[X] Plan: Salt and Minerals
-[X] Death Does Not Want You Today
--[X] +4FF
-[X] School The Diplomat-Corp - (Specialized) - (Herbalists)
-[X] So That None May Suffer - (5 Materials)
-[X] Food, Gotta Have It - (Biology/Agriculture)
-[X] Send Out The Scavengers (SE-01)
-[X] Administration Center - Expanded (Tree of Knowledge)
-[X] Personal Introduction (Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science)
-[X] Personal Introduction (Criminal Organisations)
-[X] (What will you do now that you have this information?)- Tell Lord Malarn
[X] Plan: Thinking Long-Term
-[X] (What will you do now that you have this information?) Inform Lord Malarn about the presence of the Emberguard, and offer provide all the intel we have collected on them. But make it clear that if he attempts to use this as an excuse to purge the Mutated our agreement is over.
-[X] Death Does Not Want You Today
--[X] +4FF
-[X] Infiltrate - (Emberguard)
-[X] So That None May Suffer - (5 Materials)
-[X] Food, Gotta Have It - (Biology/Agriculture)
-[X] Send Out The Scavengers (SE-01)
-[X] Administration Center - Expanded (Learning)
-[X] Too Much To Do - (Learning)
--[X] Translations For Beginners - (Linguistics) - (Untranslated Book On Chemicals)
---[X] Translated Transcripts, Assorted Books In Multiple Languages, Untranslated Book
-[X] Personal Introduction (Stupendously Scholastic Scholars of Science)