Vote tally - Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!

Adhoc vote count started by Naron on Sep 19, 2017 at 12:12 PM, finished with 16261 posts and 7 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Crystalwatcher's Magical Girl Quest!
Post #1
Post #16261


  • [X] [EXP] Plan Emergency
    -[X] Level Starshine to 17 (150+160=310)
    [X] Plan Don't Mess With Divinity
    -[X] Get some distance between yourself and the barrier, then taunt White Soul into using Soul Rend against you
    -[X] The moment she does, charge at her and call out [PEACE] in the Conceptual Language from as close as possible to stop her from reacting, then hit her with the Panzer Blade as often as possible
    -[X] If she is out of your direct range in that moment or gets away from you, cast Celestial Severance or Starshine, whichever is more likely to hit her
    [X] Plan Controlled Panic
    -[X] Attempt to follow Red Rose's advice and Starshine White Soul's bodies, as well as the areas near her bodies.
    -[X] Next, activate Core Purge, aiming at both White Soul and her Seal, wherever it is. Also try to get your Purge to effect the barrier if it can.
    -[X] If Starshine doesn't work, try shooting White Soul. It might help.
    [X] Plan Big Booms
    -[X] Start blasting with Purifier Beam at your own feet and sweeping towards White Soul. Aim for as much AOE as you can as long as you avoid engulfing the barrier.
    -[X] If White Soul backs away and gives a lull try to hit the barrier to weaken it, aim away from where Insight is located.
    -[X] If White Soul moves to the barrier curse and fly far enough away that she can't reach you quickly.
    [X] Plan Someday This Will Work
    -[X] Tell Sega to go through the wall or the ceiling.
    -[X] Fly about halfway down the hall and activate Core Purge along the way. Make sure to watch both bodies.
    -[X] If she avoids it by going through a wall, carve a hole and follow. If she goes into the central structure, follow at max speed. Stay in the middle of passages/rooms in order to prevent her from using corners. Return quickly in case she's circling around to go for the others.