Vote tally - Crystalline Quest

Adhoc vote count started by Aklyon on Sep 23, 2017 at 11:55 PM, finished with 333 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Crystalline Quest
Post #1
Post #333


  • [x] The landships. That walk.
    [X] The quantity over quality railgun-spam drones.
    [X] Very Careful - Peek at it via Farseer Crystal, no physical contact with the room yet.
    -[X] Be prepared to break connection with the Farseer crystal the moment something seems to distort it.
    -[X] And set up a quarantine for the information from the Farseer Crystal, with the ability to detect distortions to the physical substrate of the quarantine; only peek at the information once it's obvious the information itself doesn't distort what it has passed through or is stored in.
    --[X] And even then, if you start having uncharacteristic thoughts, such as freeing what's down there or conquering the world, break connection and do as complete a self-checkup as you can manage.
    [X] Extra thought; can the Alterans still drive to us with their vehicle? Or are the edges of the Base Crystals too high? If possibly blocked, insure there is a ramp around the perimeter made of whatever is cheapest and solid enough; fabricated dirt, Crystal, or whatever.
    [x] Direct - Go in and poke the source.
    - [x] From the side with As. matter, so you can break contact at a moments notice, but cannot bring a weapons-grade charge down with you without shredding at least 60 units of As. Matter.
    [x] Direct - Go in and poke the source.
    - [x] From above with crystal, so you can blast it if necessary with spare power, but would have to destroy crystal to break contact.
    [X] Careful - Peek at it via Farseer Crystal, no physical contact with the room yet. I think we should be somewhat cautious with this. At least to start.