You are a Crystalline, part of a race of very curious, voidborne crystal beings. Most beings in the galaxy would consider you a bad omen if you arrived uninvited, but thats not important yet. What is, is that imminent asteroid impact you can see headed straight for you. Which primary cluster is being struck though?
Prime Crystal - The First, The One, The Solar Imitator, The Ruiner of Grand Captain Abra-Hazabra's Doom Swarm, That Fucking Rock, and many other titles that would take too long to list,
Prime is the largest Crystalline Cluster and is what others think of when asked about your race: As an entire race of Mad Scientist Crystals. This is as good
and as bad as it sounds, and you're all proud of that.
Secundus Crystal - One part armed diplomancy, one part exiles from other clusters, one part Crystalline who were
really into biomedical instead of regular medical knowledge, Secundus Crystal is
a bit weird by Crystalline standards. But they are also the second largest by size (partially due to needing to keep lethally-rival factions of exiles physically partitioned away from each other), so other clusters just have to deal with their oddities in exchange for Secundus Crystal being the cleanup crew for the...
grandiose kind of messes
Prime can on occasion leave in their wake. The kind that would get a cluster
not armed to the slivers with knowledge on how
exactly to draw things out slowly and painfully if you didn't at least try to talk it out first shot out of other races' space without a warning shot. They even had a
flag attached to one pole these days, to make sure others know
they have arrived.
Tertius Crystal - Life was, in a word, explosions. Not the literal kind, of course. Those only happened occasionally, and to others, like space pirates. Or asteroids. The occasional rude guest. What explosions really meant was the metaphorical kind. Of Power, Of Science, Of Learning What Other Clusters Know. Sometimes explosions of Magic! There are many kinds, and it is your job to learn as much as possible about
all of them. Oh, and make it back to report on them too I guess. Its hard to decipher broken fragments after all.
And what is our specialty? (Start with a +1 to that skill)
[][Skill] SCIENCE - Experimental designs, complex machinations, designs that only make sense to you and possibly other crystalline, your skill at commanding minions who aren't Lesser Crystalline. Sometimes, grand results. Other times you blow up half your space allowance and have to pay someone else's minions for repair work and make up an excuse. Always in full caps to distinguish from regular science, you are Part Of The Problem to outsiders, but since when has that stopped anyone before?
[][Skill] Shardcraft - You solve problems. Some are practical, like 'how best to improve this design'. Some are argumentative, like the daft aliens who insist their welded-together pile of scrap metal counts as a voidcraft and not a science project. And sometimes, the problems are magical, and fight you. Others may laugh at getting in a literal fight with a
book, but others have not had to deal with books too old for their own good!
[][Skill] Runic - There is power in lines Drawn. In Shapes Formed. In the sparkle of an overcharged crystal about to explode. In flows aligned along precise designs. You have some of these as engravings, and they show your achievements to others. There are also voices. Some from the deep void. Some from deep within the crystals, their exact layer lost to memory. They speak to you and other runists. Usually they help, though there is often confusion about the why or the when they mean. Occasionally excessively pious aliens try to exorcise Runist Crystalline, to both your and the voices grand confusion when nothing actually happens.
Now, where did we impact?
[][Land] Ruinos - Certain to crash into some ancient ruin. There is a chance it may still be active, and possibly scavengers. Or archaeologists. Or explorers. Or all four.
-Upside, its Ruinos from the
previous quest, with all its assorted nonsense of ancient and less ancient ruins, broken tech, glitched spells, floating islands, and so forth.
Its Ruinos. Re-read the upside.
[][Land] Breadkar - Agriworld, as far as you know. You'll cause some sort of grain-based conflagration on impact, but is that really a bad thing? Not like fire hurts you, and they literally have an entire planet of spare foodstuff to make up for it.
-Upside, peaceful planet full of farming and minimal chance of getting killed by ancient technology or magic. Or, a perfect spot to cause havoc with minimal (immediate) trouble.
-Downside, you'd have to go searching pretty far for adventure if you aren't the cause of it, there is exactly one starport and a scattering of cities to hold the non-farming population. And there
will be authorities coming down to you if you mess up too much of bread planet.
[][Land] Rock - Homeworld to a race that are Newbies to general space civilization, as in, they don't seem to have realized there
is any out here yet. You've been in their system for a few days and their audibly unencrypted communications consider you just an unusual comet; they also are planning on sending a ship to a quarantine system for a local space dragon gone bad (which they do not know of and are expecting no trouble because of that).
-Upside, Crystalline get to be their First Contact, and thus they'll have no idea how others normally react to you.
-Downside, you don't know what the place is like other than being new and at least having spaceworthy craft, because you're
a bit busy spinning and falling to distinguish between all their planetary noise.
[][Land] Telloros - Formerly a planet, the space region now known as Telloros was sundered into portal-linked shards by a mishandled ancient device. It remains inhabited, in a way, by the heavily armored wizard armies and their anxiously supportive clans of survivors of said earth-shattering kaboom.
Upside, the portals sometimes connect to wheres/whens that were not actually part of Telloros or its past, so who knows what you could get out of sporadic time travelling portals.
Downside, outside of the forcibly stabilized open 'border' portals maintained by the clans, there is no guarantee a portal will stay put between two fragments of spacetime for extended periods, and the military wizards who guard the stable ones won't be/are not/have not been fond of outsiders. Or anyone outside the arcane-military complex really, they'd much prefer you weren't never there to spot and might move to make that have already been so if it looks like you'll be too much future trouble for one of the Scryer-In-Chiefs.
Lastly, who even are we?
[][Name] Write-in