Dancing with the Angels, Dealing with the Devil (Ace Combat)

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North Carolina
The year is 20XX. And the world is embroiled in flames once more. A few Decades after the Lighthouse War's end, tensions had risen up to a near broiling point. The peace that had been so hard fought to gain was teared away piece by piece, by those who wanted more then they had. Border disputes, Arms races, engineered scandals rose up everywhere. Until, it was too much. The assassination of a Cabinet member of the Osean Federation by a Yuktobanian Military weapon was the straw that broke the camel's back. Within days of the Formal Declaration of war, Most of the world had found some reason to send in their armed forces, causing the kerosene soaked continents to erupt into the flames of war. And you are just one cog in the machine.

You are the newly promoted Commander of the Expeditionary Group of your country of...

[]...Osea (+1 Industry Action)
[]...Yukotbania (+1 Operations Action)
[]...Usea (+1 Politics Action)
[]...Some other country! (Write-in) (+1 Pilot Action)

And you have been tasked to create and hold a stronghold for other expeditionary groups to land and fight at. You will be responsible for the acquisition and refinement of all resources, along with the planning and execution of Operations. You also have foremost consideration in how and where the Base itself will be.

For the location, your best option is...

[] The Plains. Plenty of open space...with little to no cover.
+Tons of Space to expand
+You can see everywhere
-Blinding Beacon
-Everywhere can see you
-Little to no Resources

[] A Mountain Range. A towering set of walls you didn't even need to build up yourself!
+Premium Space
+Natural Defenses
+ Resource Rich
-Space is a Premium
- Kind of Stuck

[] By the friendly port city
+Plenty of Resource influx
+Direct Pipeline to High Command
+More Forces at your disposal
+Can support a Fleet
-Dude, where's my Food?

Most importantly, what were you before the base commander?

[] Wing Group Commander (+10 to Operations Rolls, -10 to Industry Rolls)
[] Logistics Major (+10 to Industry Rolls, -10 to Politics Rolls)
[] High Command Staffer (+10 to Politics Rolls, -10 to Operations Rolls)

And we can't forget your name. What was it?

[] Write-in Name


You are a brand new Pilot, formed for the brand new Expeditionary group that has set out to lay down the roots for attacks against your enemies. However, you weren't always a Military Pilot. What were you before?

[] A Show Pilot, Drafted to fight a war they never thought would happen.
Piloting: 10/20
Aiming and Weapons: 8/20
Awareness: 8/20
Willpower: 5/20

Special Notes: You've never flown in a combat situation. There might be some dangerous things that you go through and you can't count on your reactions to them.

[] A Soldier of An Alternate military branch, who changed their service to help.
Piloting: 5/20
Aiming and Weapons: 10/20
Awareness: 8/20
Willpower: 8/20

Special Notes: You're barely better than a nugget here: You've had to completely relearn your playbook. Until your Piloting Reaches 8/20, all combat rolls will receive a -5 to them.

[] A Former Spook, tired of working in the shadows.
Piloting: 8/20
Aiming and Weapons: 5/20
Awareness: 10/20
Willpower: 8/20

Special Notes: With how many missions you've been on, it's hard for you to form connections. All social rolls have a -5 to them.

[] A True Nugget, just out of flight school.
Piloting: 5/20
Aiming and Weapons: 5/20
Awareness: 5/20
Willpower: 5/20
Ace Rating: Z-

Special Notes: A True and Blue Nugget. There's definitely potential there, but it needs to come out of the woodwork...and sometimes you need to stick out your neck.

Also, what's your name?

[] Write-in Name Here

Hmm. So that's it, eh? Well, off you go then.

(AN: Welcome to Dancing with the Angels, Dealing with the Devil, an Ace Combat quest! This quest will be from 2 perspectives: One being a Base Commander, and another a Pilot at said base. As the Commander, you will build and manage your base, finding resources throughout the area, exploiting them, and eventually send out operations. As the pilot, you will go on said operations, gaining experience and renown, and potentially even Acehood. This quest is heavily inspired by @manofjay's We Stand Against the Stars, a Gundam/Macross crossover. Voting will last for 24 hours, so be sure to debate. Until then, Aces!)
Base Statistics
??? Base



Armory Level 1: Can Support 1 Battalion's worth of Small Arms
Hangar Level 1: Can Support 1 Air Group's worth of Planes
Motor Pool Level 1: Can Support 1 Battalion's worth of Vehicles
Runway Level 1: Launches and Lands 1 Plane at a time


Command Center Level 1: Allows for up to Level 3 Structures to Be Built


Barracks Level 1: Can Support 3 Unit's worth of Military Troops
Mess Hall Level 1: Can Support 3 Unit's worth of Military Troops
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Now I'm not usually an Ace Combat quest guy, but this looks like it could be interesting. So, I'll bite. Let me try throwing together a plan to start us off.

[X] Hall of the Mountain King
-[X]...Osea (+1 Industry Action)
-[X] A Mountain Range. A towering set of walls you didn't even need to build up yourself!
-[X] High Command Staffer (+10 to Politics Rolls, -10 to Operations Rolls)
-[X] Name: Jack Decker
-[X] A Show Pilot, Drafted to fight a war they never thought would happen.

I'm thinking Osea for more industry to take advantage of the Mountains, and the Mountains themselves give much needed defense. I choose High command staffer because I want to see more politically talented boss for once, I don't see them picked very often here. Finally, I picked the Show pilot mostly due to personal preference. I think it could be fun comparing his previous experiences to his current ones.

Does this look good to everybody?
[X] Throw-back
-[X] Emmeria (+1 Pilot Action)
-[X] The Plains. Plenty of open space...with little to no cover.
-[X] Wing Group Commander (+10 to Operations Rolls, -10 to Industry Rolls)
-[X] Name: Elias Ainsworth
-[X] A Soldier of An Alternate military branch, who changed their service to help.

AC6 was my first AC game, so figured I'd throw a vote up for Emmeria.
Not real an ace combat guy, but looked up the wiki to look up other nations.

[X]Hard Ustio
-[X]...Ustio (+1 Pilot Action)
-[X] The Plains. Plenty of open space...with little to no cover.
-[X] Logistics Major (+10 to Industry Rolls, -10 to Politics Rolls)

-[X] A Soldier of An Alternate military branch, who changed their service to help.

I like how there is some tricky history to work with and not a top well established, rich resources, and large nation the big names are. Plains instead of mountains because Ustio while good range of mountains doesn't have the best economy to pay premium. Everyone wants a cool secret mountain fortress but it not all that practical logistics wise. Was also going to make a gag of "Ustio has a port City? no then?", but keepping the vote clean than point out that way. Picked Soldier as pilot just because Ustio's rocky military history could be an interesting view point.

Also considered "-... Turkey" but too much real political stuff for my liking.
Turn 1
You surveyed the sprawl of land around you, looking at the beginnings of the base formed. A Runway, some fixed defenses and Sensors, A Barracks, Mess Hall, and Armory, and a Motor Pool. A Stockpile rounded off the base, presenting a small encampment instead of a professional military installation. Already, your logistically inclined mind could see the better ways to expand the base, preserving the most efficiency and making the most out of what you had in terms of space...

Which was exceptional, to say the least. Some would say that a wide open plain was suboptimal for defenses, but you knew that most great bases needed room to grow, and frankly you were more used to having artificial defense you could decide where it went instead of not.

For now, Ustio High Command wanted this base up in running as soon as possible, so you would need to get on it. You had 3 major groups to aid you: The 43rd Mechanized Infantry Battalion, The 25th Recon Air Squadron, and the 9th Mixed Air Group. For right now, that was all you could support, but with enough time and love this could easily become a main installation.

For now, it was enough. For later, it was unacceptable. So why not change that?

Choose 1 of each:


[] Officer Sound off: Officially get to know the officers under your command. What do they specialize in? What kind of quirks do they have? How can they contribute to the building of this base? DC: 20. Reward: Officer Blurbs, Potential for special Characters. Time: 1 turn.

[] Recruit an advisor: Take on of the Officers under your command for bureaucratic purposes. DC: ???. Reward: +1 Action to Given Category. Time: 1 Turn.
-[] What Category do you choose? (MUST SELECT)

[] Request Reinforcements: Use your line to command to request additional units to come in. Current Capacity 3/3. Too little capacity.


[] Resource Survey: Have some troops survey the surrounding area, trying to find potential resources to exploit. DC: ??? Reward: Further Industry Options. Time: 3 turns.
-[] What Group do you assign? (CHOOSE FROM AVAILABLE TROOPS)

[] Zone the base: You must make sure that you zone the base properly, otherwise all you're going to do is have a jumbled mess of a base. DC: 50. Reward: Official Initial Space for facilities. Time: 2 turns.


[] Base Patrol: Take one of your troops and patrol the area around the base. DC: 30. Reward: +10 to Defense Roll. Time: 1 Turn.
-[] What Group do you assign?

[] Scouting: Take one of your troops and scout out the surrounding area for any threats. DC: ???. Reward: Scouting Roll. Time: 5 turns.
-[] What Group do you assign?


Just out of the plane, the you of now is nothing like the you of yesterday. The you of yesterday got down and dirty, dropping from choppers and Assaulting positions at the risk of your own life. The You of today is a fresh newbie, barely out of flight school as a Regular old Airman, taking to planes and never seeing the whites of your enemy's eyes. It'll be jarring, to say the least.

Still, nothing to it. You look along to see...

[] The F-4... (Eventual End F-22A)
[] The MiG-21 bis...(Eventual End Su-57)

that was assigned to you by the flight school instructors being taxied to the Hangar, who cited that you would do well in the plane. You look at your own flight, the...

[] Write-in Flight Name

Flight, with you being the dead last. Well, not dead. Now, let's see what you can do...

Choose 2 actions

[] Interact with your flight mates: Talk with them, get to know them, such and so forth. DC 40, +1 Relationship Level, introduce OCs.
[] Interact with the Flight Lead: It's best to know the chain of command, and this is the one you'll be interacting with the most. DC 50, +1 Relationship Level.
[] Do some simulations: Take some time on the computers to improve your capabilities. DC *, D100 EXP to Stat. (DC calculations are as follows: Stat x 10 -100=DC. If DC<0, then it becomes DC 0.
-[] What stat do you improve on?
[] Do some Patrolling: Your squad was called up to patrol by the Base commander. Good way to get some experience, even if it'll be boring... DC 30. (CAN ONLY BE TAKEN IF BASE PATROL IS TAKEN BY 9TH AIR GROUP.)

(AN: This will be open for 36 hours.)
[X] Officer Sound off
[X] Zone the base
[X] Scouting
-[X]25th Recon Air Squadron

[X] The F-4
[X] Beryllium
[X] Interact with your flight mates
[X] Interact with the Flight Lead
[X] Officer Sound off
[X] Zone the base
[X] Scouting
-[X]25th Recon Air Squadron

[X] The F-4
[X] Typhon
[X] Interact with your flight mates
[X] Interact with the Flight Lead
So can we make our own OCs for squadmates? you'll have power to Veto them of course.
Sure, but nothing too outrageous.

I'm not going to have a squad full of secret aces that were all supposedly trained by Pixy or Cipher spontaneously.
OC - Eric "Buster" Jensen
In that case I offer my OC ready for the slaughter, written in character because I have nothing better to do. In case he needs an aircraft he would probably normally fly a F-15 or 16, but be comfortable and adept in a variety of other craft. In case he needs something spray-painted on the side of his plane it would be a grumpy looking, simple cartoon bird.

Eric "Buster" Jensen was a man of few words, one that could go the whole day without talking to a single soul.

Currently he was outside, sitting in a folding chair he had conjured, enjoying the last warmth of the sun before it would disappear beyond the horizon. In his right hand he held a smoke, the tip glowing lightly in the wind. He always carried some with him, even though the family and the requirements of the job had long since caused him to abandon smoking. He carried them with himself out of sentimental value, only enjoying one on rare occasions.

Buster had been flying planes for 25 years now, starting with his grandfathers old prop plane before switching to fighter craft and about to enter his 19th year of service. He was old by fighter pilot standards, but he did not care much. Young pilots tended to be too hot headed, fresh from the academy they thought themselves as invincible. He had seen it too many times. Rows of fresh recruits became a few, who became aces more of virtue of being the survivors than actual skill, at least most of the time.

He counted himself to the lucky survivors. Never being the most skilled of pilots he thanked luck for his survival, but what he lacked in skill he made up with experience and patience. He knew what he was capable of and that freaking out never made the situation better. One needed to keep a cool head and steady hands in the cockpit if one was to survive.

Survive, that was the goal after all.

He slowly puffed out smoke, letting his gaze wander around the airfield in the middle of nowhere. Buster was still fit, he could make his 20 years of service and then peacefully retire, maybe find a job in civilian aviation afterwards. He had missed too much of his children's life, being involved in some conflict far away from home and there always was some conflict somewhere.

There was still time to make it right. His daughter was 15, his son close to 13. Time to make some memories with them while they still lived at home, memories of family trips, of zoo visits, of holidays spent together.

His smoke finished he threw the butt on the ground before standing up, stretching until his spine cracked and picked up the chair.

"Just a few more months", he thought. "Keep a cool head, for them."
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Nice. Take a thread mark, and a question.

The Question can be from anything, and I must answer it directly and truthfully, even if it involves spoilers.
Does any hostile faction currently have an oversized air-fortress-plane-thing (think arsenal bird) operational or is planning to get one operational?
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