Craving Fulfillment (Granblue Fantasy/Shadowverse/??? AU SI)

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How long has it been?

How long since I found myself in this fog-covered wasteland? It felt like...


Once more into the breach with yet another SI story in GBF again. Hopefully, this one will go better, critiques and comments will be appreciated Thanks for @dingbat779 and @Alexander89 for the help and advice.

How long has it been?

How long since I found myself in this fog-covered wasteland? It felt like an eternity has passed. Everything felt muted in this place and by everything I really do mean everything. There is no sound, not even the perpetual ringing noise in my ears that usually accompany. There is no sight, for there's only fog or something that looked like fog. It's hard to explain it but fog seems to be the most fitting and close to what it is. Gray and monotone, rolling slowly around. The only thing that gives any clue for my current location is the feeling of barren and dry earth beneath my feet.

I don't remember why I am here nor I really care anymore, numbed from the lack of anything. Keep walking without purpose or direction and clinging to one simple hope that this entire thing is only a dream. This must be a dream, it must be. And so, I kept walking in this God forsaken wasteland for a long long time.

However, those monotonous times over as I heard something through the silent fog.

"Oh? What's this?" A whisper, barely loud enough for me to hear. Embarrassingly, it took me quite a while before I truly registered it. A whisper, this means another person in this place! I called out to the fog, hopes blossoming in my heart. My mind barely recognizing the potential danger of calling out to an unknown voice but after so long without any interaction with anything, I barely care much about such things.

"Such a rare delicacy, to think one those would come here. I could just gobble you up." The whisper, she, said once more from the fog. Now that I am more alert, I can really listen to the whisper. The voice is definitely a female voice, one with a weird monotone accent and probably in her thirties. Something about her voice made me scared, I don't know why but it felt like being observed just like a piece of meat. I tried to called out once more only for the words caught inside my throat as I feel something cold and… hungry creeping all over my body. "Alas, it would be a waste if I just ate you right now. After all, it takes for certain things to be just right for you to be here O' my adorable little soul?"

A portion of the fog seeming slowly dispersed as I could slowly able to see a figure standing in front of me. The figure still covered by the thick fog so I couldn't really see it, but I am pretty sure it is at least human shape. The whisperer? My mind is busy shifting back and forth from panic at this weird situation and trying to processing the entire thing. Meanwhile, my entire body paralyzed from the great pressure I feel all over the body on my body, it's fear I dimly realized, but I pushed through and ask something that sticks out to me

"Who..are you..?.. and soul?" My voice croaked with each word as if I hadn't spoken for a long time. Perhaps, I might be.

"That's right dear, Soul. Rarely a mortal soul would get here after they deceased, much less one with its mind intact" She sounds fairly amused, I could see the figure in the fog slightly moving but perhaps that's just my imagination. "Now, what should I do with you?"

I barely paid any attention to her as I try to process her words. If what she said is true that means I.... She's lying, she must be. This is just a dream, just a dream, I am just imagining all of this. I mean, dead? Besides, why would I trust a mysterious voice in this hellhole? Right?

"Oh, you don't trust me? Then can you tell me what did you do before you are here?" The voice said mockingly. Of course, I can! I just arrived home as usual and went immediately to sleep since classes that day were quite boring. It's just day as usual and nothing else. Right now I am just having a nightmare while sleeping. It's just the usual. I… I feel..something hurts me. A brief flash of pain in my mind and a familiar bland taste. Taste? I remember...something taste bland, so bland it's unnatural. Some kind of drink? My memories...oh.

Ah, I see. I want to laugh at the absurdity of the situation, to scream in denial for this entire thing. And yet, I can only feel empty realization for I am dead, that's the fact and I know it. Even if I want to believe this is just some sort of fever dream, somewhere deep within me I know I am dead. Never achieving anything, nor even repaying my family. Everything till and especially the end was the result of my actions and nothing more. Not even dying doing anything remarkable but just a silent tiny pathetic whimper.

And now I can only wander this empty world forever and ever. As a punishment or a foregone conclusion, purgatory seems a fitting place for me though perhaps better than I expected. Wait, if this is purgatory then who is...

Through the fog, I could just see the figure smiled while watching me silently, reminding me of someone who watched their pet doing something silly. I don't know who she is, or what she is and this only brings back the fear from before the revelation of my death. I can't trust her, I should run away, countless things crossed my mind but I can't do anything except stare at the figure. It's as if my body is a puppet cut from its string

"I've decided" The figure suddenly speak with a serious tone before slowly moving toward me. I tried and kept trying to move and yet it's for nothing as I suddenly feel something inside me "You shall be my prophetess"

This...this is bad. My vision quick;y turned dark as the last thing I saw was a thin smile and unmistakably a hand piercing through my body.


Bright...everything is so bright

"...Open your eyes.."

Fueh?..Who's there? My body feels weird.

"Open your eyes....wake up my little prophetess"

My body suddenly forcefully awoken by a feeling of something twisting in my gut as I hit by moments of dizziness from waking up. It took me a few moments to clear my head, clarity came to my mind like a cold knife slicing through my head followed by the events that happened not too long ago quickly. That wasteland, my death, that woman...she, what did she do? Where am I?

The place I am in is definitely not where I was before. Instead of a fog-covered wasteland, this place is...much stranger. A church is the closest thing I can describe it with or at least an approximation of one. I could see rows upon rows of pews made of violet glass on the smooth reflective granite-like ground. Past through the pews is a huge towering dark metallic door made, it must be at least ten stories tall. When I turned back a huge wall of stained glass greeted me, kaleidoscopic light from it as the source of illumination in this place. It depicted...people, I think. Several people with one woman with a purple motif stood out in the middle of them, a figure of worship perhaps?

"Welcome, to your sanctuary my little prophetess" familiar voice bring my mind back to focus as I looked at her. Standing behind an obsidian altar at the base of the stained glass, a brunette woman with deep purple fancy dress smiling at me. From my heart, I know she's bad news. I don't know who she is but I still remember what happened and nothing good will happen if I continue to be with her. I know it for sure...but I simply can't. I can't panic, I don't feel fear like before, even my mind telling me nothing. She just felt...normal, comforting even despite all the reasons pointing otherwise.

"Who are you? What's happening right now?" I asked her, my voice eerily calm. She did something to me, but what?

"Curious one aren't you? That's a good trait to have, especially as my prophetess" The woman still smiling at me shifting her body so she leaned on the altar. I just noticed that there are floating crystal orbs around us but just like they just felt not out of place or weird. I idly looked at one of them while still paying attention to her, it seems nothing but darkness inside them "Mortals used to call me many names but for you, I am Gilnelise, the Omen of Craving"

"And you shall be my prophetess, my instrument in the world," She said as if that explained anything. In any other situation, I would simply treat her words as words of a delusional person and ignore them. However at the current situation, not to mention how serious she said them. This is simply too weird and I am too far out of my comfort zone "What you have to do is simply to follow my orders in the world, whatever you do other than that is your own choices. Think of it as a second chance with some obligation"

Hearing that made me pause my thought. No matter how hard I try to be wary of her, but the combination of whatever she did and the chance of living again quickly destroying my resolve. Maybe she isn't quite bad as I thought, still very suspicious but not bad. Just as I want to say something "Ufufu, if you don't want to be it then you can choose not to, however then you'll either back wander the Fringe for all eternities or I can just eat you whole. So what it will be mortal?"

That's...there really is not a choice then. She's clearly the one who has all the power here and I really can't do anything if she wants to. Perhaps I am being too passive about this, maybe I should push more for more answers. However, I never was a willful person and prefer to just go with the flow. Initiative is not my strong point besides I have a feeling any question I ask will go nowhere.

"..Fine, I'll be your 'Prophet' or whatever" However we both know I don't really have any other choice, either I join her or back to that foggy wasteland. Or worse, I can't even imagine what she meant by eating me and I don't want to know. Still not exactly happy about this though "...So why me? I am not exactly a capable person and while I still don't know what you are and what your purpose, I doubt I can do much"

"We shall see, my little prophet. We shall see" Gilnelise smiles mysteriously before grabbing one of the floating orbs and put it on the altar. With a gesture of her hand, the orb broke and in its place are...boxes. Three ornate palm-sized boxes, the most notable things about them are a crest of ten circles on all of them. Each box has a different colour, one is green, the other is white and the last one is blue. They looked familiar but I can't remember anything so I looked at her in confusion "However, for you to be able to do my biddings, you will need to be something more than you are right now"

"This shall be my gift for you little Prophet. A power that will be your self, sword and shield in the world to serve me. Choose one" She simply said. I looked at the boxes again. The green one made me thinks of the jungle in the back of my hometown, calming yet hiding many the danger. The blue one feels, I don't know how to explain it but it made me think of school and math. The last white one reminds me of the church and my father, guiding and resolved. With no further information about them, there's not much I can think of to make my choice. So I simply take the first one I saw which is the green one. Opening it I bearing the same crest as the box on the back.

"Ah, the forest I see " She muttered simply as I stared dumbfounded. Cards? The so-called power she gave me is cards? What the he- "Try pulling one my little prophet"

Grumbling to myself, I pick one of the cards from the box. When I flipped to see it, it looks like something from a card-game similar to the likes of Magic: the Gathering or Yu-Gi-Oh!. However, the card seemed to be...too blurry? I can feel power from it and I know what it is, it just feels incomplete. As for the card itself, it's [Bellringer Angel]. A follower card, whatever that means, of a blue-haired angel girl carrying a bell. The card flow from my hand before flew right into my body, I can feel its power inside me that I can call even right now.

"Your power, or rather your cards, right now is incomplete. Each is but a fraction of what it could be. However, you can learn more later on for there is an important gift there" Gilnelise said from the side.

Staring at her for a moment, I shrugged before continue pulling. As I did so, I realized that most of the cards I drew afterwards are even more incomplete than [Bellringer Angel]. I can barely glean any information from them except for two cards. Both of them glowed in rainbow light as I pulled them. They felt more compared to other cards, though I can't still really know what they are. One of them making me a bit scared though. As I pulled the last card, I blinded yet again by rainbow light. The card is even more complete than [Bellringer Angel] I feel, the name is [Fairy Princess, Aria]. Another follower card but this one is a bit different. The image is that of a white-haired fairy girl that dressed quite...revealing with an ornate blade sheathed on her waist and a pair of shining butterfly wings on her back. She is really pretty I must say but something about the card just pulling me in.

"A Legendary Leader? I see that the fate favours you mortal, that card is a 'Leader Card' " Gilnelise gestured and one of the floating orbs turn into a mirror "What they are is to be your vessel because right now you can't really do anything much in the material world"

What does she mea- ohhh. On the mirror, I saw what basically a humanoid shadow flickering as if blown by the unseen wind. It didn't take me long to connect the dots to realize that shadow is me. Ironically, I am less surprised about this than from my own lack of reaction. It just feels like I am being a shadow being is not really surprising considering I am dead. Suddenly, the card flew off from my hand right into me. Before my eyes, I saw as the reflection instantly changed. Instead of the wispy shadow, now it's [Fairy Princess, Aria] in its place.

This time I was pleasantly surprised. Embarrassingly I spent quite some time in front of the mirror checking myself up. It's just weird to see your body suddenly change like, or the fact that you are seeing a stranger on your own reflection. Not to mention, I never noticed this but everything seems more...vibrant to my senses after I change my body. I didn't fooling around too much though as I immediately remember about the only other person here.


"So my power is to have cards and turned into them? What a weird power." Oh god, that feels so weird to hear myself talking. The voice is just too smooth and different. This deal might not be so bad after all, I think I kinda like it so far "So what will I do now?"

"There exists a world in which islands of all shapes and sizes float in a sea of clouds. This is a world forsaken by the gods." Gilnelise simply smiled, images slowly forming in the orbs around us. Ah, it's the sky…? Wait, are those islands I see floating amongst the clouds? "Soon this world shall face a great trial, changes will sweep this grand blue sky once more, from inside and outside the world. Many of these changes will be focused on a single person, a singularity in the chaos if you will"

"So, I have to find this...singularity?" I asked, this person sounds like a hero of a tale or protagonist of a story. The images show various events, from huge ones like wars to small ones like a...halloween party? What a weird world and is she a single person causing or have an influence on all of them? I can't even imagine what sort of person able to do something like that. A sigh escaped Gilnelise as for the first time I saw her face frowned.

"That shall be one of your tasks. However, we're not the only outsiders interested in this world so your other task shall is to ensure that the fate of this world won't be changed by their meddling" She stared at one of the images in the orb as if it is offending her before suddenly turned to me with a predatory smile. Oh God, that's too many teeth "And you also have to satisfy my craving too. Whether through material sacrifice or entertainment, I shall be waiting for them my little prophet"

"Y-yes!" My squeak sounds even more pathetic in this large hall from the echo. She simply chuckled before I heard sounds of metal grinding against stone from behind me. I turned to look at the giant door open revealing a dark abyss. The light seems can't pierce the darkness at all so I can't see anything but for some reason, I feel like the darkness swirling and squirming like living thing.

"Now go and follow your yearning in earnest, my Prophetess." Her smiles seem genuine this time as she gestured toward the fully opened door. For a moment I waited to take a breath before starting to walk toward the door. This is one hell of a ride and one I cannot flee from, so I guess I should just enjoy it. Without any hesitation, I went into the abyss as darkness overtaken me

Mortal, seeker of glory, or is it prosperity you desire?

Very well, endure your trials, and prove your worth.

Survive our quest, and know true power.

One thing alone will ensure your triumph, Resolve.

Now, we begin the trials. Fate, await your choices.

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Basically anytime something like this happens in GBF , in game it would probably an event like the P5 crossover or that one event with those precure girls or the shota detective .
Ah, I see. Perhaps it is, but it's still quite a while until SI even meet the crew. Still, I do have things already planned for the "event". SI might even intrude at one of the crossover event which is the main inspiration of this fic.

It's still planning for now though, I have to build the foundation first before that.
1.1 First Taste ~Encounter~
First island! There bound to be mistakes especially in grammar since I am in rush writing this, so critique and comment are appreciated. I wonder if anyone will find out which island from GBF is this and which card from Shadowverse I used. Hints, its Forest

When the darkness fades away, I found myself lying down on in a small clearing surrounded in an unfamiliar woods. Closing my eyes and let the feeling of grass on my back, cold air of the night on my skin or whispers of the wind and the trees to calm me down. In less than a day, I aware that I died, get kidnapped by (probably) a Goddess and resurrected as her minion. I just need...some time to process all of that. I wonder where everything went so wrong?


Ah well, what already happened I can't change it and what will be will be, or something along those lines. The only thing I can do this is moving forward and exploring a new world, albeit under the order of someone who probably can end me in an instant, can be quite fun. Positive, I just have to be positive. I got a new life, new body and even magical power, which speaking of the power I should probably try to learn more about it more right now. This place seems to be safe for now, I can't even hear any animal around, going out from here without first knowing my own power would be...unwise.

Concentrating on the feeling of power in the back of my mind, I tried to get a better feel about it. What I found was not unexpected and fascinating at the same time. I could feel a deck of cards, the same one I got from Gilnelise ready to be used. Well, even if it's a little a weird, there's only one thing I could do really. I held out my hand and mimicking the movement of drawing the card, I could feel energy slowly coalesced into my grasp giving out bright light. It continued to build up as more and more energy flowed from my self to my hand, it's as if lightning burning through my body. I saw as the blinding light grew as if taking a shape as more power poured into it before nothing happens.


"Eh?" Dumbfounded by the suddenness of the situation, I could only stare at the card in my hand. What? I tried and tried again to the same result only to get the same result. This is the way to use it, I am quite sure of it, it's just...lacking power to do so? And maybe something else?

Sigh, well, I suppose expecting to be able getting it right in the first try was a bit too optimistic. But what should I do now? When I tried to draw another card, it seemed I can't. Tsk, if only I have some sort of tutorial or something. My power already looked like a card game, surely a tutorial won't be too much to ask? ...For some reason, I can feel someone is laughing at me right now. How frustrating, I flip the card to see just what I drew. It was one of the rainbow border cards, I still couldn't see anything else besides a number on top of the card. It's Eight. And just as I tried to look a bit closer at the card, I can feel information crossed through my mind.

Type: Follower
Rarity: Legendary
Cost: 8

The information about the card? Convenient. Hmm, I think I could take an accurate guess of what type and rarity mean. What about the cost though?

Cost: Shows how many play points are required to play this card

Like I said, convenient. But really? This sounds more and more like some sort of card game. I know there's a power like the one making your life a game, but that one is based on RPG. Really, to make the power based on card game of all thing. After all, card game like this have effect that either too strong or just too weird if translated to real life. Anyway, what is play point and how many play points I have?

As if to answer me, an image came to my mind. It's the deck of cards again but now it surrounded by three glass orbs with one of them lit brilliantly.

PP: 1/1 These are the points needed to play cards. At the start of your turn, you gain an additional play point orb, and all empty orbs are refilled.

...I have so many questions or things to say right now but I settled to just sighing loudly. So I can't even play my only card for now? Urgh, such an unnecessarily complicated system. I guess I can just go exploring now and hope for the best. I still have a mission to complete after all and it best to start as soon as... Wait a minute, I do have another card! With some giddiness, I focused my mind again but not at the card I hold but at myself. And If my guess is correct...

[Fairy Princess, Aria]
Type: Leader
Rarity: Legendary 0*
Cost: -
Stats: 3/3
: If there's no [Fairy Wisp] in your hand, perform Necromancy (2): Add a [Fairy Wisp] to your hand.

For some reason, I feel a bit giddiness reading this. It's a bit weird to read about yourself as a card in a game but here we are. Since the card is more complete, I understand more though things are still complicated. In short, I became [Fairy Princess, Aria] and all that entail. Not only just as a card manifest with their stats, but more. It seems I became the Fairy Princess, Aria with all of her power, though I am worried if it will influence more than that.


Well, It seems the place is still safe. I think I can test things a bit more about this body. Grinning, I stood up with my hand gripping the sword on my hip in anticipation.



"Hm!" With finesse and grace, I never had in the previous life, I swing my sword repeated striking an imaginary opponent. Perhaps I am a bit exaggerating about this, but everything felt natural and right. It's as if I trained to fight for years, which I was not. This is exhilarating. The thrill of able to fight like this, I don't know how I will do in an actual fight but at least I won't be really helpless. Still, I have the weirdest feeling, as if someone is watching right now. No, not only watching me, I am pretty sure I heard someone whispering.

".......~" There, faint whispers coming from the trees around. They are so faint, I barely able to hear them.

"Uum, is there anyone there? Hello?" Looking around with my sword still in hand, I couldn't find anyone else between the trees. No, I couldn't see anyone more likely. I knew there is somebody in it watching me.

"...""...?" I am pretty sure that for a moment they reacted toward me but It's hard to decipher what they are saying or if they are even saying anything. They sound like many people mumbling, humming and speaking mixed together into music, like the sounds of a busy city but there's something under them. Something that made them so tense and sombre, fear?

"Ah, can you hear me?"


It's...a chorus of affirmative? I don't know, it's hard to describe. I just understand that instinctively albeit not really understand it. Like if someone humming and you know they meant yes is the closest comparison I can think off. Maybe I can get some information from the whispers. The idea might be a little crazy, but I have a feeling that the whispers can be trusted. It's not like trying it will cost me anything besides time and even a tiny bit of information will be worth it for me.

"If you don't mind I have some questions.."


Well, that was frustrating. Satisfying and enlightening but frustrating.

"I am grateful for the information everyone, thank you" For some reason, I politely curtsy before I realize it. My mind can't dwell on it too much before my attention distracted by choruses of affirmations and appreciations.

Ah, no matter. Long story short, I apparently able to communicate with the forest and wind now which what the whispers are from. A perk of being a fairy? Anyway, this place I am in is a pristine forest on an island with a name that I can't really pronounce or understand from the whisper. But I know it's not far from a much bigger island where the winds gather gently or something along those lines. Oh, and something causing disturbances in the forest that worry them.

At least if I understand the whispers correctly, they could be so vague or conflicting with each other. It's like the internet but much more civil. Do I trust them? Sort of. My instinct says that they are being truthful at least. But whether it's true or not, it's still something. In any case, they also said there's some sort of settlement not far from here which means civilization. I might be able to find information more about my mission.


Following the direction by the whispers, I walk through this unfamiliar woods. It is a pleasant walk, to be honest. I was not an outdoor person before but somehow, I feel at home in this forest. There's just something that nostalgic and calming just being here, I wonder why?

Time seems flying for me as I walked through the forest before something caught my attention. It was just another clearing full of bushes in the forest but my attention is focused on the figure not far in front of me. It...It is a living shadow, no other way to describes it. Human-like in form with no feature beyond its eerily shining white eyes amidst the smoke-like body. The only other things of note are its oversized clawed hands and it moved weirdly, like jerkily or someone fast-forwarding a video.

The fact that it looked like me before I have my new body doesn't escape me. But I felt like this..the thing is different. It feels wrong, something is just missing from it. It also blended well with the forest, especially in this dark night. The only reason I can still see it clearly is that it sticks out to me like a sore thumb. The sight of this thing really repulsed me in every level...but also made me hungry.

it looked straight at me and growling threateningly before slowly moving toward me.

"....Good evening?" Slowly and nervously, I tried to move away from it while my hand rested at the hilt of my sheathed blade. Please, please just let me go "I will just..leave, okay?"

The thing shrieks before suddenly pounces with unnatural speed. In shock and confusion I unable to react in time before it managed to pin me to the cold hard ground. It bit and clawed me like a crazed beast as I struggling to get it off. With each of its attack, searing pain hit me as I finally processed everything.

"Let me! Go!" With all of my might, I managed to throw it off and scrambles away from it. My whole body shaking as I saw it recovered and now, circling me around slowly. Its movement stiff and unnatural, the eyes shine with primal intellect and its body hunched over ready to attack. I knew I can't run from it, It will easily catch up with me. The looming trees around us feel like a cage and I trapped in it with this thing. In the back of my mind, I can hear shrieks in the distant. Kuh, there's more of them? I don't like this but I must finish this now and there's only one way about it.

The silent standstill over as it decided to pounce once more but this time I am ready. With one swift movement, I grabbed my sword and sliced through it as if it's just smoke. What? However the thing seems to ignore it as it capitalizing on my momentary shock, it struck back once more drawing blood from my wound. The pain driven my mind into a frenzy as the only thing crossed my mind is to attack and attack. As we continue to exchange hits, it becomes clear to me. With each of my attack hit, the shadows that made of its body starting to thinning and the glow of its eyes dimmed. Its movement became more sluggish and desperate. I can do this.

"Urgh!" In what I assume desperation, the thing lunges and bites my neck. This is it! Pushing through the pain as it bit my neck, I stabbed his torso causing it to scream loudly. No, not enough, with all of my might I bring my sword down and slicing through its body before I swing my sword for one last time. I could feel my power gathered in the blade as the sword fell against the thing. The thing shrieked from one last time before fell limp as its body sliced into two before starting dissolving. Disturbingly, my body began to absorb the shadow and it felt...pleasant, extremely so. I almost lost myself in the sensation. It was like the best thing I ever eat, I want more and more. I could feel it made me stronger but just barely.

Still, I don't pay much attention since suddenly from the forest countless shrieks could be heard from all around me. There's more of them?! And They are closing toward my location fast. I must run, just one is already hard enough to deal with. Pushing aside all other concern, I fled and disappears into the forest away from the shadow.
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