could have a SI import into a huragok thats been chucked into startrek lol or another setting
I want to talk about Croca for a moment. Croca is a massive eight feet tall steel animatronic, he is programmed to be a security bot, with an AI Core, and several other pieces within himself.
He can use extremely large amounts of force, and his tail can be used to stab people or tase them with the inbuilt taser. His hands are mostly clawlike and don't make for easy grabbing. He also has pointed teeth, although not sharp. He also can deploy radio waves and has an inbuilt phone system.
Croca has a robotic memory, meaning he remembers nearly everything.
Croca also is an SI of myself, although from an AU where he actually went outside for once...

Huragoks SIs are amazing but weird. I've read a couple of good ones I can't remember the name of.
Before I actually worked on this story I wanted to start a Grey Goo based SI. But then I caught a fnaf song, then inspiration hit. Wasn't even sure I was going to share it till I started to write more and more.
I'm completely stuck right now, so I'm going to go pick up one of my other novels that I was writing before. Sorry if you were interested in this, I'll start it up again when inspiration returns.
Croca Jump 1
Things changed, time passed.

Without the murderour tendencies of the Animatronics and a killer dead. Things sorta just paused. Occasionally I helped the kids when needed. I became a rather popular character too. I was a rather trusted animatronic compared to the others. Croca the Guardian.

But nothing really happened as time passed, I grew older, went through some different stores, and with my restored personality things improved. Eventually the other spirits moved on, leaving only me... for a long time. It was nearly thirty years before I finally permanently broke down. I had quite a few people visit my broken down body. I never got the chance to deal with Ennard. But I have hope that they will be prevented from harming others.

I closed my metaphorical eyes. One last time.

Then I opened them. Ok where the heck am I.
[Croca Online]

[Error: Personality not recognized, Sen]
[Admin Override]

Hm. Now I am no longer an animatronic. Well, turning into a Giant Robot might be fun. The what am I exactly? Mecha T-rex. This is definitly a Mecha T-rex.

*Croca online.*
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So, just going to let you know,
We are headed to Ark
The above is the next universe, to those interested.
After It, we are headed to
Yggdrasil, Aka Overlords world.
Ark 1
Ark 1

I am definitely a giant robot TRex. Which is... awesome! I seem to be made of various metal and biological bits. Not completely robotic this time huh. My sensors are freaking amazing, I can see in more colors and way higher definition than before, I also am made to kill things. Not to mention I can also apparently mod myself if I get the required materials. I need to get out of this cave though.

I am not to far from the mouth of the cave. I head for the exit. Sticking my head out I taste the air with my biomechanical tongue. This is so surreal, I haven't felt anything in years. This... is exciting. I am hungry. There are some small dinosaurs nearby... I can smell them.

I roar as I chase down the small dinos. Crocas hungry, and Croca wants his food! Nom nom! Delicious! Hm? I don't just consume bio material huh, I can use this. I glance at the dinos. I am going to eat so much meat, I got some evolutions I need.

In moments I was hunting again, eating any dino I came across. I was also looking for metal veins. But finding those are harder than most would believe. I continued to hunt, eventually I managed to make it on top of the hill... of which I was granted a highly familiar sight.

Isn't this Ark? I can see the glow of a airdrop. If you could call it that. Hm. What do I know about Ark. Well, you start as a human on one of the beaches, and you start gathering resources and eventually make your home, then you work to fight the bosses. Namely the Guardians. There were also some DLCs to the game, but I barely got to play the game, and I never got to try the DLCs.

I seem to be on the Island, which is a finished Ark. If I remember the lore correctly, the Arks were a last line of defence against some threat that effected things biologically, namely it corrupted them and made then mindless and deadly.

Well then, I don't have to worry to much about that do I? Why not just make it to the top of the food chain in this Ark. I can modify myself afterall. I got a large amount of biomass right now. I can use that to change and add to my body. Hmm. Lets do something weird... how about I give myself a bunch of tentacles that can extend out of my back? Lets do that. Hm, lets see, it needs to be mostly bone and muscle, I also need to make room for metal modifications.
Perfect. It will take a while before the upgrades actually finish forming. My calculations say around a week. I need more biomass and metal though. So I keep hunting. Eventually I hear something that I welcome. Greatly. Another TRex roaring near my territory, the sign of a challenge. It to someone who was needing more biomass? A welcome challenge.

I follow the sound of the roar, retaliating with a mechanical roar of my own. I rip through the trees as I hunt down the roaring TRex. In minutes I find it... thats a robot TRex... Perfect.

I charge at it, and it vharges me. I make my move fast, aiming for the Cyborg Trexs generator. I bite and tear, using my body as a ram as I do so. In moments I start to rip apart the Trex. Without the generator it loses power fast, keeping it from moving. I continue to rip and tear, harvesting that delicious biomass and metal.

Another night and another day. I continued to hunt down all the dinos in my territory. According to what I know the Ark AI won't care as long as I don't leave my preprogrammed territory. But the moment I leave it without an external challenger? It will get suspicious of me. But I get a regular source of bio mass currently, I also found some metal in my cave. Eventually I will leave my territory, but not until I am confident I can kill anything I go against.

With that in mind I keep upgrading myself, I worked on improving my generator, I have seven generators in my body now. Plus I started to loot the engrams I can find in my territory. I may not be human anymore, but I can still find use for them in my body. I have been working on making it where I can discharge a high powered laser from my mouth. I also am working on make laser canons integrated into the sides of my body. I have been working on a lot haven't I? A ton of my body is made using things I learned about my previous body in the FNAF universe. I was a military grade Animatronic afterall. Adding tech I stole from that world to this one? Really not that difficult. Infact, I made me some Securo Raptors that follow my orders, two of them infact. I plan to add laser turrets to their back when I figure out how to make a strong enough laser.
Ark 2
You know, finding the humans in my territory shouldn't have come as such a surprise. There are humans in Ark afterall, you play as them. Anyways rare and special engrams appear in my territory, so it makes sense that they would make their way over hear eventually. They would die in an instant if they confronted me though, My back spike tentacles increase my killing abilities a ton. Anyways they appeared armed to the teeth, thirteen of them. Most of them male, two or three females. They were wearing metal armor, which meant they were pretty far along. I don't intend to kill them, unless they are here to hunt me.

Which is possible I assume. If they do intent to do so, I have a high powered laser as a breath if needed. Plus a dozen robot Raptors if needed. I may or may not be working on making a BESRMoW. Getting it to all link to me has been difficult, but I have slowly started turning myself into a BESRMoW, problem is the lack of Nanotech, I have been making do with Engineering Beams, which deliver metal exactly where I want it, but I really need better tech. While I can create small drones, it isn't the dangerous Grey Goo type tech I need. Yet.

Oh well, I got a descent production atleast, just wish I could get more metal. Hm? They have found my Raptors. My Raptors are not going to attack them without my command. Lets see, will they attack and sign their death warrant? Or will they stay back.

They are staying back and examing everything. Good. No dead humans today, if they continue like that... I say as I look connection to one of my Raptors. Why the heck is that here! I am not sure which dino it is, but it is definitely bigger than I am... It looks tasty. Lets kill it!

I roar as I leave the cave. Following the Raptors signal. Meanwhile I order my Raptors, I get them to walk around the dino and keep their distance, while hissing at it. I can't really say roar, as they definitely don't roar. The dino tries to bite one of my Raptors, the Raptors on the opposite side immediatly attack. My Raptors jump on, tear a piece of flesh off, and jump off, they could try to hold on, but something tells me that would be a bad idea. The Dino snaps at my other Raptors that got its side, roaring. Then it stands alert. It hears me coming.

I see the humans glance at some water nearby. I also look at it, wow everytime I touch the ground it shakes. I switch back to my personal vision while ordering my Raptors to attack the dino. The effects are instant. It tries to attack the Raptors, right as I ripped through the trees, aiming instantly for the throat, I grab it with my teeth, and begin to wring it like a dog would a bone. My back tentacles constantly launched out as well, ripping into the tender flesh of the dino. It tried to fight, but my entire body is reinforced with metal, including my exoskeleton. In mere moments I tear through the throat, ending the dinos life. I glance at the terrified humans as I roar at the sky. Before bending down and starting my feast.


I glance around, my once simple cave has been turned into a full on base. My engineering drones are constantly skittering around and keeping everything together. I had a small armada now, and my metal is more durable than before, thanks to personal advances. I still haven't been bugged by the AI running the Ark yet. I huess it recognizes this as my territory or something bad has happened to it.

On the other hands the humans frequent my territory constantly. I seem to have a tradelane through it, or at least that is my assumption with the wagons constantly going back and forth. That isn't everything though, there are around four human tribes on this Ark. With several offshoot settlements. They haven't ventured to far from the ocean, to dangerous inland, however pass me is a prairie with less dangerous dinos they can mess with. So they started a colony and they transfer materials from their and back. My Raptors keep an eye on them when they are in my territory, and hiss when they do something I disprove of. It works for the most part. I could just talk to them, if they actually spoke english that is. I don't understand a thing they say. But I can associate sounds. I am the Or On To Or. Or as atleast that is what they call me, its really hard to tell what they are saying.

Still, they are surviving the Ark well enough. In a few more years they will become a strong sprawling nation. I suppose I can share more about them, everytime they get a engram blueprint thet take it to some sorta shaman, who tells them what it is, and if they can use it. The materials gathered from the beacons are normally put in the tribes stockpile instead of any individual person, and they are steadily making progress to new horizons.

Its kinda amazing. Still doesn't match my own insane progression, but I cheat, so that doesn't count really. Tomorrow I intend to steal Ark technology though, so I am pretty sure the AI won't allow me to do that. Might as well try though, don't really have much to live for besides technological advancement currently.
Very naisu

I wonder how they'd react to such a powerful t-rex like Croca going around lmao, would be interesting to see if they could also actually communicate with each other and if they'd actually bother listening or not
Very naisu

I wonder how they'd react to such a powerful t-rex like Croca going around lmao, would be interesting to see if they could also actually communicate with each other and if they'd actually bother listening or not
Hmm, I did have next chap planned out, but It might do me good to try and make a interlude with the Trives reactions to the machine T Rex.
Finally I got the phone I use to write back. I'm writing the interlude now. It doesn't feature much POV, but it's something at least.