[X]Taurus Heavy Industries
-[X]Security forces: Surprisingly you specialize in creating security for your factories, to the point they might as well be a small army. Both your factory workers and security forces are thankful for spending the time and effort to keep them safe(And effective). -[X]Mass production: Making so much of something so quickly and efficiently that you kicked out the competition. While what you make might not be too special, there is way more of them than any of your competitors.
-[X]The mining city "Tine": A city with a large population, most of which work in the mining industry. Since we are not too overbearing and actually pay them decently, they are entirely willing to join any defense force we make. Factory workers are in no short supply here, what is in short supply is food, we have enough and a steady supply sure. If we go to war or any nearby suppliers get taken over, we will have hunger problems. Population +++, morale ++, and metal resources ++. Food xx, sophisticated workers(Researchers, metal workers, etc)xx.