Cyberpunk Corporation Quest

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The world has changed. In the year 2027, rapid technological progress and increasing social...
The world has changed. In the year 2027, rapid technological progress and increasing social stratification have left an ever increasing number with more loyalty to their paycheck than their nation. The megacorporations are more than happy to take advantage of this, and every year, just a little bit more is signed away, whether it's for profit, pleasure, or simple convenience.

However, some bold few fight an impossible fight for freedom from corporate oppression. Canny hackers insist information wants to be free, street samurai keep the triads and the mobs from entering their neighborhoods, and idealists argue for the little man in halls of politics and commerce. No matter what, they are bound by only one thing: they would give up their lives to help fight for freedom, and in many cases, they do.

You aren't one of them. Your name is
[ ]
and you're just getting ready to attend the interview for your new job. You aren't worried, though: if anything, you're overqualified for your job. After all, how many applicants can claim to have
[ ] an MBA and two PHDs at age 27?
[ ] a truly magnetic personality?
[ ] a wealth of experience running the shadows?
[ ] already read everything your interviewer had on her computer?
[ ] extensive cybernetic augmentation, both physical and mental?
[ ] write-in
Well, no matter what advantages you have, it doesn't hurt to be prepared. Your interview isn't for 20 minutes, so you take the time to duck into the
[ ] men's
[ ] women's
room and straighten up. You tidy up in the mirror, and you're soon looking as professional as you're going to get.
[ ] Appearance: Description or picture; both are fine
As you return to the waiting room, you pull up the details of the corporation soon to be providing you with gainful employment. It primarily works in
[ ] Cybernetics
[ ] Weapons Manufacturing
[ ] Consumer Goods
[ ] Industry
[ ] Medicine
[ ] Finance
[ ] Transportation
[ ] Write-in
As you finish your review, you're finally called into the office of
[ ] the manager of the local branch of a truly huge corporation. The AAA corps have a strict hierarchy, but almost unlimited resources.
[ ] the director of human resources in a minor but established corporation. You're still a subordinate, but you have some resources and greater opportunities to climb the corporate ladder.
[ ] the bank's manager, to get a loan and set up your own corp. You'll have complete freedom and be able to run things your way, but few connections and less money, at least until you get set up.
-[ ] Write-in company name​
As you enter, you think about your biggest flaw. While you're almost certain to succeed, you can only hope that
[ ] your fiery temper
[ ] your organization, or lack thereof
[ ] your naïve idealism
[ ] your boundless greed
[ ] your massive ego
[ ] your lack of a formal education
[ ] Write-in
doesn't come up.
You're lucky, and the interview goes over extremely well. A few short minutes later, and you're getting a ticket on the next flight to
[ ] New York City, American hub of finance, technology, and trade.
[ ] Lagos, the largest city in Africa and Nigerian economic center.
[ ] Singapore, corporate-friendly city-state and center of a shadow war between Indian and Chinese corporations.
[ ] Write-In (Must be approved)
As you board your flight, any number of thoughts flit through your head, but one stands out above all the rest: I'm going to be rich!
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[X] Thomas Rhodes
[X] an MBA and two PHDs at age 27?
[X] men's
[X] Finance
[X] the bank's manager, to get a loan and set up your own corp. You'll have complete freedom and be able to run things your way, but few connections and less money, at least until you get set up.
-[X] Rhodes Optimal Investments (ROI)
[X] your fiery temper
[X] New York City, American hub of finance, technology, and trade.

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[x]Samuel Armstrong
[x] a wealth of experience running the shadows?
[x] men's
[x] an almost stereotypical white collar in a business suite. There is nothing that would distinguish you from an average clerk. Well, other than a few pieces of analitical cyberware (which isn't easy to see), and the quality of your suit, which is ... above average, and significantly so, but that's that. Your history taugh you that drawing attention isn't the best thing.

As you return to the waiting room, you pull up the details of the corporation soon to be providing you with gainful employment. It primarily works in
[x] Constuction, most infrastructure and large building construction. This is an area where circles the highest amount of money, and given complicated laws, long concstuction cycle and a lot of interactions with the government, it is a great are for application of your skills to deal in shadows.

As you finish your review, you're finally called into the office of
[x] the manager of the local branch of a truly huge corporation. The AAA corps have a strict hierarchy, but almost unlimited resources.
-[x] Vain Architecture and Construction.
As you enter, you think about your biggest flaw. While you're almost certain to succeed, you can only hope that
[x] your boundless greed
doesn't come up.
You're lucky, and the interview goes over extremely well. A few short minutes later, and you're getting a ticket on the next flight to
[x] Singapore, corporate-friendly city-state and center of a shadow war between Indian and Chinese corporations.

The idea is to be as corrupt as possible in the area which support that. Infrastructure construction is the least transparent area of economy and is heavily defined by governmental decisions. And an AAA corporation may have quite an infulence on such desicions.
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Being the cyberpunk corporation? I'm intrigued, and also want to run our own company.

[X] Plan Eurocorp

[X] Plan Queen of the Castle

[X] Vala Durandal
[X] an MBA and two PHDs at age 27
[X] women's
[X] Finance
[X] the manager of the local branch of a truly huge corporation. The AAA corps have a strict hierarchy, but almost unlimited resources.
-[X] Avalon Financing Enterprise
[X] your boundless greed
[X] Singapore, corporate-friendly city-state and center of a shadow war between Indian and Chinese corporations.

Female version.
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[X]Eve Jensen
[X] extensive cybernetic augmentation, both physical and mental?
[X] women's
[X]Private Military Company
[X] the bank's manager, to get a loan and set up your own corp. You'll have complete freedom and be able to run things your way, but few connections and less money, at least until you get set up.
-[X] Paragon Security Solutions
[X] your naïve idealism
[X] New York City, American hub of finance, technology, and trade.

Because running security sounds interesting, and doing it as a Rule 63 Adam Jensen amuses me.