Dangan Ronpa Hello Sorrow

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You wake up on a beach of some kind. That's strange you don't remember any trips to any kind of...
You wake up on a beach of some kind. That's strange you don't remember any trips to any kind of beach front property, nor do you remember any horrible accidents that could have led to you being stuck on an island, and you clothes appear to be in good enough order anyway so that rules out that possibility. A look around reveals that the place seems more like a resort than some sort of crash site so that's another point against that possibility. The last thing you remember you where attending the American branch of Hopes Peak Academy...that's strange. That's very strange. Well either way you'd better go check and see if anyway else is around here, you'd hate to be stuck here alone.

Who are you again?

[x] Jeff Strongarm: Heavily built your title is the 'Ultimate Mover' a trait mostly used in reference to your utterly inhuman amount of strength. Even among the worlds Ultimate's you are considered unmatched in sheer size, strength, and durability although others such as Sakura Ogami have you outmatched when it comes to raw fighting skill and talent. You don't really know how to fight so your not in the running for 'strongest' as far as combat capability is concerned but you'll outright flatten anyone that doesn't know how to get out of the way.
Pros: Your a freaking tank even your mere presence in a given area is enough to dissuade violence and no one is going to put you down without a sustained effort.
Cons: When not charging you are slow as heck and you cannot into stealth so expect people to see you coming.

[x] Cody Grey: Stalwart and duty focused you are America's Ultimate Tracker a specialist at hunting down dangerous killers and making sure that they are brought to justice. Due to the high chance of running int a hostile combatant or being ambushed you are just as good of a combatant as you are an investigator.
Pros: You are good at reading people and finding clues, you are a semi-decent fight and capible of holding your own among the more physical students.
Cons: If you abrasive personality isn't enough most of the other students irk you for reason unknown and you will take any chance you can get to see them squirm even if you ultimatly want to save live, this means that you will have rather large penalty to social activities.

[x] Derek Undergrowth: With a last names that's oddly fitting for the 'Ultimate Tunneler' you are an expert at safely and quickly digging hidden tunnels to any given location, and you know your way around your shovel in a fight too! Oh and you like to think that your a nice enough guy...hopefully.
Pros: You are an above average combatant and have the skill 'tunnel making'. In addition your friendly personality means that you likley to make friends than most options. .
Cons: Very prone to panic attacks and your reliance on tunneling mean that you will occasional loose you train of though in favor of digging a tunnel.

[x] Henry Von Vurkov: The 'Ultimate Diseases Specialist' you are quite an extensive amount of medical knowledge and a great beside manner. You aren't however a fighter and while capible of keeping your cool you prefer to remain distance from others.
Pros: A cool head means that you are relatively good at finding clues and you are one of only two trained medical experts on the island.
Cons: You can't fight to have your life and your accent is kind of creepy.

[x] Richard the Arsonist: The 'Ultimate Pyromaniac' you were actually forced into attending the American variant of Hopes Peak as a sort of reform program. Though it hasn't dampened your personality any it has given you a better sense of restrain and allowed you to put your skills to use for constructive mean. Ironically they never managed discover your deepest secret which was your identity as the 'Ultimate Rescue Specialist' a masked vigilante that would occasionally show up to save others from disasters like collapsing bridges.
Pros: Very powerful personal combatant, very high mobility.
Cons: You're a known arsonist do the math.
[x] Richard the Arsonist: The 'Ultimate Pyromaniac' you were actually forced into attending the American variant of Hopes Peak as a sort of reform program. Though it hasn't dampened your personality any it has given you a better sense of restrain and allowed you to put your skills to use for constructive mean. Ironically they never managed discover your deepest secret which was your identity as the 'Ultimate Rescue Specialist' a masked vigilante that would occasionally show up to save others from disasters like collapsing bridges.
Pros: Very powerful personal combatant, very high mobility.
Cons: You're a known arsonist do the math.
[X] Henry Von Vurkov: The 'Ultimate Diseases Specialist' you are quite an extensive amount of medical knowledge and a great beside manner. You aren't however a fighter and while capible of keeping your cool you prefer to remain distance from others.
Pros: A cool head means that you are relatively good at finding clues and you are one of only two trained medical experts on the island.
Cons: You can't fight to have your life and your accent is kind of creepy.
Just the most interesting option, honestly.
I will say that Richard has the most 'mercurial personality of the lot due to having a split personality ala the writer from the first game.

Mind that doesn't mean he's the most unhinged I'm saving that one due to spoilers

I will say that Jeff is without a doubt the most stable though which is itself an advantage in a setting like this.
[x] Arson

"Hmmmmm thats right." You murmur to yourself as you dust off your cloths. "I'm Richard the Arsonist…can I remember it…nope still can't remember my last name. What a sad condition this is, and there's not an open flame in sight either…well other that wonderful sun that is."

Other you has been active recently it seems, you can't remember much but it seems that there was something about a bunny? And the rest of the class you were transferred with? Hmmmm well at least you get the feeling that he managed to mimic your new 'reformed' behavior to a passible level people already think you're crazy enough without a split personality in the mix. Habitually starting fires will do that to ones reputation especially that one time you an entire skyscraper to ash, not that anyone actually died in the incident but that kind of destruction does tend to leave a mark….even if making a fire of that size that feels so completely and utterly right in the world.

A look down at your clothes reveals that it's the same raggy brown pants and white T shirt that you've always worn. Well ok the T-shirt isn't really white any more, you might be reformed but you'd spent most of your with your best friend Derek and he was so dirty he could ruin even the best set of clothes in less than a day just by standing five feet away from them but hey he's your bro so you don't mind. Let's see no shoes as normal that's good shoes are evil feet constrictors and you will have none of them!

The matches you keep on hand are right in the pocket were you left them, as are the lighter, the gasmask, the knife, the spare shirts, and the first aid kit in the backpack where they should be.

Yep everything seems to check out ok!

Now all you need to do make sure that he's still ar…ah ha!

Simmon has been an important part of your life for about as long as you can remember…no even longer than you can remember in fact. In fact to call Simon as friend would be completely inaccurate you think a better term for him would a family member. He's more like a substitute father really. He's always been there for you solid parental figure who always told you the difference between right and wrong, if it weren't for him you are certain that you would have snapped an actually killed someone in your arson a long time ago. No words can truly express how grateful you are to Simon for all that he's done for you.

Slowly and solemnly your closes friend lay's there on the sand of the beach motionless but alive.

He needs your help, and you will carry him to the ends of the earth so long as he remains safe.

You pick Simon and up and place him in your back pack the special fabrics more than capable of making sure that he doesn't up cutting through with his massive edge. Simon always did have some great cutting power especially when you gave him a swing with all you might, he might seem heavy but in all honesty that more of feature than a bug it makes the blows all the more powerful when they land. You really are lucky to have been raised by such a high quality and dedicated Axe like Simon. You've seen way too many examples of bad parents who never give their kids the emotional care that they need and those kids just end up going nuts and killing people.

Mother may have left a long time ago but you can be sure that you papa Simon will never abandon you!

Well anyway now that you know that you're immediate family is safe and you've got all the equipment you need you can do down to important business.

Which is….stuff.

Ok you don't know what you should be doing right now, you suppose you'll just have to look around and see if something of interest comes up.

Where do you go?
[x] An Animal Place!
[x] The Hotel Outside!
[x] The Mall!
[x] The Airport!
[x] A Giant Statue!
[x] The Hotel Lobby!
[x] The Hotel Restaurant!
Of right something I forgot to explain in the earlier vote.

If you haven't guessed already each of these votes are for areas in the first chapter of the squeal. You guys woke up during the main protags introduction so each to[ will have about two different students in it not including the main protagonist themselves depending on when you actually arrive.
Ok since we've got a tie I'm going to close the vote in approximately 8 hours, if the tie is still maintained by then I will rol among the leading options to see what wins.

Thank you for your time.
The Mall
[x] The Mall

With no real goal in mind you decide that checked out the mall would be the best idea, after all it is the best place to get supplies and you'd have a wonderful time burning it down….checking it's halls for usable supply's.

Hehehehe nope no burning for you. You almost had a relapse there but everything is just fine.

Well anyway it doesn't take you very long to get to the Mall itself there's surprisingly little on the island to actually obstructed your way and the lay out seems to be specifically designed to make it easy to get from one point or another, you suppose that makes sense considering that this place looks like some kind of vacation resort. Weird you don't remember even considering anything even remotely similar to a vacation before all this.

The Mall itself is an impressive building, disgustingly so for one on an island that only has around twelve or so people on it. It just burns with a certain strangeness to it that makes you feel uneasy, eh oh well.

Entering the Supermarket the first thing that you notice is that the place is very well stocked, all sorts of food, tools, and other miscellanies yet still somewhat useful items are all on sale in this place. Wait a minute if there are only a handful of people on the island and a magic rabbit than how are they keeping this supermarket supplied.

Oh wait, magic rabbit, never mind that explains everything. Yep everything.

Hmmmm it seems that you're not alone here.

Soon enough a rather meek looking girl with a bandaged arm, some kind of apron and relatively long hair appears in your line of sight. She looks like she's partially sad and partially terrified…weird.

The two of you stare at each other…you don't know how to approach this girl.

A few seconds pass any nothing happens.

More seconds pass and nothing happens.

Aggggggggh! Why can't people be easy to approach and get along with like Simon! He always has something nice to say to break the ice!

"Would it make things less awkward if I said I was reformed?" You suggest nervously.

"Wait what?" The girl actually looks confused. "Oh no I'm so sorry!" She starts crying. "You must think so horribly of me!"

"Wait what did you do?" You blink more confused than anything. "Because I'm pretty sure that you didn't do anything wrong, and I was convicted of arson so I should know about doing things wrong."

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to poke at your past like that!" The girl continues crying. "I-its just that I get so shy around new people that I don't know what to say?"

"Nothing wrong with being shy." You look at her still confused, "Anyway it's my names Richard, no last name, it's nice to meet you!"

"O…ok." Her crying final stops and she smiles at you. "My name is Mikan Tsumiki…from the bottom of my heart I hope we can get along."

"I hope we can get along too!" You smile brightly before your face galls flat. "I mean I don't know about you but I don't have very good experiences with people that I can't get along with; it's like whenever I run into someone like that we just find each other's presences disagreeable on instinct!"

"W-well sometimes some people just don't like each other." Mikan nervously taps her fingers together. "S-say you don't feel like that about me do you."

"Of course not!" Your response is immediate. "You're super nice! I don't know what kind of villain would hate someone like you just on sheer instinct. If anything I think I like being around you because you don't treat me like I'm going to try and burn you alive the minute your back is turned. I mean that sounds oddly specific but when you have a reputation like mine you learn that people who don't immediately judge you are a rarity!"

Mikan just looks down, but you actually think you see her smile a bit.

Your bond with Mikan increased!

Other than that she doesn't say much, it seems she doesn't want to push her luck with you.

What do you do?
[x] Continue to talk with Mikan.
[x] Go somewhere else. (Write in the location)
[x] Talk with that other girl you didn't notice till now.
[x] Write in.
[x] Continue to talk with Mikan.

If I remember this character correctly, she's adorable IIRC. Dunno much else, barely watched any play through.
[x] Mikan

"S-s-so Mikan." You are the first to break the ice. "What's it like?"

"What do you mean?" Mikan looks at you like your about to grill her on something horrible "What's what like?"

"Having a talent that can help people" You say looking down at the ground. "I mean you're so good at saving people's lives, that's something that I could never do, not with my nature."

"That's not true!" Mikan tries to reassure you. "I'm s-sure your talent as the Ultimate Pyrotechnic can do a lot of good for the world….everyone else just has to realize it!"

Now if only you get used to that new title you've been labelled as the Ultimate Arsonist for so long that you can't really think of your talent as much beside that. There's just something that appeals to you about the destructive powers of flames, about their ability of burn out all of the impurities of the world, all the parasites, all of the decadence, and all the treachery. Still one some level…her words actually do make you feel a bit better.

"T-thank you Mikan." You blush. "That means a lot coming from you, you're a good person.

"I-I-I' really not," Mikan blushes too…she must be really modest.

"Don't be silly, you always do so much to care for other people." You reply. "I mean you always do so much for the people under your care…I mean how could think anything else?"

Mikan stays silent for a few moments, she doesn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry." You apologize as you rub the back of the head. "I shouldn't have brought up a difficult topic like that."

"N-n-no you didn't do anything wrong." Mikan brings clasps her bandaged arm up and seems to rest her head on it, as if trying to hide something. "Y-y-you actually made me really happy…thank you."

"That's good to hear." You smile at her. "I'd hate to have done something to hurt you, I mean I have cinders for brains so I have to be very careful not to do that you know."

You really don't like accidently hurting people; it's one of the things you'd tried you hardest to avoid even when you were in full crazy pyromaniac mode. IT was that and one other thing that you couldn't stand, one thing that while not enough to make you murderous was enough to put someone on your bad side in short order.

What was it?
[x] Bully's: You never did have any sympathy for bullies nor for those who would shelter them.
[x] Thugs: Gangs, mafia members, and other such characters have been the cause of o a great deal of your early suffering and you hold a natural dislike of them as a result.
[x] Tyranny: You are naturally inclined to be chaotic and as such you tend to resent attempts by others to tell you what to do or otherwise asset authority. You will comply if it's life or death or you have an extremely high opinion of the person in question but other that you'll fight attempts to bring you heal every step of the way.
[x] Large Gatherings: You've never been good with large groups in general, you become gradually more hostile and irritable the more people there are in a given room.

"T-thanks." Mikan's words bring you back to reality. "So-so I've been wondering you seem like a nice guy…I wouldn't mind if we went and spent some time together later on, not that you have to if you don't want too, it's just you know I'd think it might be nice…if your fine with it that is."

"I'd be happy too." You smile back at her.

Neither of you get to say any more than that before two people enter the building.

The first is a relatively handsome young man; he looks about your age but seems almost painful average beyond that, well and being handsome of course.

Standing beside him is an equally handsome young man of about the same age. He looks serene but something about him just makes you cringe, and you don't like it.

What do you do?
[x] Go talk with the other girl.
[x] Go talk with average guy.
[x] Creepy guy is creepy, but you won't let that stop you from at least talking to him.
[x] You don't like any of these other people; it's time to exit the building.
[X] Tyranny: You are naturally inclined to be chaotic and as such you tend to resent attempts by others to tell you what to do or otherwise asset authority. You will comply if it's life or death or you have an extremely high opinion of the person in question but other that you'll fight attempts to bring you heal every step of the way.
[X] Creepy guy is creepy, but you won't let that stop you from at least talking to him.
[X] Tyranny: You are naturally inclined to be chaotic and as such you tend to resent attempts by others to tell you what to do or otherwise asset authority. You will comply if it's life or death or you have an extremely high opinion of the person in question but other that you'll fight attempts to bring you heal every step of the way.
[x] Go talk with average guy.
Ok it seems we've got a tie so I'll give you guys a another day to sort it out before I just roll for it.

Anyway just a quick warning with the current vote, it may make you more irritable in general compared to the other ones and has the most impact on group cohesion. Large groups does so too but in a different way while the firs two just makes you more hostile and irritable to specific characters.
Well Tyranny has already won, so right now my vote is between Creepy Guy and Average Guy.

Let's go talk to the protagonist!

[X] Tyranny: You are naturally inclined to be chaotic and as such you tend to resent attempts by others to tell you what to do or otherwise asset authority. You will comply if it's life or death or you have an extremely high opinion of the person in question but other that you'll fight attempts to bring you heal every step of the way.
[x] Go talk with average guy.
The Average Kid
[x] The Average Kid

You turn your attention to the more average of the two students. He might be average but that's not really a downside and it sure beats crazy. You know crazy and you know that crazy can end very badly depending on the type of crazy.

"Hi!" You say simply waving at the average looking kid.

"Hi!" He says right back. "I'm Hijime Hinata…it's nice to meet you?"

"I'm Richard!" You smile wildly. "It's nice to meet you two,."

"Wait Richard!?" Hijime looks shocked at your declaration. "You mean the serial killer!?"

"No." You try hold the bitterness from you voice but the look on the poor kids face tell you that you failed. "Jack is a serial killer, Sparkling Justice is a serial killer, I am an arsonist. I haven't murdered anybody!"

You have killed in self-defense though, but you sure as heck aren't going to tell him that!

"R-right," Hijme seems to have been startled by the intensity of your outburst even if you didn't outright shout or do anything of that nature. "Sorry for getting you mixed up like that. I didn't mean to imply anything,"

"It's fine." You put up a completely disarming and not in any possible way crazy or unhinged looking smile. "I mean in all honesty I have been called much worse by much less pleasant people, I'm not going to raise a stink over a minor misstep like that."

"That's good to know." Hajime recomposes himself well enough. "So how did you end up with the rest of us anyway…I mean aren't you supposed to get in America?"

"I honestly don't know myself." I let out a shrug. "I was in America attending the US branch of hopes peak and working off credits for my reform program. I mean I was considering taking up an offer to be an exchange student for the Japanese branch but I don't remember signing it let alone actually going on the trip. As far as I know someone could have just hit me in the back of the head with a shovel and dumped me on this island for no reason."

"No reason?" Hajime raises an eyebrow. "Doesn't that seem a bit arbitrary, I mean you are an Ultimate and if I remember correctly your one of the strongest fighters at that, who could possess the talent to knock you out like and be crazy enough to just bring you all that way our here for no reason."

"You'd be surprised at how crazy some people can be." You reply back. "And I don't mean talentless people either, in fact I think people with talents seem more prone to being crazy lunatics than anything else."

"What do you mean by that?" Now Hajime just looks confused.

"I mean that some of the 'talents' many of us have require almost inhuman levels of concentration or ability in a given area of expertise. I mean can you imagine how different someone would have to actually think to be that good at one particular thing, and that's not even mentioning the less than stellar focus on mental stability that all version of hopes peak possess." You let out a sigh. "And then there's what happens when people start defining you by your talent and your talent alone, it's disconcerting to say the least. Anyway to get back on topic there are plenty of Ultimate's crazy enough to do some insane things for no reason, and I for one am very thankful that I've never had the displeasure of experiencing such an incident in person."

"You haven't?" Hajime asks. "I'm actually surprised by that Richard you seem a little…"

"Bitter." Well you kind of are. "Lets just say that have my own reasons and leave it at that."

Namely your nature as an arsonist making it very hard for you to just get by day to day any more, as well as the authoritarian nature of Hopes peak at times clashing with your periodically wild and out of control mindset.

Either way with you conversation did Hajime goes on to talk with Mikan and the other girl before getting ready to leave.

Hajime is confused by you but finds you insightful!

What do you do with the time you have left?
[x] Join Hajime as he goes to talk with the others.
[x] Go explore the other builings on your own.
[x] Talk with the other girl.
[x] Sit back and relax. (Time skip Option)
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