Creative Chaos (Riot God Game)

[X] Celestial Bureaucracy
A small voice and stabilizing influence fills the universe, saying: Heavens is now under new management, our new company motto is: "Like the bugs below, the heavens above will know order"

The new administration comes with some new rules, and we are also hiring!! More information below:

There will be 8 positions for Heavenly Bodies.
1 Sun, 2 Moons and 5 Planets. Each position will be occupied by the structure (or being) that fits the role the best (regardless if they want to or not).

We will work in a tight schedule now. The Sun and Moons will circle the planets diligently, forming a day and night cicle. Be ready to do overtime! Also, each night one Moon will appear on the sky (if you want both to appear make sure to fill the correct forms in advance). Keep things orderly! Organization and proper conduct is what differenciates us from the chaotic companies next door! But don't stop trying to improve either, stagnant companies aren't any better, our employees should strive for a healthy balance!

To make sure everything stays on schedule, we will also be hiring a manager for each of the 8 heavenly bodies. If you are interested in the position of a Heavenly King (or Queen) just dominate your chosen celestial body for 7 bussiness days and we will automatically accept your job application. (If you are both the celestial body and a sentient lifeform, congratulations! You get to be your own manager! The salary stays the same though)

Though the job can be hard know that our employee benefits hit even harder! The 8 Heavenly Bodies and their respective Kings will receive their paycheck in unrefined power, we garantee that even the lowest of lifeform can live like a Lesser God with our montly stipend of celestial energy!

We also would like to remind you that although there is no rule that only 8 celestial bodies may occupy the sky, the higher ups frown heavly upon any stray planets out there! Don't expect to receive the benefits a true employee does!

Went a bit overboard with the "annoying upper management talk" theme I was going for. A quick resume of the Act would be that it tries to organize a basic solar system, empowering a Sun, 2 Moons and up to 5 planets (and who dominates them). We already have 2 Moons and the Mound probably counts as a planet, but the Sun and 4 other planets would depend on what acts pass this turn. But on it's own it doesn't do much, it's more of a support act really.

[X] Great Act: Okrutan Arthopods
[X]Grand act:Chitinous Moons children:
[X]the outer Rot
[X] Cosmic act: Create Samsara an afterlife of serene rivers, idyllic landscapes, and peaceful surroundings where souls find solace and renewal. Here, the gentle flow of rivers carries away earthly burdens, while purifying lilies dot the landscape, symbolizing transformation and growth. Souls in Samsara experience the beauty of reincarnation, embracing the cycle of life in perfect harmony with nature.

Open for trading btw
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Pillbug Thoughts
Short omake

Suddenly he was. No transition between unexistance and awareness, one moment he simply was and by being he realized many things. First, he knew who made him, a primordial, something way above a pillbug, even a godly one like him. Second, though aware and alive he was just meant to float there, doing nothing, for what might very well be all of eternity. Like any other space rock.


He quickly realized he didn't mind such a fate at all.

And time went by as he floated and glowed in all his lazy glory. Sometimes he would catch a delicious smell, like a godly snack just went by, but his lazyness always won against his hunter instinct and in his place he stayed. Like any other space rock.

Sometimes people visited him, mostly older and more powerful gods. He felt fear in the beginning, but like anything in his life, the emotion was smoldered by the lazyness inherent to floating all day. Like any other space rock.

Recently he heard his visitors say some worrying things. And wasn't that a funny thought? That he could hear things? To create a being capable of hearing and understanding just to force it to act like a glorified lamp, incapable of communicating back in any way, the primordials sure have some weird tastes. Not that he minded of course, he found the life of a glorified lamp quite comfortable.

But that's beside the point, his visitors mentioned something about an apocalypse? An evacuation plan? A hidden secret in the Moon? He had an inkling this was about that sweet thing floating next door and was very glad for not going after it. Who knew a snack could be so dangerous? Yes, the life of a lamp is the ideal one, no need to worry over any candy-induced apocalyptic indigestion. Just have to keep orbiting, like any other space rock.
I should complete my creation. Chaos and Void shall not have any big scale sway in our Reality doings, because it is anathema to both of them. Reality should be stable against unexpected, but flexible and harmonised. Because if one really wants to protect something from such omnipotent ideas as Chaos and Void, they should has something, which none of them could possibly fully claim. Yinyang type of things/situation.​


[X] The Garden Blooms

Keep growing the Hedge Wall into very foundation of reality. This metaphysical field should be made to permeate all existence to abide to the final vision of what the Hedge Wall should be. Ontological and Axiomatic principle of Harmony, of unity and interconnectedness of opposites, which is anathema to both Chaos and Void, for they represent disunited dualities in thier very nature and Order was made, when these two clashed together to leave a scar of paradox. It shall stabilize all concepts of reality, such as space and time, it shall make things more defined and intricatly united, but still leave Reality flexibility and ability to adapt to new things.

Reality shall not destroy itself by its own creations, it should automatically and carefully prevent scenarios of existential threat to Order by subtle works of metaphysical field. If one creates something horrendous, it side-effects or intended purpose will not grow so much and exponentially to destroy and break all Reality. No, the Order will adapt and work around such things. Same for any transient came from Beyond and somehow got through the Hedge - Reality will adapt to them, or adapt thier effect on itself to prevent situations of existential collapse of eveything and heal any wounds, which may stay on Order. It shall not be longer called the Order, it shall be called the Harmony.

It is time for Harvest and Harmony. So for the first time, after rigorous and long learning, Eden the Gardener started to sing while working, started to awake all the seeds planted, and kept shape both physical and ideal aspects of reality into one Harmony. It has some side-effects in physical part of the Hedge Wall: idea and physical bled into each other in there, creating Aspected in the process. Wondrous creatures, but also places and objects. So the Gardener did not forget to tend to these things, to make sure they can coexist as part of one Garden: he pruned, he shaped, he grew, and he sang of his vision... The Garden Blooms.​


[X] Grove Hearts
By @Planetary Tennis

[X] Hedge Gnarlers
By @WallFlower

[X] The G'huft
By @SquamousHorror

[X] Blood Magic
By @Jaguar2234

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I wish to give The Queen of Sugar and Sweets a double edged sword. Let me know what you think.

[X] Create Omnis

Omnis was born from one of the many experiments that The Queen of Sugar and Sweets conducted on Candied Toons. It had the appearance of a small cat made from candy and the Queen took a keen interest in it after it displayed the ability to read minds at a early age. As it grew up, Omnis became powerful enough to scan and memorize the entirety of someone's memories and knowledge just by being in close proximity to them for a minute. It also developed powerful telekinetic abilities, capable of throwing objects thousands of times its own weight at high velocities. While The Queen of Sugar and Sweets did care for Omnis in their own twisted way (and Omnis reciprocated) and tried to behave like a proper mother, they grew to develop mixed feelings about their "daughter". On one hand, Omnis is the ultimate spy with the potential to become the smartest being in the known universe as well as a deadly superweapon in battle. On the other hand, there is always the chance that one day, Omnis will become too powerful and may one day decide to overthrow her. As such, the Queen keeps herself distant from Omnis to keep her private thoughts to herself, relying on messengers to relay her orders, while she secretly works on contingency plans if Omnis ever goes rogue.

[X] Grand Act: The Eternal Academie

[X] Zither Salt Bee's

[X] Azrull Code

[X] Celestial Bureaucracy
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I'm tempted to make an omake, but I'm like very busy and there's an exam literally at the start of next week. I still have my own quest to attend to and I was thinking of starting an April Fools quest.
To exist is to be anathema to both Chaos and Void (canonicity pending)

To exist is to be anathema to both Chaos and Void​

Eden had been spread quite thin across Reality for many ages. Only rarely did he focus on something that needed more of his attention. Prune a few molecules here, plant a new seed there, untie two ideals from each other in a third unimaginable place… But the Gardener enjoyed the process. It was something he was meant to do, and something he had chosen to be himself: the one who tended the Garden. Even when some interesting Aspected creatures and places suddenly sprouted, he was ready to subtly put things in their place, but at the same time let them choose what to do and just make sure things did not fall apart.

They were so interesting, fascinating! Once he discovered and cultivated an entire jungle based on the concept of food. Everything there was edible to some extent; even the rotted food was still safe to eat. However, hardly anything in there could rot in the usual sense because everything in this place essentially embodied the idea of food in a multitude of physical forms. There were rivers of milk, hot springs of chocolate, marshes of syrups... There were animals and plants, which took the shape of different dishes or ingredients. It was bizarre but not chaotic. No, this creation was fully brought to life by Reality. The Hedge Wall exemplifies the unity of opposites in this particular instance, opposing both Chaos and Void as clear absolutes that cannot coexist in one place - this is our Reality. But the World contains parts of them both in a balanced fashion. What a paradox it is just to exist!

However, Eden knew that at some point his work must be finished. The Essence of the Gardener was based on four principles that flowed from one to another: Cultivation, Purification, Harvest, and Harmony. The first stage was meant to establish the foundation, a time to plant seeds, to plow the soil and start to grow the simplest things, a time to create a quantity of items. The second stage was meant to shape, to lead growth and water it, and to enhance the quality of everything as much as needed. The third stage is the time of bloom and fruit, when you see the results of your labor and can reap your rewards, when you eat the bread of your own making. The fourth and final stage is for things to cycle on by themselves and continue working; the Garden should not be desolate and empty after the Harvest, after all, so things can begin anew. Cultivation should start again. The Gardener knew that the Hedge Wall had already reached its Harvest phase and that soon Harmony would come. The Garden is almost complete; soon he shall become a tree.

If one were to look at him with physical eyes, they would see nothing, for the Gardener knows who and what he is. This is why he rarely uses any avatars or embodiments, as they feel too stiff or detached from his true self. However, if I were to compare him to something imaginable, I would suggest a figure with infinite sprouting hands, each with eyes and each bifurcating into many more little hands, infinitely. For now, the garden requires a diligent gardener, but soon it will no longer need him. The ideal garden is a gardener in itself. This is what he was talking about with the All-Mother and some of his fellow Primordials at the end of the second age.

Eden sang about the wonderful things he saw in the world around him. Even the horrors of existence happening in some places did not make him bitter or regret letting Reality be. So, he brought every neighbor, gardener, great mortal, and sibling together at some point and asked if they could reach out their hands to help him finish the work. Some of them he already knew and had titled in his mind, like The Authority of Heavenly Voyages or The Celestial Menagerie Keeper, but there were many others. Eden mentioned that he would not be around for a very long time, saying, "I shall at some point become a tree, bloom, and bear fruit. But after that, there will be no more me. Only the tree," to everyone who answered his call and came to the invitation.​

Note: Suddenly wanted to write something about the near future. Will try my best to keep growing the Hedge Wall for this turn.​
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Hedge Gnarler
I felt that this was easier to communicate visually than through text.

Authored vote
[X] Hedge Gnarlers

Image text said:
Once we were the Maulking
All we knew was Gnarling
Then we met the Clawthing

And we broke in fright
Our tails Alright

We became the Jawlings
To find ourselves in Holes

Where we shall crown Maulkings
to be whole.

The base idea is that the Maulkings split into Jawlings who and use their tail-stars, which produce lights in all dimensional directions to find each other the safest places gnaw on the hedge and grow up to become new Maulkings.

The Clawthing is meant to be a reference to the hedge Gaurdian.

Supporting votes:
[X] The Garden Blooms
@Andre Chaos

[X] Zither Salt Bee's
@Ghost in the sun

[X] Create Omnis

[X] Celestial Bureaucracy
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Cosmic act: Create Samsara
Do you mind if I make this one part of bigger afterlife structure in the future? I just have really grand plan for afterlife. An this one almost perfectly fits into part of my plan.😅​

Ok, this one is definitely unique way of describing the act. I hope, they fit perfectly into Harmony of all things. I am managing several plates of things in there... 😓

P.S. Could trade through. Even if I don't really like all this trading thing as culture of God Quests. :V
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P.S. Could trade through. Even if I don't really like all this trading thing as culture of God Quests. :V
Yea, that is kind of the reason why I try to keep my acts small-ish most of the time.
It allows me to spend some votes to maximize the number of acts passing.

There is one positive to trading though; it me to not think about the traded votes.

Speaking of which.
Would You like to be the one to be the one to get me to my goal of three votes?

Never mind, I'm already at my goal
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Okay, the like from ShieldCrown meant he saw the Omake, but it wasn't threadmarked
I wonder what I did wrong with it

Is there anything in the random lore thing that contradicts facts about the setting or is too low quality?
Imma check the omake rules again, might've missed something
Alright, since I missed the last voting I actually waited for the chapter to come out before thinking of an act. Good thing I did honestly because what a strange world has been made!

Authored Act (not really)
[X] Heavenly Vows
Through a simple but very intentional ritual that will be taught to various wise individuals, any sapient being may make a Heavenly Vow. The vow will enhances anything that a person chooses so long as their vow is equivalent. Vows could make one's strength greater, make them naturally charismatic, enhance their piano talent to savant levels, etc. They can even affect others or items through touch as long as the vow was for something like enhanced stabbing or enhanced teamwork.

There are four (4) Vow Types though you may have as many vows as you think you can handle. The worse your vow(s) is/are for you the better the boost they grant.
  • Heavenly Sacrifice: A vow made by giving up a part of yourself such as time, effort, a limb, a talent, a skill, or a memory. You cannot sacrifice something that is not a part of you.
  • Heavenly Restriction: A self-made rule such as never lie, never hit below the belt, always kill an opponent who raises a sword against you, or never sleep in a church. Breaking a restriction has consequences.
  • Heavenly Curse: A bad thing such as horrible disfigurements, an endless hunger for flesh, your hair tries to choke you as it grows, or your eyes partially see the world as a nightmarish landscape. Curses can be cured without punishment but most of the boost will be lost still.
  • Heavenly Promise: A goal such as defeating a certain enemy, finding a rare flower, or saving your friend. Breaking a promise only results in punishment if breaking it doesn't inherently have one already.
Breaking a Heavenly Vow will result in a greater loss in power than what was granted or in curses without the boosts depending on the severity of the vow and how egregiously it was broken.

In addition to wise individuals, the ritual will be taught to Yoggn'th, Guardian of The Hedge, who will be told to create a vow to "Devour Those Who Seek To Pass The Hedge" which will grant them power.

[X] ACME Inc. Ink
[X]the outer Rot
[X] Blood Magic
[X] Azrull Code
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