Create your own shared (cinematic) universe!

all fictions

I hate you! (it's not against the rules!)
Mons Regius
Exactly as the title says. With the MCU being a success, the DCEU following suit, and Hasbro, Legendary Pictures, Universal, and Hanna-Barbera looking to start their own universes, the genre is quite popular nowadays. What would be your own universe like? You can use book series, TV shows, existing films, comic books, whatever you want, with no criteria except that they must eventually have at least one crossover.

I begin. Mine would be the "Classical Mythology cinematic universe" or the "Heroic Age cinematic universe", focusing on the heroes and demi gods of Greek Mythology.

Phase 1 from the start of the Heroic Age would be mostly centered on individual heroes battling their respective monsters. Cadmus, about the first Greek hero and founder of Thebes; Perseus, the killer of Medusa and savior of Andromeda; Bellerophon, the killer of the chimera and the first movie to hint at a larger universe, as his stead Pegasus was born from the blood of Perseus' nemesis. All of them take place before the days of Heracles (or The Twelve Labors of Heracles), who will pave the way to the actual crossover stuff, as he is the great grandson of Perseus and during one of his tasks he meets Theseus, who will go on to have his own movie (which takes place simultaneously with Heracles' movie) about the Minotaur and the Labyrinth, and explicitely trying to emulate Heracles when he starts his adventures. At this point, the centaur Chiron acts like Nick Fury as the common point between all different heroes, being the trainers of the demigods. Then the big crossover is The Calydonian Boar Hunt, featuring some of the heroes who would become the future Argonauts, and a new hero, one woman— the huntress Atalanta. Directly after it is The Argonauts, where many heroes of Ancient Greece, now all acquainted with each other, regularly team up against common foes and embark on a quest together.

Fast forward to Phase 2. It is now the peak of the Heroic Age in Classical Mythology with the end of the adventures of the Argonauts. Many of the Argonauts would go on to become the fathers of heroes of the Trojan War, but that's for later. This phase starts bright, but progressively become darker after each installments. Orpheus gets his movie, recounting the loss of the love of his life and his journey to the Underworld to save her, quest which he will fail, before being killed aboveground by jealous madwomen. The Heraclids is next, and it's about the numerous descendants of the now dead Heracles banding together and mounting an invasion of Greece, which they consider as their just due. The heroes have to band together to fight and kill the children of their dear fallen friends. They will fail, but the Heraclids will repeatedly come back for other attempts throughout Phase 2 and 3. After that, Oedipus: the killer of the Sphinx, but a more pathetic (in the true sense of the term) hero than his predecessors, his tragic tale which would later be the start of a series of events culminating in the finale of Phase 2. In the meantime, The House of Atreus, relating another similar story to Oedipus, concerning the intergenerational hatred of two brothers and their respective descendants. Finally, the big crossover is The Seven Against Thebes: upon his exile from his city, Oedipus had placed a curse upon his sons, and this war between brothers, who each engage heroes to their sides, for who will rule Thebes is the ultimate fulfilment of that curse. They kill each others, and Thebes is ruined.

Finally, Phase 3, with everything leading to the Trojan War, the ultimate showdown. Zeus plans to depopulate the Earth, especially of his demigod descendants, whom he feels will dethrone him. First, Helen gets her movie, more personnal than epic, about her struggle as the most desired woman in Greece (she is abducted by Theseus among other things). Then Paris of Troy gets his movie, who plays like a romantic comedy, even though its conclusion will have fatal repercussions. Follows Epigoni, which depicts the second Theban war, ten years after the first one, when the descendants of the Seven wish to avenge the death of their fathers and attack Thebes. Finally, The Trojan War, in two parts. Semi-divine heroes and normal badasses fight it out over 10 years; the first part is The Illiad, with Achilles as the central character; the second one focuses on Odysseus. The Phase ends with Returns (the return of many heroes), Orestes (concluding the bloody saga of the House of Atreus), and The Odyssey.

What's yours?
I've been getting back into the Late Roman Republic and I was thinking of how to do this. But I was thinking more from the perspective of TV and wrangling this though, and I think that medium suits it far better.

I am curious about how many separate shows you really could get from such a thing, as opposed to just a linear storyline where people die off like GoT. Maybe you take individual commanders like Crassus against Spartacus, Caesar in Spain/Gaul and Pompey in the East and they each get their own works.

I guess you could adapt it to film, though it'd be more truncated. Have Caesar and Pompey's rise be parallel, in terms of production (though it clearly wasn't in real life) while starting off with a Marius film cause that's where we see a lot of the stuff we recognize. Also; battles.

Dragonlance can also work, since it's already broken into convenient trilogies for the early stuff. You have the prequels about Raistlin's life crossing over with the adventures of the full group, and maybe have some Rogue One style action by going back and filling in stuff like the Kingpriest.
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I think Steven King needs a cinematic universe. We've got a strong start with Haven and Kubic's Shining, do some linkage and bobs your uncle.

On a more my creation kind of thing, I think my horrors could make interesting movies (albeit short ones most of the time), and the sort of "just as planned" people are all from the same family, so it works out nicely.
I've been getting back into the Late Roman Republic and I was thinking of how to do this. But I was thinking more from the perspective of TV and wrangling this though, and I think that medium suits it far better.

I am curious about how many separate shows you really could get from such a thing, as opposed to just a linear storyline where people die off like GoT. Maybe you take individual commanders like Crassus against Spartacus, Caesar in Spain/Gaul and Pompey in the East and they each get their own works.

I guess you could adapt it to film, though it'd be more truncated. Have Caesar and Pompey's rise be parallel, in terms of production (though it clearly wasn't in real life) while starting off with a Marius film cause that's where we see a lot of the stuff we recognize. Also; battles.
So like a Rome extended universe?
I think Steven King needs a cinematic universe. We've got a strong start with Haven and Kubic's Shining, do some linkage and bobs your uncle.
Like his books, they would all lead to the Dark Tower :p
Warhammer 40k shared cinematic universe:

Phase 1: Would be primarily TV shows, set in the same general area of the Imperium, let's call it Sector Genericus.

First would be The Emperor's Finest, a Band of Brothers style show patterned off of Gaunt's Ghosts about a newly minted Imperial Guard regiment and it's trials and travails, fighting all the myriad enemies of man on the edge of sector genericus. Include lot's of sympathetic characters, plenty of action, and lot's of people dying off and being replaced. Main characters would probably be a company Captain and a scattering of people below him or her (Fuck Mono Gender regiments), with the Colonel, Commissars, and others being more ambiguous characters who might get an episode focused on them but are mostly left out of focus. Heavily focus not just on battle, but on what life is like for the average soldiers on the ground and their stories. The main plot of the first season would focus on a seemingly unrelated series of battles that turn out to eventually be connected when it's revealed the Colonel is taking order's from an Inquisitor.

Second would be Angels of Death, a more quasi superhero esque story about a squad of Deathwatch Space Marines. A diverse collection from multiple chapters who bicker heavily and really don't like eachother (A bit like the Avengers), but always get the job done and the enemy's of man purged. Make sure to heavily focus on how ridiculously superhuman (and inhuman) the Space Marines are, yet still heroic characters. Season 1 plot would be about Deathwatch pursuing a particular Chaos Warlord who is strangely good at attracting Xenos allies, at the behest of the same Inquisitor.

Third would be Dark Heresy, about a warband of Inquisitorial Agents working for the Inquisitor whose behind the two other shows. A diverse collection of highly trained agents from all walks of Imperial Life. Espionage Thriller combined with Supernatural Horror story (except the protagonists are badasses). The main plot would be about tracking down a Heretical Conspiracy that reaches throughout the upper layers of the sector's nobility and government, across worlds. Eventually the warband tracks the Cult to the Sector's capital as the first Season finale, Which would somehow tie into the movie.

The three plotstrands would combine in a movie where the Inquisitor arranges all the chesspieces (The protaginists of the three shows) to help him defeat some greater evil threatening the entire sector, that ties back into the plots of the prior shows. The Inquisitor would basically play the roll of Director Fury in the MCU, uniting the various characters for the first movie.

After that, season two of the various shows, plus possibly other shows like a show based around Chaos (Probably a Breaking Bad style "How these good people became insane and evil" show), a Rogue Trader (Lot of potential there for exploring the setting), or mini series based around smaller subjects.
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Warhammer 40k shared cinematic universe:

Phase 1: Would be primarily TV shows, set in the same general area of the Imperium, let's call it Sector Genericus.

First would be The Emperor's Finest, a Band of Brothers style show patterned off of Gaunt's Ghosts about a newly minted Imperial Guard regiment and it's trials and travails, fighting all the myriad enemies of man on the edge of sector genericus. Include lot's of sympathetic characters, plenty of action, and lot's of people dying off and being replaced. Main characters would probably be a company Captain and a scattering of people below him or her (Fuck Mono Gender regiments), with the Colonel, Commissars, and others being more ambiguous characters who might get an episode focused on them but are mostly left out of focus. Heavily focus not just on battle, but on what life is like for the average soldiers on the ground and their stories. The main plot of the first season would focus on a seemingly unrelated series of battles that turn out to eventually be connected when it's revealed the Colonel is taking order's from an Inquisitor.

Second would be Angels of Death, a more quasi superhero esque story about a squad of Deathwatch Space Marines. A diverse collection from multiple chapters who bicker heavily and really don't like eachother (A bit like the Avengers), but always get the job done and the enemy's of man purged. Make sure to heavily focus on how ridiculously superhuman (and inhuman) the Space Marines are, yet still heroic characters. Season 1 plot would be about Deathwatch pursuing a particular Chaos Warlord who is strangely good at attracting Xenos allies, at the behest of the same Inquisitor.

Third would be Dark Heresy, about a warband of Inquisitorial Agents working for the Inquisitor whose behind the two other shows. A diverse collection of highly trained agents from all walks of Imperial Life. Espionage Thriller combined with Supernatural Horror story (except the protagonists are badasses). The main plot would be about tracking down a Heretical Conspiracy that reaches throughout the upper layers of the sector's nobility and government, across worlds. Eventually the warband tracks the Cult to the Sector's capital as the first Season finale, Which would somehow tie into the movie.

The three plotstrands would combine in a movie where the Inquisitor arranges all the chesspieces (The protaginists of the three shows) to help him defeat some greater evil threatening the entire sector, that ties back into the plots of the prior shows. The Inquisitor would basically play the roll of Director Fury in the MCU, uniting the various characters for the first movie.

After that, season two of the various shows, plus possibly other shows like a show based around Chaos (Probably a Breaking Bad style "How these good people became insane and evil" show), a Rogue Trader (Lot of potential there for exploring the setting), or mini series based around smaller subjects.
I would watch the hell out of this. Soooooo much.