
Banned Forever
There is a fantasy world and amongst the most powerful force in this world are spell casters. While there are kings and nations, the true holders of power are the wizards and their magical orders. You are the head of one such order, so use your creativity to design a powerful organization of wizards that are movers and shakers in this setting.

A few rules:

No technology or magic that simulates technology. This is a medieval world, so no mass produced magic items that reproduce technology, no mass transit, no factories, etc. Any magical item your order makes will be very rare and precious.

Try to be reasonable in terms of power level, you share influence with other factions, so don't make yours ridiculously more powerful.

Only a rare few people can ever master magic, so no teaching it to everybody or having huge numbers of members. You can, however, have soldiers or bodyguards of some kind to protect and serve.

Otherwise, be creative.
The Great Order:
The largest order of wizards in the world. It's members are spread throughout the entire world, so there are thousands of members, but in reality there is unlikely to be more than a few hundred members of the Great Order in any given kingdom at the same time. The Great Order practices magic that lies in the heart of the land and nature. Other magic The Great Order uses is movement of objects with sheer mental will power and without touch, healing and illusions, and the most powerful spells they can cast includes resurrection. The Great Order's magic is mostly based on subtlety, only exceptional members of the Great Order can cast instant spells of lightning and thunder, fire or frost, for example.
The Brotherhood of the Dragon's Breath

A small and very exclusive guild that specialises in the application of the mystic arts of alchemy to the rather more practical discipline of siege warfare. They had a monopoly on gunpowder and various forms of Greek Fire for a long time, but third-parties developing those independently just encouraged them to get creative: Poisonous gases that only affect specific races, vitriolic liquids that dissolve flesh without harming metal or clothing, explosives so potent that a single barrel can flatten a castle...

Nobody outside the Brotherhood knows whether their awesome and terrifying concoctions are wholly or partly magical; some say they're just exceptionally skillful chemists, while others suspect them of striking bargains with the Unseelie or the Diabolic. Either way, anyone who manages to secure the services of a Master Alchemist of the Brotherhood is a force to be reckoned with.
Try to be reasonable in terms of power level, you share influence with other factions, so don't make yours ridiculously more powerful.

Only a rare few people can ever master magic, so no teaching it to everybody or having huge numbers of members. You can, however, have soldiers or bodyguards of some kind to protect and serve.
The largest order of wizards in the world. It's members are spread throughout the entire world, so there are thousands of members, but in reality there is unlikely to be more than a few hundred members of the Great Order in any given kingdom at the same time
Aren't these statements in contradiction with each other?

Anyway, have my order.

The Illuminated Brethren of Ekallatum

The order that rules the Library-City of Ekallatum (thus the name 'Illuminated Brethren of Ekallatum'), the Illuminated Brethern are an astrological focused order, with much secret lore based on stellar divination methods, and rituals to tap into the cycles of the heaven. It's greatest weakness is speed, for its rituals are slow and cumbersome to enact, as well as often being expensive and needing several wizards to work together to properly cast them. In return, however, a properly enacted ritual can have vast amounts of power, and given sufficient time and forewarning (A year is about right) the order can cause great devastation on any that would threaten them. The focus on divination helps with that time and forewarning bit.

Of course, some times the stars are wrong (or just read wrong), and the casters all get eaten by horrible gribblies from beyond time and space, and the senior wizards of the order tend to be users of 'interesting thinking', but hey, everything has its price, right?
The Tower

A cross between an independent university and a mage order. The Tower is a great deal much more transparent and approachable for the common man than most organization of arcane nature.

Compared to other orders, the Tower do not believe in such a thing as isolationism and secrecy, especially when it come to things of magical nature. They are very involved with the outside world, frequently offering their service to various community and organizations, and sometimes even dabble in politics.

Most notable is their various institutes of magic spread over the world. These institutes offer free magical education to all aspiring magician up to apprentice level. Afterwards, they can continue their education at a price or received free education if they are sufficiently talented. Of course, their effort is stifled the the low number of those who can actually wield magic in the first place, but they refused to be discouraged

However, many would call the belief and teaching of the Tower to be questionable. They do not believe that there is such a thing as forbidden, or evil magic, and freely encourage the (cautious) practice of necromancy and other more ghoulish disciplines of magic that any would renounce. To them, the were like the study of nuclear physics, dangerous, but not inherently malicious. It is an open secret that the Tower frequently perform magical experiment of eldritch nature, concerning powers most would say best left in the hand of gods. This mean that the Tower is incredibly diverse in the range of type of magic that they practice. They are most adept in the manipulation and control of magic and reality itself. These magic are finicky, costly, dangerous, and spectacular in action.

More working, is their view of the world. They consider human, as a species, is the rightful master of all there is. They do not believe in servitude towards or patronage from any being or forces. To them, there is only one force worth obeying: men.

This belief mean that where other groups would consider negotiating with or placating supernatural beings such as demons or natural spirits, the Tower call for nothing less than their total subjugation and complete servitude.

While they do not out right say this for political reasons, that hold the same view toward gods, and wish to usurp them and install mankind as the new overlord of reality.

Note: I made this with the assumption that human is the only species ln the planet. If there are other races, they too will be considered the rightful rulers of reality.
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The Guild of the Sea

a Guild of Hydromancers who thought to themselves "we can control water, and can do watery things, so why not be surrounded in water? Plus non Hydromancers can't get here easily, so its relatively safe.
they also work as lifeguards if they are near beaches.
Their Rival Guild is the Guild of the Skies, basically, them, but on a Mountaintop.
instead of lifeguards, they deliver packages and stuff.
needless to say, they charge extra for members of the Guild of the sea.

...are there any nonhuman sapient races in this world?
if so, the Guild is made up of mostly Aquatic/amphibious races, with the humans who join getting the chance, if they prove themselves, to get physically altered to let them breath underwater as well. same goes with the Guild of the skies, except, ya know...more flying and less swimming...
suffice to say, most of the buildings are built with their abilities in mind...
The guild of internal alchemy

This guild, through meditation, consumption of elixers, potions, and pills, had managed to transform their very bodies into cauldrons. This enables them to create different chemicals and materials using their body as a workshop to produce it. An alchemist may transform his blood into acid to splash onto his opponents, or turn his body fluids into a highly effective healing potion to boost his regeneration. He may produce drugs within his body in order to boost his physical prowess, or create potions that heighten awareness. Other wise, he may also transform his sweat into poison, enabling him to kill with a touch.

Each alchemist is unable to be harmed by their own concoctions, and with the ability to produce their own healing potions and drugs that speed up reaction time and reinforce their bodies internally, as well as nullifying any form of disease or poison that enters their bodies, makes them extraordinarily hard to kill, requiring a decapitating strike.

The internal alchemy includes solid material as well, allowing them to manipulate their own bodies, such as producing a hard layer of armor beneath their skin, or creating a mesh to protect their internal organs from damage, making them more durable than they look.

Alchemists may also produce any potion or material they have ingested before. On a higher level, they may do so simply by looking or touching the material in question, thus making them superb potion makers in high demand.