Crossing Lines (Now With More Lines!|Open)

United States of America
Hello Strangers: Part 1

Location: Unknown | Time: Unknown​

In the dim-light cab of a grimy, graffitied metro car, the starting motions of consciousness occurs. Bleary eyes open, greeted by the whiteness of the overhead florescent and digital yellow message boards. On the message boards, a curious bulletin marches forth repeatedly, ending in a corrupted sequence of random digits and symbols.
E.996 Successfully Departed... Station All-Aboard Complete... Next Stop Atafk5%4^7&*df*76)g(

Cramped limbs unwind in a state of fitful awakening, bodies twisting and turning about on the small seats. A few among the seven manage to raise themselves into sitting or standing right off, and instantly regret it. Some might feel nausea; others a splitting headache. For all a general fatigue setting in after the worst of it has passed. Through this, a few things are noticeable:

The entrance doors to either side are blocked under a pile of containers -- one of cardboard boxes, the other of suitcase and large luggage bags. If searched, perhaps they'll offer something of use, though there are too many to go through all at once. On the right car wall, a red-neon glow may attract some attention underneath what looks like a working intercom -- a single button is present, allowing push-to-talk, if anyone is hearing on the other side.

Beside the many windows of the car, out of which an inky blackness is all that is seen, two closet-like spaces jut out from the walls. Above one, a labeled sign reading 'Maintenance Personnel Only' hangs down loosely. The other seems to be a one-man bathroom, the door to which stands slightly ajar.

Through all of these sights, a faint banging can be heard by all in the car. The cause is unknown, but the origin is clear -- its towards the only doors leading in and out of the car, and its growing curiously louder...
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Hello Strangers: Part 1

Location: Unknown | Time: Unknown​

In the dim-light cab of a grimy, graffitied metro car, the starting motions of consciousness occurs. Bleary eyes open, greeted by the whiteness of the overhead florescent and digital yellow message boards. On the message boards, a curious bulletin marches forth repeatedly, ending in a corrupted sequence of random digits and symbols.
E.996 Successfully Departed... Station All-Aboard Complete... Next Stop Atafk5%4^7&*df*76)g(

Cramped limbs unwind in a state of fitful awakening, bodies twisting and turning about on the small seats. A few among the seven manage to raise themselves into sitting or standing right off, and instantly regret it. Some might feel nausea; others a splitting headache. For all a general fatigue setting in after the worst of it has passed. Through this, a few things are noticeable:

The entrance doors to either side are blocked under a pile of containers -- one of cardboard boxes, the other of suitcase and large luggage bags. If searched, perhaps they'll offer something of use, though there are too many to go through all at once. On the right car wall, a red-neon glow may attract some attention underneath what looks like a working intercom -- a single button is present, allowing push-to-talk, if anyone is hearing on the other side.

Beside the many windows of the car, out of which an inky blackness is all that is seen, two closet-like spaces jut out from the walls. Above one, a labeled sign reading 'Maintenance Personnel Only' hangs down loosely. The other seems to be a one-man bathroom, the door to which stands slightly ajar.

Through all of these sights, a faint banging can be heard by all in the car. The cause is unknown, but the origin is clear -- its towards the only doors leading in and out of the car, and its growing curiously louder...

Dan found his footing after his... less-than-perfect awakening.
He took in his surroundings, and heard the banging. He identified it and pointed his trusty Desert Eagle in it's general direction.

"I don't know what that is or who you people are, but I suggest you get behind me."

He pauses for a second, and then adds:

"Unless, of course, any of you have guns."
Rory hauls himself up, flinching slightly when Nutmeg caws in his ear. Digging through his pockets he fishes out a pair of brass knuckles, one topped with a blade and the other topped with a gun barrel. He presses himself against the closest solid wall, shooting the black void outside the windows suspicious glances.

"The fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the FUCK!"
Eyes wild and hands shaking Rory spins between the other passengers, twisting abruptly and violently, until Nutmeg caws again. At that he ceases, nudging the crow with his head and settling into a crude boxing stance directed at the door leading to the banging.
Fritz was not a man who handled unpleasant surprises well, and this current predicament was no exception. As he slowly shook himself out of his nausea and sleep, stumbling ungracefully out of his seat onto his hands and knees, the presence of new and uncomfortably unfamiliar surroundings caught more and more of his attention. With this awareness came growing feelings of fear and panic. Fritz did not like being in this cramped (and probably germ-ridden) cabin at all, especially when he was apparently in the presence of people holding guns.

Normally, the presence of others would be a silver lining to this... well, Fritz didn't know what this was exactly. A kidnapping? Before he got here, he was catching a nap in preparation for a camping trip; he figured he would wake up at some point if his rest was disturbed, and this was a strange spot to put victims. And since none of the people around him seemed famous or wealthy, he dismissed the possibility the perpetrator wanted money; who would put all this effort to kidnapping random strangers?

Before Fritz could really think about it any further, any comfort he could have found in the company of others dissipated when the loud banging sound finally caught his attention. Whipping his head between the barred doors and the gunmen, his eyes bulged as realization that the two men weren't just waving their guns around dawned. He didn't know if these (probably) violent guys knew how to use their arms, but he didn't want to wait long enough to possibly get shot just to find out.

Looking around the cabin, desperate for any means of hiding or escape, his eyes caught sight of two doors: one said it was for maintenance personal - likely locked, all things considered - and the other of what appeared to be a bathroom, if he had to guess. Not perfect, but it'll have to do.

"Uh", Fritz said unsteadily, panic evident in his voice, "yeah, still processing. I'll be back, sorry!"

With no other preamble or warning, and hoping that the gunmen were focused more on the banging then on his person, Fritz dashes to the ajar door of the bathroom. If nobody stops him, he will enter and lock the door behind him, then look around to see what's inside.
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The splitting headache made Lisko grab his head with a quiet grunt. He was about to ask for some painkillers, when he realised that he wasn't napping on a research trip to one of the nature preserves, anymore. Instead, he, somehow, found himself inside a... Metro car? Which was in a dreadful condition, and that is before the piles of abandoned luggage blocking the side doors were taken into account. His heart started beating faster. What the hell happened here? There were six other people around him, in similar condition as he was. Were they taken here as well?

As if to answer Lisko's question, one of the men, a blonde with a gun, started pointing it at the only unbarred exit and told us to get behind him in english. Soon after another guy, with a crow of all things, also moved in the same direction, with some homemade gun and a blade on brass knuckles in hands. As if the situation wasn't stressful and confusing enough, now the slav realised that the noise he kept hearing didn't come from his brain banging on the inside his skull, but from these doors...

A very smartly dressed black man seemed to share Lisko's opinion on the matter, for he started running into a bathroom on the other side of the car, which the slav only now noticed. He wouldn't outrun the guy in a tie now, so there was no reason to try.

Lisko took a deep breath, in an attempt to calm himself. He'll try to find how the hell did he find himself in this place after the ominous banging on the doors is resolved... Hopefully. His eyes stopped on a neon sign, or rather, the intercom button above it. With another calming breath, the Eastern European rose from his seat. While doing so, he communicated to the 'gunmen', making sure to look as harmless as possible, with hands clearly visible. He didn't trust them not fire on him in stress.

"Uh, I will go to the intercom to talk with whoever is banging on the doors. They might be just like us, after all, whoever took us here wouldn't need to bang on the doors." While taking a few slow steps towards the neon, he added cautiously. "If they are hostile, well, I would rather take cover behind these seats. If they shoot, they are less likely to hit you there. The same goes for the rest of you." He said as he referred the remaining trio that still was seated.
Aviva takes deep breaths to calm the nausea, if she can go to class with a hangover she can push through this. After a quick inventory of her bag, she looks around hoping to see Claire's familiar face but no luck. Aviva then notices one man run to the bathroom while three others (two armed) heading to a knocking door.

"Wait.." she calls to the man taking steps towards the door. Listening to him telling people to take cover. "If someone is coming in guns blazing maybe be a bit more prepared then opening a door to a room full of sick people. We should have those who can't move fully behind cover first."

She then gets up and moves towards the group of men, ready to move quickly if these men are too trigger happy.
Sam lowered herself into a crouch with a soft grunt. Bad enough that she felt like somebody'd been playing pinball with her brain, now there was some weird banging noise and - hell, were these people insane? A little noise and they were pulling guns out and acting like they were in some kind of zombie movie or something. Then again, one or two of them looked like central casting would've rejected them for a zombie movie for being too over the top....

"Uh, I will go to the intercom to talk with whoever is banging on the doors. They might be just like us, after all, whoever took us here wouldn't need to bang on the doors." While taking a few slow steps towards the neon, he added cautiously. "If they are hostile, well, I would rather take cover behind these seats. If they shoot, they are less likely to hit you there. The same goes for the rest of you." He said as he referred the remaining trio that still was seated.

She nodded and called out, "Hey, woah! Listen to this man. Let's figure out what the hell is going on first before somebody gets hurt. You guys, put those damn penis replacements away and we'll go find out who it is making that noise."

She rose a little unsteadily to her feet and walked gingerly towards the door, moving slowly and smoothly with her hands held up.
She nodded and called out, "Hey, woah! Listen to this man. Let's figure out what the hell is going on first before somebody gets hurt. You guys, put those damn penis replacements away and we'll go find out who it is making that noise."

Dan holsters his gun and looks at Sam.
"Tone it down just a bit! Jeez."
He joins her stride, albeit a few steps back.

"Uh, I will go to the intercom to talk with whoever is banging on the doors. They might be just like us, after all, whoever took us here wouldn't need to bang on the doors." While taking a few slow steps towards the neon, he added cautiously. "If they are hostile, well, I would rather take cover behind these seats. If they shoot, they are less likely to hit you there. The same goes for the rest of you."

"Good plan."
Dan gets ever closer to the door...
"Wait.." she calls to the man taking steps towards the door. Listening to him telling people to take cover. "If someone is coming in guns blazing maybe be a bit more prepared then opening a door to a room full of sick people. We should have those who can't move fully behind cover first."
Lisko blinked in confusion. He wasn't going to open the door, just to talk on the intercom. That would be not the wisest course of action, even someone on the other side was perfectly friendly, guns pointing in their way could change that very quickly.

She was probably still feeling off from waking up here. Like all of us, really.

"Don't worry, I am just going to talk through an intercom the one right above this shiny neon. If it opened the door, well, that would defeat the point of it being an intercom." He said while pointing at the right car wall where the intercom button was.
She nodded and called out, "Hey, woah! Listen to this man.
"Good plan."
Dan gets ever closer to the door...
Lisko smiled back in thanks at them. As he resumed his journey, at a faster pace now that he wasn't likely to accidentally turn into swiss cheese, he remembered that he didn't know their names. Well, introductions would have to wait until after the misterious banging on the doors is resolved. Especially that one girl, a very pale blonde with blue eyes, still seemed unfit of any conversation...

The question remained, what should he say? As he established earlier, it couldn't be the person who kidnapped all seven of them. It was quite likely that the person behind the doors was in similar situation they were... But he couldn't be sure. There really was no scenario Lisko could conceive of right now that would explain being kidnapped with people from another continent, much less that the kidnapper would leave them with guns. As far as he knew, whoever was on the other side was a gangster or a mugger from India or wherever, who killed the kidnapper and now wanted to steal the 'cargo' or something. With a deep breath, the Eastern European pushed the intercom button.

"Hello there. Yes, you, the person who was banging on the doors. Would you kindly go to the intercom that should be on your side? We mean you no harm, though we are armed if there was any need. Just saying. We only want to talk. My name's Lisko, what's yours?" Hopefully, this air of nonchalance will be enough to prevent any would-be mobster from considering them an easy prey, while remaining non-threathening enough, not to make any potential abductees run away. Or it could completely backfire. Social skills were never Lisko's strong side, now that he thought about it. He felt as if his heart was going to stop in any moment, as he waited for an answer.
"Uh", Fritz said unsteadily, panic evident in his voice, "yeah, still processing. I'll be back, sorry!"

...Fritz dashes to the ajar door of the bathroom. If nobody stops him, he will enter and lock the door behind him, then look around to see what's inside.
The public restroom door shutters with a dull bang; the rolling-lock clicking as a red 'OCCUPIED' sign flips up. The room places a thin steel shield between the man, his counter-parts in the cart, and whatever else might come. At a glance there is not much to be found: thin rolls of toliet paper sit next to the grimy, porcelain throne. An old spray can, its label yellowed with age but still heavy with unused disinfectant, sits opposite of the toilet paper. A full trash can occupies the right corner of the room. The only other thing of interest, is a water stained mirror cabinet, above the rusted sink. While a shot in the dark, further investigation of the room may yield more items.

@Gamerlord @Dawiusz @Goldiefish @Kensai @Dex
"The fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the fuck the FUCK!"

At that he ceases, nudging the crow with his head and settling into a crude boxing stance directed at the door leading to the banging.
"Wait.." she calls to the man taking steps towards the door. Listening to him telling people to take cover. "If someone is coming in guns blazing maybe be a bit more prepared then opening a door to a room full of sick people. We should have those who can't move fully behind cover first."

She nodded and called out, "He, woah! Listen to this man. Let's figure out what the hell is going on first before somebody gets hurt. You guys, put those damn penis replacements away and we'll go find out who it is making that noise."

She rose a little unsteadily to her feet and walked gingerly towards the door, moving slowly and smoothly with her hands held up.
Dan holsters his gun and looks at Sam.
"Tone it down just a bit! Jeez."
He joins her stride, albeit a few steps back.
"Good plan."
Dan gets ever closer to the door...

A loud burst of static feedback flows from the intercom. The red light has ceased blinking, burning bright a steady crimson, as a voice exclaims

"So, 'ey 'alk in 'is one! Hm... afraid you've 'he wrong man, my mortal son. I'm now'ere near ya. I'm but a 'umble observer to your plight -- not a par'y 'oo it."

The cockney accent was deep, and for those unaccustomed, sounded almost theatrical. Like a old movie. The banging, which had kept at a steady beat, seemed to pick up in tempo. The metallic grind, as if two things kept colliding into each other, sound impossibly close now. Just as it reached its pitch though, it would cease. For a time. Then it started again, always closer than the last. The being on the other end continued speaking, as if it made no difference.

"The mere fact 'at you've havn' killed each other yet, exceeds me expec'a'ions. Most of 'he new additions aren't nearly as civilized. Cheers mate." At that, a jarring BOOM rang out. The door the group had gathered around seemed to bulged outward toward them, under some incredible force beating down it from the other side. A few more of those, and the door would crumple! The voice continued unperturbed.

"Still got some time d'ough... got any jokes -- what're name -- Mister Lisko?"
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Annikki watched the pandemonium around her with unmoving stoicism. Panic would do nothing but add to this mess of confusion, and she was confused enough as is.

As the noise got louder and the intercom promised death, she immediate brought her rifles to bear. The thirty rounds in her bag went into the coat pocket for easy access.

Taking one glance at the metal door bulging under the power of the thing behind it and the cramped quarter they were in, she grimaced.

"Unfavorable location. Retreat." She concluded, quickly making her way to the opposite end of the cart, seeking an escape.

Except, if they were on a train, there would be no such thing as favorable ground against what lies beyond. "Correction: withdraw. "
Rory gently picked up Nutmeg, setting him on one of the seats behind a panel of metal. Now unburdened he moved up to the door, setting himself on the opposite side of the door from the hinges, fists up. He ignores the words of the Asian girl and shoots a disgusted glare at the fuckwit who put away his gun. Rory holds himself ready to strike, strings tenser than a disturbed snake.
The public restroom door shutters with a dull bang; the rolling-lock clicking as a red 'OCCUPIED' sign flips up. The room places a thin steel shield between the man, his counter-parts in the cart, and whatever else might come. At a glance there is not much to be found: thin rolls of toliet paper sit next to the grimy, porcelain throne. An old spray can, its label yellowed with age but still heavy with unused disinfectant, sits opposite of the toilet paper. A full trash can occupies the right corner of the room. The only other thing of interest, is a water stained mirror cabinet, above the rusted sink. While a shot in the dark, further investigation of the room may yield more items.

As his eyes hit the toilet and trash can, Fritz couldn't help but rear back a bit in disgust, cupping his mouth and nose while quietly swearing under his breath. It wasn't the worst kept public restroom he'd ever seen in his life, but this was still hygienically unacceptable, at least to his standards. Really, what is it about public restrooms that makes people lose any sense of courtesy and decency? Just because you're in a hurry doesn't mean-

Shaking his head, the young man realized this wasn't exactly the best time to worry about hygiene and walked up to the sink, turning the handle. Fritz took what water he could get into a single palm, splashing it into his face shortly afterward and rubbing his forehead. Outside, he could hear the other people talking - probably about what to do in regards to their collective predicament - and if he had to guess from the static feedback that sounded shortly after Fritz finished rubbing, someone activated an intercom of some sort. Still caught up in processing his current circumstances as he was, he wasn't entirely paying attention to what was said, but he did notice someone speaking in what seemed to be a cockney accent. Did that mean they were in England? God, so many questions...

Taking a breath, Fritz settled for outlining facts: he was currently on what appeared to be a metro, possibly in England, along with several others and no idea why or how he was brought here. He still had his messenger bag and backpack from the planned camping trip, but that was about where the good news ended. At least half of the other inhabitants were armed, an unnerving banging on one of the entry doors implied someone or something unfriendly was out to get them, and he didn't any idea how to escape. Wonderful.

Still, Fritz was glad he took a moment alone to himself to gather his thoughts. Though he was still scared and uncertain, the young man was now collected enough to start thinking of solutions rather than dwelling on the issue, though a full minute or two passed at the cost of his panic. Fritz didn't know what was going on and who he could trust, but right now he had to find some means of defending himself; that much was clear one way or another from the circumstances outside. Unfortunately, he didn't have any weapons and didn't make any explosives beforehand, so he would have to scrounge something up.

Fritz proceeded to rifle through everything within reach - the mirror cabinet, the trash can, and even the toilet - grabbing everything that wasn't nailed down and collecting it together in an unoccupied corner of the room. He also picked up the the spray can and the rolls of toilet paper; if all else failed, he could use his lighter with the spray can to make a makeshift flamethrower (hopefully), and the toilet rolls might be more useful to him than he first figured.

Once every item in the bathroom was laid out and organized, Fritz - as slowly and quietly as he could manage - unlocked the door and peeked outside to survey the current situation. He didn't know if he could trust anyone here, and until he did, he would avoid attracting their attention if he could help it.

"The mere fact 'at you've havn' killed each other yet, exceeds me expec'a'ions. Most of 'he new additions aren't nearly as civilized. Cheers mate." At that, a jarring BOOM rang out. The door the group had gathered around seemed to bulged outward toward them, under some incredible force beating down it from the other side. A few more of those, and the door would crumple! The voice continued unperturbed.

"Still got some time d'ough... got any jokes -- what're name -- Mister Lisko?"

Fritz flinched at the sound of the boom that rang out through the cart. As much as the man on the intercom had peaked his interest, he had a feeling they didn't exactly have a lot of time before whatever was out there broke through. Just by looking, Fritz doubted an ordinary man could make that big a dent in the steel, even if he figured something that's strong enough to do so should only exist in movies. Without waiting to hear the man's response to the question - apparently named "Lisko", so he at least had someone's name after all this - Fritz quickly ducked back into the bathroom and locked the door again.

Reviewing all the items he had gathered, his mind raced trying to figure out what to use them for. Hopefully, there'd be something he could put together fast enough to be useful to him while the man was still alive.
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"The mere fact 'at you've havn' killed each other yet, exceeds me expec'a'ions. Most of 'he new additions aren't nearly as civilized. Cheers mate." At that, a jarring BOOM rang out. The door the group had gathered around seemed to bulged outward toward them, under some incredible force beating down it from the other side. A few more of those, and the door would crumple! The voice continued unperturbed.
"Okay, gun's coming back out."
Dan pointed his gun at the source of the loud boom, and then thought of a joke...

And then it came to him.
"Hey, turn the intercom on. I have a joke for him."

"So, 'ey 'alk in 'is one! Hm... afraid you've 'he wrong man, my mortal son. I'm now'ere near ya. I'm but a 'umble observer to your plight -- not a par'y 'oo it."
Lisko's eyes widened. What kind of a lunatic calls people 'mortals'? Were they abducted by some madman that wanted to play Jigsaw on them?! Also, 'this one'? How many groups like them were in this Metro? This is not good... Wait. If it wasn't him there, then who kept banging on the doors?
"The mere fact 'at you've havn' killed each other yet, exceeds me expec'a'ions. Most of 'he new additions aren't nearly as civilized. Cheers mate."
Killl each other!? What th-
At that, a jarring BOOM rang out. The door the group had gathered around seemed to bulged outward toward them, under some incredible force beating down it from the other side. A few more of those, and the door would crumple!
"Kurwa!" The slav cried in shock. Did someone hit it with a sledgehammer?!
The voice continued unperturbed.

"Still got some time d'ough... got any jokes -- what're name -- Mister Lisko?"
Said man didn't respond immediately. He was overwhelmed with this whole situation. Far too many questions... What they were doing here, why, who is the person on the intercom, who tries to break the doors, how many people are in a similar position, why on a metro car, what was wrong with this guy... Too many questions, too much stress, he was in a danger, he shouldn't be here, why didthishappento-

A new voice, commanding in a, frankly, robotic manner to 'withdraw' distracted lisko from this train of thought. As he turned, he saw that blonde woman that sat there not so long ago, this time, however, she held a rifle which she was pointing at the doors. This, paradoxically, brought him fully back to reality. It was a proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, making, for a moment at least, the insanity of this situation feel almost mundane. Unimportant. This, oddly comforting, apathetic, perspective allowed him to focus on the, surprisingly few, issues that truly mattered. Like what to do with these doors... An idea sparked in his head, and he glanced back at the intercom.

The intercom-guy is a lunatic, who doesn't seem to care about lives. This must have been some game for him, seeing how he watches people kill each other here... This might be an advantage. He has already seen people die, so he might be willing to diversify his source of entertainment... God, why... So maybe another proposition will amuse him enough, for a time, at least? After all, we need just to stall for time, there is no way he can hide this sick place from the authorities for long...
"Hey, turn the intercom on. I have a joke for him."
Seeing how the guy with a pistol seemed to have come to a similar conclusion, Lisko pushed the button.
The Eastern European burrowed his eyebrows. What does tailoring has to do with watches?

Doesn't matter, there is not much time.

"Sorry if it wasn't to your liking, we are on a time limit here. I am certain that if we just had some time, the seven of us could remember some really good ones." Okay, a rough bait set. Time for some catch. "Actually, why won't you help us solve this little issue we have here, and then we can tell you some good jokes, so all of us will be happy?" As he said that, he glanced at the doors that were dangerously close to opening and felt his apathy giving way to fear again. "By the way, I am not going to wait here and tempt fate, so don't wait for an answer." With that, Lisko started running towards the opposite end of the car, noticing a crow-guy, now without his crow, to face doors in a boxing stance. Was he suicidal, or something?

"I wouldn't want to face whoever is bringing these doors down in close quarters, so how about all of us run as far away from them as possible, so the rifle-lady has a clear shot?" He remembered to add 'all of us' so the unshaven guy with a trenchcoat and two homemade 'weapons' didn't look like a type of person one would want to anger, if one could help it.
"I wouldn't want to face whoever is bringing these doors down in close quarters, so how about all of us run as far away from them as possible, so the rifle-lady has a clear shot?" He remembered to add 'all of us' so the unshaven guy with a trenchcoat and two homemade 'weapons' didn't look like a type of person one would want to anger, if one could help it.

Aviva looked at the trenchcoat man and quickly recognized his stance was proper, so maybe he could fight.

"Lisko, is right. Both of you with the guns, stand near each other and be ready for what is coming through the door. I am trusting that you can actually aim those things. You," She points at the trenchcoat man "and I should stand on opposite sides of the door. If the guns do not bring whatever or whoever is on the other side down, we can surprise them and attack from two sides. Anyone who doesn't want to or cannot help, find cover. Maybe join the guy in the bathroom."

Aviva moved herself to the side of the door, with a little extra room in case the gun people were unskilled, and then brought up her fists for fight position.

"Your joke is wrong and objectively horrible. "

Aviva looked at the trenchcoat man and quickly recognized his stance was proper, so maybe he could fight.

"Lisko, is right. Both of you with the guns, stand near each other and be ready for what is coming through the door. I am trusting that you can actually aim those things. You," She points at the trenchcoat man "and I should stand on opposite sides of the door. If the guns do not bring whatever or whoever is on the other side down, we can surprise them and attack from two sides. Anyone who doesn't want to or cannot help, find cover. Maybe join the guy in the bathroom."

Aviva moved herself to the side of the door, with a little extra room in case the gun people were unskilled, and then brought up her fists for fight position.
"Close quarter combat is ill-advised given their demonstrated capability. Moreso if they are bullet resistant." Annikki observed off-handedly while her mind raced to plot out the optimal firing plan. The recoil of her rifle and bullet drop were the first to be taken into account, quickly followed by the less familiar factor like the movement of the train itself.

"You in the toilets. Doors and locks are ineffective. You're currently canned meat."
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Annikki watched the pandemonium around her with unmoving stoicism. Panic would do nothing but add to this mess of confusion, and she was confused enough as is.

As the noise got louder and the intercom promised death, she immediate brought her rifles to bear. The thirty rounds in her bag went into the coat pocket for easy access.

Taking one glance at the metal door bulging under the power of the thing behind it and the cramped quarter they were in, she grimaced.

"Unfavorable location. Retreat." She concluded, quickly making her way to the opposite end of the cart, seeking an escape.

Except, if they were on a train, there would be no such thing as favorable ground against what lies beyond. "Correction: withdraw. "

Rory gently picked up Nutmeg, setting him on one of the seats behind a panel of metal. Now unburdened he moved up to the door, setting himself on the opposite side of the door from the hinges, fists up. He ignores the words of the Asian girl and shoots a disgusted glare at the fuckwit who put away his gun. Rory holds himself ready to strike, strings tenser than a disturbed snake.

As his eyes hit the toilet and trash can, Fritz couldn't help but rear back a bit in disgust, cupping his mouth and nose while quietly swearing under his breath. It wasn't the worst kept public restroom he'd ever seen in his life, but this was still hygienically unacceptable, at least to his standards. Really, what is it about public restrooms that makes people lose any sense of courtesy and decency? Just because you're in a hurry doesn't mean-

Shaking his head, the young man realized this wasn't exactly the best time to worry about hygiene and walked up to the sink, turning the handle. Fritz took what water he could get into a single palm, splashing it into his face shortly afterward and rubbing his forehead. Outside, he could hear the other people talking - probably about what to do in regards to their collective predicament - and if he had to guess from the static feedback that sounded shortly after Fritz finished rubbing, someone activated an intercom of some sort. Still caught up in processing his current circumstances as he was, he wasn't entirely paying attention to what was said, but he did notice someone speaking in what seemed to be a cockney accent. Did that mean they were in England? God, so many questions...

Taking a breath, Fritz settled for outlining facts: he was currently on what appeared to be a metro, possibly in England, along with several others and no idea why or how he was brought here. He still had his messenger bag and backpack from the planned camping trip, but that was about where the good news ended. At least half of the other inhabitants were armed, an unnerving banging on one of the entry doors implied someone or something unfriendly was out to get them, and he didn't any idea how to escape. Wonderful.

Still, Fritz was glad he took a moment alone to himself to gather his thoughts. Though he was still scared and uncertain, the young man was now collected enough to start thinking of solutions rather than dwelling on the issue, though a full minute or two passed at the cost of his panic. Fritz didn't know what was going on and who he could trust, but right now he had to find some means of defending himself; that much was clear one way or another from the circumstances outside. Unfortunately, he didn't have any weapons and didn't make any explosives beforehand, so he would have to scrounge something up.

Fritz proceeded to rifle through everything within reach - the mirror cabinet, the trash can, and even the toilet - grabbing everything that wasn't nailed down and collecting it together in an unoccupied corner of the room. He also picked up the the spray can and the rolls of toilet paper; if all else failed, he could use his lighter with the spray can to make a makeshift flamethrower (hopefully), and the toilet rolls might be more useful to him than he first figured.

Once every item in the bathroom was laid out and organized, Fritz - as slowly and quietly as he could manage - unlocked the door and peeked outside to survey the current situation. He didn't know if he could trust anyone here, and until he did, he would avoid attracting their attention if he could help it.

Fritz flinched at the sound of the boom that rang out through the cart. As much as the man on the intercom had peaked his interest, he had a feeling they didn't exactly have a lot of time before whatever was out there broke through. Just by looking, Fritz doubted an ordinary man could make that big a dent in the steel, even if he figured something that's strong enough to do so should only exist in movies. Without waiting to hear the man's response to the question - apparently named "Lisko", so he at least had someone's name after all this - Fritz quickly ducked back into the bathroom and locked the door again.

Reviewing all the items he had gathered, his mind raced trying to figure out what to use them for. Hopefully, there'd be something he could put together fast enough to be useful to him while the man was still alive.

"Okay, gun's coming back out."
Dan pointed his gun at the source of the loud boom, and then thought of a joke...

And then it came to him.
"Hey, turn the intercom on. I have a joke for him."


Lisko's eyes widened. What kind of a lunatic calls people 'mortals'? Were they abducted by some madman that wanted to play Jigsaw on them?! Also, 'this one'? How many groups like them were in this Metro? This is not good... Wait. If it wasn't him there, then who kept banging on the doors?

Killl each other!? What th-

"Kurwa!" The slav cried in shock. Did someone hit it with a sledgehammer?!

Said man didn't respond immediately. He was overwhelmed with this whole situation. Far too many questions... What they were doing here, why, who is the person on the intercom, who tries to break the doors, how many people are in a similar position, why on a metro car, what was wrong with this guy... Too many questions, too much stress, he was in a danger, he shouldn't be here, why didthishappento-

A new voice, commanding in a, frankly, robotic manner to 'withdraw' distracted lisko from this train of thought. As he turned, he saw that blonde woman that sat there not so long ago, this time, however, she held a rifle which she was pointing at the doors. This, paradoxically, brought him fully back to reality. It was a proverbial straw that broke the camel's back, making, for a moment at least, the insanity of this situation feel almost mundane. Unimportant. This, oddly comforting, apathetic, perspective allowed him to focus on the, surprisingly few, issues that truly mattered. Like what to do with these doors... An idea sparked in his head, and he glanced back at the intercom.

The intercom-guy is a lunatic, who doesn't seem to care about lives. This must have been some game for him, seeing how he watches people kill each other here... This might be an advantage. He has already seen people die, so he might be willing to diversify his source of entertainment... God, why... So maybe another proposition will amuse him enough, for a time, at least? After all, we need just to stall for time, there is no way he can hide this sick place from the authorities for long...

Seeing how the guy with a pistol seemed to have come to a similar conclusion, Lisko pushed the button.

The Eastern European burrowed his eyebrows. What does tailoring has to do with watches?

Doesn't matter, there is not much time.

"Sorry if it wasn't to your liking, we are on a time limit here. I am certain that if we just had some time, the seven of us could remember some really good ones." Okay, a rough bait set. Time for some catch. "Actually, why won't you help us solve this little issue we have here, and then we can tell you some good jokes, so all of us will be happy?" As he said that, he glanced at the doors that were dangerously close to opening and felt his apathy giving way to fear again. "By the way, I am not going to wait here and tempt fate, so don't wait for an answer." With that, Lisko started running towards the opposite end of the car, noticing a crow-guy, now without his crow, to face doors in a boxing stance. Was he suicidal, or something?

"I wouldn't want to face whoever is bringing these doors down in close quarters, so how about all of us run as far away from them as possible, so the rifle-lady has a clear shot?" He remembered to add 'all of us' so the unshaven guy with a trenchcoat and two homemade 'weapons' didn't look like a type of person one would want to anger, if one could help it.

Aviva looked at the trenchcoat man and quickly recognized his stance was proper, so maybe he could fight.

"Lisko, is right. Both of you with the guns, stand near each other and be ready for what is coming through the door. I am trusting that you can actually aim those things. You," She points at the trenchcoat man "and I should stand on opposite sides of the door. If the guns do not bring whatever or whoever is on the other side down, we can surprise them and attack from two sides. Anyone who doesn't want to or cannot help, find cover. Maybe join the guy in the bathroom."

Aviva moved herself to the side of the door, with a little extra room in case the gun people were unskilled, and then brought up her fists for fight position.

"Your joke is wrong and objectively horrible. "

"Close quarter combat is ill-advised given their demonstrated capability. Moreso if they are bullet resistant." Annikki observed off-handedly while her mind raced to plot out the optimal firing plan. The recoil of her rifle and bullet drop were the first to be taken into account, quickly followed by the less familiar factor like the movement of the train itself.

"You in the toilets. Doors and locks are ineffective. You're currently canned meat."

The search was mostly bust, the mirror cabinet barren as a desert, but not for nothing. In the trash: he found a half-opened packet of Bazooka Bubble Gum. And inside the rusted toilet, a key ring. On which, was a collection of small door openers.

Some seem newer, some seem older; all are pitted and scratched, likely from constant use. A piece of string was attached as well. Looped through the key ring, it ended with a luggage tag. A glance would show some faded words on it. Hand written in a shaky gold scrawl, the font exaggerated as if for emphasis, it read:

"Prop. of the Line Infinity Express
Don't Take (Damn kids), Don't Steal (Screw You Pal), Don't Loose (Damn old fool).
If Found, Please Return to Coach."

Making the best of the find, there was clearly nothing else of value to be found in the public restroom.


The single syllable sound of judgement toward the joke was stretched out in an English-accented yawn. Which was cut off mid-way, as another BOOM thundered through the car. A new dent adorned the now malformed door. The sound and sight a reminder of the gravity of their situation. The near knowing of what impending torment might lay beyond, was almost as tortuous as the not knowing for certain.

"I mean.. it was a try," acquiesced the voice from the intercom in false gratitude. "And a try was closer than anything else I've gotten today -- usually end up with teary eye'd sobs and four-letter prose from folk -- but close only counts in hand-grenades... Heh. Might actually be a good thing to pray for... that, and time--"

The world exploded mid-sentence. Or at least, in did for whatever poor saps had been standing in front and around the door. With an ear-wrenching squeal, the object was knocked off its twisted hinges and became a DIY missile. The former entrance sailed across the length of the aisle, whatever stood before it was unceremoniously tossed to either side, leaving things broken and battered in a heap in the piles of luggage or cardboard boxes. Ending its abrupt life as a projectile in the Maintenance alcove, the former door burrowed itself deep into the closet door.

What followed was a brief, wary silence: whether from the shock of the door, or from what stepped through it, it could not be said. Of towering height -- the beings bald green head scrapping the car ceiling -- it would have seemed almost clownish in its random grab-bag items-for-attire. Funny, almost. Until it roared.


And it wasn't the only one.

A deep-voiced chorus of 'Door go boom!' and 'Super mutants strong!' came from the now gaping door-hole, which clearly showed the next car. And its half-dozen equally monstrous passengers. All were equally armed and armored -- their mainstay some former of large makeshift melee weapon and heavy metal armor. Unleashing another loud roar, the lead monster took wide-swinging swipe at the nearest New Arrival with its Stop sign halberd, its only preamble to combat being its battle cry:


@munchkinomatic @Goldiefish @Dawiusz @Dex @Gamerlord @Kensai
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((Rory is the closest to the Super Mutant so I'm assuming it's swinging it's sign from right to left, the terminating point being the wall and the intended result being Rory's skull being crushed between sign and wall.))

Rory throws himself into a roll across the aisle, beneath the line of fire and the swung sign. From there he rushes across the seats, hopping and jumping to get back to the others. Once there he raises his fists again, zipgun ready to fire the moment the beast gets any closer.
The search was mostly bust, the mirror cabinet barren as a desert, but not for nothing. In the trash: he found a half-opened packet of Bazooka Bubble Gum. And inside the rusted toilet, a key ring. On which, was a collection of small door openers.

Some seem newer, some seem older; all are pitted and scratched, likely from constant use. A piece of string was attached as well. Looped through the key ring, it ended with a luggage tag. A glance would show some faded words on it. Hand written in a shaky gold scrawl, the font exaggerated as if for emphasis, it read:

"Prop. of the Line Infinity Express
Don't Take (Damn kids), Don't Steal (Screw You Pal), Don't Loose (Damn old fool).
If Found, Please Return to Coach."

Making the best of the find, there was clearly nothing else of value to be found in the public restroom.

Oh, that's just wonderful; Fritz wanted to scream in frustration at his poor luck, and only refrained from doing so because he still didn't want to draw attention to himself. At least the key ring seemed promising, if he could find the time to discover what the door openers unlocked.

Ultimately, it seemed that he'd have to live with what was given to him and finally make his exit from the bathroom, loathe as he was to make it. Grabbing everything he found - gum, key ring, and spray can - he opened the bathroom door at the almost comically worst possible time:


The single syllable sound of judgement toward the joke was stretched out in an English-accented yawn. Which was cut off mid-way, as another BOOM thundered through the car. A new dent adorned the now malformed door. The sound and sight a reminder of the gravity of their situation. The near knowing of what impending torment might lay beyond, was almost as tortuous as the not knowing for certain.

"I mean.. it was a try," acquiesced the voice from the intercom in false gratitude. "And a try was closer than anything else I've gotten today -- usually end up with teary eye'd sobs and four-letter prose from folk -- but close only counts in hand-grenades... Heh. Might actually be a good thing to pray for... that, and time--"

The world exploded mid-sentence. Or at least, in did for whatever poor saps had been standing in front and around the door. With an ear-wrenching squeal, the object was knocked off its twisted hinges and became a DIY missile. The former entrance sailed across the length of the aisle, whatever stood before it was unceremoniously tossed to either side, leaving things broken and battered in a heap in the piles of luggage or cardboard boxes. Ending its abrupt life as a projectile in the Maintenance alcove, the former door burrowed itself deep into the closet door.

What followed was a brief, wary silence: whether from the shock of the door, or from what stepped through it, it could not be said. Of towering height -- the beings bald green head scrapping the car ceiling -- it would have seemed almost clownish in its random grab-bag items-for-attire. Funny, almost. Until it roared.


And it wasn't the only one.

A deep-voiced chorus of 'Door go boom!' and 'Super mutants strong!' came from the now gaping door-hole, which clearly showed the next car. And its half-dozen equally monstrous passengers. All were equally armed and armored -- their mainstay some former of large makeshift melee weapon and heavy metal armor. Unleashing another loud roar, the lead monster took wide-swinging swipe at the nearest New Arrival with its Stop sign halberd, its only preamble to combat being its battle cry:

At the unannounced explosion and flying projectile whizzing by his position, Fritz couldn't help but jump back and cry out in surprise. Jesus H. Christ, was the world trying to give him a heart attack today!?

Looking towards the source of all this unpleasantness naturally did nothing to assuage his anxiety; what looked to be nothing short of an army of what looked to be radioactive steroid abusers in makeshift arms and armor awaited him at that dreaded end of the hallway. And considering the best weapons his peers seemed to be armed with were pistols and rifles, and he himself lacked what he needed to make anything useful...

Yeah, it was time to leave.

Without any warning or preamble, Fritz rustled through his backpack for the lighter he had packed before this whole mess started. Lighter and spay can in hand, he shoved both into the hands of one of the unarmed occupants of the cart, a long-haired man in a trench coat. Honestly, there was no strong reason why he went to the man in particular as opposed to the other two unarmed women in the cart, but he was standing by the intercom and looked like he had his head screwed on right, so Fritz figured he could at least trust the man not to immediately attack him.

"Found keys, mind covering me?" The almost indecipherable request was blurted out with evident anxiety, and Fritz didn't wait for an answer before he was already headed for the maintenance door, noticing that the lock was torn off by the now displaced door, most likely the blurred projectile from before. The young man knew now wasn't exactly the time to be scavenging, but considering the closet's designation, there were hopefully important things hidden within that warranted at least a cursory glance. Of course Fritz wasn't going to take the time to thoroughly explore the closet, but if Fritz immediately saw anything of similar value to the key ring, he wanted to grab what he could before he left.

Once everything of seeming importance was in hand, Fritz then bolted for what seemed to be the only possible escape: a door on the opposite end of the cart leading away from their impending doom. Experimentally but quickly pushing the door - just in case it was unlocked by some miracle - he immediately takes out the key ring and finds the opener to unlock it if necessary. As soon as the door is unlocked, he does a final look around the cabin to confirm what was going on to himself, as well as to make sure all his personal belongings were with him, and shouts a suggestion to his peers.

"If I were you, I'd grab what you can and amscray!"

With that, Fritz at last opens the door, peering into the train cart that awaited him and praying it was safer than the last.
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The single syllable sound of judgement toward the joke was stretched out in an English-accented yawn. Which was cut off mid-way, as another BOOM thundered through the car. A new dent adorned the now malformed door. The sound and sight a reminder of the gravity of their situation. The near knowing of what impending torment might lay beyond, was almost as tortuous as the not knowing for certain.

"I mean.. it was a try," acquiesced the voice from the intercom in false gratitude. "And a try was closer than anything else I've gotten today -- usually end up with teary eye'd sobs and four-letter prose from folk -- but close only counts in hand-grenades... Heh. Might actually be a good thing to pray for... that, and time--"

The world exploded mid-sentence. Or at least, in did for whatever poor saps had been standing in front and around the door. With an ear-wrenching squeal, the object was knocked off its twisted hinges and became a DIY missile. The former entrance sailed across the length of the aisle, whatever stood before it was unceremoniously tossed to either side, leaving things broken and battered in a heap in the piles of luggage or cardboard boxes. Ending its abrupt life as a projectile in the Maintenance alcove, the former door burrowed itself deep into the closet door.

What followed was a brief, wary silence: whether from the shock of the door, or from what stepped through it, it could not be said. Of towering height -- the beings bald green head scrapping the car ceiling -- it would have seemed almost clownish in its random grab-bag items-for-attire. Funny, almost. Until it roared.


And it wasn't the only one.

A deep-voiced chorus of 'Door go boom!' and 'Super mutants strong!' came from the now gaping door-hole, which clearly showed the next car. And its half-dozen equally monstrous passengers. All were equally armed and armored -- their mainstay some former of large makeshift melee weapon and heavy metal armor. Unleashing another loud roar, the lead monster took wide-swinging swipe at the nearest New Arrival with its Stop sign halberd, its only preamble to combat being its battle cry:


"Well, that reference went bust fast. Now for head to go boom!"
Dan walks backwards with decent speed, firing at the heads of the supermutants, hoping for great success...
You," She points at the trenchcoat man "and I should stand on opposite sides of the door. If the guns do not bring whatever or whoever is on the other side down, we can surprise them and attack from two sides. Anyone who doesn't want to or cannot help, find cover. Maybe join the guy in the bathroom."

Aviva moved herself to the side of the door, with a little extra room in case the gun people were unskilled, and then brought up her fists for fight position.
This... What? What's the point? It is not like whoever is there is going to survive the bullets, they are just going to risk getting accidentally shot, or worse, get shoved in front of the attacker as a cover, when wrestling with someone strong enough to break these doors in a few swings! Still, Lisko decided to keep these thoughts to himself, at least until he gets far away enough from these doors. He didn't want to find himself standing between the weird rifle-lady and whoever was on the other side. Soon, he hid behind the closet on the wall, opposite of the bathroom where one of them hid earlier. Lisko doubted that the chairs were bullet-proof enough to be a decent cover. He feared that the closet walls would also prove themselves to be too thin, but like his local saying went, 'if one doesn't have what one likes, one likes what one has'.
"Close quarter combat is ill-advised given their demonstrated capability. Moreso if they are bullet resistant." Annikki observed off-handedly while her mind raced to plot out the optimal firing plan. The recoil of her rifle and bullet drop were the first to be taken into account, quickly followed by the less familiar factor like the movement of the train itself.

"You in the toilets. Doors and locks are ineffective. You're currently canned meat."
Bu-bullet resistant?! Lisko eyed the, apparrently, mad woman with a rifle from behind the closet. A worrying theory started forming in his head. The psychopath from intercom expected them to kill each other... Was she the one expected to start it here?
"I mean.. it was a try," acquiesced the voice from the intercom in false gratitude. "And a try was closer than anything else I've gotten today -- usually end up with teary eye'd sobs and four-letter prose from folk -- but close only counts in hand-grenades... Heh. Might actually be a good thing to pray for... that, and time--"
The slav grit he's teeth, seeing that he wasn't going to get anything useful from this psycho-
The world exploded mid-sentence. Or at least, in did for whatever poor saps had been standing in front and around the door. With an ear-wrenching squeal, the object was knocked off its twisted hinges and became a DIY missile. The former entrance sailed across the length of the aisle, whatever stood before it was unceremoniously tossed to either side, leaving things broken and battered in a heap in the piles of luggage or cardboard boxes. Ending its abrupt life as a projectile in the Maintenance alcove, the former door burrowed itself deep into the closet door.

What followed was a brief, wary silence: whether from the shock of the door, or from what stepped through it, it could not be said. Of towering height -- the beings bald green head scrapping the car ceiling -- it would have seemed almost clownish in its random grab-bag items-for-attire. Funny, almost. Until it roared.


And it wasn't the only one.

A deep-voiced chorus of 'Door go boom!' and 'Super mutants strong!' came from the now gaping door-hole, which clearly showed the next car. And its half-dozen equally monstrous passengers. All were equally armed and armored -- their mainstay some former of large makeshift melee weapon and heavy metal armor. Unleashing another loud roar, the lead monster took wide-swinging swipe at the nearest New Arrival with its Stop sign halberd, its only preamble to combat being its battle cry:

"Mój Boże..." the Pole muttered, his hand automaticly going to his left chest pocket, sensing the vulpine shape behind it for comfort. If these doors travelled just slightly further, he would be dead...

Then he heared the booming voices and saw... He had no idea what it was. There were enormous, green, men dressed in what would be the most ridiculous outfit he ever saw in his life... If it wasn't for the dread that accompanied the fact, they were going to do with him what they did with those doors!
"If I were you, I'd grab what you can and amscray!"
Lisko didn't need much encouragement to do this. He quickly grabbed some random bag or suitcase that looked like it had something useful in it.

"Right behind you!" He cried out, dashing for the exit, eager to escape this madness.
It's the same as shooting clay pigeons.

Easier, really. The ceramic targets were fast and unpredictable, moving freely through the open air. These Incredible Hulk rejects were both massive and confine within enclosed space.

The hunting rifle barked fire, sending the lead projectile toward the front most freak. Annikki went for center of mass, as the instructors had drilled into her.

She didn't stop. All preliminary estimations had shown that they lacked the required firepower to feasibly repel the monsters. Thus, she fell back toward the exit, reloading as she went.
((Rory is the closest to the Super Mutant so I'm assuming it's swinging it's sign from right to left, the terminating point being the wall and the intended result being Rory's skull being crushed between sign and wall.))

Rory throws himself into a roll across the aisle, beneath the line of fire and the swung sign. From there he rushes across the seats, hopping and jumping to get back to the others. Once there he raises his fists again, zipgun ready to fire the moment the beast gets any closer.

Oh, that's just wonderful; Fritz wanted to scream in frustration at his poor luck, and only refrained from doing so because he still didn't want to draw attention to himself. At least the key ring seemed promising, if he could find the time to discover what the door openers unlocked.

Ultimately, it seemed that he'd have to live with what was given to him and finally make his exit from the bathroom, loathe as he was to make it. Grabbing everything he found - gum, key ring, and spray can - he opened the bathroom door at the almost comically worst possible time:

At the unannounced explosion and flying projectile whizzing by his position, Fritz couldn't help but jump back and cry out in surprise. Jesus H. Christ, was the world trying to give him a heart attack today!?

Looking towards the source of all this unpleasantness naturally did nothing to assuage his anxiety; what looked to be nothing short of an army of what looked to be radioactive steroid abusers in makeshift arms and armor awaited him at that dreaded end of the hallway. And considering the best weapons his peers seemed to be armed with were pistols and rifles, and he himself lacked what he needed to make anything useful...

Yeah, it was time to leave.

Without any warning or preamble, Fritz rustled through his backpack for the lighter he had packed before this whole mess started. Lighter and spay can in hand, he shoved both into the hands of one of the unarmed occupants of the cart, a long-haired man in a trench coat. Honestly, there was no strong reason why he went to the man in particular as opposed to the other two unarmed women in the cart, but he was standing by the intercom and looked like he had his head screwed on right, so Fritz figured he could at least trust the man not to immediately attack him.

"Found keys, mind covering me?" The almost indecipherable request was blurted out with evident anxiety, and Fritz didn't wait for an answer before he was already headed for the maintenance door, noticing that the lock was torn off by the now displaced door, most likely the blurred projectile from before. The young man knew now wasn't exactly the time to be scavenging, but considering the closet's designation, there were hopefully important things hidden within that warranted at least a cursory glance. Of course Fritz wasn't going to take the time to thoroughly explore the closet, but if Fritz immediately saw anything of similar value to the key ring, he wanted to grab what he could before he left.

Once everything of seeming importance was in hand, Fritz then bolted for what seemed to be the only possible escape: a door on the opposite end of the cart leading away from their impending doom. Experimentally but quickly pushing the door - just in case it was unlocked by some miracle - he immediately takes out the key ring and finds the opener to unlock it if necessary. As soon as the door is open, he does a final look around the cabin to confirm what was going on to himself, as well as to make sure all his personal belongings were with him, and shouts a suggestion to his peers.

"If I were you, I'd grab what you can and amscray!"

Unwilling to stick around and risk injury or death for any longer, Fritz proceeded through the door and hoped to God it would lead him as far away from that place as possible.

"Well, that reference went bust fast. Now for head to go boom!"
Dan walks backwards with decent speed, firing at the heads of the supermutants, hoping for great success...

This... What? What's the point? It is not like whoever is there is going to survive the bullets, they are just going to risk getting accidentally shot, or worse, get shoved in front of the attacker as a cover, when wrestling with someone strong enough to break these doors in a few swings! Still, Lisko decided to keep these thoughts to himself, at least until he gets far away enough from these doors. He didn't want to find himself standing between the weird rifle-lady and whoever was on the other side. Soon, he hid behind the closet on the wall, opposite of the bathroom where one of them hid earlier. Lisko doubted that the chairs were bullet-proof enough to be a decent cover. He feared that the closet walls would also prove themselves to be too thin, but like his local saying went, 'if one doesn't have what one likes, one likes what one has'.

Bu-bullet resistant?! Lisko eyed the, apparrently, mad woman with a rifle from behind the closet. A worrying theory started forming in his head. The psychopath from intercom expected them to kill each other... Was she the one expected to start it here?

The slav grit he's teeth, seeing that he wasn't going to get anything useful from this psycho-

"Mój Boże..." the Pole muttered, his hand automaticly going to his left chest pocket, sensing the vulpine shape behind it for comfort. If these doors travelled just slightly further, he would be dead...

Then he heared the booming voices and saw... He had no idea what it was. There were enormous, green, men dressed in what would be the most ridiculous outfit he ever saw in his life... If it wasn't for the dread that accompanied the fact, they were going to do with him what they did with those doors!

Lisko didn't need much encouragement to do this. He quickly grabbed some random bag or suitcase that looked like it had something useful in it.

"Right behind you!" He cried out, dashing for the exit, eager to escape this madness.

It's the same as shooting clay pigeons.

Easier, really. The ceramic targets were fast and unpredictable, moving freely through the open air. These Incredible Hulk rejects were both massive and confine within enclosed space.

The hunting rifle barked fire, sending the lead projectile toward the front most freak. Annikki went for center of mass, as the instructors had drilled into her.

She didn't stop. All preliminary estimations had shown that they lacked the required firepower to feasibly repel the monsters. Thus, she fell back toward the exit, reloading as she went.
"Bad meat!" A growl of frustration matched the scowl on the lead Super Mutants face. His target -- Rory -- was proving more agile than the others in the previous cars. Causing his great swing to be greeted, not with great gushes of gore, but sparks as the sign scrapped along the opposite wall. Pulling his arm back, aiming for another swing forward.

@Dex @munchkinomatic
Taking two steps forward the the Leader began to speak again. But was silenced by a explosive, .50 caliber retort. The beasts moving lips -- and its lower head -- disappeared behind a splatter green flesh, arterial spray and sticky grey-matter, The thunderous report of the pistol was followed by the sharper crack of a rifle, all quick succession. Most of the rounds finding new homes in the tissue and armor among the other Super Mutants; all of which, greeted the sudden death and destruction as a challenge. From the point of view of the New Arrivals, at least three verdant bodies were still, slumped over chairs or the floor. The remaining standing, but in various shapes of injury.

@Goldiefish @Kensai
"Blood now! All will die!" With clear intentions and blood-curdling roars, the host of green aberrations quickly charged in. And with the original party, others now came. As if roused by the sounds of gun fire and the cries of their brothers dying, a steady stream of mutants began to que themselves. Only the small opening of the door-less way prevented it from becoming an unmanageable wave.

Unfortunately for Fritz, the busted maintenance doors did not reveal a trove of supplies. A nest of black cords, and colored wires, filled the space, with a large electrical switch panel at the masses center. One could assume it controlled some electrical objects nearby. In his haste, and with nothing to grab, the frightened man left it and proceed towards the locked door. Joined by the rather flustered Lisko, both panic men forced open the now unlocked doors. Were they soon, to wish otherwise? As the door swung to the side, the scene before them assaulted them in sights and sounds:

Red? It adorned all of the cars dimensions. Dressing the walls like liquid drapes, the sound of it dripping down the riveted aluminum, could be heard in the silence of moment, pooling in the plastic seats or running in streams across the floor. The musky reak of copper could only confirm its origins, as blood.

Bodies! They were dressed normal. Looked normal. Like any other person you'd see on the street. A jarring thought, when seeing them now. Stacked atop each other like cords of wood, blocking either side of the departure doors, next to piles of assorted belongings and personal items.

Piles that sat, next to now idle hands, which belonged to men -- or something man-like. There were many of them -- just how many, one couldn't count. Though four were closer than most to the New Arrival men. Close enough to see them dressed in rumpled, but well-dressed suits and overcoats. A few in the back sported fedoras and newsman caps. All 20th century chic -- and looking real out of place among the horror. Though there eyes -- which glowed a steady amber, took care of that. On of the things cocked its head to the side bemused curiosity in its voice, saying in a wispy Upper East Side accent. "Little late to the welcome party fellas?"

A flickering glare shone from a large object within the folds of its brown greatcoat, which its right hand now grasped; the slick snick of a metallic bolt being rammed home reached the ears of the two out-of-luck New Arrivals. The same sound rebounding louder, asother guns did the same. Lots of them.

@Dawiusz @PranksterOliwar
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"Ok guns work, let's try this."

Aviva lashes her leg out at the nearest mutant, with a kick aimed at the back of its knee. Hoping that if it doesn't cause a lot of damage at least the mutant will fall and block some of the horde coming into the room.

After the kick she runs along the edge of the car (out of line of fire) towards people firing the guns and the other door