[x] (Magical Jack Build Group) ...a warrior-arcanist. You heard someone in the neighborhood of Overlook in Sharn use the term "gish" once, whatever that means. (These builds each involve several levels of a spellbook-based or similar class, a dip of a non-casting class, and many levels of a prestige class that brings the two together.)
[X] (Magical Jack Build Group) ...involving "Sarlonan magic". Only kalashtar seem to know much about psionics, and not even all of them know that the Sarlonan tradition is only the most developed... (All the psionic build ideas go here.)
[X] (Magical Jack Build Group) ...a potent magic-user with a mundane skillset to back it up. That's certainly one way to put it... (I fully admit this is the "miscellaneous" option.)