[x] (Previously On) You successfully unmasked nothing less than an attempt by the nightmare fiends of the remote plane of Dal Quor, the Realm of Dreams, to seize control of the dreams of all the civilized peoples of Khorvaire, just as it turned out they already did to the people of the country of Riedra that dominates the distant continent of Sarlona. Thanks to your valiant efforts, the conspiracy is thwarted, Sarlona is free, and the kalashtar can meditate to facilitate the Turning of the Age in peace.
[X] (Previously On) You exposed and thoroughly proved the existence of a pair of warring ancient conspiracies beneath the surface of Khorvarian society, each of which would have been considered absurd before: machinations by rakshasa and other native fiends to release the Overlords that defined Eberron during the ancient Age of Demons, and a counteroffensive by dragons to prevent the same. Each side tries to manipulate an impossibly complex, ever-changing Prophecy inherent in the structure of reality.
[X] (Land of Origin) You all hail from different obscure corners of the continent of Khorvaire, and helped each other navigate the strange human-dominated lands.
[X] (Previously On) You uncovered and thwarted a conspiracy in the heart of the Blood of Vol faith — a millennia-spanning effort by "Lady Illmarrow", aka the "Queen of the Dead" that the Order of the Emerald Claw answered to, aka the long-lost Erandis Vol. She was using the religion as a tool by which to ascend to rulership over the afterlife plane of Dolurrh. Now, only the last remnants of the Blood of Vol's corruption are being rooted out, and the country of Karrnath and the other faiths of Khorvaire are beginning to make peace with them.
[x] (Previously On) You lifted the twin curses that left the mysterious continent of Xen'drik in chaos for millennia. The Traveler's Curse warped space and time in the continent's interior and made mapping impossible, while the "madness of crowds" shattered significant gatherings of civilized minds. Now, sanity has returned to Xen'drik, and thus the continent can be explored as never before. Ancient truths can be properly charted, and colonies established to the extent that the local peoples allow it.