Curiosity can't kill dragons! (OC / RWBY Crossover)

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OOC: This is a semi-sequal to Putting the Craft in Warcraft, crossed over with RWBY. You don't...
OOC: This is a semi-sequal to Putting the Craft in Warcraft, crossed over with RWBY. You don't need to read the quest, I'm going to try to keep the information contained in this one.

Imagine a ball tumbling through the expanse of space. Bright and shining, it spins through the non-existent air and sparkles with light. As it twists, it leaves out little trails of sparkles and dust.

This is our protagonist. And he's not spinning through space. Instead he's spinning through the barrier between worlds. A dark and formless place where the void literally hungers.

Fortunately for him, he's learned his lessons from his parents, and has managed to survive this trip through a mixture of luck and skill. Unfortunately, it's not been a pleasant trip. He's been battered and damaged on this trip. Is cold and hungry. And weaker than he'd like.

Eventually he manages to find a little hole in reality. Not much more than a spec. Barely there, and nearly invisible. Enough magic manages to push him through though, and he emerges into a world with breathable air, and something less lethal than hungering void.

With that, the little ball that his protection disappears, and the protagonist is revealed.

A little dragon whelp shakes his head cutely as he attempts to reorient himself. His body is smooth and sleek and his scales are still soft with youth. His form is dotted with little frost burns, and as he stretches his wings, he winces from the pain and immediately hugs them close to himself.

His name is Azure. He's a Steel Dragon, born of his mother's second clutch of eggs. His nickname is 'The Curious'. Which is related to why he's here now.

The little whelpling evaluates his position after a few moments of checking. He's alive, which is something that was rather suspect a few minutes ago. He's not in the best shape. Wings seem to have taken the worst of the damage through the void. He could feel frost burns and could see scales nearly gone on several parts. No blood, but that was because it had been frozen completely.

He was also hungry. Which is probably his first priority. Without food and drink, he wouldn't be able to muster up the energy to recover, and would likely just drop into a healing coma. Which was usually meant he would recover over time in the energy high area of his world. In this place, he'd likely go to sleep and not wake up.

So food and water first.

Azure ignored the gibbering in the back of his mind about him being lost and away from home. He was Steel. He would not break from this. Survival first. Then maybe think about getting back.

He was in a small forested area. Worst case, he could gnaw on the trees some. It'd be horribly tasting, but the sap would do something for him.

The whelp waddled around a bit, sniffing and searching. He couldn't fly at the moment. And the wildlife was weird here. Strange black creatures were here and there. Unnatural things to his senses. Like nothing he had ever seen or felt before.

They ignored him mostly. And the one he took the time to ambush didn't even react to the spell targeting it before it died.

Azure sniffed at the body as it hit the ground and started to somehow dissolve. He was tempted to try to eat the thing, but it smelled horrible. He knew from experience he could eat near anything. (Newborn Whelps could and did gnaw on whatever got near enough.) Need for food had him try a brief taste anyway.

"Hurk." The decision made him regret it.

Like rotting food combined with his tongue going numb on him. The whelp gagged again and kicked away the black thing's body. It tumbled a bit over the ground before it dissolved into something unrecognizable and then evaporated into the air.

"Ya know, you'd think ya'd do me the favor o' being edible." Azure muttered as he looked up at the other black things. They were in the shape of crows, and a bit larger than them, but they really didn't behave like them.

A few moments of more wandering had the whelp finally locate a stream. He barely hesitated to splash into it, and let the cool water wash over him. A fish later, and he was almost good. He just needed to find a decent place to hold up, and he could probably sleep to recover.


Vote on one specialty!

[] Arcane - Momma's a harsh taskmistress, but you've managed to thrive after her lessons! Arcane Magic is fun and interesting.
[] Forge - Dad's either sleeping or making things. But he always has time to at least show you something interesting. Blacksmithing! You made your first weapon before you knew how to speak properly!
[] Ah the great outdoors!- The dryads who hang around are kinda funny. They're all flamy and stuff, but they like to run outside too. You picked up a love of nature. Druid magic!
[] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
[] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
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Name: Azure The Curious
Species: Steel Dragon, Drake
Metal Reserves: 70/100 (Increases your breath weapon damage, and allows you to grow up strong!)
MP: 0/100 (Low magic environment makes it harder than you'd like to recover. Furthermore, you need it to grow up right as well. Dust can recover faster!)

Steel Dragons are dragons with a wide variety of abilities and differences compared to the other flights of warcraft. They have a natural desire to learn and interact with others. They lack the arcane might of Blues, or the titanic might of Blacks. Instead they learn how to speak quickly, and enjoy hanging around others. A social dragon rather than a mighty one.

Their breath weapon is a cone of shredded and heated metal. Whelps is mostly metal flakes. The patriach's breath weapon leaves pools of molten metal after he attacks.

Do not think that Steel Dragons are weak. They pick up things frighteningly quickly, and make up for the lack of focus with flexibility. Furthermore, they often have far stronger allies than other dragons would.


Arcane: Experienced, Journeyman
Fireball: Simple spell that all mages know. Toasty! With your power you can do these near instantly now.
Pyroblast: Bigger, nastier fireball. Really just an upscaled fireball. Takes time to cast.
Ice Lance: Quick spell that blasts and frosts someone.
Polymorph: Fun spell that turns someone into a sheepy! Only lasts a few seconds to a minute at most, and breaks on damage. Fun for a prank or when you need to run now.
Evocation: Battlefield technique that requires intense focus and channeling. Draws in ambient magic for a temporary MP boost. Can be interrupted in battle, but is the primary technique mages use in larger battles. Some mages can actually use this in conjunction with massive spells. You cannot.
Blink: Quick emergency spell that teleports you someplace nearby quickly.
Synergy Skill: Teleportation Machine: You may now create teleportation devices! Costs 15 Metal, and 15 magic. Can teleport man sized things to another device, and be made relatively quickly. Possible to upscale. (This is a quick and dirty device. Better made ones can have different function.)​
Druidism: Theory
Shamanism: Legendary Sage
-You know how to use dust in your creations, and how to throw a lightning bolt. Dust may be used as a power source, or simple elemental effects (Hotter, colder, sparky, ect)
-You can hear the voices of the elements, as faint as they are, and even sense dust nearby.
-Lightning Bolt: Simple shaman spell that zaps something. Deadly and dangerous.
-Chain Lightning: Potent AoE lightning magic.
-Hex: Turns someone into a frog! Same as polymorph otherwise.
-Flame Shock: Instant spell that ignites someone's clothing and scatters embers all over.
-Healing Wave: Direct heal that heals quite a bit quickly. Takes time to cast.
-Revive: Revives someone from very near death. Doesn't always work against exotic effects. Cannot be used in combat.
-Lava Blast: Throws a large blast of molten rock at someone. Can incinerate lesser enemies.
-Earthquake: Destroys buildings in a large area.
-Summon Elemental: This is a big spell. Costs 5 MP and summons an elemental that lasts 100 days.
-Song of Elements: Calls forth a small army of elements into the world for an hour. Azure can perform no other actions while casting this. Costs 30 MP.
-Reincarnation: Restores Azure to life should he suffer a mortal wound. Completely remakes the body and sets MP and Metal to 0.
-Total Revive: Pulls an ally back from death itself. Costs an immense amount of stamina, and practically exhausts Azure.​
Fell Magic: Not touching it with a ten foot pole. (You know it exists)
Light: Sorta? You know it exists. Faith isn't possible for dragons mostly. They believe in themselves and their flight. (Elune's cool though)
Shadow: Not known at all.
Enchanting: Experienced Journeyman
-Can do one enchantment on something. Sharper, elemental, or more durable. You may also create 'dust gems' which are expensive but useful gems that superpower an elemental enchantment. Costs 10 MP, and enchantment would be considered Blue.​
Blacksmithing: Elite, Journeyman(Father taught you well for what little time you could get with him.)
-If there's a blueprint on it, or a design you've seen, you can make it. Can make standard armors as well.
-Synergy technique: Remnant Mechashift weapon creation- You can make nearly any mechashift weapon from scratch if you care to. Able to identify them, and any particularly noteworthy parts as well.​
Engineering: Experienced, Master(Ohh, nifty stuff nowadays)
-Can make a variety of clockwork things. Know rifling and how standard RWBY mecha shift weapons are made. May create them with time and effort. They will be of standard make.
-Can make drills and other more exotic components. Nothing especially elaborate, but with time and effort you can make almost any simple creations. Combined with the compression techniques you can literally cart around a miniature mining rig and survey tools as well.
-Know basic rocket science!​
Chi: Elite, Journeyman
-Tiger Strike: Simple technique known by the monks of Azeroth. Basically an enhanced physical strike. With your abilities it's more a 'Dragon Strike.' Far scarier than it sounds.
-Roll: Another technique favored by the monks of Azeroth. Adapted for dragon form, it allows you to dodge by sudden changes in momentum. May be done in flight or out of flight. Not easy to do in rapid succession though.
-Chi Blast: AoE attack of Chi that blasts out at anything nearby. Useful for knocking people back.
-Life Cocoon: Specialty healing spell. Removes an ally from combat and begins to heal them briefly. Works on anything with aura or life.
-Synergy Skill, Serene Evocation: Special skill developed from study into Chi and Arcane skill and might. With this, you regain 15 MP a month naturally, so long as you eat and care for yourself well. Rising up arcane or Chi power will increase this power further.
-Healing Mist: Special Synergy skill with Shamanism. Heals everyone over a wide to massive area moderately quickly.​

Brewing: Master
-Nimble Brew: Low alcohol content drink. Full bodied and tasty beer done for people that like to drink but don't like the alcohol so much. Makes the subject feel relaxed and fluid. Also promotes recovery.
-Firebreath Brew: Moderate alcohol content drink. Has a serious bite and is flammable under the right conditions. Leaves the subject surprisingly energetic, and is a favored drink for combat scenarios despite it's high alcohol content. Something about the creation causes combat to burn off the drunken alcohol faster than normal.
-Thunderbrew: This is a potent and rare beer. Even with Azure's methods it's not a creation that can be rushed, and is expensive. But it can get anyone drunk. LIterally, as the beer has a magical kick that ignores all immunities. It also doubles as one of the more potent restoratives. Equivalent to a healing potion that gets you drunk. It's actually favored by healers due to this effect. Enough of it will knock someone out with surprising reliability. Most adventurers prefer normal healing potions though. (Azure's favorite stuff)
-Stoneskin Brew: Bitter and hard to drink brew. Very high alcohol content as well. Has a strange sort of 'stoneskin' effect that makes the skin equivalent to stone for roughly a minute after drinking. Considered a 'combat brew' mostly, Brewmasters take a quick sip when they're getting into something big. (Azure derives no benefit from this.)
-Brewing Business: It's not technically yours, but you do have the above brews being sold by a trusted businessman. +10 Steel and MP recovery per month.​

Grim Lore: Apprentice

Two tracks here experience wise. First is the experience in the real world. Second is level of knowledge.
Theory > Practical > Experienced > Elite > Legendary
Theory > Apprentice > Journeyman > Master > Sage
Creations are as such:
Green > Blue > Purple > Gold. Do NOT expect to make gold items normally.

Combat Power
Magic - Elder Dragon
Physical -Strong Drake
Breath Weapon - Drake
Skill - Trained (You've gotten a crash course in fighting, and leveraging your skills instead of using overwhelming power.)

Whelps can conceivably take on some civilians if they're lucky, or strong.
Drakes can be a challenge for inexperienced hunters.
Dragons can go versus experienced hunters and possibly etch out a win with luck.

Specialty Skills

Rose's Nightmare - You eat metal. Refined metal is even tastier! Ruby will get nightmares of you eating her scythe. It does look pretty tasty...

Brilliant - Mother and Father are two of the smartest people in the world. You take after them. Grasping new concepts is easy for you.

Schnee's Headache - Dust is tasty and useful for you! It restores MP, and helps you grow up healthy. It's expensive too.

Internal Furnace - You puke metal too! Or in less gross terms, metal you eat is refined. You can breath some of it out as your breath weapon in refined and molten form. All the whelps call them 'Metal Loogies.' Technically it's your full breath weapon, but it's rather hard to do it and get proper range and breadth, so you instead do the metal flakes when you're trying to do offense, and do molten 'balls' when you need the actual metal.

Draconian Constitution - You can eat anything. Trees, stones, grass, meat, and any sort of plants. Most poisons do nothing. Some can make you sick at best. You even get sustenance out of some of it. Meats the best though.

Heat Resistance - Steel Dragon whelps play in forges. Literally. They've been known to dive into molten metal playing hide and seek. Mundane fires are totally ineffective against them, and even magical fires have trouble damaging them.

Shapeshifting - You're passable at it. There are plenty of queues that you aren't human, but nothing that would be considered disturbing.

Dragon Blood - Your 'semblance.' More a specialty technique based off the lessons and information you know. Sort of a buffing spell for other people. Lasts a day, and gives them a fair boost of physical power. Boost is based off Chi knowledge and is spread out by how many people you use it on.

True Steel Creation - A specialty recipe learned at your father's knee. Truesteel is a potent magical metal that has no match in elemental power, and is one of the toughest metals in the world. Will require 10 MP and metal to make anything with it. Metal will vary. MP is flat.

Total income per month: 5 metal, 15 MP
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[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)

Looks interesting. I want to be the drunken dragon master.
[X] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
[X] Forge - Dad's either sleeping or making things. But he always has time to at least show you something interesting. Blacksmithing! You made your first weapon before you knew how to speak properly!

Lemme guess, Azure's the son of that Blacksmith dude in your finished Warcraft AU Quest eh mate?
[X] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
We are the Dragon Warrior!
[X] Arcane - Momma's a harsh taskmistress, but you've managed to thrive after her lessons! Arcane Magic is fun and interesting.
[X] Arcane - Momma's a harsh taskmistress, but you've managed to thrive after her lessons! Arcane Magic is fun and interesting.
[X] Forge - Dad's either sleeping or making things. But he always has time to at least show you something interesting. Blacksmithing! You made your first weapon before you knew how to speak properly!
[X] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
[X] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
[X] Forge - Dad's either sleeping or making things. But he always has time to at least show you something interesting. Blacksmithing! You made your first weapon before you knew how to speak properly!

Because if there is one way to make friends with murder hobos quickly, it'seems beening known as the guy that can upgrade stuff.
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)
[X] Wild Thing - Wandering around is a bit of a passion of yours. Admittedly it gets you into more trouble than even your siblings, but it makes up for it in your ability to talk with elementals. Air and Earth like you. Shamanism!
[X] Panda Pals - Yep, pandaraians are fun! Eat, drink, and be merry! And know how to kick ass. It's funny with four limbs and wings, but you make it work somehow. Monk Dragon. (And you can brew a beer that can knock the scales off a drake.)

the Pandaraia seem pretty similar to remenint. Chi and aura, Shi and Grimm.