Create Your Own Actual Servants Thread (or refine existing ones)

Zap Rowsdower

Ex-cultist vagrant
Bright lights, big city
I just had to do this one as soon as I saw the thread. The star-fire mentioned in Item Creation is of course plasma thrown by his Death Ray; I love how little I had to make up for that skill. List is longer for Item Creation than usual due to the fact that that is his specialty. Spark of Genius is, of course, derived in large part from the webcomic Girl Genius, which is only fair what with the "the very idea of Mad Science comes from Tesla" thing. Yes, I know Alternating Current should historically go to Westinghouse, not Tesla, but it is Tesla for whom it is legend; effective rank for phantasm varies depending on how much electricity he's got at the moment. I apologize for unscientificness of it, but when you're dealing with the magic heroic spirit of a guy with a death ray, I don't think scientific accuracy is going to be likely.

Class: Caster
True Name: Nikola Tesla
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Strength: E
Stamina: D
Agility: D
Mana: B
Luck: D

Class Skills
Item Construction (A++): Able to construct devices to throw star-fire, devices to create earthquakes on command, devices to generate shields of pure energy, devices to mimic the "Clairvoyance" and "Presence Detection" skills by using controlled imperceptibly small earthquakes to "see" everything in a 3-km radius, and cameras to capture static visual representations of what a target is thinking.

Territory Creation (B): Able to create a "workshop".

Personal Skills
Mental Pollution (C-): Servant Caster suffered from severe neuroses in life, to the extent that he formed the basis for a worldwide stereotype of "the insane but brilliant scientist" for more than a century after his death.

Pioneer of the Stars (D): One who made significant contributions to the ushering in of a new age of humanity, in which "technology" replaced "magic" and "gods" as the general conception of the human peak and solution to problems. Receives a severe penalty for not having been alone in the creation of this new age and for lack of recognition for such.

Spark of Genius (B+): A special quality inherent to the soul, acting as an intermittently active equivalent rank in Charisma and Revelation, while granting the ability to create objects which bend, though not technically break, the laws of Gaia.

Noble Phantasms
Alternating Current - The War of Light
Type: Anti-Army/Support
Rank: E~B++

The crystallization of Tesla's victory in the war of Alternating Current vs. Direct Current, and the success of the spread thereof. Tesla can absorb, store, and wield without any personal harm any quantity of electricity of alternating current from any source around him. This stored current can be used to throw electricity for attacking and electrocution purposes, used to enhance and temporarily increase the rank of personal parameters via an effect similar to Prana Burst, or converted to prana for personal use and back again as needed; in absence of external sources, Tesla's own prana can be converted to electricity for such uses in absence of external sources, although this leads to prana exhaustion rapidly.
The only question that remains. Does protection from mental hindrance protect against the Golden Apple?

ie. Bravery, Mad Enhancement,
Sucal said:
Yes, but that insinuates that Art of War wouldn't always be active. My thoughts is that he doesn't possess any fighting skill or phantasms, because if you've summoned him to fight normally like any other servant then chances are your F***ed. Art of War was designed to be more of a passive thing, rather then a phantasm to be active, built up over his reputation as a master of tactics. Thus fighting normally would get you smashed.

Fighting according to his own books though, turning the enemies strengths against them etc, intelligent use of spies, fortifications and stuff. Though I admit that I considered making that incident where he instructed the concubines in basic military formations into a noble phantasm, perhaps something that gives one day of training under him the same effect as a year or similar.
Err... God Hand was a passive Noble Phantasm, but also with a activated effect. Cancels all attacks below B rank and then when Berserker is dead, it revives him.

For Someone's Glory is also a passive Noble Phantasm, it obscures Berserker from any attempt from discovering his identity passively.

Just trying to point out that there are passive Noble Phantasms as well as active ones.
True Name: Saito Musashibo Benkei
Possible Class: Saber, Lancer, Archer
Alignement: Lawful Neutral

Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: C
Mana: C
Luck: D


Demonic Presence: B
There are many stories surrounding Benkei's birth. All of them agree something evil was involved in his conception, as there is no other way such a terrifying man could exist. Anyone facing Benkei that does not have Bravery of at least B rank will have all parameters reduced by one full rank.

Eternal Arms Mastership: A
Benkei fought alongside Minamoto no Yoshitsune in the Genpei war. It is said that in every battle he participated in, Benkei killed over 200 men. In the final battle of his life, he killed over 300 men.

Guardian Knight: A+
Benkei's Legend started with him guarding the Gojo Bridge and ends with his corpse standing guard at Yoshitsune's castle.

Noble Phantasms:

Benkei's Standing Death: C+
Benkei died standing with his weapon ready. He held off an army for over an hour after he died. This ability allows for Benkei to continue fighting even after he has be dealt a fatal wound. He will not yield to his injuries until his opponents have either died or have fled or his body has been destroyed.

Gojo's Armory: B+
While guarding the Gojo Bridge, Benkei killed anyone that tried to cross it and took their weapons for himself. Benkei has gather 999 different weapons that way and he is skilled in the use of each one. This skill gives Benkei access to 999 High Quality Weapons.

How is it? I really hope I managed to do him justice.

Now with Version 2.0!

Class: Saber
Alternate Classes: Lancer
True Name: Saito Musashibo Benkei
Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Bio: One day a priest became possessed and raped the daughter of the local blacksmith. In an attempt to purify herself, she took iron hot from the forge and swallowed it whole. She was pregnant for over three years before she finally gave birth. That child was Benkei.

Even as a child, Benkei was a monster. When he helped his grandfather in the smithy, he hammered the anvil hard enough to embed it in the earth, and he gathered firewood by uprooting full grown trees with his bare hands. One day when he was challenged to a fight, Benkei lifted up a large boulder with easy and crushed his challenger in one blow. He was nicknamed Oniwaka (Young Demon) for his ferocity.

Because of how wild and uncouth he was, Benkei's mother decided to send him to the Enryakuji Temple on Mt. Hiei to become a monk in hopes that it would tame him somewhat. It didn't. Benkei joined the ranks of the sohei, a group of warrior monks that were usually considered not intelligent and/or devout enough to become actual monks, and turned them into hell raisers. They stole a giant bell from a rival monastery. Benkei later returned the bell to cash in on the reward, a satisfactory meal. He then proceeded to eat all of their food and left teeth marks in their cauldron.

At age 17, Benkei was over 8 feet tall and had the strength of over one-hundred men. As a warrior he needed weapons. In addition to his sword, he armed himself with seven tools of the common man; a broad axe, a rake, a sickle, a wooden mallet, a saw, an iron staff, and a half moon spear. He kept these weapons with him for the rest of his life. He needed to have his armor custom made, so to gather materials he stood upon the Goju Bridge in Kyoto and challenged any man who tried to cross it to either hand over their sword or fight for their life. After collecting 999 swords this way, he was eventually defeated by Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune. Benkei swore his undying loyalty to this man.

Benkei fought alongside his master in the Gempei war. In each battle Benkei fought in, he killed over 200 hundred men. When the war was over Benkei's master was betrayed by his brother. Any man aligned with Yoshitsune was hunted down and killed. Benkei and his master went into hiding, where Benkei suffered a moral crisis. To keep their cover, Benkei had to ruthlessly beat up his disguised master. His mind went into turmoil as it tried to figure out what was more important; his master's life or his master's honor?

Eventually, they stopped at the Manpukuji Temple in Koshigoe. Yoshitsune had Benkei write a letter to his brother asking if there was any way they could make peace with each other. While writing the letter, Benkei was distracted by the sounds of the crickets. He yelled at them to shut up, and to this day no cricket ever dares make a sound while near the Manpukuji Temple. Yoshitsune's brother was able to trace the letter back to the temple.

With their cover blown, Benkei and his master fled to Yoshitsune's castle. Yoshitsune order Benkei to guard the gate with his life while he would commit senpuku. Benkei stood guard at the gate and stared down the army that had come for his master. Any who approached the gate was swiftly killed. When the army had lost well over three hundred solders, they changed tactics. They fired every single arrow that they had at him. Benkei didn't move to dodge nor, defend himself. The army panicked as Benkei was seemingly unaffected the hundreds of arrows piercing his body. It wasn't until one brave/stupid soul moved closer to the gate at least an hour later that they realized the Benkei had actually died. They waited another hour before storming the castle just to make sure he wouldn't suddenly come back to life and kill them all. Yoshitsune had completed his ritual long before they got to him.

Strength: A++
Agility: C
Endurance: B
Mana: B
Luck: D


Attendant of Iron: A
Benkei's master, Minamoto-no-Yoshitsune, was considered a godling and Benkei was his loyal servant. This skill raises all paramaters of Benkei's master by one rank.

Exorcism of Apparitions: C
Benkei spent a portion of his life training to be a monk. By invoking the kuji, Rin Pyou Tou Sha Kai Jin Retsu Zai Zen, Benkei is immune to curses and has a chance to seal his enemy's use of magecraft.

Battle Continuation: EX
Benkei held off an army long after he had died. He will only die if his entire body has been completely destroyed, or his prana levels have been reduced to zero. His fighting ability is nearly impossible to reduce through injuries, the only sure way to reduce his combat efficiency is to remove his limbs entirely.

Noble Phantasms:

Armor of Blades: C
Benkei's armor, forged from almost a thousand swords. This armor still thinks of itself as a sword and therefore will try to cut whatever comes in contact with it.

The Eighth Implement: EX
Despite have eight weapons, Benkei was well known for having seven weapons. This Noble Phantasm allows him to temporarily use one of his enemy's Noble Phantasms as if it was his own, replacing his sword, as long as he is able to touch when it is not in its true master's grasp (Knocked out of their hands, used as a projectile, etc). He is able to "break" a Noble Phantasm before it is returned to its true master.
Gonna work on this some more tommorow...

True Name: Billy the Hero
Possible classes: Berserker, Saber.
Alignment: Neutral Good.

Agility: C
Endurance: EX+
Mana: D
Luck: B

A legendary hero from a post-apocalyptic future, Billy is a half-giant who slew monsters and fought to defend the innocent alongside his magic dog for many years before falling to despair. Armed with the sword Nothung, already a Noble Phantasm when he obtained it, he did battle for many decades before coming to the realization that new evil would always arise and swearing himself to non-violence. Symbolic of this, Billy has a hole in his chest an no heart. The fact that he can live without a heart of years without suffering any ill effects alone demonstrates Billy's tremendous residual might, even in old age. As a result, Billy can only be roused to action by acts of true heroism, or the use of command seals.
Billy belongs in the other thread, as he hails from Adventure Time, rather than real life history or mythology.

Unless you're saying Adventure Time is a true documentary of future events, but then you have a good deal of explaining to do.
Hey, you know what, you guys need to stop being so strict about these things. "WAH, that guy doesn't belong here!" Ugh, chill out and relax. Why do you even need two threads for these things? It doesn't make sense.
Mook91 said:
A bit sceptical on the Noble Phantasms but otherwise it looked great.

I think it would be better if Standing Death allows him to keep fighting until either his enemy is dead, his enemy has fled or his body has been completely destroyed. So an Excalibur blast will kill him easily, if a regular hero manages to hack away at him for long enough then he will die, getting run over by Pegasus will probably kill him, Ea, etc.

And Gojo's Armory really needs some tweaking, are you seriously telling me that every weapon his opponents used was a legendary weapon like Excalibur, Kusanagi, Gae Bolg, Gram, etc? Make it so that he has 999 high quality weapons that he is skilled with, they can be similar to Iskanders sword which was able to stand up to numerous hits from Noble Phantasms without getting a single scratch but which lacked any special abilities on its own.
I made changes to the Noble Phantasms.

On a side note note, is it just me or does Beneki seem like an Ancient Japan version of Shiro?
Mook91 said:
I'm not really sure what you're talking about, I don't really see any similarities.
Benkei's Noble Phantasms are, in a sense, just weaker versions of Avalon and Unlimited Blade Works. And compare Benkei's devotion to his master to Shirou's devotion to saving people; both are willing to give up their own life without a second thought to fulfill their goal.

At least, that's what I saw after giving Benkei's stat sheet a second look.
Safari Hunter's Garb needs to be replaced with Speechmaker, a crystalization of the time he was shot during a speech and wasn't affected in the slightest; presumably something relating to invulnerability when using his Charisma skill. Also needs at least a B rank in Judo.

Unfortunately, I don't really know enough about the Battle of San Juan Hill to phantasm-ize it...

True name- Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar, El Cid Campeador.
Class- Rider.
Alignment- Lawful Good.
Alternate classes- Saber.


Strength: C
Agility: B
Endurance: C
Mana: C
Luck: B
Noble Phantasm: B


Magic Resistance (Class, C) - Cancel spells with a chant below two verses.
Riding (Class, B) - Most vehicles and creatures can be handled with above average skill. Cannot handle Phantasmal Species.

Charisma (B) - Natural talent to command an army, in the level of the king of a country.
Independent Action (B) - Capable of remaining in this world for two days without an established contract. Also capable of living on for a short period of time after suffering extensive damage on his spiritual core.
Military Tactics (B) - Tactical skill that is of benefit during army scale engagements.

Noble Phantasms:

Last Ride (Anti-Army, B+) -


Flimsy rationalizations: Though Saber would appear at first glance to be more suitable for a legendary knight, such as El Cid, certain parts of his legend makes Rider more suitable for Rodrigo. However, the parameters have been adjusted from the Rider class standard to make them closer to what one would expect from a genuine knight class spirit. The big boost in Luck, particularly, comes from his "never-tell-me-the-odds" attitude and ability to bounce back from the biggest setbacks (you exile me? Fine! I'll go conquer my own kingdom over there).

Magic Resistance is a class skill. Nothing relevant comes to mind from the Cid's legend, so I've set it to C for an average value. Similar considerations apply to Riding, since El Cid is known to have been a fine rider in life (with a warhorse, Babieca, that was famous on its own right), but no great feats of horsemanship come to mind. So B.

Independent Action as a non class skill will no doubt raise a number of eyebrows, but since the Cid enduring after being rejected by his unworthy master is an integral part of his legend, it fits all too well. Also, the note concerning short term survival if the spiritual core is damaged, fits very well one of the Noble Phantasm concepts I'm playing with. I wanted to put something in there representing the legend in which the Cid essentially drags his king to the cathedral and makes him swear that he had no part in the murder of his brother, the previous king, but it'd have meant stacking too many skills.

As for Military Tactics and Charisma, those are straigthforward. Guy was a superb general and is well remembered as one, to the point that his "Cid Campeador" monicker means "lord of the battlefield" more or less. However, he doesn't have the kind of bullshit nearly supernatural charismas of earlier heroes.

Now, let's see what to do for Noble Phantasms...
RavingScholar said:
Iskander had Magic Resistance D, and EMIYA had Magic Resistance D as well. Unless Cid has some connection to magic in his legend, D would probably fit better since that seems to be the average value for non-knight classes (Medusa had MR B, but she lived during the Age of Gods, so it's warranted).
Meh. Fair enough.
Mook91 said:
I like it, but it could use a link to his wiki page or another source to tell us more about who this is and you should separate his skills into Class Skills and Personal Skills. I don't know who that is so I can't help you with his Noble Phantasms.

His bio

His swords

A rather more colorful biography

Some misc links
Mook91 said:
Looks fine to me.

On a completely different note, I feel like I need to make a new stat Sheet for Benkei. I just found out that Fate/Apocrypha has a Fake Benkei Servant. This fake Benkei has a skill capable of shutting down his foes use of Noble Phantasms with what is essential a Command Seal and has a Noble Phantasm that can outright steal an enemy's Noble Phantasm for a while.

Am I wrong in thinking that the real Benkei's stat sheet should be upgraded in response to what the Fake Benkei can do?
Servant Avenger
True Name: Heraklius Augustus
Alignment: Lawful Good
Alternate Classes: Caster, Lancer, Rider, Ruler

Strength: B
Endurance: B
Agility: B
Prana: A (C)
Luck: A+ (E-)

Noble Phantasm: EX

Heraklius is one of the legendary Emperors of Rome, a figure who, to this day, inspires awe and quickens the imagination. He is famous in the West as a tragic figure, whose incredible maneuvers permanently defeated Sassanian Persia and restored the True Cross to Jerusalem, only to witness the Muslim irruption onto the world. In the Muslim world he is remembered as one of the greatest mortal rulers to grace the Earth, of just character and great wisdom.

Heraklius was the son of a skilled general, who would eventually become Exarch of Africa. The ruling Emperor, Maurice, was deposed by an usurper by the name of Phocas. Shortly thereafter, Shahanshah Khosrau II began the twenty year Roman-Sassanian war that would bring both Empires to utter ruin, on the pretext of avenging the Emperor Maurice. Rejecting the rule of Phocas, and seeing how the Romans were being defeated on all fronts, Heraklius and his family eventually planned and executed a coup d'état, in which he was acclaimed Emperor of the Romans. As he took up the Imperial purple, the universe seemed to conspire against him, adding to the ranks of Rome's enemies and the utter destitute of the Roman peoples. In a series of stunning campaigns, fought with bitter desperation and marked by superhuman feats of valor and endurance, he so mortally wounded the Sassanian dynasty that their entire Empire soon unraveled into utter anarchy.

Heraklius was not allowed to enjoy the peace he had shed so much to earn. In a few scant years, Muhammed stormed the world by the sword, and the both Empires, enfeebled by their struggle to the death, were powerless to resist. So afflicted by the determinism of fate, Heraklius passed away in aching madness and sorrow. It is said that in his suffering he was akin to Hezekiah, King of Judah.

Heraklius is also an excellent candidate for Caster, Lancer, Rider, and of course, Ruler. To a lesser extent, he also qualifies for Saber and Archer.

Class Skills:

Personal Skills:
Eye of the Mind (True) (A): Cold blooded, Heraklius manipulated all circumstances within his power. For his shrewdness and wisdom, he is recorded in Arab chronicles as one of the greatest and wisest Kings who ever lived. So long as a chance of victory exists, Heraklius will find it.

Military Tactics (A): The Roman army was shattered and demoralized by the pain and exhaustion of over a decade of defeat, and faced the might of the seemingly unending Sassanian armies. By his exhortations and example, Heraklius reformed the shadow of a once mighty force and led them into the very heart of Persia in a series of lightning campaigns, each returning upon Khosrau II all the cruelty he had inflicted on the Romans. He is among the greatest of generals. Any army, unit, or band under his personal leadership, no matter their prior condition, will defy ever odd and defeat any enemy.

Protection from Arrows (B): Seeing his army flounder when attempting to force a river crossing, Heraklius and his bodyguard spurred their mounts across the bridge, contemptuously defying the bite of the hail of Persian darts and javelins. So incredible was the skill and daring of the deed that Khosrau II exclaimed that no one could withstand him. Unless a component of a high ranking noble phantasm, Heraklius will never be phased by missiles.

Noble Phantasm:
Bearer of the True Cross (EX)

Type: Anti-Memetic
Driven by the fires of conviction, Heraklius took up arms against the vast sea of troubles, and spat in the eye of Fate.

In his wrath, he razed the ancient cities of Mesopotamia, he scattered numberless armies, and he put out the supposedly eternal fires that had been dedicated to Ahura-Mazdra. After many years of hard campaigning, the satraps of Persia returned to Rome all that it had lost: the standards of lost regiments, the great multitude of prisoners, every conquered province, but most important of all, the True Cross.

When he returned it to Jerusalem, he found that he could not bear the weight of the Cross through the gates of the city. Humbled, he dismounted and surrendered his crown, and in doing so miraculously lightened his burden, while the gates of the city threw themselves open of their own accord. Fate robbed Heraklius of his inexorable will and his vitality in revenge for his daring.

Exhausted, crippled, he could only watch impotently as everything he had fought so viciously to keep was taken away once more by the sword and the word of the Caliphs.

This Noble Phantasm is the tangible power his defiance of destiny has exercised over the course of history. Heraklius' war was the last act in one of the most destructive wars in history, one which ended with disturbing finality the urbanized riches of the eastern Mediterranean. He represents the literal end of an era. Whenever Heraklius activates Bearer of the True Cross, any Servants or Noble Phantasms that qualify, regardless of location, are under its demesne. The activation of this Noble Phantasm is conditional, it requires Heraklius to humble himself, lay down his symbols of power, and take up the Cross. In addition, he accedes to the demands of Fate; he loses his A+ rank in Luck and is physically weakened, the wellspring of energy that carried him through the grueling tribulations of the Sassanian War is reduced to C rank. This Noble Phantasm has three levels of effect:

Defender of Rome - Any enemy of Rome is reduced by one rank across all attributes, and Noble Phantasms they wield are demoted according to the weight of their own mystery against Bearer of the True Cross.

Scourge of Persia - Heroic Spirits or Noble Phantasms tracing their origin from Persia are subject to extreme penalties.

Avenger of the Cross - Finally, any Heroic Spirit or Noble Phantasm influenced by Zoroastrianism may be instantly annihilated. If the mystery they possess manages to resist this, they are instead subjected to increased scrutiny by the World and the Counter Force, which usually results in their destruction.
Is there anything I should do to improve Servant Heraklius?

Otherwise, next up is Constantine XI Palaiologos.
While trolling around Wikipedia I found a certain something. Shahnameh THE major collection of Persian tales. In particular the story of Rostam caught my eye. So can anyone else think of other stories (or collections thereof) that we in Western Society might not necessarily know as much about? I think that there are quite a few that could be interesting to see developed in the Nasuverse setting.

Speaking of which can anyone point me towards a better source of information on the Shahnemah and Rostam other than Wikipedia? It's a good site for becoming aware of things just by the sheer amount of articles it has, but as we all know it's best to go to "professional sources" for confirmation.
Mook91 said:
I think Gram should have a higher rank, since it's the prototype for Caliburn, which must have been at least an A+, given that a traced copy of it was capable of hurting Berserker. The originals are supposed to be more powerful, so Gram definitely shouldn't be any lower than A+.
ThySelf said:
Nice caster. Does anyone have any good ideas for a Greek-based Saber?
A quick wiki walk suggests Hector (notable sword duel with Achilles, though Achilles was more noted as a spear-user) , Ajax (got a sword from Hector for impressing him, giving a girdle in exchange, and later used the sword to kill himeself). Also Theseus, who proved himself the (possibly not actually) rightful king of Athens by showing a sword he found under a rock that only the son of the king of Athens could move, and who later used that sword to kill the Minotaur.
KageX said:
While trolling around Wikipedia I found a certain something. Shahnameh THE major collection of Persian tales. In particular the story of Rostam caught my eye. So can anyone else think of other stories (or collections thereof) that we in Western Society might not necessarily know as much about?
Digines Akritas, sort of the Eastern Roman (and by cultural hegemony, the Slav's) Rustam, if you will.
KageX said:
Speaking of which can anyone point me towards a better source of information on the Shahnemah and Rostam other than Wikipedia? It's a good site for becoming aware of things just by the sheer amount of articles it has, but as we all know it's best to go to "professional sources" for confirmation.
The mythic portion of the Shahnemah, ending with the death of Rustam, is freely available as one of the article's citations.
I said I was going to give Benkei's stat sheet an overhaul. After digging deeper into his mythos I think I'm finally ready to do justice to the man some refer to as Japan's most well known hero.

Here it is. (Scroll down past the old one)
That last NP seems a bit OP, especially the BP (Broken Phantasm) bit.
I mean, jeez, how many Servants have more than one weapon-phantasm. To perma-break one seems...yeah.
That ones from Fate/Apocrypha. I couldn't think of anything else to give him for a Noble Phantasm, so I gave him the Noble Phantasm the Fake Benkei in Fate/Apocrypha had.