Once this thing it 4k, I had to pull the pin. So here it is.
Ch 5
D-Boy was flying as fast as he could when Milly's answer came over the radio. He was so shocked by what Milly said that he forgot about his posture. The air caught his leg and he flailed for a moment before he could right himself. "Say that again?"
There was the sound of jostling for the microphone then Rebin came on. "The Ring is still in the sky so you stopped the missile. Noel, your sister and the new guys sent the Radam packing. Even the Spidercrabs ran off! I'm calling this a win. Now get out of that armor and join the party. There's always time to brood later."
Time! His time limit! How long had he been transformed? He waited until he was over the Space Command launch center. Arguing with Colbert took maybe five minutes. Climbing to intercept the missile took another three. Then the trip back took almost twenty minutes! That meant he only had another two or three minutes before he exceeded his time limit!
"Milly, I need you to target all remaining weapons on me." It was only Milly's resemblance to Miyuki that had pulled him from the madness the last time. Even with Miyuki, Sho, and Masaki, he couldn't take that risk. A mindless, rampaging Tekkaman was every bit as dangerous as a Radam Tekkaman.
"No we don't. Everything is fine."
"I've only got two minutes left, Milly. You have to take me out while you still can!"
Gordon's calm, measured, voice answered D-Boy's increasingly frantic one. "Do you really think that I could heal your sister, give her a transfusion of life force, stabilize your cellular decay, repair your crystal and not fix that pesky time limit?" D-Boy didn't have an answer to that. "Now stop pacing around up there and come inside. Your sister is justifiably proud of herself and wants to share."
Ten Minutes Earlier:
Noel, Miyuki, and Sho landed in one of the hangars that was set back into the side of a cliff. "I don't know what you guys did to my armor but I could get used to this. I definitely got Evil's attention that time. Bastard usually just ignores me."
Sho concentrated for a moment and released his armor. It must have been a bit odd see Sho, all of 167cm tall, wearing a business suit, standing next to Noel's Sol Tekkaman and Miyuki's armor, 230 and 197 cm respectively.
"That was amazing!" Miyuki hovered around them, about ten centimeters off the ground. "I've never felt anything like this before!" She did a little pirouette in the air.
A thud from the still open door spun all three around. Masaki was standing up from a three-point landing. "For the record, not everyone can fly."
Noel stepped down, out of his armor, after shutting it down. "Are you okay?" He pointed to the slashes on Masaki's forearms, dripping black blood.
"Yeah, I'll be okay." There was something odd about the way Masaki's hands were limp when he held his arms out to be tapped. "I just need to stay in my battleform until the bleeding stops. Do you have any duct tape?"
Noel and Sho each grabbed a roll and took an arm. "These look pretty deep. Are you sure you don't need more than tape?" Noel asked
Masaki hissed as Sho bound his wounds. "I'll heal up fine. Your doctors couldn't do any more than you're doing." Sho held up a cordless drill and Masaki nodded. "Go ahead." Sho squeezed the trigger and jammed the spinning bit into Masaki's stomach. It chattered off his abs, until it rode into a crevice between two muscles. The bit caught and snapped.
Miyuki floated over and landed with a dancer's grace. She reached out and poked Masaki's abs with her armored finger. "Wow. You are strong." The same skin that just snapped a drill bit flex under her probing. "And that's your skin?" Her touch lingered for a minute, almost becoming a caress, before she hopped back several steps.
"You want to power down before you forget that everyone else in the room is human?" Noel asked.
"Oh, right!" She concentrated a moment and a violet crystal formed around her body. In a flash, her armor returned to where ever it went when she wasn't using it, leaving her holding a smaller version the same arrow shaped crystal. "Better?" She wandered over and threw a playful shoulder in Noel, who almost jumped out of his skin. "I can't wait to do that again. Flying was incredible. The other times I transformed were nothing like that. There was so much pain it was all I could do to keep passing out. And I was always so tired after… I could feel the air moving over my armor. All I had to do to bank was hold one arm out to the… What." The two men and one monster were very obviously looking anywhere but at her, and Sho was holding his jacket out to her. She looked down and realized she was naked. "EEEP!" She snatched the jacket and wrapped herself up as quickly as she could.
Noel made eye contact again, now that she was at least decent. "She bumped me, and you two are my witnesses."
Sho chuckled. "Worried that her brother is going to blame you?"
"Her superhumanly powerful, short tempered brother?" Masaki added.
Miyuki stepped between Noel and his two hecklers, put her hands on her hips and scowled at them. It would have been more impressive is she had been properly dressed. "Stop teasing him." Miyuki spun on her heel and walked away. Honda met her half way to the door, carrying a set of coveralls and a pair of work boots. She took the offered clothes, bowed and skipped off to the rest room. In the process she managed to flash about half the people working in the hangar.
"Hey!" Honda shouted. "Show some respect. That's a fellow Space Knight's sister you're ogling!" Several of the techs studiously went back to work but a few still stared at the restroom door.
"Lemme put it this way," Noel yelled. "That's Tekkaman Blade's little sister!" Everyone suddenly found something that needed their attention.
D-Boy flew into the hangar, releasing his armor before he ever touched the ground. Moving to fast to stop, he went into a shoulder roll after two steps. Popping up from the roll, he sprinted for the door to the hangar. "Break room, second door on the right!" a mechanic called.
"Thanks," he answered without even looking to see who said it. The hearty laughter of men mixed with Miyuki's soprano greeted him at the door to the breakroom. "I could have taken him!" Miyuki insisted. She was standing in the middle of the room, dressed in slightly oversized coveralls, noticeably oversized boots were off to one side. All that fell away when she saw him in the doorway. She dropped the mug she'd been gesturing with, on the table and leapt into his arms. He returned her rib cracking hug.
"I was so worried, Miyuki."
"It's okay, Takaya. I'm okay."
"I know. You were always tougher than you looked." D-Boy didn't care if anyone saw his tears. For the first time in what felt like forever, there was something genuinely good in his life. There was a twinge of guilt when he realized that he didn't care about the Radam, or the world, or the Space Knights, or even Gordon's promise to bring back his brothers. Here, now, in this moment, none of that mattered. His baby sister hale and hearty and at his side.
"You should have seen me, Big Brother!" D-Boy wasn't quite ready for the embrace to end but the smile on her face was worth it. "It was amazing!" She snatched the mugs from Sho and Noel, keeping one for herself, giving the other to D-Boy. "I was so strong. Strong and fast. Not just the flying, either. It felt like everyone was moving in slow motion! And the flying! I've flown before but never like that. I wonder that reentry would be like? Have you done that, Takaya?"
"Uh, only once." A whiff of the drink in the mug gave him a good guess what it was. "A Spidercrab damaged my engines and Dagger put his lance through my shoulder, so I was a little more focused on not dying." He took a ginger sip and the moonshine burned all the way down.
"That sounds horrible." Miyuki paused in thought before taking a drink. "We should go try it together. Hitting the atmosphere at just under Mach 25 and ridding the shockwaves down must be a rush. If the subsonic stuff I did today is any indication… Remember when I dragged Gunter Sterling under the bleachers in seventh grade? This will be better than that!"
He took her mug away from her. "How much of this stuff have you had?"
She thought for a moment. "None." Noel answered for her. "She's been bouncing off the walls ever since we got back."
"Don't worry too much. Between not dying any more, the transfusion from Gordon, and a pretty clean win, she's riding a serious buzz right now." Masaki said. "She's going to crash in an hour or so. She'll sleep for a day or so, then she'll be back to normal."
It was only then that D-Boy realized that Masaki was still in his battleform, or that his forearms were wrapped with duct tape. Masaki glanced down at his arms and smiled back. "In case you were wondering, that axe is sharp. I'll be okay in a few hours. But I'll warn you, between regenerating tissue and staying transformed for so long, I'm going to put a pretty big dent in your food stocks."
Aki came into the room before anyone else said anything. She walked in slowly, but she was breathing heavily. "D-Boy."
"Aki," he returned the simple greeting.
Aki pulled a small tablet from her tunic pocket and cleared her throat. "How was your mission?"
"Save the debriefing for later, Aki," Noel chided. "This is the first clean win we've had who knows how long."
She slide the tablet back into its pocket and nervously brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. The meter of air between them crackled with nervous energy. Honda walked behind Aki and started miming that D-Boy should offer her a drink. It took a moment but D-Boy eventually caught on.
Sho and Masaki shared a glance between them, then looked to Noel. "Really?" Sho mouthed silently. Noel rolled his eyes and nodded at them.
"Hey Miyuki, What was D-Boy like in school?" Sho asked. The only answer came in the form of a light snore. Miyuki was sprawled out on the break room couch, sound asleep.
The air lock hatch sealed behind Evil, Sword, Axe, and Lance. Air filled the chamber and the inner door opened. Beyond was a small section of the Space ring that was kept in good condition for use by the Radam Tekkamen. Good condition was a relative term. The area was still air tight, and life support still worked, broken lights and damaged furniture were still evidence of the war. Luckily for everyone, Tekkaman Dagger had been a neat freak who cleaned up most of the mess before the faced Blade for the last time. Sword powered down and Evil helped her sit in an overstuffed chair before powering down himself. Axe, also now in human form came over with table lamp and a first aid kit.
Lance was the last to resume human form. "Well, that was basically an unmitigated failure."
Sword winced as Axe cut away the sleeve of her shirt. "No sign burns or laceration, but judging by the swelling and pain, you are looking at multiple fractures in the wrist and forearm," he pronounced after a few moments. Sword acknowledged him with a nod. Her pale lips pressed into a tight line.
"She took one of those energy balls to the chest, too." Evil offered.
Axe grunted and started to cut away Sword's blouse. "Give us a little privacy." Evil grabbed Lance's shoulder and dragged him into the next room, heedless of the other man's wounded leg.
"I fought your sister today, Evil. She was… fiery." Lance limped over to minibar and poured himself a drink.
"Yes." Evil's answer was noncommittal.
"You had lead us to believe that she was rejected by the pod."
"I did."
"You said she was incomplete, weak, near death."
"I did."
Lance turned to face Evil. "She didn't look anywhere near death's door, and she certainly wasn't weak."
Evil squared up with Lance. "There is a point somewhere."
"Either the humans and their new friends understand the Tekka-system in a way that even we don't, or your estimates were wildly inaccurate." Lance took a slow drink from his glass, never taking his eyes off Evil. "I highly doubt the former, so that leaves the latter. The only question is why you were so wrong?"
Evil snorted and went into the next room where the ration packs were stored. He selected a meal and tossed it to Lance. The throw was intentionally wide enough to force Lance to lunge on his bad leg.
"Skip to the part where you make some idiotic accusation, Lance. I'll tell you that you're an idiot, then we can compare notes on the stranger we fought."
Lance ground his teeth. Evil had managed to neutralize his accusations, at least for the moment. "He's good. I came at him from behind at full speed, but he dodged me. I saw him, his head never turned my way, but one of the silver spheres on the side of his head moved. Lance gestured to the crown of his skull.
"Interesting." Evil mused. "Sword was able to blind side him later…"
Lance got a second tumbler, poured Evil two fingers and slid the glass down the bar to Evil. "Did she hurt him?"
Evil accepted the peace offering but shook his head at the question. "My blades were stood up to his without a problem but he was able to hurt you."
Lance looked down at his bloodstained trouser leg and the crude bandage. "He managed to tag me and Sword at the same time…" There was a glimmer of inspiration when he looked back up at Evil. "He wasn't trying to beat Sword and I. He was just injecting chaos, buying time. He was either too focused on fighting you to notice her, or was willing to accept the hit from Sword if it meant hurting you."
Evil stepped away from the bar. From the center of the room he recreated the fight in slow motion, alternating his part with the intruder's. "I think it's the former. That last energy ball was bigger than the one he was preparing for me. It took two hands to use."
"If that's attack has variable power, then we have to assume the laser attack also has variable intensity…."
"Then didn't he use it when my face was twenty centimeters away?"
"Good question. Can we even be sure it's a man?"
Evil snorted. "With a flat chest like that?"
"…And the last weapon I have is called the Mega Smasher." Sho concluded his explanation of the Guyver to the small assembly of Space Knights. The only notable absence was Gordon Palmer.
"Mega Smasher?" Honda asked. "Named that yourself, did you."
"Nipples of Doom." Masaki offered. Sho scowled and pitched a sheet of crumped paper at his friend.
"The Guyver has a set of emitters for a high energy weapon, probably on par with a Voltekka. They are mounted under the pectoral armor." Sho mimed opening the panels, a gesture very similar to tearing his shirt open.
Masaki tossed the wadded up paper back at Sho with a grin. "So the Guyver's most powerful attack is to flash the room."
"This from the guy who runs around the battlefield toppless?" Rebin pointed out. "Not complaining, mind you!"
"But that's such a good look for me!" Masaki's honest laugh joined in with the rest of the Space Knights.
D-Boy sat back down after checking on Miyuki. Unwilling to leave her alone, he'd carried her from the mechanic's break room to the small conference room and set her still sleeping form on the small couch along the back wall. She rolled over and curled up, just like she used to when they were children. Someone produced a blanket that he'd spread over her. Aki had a fresh cup of coffee waiting for him. "Those 'magic pants' don't seem to stretch. They are just as baggy when you transform as they are when you're human." Masaki nodded before D-Boy continued. "Some kind of molecular compression?" He arched his eyebrow in suspicion. "If you can make a fabric that actually grows and shrinks on demand, why are the pants so ratty looking?"
Sho took a seat after tossing the laser pointer to Masaki. Masaki went to the head of the conference table and adjusted the rolled up sleeves of his borrowed Space Knight uniform. "I gain thirty centimeters, almost seventy kilos, shoot point singularities from my knuckles and you want to quibble about something like fashion?"
"Point singularities?" Aki perked up when she heard that. "But effects from a gravitic point source will fall off at 1/r2. For that to be a useful weapon, the collateral damage would have to be pretty catastrophic."
"They aren't point singularities, in the strictest sense." Masaki wiggled his hand in acknowledgement. "A graviton cloud, a couple microns in diameter, in the middle of anti-graviton shell, maybe two or three centimeters across that protects the outside world. The part of an object that passes through the shell will experience a shear stress somewhere in tens of gigaPascals."
The Space Knights looked at each other for a moment, their faces a mix of confusion and disbelief. Then they all burst out laughing. "Anti-Gravitons?" they finally managed to get out, between laughs.
Even D-Boy got a good laugh out of it. "Seriously? Anti-Gravitons? That sounds like something a comic book writer from two hundred and fifty years ago might say."
"Sorry, that's the best I have," Masaki answered with a chagrined look. "The mad scientists who kidnapped and experimented on me didn't give me a user's guide to my new body before I escaped."
Something about his cavalier tone made the admission all the more horrific. Milly was the first one to find her voice. "So you weren't born this way?"
Masaki replied with a solemn shake of his head. "An ancient conspiracy turned evil corporation was looking to create a battleform for a new member to their ruling council, so they grabbed me and three other people and used us as guinea pigs." Masaki's easy demeanor darkened for the first time any of the Space Knights saw. "We tried to escape and kill that guy. Even four of us were no match against him. The others didn't make it. I woke up next to my friends, in a refuse pit."
Noel topped off Masaki's coffee. Masaki appreciated the gesture. It gave him a moment to compose himself. When he was ready, he gestured for Noel to continue. "What happened to that guy?"
"We fought two more times, and I wouldn't have survived the last fight if not for Gordon. Guyot crossed someone a lot higher up on the food chain. He never fully recovered from those injuries and Gordon was able to help me the way he helped Miyuki. I settled accounts when we met a fourth time."
The story had a special resonance for D-Boy and Miyuki. They watched their friends and shipmates die, one by one, while they struggled to survive the transformation into Tekkamen.
Reading the room, Sho spoke up before anyone asked if he was also the subject of an experiment. "I tripped." The Space Knights were not expecting a glib story and not one as simple as that.
"You tripped?"
Grateful for the help, Masaki answered Honda's question for Sho. "He tripped." He illustrated with a dramatic pratfall.
"A friend and I were in the woods one day and we found the Guyver unit in its standby mode." Sho gestured to illustrate a round objet about the size of a dinner plate. "I tripped, landed face first on top of it. It activated and bonded with me." Sho's eyes seemed to focus on a spot a thousand meters away. "Then the rest happened."
D-Boy sat up straighter.
"I wasn't ready. My father worked in an office. I was a high school student. One day I was worrying about girls and history exams. The next, I'm fighting armies of Zoanoids. Just trying to keep my family and friends safe. Then somehow that, turned into 'saving the world,' when I wasn't looking."
D-Boy took a slow sip of coffee. As horrific as his life had become, it was almost easier than Sho's. He'd lost his entire family, either to death or darkness. Any friends he left behind had died in the early invasion of the Space Ring. That left him free to fight without fear of failing those he loved. At least at first. Miyuki was back now, and his brothers could be saved. His little sister was back. He still had trouble wrapping his mind around how good that felt. Even the Space Knights started as a resource he could use but became friends somewhere along the way. Maybe more… But they weren't helpless. They built Pegas when Dagger had shattered his crystal. Noel threw himself into the fray, first in the Blue Earth, then in the Sol Tekkaman. When Evil unleased his Psy-Voltekka, the Space Knights countered by upgrading Pegas to enhance his own Voltekka. D-Boy had access to virtually any resource on the planet. Sho had none of that. Yet they were the same in one way. When the horn sounded and battle was joined, they fought alone. "People talk about 'carrying the weight of the world,' but how many people really understand?"
"We can't." Noel said without looking up from the table. "We never will. Because at the end of the day, there's someone else to step up."
Aki reached out and squeezed D-Boy's hand. "We watched you D-Boy. We watched to go into battle over and over again. As powerful as you are, we knew that one day you wouldn't come back. I wanted to ask you to stay back, so many times, but…"
"There were a lot of times I wanted to stay here. I was tired of getting hurt. Tired of losing, even when we 'won,' we still lost."
Silence claimed the room for several long minutes. Masaki finally broke the spell. "You aren't alone anymore."
Axe was mildly surprised and more than a little pleased when he walked in and saw Evil and Lance working together. Evil was putting the finishing touches on a chart that covered half of one wall when Axe sat down. He noticed a nearly full bottle of whiskey sitting on the bar, next to a pair of empty glasses, but both the room smelled more of coffee than liquor.
Lance looked up from his notes first. "How is she?"
Axe helped himself to a bowl of chips before answering. "Sleeping. Almost every bone in her hand is broken. Some bruised ribs, but I'm more worried about her hand. Even with our accelerated healing, there's no way to set all those fragments in the right place. What's all this?" He gestured to the charts on the walls and papers spread across the tables.
Evil capped the last pen and sat down. "We were comparing notes on Blade's new friends." One wall was broken into columns for Blade, Rapier, Blue, and White. Another wall had a table the same names along the top, and Evil, Sword, Axe and Lance's names down one side. "This is a matrix that will help us figure out who's the best match for who."
Axe was considering the charts when his forehead tingled and a voice echoed in his ears. "Hear me, my warriors!"
"Yes, Lord Omega!" they snapped in unison.
"Lance, as soon as she is fit to travel, escort Sword to my ship. Your wounds will heal faster here."
"Yes, my lord!"
"Evil prepare a series of diversionary attacks. We must keep our new enemies off balance."
Evil grinned at the thought of causing destruction for its own sake. "Yes, my lord!"
"Finally, Axe, your task is the most critical. The humans launched a missile at the Space Ring. If it had hit, the ring would have been destroyed and debris from the elevators would have rained down on Earth. Blade was able to intercept the missile but my Spidercrabs report that the missile appears to be intact. Blade was only able to cripple the booster. Go. Find the missile, disarm and recover that warhead. The humans may have taken away our ability to use their own orbital lasers against them but then they gave us this warhead."