kamina whopped despite a kick to his leg. "Figures a drill did the trick! It's your kind of weapon!"

Their ride landed, skidding while the bull lurched forward in an uneven stagger; its arm was busted, its legs were shaky, and now its fearsome maw was cracked by shattered teeth.

"Alright, finish it!" Yoko encouraged him.

"Kill it already!" Walker yelled.

Simon mustered the will to yell, spewing a blinding light from the gunman's mouth. Both its hands morphed into smaller drills, swinging as the back jet launched them directly at the giant.

No, no, don't, Walker shook away the thoughts. None of this was possible, he was in too much danger to ask anything like, oh say, HOW?

Kamina smirked. "Do it Simon, bust through the heavens with your drill!"

Shocked as he was by all of this insanity, Walker was still able to send him a dumbfounded glance. Did he know what that meant? Did he hear what that-

"YOU LITTLE-" the bull shoved the club right at them, ending that train of thought.

They impacted the end, launching gouts of flame as they pushed back, and with a tremendous crash tore through the weapon, tearing it to bits until it was no more, and nothing lay between the tiny red gunman and the bull machine.

It screamed when they hit, then kept screaming as the jet pushed, and pushed, until it drove them off the ground entirely. Walker was sucked against the side from the spinning, that slowed at the same time the much bigger foe started to rotate on the drill. The stone flew past from their ascent, boring through the hole it made to start its rampage, all while its cries grew louder and more frantic.

All the while, Kamina held onto Simon with a wide smile. "Sayonara Giha, we're going to the surface. The surface I saw when I was little!"

Walker registered the sudden surge of sunlight, and then with a booming crash the bull flung apart. They tore through it entirely, skewering the machine and making it explode. The fireball of its demise didn't reach them, the red machine shot into the air at high speeds, its spinning reducing until they were almost done.

When the canopy retracted Walker and Yoko almost fell out, grabbing the sides to hold on. Wind rushed around him, the stuffy underground air banished in the vibrant breeze. He grimaced at the light shining then darkening in his vision, blinking away spots as Simon's dirty cloak flew away in the breeze. Only then did he see it.

Hundreds of meters in the air, enough to see the curvature of the ground. The setting sun to one side, the rising moon to the other. And below, a crater studded surface, crossed by the occasional river and rare patches of green foliage.

"Woah…" Kamina was awestruck.

"Its, it's beautiful." Simon's face was one of pure wonder.

"Where the hell am I?" Walker gawked, peripherally noting the boys sending him odd looks. "This, t-this isn't Earth. What is this?"

"Its the surface." Yoko answered. "Haven't seen it like this before. Amazing isn't it?"

"I…. yes, it is." Ignoring the existential terror that was currently flooding his body, it was undeniably breathtaking.

She nodded, frowning a second later. Some wiggled on her chest, poking up to peer; it was the mole rat thing from the cell, Walker was sure of it.

"Um, what's this thing in my cleavage?" Yoko appeared perturbed at its presence.

"A very happy mole." How did it get here though? And now… why do did his eyes have a hard time looking away? Who would look at that outfit and think it was alright to walk around in, never mind going into a fight?

"Boota? I thought I felt you in my pocket. If I knew I would've had a snack earlier." Kamina rubbed his chin while the mole took cover.

"Boota, behave!" Simon admonished.

Walker's eye problems ended upon realizing that they were no rising. In fact, his stomach began to lurch.

"Hang on a sec, are we falling?" Yoko picked up.

"Hey, the thrusters are off! Simon, turn it back on!" For the first time Kamina showed something resembling terror.

Walker settled for wrapping his arms around the gunman's arms; he felt a tiny bit of pride at holding off on screaming until after Simon and Yoko started, all three of them hanging on for dear life while they started plummeting towards the ground.

"I-I don't know!" Simon shrieked.

"Do something!" Yoko wailed.

"Cmon Simon! Make Lagann fly again!" Kamina yelled with audible panic as he hurriedly slapped the hull.

"The what?!" Walker yelled through gritted teeth, fearfully watching the dirt getting closer way too fast. "What did you do before? DO THAT AGAIN!"

"I'm trying-" Simon cringed in terror. The canopy deployed again instead of something useful, sucking them all back into the tiny pod.

There was a spring sound right before they landed; Walker was thrown like a ragdoll, hitting something and several someones with bonecrushing force before the top shrank, sending him flying right onto a sand dune. What little breath he hadn't screamed away left then, rolling him down to the bottom onto his back.

Pain was everywhere, bruises already forming while he inhaled a breath, only to cough it back out from the sand filling his mouth. "Ah, god, ah!"

Walker wasn't so injured that he couldn't force himself up, blearily gazing around until he saw the gunman upside down, Kamina planted face first into the dirt, and for reasons that failed to make sense to him, Simon had fallen out to land right on top of Yoko. What were the odds of that he distantly wondered, deciding that picking himself up off the dirt was more important.

"Ow, ow." he winced at every movement. Nothing felt broken, that was some good news, but wow did he hurt. Way less than a huge fall like that should've done, but there was still a lot.

While the dust settled, Kamina slowly made it onto his knees. "Ow, talk about a crappy reception."

Yoko made a hiccup noise, tugging Simon off her to snatch up her rifle. Walker paused at her sudden worry, planting one foot after another on the shaking ground. She was worried, so that meant…

He turned slowly when the ground thumped again. Instead of fear this time, he felt only an exhausted resignation.

"Oh c'mon." he muttered, seeing the glowing faces of two more giant mechs peering down just a hundred meters away. One was shaped like a skull, the other like an owl, and both were heaps of trouble.
New Places
Instead of fear Walker felt only dry indignation at the sight of the two giants, Gunmen Yoko called them. What were they? Where did they come from? Why were they hostile? He had zero answers.

"Get us outta here!" Yoko's bellowing snapped him out of it, cajoling Simon back into the mech's cockpit while she trained her gun on them. While it activated the Gunmen pair stomped towards them, unarmed yet still very dangerous.

The second it activated Simon snatched up Yoko and Kamina, then sprinted for all it was worth to toss Walker into the cockpit. He gasped at the rough treatment but didn't protest, seeing as the Gunmen were running after them.

"Hey, bad time to mention this!" Yoko maneuvered herself to keep steady. "These two here? There were three earlier when they jumped me, the last fell into your village."

"How many of these things are there?" Walker gripped the side, blanching at the big faced monsters gaining ground.

"Lots, the surface is crawling with them!" she replied.

"Are you kidding me!?" Kamina balked, somehow mustering a small grin. "This should be fun."

Simon whimpered while he ran, panic in his eyes. "This sucks!"

The mech lurched to a halt, almost throwing them off. But for Simon however, he immediately started tearing up handfuls of dirt to toss aside, making a hole in record time while he panted in terror.

"What are you doing?!" Kamina barked.

"Going home, I don't wanna be up here anymore!" He stammered.

That was when the skull faced Gunman kicked the ground, sending tons of rock flying, and them along with it. More shrieks left the riders when they tumbled to a rough stop face first.

"Cmon Simon, you can't lose it now!" Kamina clapped him on the back.

"Those things are coming closer, we have to get out of here." Walker reported in fear, eyes wide.

"But you did so well before." Yoko looked just as fearful.

"That was dumb luck." Simon wailed.

"I think that is really a topic for later. Yoko, how much ammo do you have left?" Walker patted around for the gun she gave him; somehow it ended up back in his pocket after all that, for all the good it did him.

"Not much, but maybe enough." she swung the weapon and took aim, pulling the trigger; *click.* "Uh oh."

"Simon, you have to stop running." Kamina said calmly. When he didn't respond, he stood to plant a foot on the edge, drawing the sword from its sheath once his orange shades were affixed. "Heyheyhey! That's enough out of you big walking faces! You're not dealing with any ordinary pit dweller! You now face the wrath of the paragon of tenacious masculinity, now free of his oppressive homeland! You're staring at the mighty Kamina, here to take you on!"

Walker ceased trying to shake Simon out of it, taking a moment to just stare. How Kamina had managed to survive this long he had no clue, but he guessed his luck had finally run out. With how dumb he acted he felt his demise would be no great loss. Walker shook his head and went back to nudging him along; now wasn't the time to watch a suicide.

The skull faced one was unfazed by his taunting, raising a fist to squash him flat. Then something whistled overhead, plinking off its forehead with enough force to stagger it back.

Simon glanced up to look dumbfounded, right as more booms filled the air. As Walker did a double take Yoko lit up.

"It's them!" she exclaimed over the gunfire.

As the skull lurched back in audible pain Kamina remained in place, unresponsive as lesser fire erupted from a rocky hill nearby. Walker on the other hand spied who the culprits were; humans! Clad in dirty blue outfits and wielding guns, they unloaded on the monsters as one of their number waved a hand.

"Yoko!" he was drowned out in the deluge, but he still picked out that he was a tall man in an undershirt and a fabric wrap around one arm.

"Dayakka!" Yoko waved back with full enthusiasm.

The skull Gunman slumped, flames sparking on its hull. It was done for. Then a hatch on the front cranked open, and something jumped out. Something the owl machine braved the gunfire to pinch off the ground, something loud and screaming insults.

"What the- You know, after everything else a bear man thing isn't even that crazy." Walker couldn't find the will to be shocked anymore. Just, how…

"Huh?" Simon and Kamina raised brows at the thing.

As for their foes, the Owl shielded its companion with its other hand. "We're pulling out, it's almost sunset."

"You stinking humans!" the bear thing pilot yelled and thrashed. "This isn't over! We'll settle this tomorrow!"

In response the group focused on it, forcing the owl to turn tail and run, shaking the ground from its rapid sprint. Only once it was a tiny speck did the gunfire cease, leaving a ringing silence over the area.

The others scrambled towards them, a group a dozen strong who broke into two, most going towards the wrecked Gunman, the other led by the speaker Walker saw.

"Yoko! You alright?" he ran up to her, wincing and limping as he looked her over.

"I'm fine Dayakka, somehow. It's thanks to these three." Yoko nodded towards the trio and their mini Gunman.

Kamina sheathed his sword. "What was that thing?"

"Beastmen. They pilot the Gunmen." she replied with disdain. "They show up every day at dawn, and leave at sunset."

"Until recently." Dayakka stepped forward to clear his throat. "Hi there, I'm the leader of Littner Village. Can I get your names?"

"Allen Walker." He was still going to keep using that one for now.

"I'm Kamina, this is Simon." He nodded.

"Nice to meet you all. And is that a Gunman?" Dayakka raised a brow.

"Yep, this is Lagann. I made it up earlier." Kamina patted the red gunman. "It belongs to Simon, so you'll have to talk to him about it."

"Um, yeah." Simon nodded weakly.

"Wow, that's different. Anyway, you folks are welcome to stay here tonight, free room and board. We don't have much food to spare but there's enough if you want something." Dayakka exhaled through clenched teeth. "...as much as I hate to do this, we're gonna salvage that Gunman over there. I'd appreciate it immensely if any of you wanna lend a hand."

"How can I help?" He could at least make himself useful.

"Helping to haul back parts mainly, unless you know how to take apart electronics." Dayakka looked hopeful. "It's optional if you don't wanna, like I said it'd be helpful. Plus we need to keep a guard up now, so that's an extra problem." A look of fear crossed his expression before he shook his head.

"Then I see about parts hauling, beats doing nothing." It was also probably a good idea to show himself to be useful. The alternative was staying around Kamina, and he definitely didn't want to do that now.

A team of people was already crawling over the wreckage, still emitting smoke while they went to work. Walker was handed a hammer and told to help peel off armor plates, so they could get to the internals. Simple enough.

"~Oh my~"

Dexterous fingers danced over his back, announcing a… Walker was at a loss of what this person was.

"What do we have here?" Their eye liner and voice hinted at a woman, but the slender shape and face hinted at a male. Whatever they were, they had a sly grin and were extremely touchy. "Ooh, you're one of the brave boys on that mini-Gunman I saw. I'd ~love~ to see what you're made of hunk."

"I beg your pardon?" Was he getting hit on?

"I'm so sorry, I was distracted by the eye candy. The names Leeron, but you can call me Ron if you want. I'd even settle for beautiful queen." 'He' grinned in a way that sounded enticing.

"I'm…. charmed but I'm afraid I'm not interested." Walker backed away slowly.

"What's the matter hon? Don't tell me I'm intimidating you." Leeron grinned dangerously.

"No, I´m just straight." He was pretty sure of that. Probably. And also pretty uncomfortable by this. He guessed he should take it as a compliment. Should anyway, yet...

Leeron chuckled and turned dramatically. "Oh very well. Thanks for lending a hand anyway, if you see any DS-3 couplings let me know, we're short on those. Don't bother with the A-5s and monitors, those are junk."

"How do those look like then?" Walker asked instead of demanding that he stay away.

He pranced off rather than answering, doing a twirl before diving into an open panel. Walker was left with a hammer, the sun dipping below the horizon, and more confusion than ever. And he thought Giha was strange.

The job turned out to be simpler than he expected; the crew was more interested in stripping the wreck for parts than fully dismantling it, in only an hour or so gathering up a man-sized pile of components on a section of armor plating. They finished quickly, Walker offering to take a rope to help pull it back to their camp.

"Cmon, let's get to the shelter." Someone urged.

"Eyes open everyone. Don't be afraid of ditching the load if you have to." A rifle armed man said while looking around.

"Hey new guy, be on the lookout." another man told Walker.

"On what and for what exactly? Those mech things?"

"Gunman yeah. You were from the pit next door? I don't know if anyone told you, but they always come out during the day."

"'Cept for a week ago." Leeron wormed up to Walker again, tapping away at a small computer device. When he checked the screen he found a decent resolution display of writing he didn't understand; it was like no script he ever saw before. "Six days ago a Gunman hit the village in the middle of the night. Lot of folk were hurt from that."

"No I'm not from the pit next door. I'm from…. Long story that is probably best to be told later. Speaking off, is it really a good idea to give such an important job to someone who you just met? I might be completely incompetent for the role." Walker told him with confusion.

"You can swing a hammer, and you're human. Good enough for me hon." Leeron winked at him.

"Anyone see it?" A guard asked, receiving several anxious no's.

"By the way hon, if you see a big Gunman that looks like a giant white wolf? Find a deep hole and hide." Leeron's grin looked forced all of a sudden. There seemed to be a rather painful story Walker noted. Probably wasn't a good idea to ask right now

"Got it." He would've asked for a weapon, but chances were, he'd just himself in the leg or something, given that Allen hadn't ever used a real firearm before.

The evening chill was settling in by the time they returned, entering a thick arch into a well lit and crowded area. Walker spared a look at the walls; those looked a lot like blast doors.

"Attacks like the one with that bull gunman, does stuff like that happen often around here?" God, he hoped not.

"Daily, or almost as much." Leeron kept that same flirty tone without looking at him. "Way back when we were pit dwellers like everyone else. One day an old stockpile below our village started leaking poison gas, so we had to evacuate. That was, oh, fourteen years ago now?"

"Jesus Maria, how did you survive daily attacks from this for fourteen years?!"

He gestured at the guard's weapons. "These weapons were down there too. They've been really helpful ever since we saw Gunmen for the first time."

Around them the crew started to disperse, some taking up watch positions at the gates, some mingling with other folk. A scent reached his nose, something that vaguely smelled like roast beef, mostly. He wasn't quite sure what it was.

"Well thanks for the help anyway. Unless you want me to offer you some company?" Leeron grinned as he leaned towards him, wiggling his fingers. "You should see what my wonderful touch is capable of."

"No thanks. And I'll gladly help… say those weapons, are you open to showing me how to properly use them? I am probably going to need them."

"Ask Dayakka or Yoko, I'm a wrench specialist." Leeron dampened as he swerved towards a workshop, directing the parts load there.

Although his stomach rumbled, Walker felt he had to handle a problem first. A certain idiot was going to put everyone's lives in jeopardy because of his recklessness. However, Littner village seemed like a decent place; maybe they could get a handle on Kamina instead.

Walker thought over his options, and decided that training came first. With what they told him about the beastmen, knowing how to defend himself seemed like the wisest choice for now.

Spying Dayakka leaving a shed made of scrap, Walker jogged up to him. "Hey, can you teach me how to fight?"

"Oh? Um, sure. I do appreciate it but I won't force you if you change your mind." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"To be honest, given what I've seen so far I am certain that I don't have much choice there." A sigh left his mouth.

"Alright then. I'm almost certain the beastmen will be back in a couple days, so I won't be able to teach you much. But you'll know how to use a rifle anyway. Cmon." Dayakka waved towards a set of side doors, leading into a recognizable firing range. "These smaller guns don't do a whole lot to Gunmen on their own, so we have to shoot 'em a lot. We try to use explosives and traps as much as we can, so when it comes time to run, you'll have to leg it quickly."

"What about Yoko's gun? It seemed to work fine when I saw it."

"Yoko's rifle, there weren't many when we first came up here, and over the years we've lost most of the rest." Dayakka flinched as he retrieved a gun for him, taking a breath. "She's pretty attached to it, so if I were you I wouldn't ask to borrow it. Plus she's the best shot in the village. If we could make more of those electroconductive rail parts it'd be a different story."

"Yeah, I noticed the good shot part. Say, can I ask why she runs around so sparsely dressed?" It shouldn't bother him nearly as much as it did, because he could not think of a practical use of these clothes.

Dayakka chuckled through gritted teeth. "Oh, that… she says a lot of clothes restricts her movement too much. Which kinda makes sense since she's our main scout, and it's not like a full wardrobe will save you if a Gunman squashes you, but… I'm sorry, but that's the way she is." he sighed. "She was pretty rebellious before and that's never fully gone away. I can try putting my foot down if you want me to, but no promises on it working."

"No, it's not necessary. So, about those rifles, what can I do to not be a complete nuisance when those Beastmen attack us?" Changing the subject sounded wise; Walker considered asking Yoko about her outfit choice himself, to see if he could convince her to at least put on a jacket. The desert-like conditions around here called for that at least.

"Here. It doesn't have a lot of recoil and works even when you beat it up." Dayakka put the heavy weapon in his hands, then went to work teaching him how to use it.

The best placement, how to change magazines, what to do if it jammed, then lastly firing a few shots. Walker flinched after the first, earning an embarrassed chuckle when Dayakka handed over earplugs and protective glasses.

"Okay, one of three hit…" Dayakka peered at the flat rock, with part of the top chipped off. "Well, lucky for us the targets are big. As long as most of your shots hit it'll be alright."

"Any areas I generally have to aim for?" Walker jabbed the fresh magazine in, scraping the top until he had it lined up properly. The click of something latching on told him he was doing something right.

"Center of mass, around the mouth area. Easiest target. Some old manuals in our old home said that's the best place to hit, ever since we've come up it's been true. Few times people have experimented..." Again Dayakka flinched, closing his eyes before shaking it off. "Anyway, wanna try shooting again? Just try to keep your eyes open this time. Before I forget, tomorrow I'll start with the team exercises. You'll be by me most of the time, so don't worry about knowing where to set up."

"Thank you." He set the weapon up like the Air rifle he used to shoot at home, took aim and opened fire. This time he forced his eyes to stay open like he said, managing to put a pockmark in the upper part.

The moon was high in the sky when Dayakka yawned. "Think that's enough for one night. I know it's not much but at least you have an idea. I'm gonna get some grub then catch some shuteye, you should too."

"Yeah. Uh, where exactly am I supposed to sleep?" Walker looked around.

"Oh… well…" Dayakka scurried off to snag a sleeping roll. "Sorry. We don't have enough bunks up here, so a lot of Littner has to do with these. Pick a spot that isn't in a walkway and it's yours."

"Well, okay." Beggars couldn't be choosers. While not as destitute as Giha, Littner clearly wasn't that well off.

Nearby the front entrance was a small alcove, just the right amount of space Walker could use that didn't look claimed already. Laying down the roll, he got on his knees beside it to start praying; thanking the Lord for his continued protection, and to keep watching over his family.

Thinking about them slipped him up. Where were they right now? To answer that question he needed to know where he was first, and that… he had no clue. The view he had during that flight earlier only told him he was far from home. Terrain he didn't recognize, unfamiliar names, and no sign of civilization.

Walker wasn't sure how long he spent tossing and turning, it had to have been a while when he sat up. While he was plenty tired, it wasn't so much that he could force him to sleep. Hearing recognizable voices nearby, he stood to head towards them.

By a small shed made of scrap was Kamina, hands on his hips while he faced Yoko, Simon, and the tiny mech, Lagann. The machine was currently being examined by Leeron, who leaned up from the cockpit with a perturbed grin.

"As I thought. Your little gunman is packing a lot of power." Leeron's flirty tone was filled with plenty of amazement.

"Is that good?" Simon asked.

"Sure is. Wanna see?" Leeron showed him the tiny computer from earlier; Walker noted the lack of recognition in his eyes.

"What are all those squiggles?" he asked after a moment.

"You don't know how to read?" Yoko raised a brow, catching Walker in the corner of his eye as both Simon and Kamina shook their heads.

"Not a clue." Kamina glanced towards Walker as he approached. "Do you?"

Walker glanced at the screen. "I can read in six different languages and speak three. This is not one of them."

"Ha, what a bunch of bumpkins." Yoko had the gall to snicker.

"You only learned how a few years ago missy." Leeron gently admonished.

"But I can, which is more than can be said for these guys." she grinned.

"Hey! A real man can do anything he sets his mind to! Who do you think I am?" Kamina protested.

"Vos would quoque exsisto a novus quidam bumpking si destitutum in te inventa non est in ideam habent quomodo got ibi." He shot her an annoyed look. She wasn't strictly wrong…. But that made it only more irritating. It had been a while since he last had to converse in Latin, so he was pretty sure he mangled half of that sentence, not that anyone here would notice that.

"Sure, speak gibberish if you want." Yoko waved off.

"Anyway." Leeron spoke up to silence them. "I'd love to examine this little beauty more sometime. It's all kinds of ~special~." he cozied up to Lagann, and coincidentally Simon in the cockpit; the boy shrank away with a cringe.

"Hey, hands off." Kamina directed, only to have his bluster crumble when Leeron switched targets without hesitation.

"You look like you can use a dexterity test yourself." He wiggled his fingers by his face. "You can ask Walker here, my touch is simply ~magical~."

"Leeron, you know, I don't mind it if you try to hit on me, but if you try something with Simon I am going to punch you." Walker stepped between the man and Simon. "Are we clear there?"

Kamina popped the sword from its sheath. "I'm gonna kill him."

"Ron." Yoko gave him a flat look, causing the man to lean away with a sigh.

"You boys are so uptight, can't even take a joke." he threw his arms up dramatically.

Kamina reluctantly retracted the sword. "Don't do that again."

"Um, Ron? What does all this mean about Lagann?" Simon risked.

"I dunno. But I'm eager to find out." Leeron winked. "But that's for tomorrow. All you should get some rest, especially you Simon."

"Once you answer my question, yes. You will leave the kid alone." He was aware that more probable than not, that Ron could beat him up, not to mention make his life hell here. He didn´t care, he wouldn´t tolerate pedophilia, "Joke" or not.

"Oh fine, you bunch of stuck up…" Leeron sauntered off.

Yoko sighed. "Leeron can get a little teasing sometimes, so don't hold it against him. He means well, really. Plus he takes care of all our gear, so we usually let it slide a little."

"He better not lay a finger on Simon, that's all I'll say." Kamina testily replied.

"Yeah." Walker steadied himself.

"What's the matter?" Simon asked.

"Simon, it's … nothing. Just, if that man ever makes you very uncomfortable, tries to tell you to go somewhere with him alone, asks you to do stuff with him you don't want to do…. Just go and tell your brother or me, okay?"

"No way I'll let that man touch Simon, no way no how." Kamina declared.

Yoko however stifled a laugh. "You guys do know he was joking? I'll have a talk with him about that though, ask him to dial it down."

"I… kinda figured, but thanks." Simon nodded with visible relief.

"But if he tries to take Lagann from you, deck him in the face Simon." Kamina told him.

"Doesn't hurt to be careful. I don't know the man, but where I am from, people had from time to time the tendency to hide messed up shit as "just a joke." Maybe he was joking, but it doesn't hurt anyone to be carefull."

"Actually, that's something I wanted to ask you about." Yoko paused. "Where are you from? You don't look like these two at all, or act like them."

"No idea here. He just showed up yesterday, said he was from the surface." Kamina switched from his bostrious attitude.

"Not really. Well, I suppose proper introductions are in order first, since last time things were a bit too busy for that, or what do you think? I'll start." He made a wide welcoming gesture. " My name is Allen Walker, I am twenty two years old, a member of the roman catholic Church of the wider Christian faith, brother of five and I come from a nation called Germany, from what I suspect is another world." He quickly suppressed a painful itch in his chest when he raised the point of his family. Only God knew how scared they had to be for him.

All three stared blankly.

"Did you hit your head?" Simon asked flatly, before clearing his throat. "I mean, if you did then you should get treated."

"No, I didn't notice any wounds on my head. You can check if you don't believe me." He let out a little sigh. Convincing them was going to be a real pain. "Did I act especially crazy in any way before?"

"You acted strange, and you said you didn't tunnel into Giha." Kamina noted.

"You seem really unfamiliar with how things are if you were from the surface." Yoko frowned.

"Well, maybe he is? Just not this area. I dunno about the whole other world thing, but maybe he just got lost? I'm just saying." Simon waved his hands placatingly.

"I thought that too at first, but after I've seen how this world looks like…. I can only hope it is not Earth."

"All the old books said that's what the surface is called. Besides, we've been underground for generations. As long as anyone can remember." Yoko explained.

"Same here. We better find some real surface dwellers to get straight answers." Kamina said, making her growl.

"Wait, old books!? What do you mean? What did they say about earth?" Walker did a double take.

"Dunno, just what some old folk said when we first came up here. If you wanna die you can head into the old ruins to find them yourself, we didn't take them when we were forced out." Yoko sounded apologetic.

"I… yes, okay. Thanks still." Now, wasn't that a downer. "You want to properly introduce yourselves as well?"

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head or something?" Kamina raised a brow.

"I guess things have been a little rushed. But, well? My name is Yoko, I'm from Littner, and I've been up here for, I dunno, fourteen summers? That's what Ron calls them, really I can only tell when it's rainier or not. I was only a little girl when we had to evacuate." Yoko explained.

"Wait, WHAT?!"
First Fight
Thanks to everyone who's read thus far, updates will continue barring a personal emergency.


Sleeping on a rock wasn't exactly comfortable, as Walker found out the hard way. Hence rest didn't come easily, not between the all too thin bedding and the errant noises throughout the camp. This gave him plenty of time to think about the events of the last day.

"I guess by now any attempt to lie to myself that this is some big dream or prank is futile." Even he couldn't deceive himself to that extent. "Mechs, beastmen and a human civilisation that apparently was teetering on the brink."

There were too many questions and not enough answers. How did he get here? That dream, what did it mean? Did he imagine it? And the world; he didn't recognize the landscape, as if someone bombed it to smithereens. Was this some alternate dimension? Earth in the future? He didn't know which question terrified him more. Yoko had said this was earth, but how did she know? She didn't even properly know her age.

Either way, how was he supposed to get back?

Walker tossed and turned, trying to make himself comfortable. The rock and endless questions made it challenging. He tried to find some peace in prayer, as he had managed to do back when the rheumatic arthritis had left him bedridden for months and years and seemingly without a future, but even that didn't have the desired effect.

If he was here….. Was it for a reason maybe? He had certainly never heard of people being sent to other dimensions or the future or whatever, outside of the delusions of some drug addicts and anime. If he was here, what would he need to do to get back? If he could even get back, not that it was a line of thought Walker dwelled on too long, for his own sake.

He sighed. Thinking on some rock wasn't helping. He needed rest after the madness of today, not wondering what was going on, from where he was to what powered those mechs, how they ignored the square cube law, or why Yoko thought that outfit was a good idea in what looked like a desert. Or wondering how he should handle Kamina the next time he did something dumb.

Walker wasn't sure when, but eventually sleep claimed him.


When the unorthodox wakeup call arrived Walker found himself feeling unusually cross.

The ground shook again, like a bomb went off. Walker bounced off his roll and onto some gravel, yelping as he was rudely ejected from his dreamless slumber. As he leaned up from rubbing his forehead a loud rattle sounded off, as if someone was bashing pans on a car.

"There's two." Someone called out nearby, seconds before a second rattle bounced him off the ground.

"What? Who? What's going on?" Walker swept his head around; several villagers were moving out with weapons in hand, striding quickly yet calmly.

Among them was Dayakka, who detoured from a group after giving directions. In hand he had a mug of steaming stuff and a hunk of meat from last night, while on his back was a gun.

"Hey, morning Walker. Sorry about the impact there." he sounded apologetic, nodding towards the open area by the main gates. "I'm gonna check on the others, so now is the time to get a move on."

"What do you mean? What's happening? Are we under attack?" Walker glanced in worry.

"Yep. Two days in a row too, this is gonna suck." Dayakka shook his head like he was unenthusiastic about traffic. "Um, if you changed your mind from last night, then head further into the village. I can use the help, but if you don't wanna fight you don't have to."

"I…" Now with an actual attack happening and with him not being in the literal middle of the action, he found his "bravado" to be much harder to locate than before. "How likely are they to push through?"

"Push? More like squash us. Especially with two Gunmen around." Dayakka explained.

"So you need everyone?.... Better not waste any time then." Didn't matter really if he died cowering away in the village or died here fighting.

"Alright then." Dayakka flashed relief before he shook his head. "Come with me. Chow down and coffee up, it's gonna be rough."

Dayakka strode away with Walker by his side, scarfing the lukewarm food but passing on the mug; never a coffee person to begin with, the smell emanating from the cup gave him all the more reason to pass. It was almost like diesel fumes, and he wondered how Dayakka could drink half of it in one gulp.

They weren't the first to arrive. Not only was Yoko tuning her rifle while seated on a crate, but the boys darted up with confusion and visible fear on Simon. Kamina was in front, grimacing as he glanced over.

"Every morning starts like this?" he demanded indignantly.

"Not every single day, usually there's a bigger gap." Like Dayakka, Yoko sounded far too calm for the situation. She nodded towards a couple guns resting on a box beside her, sending a curious look at Walker as he picked up one. "Wonder if it's payback for that beatdown yesterday?"

"Probably." Leeron poked out from behind another crate, holding another mug. "It's gonna be a long day boys, you'll want some caffeine to keep you going."

"Is that dirty water?" Kamina leered at the mug.

"Hey, should we take Lagann out to help?" Simon asked.

"Sure, we can use the help." Dayakka checked his rifle, then took a moment to check over Walker's.

"Then let's get to it. We gotta fight 'em!" Kamina slammed a fist into his other palm.

"How about we think before we act." Yoko stood up, snatching up another little pistol to hold out. "You know how to use this?"

"Who the hell do you think I am? Don't look down on me!" Kamina snatched it from her hand, stuffing it in his wraps before slinging the sword around his back. His bravado transitioned into a warm smile as he clapped Simon on the shoulder. "You take Lagann out buddy, I'll lend a hand to these bozos."

"You sure? Maybe you should take it, you can probably operate Lagann better…" Simon looked uncertain once more, exchanging a glance with Walker as well as Yoko.

He doubted that. They didn't even know that he could use the Lagann at all. "Simon, can you hit them with that energy drill attack again?" That had been very effective last time.

"I, I'll try." Simon nodded.

"Then come with me, you'll like what I've done." Leeron appeared again, smiling while pointing towards a workshop.

"Alright then, Walker. You stay close to me, I'll keep a watch on you." Dayakka stepped forward.

"Maybe he should come with me? I'll be keeping my distance, plus if he can run fast he can keep up. Can you?" Yoko asked.

"Your call." Dayakka shrugged.

"I think I'll be effective with Yoko." It didn't have anything to do with her being apparently the best shot around and having a weapon capable of damaging those things from a distance, not at all.

"Alrighty. Keep up." Yoko slung the gun as Dayakka stepped away, waving a hand overhead.

"Okay everyone! Split into two groups and don't let 'em get close to the village! We'll do it like we planned!" he yelled as fighters joined him, along with Kamina jogging out into sunlight.

Yoko glanced at Walker and took off herself, with him in pursuit. Keeping up was easy, although the rough ground wasn't making things easy. Neither was the heavy weapon in his grip. Privately he hoped they weren't going far, not if this battle was going to be as rough as yesterday's. If he exhausted himself too quickly he was in deep trouble.

Half the group split off towards a deep ravine, while Dayakka led the rest onto a stubby ridge line overlooking a flat plain. There, Walker saw their foes already stomping into view.

"Alright you stinking humans, we've come to settle things right here!" Declared an owl shaped Gunman, one with a similar voice to yesterday. Beside it was a frog-like one; most likely these were the same beastmen as before.

The fighters took cover as the Gunman started moving their limbs, apparently stretching and limbering up. Why… Walker didn't know. Those were robots, why did they feel the need to warm up like that? Their grunts translated to loudspeaker too, like the pilots were actually moving their own limbs.

Kamina stood with his hands on his hips, raising a brow behind his glasses. "What dumbasses."

"What do you mean?" He was careful to keep the two mech's in his eyes.

"Buncha morons moving machines like that?" Kamina snorted.

Dayakka cleared his throat. "Good enough, let's…"

Again Walker heard the smacking pans, three solid whacks that caused everyone, save him and Kamina, to gaze upwards nervously.

"Another?" Dayakka sounded puzzled.

Yoko coughed and pointed at her head. "You should cover your ears, it's gonna get loud."

Walker heard a whistle, followed by a whoosh of displaced air; he clamped his hands over his ears. A second later a massive impact landed right behind the Gunmen, the shockwave making a miniature earthquake as the wind threatened to send him flying.

"The hell?" Kamina did a double take, watching the dust billow around the mechs, although it wasn't thick enough to disguise a third shape behind them.

It dissipated quickly, revealing a starkly different machine; not only did it have a gargoyle-esque face with a fanged maw, but it was shaped like a dart, and was painted rather garishly in red and yellow over splotches of black.

"Huh, that's a different one." Yoko noted out loud.

"Is that… a head?" Walker gaped.

Its eyes snapped open. From the sides patches of metal creaked before blasting outward, clanging loudly to form recognizable arms. Underneath its chin segments blasted apart, extending legs into the rocky ground with enough force to shatter it. Its jaw opened when it ponderously stood, arms held apart as a loud roar left its mouth, aimed at nowhere else but their location.

"Oh this isn't good." Dayakka muttered.

All three Gunmen stomped forward, the smaller ones flanking ahead of the big red machine. Gunfire erupted from the ravine, diverting them towards it; the big one overtook its counterparts to swing a pair of giant swords at the ground, narrowly missing the Littner fighters.

"I've never seen one like that before, do you think it's a leader type?" Dayakka turned to ask. He grimaced, unable to look away for more than a second or two at a time.

"I just hope it's not another White Wolf." Yoko grimaced as well, peering through her scope.

"I like its face." Kamina rubbed his chin, not bothering to take cover.

Walker gave him a look before sighing. "If it's the leader, do we have a way to take it out first?"

"I hope so, in…" Dayakka lowered down, tracking all three disappear into the ravine, their stomps reverberating ground even as far away as he was. "Now!"

All of a sudden the top of the shallow canyon exploded, blooming fires sending rocks flying all along the length of the ravine. Walker hunched over further, grimacing at the dusty hot air blowing overhead; over the noise of his ringing ears he heard the big one roar in confusion, cracks of rock muffling its thrashing. Risking a look, he beheld the crumbling ditch the three Gunmen had entered.

Yoko peeked up and grinned. "We planted explosives on the cliff tops the other day. The plan worked great."

Kamina rested a hand on one thigh, staring at the sunken pit. Unlike Yoko and the others, he wasn't smiling.

"That.. is honestly an excellent idea. You think that got them?" Walker asked brightly.

The rocks shifted again, emitting a grunting roar. Before his eyes the big one broke the top of the gravel, thrashing and flailing, before it yanked its arms free; the sheer power of its blow shattered the boulders, letting it break free in a rain of broken stone, screaming defiantly at their position.

"Oh c'mon!" Dayakka yelled.

"Shoulda known." Yoko slumped.

"Shouldn't we start shooting at it?" Walker took aim with shaky hands.

"Yeah, everyone!" Dayakka called.

A call that apparently Kamina disregarded, standing up with his arms crossed and way too calm, especially with the rocks still falling around them. "Alright, I'm gonna take that Gunman!"

"GET OUT OF THE LINE OF FIRE YOU FUCKING MORONIC IMBECILE!" Walker lunged for his shoulder to pull him back. Kamina took the blow but unfortunately remained upright, although he stumbled behind cover.

"Hey, get off me!" he yelled as he pushed Walker off, now scowling. "What's the big idea?!"

"Are you crazy!?" Yoko shouted.

"What!? I said I'm gonna pilot that thing." Kamina declared as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Walker fell onto his hands and knees, for a moment unable to react. How, why… with a snarl he shouldered the gun and laid on the trigger, yelping at first at the sheer noise even through the earplugs.

"Cmon, if those beastmen can operate those things then so can I!" Kamina yelled, fortunately for Walker's sanity he was hard to hear over the gunfire and stomping and mechanical roaring.

Without warning something tiny flew out from Littner's gates, zipping so fast that its dust trail couldn't keep up. Walker paused to reload, catching the shape blowing towards them; it was Lagann, with Simon behind the controls. He did a double take at the expression of sheer rage on the child's face.

"Bro!" Simon yellled.

"The hell?" Walker gaped.

Again Walker was utterly flabbergasted at Kamina simply grinning and standing up again, regardless of the danger. "Just in time brother! Let's go!"

Lagann barely slowed down enough to snatch him up when he jumped into the air, stuffing him into the cockpit to subsequently race off again, heading nowhere else but the big one. Walker distantly heard Simon snarling as they left, what sounded much like, "They did it!"

"What are they doing?" Yoko gawked, shaking her head. "Never mind, the other two are coming out!"

The owl and the frog thrashed free of the ravine, grunting as they departed. "That was a dirty trick you damn humans!"

"Flank 'em! Don't get too close! Aim for the joints!" Dayakka yelled to his group moving out.

Walker aimed and shot again, grimacing at his shots either missing or pattering harmlessly off the closest thing's body. Why did these guys even use this thing?

"Cmon…" Yoko growled, after a second taking a shot; the frog lurched back with a cry, its leg buckling under its weight. "Yes!" she exclaimed right as it roared again, raising its arms to clutch its eye. Walker did a double take; that was where he aimed!

"Did I hit something important?" he hoped so!

The frog tried swatting Lagann when it was close, but it didn't come close. All it managed to do was slam the ground, alerting the owl to suddenly stomp towards them. For the big one, it reared around with the twin blades in hand, swinging down both right on top of Lagann.

"No!" Yoko gawked.

"Look!" Walker pointed; it was hard to see with the debris, but twirling above the weapons was the tiny machine, landing dandily on its arms.

The big one made a confused grunt, suddenly gasping when Lagann boosted right onto its face. As a result the whole thing staggered, fruitlessly trying to paw it off.

"Hold on sir!" The owl bellowed, running with its arm swinging.

"No, you don't!" Taking aim again he opened up on the mech, hoping to distract it from Simon and Kamina. Bullets pinged off its body, with one managing to repeat his earlier feat by tearing open its eye. It roared in what had to be pain, staggering at the last second.

With a grunt and a pair of distant screams the big one whirled from the unintentional tackle, stomping erratically before it slipped. When it fell the ground shook harder than before, so much that Walker was actually bounced a second.

Groaning and recentering his aim, Walker did a double take again; Lagann bent over at the mech's mouth, with Kamina hopping out. Then he started stomping and smashing the hull, accomplishing nothing; then he visibly stiffened, pulling out the gun Yoko gave him.

"Say, do you know if Giha had firearms when you were there?" Yoko suddenly asked.

"Don't think so. I didn't see any and the people, well, didn't seem like they were familiar with weapons more advanced than clubs." Walker looked again, wondering why she-

Kamina flipped the gun around, and started bashing the hatch with it. There may have been a hollow clunk sound, or it could have been his imagination at work.

"............" Walker could only stare. Sure he was new to this whole thing, but…

A sudden gunshot caused Kamina to yelp in surprise, gawking at what just happened. Yoko rubbed her brow.

"Of course, bumpkins, I totally forgot." she groaned.

The frog wobbled on one leg, raising a functional arm. "Get off commander Kuzak's head you stinking human!"

"Well, he's dead." Walker decided, but he could still save Simon. He took aim, but hesitated when Lagann whipped around, and somehow its tiny arms blocked the building-sized Gunman's fist. Even the frog looked astonished at its arm being held by something so puny.

"Nobody is laying a hand on my brother!" Simon bellowed through his own loudspeaker, forming a drill out of green light on its head, which bore into the frog's arm so much that it ruptured the entire limb, making it fly apart in a cloud of busted parts.

As it fell backwards Lagann swiveled and gripped the big one's mouth, forcing it open beside Kamina. After seconds of effort it was wretched open, where he peered inside with the gun in hand once more; a man sized shape was flung out, looking vaguely like an ape as it flailed to the dusty ground, letting Kamina hop in with the maw clamping shut behind him.

"That… actually worked?" Yoko raised a brow.

The big one's eyes closed, and that was all. It didn't make any further noise, or move, or anything. All it did was cause the other two Gunmen to make distorted grunts of shock.

"Commander Kuzak has been killed! The damn humans killed him!" The owl shouted in rage.

"Not good." Yoko opened up again, managing to perforate its shoulder as Dayakka's men unloaded on the downed frog, steadily tearing it apart. As Walker focused on its eyes again, the owl snarled and started stomping towards them, delivering a sharp kick at the inactive big Gunman that sent it tumbling onto its face.

"Stinking humans!" It snarled and slapped away Lagann when Simon tried to attack, knocking him into Kamina's inactive mech. "Stop that you idiots!"

Then the owl started sprinting towards Walker's position, a full bore run that made earthquakes from every footfall. Yoko's eyes bulged as she bolted upwards.

Walker froze. He hated that he froze, the tiny part of rationality in his mind outright screamed at him to run and hide. But his legs were locked in terror. It engulfed him, boiling everything down to only screaming and mashing the trigger so hard he might have fractured something. He didn't care. All that mattered at that moment was the giant monster coming right for him

"Just who the hell do you THINK I AM!"

The owl slowed, turning sideways with a confused grunt. Yoko paused a dozen meters away, and somehow Walker mustered the will to swivel his head, shaking and gasping at the clicking weapon in his hand.

The big orange Gunman rose, arms out as it roared to the sky. That voice being distorted by the speakers, it could only come from one person.

Walker had trouble parsing that this was happening. Not just that he struggled to realize that his demise was now distracted, but that a certified idiot's braindead scheme actually worked?

"What the-" the owl did a double take.

The orange one stomped towards them at a full sprint, heading towards the frog still being ravaged by the Littner fighters. It jumped, sailing ten or fifteen meters straight into the air with its stubby legs in position.

"Who the hell do you think I am stomp!" Kamina roared as he impacted the Gunman, crumpling it under his weight so much that it cracked apart. The fact his own legs were splintered into uselessness hardly registered.

"You little!" the owl barreled towards him to punch, slamming a haymaker that flung him aside. It tried for a followup slam, only to jerk from Lagann uppercutting it; unfortunately not enough to put it down. When Simon tried again the owl caught him mid jump.

Its last mistake; Kamina abruptly swung his stolen arm around for his own solid blow. "Hands off my little brother punch!"

"Wha-" the Owl sputtered before its face was caved in too, turning the mouth spot into scrap metal as Lagann flew up, limply collapsing onto its back as Kamina snatched the tiny one in mid air.

Walker slowly remembered how to breathe. Silence descended over the area, only broken by the gun clattering on the rocks from his limp hands, then by a quiet thump of him dropping to his knees. He felt numb, unable to process that he was still alive.

Yoko slowly approached, likewise breathing hard. "Are, are you okay?"

"I what, yeah, yeah. I'm, I'm not hurt, I'm okay." After half a dozen quick breaths he added a fast "And you?" to that.

"I'm alright. Um…" Yoko sucked in a breath. "There's a little creek over there, it's our backup water supply. You…" she discreetly pointed, allowing Walker to discover a dark patch on his pants. "I won't say anything. I mean, wow, for a second I thought that was it."

He felt how shame blurred up for a moment and a blush formed on his cheeks before he quickly dismissed that with a sudden laugh. He was alive, why should he give a shit about him pissing himself in the situation. Yoko stifled a laugh too before she walked off.


"You're welcome." she said before departing.

For the next several minutes Walker was busy getting his senses back, relearning how to breathe normally, and of course waiting for the adrenaline shakes to wear off. When he was ready he stood up, dusting his pants and snatching up the rifle.

The sun was starting to set by the time he returned, washed up and moderately presentable. As he expected everyone was clustered by the orange mech, its arms and legs busted beyond repair yet still clutching Lagann. Leeron was pouring over the body with a small PDA, glancing over when Walker sidestepped the small crowd.

"Oh? Came to see the man of the hour?" he half teased.

"Kamina? I- yes. Do you know where he is?" Walker coughed to steady himself. He wasn't over the shakes yet.

"Over there." Leeron pointed to a small depression, where he landed earlier. "Gotta hand it to him, stealing a Gunman is something that never occurred to us. Its dumb yet brilliant."

"Any idea on how he could have done that?"

"Ask him. I'm gonna be looking over this baby." Leeron returned to examining their new prize, wearing an intrigued smirk.

As Walker departed Dayakka led a small group back to camp, stern-faced at the excited whispers following him. And no wonder; Walker did a double take at a thing in the center of them, bound tightly by ropes and whimpering. It looked like an ape of some kind, dusky skinned with lots of thick fur, and at the moment in tears as it fearfully watched its captors.

"They destroyed them all, how, how did…" it whimpered as they passed, with one fighter trying to get close before Dayakka silently warded them off.

"That's a beastman?" Walker leered at the thing.

"Yeah, we've never taken one alive before. We're gonna question it." Dayakka unsubtly blocked him from coming closer, steadily marching back to camp. The ape thing whimpered even louder at the news.

"Will you torture him?" He found not a lot of sympathy for the thing within him.

"Don't plan on it." Dayakka said as he continued on.

Walker didn't like his tone. "Hmm. Was anyone hurt in the attack today?"

"Yeah." was all he said before he left earshot Walker took the hint and left, sparing a look at them. He made a mental note to find out how bad it was.

But for now, he approached the crater where Simon and Kamina were located, with Yoko trotting up as well. He raised a brow at the shovel she had, which she handed off to Kamina.

"Hey, it's Walker." Simon noted, catching their attention. "Are you okay?"

"Still a bit shaken, but otherwise I am uninjured. You?" He rolled his shoulders.

"I'm fine. That was…" he shook his head with a relieved smile.

"You did great there Simon. Without you I'd be mincemeat." Kamina rubbed his head with a grin. "Probably look like this poor guy." He nodded into the pit.

There was a half buried skeleton in the ground, showing a forearm and a skull; there wasn't a scrap of flesh left, just dusty bones. All the same Walker felt uneasy at the sight.

"I'm guessing it was some traveler who got unlucky one day. It happens up here." Yoko explained with a shrug.

"Whoever he was, I did this by accident while I was figuring out how to drive Gurren there." Kamina nodded back to the broken orange mech. "Like the name? It fits you know."

"That it does. Speaking off, how did you manage to do that?" Walker switched topics, sparing another look at the long gone body.

"Dunno, it just came to me. Sorta like how Simon figured out how to make Lagann go." Kamina strode into the pit with the shovel, picking a spot beside the skeleton to start digging.

"It uh, yeah pretty much. I can't really explain it." Simon shrugged apologetically.

"Hmm, did it interact with your mind? Did the mech's move like you did?" He might as well see if the mechs here ran on pacific rim logic.

"Sorta? I moved those handles and stuff happened." Simon frowned in thought.

"Well however it worked, good job." Yoko gave him a thumbs up.

Without warning Kamina dropped the shovel. He sputtered and gasped, falling to his knees beside the body. Walker frowned; now what was wrong?

Kamina's hand was shaking as he swept some dirt away, revealing a red cloak still clinging to the skeleton. "Dad?"
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Wait, Dad? Oh shit, did that mean?

"Bro…" Simon approached slowly, hand outstretched.

Kamina shuddered, digging up handfuls of dirt. "I… I'm okay. I'll be okay."

"Kamina, it's alright to-" Yoko started, pausing when he stood up.

"I'll be alright." He said without looking at any of them. "Can, can you guys give me some space for a bit? I'll catch up."

For a moment Walker considered going up to him and saying something, but he didn't think there was anything he could say that would make the situation better. Instead he turned around and walked away, granting him his request.

Yoko joined him, and a few steps behind them Simon trod, sparing multiple looks back. Although concern was etched on his expression his feet kept plodding.

"Think he'll be okay?" Yoko asked.

"I think so, yeah. Bro… he'll be back to normal soon." Simon decided, picking up his pace towards Lagann.

"You are taking this... Better than I would. Wasn't he your father as well?" He raised a brow towards him.

"Oh, Kamina isn't my real brother. I'm an only child actually." Simon explained, his expression wrinkling. "A few years ago an earthquake buried my parents. Today I discovered that it wasn't natural, those beastmen caused it."

Something about his tone made Walker's skin prickle. He didn't raise his voice, but the hostility he radiated didn't belong to someone that young.

"That explains why you two don't look alike." Yoko frowned as well, sending Walker a grimace.

"Yeah." Simon took a breath. "Kamina has been looking out for me for years, ever since his old man left the village. I guess that's the reason he acts like he does, he's always hated himself for staying behind when he had the chance to leave."

Well, that's messed up, Walker thought.

"Well, I don't believe that." he tried to make that sound as non-offensive as possible, shooting him a smile. "If anything he is lying to himself then. Look how he cares about you. I don't believe for a second that he truly regrets staying back if that meant he can look after his little brother."

"I guess so." Simon nodded with a small smile. "Anyway, I think I'll go lend a hand there. I mean, I helped make that mess." he took off in a jog towards Lagann, now lowered to the ground while Littner villagers worked on dismantling the wrecks.

Yoko cleared her throat, stopping Walker. "Actually, you mind if I ask you a personal question while you're here? It's okay if you don't wanna." She took a breath. "What are you planning to do next?"

"Well. That's a good question." A very good question in fact. With a sigh he sat down on a nearby rock. "I have no idea. Two days ago I was still with my family and everything was alright. Now, I'm in an entirely new crazy world with big mechs and beast people trying to kill me." He fidgeted with his fingers, noting some of the swirls on them. "Still processing that… But, if I have a way to influence it, I'd see if I can do something against those things. Go on the counteroffensive so to say. See how and if I can hit them where it hurts them."

They had been hunting him and the people around for no reason at all. He was no threat to them and they still tried to kill him. Had killed Simon's parents, probably killed Kamina's…. He wasn't content to just sit around allowing their slaughter if he could do something about it.

"If you are, I won't stop you. We've gotten attacked by Gunmen so much I can't really find it in me to be nice." Yoko's expression lightened up. "So, this means you'll be heading off on your own? Dayakka won't be happy but he'll make sure you're set up beforehand. I already know he'll give those boys a good sendoff." she nodded in Kamina's direction.

"I don't know. I don't even know where those Gunmen are coming from, but I guess so. Did you… ever try to go on the counterattack? If we just stay here on the defence you are going to get wiped out earlier or later." he pointed out.

"Wish we could, but we've never been able to figure out where to attack, or how for that matter. Sending scouts risks having them get ambushed, I know because that happened to me about a year ago. I was lucky to get out alive." Yoko took a quick breath. "Then again, this time is different. Usually Gunmen aren't this intact, and ones like that red thing? That never happens. Plus we have that captured beastman. If Leeron or Dayakka can get some information then we can finally stop 'em."

"You know how to interrogate them? I guess, I'd wait till you can get some information out of him." Walker decided.

"Well…" Yoko grimaced, only to swivel over. When Walker glanced he found Leeron striding up, a PDA in hand and a focused look.

"Oh Walker, you busy? Doesn't look like it." Leeron grinned but it didn't reach his eyes. "Dayakka wants to talk to you, head back to camp when you're done. Oh and when you go." He unslung a knapsack and dropped it by his feet, which thudded on the dirt. "Take this to the shop for me, will ya hon?"

"Is it about the beastman?" Yoko asked.

"I assume so. Unless you wanna take a crack at it yourself." Leeron smirked.

"Hehe, I don't think that's a good idea." she chuckled and waved in denial.

"I'm... not an expert in interrogation, though I would have some ideas I've read upon if it's necessary." He scratched his chin a little. He wasn't exactly hot at playing the armchair torturer, even if that thing had tried to kill him.

Yoko shifted her weight, "You probably know more than anyone here. Even if that other world story of yours is bunk you definitely aren't from the usual pits. Besides, you just might be the most unbiased person around."

"Aside from yours truly." Leeron planted a hand on his chest and pranced. "But I have work to do. Dayakka asked me to crack Gurren's computers, plus I have to fix everyone's gear." he tutted at the last part.

"Can I have a look at those myself later? Just out of pure interest." He did remember something strange happening back during the first fight he had seen the mech in.

"Sure, we'll be hauling stuff back to camp once everything is gathered up." Leeron explained.

"Well then, guess I'll help. Catch you later?" Yoko started to walk off, although she spared one more glance back Kamina's way.

Walker nodded and left as well, taking the knapsack; he grunted under its weight, it was easily twenty kilos of rattling stuff, parts maybe. Nothing he couldn't handle but carrying it on his back still called for a bit of effort.

He noted uncomfortably another group making its way back to camp, a half dozen people supporting two wounded men. Nobody looked too badly injured, but one had trouble walking on his own. As he trekked over the dirt the man yelped in pain, having to grip his helper before they collapsed.

"Well he didn't say he needed me immediately." Walker mumbled as he detoured, striding up to the group.

"Ah, damn, ah-" the wounded man tried standing but couldn't do more than get upright. Two of his companions supported him, struggling with his weight

Another girl in a blue jacket glanced over, wincing at the bandage over her eye. "Hey, it's that new guy. The weird one."

"I'm not complaining. Hey, you came to help?" the other injured man asked, limping from a big gash on his leg, although it was much better than the other. "Names Boli. If you can help me the rest of us can carry Toto here."

"Sure. Are you hurt anywhere else?" Walker walked to his side. "Do you want me to carry you or do you just want to lean on me during the way back?"

"Lean, I'm not that hurt." He winced when he took a step, letting out a hiccuping gasp when he grabbed Walker's shoulder. "Ah, shit. Ah, won't complain though."

"I will." Hissed the worst one off, who now had someone on every limb; with a heave all four picked him up, shifting after his sharp gasp.

"Well don't. A couple thrown rocks are small time. We could've gotten squashed by boulders, or the bomb could've-ow." he winced at the first step. "Hell, we could've faced the White Wolf there."

"Going to the worst case scenario doesn't help your story." the girl rapped a fist on his shoulders.

"Hehe, try and stop me. Ow, I mean it though. Three Gunmen down with nobody dead? I call that a win." he grinned.

"Yeah, one always needs to look at the positive side of things!" He quickly agreed. Not that that was necessarily the right way of looking at it, but nobody was helped by one being pointlessly grim. The man chuckled and fist bumped him, before nearly tripping over a rock.

The rest of the trip was smooth, barring a quick panic when the wounded man went silent. They almost dropped him until they confirmed he was unconscious, shuffling a little quicker through the cavernous entrance. Walker was sure those were blast doors, like what he saw on television before.

"Where do you want to go now?" Walker asked, shifting directions when the rest headed towards an enclosed room. There the girl took him off Walker's shoulder, both flashing a thumbs up.

"Thanks for getting us to the infirmary man. You ever need something just ask." he grinned before the girl snorted, hauling him inside.

As he shifted the pack Dayakka approached, splitting off from a couple armed guards to power towards him. He kept looking behind him, showing clear discomfort every second he was away from them, and a small door they protected.

"Hey Walker. Glad to see you okay. Did Leeron give you the news?" he hurried through the preamble.

"Maybe. What is the news? He told me to talk to you and to bring this stuff here to his job." He waved the sack. "Helped one of the wounded, so I'm a bit late."

"I saw that, thanks. Same goes for the parts." He motioned for him to spin around, allowing him to peek inside the flap. "Circuit boards and wires, great. It's a real chore to keep the lights on around here." he chuckled, sounding extremely forced. His smile looked more like a grimace.

After a second he slumped.

"I… have a huge favor to ask you. I want you to interrogate the prisoner." he started.

"You sure?" Walker frowned.

"Honestly…" Dayakka peeked at his surroundings before groaning. "God I hate to even say this, but I don't trust anyone around here to keep from hurting him. There isn't anybody here who hasn't lost someone to them, me included. You, Kamina and Simon haven't spent years fighting them, so you're the best option we have to actually get information. Otherwise, he won't live to see morning. Can you do this for me please?"

"So, should I guard or just get the information out of him? And for the later I assume without hurting him…." Well, he was right, Walker didn't lose anyone to him. Still was pissed at the thing for almost killing him though.

"Get information. If you can't…" Dayakka grimaced. "If you don't wanna, I'll… I'll figure something out." He rubbed the back of his neck.

"Should I get Kamina as well? He's… dealing with stuff at the moment. And Simon is too young for stuff like that." So was Kamina for that matter. The guy was pretty much still a teenager.

"...Given what happened earlier, I think putting Kamina in the same room as the beastman is a bad idea. He did steal his Gunman you know. I'm still surprised that worked…" he shook his head.

"Yeah. Someone should probably teach him what guns are." he suggested, remembering that boneheaded move he pulled.

"That's on my to do list. Until then?" he jabbed a thumb at the guards, after making sure no one went inside when he wasn't looking.

Walker took a breath and followed him, now aware that everyone in sight kept peeking at the door. Neither of the guards looked happy where they were as well, stiffening up at Dayakka's approach.

"I'll be in there with you. You two, same thing as before. Don't let anyone in." Dayakka ordered, taking out a pistol but keeping it by his side.

The place was a storeroom, Walker guessed based on the boxes. Some looked like they were tossed in at random, others shoved out of the way. A couple lights made sure the room was well illuminated, keeping a metal chair and its occupant visible, although he made plenty of noise.

Walker mentally hesitated to use that term. But saying it didn't sit right with him, even though there was a furry ape thing currently tied to the chair, eyes wide in terror as he started hyperventilating.

"N-no, no, please." he whimpered, shaking to no avail. Its beady eyes were red from crying, and snot dribbled onto its upper lip.

Dayakka crossed his arms. "Okay Walker, you do what you have to do. I'll make sure you're safe."

Feigning his best false smile Walker dragged a crate over to sit down, around two meters away from the hairy thing. It kept hyperventilating, hiccuping for breath while it sweated; it had a strong body odor, though not overpowering.

"A-a-are you g-gonna kill me?" it whimpered.

"Kill you?" He didn't have to feign the surprise in his voice. That would be a terrible waste of potential intel. "No. In fact I am going to do my very best to keep you as long alive as possible." he showed him a grin again. "My name is Rudolf. What is yours?"

Dayakka grunted in surprise, but didn't interrupt.

"U-uh, I-I'm Kuzak. O-of the t-third terrestrial d-division of the Human Eradication Force…" he shrank back as much as he could, which wasn't much.

"Charming name." He turned around to Dayakka. "Can you bring me some knives, nails and sticks that could be well used to break bones`" He whispered in a low enough tone that Kuzak probably couldn't exactly make out. The beastman squirmed regardless.

Dayakka frowned, but nodded. He spared one more cautious look before covering his face, mouthing, "you know what you're doing?"

"I'm gonna try to scare him into revealing what he knows without having to go dirty. If not, well, then I'll have the stuff at least here already. Also bring some medical stuff here than as well. We don't want him to die before he tells us what he knows." Walker whispered.

Truth be told he had little intention to actually hurt the prisoner. Admittedly he wouldn't necessarily be opposed to it, after what he had seen done to the people around here and hearing that the thing was part of a human extermination squad, and well, things were a little different here. Besides, he could imagine that if their positions were reversed he wouldn't share his sentiment.

"Alright. Back in a bit." Dayakka said aloud, sending a dark look at the prisoner prior to leaving. Kuzak gasped when the door slammed shut.

"W-what are you going to do to me?" he gaped.

"That depends on you, my friend. Your actions are going to dictate what I´ll be doing." He stretched himself. "Say, Kuzak, do you have a family? A missus or children who are waiting for you back home?"

"Ah, ah, no?" Kuzak winced, this time not just from terror. "I...I have someone I like, but she didn't say yes yet, she, ah, I-I was gonna wait until my tour was over. Don't…"

"Well, I'm afraid that's not in my hands. Only you can decide if you get out of her unharmed Kuzak, or not."

Keeping his composure was a trying task. He was trying to project a controlling facade, emulating a documentary about Nazi torture tactics he saw a while ago. Scaring the bejesus out of people often did better than hurting them. If he did it right then he wouldn't have to lay a finger on Kuzak, he would blabber everything he wanted to know.

A moment later Dayakka returned, closing the door behind him, cutting off someone demanding something; it sounded like Kamina. In hand he had a rattling bag.

"Ah, did you get the tools Dayakka?" He motioned for the bag. "Thank you, I might need them soon enough."

Walker laid the goods on a box beside him, tugging on the end. From the open top spilled a bunch of small things, from dirty nails to a few rocks, and a couple rusty knives. Kuzak made a noise akin to a squeal when he saw the 'tools.'

"You see, Kuzak my friend." He began to pick up the rudimentary equipment. "If you behave yourself like a friend then this will go easy and painless." He held a knife up and grimaced at the rusty broken blade. "You will be able to go home and ask that girl of yours out and whatever else you want to do. After a certain time of course."

He began to line the stuff up between the two of them.

"But, well, if you are not my friend and want to draw this out, well I may have to stop being so friendly as well, you get what I mean, don't you?" He frowned as he saw some of the dirtier tools. "Can you get me cleaner stuff? The last thing I want is him getting an infection and dying of it just a day or two into it when I've barely started." He asked Dayakka.

"...sure…" Dayakka hissed as he left, tossing a rag beside the tools as he walked out.

Kuzak took deep breaths, taking longer for each one but still inhaled heartily every time. "I-I, I can't, no. W-wait, ah, w-what t-time is it? Is it g-getting dark?"

"I don't know. Let me check for a moment." Carefully he moved the stuff out of the beastman's reach and stepped out of the room, looking for Dayakka. He unwittingly shivered when he left.

He returned at the same time, this time with Kamina, Yoko, and Simon in tow, the latter two hanging back while the first sauntered into camp. Walker did a double take at a mass of red fabric he carried, dirty yet held closely as he beamed.

"Here, it's one of my good ones." Dayakka handed over a clean knife. "I hope you know what you're doing."

"Thanks. Also I wouldn´t go in there for eh." he wobbled his hand a little, "half an hour." That should be enough for him to stew in his own imagination.

"Did you hurt him?" Simon frowned.

"Nah, and I'm not planning to. Just made some vague implication involving bodily harm and long strung out torture and then left him to think on it for a while." He finally broke the false smile on his face. He knew it was a trick and he still felt dirty. "That should be enough for him to think of sufficient nightmares way worse than anything I could come up with and he'll spill the beans."

"Are you sure?" Yoko asked with uncertainty.

"Well, I guess that works. Better than beating him up or something." Dayakka grimaced. "Still feels wrong. Even if he's a beastman."

"It doesn't seem right." Simon looked conflicted upon saying that, letting out a breath. "It's getting late, I'll see if Leeron needs help." he glanced to the blast doors, where the fading sunlight had turned orange.

"Same. Still, if it gets results." Yoko shrugged.

"Yeah. Uh, the boy said something about if it was already night. It may be alarmist but it might be best to be on guard for any new trouble." Walker glanced back just in case.

"Alright. Maybe now we can find out why they never come out at night? I don't know if anyone told you, but in the fourteen years we've been up here there's only ever been one time Gunmen attacked after dark. We've never figured out why." Dayakka explained.

"Want my help?" Yoko offered. Outside the sunlight was falling fast.

"Sure, why not. Just be careful of the time, we don't want him to wait for too long."

Walker whittled away the minutes, taking a quick bite of some kind of berries and a gulp of water, with Dayakka sending some orders. By now Leeron had the Gunmen wrecks dragged into the main garage, with Kamina going to a fire pit after lending a hand.

Without much else to do, Walker approached Leeron; the man was in the cockpit, gesturing to some villagers to set up a hoist. Others were setting up welders and other tools nearby.

"Okay, let's start with the legs. Deal with those and we can get it running sooner." Leeron called out, peering down when he approached. "Something the matter hon?"

"Just wanted to hear if you have any idea how those things work yet? Or how Kamina managed to use one?" That had been bugging him for a while. By all rights that shouldn't have worked.

"Still no clue. Right now I'm gonna see if I can do something with these wrecks. Who knows, maybe I can fix up this beauty. If that works we can fight back with our own Gunmen." Leeron grinned deviously. "I can say it's easy to use. Three screens and two handles, easy peasy."

"Do you know how to turn them on? Do they run on fuel or something else?" Anything that could run this thing had to be potent, Walker was curious what it could be. Nuclear power maybe? Or something more sci fi?

Leeron smirked and winked. "It's powered by a fighting spirit! That's what Kamina said. I… have no clue yet."

"..... did you ask Simon?" He had by all provided evidence of more brains. Speaking off, I think I should have a talk with Kamina then. See how he is after, well, the thing with his father.

"The poor boy doesn't know either. You can ask the man yourself if you wanna." Leeron pointed a wrench at the bonfire. "Unless you wanna explore this beauty's secrets with me~?"

He gave him an annoyed look. "I'm interested in finding out how those work. I´m not interested in anything else with you. And I told you that already."

"So rude. I was hoping you can help me examine the Gunman." Leeron tutted then dove into the cockpit, huffing while he pried into the machine's guts.

That was a clear dismissal as far as Walker was concerned. Which left one more avenue to figure things out, as much as he didn't want to.

Kamina was standing tall before an enraptured bunch, hands flying as he regaled them. "It was a big one, this tall and made of teeth and hair. It came right at me with a snarl, thirsting for manflesh! But I stood my ground and gave that ugly beast a solid punch to his ugly mug! And wham! Down he went, no way that thing could stand up to a titan of manliness like me! Between that and Lagann's awesome power, there was no way we could lose!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd. Kamina grinned, peering over his shoulder when he heard Walker approach.

"Hey you, came to hear the legend of the mighty Kamina and the unstoppable Simon? Between me and him, we'll send these beastmen packing before you know it." he declared confidently.

"I am sure you will." There was no irony in his voice. His actions in the last days had been genuinely impressive. "Say can you describe to me how you managed to fly that Gunman?" It probably wasn't a good idea to ask if he was alright in front of an audience. Teenagers always had the stupid compulsion to look tough in front of other people. Not that he hadn't been like that.

"With my manly aura and Simon's support." Kamina slammed a fist into his palm. "It's real simple, if those beastmen can do it then there's nothing stopping me or anyone else."

"You said it!"

"I'm taking one too!"

"How, dumbass?"

The group gossiped excitedly as Kamina basked in the goodwill. It was obvious they were in high spirits, what didn't seem normal for them.

"Hmm, interesting. But,well, what exactly did you do? Did it just activate once you had entered? Did you touch something?"

Kamina jabbed a thumb at his chest. "Those two handles in the cockpit were real simple, once I got it to listen. Machine or not it responded to the fighting spirit. If you got what it takes I might even see if you can make it go."

"It responded to your thoughts once you touched the handles? Can we look later if I have what it takes?" That had certainly interesting implications. Did those mechs work on some sort of psionic basis?

"You can try! Once Leeron says it's done." Kamina cringed all of a sudden. "That guy, arg…"

"He's messing with you jackass."

"Anyway." Kamina straightened up. "What's up? Heard you were interrogating that beastman."

"Yeah, It's actually about time that I go back to him." He waved him Goodbye before standing up and heading towards Dayakka. "I'm gonna go back in."

"Want me to help? Let's see that thing stand up to me." Kamina grinned.

Walker pictured the ensuing mess and immediately shook his head. "No, you, well, are too impulsive. I'm playing on his fears."

"Too impulsive? Hey what does that mean?" Kamina demanded indignantly.

Simon had departed, leaving him and Yoko hanging outside. Dayakka got off the wall when he saw him, taking a breath. Outside the orange gloom was turning into night.

"We stayed out here like you said. I just hope nobody snuck inside, it's been pretty quiet in there for a while." Dayakka said.

"Probably catching his breath. Or, whatever it is that beastmen do." Yoko added. "I'll stay in the back, figure its best that I don't get in the way."

"Yeah sounds good. You should get some rest soon though." Dayakka told her.

"I'll be fine." she waved off.

"Well let's get to it then." Walker went in front of them, putting on a strong front. He had zero intention to actually hurt the prisoner, but unless he was badly fooled, Kuzak was ready to tell him everything he wanted to know.

Swinging the door open he strode inside, powering through the strong sweaty scent clinging to the air. Like Dayakka said it was quiet, the whimpers and other sounds were absent. Now he found out why: Kuzak had his head tipped forward, apparently asleep.

"Huh, with how worked up he was earlier…" Dayakka muttered as Yoko leaned on a wall.

"Stay away from him, he may be faking it." He picked up a little stone from the ground and tossed it at the `sleeping` beastman.

Kuzak didn't react to the rock landing by his feet. Now his suspicion was raised, he was definitely faking. Although… Walker abruptly realized his chest was hardly moving.

"Wait, something's not right." Dayakka stepped forward, pausing when Walker held a hand in front of him.

"Does someone have something long to push him over?" He may have had a heart attack, but he wasn't risking anything.

Dayakka poked around a moment to fetch a metal pipe, shaking his head when Yoko unslung her rifle. He handed it to Walker and drew the pistol, nodding when he looked. Walker made sure to stay out of reach, checking first to ensure his arms and legs were still tied down; when he was certain the ropes were still on he poked his chest.

No reaction. Kuzak's head wobbled limply, and that was all.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Yoko took aim. At three meters she would have to be terminally incompetent to miss. "If he moves I'll blow his head off, don't you worry."

"I'm here too. Don't worry about keeping him alive if it comes down to that." Dayakka warned.

"Well then. I´m gonna prick his arm with a nail, we'll see then if he's playing it." Fishing out a nail from the stuff he had priorly stashed away he carefully moved in on the beastmen, ready to jump back at the slightest movement.

Walker didn't take his eyes off him, even as he jabbed him with a nail; that tiny prick drew a spot of light red blood, welling before his eyes. Kuzak didn't so much as change his breathing, let alone move.

Now concerned, Walker pressed his thumb on the beastman's wrist, feeling for a pulse. He had one, but it was unusually slow for something his size, only beating every couple seconds or so.

"Is he alive?" Dayakka asked.

"Yes, but he has a weak pulse. I think he might have a heart attack." Well, fuck, that hadn't been what he had intended to happen.

"Get back then." Dayakka commanded. "I'll call for Leeron, see what he can do."

"Do that. I'll do CPR meanwhile." Carefully he pushed him back, before checking if he had swallowed his tongue or anything. The smell from his mouth was, ugh.

"Uh, what are you doing?" Yoko cringed.

"Yeah, um, how about you don't. That's unsanitary." Dayakka held out a hand instead of leaving.

Walker gave them dry looks as he pressed his hands on Kuzak's chest, beginning chest compressions. That shut them up, with Dayakka quickly exiting.

One, two, three, then he checked his pulse; no change. After another trio however there was, with his heartbeat suddenly increasing exponentially. Walker was about to start round three when Kuzak's eyes suddenly shot open, yanking up with a gasp.

"Yaaah!" he screamed before slumping, hyperventilating worse than before. He didn't even notice Walker jerking back, he broke into a cold sweat and heaved. "Ah! Ah, ah, wah? No, you-"

"What's going on?" Yoko demanded, right as the door banged open. Leeron and someone with a white apron rushed in, pushing Walker against the wall as they examined him.

"No, stop, I, I have, I must-" Kuzak quivered while he struggled for breath.

"Hold still, help me here." Leeron barked, getting Walker over to pin his chest. "What is going on with you?"

"Stop, stop!" Kuzak screamed.

Walker halted, peering at him with confusion. Same as Leeron and Yoko.

"I, stop, go, I must rest, or, or I die. Rest, rest…" Kuzak's breathing slowed, eyes closing. In seconds he was still, just like minutes ago.

Leeron and the doctor backed away, raising a brow. "What just happened?"

"I have no idea." Yoko was the same way, swiveling to Walker. "Did you do something before?

"No, I just threatened him. This, uh, may be something they do naturally?" Walker gulped.

"Maybe. Let's…" Leeron pursed his lips.

At the door Dayakka put on a hard look. "Clear out, everyone. We'll check in come morning."
Taking the next step
Day three in the insane world he found himself in began like day two, waking up on a rock. This time without the clanging that signified incoming danger.

Leaning up, Walker groaned at his stiff back while muffling a yawn. He slept well last night, likely because of exhaustion; a battle, seeing something as insane as that mecha beatdown, then the interrogation, it left him utterly drained. Now he felt marginally better, enough to head towards the cafeteria area for a bite.

He wasn't the first to rise by a long shot, looking at the small crowd already chowing down and gossiping. Walker felt relief at seeing a couple familiar faces at the edge, the injured group he helped was looking much better, well enough for one to laugh and clap his friend. Were that all he was sure today would be good.

But alas, it wasn't.

Nearby, Dayakka left a workshop with a mug in hand, dismissing a comrade before striding towards him. At least he waited until after he grabbed a plate of unidentifiable meat and greens.

"Morning. Feeling alright?" he asked before he sat down.

"Am stiff and tense, but otherwise I'm fine. And you?" Walker took a bite of the green plant; somehow it tasted like almond nuts.

"Good, I just got done checking on people. If we're lucky it'll be another three or four days until the next attack, so we'll have time to recoup." Dayakka explained, smothering a grimace. "You… know what I'm gonna ask."

"Yeah. Let's hope the guy spills what he knows." For both of them. He didn't want to escalate this further.

"Here's hoping. Eat up and we'll take care of it soon, I have some other things to do first myself." Dayakka nodded as he left.

His breakfast went faster than he thought it would, tasting not as bad as he assumed a scavenger cook would make. Passing on the foul smelling coffee many villagers chugged on certainly helped. Once he returned his plate he turned, heading towards the makeshift cell; might as well get it out of the way.

There was only one guard seated on a box, who shifted at his approach. "About time. The beastman made a little noise earlier, but Dayakka said nobody but you and him goes in." he sent a pained look at a box beside him. "Man, I hate to give him our food and water. But Dayakka said so. Take it in with you, I'm staying here."

"Okay. Can you bring me some paper and something to write on with it? Or do you know where I can get something like that? Also I can bring him the food."

The guard reached to grab a hunk of flat metal, and a lump of black rock. "All we got, sorry. If you wanna write down anything you better fetch Ron, he's the one with the computer stuff."

"Okay. Where would Ron be now?" Walker really didn't want him to flirt again, but if he had to.

The guard jabbed a thumb at the blast doors, where bright sunlight streamed into the camp. With resignation Walker trode out, taking a moment to enjoy the sun before he was reminded of the stony desert landscape. After a couple glances he heard conversation nearby, from another shallow crevice by a garage exit.

Coming closer he recognized Kamina and Simon's voices, both boys sounding quite enthusiastic about something. Walker discovered why once he turned the corner.

It was the red Gunman, only now it had a total makeover; its arms and legs were huge now, with shield plates on its shoulders that had glasses wearing emblems on them. Several plates of black armor coated its body, giving it a much beefier silhouette, and over its face was, of all things, a set of black sunglasses like Kamina's.

"That thing looks ridiculous. How did they modify it?" He thought those two had no idea about even just guns.

Both turned when he approached, with Kamina grinning like the fool he was. "Morning, what do you think of Gurren?"

"It's amazing what Leeron did." Simon added.

From around a leg sauntered the man in question, typing something while tapping the metal with a wrench. Although he was smiling coyly, Leeron's eyes were bloodshot.

"Oh mornin hon. I want an outside opinion, pulling two all-nighters dulls my fashion sense." he said after checking one more part.

"It's perfect. Just like I imagined." Kamina gave him a thumbs up.

"It looks ridiculous, but the extra plating should make it more robust." And in the end that was what mattered.

Predictably Kamina recoiled, jaw dropping in shock before he puffed himself up. "What is wrong with you!? Gurren is the ultimate expression of manliness in the world now!"

"Bro?" Simon coughed.

"I'll just call it a work in progress. Like old world art." Leeron covered a deep yawn. "True art is never finished, it's just paused for a while. Like now. Wake me eventually." he yawned again, tripping over a rock on his way.

Simon cleared his throat again. "Anyway Walker, Bro wants to take Gurren out to test it. You wanna come with us? Yoko said to meet her by a little marsh that way, for food and water if you're wondering."

"Hmmm, can you wait for about an hour? I have a task to finish before that. Say, does anyone here have material which one can use to write on or record information?"

"Oh, hang on." Simon patted himself before he withdrew a small PDA. "Leeron asked me to hold this earlier, he forgot. I dunno how to use it. He did say it has a voice record button though. Will this help?" He held it out.

"It will, thank you." He took the PDA. "Once I'm done I'll come to you and watch your tests."

Now came the hard part. Not fiddling with the device, that was easy; it was a lot like messing with his phone's language settings, but with more guesswork in figuring out which thing did what. If he couldn't get a record or map function up, then Dayakka or Leeron or whoever could help him read it. No, the problem was meeting the guard again, still without anyone else around.

"Hey, here." He handed over a pistol. "I'll be out here, if there's a commotion I'll come in."

Walker accepted the weapon gingerly, after snagging his bag of implements from yesterday, as well as the food and water. If he was lucky the 'tools' wouldn't be necessary.

The door clanged behind him, with some sunlight competing with the harsh electric lamp. More than enough to fully reveal the prisoner, who gasped at the sight of him.

"You! No, no!" Kuzak squirmed, but his bindings were still as secure as yesterday.

"Good day, my friend. How are you today? Are you hungry?" Like yesterday he put up his best fake smile while activating the recorder.

Kuzak's stomach growled, making him whimper as he gulped. "I'm, I'm thirsty. A-are you gonna let me go?"

"I told you that yesterday already. If you come out here is entirely dependent on you." He handed him some water, not enough to sate his first, but enough to give him a taste. "See, you are going to get rewards for certain information. For example, now if you answer some of my questions, you are going to get food and water." He shook the stuff before his eyes. "See?"

He gulped down the little water he gave, letting out a needy whine at his withdrawal. "F-fine, just, I'm so hungry. W-what do you wanna know? The Gunman? I-I'll give you the access code, I'll even t-teach you how to use it." His eyes tracked the water unnervingly. "Anything, just don't let me starve."

"In due time, my friend, in due time." Honestly he would probably give him the food and water even if he didn't tell him anything. Like with the physical torture, Walker didn't think he had it in him to actually pull through with it. But a little theatre here didn't hurt anyone, and it might help save lives, no matter how scummy it was.

"Then what do you want?" Kuzak thrashed against his restraints without success. "I… I'll tell you about our regional base. Is that enough?"

"First, tell me when the next attack will come." All the things he had mentioned were stuff Walker Was interested in, but the next attack should have priority.

"Uh, erm, when the next patrol moves in. There should be more now, after Commander Kluthu was killed a few weeks ago. B-but I d-dunno when that'll happen." Kuzak stammered.

Oh? "Who exactly is Commander Kluthu and what killed him? Also, give me your best guess."

"Nobody knows, his unit went dark and every patrol sent in to investigate hasn't returned. I was told he was killed by the…. The human insurgents here." He tried burrowing into his seat after a gulp, visibly regretting his word choice.

"Tell me more about the humans around here. Where are they and where can we find them?" This he needed to know.

"Uh, here?" His eyes swiveled to the surroundings. "I-I mean, this is the biggest problem area in the whole Far East theater. I was sent in to, ah, get a handle on things, o-or go to the African theater."

"I see." So this was Earth. He had had his suspicions, but to hear them confirmed was another thing entirely. "Did you do it? Did you destroy the Earth and humanity?" his voice was suddenly strangely hollow as the sheer extent of the implication sat in.

"I didn't, I was only born a decade ago. The warrior caste isn't taught much about history, but the beastman empire has civilized the Earth for a thousand years. I-I don't know much." Kuzal perspired even more, the rank smell starting to get to him.

"Civilized, and yet you are part of a human extermination squad." He felt something inside of him, a calm burning rage the likes he had never experienced before. "I assumed that humanity has been exterminated as part of this 'civilisation' process?"

"It's the standing decree of the Spiral King. All humans on the surface must be eliminated." Kuzak's voice shifted to something resembling determination, before returning to the old whimper upon recalling his position.

"I….. see." He punched him. For the first time in his life Allen really punched someone, putting all his rage into it as he slammed his knuckles against its nostrils with as much force as he could muster. The ape-man cried out in pain, gasping for air as something on his flat snout cracked. Blood leaked from his nose, some of which smeared on his fingers.

A second later the door banged open, the guard darting inside with a gun in hand. "Hey, what's going… oh." he lowered the weapon. "Well, I see. Unless you need me, I'll head back out."

He punched him again, before grabbing his head and ramming his face into the ground, chair and all. This time his yelp was cut off, leaving the ape dazed and whimpering in pain. Already its face was swelling, with several teeth appearing to be knocked loose. He tried mumbling something but the chair ensured his voice was muffled.

Snarling with rage he kicked him, before setting him right again. "Tell me where your base is. Then tell me how to pilot your mechs. Lie or withhold information and I will cut your balls off."

The prisoner could only whimper, raw terror in his swelling eyes as he teared up. Instead of words he heaved quickly through his puffy chin, coughing on snot and blood. The guard behind him watched impassively without getting in the way.

"If you want, I'll say it tried to escape." he offered, pointing the barrel at the ape.

He was tempted. For the first time in his life Allen was considering killing someone. To commit the ultimate mortal sin. To be responsible for someone's death.

"Have you ever killed a human, Kuzak?" There was no emotion in his voice, his rage from before utterly absent as he observed his face for any sign of a lie.

It only whimpered, weakly trying to get away rather than answering. The guard sent him an askance glance, silently offering once more.

"If you don't answer me you will die. If you lie to me you will die slowly." He fixed his eyes on the guard. "10...9….8…"

"P-pl-plae-" it wheezed, still struggling to get away. Now it acted like a true animal, devoid of the sympathetic facade of earlier.

"It was going well too." The guard took aim. "I'd say I'm sorry, but nobody likes a liar."

The ground below Walker's feet shook. It only lasted a couple seconds, but the rumble reverberated to the walls and ceiling, making some dust flutter down. A moment later there was that dreaded clanging once again.

"Oh no, Gunman attack." The guard rushed out the door, where activity was suddenly picking up.

He stared at the beastman sobbing and begging before his feet.

Everyone he had ever loved and cared about, humanity was dead. Because of bastards like this thing.

Reaching out he tested the restraint, checking if there was any way for him to free himself.

"We will talk Later." Turning around he ran out of the room, though not before making sure to close and lock the door.

Everyone he cared about Was dead.

Outside was controlled pandemonium. People were rushing to and fro, taking weapons one way and supplies the other in a tense yet ordered manner, but with visible strain. Nowhere was this more evident than Dayakka, running up and jabbing directions.

Everyone he cared about was dead.

"No, further in! I know the traps aren't set, we don't have time!" his jogging slowed when he saw Walker, rushing up and panting. "What's the matter? If it's important, tell me right now, you heard that we have a Gunman sighting."

"It is not important right now."

His sisters and Brothers, his parents and aunt, his friends, everyone he had ever known was dead.

"Give me a gun. If it is a Gunman I am going to kill it." It and everything else they sent after the few who still lived. And then he would go out and kill those responsible. Even if he had to move heaven and earth in the process, he swore it.

Dayakka shoved a rifle into his hands. "Give me the rundown later, right now stay close to me. Three days in a row? Oh man this is gonna be dicey."

Grabbing his arm he practically dragged Walker out of the door, joining a large group that dispersed to cover. Unlike before the main plain was clear, but further out he saw a rising cloud of dust, with stones flying into the air.

"Oh no, not the marsh!" Dayakka gritted his teeth. "Yoko went there to hunt for some dinner, no!"

Walker kept up. "Do we have a way to reach it in time?"

Everyone. Everyone was dead.

His fingers tightened so hard around his rifle that he felt bones crack. "I volunteer to go then."

Before Dayakka could do more than send him a puzzled look, a chunk of the plateau shattered. A huge mass flew through the rocks, slamming into the ground twice before skidding to a halt; it was Gurren, with its loudspeakers relaying Kamina's grunts of pain. It rolled and pushed itself up with far more grace than something that ungainly should have, especially when it jerked over at a smaller object bouncing to a stop beside it.

"Simon! You okay?" Kamina's voice echoed.

Lagann spun onto its feet, so tiny in comparison to the big one. "I'm okay, but I didn't see Yoko."

Then the ground rumbled again, with something big leaping on top of the rock crest.

This Gunman was as distinct as Gurren; lithe arms and legs that were much longer than the other ones, a recessed face that had distinctive eyes, and oddly a smaller head shaped crest with a circle on top, like an old samurai helmet. All painted bone white with a black chest.

"Still moving?" The voice that came from the Gunman was silky smooth, radiating contempt as it stood up.

He started to open fire, if nothing to maybe just distract it. Dayakka slapped the barrel down before he could pull the trigger, sending him a strained look.

"Don't, not yet! You won't do anything at this range." he admonished.

"There must be something we can do!" He snarled.

The white Gunman jumped down to the plain, moving eerily smoothly for something that big. Gurren and Lagann put up their fists, ready to challenge it.

"Not yet." Dayakka commanded.

"We can't… can't just sit around!" He was half a mind to run down there before sitting back down and screaming in frustration.

For the new foe it walked towards the group, pausing several hundred meters away. "Ah, your help. I heard there was a human insurgent group around here. Not what I was searching for, but a good find nonetheless."

"Try it cannon fodder!" Kamina barked.

"Since you offered." The white machine raised its hands to its crest, which now began to glow ominously.

Dayakka's radio crackled, emitting Yoko's static laced voice. "Get down!"

The glow condensed into a ball of solid energy, with a high pitched whine filling the air. Through his anger Walker had the sense to duck, but not before catching the new foe abruptly lurch to the side from an unseen impact.

Overhead there was a powerful flash of light, momentarily blinding Walker. As he yelped an explosion boomed, evaporating a nearby hill; a wave of dust washed over his position, buffeting him and everyone else.

"Ah, the hell? That's new." Dayakka grunted.

"Hyah! Super combustion of manly souls throw!" No one but Kamina would shout that with a straight face, and no one else would decide to throw Lagann like a rock right at the thing. Mid-flight the tiny mech turned head over feet, forming a drill out of its legs.

Only for the white one to swing its leg, knocking it aside.

"You don't learn you naked ape. Sneak attacks, only, work. Once!" it snatched Lagann out of the air, and with astonishing speed it threw him right back, hitting Gurren in the chest with enough force to knock them off its feet, sending both crashing to the ground with a tremendous rumble.

This was a good time to either hunker down like the other Littner fighters or relocate. Walker decided to jump over the rock lip and run.

Rationally, he recognized he was doing something exceptionally, suicidally dumb. Charging over open ground at a laser armed mech with nothing but a rifle?

Everyone he knew was dead.

Gurren shakily rose, swiveling to him in the process. "Well, that's great."

Walker's radio crackled. "Get out of there, I'll cover you! Stop running towards it!"


Lagann raced from Gurren, skating over the ground as fast as it could move. With only one rough bump Simon tumbled him into the cockpit, hitting his arm on the boy before the canopy closed.

"Alright, I'll get you-" Simon started to veer away, flinching when Walker grabbed one of the handles, correcting his path towards the big one stomping towards them. "Wha-what are you-"

"No. Get me there. I'm taking it." Walker growled.

"Are you-" Simon winced at his rough grip.

"Yes. Now. Get. Me. There." A rifle wasn't going to do it. He needed a mech. There was one.

Beside the screen a panel showing Kamina's face popped up. "Simon! You're actually doing it? Copycat." He grinned dangerously. "Yoko, cover us. I'll run a distraction."

"But-" Simon winced at Walker's unyielding glare.

"If anyone can pull this off it's you buddy. Good luck." Kamina gave him a thumbs up before cutting the line.

"Yeah." Simon had shown the most competence of them all so far, disregarding Yoko. "You can do it.

"If this doesn't work you boys better run." Yoko said over the radio.

Once they were close enough the big one stomped the ground before it, narrowly missing Lagann as they raced around it. For a moment Simon managed to latch onto its leg, but was dislodged almost immediately by a sharp kick that sent them tumbling; Walker's guts threatened to jump out of his mouth, but he held on.

It was about to punt them, only to jab an elbow into Gurren before it finished throwing a punch. Then to follow that up it managed to duck around a shot from the cliff.

"Amateurs." It said contemptuously, sweeping a leg that flipped over Gurren, while also flinging a rock at Yoko's position. Then it kicked the ground again, knocking Lagann off balance right as Kamina slammed the ground.

Walker hit the side again when it snatched up Lagann once more, lifting it to chest height. He and Simon grunted at being flung around, but it gave no respite.

"I've never seen one this small. Open the cockpit humans, before I crush you. I want to see who was foolish enough to pilot this." It commanded.

"Hands off my little brother!" Kamina yelled, this time managing to get in a solid punch that made it let go. But not Simon; he gripped its forearm and held on for dear life, even after another shot hit its shoulder.

"Give up already." It snarled, swinging the offending arm at Gurren, what flung him away yet failed to off balance him this time.

"FUCK OFF! We'll give up when we're dead!" He yelled at it through the Lagann's comms. "Simon, can you do that drill thing again?" He grabbed his shoulders to stop him from being flung around.

"I'll try." he grimaced, making Lagann crawl towards his chest.

"Fools." It tried snatching him, but Gurren threw its whole weight onto them, successfully tumbling all three machines onto the dusty ground. The white one scrambled but it found its arms in a hold, courtesy of Kamina, even after a sharp kick shattered part of his leg.

A glowing drill popped out of Lagann's legs, with Simon starting to yell as he got into position. Walker held on, directing him towards the mech's mouth, and the beastman inside.

The white one lurched up, flinging Lagann into the air just as Simon launched himself at it. They tumbled, then fell right at it drill first; Walker was pressed against the back as they bore into the machine, grinding a lot of sparking machinery into bits.

"GET, OFF!" It flung upwards again, not quite enough to dislodge the intruder boring into the hull, but that did force Gurren off. Fast enough to knock Walker around, it whipped back onto its feet, snatching Lagann in one motion. "You want to drill so bad? Then do it there!"

In one motion it stabbed the drill right on top of Gurren.

Both machines went still. Walker picked himself off the cockpit, his rage cracking when he saw Simon going pale.

"Bro?" he whimpered.

For a moment nothing happened. Then all around them, the screens glowed a vibrant green.

"What the-" the white one backed away. Walker thought it did, all the screens turned a hazy greenish white as the machines groaned and shrieked below.

With a thunderclap it cleared; the displays were different, more detailed and with more interfaces. They were much further up now, so much they had the height advantage over the white one.

A panel came on. "I don't know what you did Simon, but good job." It clicked off, then the loudspeaker creaked. "Hey, ugly! We got two faces now, what do you think about that?"

"What?" What the hell? What was happening? What, no, didn't matter. "Simon, Kamina! Can you open that thing for me? Preferably the cockpit! "

"With pleasure. Simon, all together now." Kamina grinned.

"You-" the white one charged with its arms at its sides; in the blink of an eye twin swords popped out, as long as it was tall, swinging both at the machine.

With jaw dropping speed the combined mech weaved around the blades, moving fluidly to not only dodge the swords, but to deliver a chop with its flattened hand. Just like that the crested help was swiped clean off, flying into the air as they punched the face enough to force it back. All before the crest could hit the ground; Kamina grabbed it, clapping the sides as Walker noted the circle was busted by the top.

"I like this thing. I think we'll keep it." He raised the helmet, and with a brief scrape the helm was placed over Lagann. The screens briefly went dark before another flash fixed that problem.

Walker's questions multiplied exponentially. "I'm taking that thing. Crack it open."

"How, dare you-" the white one launched a flurry of blows, rending open their armor without actually stopping them, halting after both a solid punch on the forehead and a two handed snatch of its face.

"Shut up! Who the fuck do you think you are! Hunting us, killing us when we never have done something to you!" Walker finally exploded over the comms after hearing it's last sentence. As the hull shuddered under the strong blows Simon and Kamina forced the thing's jaw apart, Lagann tipping down to let the hatch open. Dusty air filled the cockpit, revealing a three or four meter drop to its mouth, which shrieked as it was pried by huge hands.

Walker took the plunge, hitting the panel and nearly falling off. He grabbed a tooth shaped segment and dragged himself up, right as the hatch opened; he still had the pistol from earlier, which would do nicely. Planting his feet on the metal, he took aim at the opening.

He saw a blur, then suddenly he jerked. Pain exploded at his thigh, owing to a cleaver sized knife sticking into his leg, leaking blood as he watched.

Grabbing the edges of the hatch was something that resembled a young blonde man, with catlike eyes and thick monstrous hands around its tunic.

"Human. You will take my Enki over my dead body." It growled, golden eyes filled with hate.

"FUCK OFF!" Was his galant response as he shot him almost point blank, unloading bullet after bullet at him.

Somehow it weaved around the first two shots, but the third hit its shoulders right before it could snatch up the knife. That left an opening for Walker to tackle him onto the hatch instead of falling into the cockpit, punching and kicking for all he was worth; it slashed at him with claws and surprising strength, snarling incoherently.

The two rolled with their fight until they accidentally fell off the edge, Walker snatching an outcrop before he dropped, only to feel a sudden weight almost drag him off. Claws dug into his skin, tearing him up as it tried to climb.

"Die, you, naked ape-" it snapped, giving Walker just the opening he needed to punch its face. It snarled in pain, but finally let go; the beastman flailed wildly as it plummeted, hitting the ground only to go still.

Gasping in pain and bleeding profusely, Walker felt his rubbery arms threaten to give out any second. And below, the beastman slowly rose, clearly wounded but still with plenty of fight.

It peered at him with raw hatred. "You… die-"

SLAM. Walker fell after the onrush, dropping a meter onto a segmented metal hand. Parts rumbled as he was lifted away, with Gurren's foot leaving behind a solid imprint in the stony rock.

"Walker! You okay?" Simon demanded.

"I'm alive! What's with the bastard? Where is he?" He gasped when he tried sitting up, giving up after a second. Through the haze of pain he saw that the changes made to it were more extreme than he realized; it was as if the two Gunmen had melded entirely, as if they were built as one.

"Squashed like a bug. You owe me." Kamina kicked a mound of dirt at the hole he made, where the beastman fell.

"You did it." Simon said, Lagann's head focused on the white Gunman lying before them.

"No, we did it." He couldn't help but let out a sudden laugh, maybe from the adrenaline or the sheer ridiculousness of the situation. He had his mech now. A real weapon. His first step towards revenge. And he would move heaven and earth if necessary to kill the one responsible for all of this, the Spiral King.
Okay, this one was… not what I originally planned. Allen was going through "things" when we did this one's RP, so it, um, you'll see for yourself.


For the fifth time in three days Walker awoke, rising from a fitless slumber. Or so he later claimed; the second he was active enough to process it he gasped, gripping his screaming leg. Touching it was a grave mistake, that turned the pain into a flaming blast that slowly subsided into a strong ache.

"Hey, he's awake." Someone who sounded like a doctor gently pushed him back down, making a tiny prick in his leg that soothed the pain. "Easy, easy."

Walker blinked away the dull light, catching his breath. Now that his mind was starting to properly function he gathered in details, like the drone of voices nearby, the stale dusty scent of the Littner camp, and a high pitched whine of a grinder on metal.

"Unfamiliar ceiling." he mumbled.

"What was that?"

Walker leaned his head up to glance; seated on a box nearby was Yoko, grimacing while holding a mass of gauze to her leg, gingerly avoiding touching the bandages on her side. She gave a perfunctory wave.

"Oh, sorry if I woke you. I thought I heard you say something." She apologized while stifling a wince. "How are you feeling?"

"Terrible. What happened?" His memory of the last day was rather dreary, doing his best to come to his senses.

"You remember the white Gunman? Afterwards the boys brought you here, then Simon went and picked me up." Yoko glanced at her wounds with irritation. "I was sloppy, tried going for another shot while those boulders were flying. Got lucky, but still."

A moment later the infirmary door opened, with Dayakka striding in; he looked more tired than before, yet also somehow relieved. "Hey, heard you were up Walker. Feeling alright?"

"News travels fast, huh." Yoko leaned back.

Dayakka chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. "What can I say, this whole week has been crazy. Three consecutive attacks, no losses, and it turns out that anybody can steal a Gunman? That's all everyone is talking about."

"I..." He couldn't help but halt as everything from yesterday flowed back in. Everyone, Henning, Max, Jasmine, Kalle, they were all dead.

Walker tried to say something, anything but he had to stop himself from openly sobbing. He had to keep it together, or else he might never recover.

"Hey, are you okay?" Yoko frowned, raising a brow at him.

Dayakka cleared his throat. "Um, if you need some rest I can stop by later. Honestly I was just gonna say that Ron wanted to talk to you about the Gunman, and see how you were doing after all that."

"Y-yeah, that can wait I guess." Yoko winced from standing up, needing Dayakka's help for a moment to catch her balance.

"N-no, it's, it's-" He stopped himself again, but couldn't halt the tears that began to flow down his cheeks. "-they, they are all dead. My sisters and Brothers, mom and Dad, they, they-they are all dead! All of them!" He screamed the last part.

"Hey, it's okay, okay-" Yoko started to approach before Dayakka touched her shoulder, shaking his head. With one more concerned look she turned and limped out the door, leaving them alone.

Dayakka exhaled, taking a step so he was in arm's reach. "I… I know what you're going through. I lost my parents in the first year. My brother the next. Yoko, Leeron, everyone here lost someone. If I can help, just say so."

Walker threw himself at him, wrapping his arms around Dayakka without hesitation. Then he cried. And cried, and cried. The loss was too great for anything else.

Rather than stop him Dayakka planted his hands on the back of his neck, and let him get it out. "I- I saw them just three days ago a-and now, they, they-"

"It's alright, it's alright." Dayakka patted his shoulder, otherwise he didn't move.

How much time passed, he didn't know. A while certainly. But Walker hardly noticed; he let it out until his nose was stuffy and his eyes stung, and he felt simply drained. When he was down to short breaths his arms finally dropped, allowing Dayakka to back up.

"Rest up Walker. I'll… I'll drop by later. Okay? Whenever you're ready." he said softly.

He stiffly observed the man leave, leaving him in the room. Alone just with his own thoughts. He tried to fold his hands together, but he found that he couldn't bring out the prayer that he had said tens of thousands of times before. The warmth of it was utterly gone as he tried to bring out anything.

How? How could God have allowed this to happen? Not just his family, all of humanity, God's children, were on the brink of extermination. Why was he here then? Why couldn't he have lived and died with his loved ones?

He tried to do what Dayakka had advised, resting. Trying to think of anything but these questions eating into his soul.

Walker found out that he couldn't. Sleep, rest, it was impossible. Not after that revelation. He didn't know how long he tried. His eyes hang on the surgical knives on a stand nearby for too long, before with a snarl he stood up, cribbing one on the way out.

He… he didn't know what he would do if he was alone with his thoughts for too long. He knew the way to Kuzak's cell well enough. It was time for another chat of theirs.

But unfortunately he faced an unwanted roadblock. For leaving the bonfire was a short figure on his way to the door, halting when he saw him stomping away.

"Hey, are you…" Simon trailed off when he saw his expression, pulling in on himself. "Are you okay?"

"I'm not Simon. I'm not." He was stunned at the stability of his own voice.

Simon shuffled in place, slowly peering to where he unnervingly glared, then back to him with dawning realization. "Walker? What are you going to do?"

"I'll have a talk with someone. What I'll do depends on his answers." There was a frightening clarity in his mind now. He knew what he would do. What he had to do.

"Wait, wait." Simon darted in front of him with his hands raised. "You're not gonna… don't. Please." On top of his head the tiny mole popped up from behind, letting out a squeaking oink in affirmation.

"Hurt Kuzak?" Yesterday, Walker had merely pretended. He didn't think he had the guts to really hurt someone. Now? He didn't think he cared that much anymore. Did that mean he was going to hurt him? Kill him? "It depends. If he has killed humans before, I think I'll kill him. If not I'll leave him alone, after I find out where their base is and how I get there."

"Now? But-" Simon exhaled. "Can you… can you actually do that? I mean, you, actually-" he grimaced, unable to properly word his concerns. "I… I know what they did, I lost my parents to them. But this doesn't, no, this isn't right."

"It isn't no." He wanted to say that he didn't care, but that wasn't quite right. To kill someone defenseless and captive, to kill anyone really, it went against the morals, the standards he had lived his entire life by.

Still, Kuzak, he was a literal human exterminator. Had talked with pride about his king's degree to exterminate his kind.

"If Kuzak killed anyone innocent he will still suffer the consequences." He thought for a moment to just keep going, but then stopped himself. "Say, Simon, what do you plan to do? Humanity…. Humanity will die out if we just allow them to keep hunting us. Will you stay here on this doomed outpost, go back to your city under the ground? What is it?"

"I… I don't know. There's so many new things in life now, that… I don't know. I just know that Bro, he's gonna go off somewhere. It's what he wants." Simon explained slowly, without moving out of his way.

"~That's for sure~"

Walker's skin prickled at that flirty voice, as Leeron sauntered around him with a sly grin. When he planted a hand on his shoulder he shoved him off, but he tried again.

"You"re awake hon, great, was worried for a bit. Cmon, I wanna show you something." Leeron smiled, trying to drag him away from Kuzak's cell, and Simon. "Cmon, it'll be ~fun~" he sang, eyes narrowing.

"If you say so." Walker did think for a moment to resist and barge his way through, but then decided against it. He was injured and had no great desire to fight the man either. He could get to Kuzak afterwards.

"That I do hon! Now come." For an effeminate man Leeron had a surprising amount of strength, all but yanking his arm off. Even though he limped from his wounded leg he didn't let up, taking him towards the garage; Simon began to follow, but a single look halted him in place.

Once there Leeron released him, whirling around to wave at the garage centerpiece; it was the White Gunman, lying down with multiple chains stringing up its limbs, and currently it had a lot of panels pried open. At the moment it was illuminated by dull red lamps, showing that the place was empty save for them.

"What do you think?" Leeron asked, eying him carefully.

Yesterday he would have been amazed. "It looks decent. Can anyone else but me use it? Or is the situation similar to the one with Gurren?"

"I was gonna find out when you rested up. Thinking of doing it now instead, before you do something you'll regret." Leeron faced him, dropping the grin. "Dayakka told everyone to stay away from the prisoner before, he didn't want him killed by a mob. A little while ago he told me to stop you if you tried anything, said that you had a breakdown. You were gonna try hurting him, weren't you." he didn't ask.

"If he hadn't killed anyone I would have just continued scaring him." He still answered.

"Don't lie to me Walker. Among my many talents is the ability to suss out the truth." Leeron waggled his fingers before gripping his elbows. "You wanna know why else I'm stopping you, besides that Dayakka told me to? I'll tell you. It's the story of how we discovered that beastmen pilot the Gunman, and how we know the terms."

"I'm listening." Walker shifted his weight, starting to tap a foot before stopping.

"Dayakka said we never captured beastmen before, right? Well that wasn't the full truth. The first year, when we were still figuring out how to live up here, some of the older villagers were scouting the terrain. They found a beastman out hunting, sorta like what Yoko described earlier with the white one. They jumped him, and grilled him. Metaphorically… and then literally." Leeron explained, unsmiling. "I overheard it when I was little. Enemy or not, they did a terrible thing that day. None of them could live with it. You don't wanna make that mistake, not here."

"Leeron, frankly my life's meaning stopped being a thing yesterday. If I can live with something or not, it's not going to be a long term issue." He had thought about suicide before. His father and Philipp had brought him back from that dark place back then. Now they were gone. They and everyone else.

"That's what they said. None of that group are around anymore." Leeron countered, sparing a look at the Gunman. "Kamina was talking a big game earlier about setting off on an adventure, that idiot didn't have a clue where to go until I told him I could crack Gurren's navigation computers. Yours is already accessible." he sent him a look out of the corner of his eye. "I found the beacon leading to the beastmen recall point. Right now, only you, me, and Dayakka know about this."

"You want us to attack it?" He asked.

"Sure, attack a completely unknown base, with unknown numbers and unknown weapons. That laser cannon earlier? Never saw that before." Leeron faced him. "For your sake, and ours, I'll help you head off on your own. Because then you can run a distraction for us. Dayakka wants to relocate Littner village."

"I guess you won't tell me where too? If I against expectations manage to live through this and get captured?" It would make perfect sense to not tell him.

"I don't think that'll happen. Ever since you and the boys showed up lifes been full of surprises." Now Leeron cracked a smile. "But all the same, no. If I know Dayakka he'll seek you out when he finds a good place, and he convinces everyone to leave home of course. Until then?" he shrugged. "So then, wanna do something constructive? Like for starters, help me fix up this beauty? Its ID calls it Enki, whatever that means. Although hon, don't take this the wrong way, but you look terrible. You should catch some sleep while you can."

"No. Leaving me alone is a terrible idea." He looked up and down this 'Enki.' "Tell me what to do. I care not what it is, as long as it'll keep my mind occupied from other things."

"Sure thing hon. First off." Leeron tossed a wrench into his hand. "Help me close up the panels. I'll walk you through basic maintenance, that way you can troubleshoot what's wrong when something breaks. Then you're gonna hop in and see what this bad boy can do."

That started a long, long night. Leeron said there were a lot of panels, but Walker didn't fully grasp what that meant until he counted to fifty; everything from hand sized terminals over internal wiring, to the joints that held the thing's jaw hatch open. Were they just closing it that would be tedious yet simple, but Leeron insisted on walking him through stuff.

"Now, when the wires get frazzled you should cap it here and here…"

"Better clean this often, sand will grind away the joints. I recommend clean water, just dry it before rust sets in…"

"This warning sign is for the radar…"

It was tedious, but Walker kept at it. Not just to keep his dark thoughts at bay, but he needed to know this stuff when he left, so he could keep the Gunman running. His Gunman. Which was full of surprises, as he discovered on the last panel for the right arm; he crossed one wire by accident, then suddenly the armor sprung out.

"Ah!" he yelped at the sudden change, equipment knocked aside as the armor folded out into a huge shield. Easily as big as its chest, the shield scraped on the walls and floor, forming in seconds.

"You alright?!" Leeron shouted, darting over.

"Y-yeah." Walker moved towards the shield carefully, tapping the meter thick plate.

Ron whistled. "Well, that's neat. How'd you do that? Wait, I see how. Back up please." He fiddled with the panel once he cleared the spot, clanking something that made it fold back up. "There, that can be helpful."

A short while and a quick apology to a couple guards who rushed in later, and Walker found himself at the open hatch, staring into the cockpit with Leeron beside him. It was three meters deep and about two wide and tall, with segmented screens on the sides and dark armor on the roof and floor. There was enough room to fit him comfortably, although the padded seat was a little small for him.

"Well hon, this is it." he said as Walker gripped the two handles, frowning as he searched for buttons, or switches, or anything.

"How does this stuff work?" he asked him.

"Hang on." Leeron hit a small widget that opened the hangar, spilling in dull orange light; in the distance the sun was peeking over the horizon. "Oh, oops. Another all nighter. Oh well, we came this far." he clapped his hands. "Okay hon, according to the boys you gotta use your willpower. Think about it walking, and put your spirit into it." He scrambled inside as the hatch closed, with the screens flickering a moment before the resolution cleared up.

"Okay?" He closed his eyes and imagined this thing moving one feet in front of the other. At first, nothing happened.

Leeron clicked his tongue. "Okay, maybe I screwed up something. But maybe… how about, wanting to move, don't think, just act."

"How in the world would I do that?" Like would it just move if he wanted to move forward? Letting out a breath, he concentrated, picturing it in his mind. One foot, then the other, forward. Had to move forward…

The Gunman groaned, the arms raising on the screens. Leeron clapped with a grin.

"That's it! Keep doing that." he encouraged.

Walker gripped tighter, moving the handles. Somehow, without a single button to press or a trigger to squeeze, the Gunman's hands opened. The splayed fingers turned and curled as he willed them to, experimentally testing their movement range. Then he planted them on the ground, and with some effort he got the legs to curl in next. Around them the whole cockpit jostled, a cue for Leeron to brace himself.

"Coming along well hon, now stand, don't trip…" He stared as the ground slowly fell away, pulling him one way then the other. A stomp rattled them both, coinciding with a particularly hard yank to the side. "I think you got it. You'll have to duck to get through the doors, think you can manage?"

"Maybe?" Willing it to duck, he very carefully walked forward, ready to stop at a moment's notice. While he hadn't seen many mecha shows, he had a good idea of what to expect; the strong jolts from every footstep still caught him off guard. "Just to make sure, there is no one down there, right?"

"Nope. Just don't break anything hon, I'll have to fix it then." Leeron smiled, but there was visible worry in his bloodshot eyes.

Down transitioned so he felt like he was on his stomach, necessitating Leeron to quickly hunch over to buckle up a set of seatbelts. Now secured, Walker shuffled the Gunman forward, wobbling a lot as he scratched up the floor; now he was extremely happy that he had a good sense of balance, he didn't want to get nauseous in this thing.

Meters from freedom a high pitched squeal surprised him, almost tripping the Gunman from his flinching. Without being aware of it he flailed the machine's arms for balance, making the screeching worse until a rumble jolted him away, a planted foot just barely keeping him from face planting on the rocky ground.

Leeron winced, then cringed when he looked behind them. Walker saw why: there was a narrow trenched gouged out of the roof, like there was a high speed collision.

"Eh, well, uh, could be worse, right?" He winced.

Leeron sighed. "Yeah, it could be. I'll have to fix up the top later. But now…"

Walker stood the Gunman up, taking shallow breaths. This was it, he was officially outside, about ten or twelve meters off the ground, and in a mecha. In the distance the sun was rising over the horizon, shining down on him; he swore he felt some strength flow into him from its warm rays.

The sight was beautiful from up here. He never had really been someone to really go out in the world to see sights like this. And behind him were the people of Littner, maybe some of the last humans alive. "Say, Lerron. You know already why can I use this thing?"

"Not a clue. Although truth be told, I wonder if whoever designed these built them to be easy to use. You just gotta believe you can." Leeron shrugged. "Belief is what separates us from animals, at least that's what I like to think. So then hon, what do you wanna do now?"

"Kill the spiral king. Destroy those headquarters." Die in the process.

Leeron chuckled, giving him a dainty pat on the head in spite of his sour look. "I meant right now. Like, go for a jog. I'll fix it up if you crash."

"I think I'll go for a run." First he'd check how far he could leap in this thing. Angling his feet' on the ground, he propelled himself forward in a jump; he nailed the first footfall without issue, but his balance wasn't quite right, so the next step slipped. Again he flailed his arms, but it was too late, and with a yelp he wobbled and fell backwards.

With a tremendous crash the Gunman collapsed, with Leeron landing on him to knock the air out of his lungs. Grunting from effort he pried himself off, taking a moment to check them both.

"Okay, nobody's perfect. That's good to know. Now, I…" from where he withdrew a couple belts he had no idea, but in seconds he secured himself to the door, testing them with a yank before giving him a thumbs up. "Okay, let's try that again. Slower this time?"

"Okay. Like this?" Getting up a second time was easier than the first, now that he knew what to do. He felt himself be flung by momentum when he yanked back up.

Now he picked a flatter patch of ground, plenty of open area to attempt that again. Bracing himself, and checking that Ron was tied down, he raised 'his' ankle to shove off the dirt again, feeling his stomach lurch as they sailed through the air. The whole Gunman shuddered from the impact, but this time he moved his other foot to arrest his movement; he was thrown against his belt once, with the ground outside remaining where it was.

"You're a natural." Leeron gave him a thumbs up.

"Ha. Ha. Good joke." Walker rolled his eyes, centering the Gunman as much as he could.

"Well maybe not, but you're setting the bar so far. Keep up this rate of improvement and you'll be a pro in no time." Leeron gave him a thumbs up.

On the screen to his right a window appeared, forming a pane of a grinning troublemaker. "Yo Walker, you're moving your Gunman around already?"

Kamina was looking as eager as ever, complete with glasses and now a red cloak slung over his shoulders. From the village itself Gurren stomped out, still showing the dents from the fight yesterday, the sight of which made Leeron groan.

"I told him to wait until I fixed it." he groused.

"Ha, if I didn't know better I'd ask if that furball was ready for round two." Kamina strode towards him in what was almost a swagger. "You ready to put your new ride through its paces? The mighty Kamina is always ready for a brawl."

He might as well. "As long as we don't damage the machines. Where do you want to fight?" He would need practice for later.

"What else!? A manly fistfight right here!" Gurren slammed its hands together, exactly like he just said not to do. Kamina put his machine's fists up, adopting a loose boxing stance a few dozen meters away.

The radio crackled with Yoko's voice. "Take it easy boys, nothing severe. I'll be keeping an eye on you through my scope."

"What she said, I need my beauty sleep sometime." Leeron playfully admonished while he braced himself as much as possible. "But seriously, don't break stuff. Or me."

"I'll be carefull." He took a fist fighting stance copied from what he had seen in the Rocky movies. Now was as good a time as any to learn his spatial awareness.

"Bold huh. Alright then, give it your best shot!" Kamina launched himself at Walker, drawing one fist back for a punch. Dodging it was as simple as sidestepping him, swinging his own fist at his exposed back, sending him sprawling face first onto the ground. Over the comms he heard a pained grunt.

"Ooh, dirty." Leeron nodded. Walker was about to reply, but then down suddenly lurched a different way. Distantly he realized that Kamina swept his legs, letting him slam into the ground with another crash, rattling them both.

Gurren propped up its bulk, putting on another stance as Walker recovered as well. "Not bad. Let's see if you can keep it up."

The next punch Walker deflected, feeling his machine rattle from the blow. After that he was flung against his seat, the hull creaking dangerously under the impact. In return he swung a fist again, managing to stagger Gurren back enough for an elbow jab that crumpled his shoulder.

Hit, then hit, one after another. Walker grunted every time he was flung around, hearing the armor creak and squeal under the abuse. But as he was beaten up, Gurren made a punch that left it wide open; his kick lacked finesse but not power, sending him flying into a small hill in a cloud of pulverized stone, flying into the air like an explosion.

Kamina chuckled dangerously. "Good, now we're getting somewhere."

"That's enough, both of you." Dayakka cut in on the radio. "You had your fun, now get back here before you really break something."

"I agree, I have enough work to do." Leeron added.

Kamina groaned unhappily, as another pane popped up, revealing Simon's concerned expression. "Cool off bro, you'll have a chance to fight later."

"Yeah, you're right. Alright Walker, I'll allow you to call this a draw. Next time though." Gurren pried itself from the rocks, brushing some gravel off its shoulder.

"Yeah, next time." Huh, he had expected to get his ass handed to him, but once one started, it was surprisingly easy to get into action with these things. Then again, both Kamina and Simon had done so effortlessly. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine hon." Leeron waved off.

"Anyway guys, breakfast is ready. Come on back before it gets cold." Yoko added.

Walker nodded slowly. Not the start he expected, yet definitely the one he needed.
After helping Gurren clean up, Walker walked his machine back to camp. Into the garage, prying Leeron free, dodging a thankful kiss for keeping him alive, and with one more gaze at his white Gunman, he left. He had one goal in mind.

To kill the Spiral King, he needed two things: a mech, and information. He possessed the former, now he had to get the latter; thanks to Leeron he had a locator beacon to follow, but what he would find when he arrived, that was the important question. What were the defenses like, how many forces were there, its fortifications, weak points, et cetera. Was he going to find a metropolis that was chock full of Gunmen? A military base? What if there was a spaceship or something in orbit?

His key to figuring out everything was nearby, still locked in a cell.

As usual Dayakka intercepted him the moment he left the garage, holding a plate of something when he waved him over. He spared a glance at Yoko entering from a side door, having a small limp yet still managing to be mobile enough, then focused on him, instead of Simon jogging past to go greet Kamina.

"Hey there, I saw you took it for a spin." he began, offering the food with a disarming smile. Dayakka also subtly stepped in his way. "How did it handle? You looked like you did well for a first timer."

"You mean Gunman piloting? It, uh, wasn't as hard as I had imagined it." Walker downplayed, accepting the breakfast; he was feeling hungry anyway. Not just for food though, he hoped he wouldn't take long.

"That's good. Now we can start stealing our own Gunmen, so we can fight back much better." Dayakka smiled, which turned into a grimace. "I… would appreciate you lending us a hand with that, if you want. We'll need the help, for…"

"Of course." He hardly had anything else to do after all. "You have an idea where we can find more?"

"I imagine they'll find us. We get attacked every few days anyway. Although I've noticed with your one they might be stepping up their game, that could be a problem. That's why-" Dayakka paused to peer around, lowering his voice. "I've decided we're gonna relocate. I don't want to, this is our home, just the attacks are becoming more frequent. I love this pit, but I have to look out for the welfare of the village. You understand?" He frowned, sparing a pained look at the decrepit camp.

"Do you want me to help with the relocation? Or pull off a deception and try to drag their attention away from you? For the latter, there is an underground city I am pretty sure they don't know about yet nearby. Locals might be uncooperative though." Walker scratched his neck.

"Giha? Yeah, we know about it. That's my backup plan." Dayakka hissed through his teeth. "...but you're not sticking around, are you? They aren't."

He nodded back to the garage, where Kamina sauntered out; he began to head towards them, though Simon dragged him away for something.

"After… After yesterday, I understand what you've decided to do. I have a feeling I won't be able to talk you out of it."

"No, you won't." Nothing in the world was going to stop him from making them pay. Nothing. "So Simon and Kamina are going as well?"

As he asked he heard Kamina declare to someone, "That's right, the Mighty Kamina is going on a manly adventure! With Simon by my side, those chumps won't stand a chance!"

"Yeah, they are." Dayakka sighed, shifting his weight. "Are you going with them?"

"Depends. Where are you heading?" The last bit was directed at the two brothers. More firepower was welcome, but he didn't think it was such a good idea to take people with him when he didn't intend to come back.

Upon hearing him Kamina strode over, radiating confidence from every pore. "Ron over there said he found a recall point in Gurren's systems. I dunno what that's all about, just that we know where to go. Right bud?"

"Yeah." Simon moved from behind him, now with a small smile. He seemed much happier than before, especially when he peeked at Kamina; Walker noted they both had red on them, Kamina with a ratty cape, and Simon had a small cloth wrapped around his jacket's sleeve.

"The two of us are gonna put a stop to the beastmen once and for all." Kamina rubbed Simon's head for emphasis, stopping after he lightly brushed him off.

"Hmmm. Did you find any other information in the systems?" A recall point did sound like a logical target. On the other hand it probably didn´t hold any important infrastructure, outside of the mechs they would potentially find there.

"Leeron's still working on it. He doesn't think there's much." Simon explained.

"That's a shame." Dayakka slumped.

"You said it." Approaching them was Yoko, detouring after inspecting the garage. Despite the bandages she was moving around well enough, including slinging her rifle over her shoulder. "Still, we know where to go. That's enough to do something at least."

"Did you get anything out of Kuzak as well?" One couldn't ever have too much knowledge on situations like this. Or at least, going by his armchair historian knowledge of various military commanders in human history.

"You and Dayakka are the only ones who've talked to him." Yoko said.

"Eh, he probably doesn't know anything anyway. It's the problem with cannon fodder." Kamina dismissed, softening when he saw Simon's concerned look. "What's the matter bud?"

"If he doesn't have anything useful, you don't have a reason to keep him around. What are you planning to do?" Simon asked with a frown.

"Because killing an unarmed prisoner is wrong." The words were ludicrous, especially from his mouth, considering his prior behavior.

He wasn't even sure if he himself believed those words. The beastman was part of a human exterminator unit, things that, by all intents and purposes, had seen humanity wiped out on the orders of some alien king. He had probably killed countless humans, innocent and just as defenseless as he was now and if he had… Then he himself would kill him for it. But he couldn't allow himself to think about such actions until he had definitive information. That way was a path he knew he'd regret walking down.

"That's something I'll decide." Dayakka stepped in with a raised hand. "I'll go and find out what we can about their headquarters, then I'll figure out what to do next. Walker, come with me. The rest of you take a break."

"Sure about that?" Kamina raised a brow, aimed at Walker instead.

"I have to be." With a sigh he began to follow Dayakka. Just what has his life become in these last days? His family were dead, he was in some apocalyptic future and was honestly talking about whether to kill someone or not. Hell, he had participated in killing someone in self defence. It all, it all was just too much, he couldn't allow himself to spend too much thought on it. Nothing good would come from that.

Dayakka made sure to stay in front of him, arriving at the cell. The guard was still there, picking himself up from a slump.

"Anything happen?" He began.

"Thing made a racket an hour ago, when I looked he was still in his seat. Didn't go in like you said." He answered after shifting the gun.

"Alright, same as before then. I'll ask him stuff, Walker, you spook him, and if something happens you rush in. Any questions?" Dayakka sent him a concerned look, silently asking if he were ready.

He stopped for a moment, breathing in and out. "No questions. I'm ready." He mustn't think about what things Kuzak may have done.

Dayakka nodded and opened the door. He had gone no further than a step in when a sweaty mass slammed into him, knocking him against the wall. As he yelped Walker didn't think, rushing at the scrambling animal who immediately moved to attack him next.

Walker flung himself at Kuzak, putting his shoulder forward to smack his jaw; that unbalanced him, but he started flailing his fists with a surprising amount of strength. One blow at his stomach forced his breath out of his lungs, staggering him just enough for Kuzak to try scrambling past him.

"No! I'm not-" he screamed incoherently, heaving when Walker's arm caught him by the neck. That rattled him, but knocked the beastman back more.

Throwing himself forward, Walker tackled Kuzak with everything he had; he was hit repeatedly by wild kicks and punches, leaving red welts everywhere the blows landed. Nothing that kept him from bringing them to the ground in a tangle of limbs, only entirely flinching when Kuzak tried biting his shoulder.

"Move so I can get a shot!" the guard yelled behind him.

"Let me go!" Kuzak screamed, spittle flecking on Walker's face. Any second he was going to overpower him.

Out of options; Walker slammed his head against his with all the force he could muster, making pain explode on his forehead from that hard skull. That managed to daze them both, giving his groggy self the chance he needed to wrap his hands around his arms, putting the flailing prisoner in a lock. He fought back every step of the way, gasping and heaving.

"Give up! Or do you want to die!" He snarled in a broken voice, noting to his own surprise that some of his teeth had been knocked loose in the fight. "Even if you beat me, you'll just get shot!"

Kuzak slowed, although he still tried to escape. "You'll just, gah, kill me anyway!"

Now Dayakka recovered, staggering off the wall to deliver a sharp kick to his head. That slowed him more, letting out a pained groan while he continued to squirm, now without direction one way or the other. A second kick to his stomach elicited a gasp, weakening the limbs Walker was still wrangling. Finally Dayakka dropped to wrap a thick arm around his neck, dragging Kuzak off Walker to put in a chokehold. No matter how much he struggled he held on, until after a breathless moment he went still.

Walker's chest heaved, watching unsteadily when Dayakka slumped with Kuzak in his arm. He was still breathing, not much but he was; when Dayakka finally detected it he let go, breathing deeply as his darkening gaze swiveled.

"I-I kept an eye on him, e-every time I l-looked he was fine. I swear." The guard waved quickly, swallowing a lump. "I swear, he was in the chair, I swear!" his voice kept rising.

"You, ah, are off guard duty." Dayakka groaned as he stood up, offering a hand to Walker; he felt bruises forming when he was dragged onto his feet, although he wasn't as bad as he feared, aside from his wiggly teeth. "You okay?"

"I´m pretty bashed up, but I´ll live." He looked at the beastman before him, before groaning. "What do we do now with him? Do we still need the intel?"

With the adrenaline from the sudden fight going down, he felt more and more bruises on his body, as well as the wound on his leg he was pretty sure had opened again. Together with the physical pain came a sense of exhaustion. He was tired, physically and mentally. He didn't even know if he could pull the theatre with him playing the "master interrogator" again.

Dayakka planted a hand on his shoulder, after a glare sent the guard fleeing. "No. You get some rest. I'll take it from here. Okay?"

More people were running over, including Yoko and Kamina. The latter of which had fetched his sword, swinging it to his right hand without drawing it yet; both skidded a few paces away, showing concern.

"What happened? He got loose?" Kamina demanded.

Dayakka peered inside to groan. "Looks like he chewed through the ropes."

"Never mind that, are you okay?" Yoko frowned in worry.

"Head hurts but I'll live. Walker got off worse." He nodded to him.

"Man, you got banged up." Kamina stood up, though his gaze didn't leave the beastman.

"It's alright." It wasn't really. Carefully he began to feel his leg, to see if it was bleeding again. Aside from a huge welt that made him grit his teeth it felt intact, though his nerves disagreed.

"Yoko, can you take him to the infirmary for me?" Dayakka asked, getting a nod. "Kamina… I want you to give me a hand here, get him secured again. This time we're busting out the metal cuffs."

"Sure thing." Kamina regarded the stilled beastman carefully, not reacting to Yoko stepping over to offer a shoulder to lean on.

He took it after a moment, careful to not but too much weight on her. Yoko grunted yet supported him, carefully hobbling to the medical center while people started clustering. Walker was fine with that, he didn't want more attention than necessary.

She set him on a cot then leaned back with a sigh. "That beastman is more trouble than he's worth. Should've shot him when I had the chance."

"No, no. We need to know what he knows." The repetition felt hollow, even to him.

"I don't think so. Wouldn't be surprised if he lied after all that." Yoko sighed. "Say, you're leaving to go after their base right? Kamina and Simon are for sure. Are you gonna travel with them?"

"I don't know. Kamina and Simon want to hit their rally point. I think hitting the base makes more sense, but in the end I guess concentrating our forces is our best bet at achieving something." If we managed to do anything with three measly mechs and three fools who probably had no idea what they were doing. "What are you going to do? I take you'll go along with Dayakka on the relocation."

"Actually I'm going with the boys." Yoko shifted her weight.

"With Kamina and Simon?" Well, she didn't have a mech, but she was an excellent sniper. Still he couldn't help but get an ugly feeling in his stomach at the prospect. "You think they actually have a shot at making it? This insane goal I mean. For all we know there is an entire star empire out there, and we are just three measly humans with three measly mechs."

"Honestly speaking, we probably have no chance. Leeron could give you a statistic or something, I just have my wits. But you know what? A couple days ago I was this close to getting squashed. Now I found out Gunmen can be hijacked, we know where they go when they're not attacking us. I figure it's worth trying." Yoko explained with a shrug. "Besides, you and the boys lived through stuff you really shouldn't have. Like that hijacking yesterday. If that worked, then maybe this can too. Leeron feels the same way."

"Yeah." He laid his head back and was silent for a moment. "After everything I found out these last days I'm not in this because I think I can really destroy or beat them. I just want to make them pay. Who the hell do these fuckers think they are, to hunt and kill people who have done nothing to them! Because their jackass of their king told them to!" He clenched his fists, ignoring the pain from the bruises.

"I agree, that's why I'm going. If I can help, I will." Yoko glanced at the door. "You know, a thought occurs. We get to that recall point Leeron talked about, then we can find out how to get to their base, or whatever. But I'm betting after all the commotion lately that they'll be on the lookout for a big group of Gunmen. Smaller groups could go unnoticed for longer."

"Maybe. Hopefully, God Willing." If God still was there and hadn't turned his back on humanity.

"What I mean, is-" Yoko coughed into a fist. "As in you and Kamina travel separately. That way if one of you gets overwhelmed the other can keep going. Just you don't really know how things work up here, so…"

"I could need a guide, yeah." He paused for a moment unsure how to bring out what he wanted to say. "Yoko…. This is going to be a one way ride. I don't think I'll be coming back from that, I don't even know if I want to….. I can't guarantee you that you won't die if you come along with me." Bringing that out just like that, it was pretty hard.

Yoko coughed louder; was that a blush? "I-I was actually gonna suggest you take Ron with you. H-he's planning on going out too, for, um, you know, repairs and stuff. If I… well… I guess he might be better off with them? Simon will make sure he's safe…" she coughed again. "Okay, okay. Um, sure. I'll be your guide. Who knows, maybe I'll steal my own Gunman sometime."

"I…. are you sure?" He seemed to have made a mistaken assumption there. Was she so reckless to come with him despite emphasising the danger involved?

"Yeah, sure. You really need the help, no offense." she waved before standing up. "When you're ready come find me, I'll be picking up some survival supplies. Food, tools, the works." She started to go before halting, peering over her shoulder. "Um, question. Do you know how to cook? Because I'm not exactly chef material."

"Relatively well?" He doubted that they had the modern cooking equipment here, but he still knew all the emergency stuff his brother had forced him to learn. "Depends on the ingredients we have." For the first part of her question. "I´ll leave after talking with Kamina and Simon and checking if I have some injuries from the fight with Kuzak."

"Alright. For now rest up, you'll need it." Yoko left, letting out a sigh; while he laid down he thought he heard a smack from outside, although that could've been a couple men chatting nearby.

The next day…

Once again Walker peered at the white Gunman. His Gunman. Outside the sun was rising, casting a bright glow over the desolate land.

He felt better. Not just physically, though his bruises still ached, but spiritually as well. Now he had a goal, a purpose. A road of vengeance to be sure, one that was surely to be paved with blood. One man's life would complete it, avenging the end of the world.

Hopping off the mech, Leeron strode towards him while typing on a PDA.

"All set. Wish I had more time to compare it to Gurren, give it a tune up. You're good to go." He held out the device for him to take. "Here, it's a repair manual I put together. I also left some tools in the hatch, not my best stuff mind you. It'll help though."

"Thank you. And the location for where we are going? Do you have a map or something?" Walker pocketed the device.

"I reprogrammed the radar display as a map. I set a marker for the locator beacon, its a blinking arrow. No promises on map accuracy though." Leeron waved.

Behind him Dayakka uncrossed his arms. "Well, this is it. I could use you here, and I wanna go with you too. Just, I have my people to look out for."

"It's all good, you gotta watch out for your women and kids." Kamina marched up to face him, hands in his pockets and showing a neutral stare. "Sure you don't wanna tag along with us? Team Gurren could really use someone like you."

"Maybe after this." He patted him on his shoulder. "Good luck to the both of you."

Simon approached next, so short yet so full of energy. "I hope you'll be alright Walker. If we bump into each other out there, we should definitely team up again."

"He'll be Team Gurren material for sure. Wonder how far up you'll be though? Leader spot is already taken, so is number two…" Kamina rubbed his chin.

"Anyway boys, I have some extra work on your Gunmen next. Stop by later." Leeron grinned, causing Kamina to grimace.

"He's still hitting on you?" Was this some kind of joke from the guy or was he serious? Walker was terrible in guessing such things.

"Knock it off Leeron, or else he'll never help." From a side door came Yoko, rifle and duffel slung around her shoulder, and sans bandages. She halted by Dayakka to give him a hug. "I'm gonna miss you."

"Me too. I hate to let you go like this." he released her after a long squeeze.

"I'll be fine. Survived everything the world has thrown at us so far." she smiled.

"You'll stay in contact right?" Simon asked, making her pull out a small radio.

"Good enough. Lucky dog." Kamina sent him a leer, which inverted when Leeron batted his eyes at him.

"Anyway." Dayakka held up his hands, stepping towards him to extend his palm. "Best of luck to you Walker. You'll need it out there."

"Thanks. To you too." Walker shook his hand.

Yoko trotted past him, heading towards the Gunman. "Alright, let's get a move on. We're burning daylight."

"Hey, I got a question for ya. What are you gonna call it?" Kamina unexpectedly asked, nodding towards the Gunman.

"Call what? The mech?" It's name was Enki, right. That didn't quite sound right to him. "I think I'm gonna call it the Michael." God´s guardian angel of humanity. There had to be a reason why he was sent here, why he survived the last days. Maybe that was the one.

"Michael? Bah, sounds boring. Needs something inspiring, like… Kamen Hen." Kamina snapped his fingers, ignoring Simon's rolled eyes.

"No. We are not calling him Kamen-Hen." That sounded straight out of one of those chinese puppet cartoons.

Walker loaded up, letting the hatch stay open as he crawled out of the garage. The White Gunman stood up in the bright sunlight, Yoko braced on the hatch and him in the seat, and he started moving.
"I think I'm gonna call it the Michael."
Meh thinks, humanity as he knows is gone, a name that connects with him there would be either Gilgamesh, or if too royal Enkidu.
If he wants to remai with the angel naming, i think Raguel, the archangel of justice (and vengeance) would be good

still, those are just a reader thoughts.
Thanks for the chapter!