Crest of stars - Abh empire building


Banned Forever
So I've been thinking of... say, the Abh Empire in Crest of Stars, and I'm making a first contact story about it.

So... I need technological capabilities, and culture shock.

1. Abh women see the use of natural birth as 'quaint', and 'eccentric'. And making use of the genes with the ones you love as 'romantic'.

2. They have a dyson sphere, Lakfakelle

3. Nanites are present, and are capable of jamming communications.

4. Mental uploads are canon.

5. Intense genemodding is present.

6. A.I.s are capable of being built.

7. They have antimatter-storage, to the point that they can carry them around like normal petrol.

So... am I the only one that feels like... an eclipse-phasey feel from this?
Ok. You know what? I just realized something. With the abundance of minerals, metals, and such, in the asteroid belt, with the usage of genetic engineering for anything that must be grown, and the large amounts of antimatter....

I think this place is pretty darned post-scarcity. Copious amounts of power and raw resources.
So I've been thinking of... say, the Abh Empire in Crest of Stars, and I'm making a first contact story about it.

So... I need technological capabilities, and culture shock.

1. Abh women see the use of natural birth as 'quaint', and 'eccentric'. And making use of the genes with the ones you love as 'romantic'.

2. They have a dyson sphere, Lakfakelle

3. Nanites are present, and are capable of jamming communications.

4. Mental uploads are canon.

5. Intense genemodding is present.

6. A.I.s are capable of being built.

7. They have antimatter-storage, to the point that they can carry them around like normal petrol.

So... am I the only one that feels like... an eclipse-phasey feel from this?

Of that list, I'd say the dyson sphere is a big outlier. I'm not sure you realize what an incredible engineering challenge that is. A civilization could achieve everything else on your list and still have building a dyson sphere as an unimaginable dream project they might tackle and spend 10,000 years completing.
Of that list, I'd say the dyson sphere is a big outlier. I'm not sure you realize what an incredible engineering challenge that is. A civilization could achieve everything else on your list and still have building a dyson sphere as an unimaginable dream project they might tackle and spend 10,000 years completing.
Yes..... but lakfakelle exists.
The Abh specifically? It was never made explicit, but they were pretty clearly a thalassocracy that was extremely jealous and aggressive about maintaining naval superiority.

Like, the Big Event of Jinto's childhood was a First Contact story of sorts: the Abh showed up at this relatively isolated world, said "hey, nice planet, I think we're going to forcibly monopolize all of your trade" and that was that. And then the rest of the story was a space war from their perspective.

And Abh culture is actually really conservative, maybe even reactionary; yeah they have a lot of genemods, but it's always the exact same suite of genemods that makes somebody an "Abh." They don't really experiment or deviate from the basic bodyplan that they've kept using all along, ever since they became "Abh". Meanwhile their culture is class-striated and downright feudal. They care a lot about hierarchy.

So a First Contact story with the Abh is almost certainly going to be them forcibly binding the Natives into their mercantilist empire.
Eeegh it wasn't something that was explicitly addressed, but "where people fit in the social hierarchy" was an important part of everything that happened.

Jinto was a groundling, a 1st gen Abh, but he was like a Duke, he came in really high up. So when he interacted with other Abh, they were usually relatively differential; everyone was patient and polite about when he didn't understand things, because he was above them socially. (And, fairness to him, he was polite in return. Which meant he never put anyone in the position of having to wrestle with their obligation to be polite to a noble, compared to their desire to get back at someone being rude to them.)

Meanwhile, he was extremely familiar with Princess Lafiel, where he got on a first name basis with her. Because she was a princess, nobody else ever did that, and she appreciated the friendship. At the same time, because he was a Duke, he was high enough up in society that he could get away with being that familiar with her, in a way that the other characters never felt comfortable doing. And notice that he made himself her subordinate; they didn't end up in a relationship of being friends and equals, he took up the role of being her adjunct and supporter. So it was a 1st-generation Duke picking which specific Princess of the Empire to swear fealty to, that's what he was doing objectively. It wasn't something that he did consciously, or that the story really addressed, but he was smoothly slotting himself into a feudal military hierarchy there.

There was that Baron Crazypants guy, who had a massive inferiority complex based on having a low title. He was contrasted with his sister who showed up later, who joined the military and wanted to serve honorably. (The contrast wasn't between healthy and unhealthy rejection of nobility hierarchy, it was between rejecting and accepting your place in it.)

Military service was mandatory for political advancement; all the Princes and Princesses had to do a stint as officers to become contenders to succeed the throne, and they were graded by how much they distinguished themselves. This is kind of subtle, but incredibly toxic to society. Because it means that war is politically necessary to advance your career, and also sabotaging other factions is politically useful, even if it undermines the war as a whole. It's just really really corrosive.

So basically, if the Abh showed up in orbit of a "forgotten" world, a world with humans that had dropped out of the greater galactic civilization; there's every indication that the particular captain of the particular Abh starship that found them, would either claim the world as a colony for themselves, or offer them up as a colony for their feudal patron, to earn brownie points in their faction.
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