Corporation: The Black Bag Department OOC Thread (Open for new players!)

You'll be fine, most of it is for my end. Just use the char creation rules as provided.
Alright, good. Though i'm curious, what's the name of the RPG?

And just so we're clear, it's fine that i picked 4 Telepath powers, right? I kind of went for the Assassin complimented by powers.
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@loneangel (Please mark which of your skills is your Professional Skill)

You're in. I'll put your names in the active list and start writing up the very last bit of character creation: choosing your Division Leader, choosing which corporation to work for, your starting gear, licenses and augmentations, and then finally, finally, I'll write up the IC thread.
I think in the opening post Gideon said he'd be taking up to 6 (max) active players, I think yours got omitted since you didn't have your char's stats section put up before he made his post.
Okay... I was half wondering if that was the reason... Well, looks like I'm going to do a little skill and training adjustment... Two interrogators are enough, going to swap that to Surveillance.

Congratulations, you now have a guy who can case the joint, break in and hack all their data... Though if bullets start flying, I'm very much a 'What's the quickest, and safest, way out?' guy...

But then, we seem to be pretty heavily oriented towards quick and fast engagements...
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I ended up buying the core rulebook since there was a sale, so i've been looking at the things to buy.

Someone else can be leader since i don't feel like my character would be very fitting for one.
@Pyro Hawk

Congratulations on passing our intense evaluation period! You are now Rank 1 (Sergeant) Agents in The Corporation, entitled to a Class 7 Apartment in the Arcology, your own personalized parking space (no cars, e-bikes only), and an office (to share, may be repurposed from local water heating and air-conditioning maintenance section.)

Your Division within the Corporation is Special Activities/Acquisitions Division 117 and your direct Supervisor is Agent Cortana.

You must now decide who amongst you will be the Division Leader; the Division Leader gains more recognition but this is a role with increased responsibilities.

You get extra Rank Points, which means faster promotions and more perks, but if a mission is failed, Upper Management throws the book at you before going on to the rest of the team.

After your Division Leader is chosen, please confirm which Corporation you are working for:

Tao-Jinn: Formed out of the merger of several Middle Eastern and Chinese corporations, private investors, and the collapsing governments of China and the Middle East before being subverted by Japanese Yakuza fleeing the Sibyl System and Chinese Triads, Tao-Jinn merged criminal cells with dominance in the Heavy Industry, Heavy Construction, and Mining Sectors. This pseudo-Triad setup makes Tao-Jinn Agents difficult to pin down as reliance on ID Chips is the first area of UIG control they subverted.
-Interchangeable ID Chip: The equivalent to a box full of fake passports, Tao-Jinn ID Chips are subtle modifications of the UIG standard that Agents can swap out on the fly without arousing suspicion for the most part; while this makes the Agent invisible on public networks, this does not guarantee stealth in more vigilantly-guarded facilities. It takes 1 hour to change the ID Chip safely.

Cormoros: Formed by way of mergers with various Indian and African corporate concerns, the emergence of the first human telepaths prompted Cormoros to look into this new area of science, originally considered fringe quackery, and many of the early advances in psychic disciplines and even the initial training techniques used by all Corporations, Free States and the UIG today came out of Cormoros labs. Today, Cormoros is the media giant of the world, everything from webcasts to traditional studio shows, alongside movies and entire collections of art and sculpture are born in the studio-labs of Cormoros.
-Cormoros Agents receive a bonus +10 TE.
-All Cormoros Agents receive Telepath Training and 1 Psychic Power at Level 4 for free.
-Cormoros Agents regenerate more TE than their counterparts.
-Cormoros Agents are all capable of Burn Out, sacrificing HP to increase their TE.

Eurocorp: Originally known as Eurasian Incorporated, the Corporation changed it's name after a major Board and Shareholder plebiscite that created an easier to remember and more expressive brand name. Eurocorp dabbles in all fields, but dominates the Healthcare and Leisure industries, being the first to popularize the first space-based Extreme Sports and environmental reclamation/restoration projects to create new tourist destinations. Because of this and their focus on profit creation, Eurocorp is very, very wealthy.
-Expense Account: A Division of Eurocorp Agents has access to an unlimited expense account shared with other Divisions. Seriously, you can't make a dent in this account, one Division even purchased a tank and wrote it down as a security expense, but the downside is that you have to get receipts for everything, fill out expense reports, and since the UIG monitors all official transactions, getting this account flagged for purchasing illegal goods will piss off Upper Management, and the other Divisions who need to use the Expense Account.

Poseidon: Japan now exists as a Free State since the collapse of the short-lived Second Imperial Japan, the introduction of the Sibyl System and the Crime Coefficient making groups such as the rumored Public Security Section 9 obsolete, and ousting the various megacorporations such as Renraku and Arasaka. But one Megacorporation survived. Poseidon Industrial, which had established itself on a fleet of massive cityships, initiated a hostile takeover of the Electronics and Technology giant Shi Yuriko, using the assets of both to purchase every Japanese Megacorp that was being threatened by the Sibyl System. Now dominating the Technology and Electronics markets, Poseidon's upper hierarchy, perhaps feeling the loss of Japan, has returned to the precepts of Bushido and other ancient philosophies, lending mysticism to their dominance of technology.
-Poseidon Agents receive the Powered Melee Weapons training and the Powered Melee Weapons License for free.
-Poseidon Agents receive a hand-forged katana upon induction.
-Poseidon Agents can access Ion Weaponry at Rank 3/Level 8, whichever comes first.

Western Federation Group: Western Federation formed from the merger of Act Of God Armaments, Hand Of God Arsenal, ARES Macrotechnology, and the reborn Knights Templar to form a corporation that within a matter of years dominated all aspects of Military Defense manufacturing, research and design markets while the other Megacorps only retained small profit margins. The upper levels of Western Federation believe that they are working on preparing the faithful for one last Crusade, the creation not of one nation, but one world under God, all working for the benefit of Western Federation.
-Superior Weaponry: Western Federation arms factories produce the highest quality weapons in the world, and years of espionage means that many corporations can only tell if a weapon came out of their factories is if they perform worse than a Western Federation one. The UIG now mandates that Western Federation manufacture arms for other corporations, but their highest quality work is reserved for their agents. All weapons increase their damage by one die type (d4 becomes d6 for example, while 1d12 becomes 2d8), and have an increased Critical Pass chance. Ion Weapons, manufactured exclusively by Poseidon, are not affected.

-Weapons Licenses: All agents receive the following Licenses for free.
--Light Firearms License
--Tactical Firearms License
--Heavy Firearms License
--Class 1 Offensive Support Weapons License

-Weapons Discount: You will receive an automatic 10% discount on weaponry purchases from Western Federation and subsidiaries. The GM will inform you if you are dealing with a subsidiary.

-Military Sign Language: The Western Federation Military Sign is an exclusive language that is capable of perfect non-verbal communications, perfect when you can't use a smeaker or are in a confrontation since no-other corporation knows how to interpret it.

When you have confirmed your corporation, you will receive training in the corporation's primary language and one of their secondary languages of your choice.

Make sure to mark down your Native, Corporation Primary, and Corporation Secondary Languages on your sheet. Same with your Corporation. Remember, you are all working for the same corporation.

Tao-Jinn Languages:
-Primary: Mandarin
-Secondary: Cantonese, Farsi

Cormoros Languages:
-Primary: Swahili
-Secondary: Indian (Hindi)

Eurocorp Languages:
Primary: German
Secondary: Russian, French

Poseidon Languages:
Primary: Japanese
Secondary: Spanish, Korean

Western Federation Languages:
Primary: English
Secondary: Italian, Military Sign, Papiamento

Welcome Agent, I represent the UIG's Licensing Department, and you are here to mark down the Licenses you wish to apply for. Due to various treaties between the Corporation and the UIG, new Agents can receive various Licenses for free, with the costs covered by the Corporation and represented as 'Points' for you to spend.

Licenses are represented as follows:

License Name (License Level)


The Corporation provides all of you 8 points to spend, and you spend them based on the Level of the License. That's it. If you want more, you need to buy them and wait until the process is complete. Yeah, I'm going to enjoy making you wait in my waiting room and go through my training classes when you want a Termination License. Heheh.

8 Points to spend, read the number in brackets to know how much you pay.

Starting Licenses: All PC's start with the following Licenses.
-Light Firearms Licence
-Law Enforcement License
-Non-Powered Melee Weapons License

Equipment Licenses:
Licenses to use various equipments. It is illegal by UIG law to use equipment without a Licenses.

Combat Drug License (2)
Medicine 1
Authorizes the Agent to purchase, use and administer all Combat Drugs.

Cybernetic Animals License (1)
Animal Handling Training
Grants the authority to purchase and handle cyberanimals such as cybermonkeys and cyberwolves.

Light Firearms License (Free)
Character Level 1
This is provided to all Agents for free and gives the authority to purchase and use pistols and submachineguns.

Class 1 Offensive Support Weapons License (1)
Rank 1, Support Weapons 1
Allows the purchase and usage of offensive support equipment that has a low to medium damage potential (cannot deal more than 50 damage on a non-critical hit) such as Fragmentation Grenades.

Class 2 Offensive Support Weapons License (3)
Support Weapons 1, Class 1 Offensive Support Weapons License, Level 3
Allows the purchase and use of demolition charges, high-powered grenades, and similar offensive support equipment.

Non-Powered Melee Weapon License (Free)
All Agents get this at the start. It basically lets you carry a knife or sword openly and use it to defend yourself. You'd be surprised how many Agent fights early in their careers are like something out of a martial arts movie.

Powered Melee Weapons License (2)
Close Combat 4
You can purchase and use Chainsaws, Plasma Blades, and Ion Blades.

Satblanket License (2)
Rank 2, Level 2
Allows the purchase and deployment of Satblankets, stealth coverings that prevent UIG and Corporate satellites from monitoring anything under the blanket.

Security License (2)
Allows the purchase and usage of a Security Bypass Device, which must be used in accordance with the law.
So don't get caught when you rob a bank. :p

Specific Equipment License (3)
Relevant Weapon Skill 6, GM May place additional restrictions.
Provides the authority to acquire and use a specific piece of equipment, as listed by the equipment description. When purchasing this license, mark what equipment it is for. You will need the necessary weapon skill to use the equipment, plus any other GM-set restrictions.

Heavy Firearms License (3)
Level 1, Heavy Firearms 4
Allows the purchase and usage of heavy firearms.

Tactical Firearms License (2)
Tactical Firearms 1
Allows the purchase and usages of tactical firearms.

Authority Licenses: Grants you the necessary power to do your job better.

International Customs License (4)

Corp Knowledge 5, Rank 2
Agents with this license may bypass international customs, bringing their Division with them as part of their authority.

Detainment License (2)
The agent may detain anyone of lower or equal Rank as them for a 12-hour period and may interrogate them during this period. This include other Corporate Agents and UIG officers and officials. Be aware that unfounded detainment may result in disciplinary action, and is guaranteed if you detain a rival Corporation's Agent or a UIG official.

Public Appropriations License (2)
Agents with this License may acquire the public possessions of any Citizen of lower or equal rank, such as cars or personal weapons. The Corporation will handle compensation for any appropriations, particularly if they are destroyed or lost in the course of the Agent's duties. This does not give authority to enter a residence in the course of an Agent's duties.

Commercial Search License (2)
Rank 2
Allows the Agent the authority to search a business belonging to a Citizen of lower rank and if they possess the Appropriations License, take anything they feel will aid them in their duties or consider evidence. The Corporation will handle compensation. NOTE: Due to Agents abusing this authority to 'search' businesses such as Stuffer Shack on what are nicknamed 'Snack Runs', the UIG mandates that the appropriations of large amounts of food without reasonable explanation will result in the total cost being deducted from the Agent's salary.

Domestic Search License (1)
Authorizes the entry and search of a premises owned by a Citizen of lower rank than the Agent. As with businesses, Agents with this license and the Public Appropriations License may take any items they feel are necessary or evidence, with the Corporation handling compensation.

Telepathics License (1-10)
Telepath Training
Allows the usage of Telepathy in public spaces. Each level of the License dictates the level of Telepathic Powers you can use (Level 4 powers need a Level 4 License and so forth...) and it costs 500Cr and 1 week of downtime per new level (level 4 to level 6 costs 2 weeks and 1000Cr) purchased.

Class 1 Termination License (2)
Rank 2
You may freely Terminate any Outcasts you encounter in your duties in the pursuit of peace. Outcasts are those who have refused Corporate, Free-State and UIG protection, and can easily refer to cults, terrorist groups, non-Corporate criminal groups, and high Crime Coefficient individuals in Japan.

Class 2 Termination License (5)
Rank 4
You may freely Terminate any Agents of equal or lower rank encountered for the sake of peace. This supersedes the Class 1 Termination License.

Class 3 Termination License (8)
Rank 6
You may terminate any Citizens of equal or lower rank encountered for the sake of peace. This supersedes the previous two licenses.

It means that if you don't have the license, you can't get caught unless you want to see the inside of a jail, and in Japan that could also mean the business end of a Dominator. Same if you kill someone who's higher ranked than you. This just means you need to avoid shooting or cutting people where you can be seen, and there's still plenty of ways to do that in 2500 AD.

Traffic License (2)
You may exert control over the traffic systems, from accessing traffic cameras to manipulating traffic lights and even manipulate road laws for a temporary period to shut down streets, change speed limits, or restrict traffic flow.

Domestic Vehicle License (1)
Drive 1
Grants you the authority to drive and pilot Domestic vehicles and aircraft.

Military Vehicle License (3)
Drive 2
Grants the authority to drive and pilot Military-class vehicles and aircraft.

World Database Access License (4)
Rank 1
This grants you authorization and access to the UIG World Database, the most comprehensive database of Citizens, Agents, United Faithful, UIG Officers, and Criminals in the world, with comprehensive biometric data, personal histories and records available for access. Be aware that individuals issued with a Privacy License will not appear, and many individuals may have had their profiles removed for various reasons. Individuals of a higher rank than the licensee will appear as 'Red Profiles' and require UIG authorization to access.

Professional Licenses: Recognition by the UIG as a professional in a particular field or profession.

Biohazard and Toxins License (3)

Medicine 5, Science 5
You are authorized to dispose of and manufacture Class B,C, and D toxins, biohazards and drugs as well as respond to emergencies involving such. You may transport these substances if you have a good reason, such as safe disposal or research.

Bounty Hunter License (1)
You may receive information on, retrieve and receive payment for the apprehension and delivery of wanted bounty targets to the appropriate bounty authorities.

Cyberneticist License (2)
Robotics and Cybernetics 6, Surgeon Training
You have the authorisation to legally install, repair, remove and modify cybernetics. All surgery must be logged with the UIG if done in public or Corporate facilities and it is highly illegal to perform cybernetics surgery without this license.

Law Enforcement License (Free)
All Agents receive this for free. You are officially deputized as a peacekeeper in service to the UIG and therefore authorized to investigate criminal activity on behalf of the UIG. This authority is backed by the UIG and cannot be ignored by Free State governments, even the most dictatorial government cannot prevent Agents investigating on behalf of the UIG. This License does not give you the authority to search private residences or business unless in extreme situations such as gunshots or screams being heard. Abuse of this authority will result in Corporate and UIG censure, and the Agent may be sued by the wronged parties.

Preacher's License (1)
Grants permission to publicly preach and make speeches as long as foul language is not used, there are no more than 5 complaints per hour and the content is not aimed at causing disquiet or mass violence. Protest actions require at least one of the organizers to possess the license to be declared legal, and will remain such as long as they do not become violent.

Robotics License (1)
You may build and program robots for domestic, commercial and military usage.

Vendor's License (1)
Corp. Knowledge 1
You have the authority to sell goods. Legally speaking, there is a 20% tax on all sales payable to the UIG. Legally speaking that is.

GM Bit: How to purchase more Licenses.

It takes 1 week of downtime and 500Cr per level as marked by the number in Parantheses () as your Agent is trained by the UIG in a classroom which will likely have rival Corporation agents in it. And there will be a test as well.

Thankfully, you the player don't have to worry about that, let your character worry about it.

Okay people, choose your Corporation and Division Leader, and then buy your Licenses. After that, starting gear/augmentations and then purchasing gear with your starting salary.
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Division leader: I would take the job, but i am not fighting for it

Corporation: I would prefer Eurocorp or Tao-Jinn
Are the licenses individual or group?

Not particularly bothered about which Corporation, though Tao-Jinn would probably be best considering we seem to be heavy on the stealth aspects...

All I'm saying about Division Leader is not me!
Are all the psychopass refrences due to me, or is that actually part of the normal setting.

And I'll take Division leader, if no one objects.