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Based of Jumpchain fics, but not a jumpchain in the traditional sense, more like a PA Commanders multiverse thing.


Unfinished Writer
To be honest I wasn't going to do this. I wasn't going to write until mom had recovered from her knee surgery. But then plot bunnies came. So here is this.

FNAF Insertion.

I am a green animatronic lizard. Yep. What were you expecting this to start off simple? Well, it gets even more confusing from there. I am Croca, one newsest attractions to Freddy Fazbears. Sounds familiar right? My full title is Autonomous Protection Animatronic. I basically have to protect children. Which means I got to keep an eye out, which won't be two hard since I have several methods of viewing things. But I suppose you want some more information.

I believe this is an AU of FNAF. As I was built and issues by the government to the pizzeria in as a measure to stop any further incidents. Yep children disappearing is still a massive problem. So here is the interesting part. I have complete and absolute control over this body. Which I am pretty sure shouldn't be a thing. Infact, I can switch the bodies modes as well, putting it in hunting, guarding, entertaining, and medical mode as well. It is quite interesting.

I tested out a ton in the truck. But thats isn't all, on top of being really strong, I am also constantly charged. There is a power drain, but it constantly recovers, and I was not plugged in. Which is extremely weird, and also should not be possible. But that is how things are now. What? Why am I not panicking? Well... I died. I was on a cruise, which I was dragged onto by family, when I found a bomb on the ship. I had other people there, so I knew it was a bomb. I ran wifh it and threw it off the ship... which worked. Then a guy pulls out a gun and tries to shoot people, calling out in some foreign language, I was close enough and I charged the guy, def got shot when doing so, pulled him off the side with me into the motor blades of the ship... it was painful.

A heck of a way to die, also the bravest I have ever been, or stupidest. Probably stupidest. Anyways, apparently that warranted a big enough achievement for reincarnation... now I am in the FNAF verse. This is going to end poorly isn't it?


I am uncovered.

"So this is Croca?"
That is one skinny man, face recognition software dubs him as Arnold Melony. He is the day shift worker here, basically hes the cashier.
"Looks like it. Hmm, is he active? His eyes are glowing red?"
Ah, I should introduce myself.

*Croca is online and ready to protect. Croca greets you Mr. Melony. Croca greets you Mr. Jeremy.*

They are surprised.
*Croca is programmed to be as lifelike as possible. Sorry if it is a bit frightening.*

" its alright Croca, just wasn't expecting you to be this friendly."

*Croca is friendly, but still dangerous. Becareful, Croca is very strong. Good thing too, the children will be safe from harm!*

"Wow... your going to be a hit with the kids."

*Really? Croca hopes so!*

"Way to realistic. But you will work. Jeremy you should get some rest. Tomorrows monday and you start the nightshift."

"Ah, alright."
I watch as Jeremy leaves. Strange man. Seems familiar.

It doesn't take long till I am in the main room, unlike the other animatronics I walk on the floor, its my big debut and I have kids to potec. For now I scan the other animatronics. Wow, traces of marks all over Fazbears body... and hes watching me. It would be creepy if my specs weren't as high quality as they are. I mean I am practically a walking tank. Then I glance of to the cove. Out of Order. Yea, very familiar.

Before long some families start coming, alot of families. Before long I have around 12 kids messing with me.

"Hi Croca, How are you!"
*I am good young one, how are you enjoying Freddies today!?"
"Wow! I am enjoying it alot!"
*Can you remove your fingers from my mouth? While I may not need to open and close my mouth to speak, It is much safer to keep hands away from the sharp teeth.*

The day went like this for a few hours. I could see several parents relieved with the way I acted. Often I would go to the two stages to pull kids who were a bit too exploratory off the stage. Man it was like they were trying to get bit by the animatronics.
All the while I counted them...

There was only one child left in the story. The kid hung to me, liked me alot apparently. But there was something interesting though, all the animatronics eyes were on the child. Tracking it. Then I felt it, a frequency change in the air. It didn't take long for me to realize what was happening. The animatronics were trying to lure the child since he was alone. But I countered with my own frequency. Nullifying theirs. This is definitely Freddy Fazbears.

"Thank you Croca! It was nice meeting you!"
*It was nice meeting you as well young Jon.*

I watched keeping track as the child left. Then I entered patrol mode. My eyes turned from red to green as I activated thermal scanners and began to explore the rooms. First I went to the bathrooms, to check for any lost residents, then I checked the backrooms, including the room with the springtrap suit.

I checked everything, finding no signs of kids or people besides Melony.

*Mr. Melony. Croca has checked all rooms. No lost people are in the restuarant.*

"Really? Even the bathrooms?"

*Yes Mr. Melony. Thermal Vision was active just incase.*

"Well... alright. Can you unlock the door for Jeremy when he arrives? He is supposed to be the nightguard tonight. He should arrive here around midnight."

*Affirmative. Good Day Mr. Melony.*

Then I sort of just stood by the door as I waited for Jeremy to arrive. I kept an eye out as well. It didn't take long for him to arrived. He looked a bit out of it though, as if he was having nightmares. He jumped when I opened the door. Freddy already scaring... no, theres more to it. That expression, it was like someone had done this before. But suddenly had a new variable thrown in.

*Greetings Jeremy. Your a few minutes ahead of schedule but that should be fine. If you need me I will be in the main eating area. You should know where your office is.*

Then he walked in and closed the door. He did not look ready for this. Hmm.. probably timeloops. Why do I say this? Well... nothing really. Just expressions and theory. We will see soon.

I stood in the main room when I hear the phoneguy.
"Hello hello?"
"Ah new guy. Welcome to the nightshift. As you probably know, I left that hell hole."
"But you can't leave can you? Stuck in the loop. Eventually it will end though. Don't worry to much, all you have to do is not die. Simple as that."
"But I am not here just to say that... am I."
"There is a new addition to the equation. His name is Croca. He is a bit.... shall we sat different than the other ones. More soulless. But more lifelike, which is strange to say the least. But the good news is, he won't try to kill you. Probably. Infact, he may even save your hide. You see, he won't let an animatronic harm you, he is a protection animatronic afterall. But... he isn't exactly harmless."

That answers alot, but opens a ton more questions. For now though I protect. The other animatronics are all exploring now. I lurk around the left corridor. Keeping an eye out. Then Bonny walks past me. I follow. The guard is staring at the right corridor, he had just shut the door because of Chica. The guard glimpses Bonny and immediatly tries to shut the door.... but the door doesn't shut. Bonny starts to move as my mechanical hand puts Bonnys shoulder in a vicelike grip. Jerking him back.

*Ah now Bonny. You should know it isn't nice to bug the guard while hes working. You should explore elsewhere.*

Jeremys eyes are wide open in shock as I drag Bonny from the door and back into the main room. The animatronic tries resist. Somewhat, but I am military grade tech. Much stronger than industrial. I also weigh a few tons. Plus my tail is an excellent stabilizer.

I let go of the animatronic as I move down the other hallway, Bonny choosing to move to the backstage door. I walk down the hallway finding no animatronic, but Jeremy is looking at me with worry on his face. His eyes keep glancing at the time. 5 AM. Wow time flies.

*Hello Mr. Jeremy. Your shifts almost over. I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.* I give a neat bow as I back away.
Then the clock hits six. I watch as Jeremy leaves. Constantly looking over his shoulder at me. He can't seem to believe he was actually leaving. Wonder what he will do.
It's a bit over the place an needs some spell checking I will do that when I get home from work tomorrow. Got this story stuck in my head and couldn't go to sleep so I wrote it out. I also wrote on phone instead of my computer, which is amazing cause I some how wrote over 500 words. For now though, I am going to sleep. I am super busy in the morn, and I got work in 5 hours.
I want you guys to picture how creepy Croca can be, when Jeremy was close to leaving this hulking lizard animatronic just stood there watching. Not to mention he would be darkened by the lighting and his eyes glow red constantly. It would be freaky.
FNAF 1 Day and Night 2
Day 2

Croca is a big hit apparently. If not a bit terrifying. The parents eventually found out that I am a bit more responsive than the average animatronic, plus I am a ton nicer. Had a woman asking me questions today.

"Are those teeth of yours functrioning?"
*Affirmative, although I have several programmed limitations about using it.*

"Why is it you pull the other children off the stages?"
*To prevent accidents of course. I can't have a repeat of the Bite of 87 afterall, Freddy and his Friends are not as high tech as I am. I am pretty sure they don't have sensors around their mouths.*

She seemed satisfied after a couple more questions.


Hmm? Somethings wrong.
I am missing one, didn't leave out the front door. Didn't go to the stage either nor the bathroom. I head to the backstage finding the little guy.
He seems frightened by all the heads.
*Ah found you young one. Are you alright?*
The child jumps into my arms and cries.
*There there, its frightening back here isn't it. Wonder why it wasn't locked? Don't worry child, I will protect you.*
"You will?"
*Ofcourse. I am Croco afterall, I have to protect you young ones.*
I start to bring the kid back, then he speaks.
"I don't want to go home. You said you would protect me right? Then don't give me back to him."

I process what I heard. Then I switch my vision. Sending small pulses into his body, examining his structure.
Signs of abuse. Bruises underneath the skin, broken bones.
*Trouble huh. Don't worry young one. Croca will protect you.*
I activate my internal call system. Letting the police know about this. Then I enter the main room. The childs father is furious when he sees me holding the kid. He comes to take him when I grab and hold him up in the air with my tail.

Then I wait for police to arrive. It honestly doesn't take long. The kid sort of hangs onto me as I comfort him the entire time. Not sure what is so comforting about me though, I have seen myself in the mirror afterall.
I am assured that something will change for the kid, My scanners are state of the art and excellent evidence.

After that the day sort of calms down. The kid stayed with me the entire time. The police tried to take him but he started to cry and wouldn't let go. Took a while to get him off me.

Strange feeling though, I don't know what to do about a bunch of kids that look up to me. Its only been two days and I match the popularity of Freddy Fazbear. I am so creepy though, which makes it weird.

Eventually we close up, and I wait for the nightshift to arrive. I wonder if Jeremy quit?

But sure enough, at 11:53 AM he arrived. He looked alot better.
*Greetings Jeremy. Ready for the nightshift?*
"Yeah... yeah I am ready Croca. Hey can you do something for me tonight Croca?"
*Sure Jeremy, what you need.*
"Can you keep an eye out for a purple animatronic?"
"If you see it let me know."
Purple Animatronic huh, not gold? Hmm. Strange.

Night 2

The animatronics are acting weird. Instead of bugging the guard they are just staring at me. If I wasn't a hulking thing made of steel I would be kinda scared. They just watch me walk around and examine everything.

Then I hear something. A small voice.. a childs voice.
"Thank you for saving him."
*Huh. A child is in the restuarant? Don't worry kiddo Croca will help you!* I activate my thermal as I start looking for the child.
Hurrily searching under the tables and looking in the bathrooms... but I couldn't find the kid anywhere? I have to keep looking, the kid needs my help!


6 AM. I can't find the kid. Beginning to think I imagined it, I let Jeremy know what I heard, he seemed alarmed for some reason. I can't realize why for the life of me.

If the child is still there tomorrow I will find them.
FNAF 1 Day 3 | Night 3
FNAF 1 Day 3 | Night 3

Wow, that is a ton of kids, 18 kids today. Tracking them has proven effective though. They mostly group up. Besides that, I have started something interesting. I started a massive drawing game, see the back has some old papers that weren't in use and I figured I'd use them and some crayons as props, laid them down and started to draw with the kiddos.
Surprisingly enough, Foxy was actually online again. I'm not exactly sure why, as that didn't happen in the games from what I know. But he was a popular option though, then something weird happened.
"Argh Laddies! It's time to play a game, Yee there Croca, would you like to join?"
What the?
"Ar ye alright Croca? Don't you wanna play?"
"Come on Croca! Come play!"
*Error, Eerrrrorrr, Error Resolved.*
*Croca would love to come and play Foxy."
Might as well do this. Who knows, this could be fun.
I came up to Pirates Cove.
"Why don't we sing a song Croca? Hey Freddy, mind if we borrow your mic?"
"Why not Foxy? Here you go."
Alright something is off, The Animatronics are acting... alive.
As if something woke up their souls.

Freddy hands the mic off to Foxy... Wait a second, Freddy left the stage? That shouldn't be a thing during the day? I am so confused now. Like highly confused.
*So a song huh? Not sure how well I can do.*
"Don't worry to much about it Croca, just follow my lead!"

"Yo ho ho! My names Foxy!"
*Hehehe My names Croca!"
"I am the Pirate! Sailing the high seas, getting all the treasures and digging them up!"
*I am the Guardian, who watches over them all, keeping the little ones safe!*
"I am the Pirate! I live a life of beauty, I see the sun on the horizon and I chase it!"
*I am the Guardian, I live a life of vigilance, I see trouble and I solve it!*
"Cheer up Croca! Give it some more enthusiasm!"
*I am the Guardian, I am vigilant and focused. I keep the young ones safe from harm while keeping my teeth sharp against intruders and dangerous predators!*
"Now your getting it!"
Suddenly the main band starts joining in. Each of the animatronics started to sing their own song.
"I am the Bunny! I play riffs on the guitar!"
"I am the Bear! I sing and entertain!"
"I am Chica, I like Pizza!"
It continues on for a bit. The mic is constantly passed around as the kids sing their names in an sing-song voice. It was kinda amazing. Not one kid left either, still a solid 18. I always count them after all.
Eventually, everyone leaves with their respective families. I keep an eye out for stragglers, but everything seems to go really well.

Night 3

10:34, 10:35, huh? I heard a sound. All the other animatronics are on their stands.
I was in sleep mode, but I pull myself out of it.
I start to shake.
*Ert errtertetrt*
*Time to wake up.*
My eyes shift colors to green. This time I'm not in thermal mode.
I stand. All the other animatronics eyes are on me as I start to move, not moving like an animatronic at all.
There is no clanking sound as I walk towards the back room.
*Hunt Mode, Initiated.*
Where are you hiding?
I'm coming for you.
I saw a flash. A flash of purple.
But it's gone now.
Where are you?
I'm coming for you.
The man tried to flash me.
He failed.
He panicked as I approached.
Face Recognition #William Afton ERROR, William Afton is Missing

{12 AM}
When Jeremy arrived Croca wasn't there to greet him a the door, that was the first sign that something was amiss. He looked through the camera, and finally at camera 5...
Croca was in pieces. A large ax sticking out of the animatronics midriff. But that wasn't all, opposite of him, impaled with a metal tail was someone Jeremy recognized at a glance... It was William Afton, who as disappeared years ago.
Jeremy picked up the phone and dialed 999.
I am thoroughly enjoying what you have put out so far for this story.
I don't usually read Fnaf fics but they usually are either about something horrific happening to the MC or how the animatronics are not bullet proof. Not how an Animatronic can protecc
I also like how you are using more than just the base game, like William Afton, and can't wait to see what happens next.
FNAF 2 Night 1
Hm? I'm back.
Weird, I feel a bit lighter, let's see. Oh, so since I was technically owned by Freddy Fazbears my repairs would be done by them. Now that wouldn't be a problem if Freddy Fazbears weren't incredibily cheap. See they couldn't fix me entirely, they didn't want to spend the money. So they just threw together what they could and screwed up a bit. Cause the AI Box that housed my Croca personality is just straight up gone, so is most of my insides. Oh well, I remember how to repair myself. Won't be a problem soon enough.

So what happened? I remember bits and pieces, but not everything. My mind is sort of jumbled. Oh well. It's about time I get up and move. Afterall, Croca has a job to do.


"Welcome to your first night at the new and improved Freddy Fazbears Pizzeria, I technically already quit this job. But upper management told me I needed to train you somewhat. So here are some pre-recorded messages."

"As you can probably tell already, the animatronics aren't as friendly as they appear. Often moving around at night and such. But don't worry too much about that, What you need to know are a few things."
"Do not let the music box wind all the way down. If you do the puppet will wake up, trust me, you do not want that to happen. The mask on your left will save you against most of the animatronics here, but not all of them. That's where the flashlight comes in, just flash it in their eyes a bit and they will back off, causes some sort of reset function.
The scariest out of all of them would probably be Croca, while mostly harmless Crocas wandering will sometimes enrage the animatronics. But I heard if ratings with Croca don't improve you won't have to worry too much about him. When the animatronics are enraged make sure to deploy the gates, don't rely on them too much though, they have a tendency to get stuck."

I pulled myself up, unhooking myself from the plugin port. My soul has already started to provide its own power to the body. Then I got up and started to explore around. Definitely the place from FNAF 2, but with some small changes. I have my own stage, surprisingly enough.
Huh, there are the Toy Animatronics. They look a bit... nicer? To be honest, I think I prefer the old animatronics, the plastic isn't as attractive as fur.
"Are! Maty! You are moving around early today Croca, something in your wiring?"
Foxy is talking to me... but I feel a sense of depression and pent up anger.
What do my records show of my replies to him in auto mode?
["Matey why don't you speak at night anymore?"]
["Why are you so silent now?"]
["What happened Croca?]

I look at Foxy, he seems to actually be in good repair.
*Croca's awake and feeling great, repairs are a bit rough though!*
Now I feel a sense of... surprise?
"Your talking now Croca?!"
*Croca's AI Core has fully rebooted, Croca is fully functional once more.*
"Croca do you remember the song you sang?"
*Searching... *I am the Guardian, who watches over them all, keeping the little ones safe!**

Suddenly Foxy gives me a massive hug, the animatronic can't pick up my large mostly steel body. Then it clickes to me. The Child Spirit in Foxy is awake, and likes Croca for some reason. What the heck did I do?
[Thank you for saving him.] [Thank you for saving him]
That wasn't some kid. That was the spirit of Foxy. Me protecting that kid woke something in Foxy. How? Why?
Is that why he was so friendly at the Pizzeria?
He stopped rushing the guard after night 1.

"Come Croca! Let's go see the rest of the band!"
*Sounds good to me!*
I followed Foxy as he leads me into another room, inside was another stage and party room... All three animatronics from the first location was there. Freddy, Bonny, and Foxy. In full repair. I wonder if the incident on night 5 didn't happen because of me killing Afton?
"Croca what are you doing here?" - Bonny
I feel surprise that was not my own. Did all of them wake up? Or were they already awake but their souls were enraged?
*Foxy said we should come to visit. So I'm here to say hello!*
"Croca, your talking again?" - Chica
*AI Core has Fully Rebooted, Croca is online once more.*
I feel happiness?
"Come with us Croca! We will show you around the new location!"
I thought for a second...
Why do people like my stuff? I'm not that good.

Anyways, Not going to do starcraft stuff for a bit, like it, but not interested in it currently.
Ghost in the Shell I have not touched, so I won't write it yet.
Why do people like my stuff? I'm not that good
Your better than average with a simplistic style and willing to try out new ideas without seeming like your just making it up and winging it.
You write good short stories and considering the attention span of people on the internet than that makes it just as good as a full novel.
Why do people like my stuff? I'm not that good.

Anyways, Not going to do starcraft stuff for a bit, like it, but not interested in it currently.
Ghost in the Shell I have not touched, so I won't write it yet.
being honest i always love these types of stories but it's not often that i find a good one AI and VI or Anamatronic self inserts are my favourite however there's not many good ones, i'm not counting the supreme commander or planetary annihilation stories because they're in a different category for me personally.
it also helps that you're good at writing this story even if you say otherwise
I'm prob releasing a chap at some point today. The next chapter is kinda slow, and I have trouble righting slow stuff.
FNAF 2 Night 1 Continued
Freddy Fazbears reopening had a ton more funding than the game's version, The band showed me the rooms, there were about five rooms that had animatronics in it, the other rooms were the backstage rooms and the storage and kitchen rooms. It was quite interesting seeing what had changed, I don't think there are any major threats now... besides maybe Ennard and Baby?
Forgot about Sister Location, that's going to be problematic, I'm not sure of the total story with that location, but I know they have some programming that makes them automatically hurt children, this must be deleted before they try to escape by killing the security guard, but wait? What if I'm too late? The timeline of the games was never completely clear. Hm, all I can do is hope and head over there as soon as I can.
I don't really have access to the internet in this body, it's very pre-internet-based. I can possibly upgrade it later, as I am technically a robot now, and I don't really forget things anymore. Didn't I just say I forgot Sister Location though? Maybe it's because that was when I was human? I remember everything since I woke up, but I forgot a ton of things that existed before I died... To be honest I don't remember my name anymore. I remember pieces of my favorite nickname, but only the Guardian part. That is not all there is to it and I know it.
I follow the others as melancholy goes through me. I have some of my memories though, I store those, keeping them close. I don't want to forget who I am. What I want to do. And what I was. Because those who forget, well. Let's just say they aren't exactly themselves anymore.
After a minute the band stops and watches me as I make my way to the guard's room.
There I see the night guard. My facial recognition software is damage now, so I can't pull up his face, wish that was fixed. But he looked bored, and he had a nametag on, [Michael] huh. I'm pretty sure he wasn't the second game's night guard, but then again, I shouldn't base this world completely on the game. As there were some differences.
Something comes over me.
*Hey, what do we have here?*
"Looks to be the nightguard Croca." - Foxy
*Oh my. He seems a bit jumpy. How about a song to calm em down?*
"That's a great idea Croca!" - Freddy, "I got just the thing!"

Welcome to Freddys, I hope you've had a good time.
Cause we are awake, we are watching.
We see you through those cameras.

We're coming to say hello, those gates won't stop much.
So hello little nightguard.
I'm Croca, I'm Freddy, I'm Bonny, I'm Chica, and I'm Foxy!
We are here to greet you this fine night.

To say hello, and bring you around the place.
"It's got to be cramped, sitting in that chare all day." - Foxy
"Yeah, come on, let's head over to the kitchen, I guarantee you some pizza!" - Chica
"Maybe you can come by the stage, I think I can do a pretty good act!" - Croca
Because here at Freddys we are here to help you settle in, don't you worry. No one's killing you tonight. Just come along!

Here try this pizza?
"This really doesn't taste that good." - Michael
Eh, tough crowd.
Maybe you would prefer some cake?
"Hmm, I'm good... You guys really not going to kill me?" - Michael

*No worries little nightguard, Croca is awake once more, and Croca protects others!*
Dan Bulls Minecraft Skeleton rap has been inspiring me to create an undead SI... I mean Ideas are flowing.