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A world without villains, without a ticking clock. What was Edelgard von Hresvelg meant to do in a world like that? What cause was she meant to champion? What evil could she defeat? No seriously!

What's a girl going to do when some idiot did everything five years ago?!

Sequel to the self-insert, Responsibility.
Now comes electric boogaloo, another random cool sounding word. Conviction.
Last edited:
Chapter 1: 30th of Verdant Rain Moon: Exposition


Some idiot, who's running from carpal tunnel
Cornfield Central, Indiana
Chapter 1: 30th of Verdant Rain Moon: Exposition

"In the Imperial year of 1175, after the massive sinkhole formed from the successive earthquake disaster." A lilac eyed brunette glared at the man, responsible. "Garreg Mach monastery released its massively controversial pamphlet on the true origin of Crests. It was highly debated at the time, but contrasting with their actions in the past, the Church of Seiros did not enforce their ideas."

The man hummed.His crimson eyes flicked up from his book in lazy reinforcement of his words. "Hmm, might want to cool your jets, kid. A little too pointed at the Church, too much bias, ya know?"

"... Ignoring the primary source I used." Edelgard von Hresvelg continued. "The pamphlet was mostly discarded by most of the nobility, but the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus was massively impacted. Combining motivations and forces with the Western Church, they launched a full scale invasion on Garreg Mach, aiming to remove the seditious sources. This invasion was repelled through the efforts of defenses prepared by the now professor, Seteth, and the might of the now-retired Archbishop and her Shadow."

"Failed… You get an F from me on that. Seriously, Shadow? Now, I know you're fucking with me. Only the territories that hate me call me that."

"Do you prefer your other titles more? The Assassin? Or, the Unknown Miracle perhaps? … No it is obvious. Mr. Marigold. Correct?"

"... Hahaha, Dontcha worry kid! You'll find a wi-partner any day now!" Marigold snickered. The man set his book into a shelf, his hand then fiddling with a green hairtie in his red. An atrocious clash of colors.

"One of these days, I will simply let Hubert enact his well-deserved righteous fury on you. Must you look so pleased every time you hear that name? It's as if you two are still in that disgusting honeymoon phase."

"Hahahaha. I'm practically retired, kid. Let me have this. Now come on, finish up your paper. Honestly, I don't know why you come to me for editing. I'm a part-time Archery teacher."

"Professor Hanneman and Professor Manuela are both far more engrossed in their own research. Research that mind you, that you are assisting them in. Do not play the fool with me. And are you not the Librarian?"

"Puh-lease. I notice you didn't mention the combat instructor? I'm only the librarian because Seteth threatened me. Poor guy, he thought I would be embarrassed giving out erotica to teenagers."

The heir to the Adrestian crown most assuredly never blushed! Ahem. "What combat instructor."

"The only combat instructor? Ah. Not my problem. You'll figure it out for yourselves. My wife really is too fond of you."

"She is. It's disturbing to say the least. In any case, after your defense of Garreg Mach from the initial siege. The Kingdom was repelled, when the entire economic sanctity of the nation was threatened. Using technologies unseen ever before, the economic stability around the continent was completely obliterated. Printing Presses and highly affordable, high- quality goods, forced Garreg Mach into the trading capital of the world. And the premier location for education. "

"You forgot aerial attacks from a 'mysterious creature from legend'."

"I was about to!... Cough. I will ignore any further interruptions from you. I should have known you would be useless. At any rate, The most effective tactic deployed by the Church, was accepting many commoners and elevating the most ardent into high-leveled positions. And, of course, the global trade established with Dagda and Almyra. All this reinforced their now undeniable and irreplaceable fixture in Fodlan.

A pause. Skipping past her explanations on the effects and statistical analysis, she continued on the timeline.

"1176 ended the 'war' between the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the central Church of Seiros…. Fascinatingly, you made it a point to pressure the kingdom enough that they had to rely on increased trade with their closest and most trustworthy neighbor, Duscur. At the expense of forcing a legendary duel by the Sword of Faerghus. Care to explain yourself? Hubert has been frightfully distressed at your flippant responses."

"Nah. By the way, Anselma sent me another letter for you."

"She did! Why did you not inform me of this sooner!"

"I thought Hubie would've mentioned it. Oh yeah, there's also a message for Dimi in that."

"Ah…Prince Dimitri. Unnecessary-"

"Drop the act, I know you shower him with gifts."

"I cannot help it! He is so… so."

"Sweet? Crazily naive and adorable?"

"...Indeed. I will answer him soon…Thank you for passing on our messages. Moving on. The Imperial year 1176 ended with the Church of Seiros settling into an uneasy peace with the Holy Kingdom. I believe the officer's academy was closed that year before the rising tensions, correct? "

"Yep. Had to evacuate the kids, anyway get to the fun part."

"1177 began with the grandest wedding known to date. If said grand wedding was virtually undetectable and unreachable. I did not want an invitation to it for your information. Then late into the year, the Officer's Academy reopened. And to attract all students despite its tumultuous nature, the academy offered advanced training in nearly every subject required of a Noble. And included in a hefty bribe that allowed nobles and commoners alike to learn the secrets and technologies that the Church horaded, with receiving a possibility of entering the highly lucrative trade the Church had exclusivity on."

"Hoarded? C'mon Edie, I was handing out those blueprints to merchants and commoners all over the place."

"But not the nobility, greatly weakening their influence. Now that paper was easily inked and printed with a legible font. The sheer speed of the increase in literacy over Fodlan…With books, documents, readily available knowledge, and the ability to rise quickly no matter your station, well it was to no one's shock that nobles panicked. Since that was established, the nobility's power greatly decreased. The capability to gain nearly any position from enrolling at Garreg Mach especially for commoners? The powerful truth, of having extremely competent and incorruptible clerks/assistants/soldiers/scholars has devastated the long stagnant nobility."

"Hahaha. I see that viscous grin. And it wasn't as impressive as you're making it seem. Books are still hella expensive. Just way less."

"I don't know what you mean. In any case, 1177 concluded with the call to properly bury a thousand and more Sreng warriors. The Church's expedition to do so was a solemn and grand affair. Though I heard, the Margave Gautier nearly murdered you as you approached his castle."

"...No, that was Miklan… Maybe some protective sibling instinct finally arose in him. Or maybe it was because I knocked him out."

"Speaking of Nobility, in the years that followed Garreg Mach's declaration on crests, there has been an inverse reaction to the power of Crests. A practically even split of nobles prioritized their crests even more in defiance. Especially the ones who still had Major Crests in their bloodline. The other split seemed to keep a reserved outlook on crests. That split is mostly comprised of the nobles with power external of their crests.

"... Dastards have gotten worse and better. I'll have to go remind them later."

"You can play vigilante with nobility later. Threatening everyone with economic attacks is not as effective as it used to be."

"The good ol' days."

"Hmph. You are barely 25. In the prime of your life."

"Back when I was your age I was doing jackshit, so I had to make up for it double time. Double time, until I burnt off most of my spells and a few of my organs."

"What are you speaking of? You used a flame just the other day to light a candle?"

"Faith magic kid, dang. You really need to learn at least Heal, from Manuela."

"I refuse. In 1178, the Church of Seiros announced their formation of Crest nullifiers. An incredibly niche market that was nonetheless bought out immediately by the Margrave Edmund. The Church also called for nobles with crests to volunteer for possible removal. Needless to say, this was an incredibly unpopular call. But… It did reveal the quite noticeable amount of outliers of society with crests. Who wished desperately for their removal."

"... How have you been feeling actually? Less aches in the joints right? The immense strength of Seiros isn't meant for human bones. Less human muscles. The crest of flames is too alien for me, so I'm not sure about any possible negative effects of you somehow re-manifesting it."

"It was a bewildering sight to me as well. But, otherwise I do not feel any significant change. Imperial year 1179, the formation of a crest removal procedure was first completed and documented. The sinkhole that formed in 1175 was claimed by the Adresitian Empire and the Ordelias. A sinkhole that became a new lake. The name is still being debated, but the Ordelia's have the final choice. The lord of Hyrm is uncaring of the land. Finally the newest heir to the Alliance was announced with fantastical new trades from Almyra and a strong ally in the Church….Then early in this year, 1180, the last daughter of the Nuvelles revealed her survival and her subsequent innovation in prosthetics. A field virtually non-existent that she completely dominated with her lightweight, magically-functioning, 'beta' prototype. Currently she only is providing the schematics for arms, but there have been adaptations for legs. Also, Jules Von Nuvelle bargained for his ancestral territory back with an 'incredible' coffee making machine. Hubert swears by the thing. Honestly I can't believe my own memory, but once in the morning, I saw him crooning to the damn thing."

"No he was, it was weird. I saw it myself. Because I was standing next to him. Ah. Nuvelles. I still worry the machine will blow up, I have no idea why he added a flour storage into it, and that terrifies me."


"Nothing. Blah blah, nothing really crazy happened except dealing with you brats. Actually, Edelgard, why am I always helping you Black Eagles?"

"Because the vast majority of the Blue Lions detest you? That is why they are taught by Manuela mostly. And the Golden Deer are far too enthusiastic about trying to secure trade deals with you? Hanneman is barely able to keep up with them. And Seiros is of no help, she has intimidated all the students somehow."

"Umm. That was probably my fault. A student tried to hit on her, so I naturally didn't take offense. After all, who wouldn't appreciate my beautiful wifey! I took him out to a tavern, so he could complain to me about his love life. Then he got over it."

"After you threatened him. By proudly displaying your ring into his face. Poor Reginald's spirit was destroyed by you that day."

"Meh. He'll get over it. But… back on the teaching thingy, don't you guys have Jeritza and Cairn?"

"Please address the Prince by his full name."

"Cairn Macneary bleh bleh, He even brought over his entire family did you know?! Why did you allow that huh Edie? They've already charmed over most of the population here! The prince is this close to becoming the Archbishop's aide! Along with his somehow even more charming wife! She baked me stuff?! Me!?"

"Ahem. You do realize I possess none of the necessary sheer political might in the Empire to direct the Brigid diplomatic relations?"

"Yeah yeah, I know. And you're lucky that Jeritza got in. What does he even teach?"

"... I'm not exactly sure on the particulars?"

"He's kind of just been wandering around challenging people to fights, such as Seiros or me. And he spends the rest of his time muttering darkly under his breath and avoiding Mercedes desperately."

"As you can see, you are the only available faculty member."

"Kid. Most of your class hates me. Bernadetaa cannot even speak to me. Caspar flinches when I look at him. Lindhart, bless his soul, is always asleep, but he's pissed/terrified of what I did to his friend's dad. Petra doesn't count, she's an angel. Dorothea is always looking at me like I'm dangerous. And Ferdie looks at me like I am his final nemesis to true nobility."

"And Hubert and I both loathe you. Mostly Hubert."

"Thanks kid. Really feeling the love."

"You are welcome… Would you say my paper would satisfy Hanneman?"

"Heck nah. You didn't go far enough into Crests for that. Bullcrap a little more on that would ya? Kay?"

"Hmph. As ethically lacking as ever."

"Now you're starting to sound like Seiros. Careful with those tea parties. She'll seduce you with them!"

"Were you not the one 'seducing' her with your baked confectionaries?"

"Totes. Wink. Remember that for the future, that entire family loves their sweet baked goods. Also fish. Wink. Ah that reminds me. I'll be baking the treats for Dedue. Would you mind helping me pretend it's from someone else? Alois maybe? He owes me a favor or two."

"Only if you stop in your winking."

"That's like asking my wife to stop breathing. Impossible."

"You have both eyes!"

"Really? My gosh!'

"Enough of your antics. I must take my leave of your nonsense."

"Sure sure, kid. Oh yeah, Aelfric told me to tell you all the classes are heading to Remire next month. A little training exercise by the best of the best will be there. So don't forget to dress up~ "

"I cannot believe you are our primary instructor. One day I swear, one of my Black Eagles will kill you."

"... The professors share the classes. Please. We're better than sticking to just one class. I'm just more free, that's all. And don't swear, kid. None of you have to kill.'

"... Incorrect."

"Haaah. Get to the dining hall, Lysithea wanted to chat with you. I'll try and convince you on a different day."

Chapter 2: 1st of Horsebow Moon: Blue
Chapter 2: 1st of Horsebow Moon: Blue

Remire was a strange place, all things considered. Succeeding, the Kingdom's invasion on Garreg Mach. Remire had become a fall-back location for the Church and its recent fortification supported the location. Yet, it remained as Remire always was, a haven from the monastery and all-around quiet village. The sharpened wooden pikes and barricades contrasted with the rest of the sleepy town but fit in perfectly with the rugged mercenary group.

I spoke to my loyal friend. "Hubert, correct me if I'm wrong, but is that the Blade Breaker?" Why would the legendary man be in this village? Is that the so-called 'best of the best' the Librarian mentioned? The Blade Breaker would more than exceed my expectations. Low as they were. My question to my retainer served a dual purpose, one to genuinely confirm, and another to attract the attention of my other classmates. Cultivating their knowledge and recognition of powerful warriors would greatly help them in their future endeavors. Regardless of their diverging paths.

Hubert emerged as he usually did, from the shadows. Ever present in his style. "Your eyes do not fail you Lady Edelgard… And unless both our visions are deceived, the creature has confirmed it for us." The creature in question, the Immaculate One, once our greatest foe… was proudly displaying her might. Displaying her might to a plain man, who was besides an aloof bowwoman.

"... I see you are still alive, Pity I had hoped you would have realized the futility of your existence." The dragon spat out her words in extreme contempt.

"Get that ring out of my face, you pathetic wretched fell-spawn. And I would say the same to you. If I were to lower myself to your level." The rather ordinary looking man responded with equal distaste.

How curious? Hubert had reported to me of a potential asset. A swordsman never far behind an archer, both ending the lives of many. He mentioned their avoidance of religious locations, but it seemed that that avoidance had faded in this strange present we all find ourselves in. If not the hatred of the ex-Archbishop.

"-Jeralt is that you!" An excitable shout attracted my eyes, to an messy haired huntress who bounced up in happiness. Before she ran to greet the man.

The Golden Deer still boasted the largest concentration of commoners to nobles. And their lax nature reflected this. The leader of the deer eyed everything with a disinterested glance before nonchalantly leaning his head back on his hands. Claude von Riegan, my rival in leadership, had a vastly different approach to 'leading'. Hubert informed me that he enjoyed playing long chess games with his classmates, as some sort of 'trust exercise?". Recommended by that librarian obviously. Pretty stupid if you ask me, never trust that man.

Speaking of him, the only thing more disparate than the golden deer's formation, was the Blue Lion's camaraderie. United only in their shared desire to surpass their long standing foe, most of the nobles and commoners did not mingle. The tight-knit groups segregated quickly upon reaching the town. Dimi tried, of course, to create a stronger sense of teamwork, but his inability to relate to the pressures and conflicts within most of his friends prevented him from understanding their drives. He was constantly asking in his letters to me, for advice to speak to his friends about their troubles…. Unfortunately, I was also unprepared to handle the burden of leadership and empathizing with my classmates. It's impossible to manage these! These! I cannot even describe them all with a single word! That is how unique they are!

The Black Eagles were no better than the other two classes, just as disorganized and with highly differing personalities. If this was to be the next generation of nobility, then the increasing downfall of nobility may come even sooner. Sooner than even I believed.

The Immac-No, now she's 'retired'. Likely story. Professor Marigold, turned to the students collectively. "Black Eagles, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, prepare to meet your newest mentors! For this month, Garreg Mach will be running mock battles against each other and with each other. Your collective foes and teachers will be the Blade Breakers."

The legendary(read: dramatic) dragon may put on a proper and commanding act, but just like her husband. She was likely playing some sort of trick.

As I thought that, Marigold walked over to a darkened shadow, and kindly pulled out a blue haired woman. "Byleth here will be overseeing the battles. Endeavor to impress her, and she may reveal insights into your continued growth…. That is all for today, you are dismissed. Please take the time to familiarize with the location and your latest contemporaries! House Leaders, if I may speak to you?"

Blue… That lazy librarian better not have been trying to match me with a random mercenary?! I'm not some silly love-struck fool like you!

Hubert whispered into my ear, before I started to walk to Professor Marigold. "Lady Edelgard, I believe that young woman is the Ashen Demon." Taking a sip of some beverage in a steel thermos. Coffee. With poison? Hubert contributes so much to my evil image.

My oldest friend continued. "Perhaps you should try to endear yourself to her? Though with the tactical ability of our classmates…" The slight smirk on his lips belied his true intent.

I spoke before he could further his teasing. And to defend our classmates. "Do not underestimate our fellow eagles so much, Hubert. Despite our inability in true cooperation, their individual abilities are nothing to scoff at." While Hubert and I are formidable in our own strength, the Adrestian Empire's youngest generation was strong in their own fields.

My 'rival' despite his content losses to me, was no easy victory. Ferdinand needs to be less of a moron though. The heir of Hevring was magically on par with my spymaster, and Dorothea could match him blow for blow. Lindhardt needs to get his shit together, and Dorothea is far too personable. That is, if either could be convinced to enter the training grounds regularly. Theory cannot defeat practice in the end. Hubert could take them.

The second son to the 'Hero' of the Empire, often was found in that training ground trying to defeat Professor Marigold, and making quite the challenge… Caspar go! Beat up that stupid dragon!

Speaking of challenges, the Varley Heir and the Princess of Brigid were often competing in archery… Ahem. Petra was competing. Bernadetta preferred to stay in her room, if she was not practicing rigorously in the forest away from Garreg Mach. Petra was terrifying. She's just so. Nice. Don't be lured in by the Macneary's charms!

In essentia. None of the Black Eagles trained together unless forced to. With that grim thought in mind, I approached the Immaculate One's false form. Is that a dagger on her belt? Why-. Idiot Couple. Who needs a sword and dagger? Bitches that who. Wait I have a dagger. But also, an Axe?

Marigold spoke to Claude first. "Luke asked me to inform you that if you manage to get Byleth to smile, he will play another match with you." The tanned man grinned at this, his green eyes curving closed with hidden delight. Ms. Marigold sensing his happiness, added. "I will inform you that you are not to bother Byleth excessively. Or I will utterly devastate you in the next mandatory training." The grin continued unabated. For some strange reason, the heir to house Riegan, was far too familiar with the other professor Marigold. Maybe their shared heritage? A shared love of tricking people? Messing with them?

I was addressed next. "Edelgard I recommend stopping by the bakery or pond in Remire." She then winked.

I don't understand why these two happily married idiots enjoy trying to matchmake me. They aren't even trying to be subtle about it anymore.

"Also, tell Hubert if he does not respect the privacy of Byleth, he will be assigned to work within the library again. Despite the damages that occurred the last time." Please no. Never again! I could not help but rub my temples in phantom pain at remembering that disaster. And my headache that persisted for days.

Marigold seemed unusually protective of Byleth. If she is going so far as to threaten that. Perhaps family relations? How does green become blue? Ah, blue rotted to green. Easily understood then.

Professor Marigold hesitated upon speaking to the Prince of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus. "Prince Dimitri. Please ensure your friends do not injure themselves training before the battles. I understand that is in part our fault, but reckless overtraining can lead to greater disaster, even in these fights." Fascinating. The other Marigold had zero reservation on talking to the prince, but the former Archbishop seemed to be unable to handle the contrasting naivety and raw strength that my step-brother employed. "Ahem. That is all I wished to speak of.... Byleth! Cease your watching of uncomfortable situations with that infernal snack."

I snapped my head around, and blue melted out of the shadows. With a bag of yellow and fragrant… kernels of corn? Popped? How did none of us sense her presence? Or the smell? What the fuck! Is she an assassin? I kill assassins.

"Sorry." A toneless voice spoke.

"You do understand that means nothing if you do not change your behavior?"

"Sorry. Not Sorry? Ah." The uncontrite woman slightly lifted her eyebrows, her eyes enlarging. "I have not heard from the goddess."

"... I did not ask you if you did."

"I wanted to tell you."

"Hmph. Jeralt will be glad to hear of that. Thank you then. Yet... I must insist you at least change your outfit!"

"No." It is a nice outfit. But highly impractical. Unless the boobs are a distraction!

"I insist." Seiros really does enjoy lording over humans. Justified but still.

The strange blue haired woman begins backing away. Then running off into an incredible sprint, as Seiros Marigold stalked towards her and followed suit. A cat chasing a dog?

"... That was. Something." Claude interrupted the uncomfortable silence with a fascinated twinkle in his eye. No, something would be a party, that was a comedy. And a shitty one at that.

"Yes it was, but if Ms. Byleth is so skilled I would like to properly meet her!" Dimi, please. At least try to conceal your intentions. Too pure! It blinds!

I decided to speak my own thoughts. "I must apologize then Di-Prince Dimitri, The Black Eagles will be receiving the guidance of Ms. Byelth." Not that I care what some merc thinks of my Black Eagles, but bragging rights!

"Whoa whoa, the Black Eagles? Puh-lease, The Golden Deer are taking the win."

"I would not count my friends and classmates out of this battle. The Blue Lions are the strongest warriors, indisputably."

"Hmph. The truth will be shown on the battlefield."

Hopeless. Utterly hopeless. How could I fail before I even began!

A chaotic sprawl of people spread before me. Before I could even attempt to gather my Black Eagles. They had scattered in all directions. The most immediate member of my class was conversing with … the aloof archer? Bernadetta von Varley appears to have gathered attention with her bow, and though shaking in fear she quietly responds to her questions. Too quiet for me to hear at any rate. And another approach by my own person and she would flee. Or aim another arrow at me. Like the time she tried to end Hubert's life when he attempted to spy on her. Hilarious. I mean. A terrible disaster. He should really stop spying on people.

I shook my head, it was not time to reminisce.

"Edelgard, I challenge you!" Why. Get the hell out my way.

Ferdinand von Aegir once again asked for a duel. My hands clenched, again? I don't have time for these pointless challenges! If the result is obvious then why does he persist in trying the same thing over and over? Is he insane? Or is he mocking me!?

Though. I could utilize this for my own benefit. What was it called? Pointing an annoyance in the right direction?

"Ferdinand. Excellent timing. I fear I cannot find all of our wayward classmates…" Trap laid.

"Ha! I will best you easily then!" Moron caught. With that, the orange-haired nuisance ran off to attempt in gathering our classmates. All of who were likely to simply ignore him. With only a month together, most of the Black Eagles had learned to tolerate and tune out Ferdinand's boastful tone. Well at least Lindhardt. Who was the unfortunate first target. Oh look. Now they are engaging in a chase. Truly, a master tactic. Go Lindhardt go. Exercise is good for a sloth right?

"Hmmm. I think I would have liked to see that duel though."

"The result would be obvi-"

Who?! I whirled around clutching my axe on my left hip. Only to find myself locking eyes with cornflower blue. Inquisitive and large eyes unconcernedly glanced down and then flicked back up. I released my grip on my weapon. And stepped back. Her eyes are so blue! It's weird! Eyes should be lilac!

Dangerous. This study in blue was dangerously quiet. Her sheer lack of presence, disturbed me. Was she a ghost in human form? Her footsteps barely made any noise for my ears to detect.

"My apologies for not noticing you." I threw out a generic apology. Buying me time, for an actual response.

Ms. Byleth shook her head. "It happens."

"Still it was careless of me. I hope my poor observation will not tarnish your image of my House. I will just have to showcase the power of the Black Eagles to you in the next battle!"

A hand pops out and hits her palm. "Ah. Black Eagles." Ms. Byleth tilts her head. "I thought you were the Red Eagles?"

"..." what. What are we losers like the bLuE LiOns? We're the fucking badass eagles! Who wear black!

"Crimson Hawks?"

Woah that sounds way cooler! No. Black Eagles is far superior!

"Ms. Byleth, please."


"Oh is that not your last name?"

"Last name? Hmmm."

"...Do you not know your own last name?" Maybe she doesn't have one?

"Papa never mentioned it. Maybe it's Byleth Blade-Breaker?" That was just dumb.

"You're the Blade Breaker's daughter? Jeralt Einser is your… 'papa'?" Intersting. Hubert did not discover that interesting bit of relation. Papa? A person without father issues? In Fodlan?!

"Eisner?... I think that's right... Your Name?"

"Are you asking my name? Are you serious?"

"No, I'm Byleth. Seiros is over there." Said dragon was conversing with a red-haired woman, slightly blushing in pride, I imagine. All of them. All of my hate. Shitty jokes must run in stupid.

"Do you really not recognize me?"

"No… Should I?"

"I am Edelgard von Hresvelg." Excellent. My hair flip was damn fine this time.

"Nice to meet you." Surely my hair flip deserves a better response?!

"... ahem. The Imperial Princess?" You know. The next Emperor?


"Thank you- Wait no. How do you not recognize the heir to the Empire?! Did you recognize the other two that were besides me? The Heirs to the entire continent of Fodlan?!" She must be playing ignorant.

"Oh. I see. Congratulations." Or not.

I stare into cornflower blue. She. She truly does not care that she has been offered a chance to mentor the next generation of power? Either this woman is unconcerned with any politics or power grabbing. Or she is connected to a greater power. The goddess? I'll expose her emotionless guts over the ground if that's the case.

Dangerous. As I thought, Byleth Eisner was my most dangerous opponent yet. Really? She's kind of pretty. If dumb. I better not be into that.


Ahaha. I recommend reading it first without looking at the italics. Then you could read it over with them. Makes it twice as funny.

A lot of people seem to write Edelgard's internal monologue as calm and collected. I don't know about that, with her wit? Yeah she's repressing some serious rage. Partially inspired by the hilarious YouTube video of 'Edelgard says' and 'Edelgard says more'.
Chapter 3: 5th of Horsebow Moon: Conversations
Chapter 3: 5th of Horsebow Moon: Conversations

The task to convert my disorganized rabble into an actual team fit for rigorous combat, was going quite well. Surprisingly so.

Originally, I believed that it would be a spiral of utter failure. I was pleasantly surprised by the effectiveness of the pair system. Hubert had suggested the idea actually, and while it was a strange system for him to suggest- His brilliant tactical acumen once again proved itself. By pairing together the individuals who could reasonably understand and cooperate with each other, the overall teamwork massively increased. Hubert the man! Woot Woot. I'll get him more black eyeliner for his birthday.

Petra and Dorothea worked quite well, although Petra worked well with everyone. Macneary Charisma weaponized. With Dorothea? The amount of charm might overthrow a small government. Dorothea could not stand Ferdinand, understandably, causing their efforts to be wasted. Something something beezzzz. Especially against the bewilderingly effective duo of Lindhardt and Caspar. I mean Lindhardt. Losing to Lindhardt? He's sleeping half the time?! I suppose that should have been expected, considering their long friendship… Still having Lindhardt cooperate at all was an exercise in futility, unless paired with people who wouldn't indulge his sleep. Like Ferdinand… Hmm.

Distracting me from my analysis of my classmates. Hubert spoke quietly to my side. "Lady Edelgard, I regret to inform you, but it appears the 'pair system' has been in use by the other classes. I cannot decide if they gleaned this system by our own efforts or through… that man." We have Huberts against us?! That's insane!

I chided my friend. "Hubert we cannot lay the blame on 'that' man without any evidence." Honestly, Hubert's hatred was well deserved, but occasionally his hatred biased his mind. "In any case, then our strategy must be flawless to win the upcoming match." Or I could just steamroll the entire thing, no sweat. One axe, one sword. That's all I need. I could ki-beat the shit out of everyone.

My loyal friend bowed deeply. "I shall create a strategy that will fully display our might."

I wonder if he corrupted me into flowery language.

I sighed fondly. Perhaps Hubert was feared, and for good reason. By most of the student population. Yet his stalwart support was a balm to my stresses.

Stresses which were added to, when I spotted that Bernadetta had once again instinctively shot an arrow in defense. Girl needs more chill. Respect though.

Correction: Do not pair Bernadetta with Petra. Despite her meek appearance, the heir to house Varley had a sharp bite. Not easy prey, please Petra. Don't animalmorphalize my fledglings!

I met the eyes…Take that stupid lizard! Eye. Of a predator that even Bernadetta would be hard pressed to bite back on. Another day, another infernal 'tea party'. How the Immaculate one managed to procure the elegantly arrayed table before me was a mystery. A mystery I did not care to uncover. Does she keep it in her fucking backpocket? Whereeeeeee!?

Lifting up a glimmering tea cup that was layered and designed with gold in a fractured pattern, Professor Marigold spoke. "How goes the training? I have not received any reports from the infirmary, except of course the Blue Lions, which is to be expected." Sylvain and Co were the obvious suspects for being in the infirmary. Or even Dimi if he was careless and snapped another training weapon and subsequent opponent's bones. That Sylvain. One to Watch out for. Oh and Dimi I guess.

There were days, I longed for my previous strength… This was not one of those days. And the Crest of Flames more than outclassed any other crest. If not for it's mystery, then I would be more appreciative of such a power at my disposal. The spawn of the Being with that power continued. "Yet the Black Eagles are… unique. Truly I was shocked to discover none of your class had sought the infirmary's aid…. They are not concealing their injuries, not in some display of 'strength'?" Bitch don't you dare belittle my idiots! Rah!

In the presence of most, I would raise a defense for my fledglings, but in conversation with the primary combat instructor? Unfortunately Marigold knew too much of the poor habits of students. Still pissed! Let me at her! I'll take out her other eye!

I tried anyway. "They are , but we must be, at the very least, less reckless than the Gautier? And no, none of my Eagles are concealing injuries to my knowledge." Probably. I should check that. Wouldn't put it past fucking noblest of nobles- Ferdinand von Aegir.

Marigold raised a slim brow. Her eye patch remained unshifting, and so it was likely it was not an expression of surprise, but disbelief. Disbelief, she showed. "Really? Already descending to the level of the Gautier heir? No one is more reckless than that promiscuous student... He gives my husband, what is the phrase? Ah. 'A run for his money' So to speak." Sighing slightly in happiness, Marigold idly twiddled the ring on her hand. So much of my hate. Just go explode in bliss.

Smugness radiated off of her. She smirked at me. Another dig at my 'lacking' love life. Frankly speaking, after witnessing the nauseating expressions of 'love' from those two, I firmly resolved to never fall in love. Love is for losers.

A waste of time. Another waste of my time would be these tea parties. The only reason I continued entertaining her invitations was the slim possibility that I would be able to enlist more forces for my cause. If I was able to stomach the Agarthans, then I could certainly stomach allying with the overly operatic dramatic couple. Dammit I wanted to kill them all! Especially that sick fuck Arundel! I was going to stab his eyes out and rip out his intesti-

My potential ally added. "Speaking of recklessness, your own well being is nothing to scoff at, heir to the empire." Squinting at my appearance, and performing an up-down inspection of my outfit, the dragon continued scolding me. "I may not be as shrewd as Manuela in understanding the art of concealment, yet I recognize the pallor of your skin and darkness under your eyes. Must you persist in your overwhelming training?" Fuccccccckeee-!

I nearly snarled at the uninvited concern. "...Do not presume to show care. You may be able to live with your unfinished reparations, but I cannot." My overwhelming training? A necessity for fucking fixing the world you broke. Who the hell do you think you are to lecture me?

Perhaps, I was being unfair. Her concern still rankled me even now. Yet anymore of her reparations would be overstepping the boundaries I set. Set and debated hotly in my agreement to enroll in Garreg Mach. Boundaries that neither Marigold would overstep. That's what we call in the business a pro move. I was always going to have to enroll here. But a little fake hesitation hurt no one~ Mwahahahaha!

I coughed. Offering my own small apology in body language. "... That was unbecoming of me." I mean it wasn't but fucking whatever.

How I wished I could have a target for my ire, but the dragon smoothly waved off my unprovoked attack. "It was perfectly in your nature. An Empress of steel and flame are you not?" How'd you know my secret alias! I haven't even used it yet!

I drank my tea. Bergamot. Another strange understanding Marigold showed of my lineage. "Enough of this talk. Let us enjoy the pastries and teas before we engage in our favorite pastime." Before I pull out my dagger and start removing annoyances.

"Making amusement of my Church?" Damm right.

"Yes, and of your husband."

Twinkling laughter resonated in the small clearing of a forest. Ugh. I think she's winning me over. Last time I did pull out my dagger.

Lysithea von Ordelia displayed a contrast of color and personality. Her black hair was set in a high ponytail, yet the studious image was ruined by her shock of white hair along the ends of her tail. A very Hubertian look. We both existed under the same guillotine, but we endured in vastly different ways. As soon as I regained my original pigment, I cut off the offending color. Brown is better than white! As a reminder to put the Agarthans and their vile experiments to rest. However, Lysithea seemed to take pride in her survival. Even now dying her hair that ghastly pigment, as the original lack of color had been swiftly outgrown. Perhaps she saw it as a remembrance to her fallen siblings.

Fucking weird as hell but I'm not judging... aloud.

My own remembrance was engraved on my body. …Scared but never broken. Not like they were.

I blocked another sword strike from the Ordelia's survivor. Our strikes moving in tandem with each other. A dance of steel and sparks. Glittering motes of color were washed away by our forceful blows. Damn we're badass.

While I preferred the axe, with my recent lack of draconic strength, swords were becoming a more palatable exercise. Especially after long hours of cultivating the Black Eagles. Mostly a headache from trying to not have an aneurysm while dealing with morons. Goddam headless chickens.

My blade parried off Lysithea's and I forced my strength against the tide of battle, to return my blade and again strike at her blade. Relying on my slightly stronger musculature, to press Lysithea's defenses.

The strike, instead of merely parrying the blow, activated the crest I still bore and caused Lysithea's blade to fly away into a tree. Fuck… that's a gimmie. Alien crests and my stupid fucking lack of control.

"Jeez! Edelgard! You really need to control your crest! You'd think the imperial heir would be better at managing at least that." Her ever present sharp wit would have stricken my mind once, but in time spent with the young lady, mostly dining with her after our procedures. I had long learned to ignore her wit and translate it to concern. Who's the asshole who taught my sis- Lysithea how to roast people?!

Speaking my apology, I added my own bite. "My apologies, but my activation of a crest would have meant nothing, if you properly held your blade. Really, it must be all those sweets you partake in. I still cannot seem to find any improvement of your strength." Goddam I like sweets too, but get some control.

"Hmph. Don't you dare blame my sweets! It's not my fault they're there just begging to be eaten. Eaten by someone who truly appreciates them!" Disturbing that sweets talk to you, but you do you, I guess.

"And I suppose that is you?"

"Obviously!" Flicking her hair, the heir to house Ordelia stalked away in search of her errant weapon. I taught her that! I'm so proud! Squeeee!

Calling after her I reminded her of the importance of diet. "I insist that you at least balance your nourishment with more greens then. A plentiful array of vegetables has arisen in the greenhouse. And I believe that the staff has started serving healthier meals to take advantage of the harvest. Some are even sweetened. The onion gratin, for instance, was recently prepared exquisitely and delectably with an intriguing taste of caramel." That soup was fucking delish.

An annoyed voice shouted from the tree's canopy, Lysithea using her newfound stamina at any opportunity, "Those are just lies! Never trust sweet things that are healthy! That's a lie, an impossibility! Sweet things are sweet because they are unhealthy! While they are the food of the heavens, they remain equal to the rest of the food through their own deficiency! … And it is my solemn duty to accept that deficiency regardless!" What a powerful statement. Only ruined by the fact it was utter nonsense. What the fuck is she on. Sweets?

I decided to change subjects before she started to go on about cake again. "Anyway. I understand that we have agreed to train together as comrades despite our houses, but are you not exhausted from training with your classmates?"

"Don't treat me like a child, jeez. And you're one to talk, shouldn't you be doing double the amount as a house leader?" How was that treating you as a child?!

"Yes, but I also maintain a healthy diet." I teased. But before she continued in a fluster, I added. "In all seriousness, we may always resume these sessions at the Monastery."

"Nah. I have to catch up on my bladework anyway. And it's not like the Golden Deer are doing anything crazy like you and Prince Dimitri." Crazy? You're damn right! Crazy for justice! … I'll work on that.

Oh? "I was aware of Claude's varying approach, but to not have rigorous training before the match? How arrogant." Dimitri naturally was performing his best as I was. Who's a good bro! Yes yes you are! Go fetch boy! And I'll fetch the conditioner. Motherfucker thinks he can get away with not washing his hair?

"Hmph, don't think you can get any info from me Edelgard, you're not as subtle as you like to think."

"Subtlety? I have Hubert for that." I am the Sword! Or the Axe! I am the Exaggeration!

"Ugh. And we all know it. Ah. Found it~"

Our conversation naturally died after that. Both of us being exhausted and having nothing else to share, actually a common end to our training was mutual silence. A silence that I felt we both enjoyed. Silence and time spent staring up at the sky. A time that we could now afford to waste.

It was a strange feeling, but not unwelcome.

The next day, the entire Garreg Mach Monastery expedition awoke to a massive downpour. Usually that would result in a more theory-based training, to complement the day's dreariness. But being that we were all in a small village, forced to camp outside in order to not overwhelm the either inns. The rain became a training tool instead. What kind of fucking moron thought training in the rain would be smart? That's just begging to get sick.

I however decided to partake in a different training. Communications and Negotiating.

Jeralt the Blade Breaker stiffly handled his mug of beer. "Kid. Aren't you all meant to be training with Seiros?" The man was visibly unprepared to converse with any student. Naturally as his daughter was regulated to be the main lynchpoint of communication between his company and ours. Not sure why they trusted that weirdo but not my problem. Except it is. Shit.

I responded swiftly. "Yes, that is the optional training for today. My friend will easily fill in my position. Today, I have something more important to do. Asking you to help train the Imperial Army." Blunt and straightforwardness. My much preferred aptitudes in negotiations, and I found it refreshing to use them. Instead of the subterfuge and deflections that so carried me through my teenage years. I could be painting instead, so you better make this worth it you damn giant.

The Blade Breaker's skills would be an immense boost to the capability of my troops. Unaffiliated with any major faction, besides the church apparently, the man was a legendary warrior without many peers. Swaying the veteran to my cause was far more important than trudging through rain. Suckers~

Said man grimaced. "Sorry. I don't take requests like that. Besides with Seiros training you all. You will probably be far better than my old bones soon enough." Old? Have you seen my father?! He looks like a malnourished ball sack. Ugh. Didn't need that mental image.

"That may be true, but I cannot take the luxury of imparting all I learned to my imperial troops personally. Neither can my retainer Hubert, or any of the Black Eagles." I don't have time to waste training another bunch of idiots.

"What do you even need better trained troops for? There's plenty of other grizzled mercs who would leap at the chance." Who? You have grizzled veterans around? All of mine got their legs destroyed. And I'm not here for fucking picnic with other old geezers.

Answering his question with my own. "Hmmm. I do not know, what would the last imperial daughter need highly trained troops for? Maybe to take back control of her own empire?" I want the best of the best, not some random no-name, who only survived through luck.

"Hmph. Smartass. I should have remembered the whole Empire mess. You got spunk, but the answer's still no." RaH! Another waste of my time?! Just because it's not limited doesn't mean it's not expensive! Goddamit at least pay for my drink!

How frustrating. But expected. The conversation had to be attempted though-

Jeralt interrupted my train of thought, "But if you're looking for a veteran, why don't you ask my... Third? Third in command. Another option would be my fourth. Or even my fifth .... fifth." How many mercenaries do you have for 5 positions?

Jeralt looked into his drink. Swallowing the rest of his mug, he gestured for the bartender to get more for him. I swallowed my question as he held up a hand. Then he proceeded to slowly attempt to drown himself in his drink.

"...Mr.Eisner?" If you're going to die, then you better pay the fucking tab first. I'm not going to be the one paying for that.

"Sothis, I am too old for this shit." Language.

Surely, he was exaggerating his woes? Surely his lieutenants are all perfectly normal individuals and not at all resembling my own chaotic cohort? Surely, my expression did not at all resemble this man's earlier?! That's it. Remire sucks. If I deal with one more moronic situation, I will snap and slice the shit out everyone. That's not a threat. It's a goddam promise.

Chapter 4: 7th of Horsebow Moon: Clash
Chapter 4: 7th of Horsebow Moon: Clash



The Red half of the Marigolds popped up behind the green half, slinging his prosthetic easily over her shoulder and leaning on her. "Yahallo, y'all! Sorry but I'll be stealing away with your combat instructor! hmmm... then I guess- Jeralt you're in charge, have fun!'

An amused dragon responded. "Were you not the one to suggest that at the very least, One of us has to stay in the monastery at all times?" Aha. I realized that must be their response to the uneasy peace with the Kingdom and other noble factions. Including the Empire and Alliance, any sign of weakness and the Church would be gobbled up in a bid to restore the nobility.

"Totes, but… it got boring without you, and Remire is barely a day's ride away. So heyo"

"Hmph, idiot."

"You're the one who decided to marry this idiot, so who's the real idiot here~?"

Nauseating. I visibly felt Hubert rein in his instinctive desire to blast the librarian's antics and existence away with dark spells. My poor friend simply never recovered from being so thoroughly dismantled and mocked in their first meeting. An irony considering how both Hubert and I were assisting in diverting the nobles of my Empire from escalating the current peace. Unfortunately that included in working closely with Duke Aegir who as also interested in keeping said status quo. I swore to myself. One year. One year together my strength and that pathetic waste of blubber and fat will finally be removed. I was distracted from my dark fantasies, when-

"Get a room, you two. Ugh- By Sothis- You two are awful." Lysithea shouted after the two. And then she followed up, with a savage remark. "Don't you have better things to do then make heart eyes at each other? Like I don't know… Here's an idea, actually teaching?!"

Claude von Riegan ruffled the black hair of the Ordelian heir, and before anyone could continue, he did so himself. "Nah, That guy? He couldn't teach anything about archery I don't already know. Let's be honest, he's only in the monastery because he's the only baker who would listen to kids like you." Teasing Lysithea was an enjoyable pastime, but I felt my annoyance spike with the Golden Deer's careless words and actions. That's my thing!

Scratching and hissing like a cat, Lysithea attempted to disembowel the limb that intruded upon her head. "Claude! Don't mess with my hair! And I'm the kid? I'm not the one who goes asking around to play games!"

She must have been referring to the chess matches that Claude first introduced himself to his class with. A particularly interesting move, since Hubert had pointed out, the schemer did not actually enjoy chess. As we discovered when, Claude declined to purchase any recent 'board games' unlike either of us. Fake fan.

"Hey! There's nothing wrong with a game. I think Claude has the right idea, myself. Maybe just not the right game." The relaxed yet booming tone of the gentle giant of Rapheal entered the conversation. I didn't bother to tilt my head to view him. Unnatural. Too damn tall.

His green haired friend joined in, slightly shielded behind the giant. "I-I think what Raphael means, is that chess may not be the best game to play all the time?" Ignat-Ignatius?

Slapping the stuttering man, Ms. Pineil added her own opinion. "C'mon! Ignatz say what you really mean, Claude's games are weird and I'm pretty sure some of the pieces have been eaten. Yeah, I said it. Haven't you been the one replacing them anyway?" Who would eat chess pieces? Fucking animals.

Claude whirled and pointed dramatically at the red-haired suspect. "Aha! So that's how you won!"

"Nope. You're pointing at the wrong suspect. … Seir? What do you mean I would if I could? Please Kh-Claude is sharper than that, he would notice the missing pieces! It's got to be someone else… Also. Claude, by the end of year." More secret messages. Suspicious. Annoying. Motsly annoying.

The heir to the alliance's expression cooled slightly, his grin failing to reach his eyes now.

"I got it. Shoo shoo, don't need another old man butting into Deer business."

"Shut up kid, I'm young at heart. Isn't that right Seir?" 'Young at heart?' Frankly, the very words increased his age.

"I would have said that your mind was underdeveloped actually." Ooh! Burn! Wait. Fuck. Don't agree with the dragon!

"And I would say that your eye is acting up-"

A third voice stopped them from their incessant games. "Shut up you two, I'm not getting the work dumped onto me. So you might as well both lead this mock battle."

The couple communicating with only their eyes, came to a conclusion and nodded in tandem to the annoyed mercenary captain. Three eyes. One mind. Ah. My bad, I meant zero minds.

"Sure, I could flirt with my lovely wife while watching kids fail at murdering each other." I'll fucking murder you.

"And I must ensure those children do not actually somehow manage to commit manslaughter with only wooden weapons."


And so now the mock battle was to be conducted by two instead of one. Naturally, the entire conversation I witnessed. Was a complete and utter annoyance and useless distraction.

I decided to ignore said distraction and instead focus on my own classmates.

Dorothea was eagerly chatting to a, surprisingly, awakened Lindhardt. The sleeper's analytical gaze rested on the couple, but his head nodded along to Dorothea at appropriate times. Possibly, he may still have been nodding off.

Caspar and Bernadetta, strangely enough, were engaged in a seemingly 'duel' of rock-paper-scissors.

While that was occurring, Petra was becoming ever more confused by Ferdinand's soliloquy; on how he was a master of all noble arts including chess. And finishing with his disappointment at not being challenged by the Reigan heir. Why don't you challenge him instead of me?! I can get rid of two my fucking annoyances at once? Now that's taking two birds out with one stone.

I decided to join my more sane classmates. Sliding into Caspar's peripheral. I spoke. "I'm curious, what are the stakes you two are partaking in? I hardly ever see the duo of you interact." Truth. Caspar's boisterous attitude often frightened Bernadetta, and caused her to flee to her room, if she did not decide to practice her archery on another living target that day.

"Ah! Jeez, Edelgard don't sneak up on us! And 'partaking in' ? Do you mean what's the bet?"

"I did not do any 'sneaking'. You were simply far too absorbed in your victory." I ignored his interpretation of my words in favor of correcting his mistaken opinion.

"S-She's right! Really, Edelgard was just walking slowly to us."

"Oh man. I need to work on my observation skills then." Hmmm. I was going to lead into that. Another reason I enjoyed Caspar's presence, he was as committed as I was in correcting weaknesses, personal or otherwise. However, his reckless attitude somehow escaped being perceived as a weakness. Despite how much I lectured on him as such. Maybe I should beat it into his thick head.

"Quite. But, truly. I am curious, what was your bet then?"

"The bet was to see who got to try fighting Mr. Marigold!"

Bewildered, I asked. "...Bernadetta?" Wha- I know he's an asshole but Bernie?! How even?!

"D-don't look at me like that! I get pressured easily into these k-kinds of things! …and I've been waiting for a chance to show my skills to. Him…" The rest of her words trailed off into inaudible mutterings.

"Don't worry Bernie! I'll kick his butt for you! And then you can kick his butt after that if you're not satisfied!" Asskicking.

"Normally, I would advise against attempting to beat up a staff member, but considering Hubert's own attempts. I feel my words would only ring hollow." And my own.

"It's o-okay, Edelgard. Hubert doesn't represent you. I m-mean he doesn't completely represent you! He's his own person, I-I mean! And it's not as if we are the only ones... Look at Sylvain over there." Pointing at the ginger haired lancer, the easy-going smile that was usually on Sylvain's face replaced itself with a deep scowl. His eyes were glaring at the Librarian, and his teeth must have been gritted. The butchering at Sreng had affected more than one people that day. I remembered that the red lancer was approaching the man in the start of our enrollment of the academy, but he was stopped by his friends, the blonde and the dark blue one.

We watched as the Gautier Heir put his hand on his dark-blue friend's sword and lowered it. Shaking his head, they exchanged words, before the dark haired man also scowled and sheathed his blade. Strange.

"... that was weird."



The Blue Lions were a fractured group of people. I could only hope their cracks would not spread to Dimitri as well. That entire House is fucked up.

The Black Eagles had lost the coin flip and thus regulated to the open clearing in the northwest corner of the battlefield. This meant that we were at a major disadvantage in terms of defending, and so forcing us into an attacking position. Which worked well for Hubert and I's strategy.

Before examining the strengths and weaknesses of our strategy, I decided to examine the arrangement of the other houses. Claude had naturally been given the southeast corner, a forest. Fitting for his own style of strategy. Dimitri was setting up his class in the southwest corner, and in the distance he waved to me. Too naive. Waving back, I could see the rest of the Blue Lions begin to line up in a formation.

My own house was… using the pair system instead of a rigorous formation. Hubert and I had gone over many complex stratagems. Some worthy of being called tactical masterpieces. However, I had brought up the damning concern. Tch. I only thought of it because of the shitshow that was the Imperial army.

How would our inexperienced and incohesive class manage to follow orders in the chaos of battle? A rhetorical question. The answer would obviously be, incredibly poorly. That much was made clear to us, when I attempted to perform a quick formation yesterday. The resulting stumble and confusion caused even that dragon to come and hide a chuckle. Bitch. Technically, it was also her error, being that she had helped train most of the current generation. Only for a month, but bad habits could be learnt easily.

So the strategy was simple. Allow Caspar to run off ahead, paired with Lindhardt to keep him 'alive'. yes, I said alive. Healers could be used in this mock battle as their worth in true battle would be incalculable. So for a solution to the lack of true injury, Most mages had been taught a simple paint removing spell. The paint on our natural-made weapons could be cleaned off easily with an application of that spell. Thus, healing the 'damage'.

But back onto the strategy-

Bernadetta and Dorothea would support them further, harrying the foes before Caspar could rush in and put an end to their participation. In our evenly numbered configuration, I decided… Much to my loyal friend's displeasure, to pair him with Ferdinand while I stood with Petra. Suffer, suffer as you made me suffer! That's what you get for teasing me!

The princesses were the bait, so to speak. Also keeping to the rear, was me understanding of my objective importance in the battle. A necessity considering the morale damage. Yet, Petra and I's martial abilities would decimate any attackers. Still, I imagined our position would not prevent us from seeing battle.

In summary.

The Black Eagles shall be the spear, and I shall be their driving force. Or something to that nature… The analogy escaped me. Argh! I should have made Hubert come up with one. It would have been bleak as fuck, but better than my own dumbass.



The flags that signaled the battle's start, rose with a horn's cry.

"Let's go!" Caspar shouted and charged off, as I knew he would. In my vision, I saw a distant purple haired man ready his lance and similarly charge. Shouts of annoyance rang out from the forest. Unplanned. Losers. This is why you have your loyal friend fucking spy on your future classmates!

The Blue Lions in contrast to either house, moved swiftly in their V-shaped formation. Their force angling towards the Black Eagles. Caspar, seeing this, shifted to meet them in the middle.

Petra by my side spoke to me. "Edelgard, let us also be meeting our foes!" Language.

I responded easily, despite her new approach to Fodlan's language, long experience with her father had translated her words for me. "Yes we will! But be wary, I believe Claude has a trap in mind."

I refocused on the far battle. Capsar had engaged with Lorenz, and with the assistance of Bernadetta and Dorothea, defeated him in short order. Light flashed, and Lorenz was eliminated. Teleported to irrelevance.

"Dammit Lorenz! You could have taken out at least one of them!" The orange haired lancer from the Golden Deer shouted. Apparently uncaring of her revealed position. On which the duo of Mercedes and Ashe pelted with arrows and spell fire. Another flash of light. Ah. Too eager for her idol's attention. Idiot.

Dimitri soon came upon Caspar, and using his devastatingly accurate lance strikes exposed an opening for the prince's friends to attack, mercilessly. 3 flashes of light went off. Caspar, Dedue, and Felix all being taken out. One by Felix, one by Bernadetta, and another from Felix being blinded by the light and falling into Ashe. Improper awareness of his allies. Too used to fighting solo. Hmph. Get yourself a friend… Appreciate your friends more! Like I do with Hubert!

Lindhardt switched to casting offensive spells. Trading magic with Annnete, he allowed himself to be taken out by a stray wind slash. Yawning away into light, he left with a final wind slash directed at Dimitri. The attack was blocked by Sylvain's lance, leaving him open to be shot by Claude, only a graze however. Lindhardt you lazy fuck!

The battle had descended into a frenzy, and only my rear position allowed me to stay clear of the embarrassment. Ugh. Glorious strategies would have been wasted here. I still want to do them!

"I am Ferdinand von Aegir!" Idiot. Moron. Nincompoop.

In the distance I could see the Marigolds erupt into shared laughter. One nearly rolling down the ridge they were on, before being caught by the other.

Ugh. Also being watched by the entire faculty?! And the Blade Breakers?! Ferdinand why.

Despite his shout, Ferdinand coupled with Hubert's efficiency easily broke down Dimitri's defenses.

Suddenly, Hilda appeared in the midst of that confrontation to lazily whack Dimitri, and attempted to repeat her feat on Hubert. Bernadetta quickly fired upon the newest enemy, during a lull in her duel with Ashe. The arrow glancing off Hilda, then being healed in the distance by a blue woman. Marianne? I guess she's their Lindhardt. Dorothea quickly noticed the healer, and began to cover the battlefield from any more white magic interference.

The rest of the Golden Deer decided to show themselves and quickly entered the melee, with Claude leading them. Emerging from the forest in style, they set upon the many individual fights between my Eagles and the Lions.

I found myself challenged by Lysithea again, but Petra parried off her magic first. Allowing me to wield my ax against a fellow wielder. "Sorry about this!"

"You are forgiven, but I will show you your mistake in challenging me!" My axe could not match Rapheal's musculature, so I utilized my shorter height to strike at his legs. Forcing him to dodge backwards clumsily. Ahah! I quickly formulated a tactic. Taking advantage of his movement, I shifted to the side and pressed him further. My tactic was interrupted by an arrow hitting my axe before it could parry Rapheal's. Forcing my abandonment of my weapon in exchange for my continued 'life'. An arrow from Ignatz had hit my axe, judging by the yellow paint and it's lack of Claude's signature feathers...

I glanced over seeing that the leaders of my rival houses engaged in a duel. Hilda being nowhere to be found. Even in my alert glance, I saw no green. I could not see my other foe.

I backpedaled away from another wide swing of Rapheal's axe. Shit! Goddam tall people!

"The defeat is yours!" Petra appeared from a bush, tapping the giant on the nape. Teamwork right there. Also how, bushes don't give you invsibility! Scary.

She handed me a yellow coated blade while I scanned the surroundings. Dimitri had fallen, but Sylvain had not. Damn. Sorry Dimi. The Red Lancer engaged my own, while Hubert was forced to defend himself against Mercedes. Ashe and Bernadetta had taken themselves out then? Or was that, Ignatz's arrows ending the duel?

There! I spotted a pact of strange green. Then pointing it out to my partner, Petra nodded, racing away into the trees.

I decided to engage my last rival leader. Claude. Who was flourishing his bow, after removing Dorothea from the battle. Why do we do those fancy moves? Dumbass it's for morale!

My blade was blocked perilously by his bow, "Whoa there! Princess, Nice to see you too!" Fucker, I told everyone to call me Edelgard! My own rebuttal to his mocking words was lost as we were both distracted by another set of flashes. Ingrid having taken out Marianne, yet having her lance and participation defeated in the process by Ignatz. An incredibly accurate shot throwing said lance into my duel. It embedded itself into the ground, as Claude and I dodged from the spinning projectile. A lucky opportunity presented itself to me. And using Claude' slightly slower reflexes, I kicked the lance into his frame.

"Your wit may be sharper, but your form is lacking!" My blade easily cut through his off-balanced defense and soon light flashed. Fucking thinkers, If you spend all your time thinking, you forget to actually act!

"-For her majesty!" Another light flashed behind me. Hubert! That dramatic asshat! He sacrificed himself to defend against Mercedes? He must have been more exhausted than I realized. I whipped around.

Ferdinand had won against Sylvain, but found his tired body being painted yellow by another arrow by Ignatz. A light shined in the trees as Petra ended the irritating archer's streak.

I deleted another magic blast from Mercedes. The wooden sparring weapon being more than durable enough to take her flames. The last Blue Lion was in my path! You're sweet and all but it's time to lose! Also why do you feel like a damn mom?! You're barely older!

"This is the end!" I threw my blade at her, after another deflection. I watched her eyes widen before she was bopped on the chest. Yellow splashing across her torso.


And with that. The frenzy had ended. The first battle the totality of the Three Houses had ended. It was... An entirely embarrassing affair on any side.

But… My Black Eagles had persevered! And that is what I shall remember from this! We're the fucking best!

Incorrect. I was wrong and I must face the truth.

I shall also remember the mocking scent of popped maize and butter as the Professors chatted, consoled, and critiqued our participation. Except the Marigold. He was laughing his ass off, still even after the battle was long moped up. Both of them, actually. The other Marigold was just hiding it behind her hand. So unprofessional! Fuckers think they can laugh at the students. Only I'm allowed to laugh at my idiots! And whoever else I guess.

After all of the students had arrived. The House Leaders stood in front of our bedraggled and painted classes.

Professor Hanneman began. "In all my years, I have never seen… Suffice to say cohesion and implementing formations will be thoroughly researched." Ugh. Not more papers!

Professor Manuela elbowed the graying man. "Oh stuff it, the kids were alright. Take it easy on them, it's only their first month. Remember, or is your head too full of all that research? Usually we do this later in the year." Is that outfit even appropriate?! I can see her... assets. So that's where Dorothea got her boob exposure ideas from.

Before they could begin their bickering, Professor Seteth added his own thoughts. "Professor Manuela is correct, instead of taking this as a failure in teaching, we can use this to better our own teaching. And accommodate the needs of the students. I will also share that while most strategies seen today collapsed under their own weight, the Black Eagles' lack of a strategy served them well." Thanks. Fuck you too.

A gruff voice questioned. "Strategy? I could see the Blue kids' ideas, but what about the Deer's?"

A cold voice answered. "Jeralt. A pincer attack. Just a failed one." Goddam, I've been called Ice Princess, but that felt like the fucking ass end of Faerghus.

I could see Claude wince at that. Karma.

Another red-haired lancer entered the conversation. And nonchalantly continued to devastate our egos. "Yeah. Mr. Schemer tried making a trap, but because the two other kiddies were beating the stuffing out of each other, he tried to take advantage of that. Should have waited a little longer."

Claude spoke in his defense. "Hey, I had no choice, I gotta listen to my troops! They weren't going to let me just wait until Prince and Princess painted each other away." Shrugging in a manner of 'what can you do', the heir to the alliance smiled irresponsibly.

Marigold after recovering from his laughing fit shut that down. "C'mon Claude, don't try to trick Hapi. You forgot to tell them of your plan right?" Hapi? The red haired lancer? How many of those do we even have?! It's getting fucking ridiculous.

Professor Marigold followed up on that before Claude derailed the lecture further. "And Ci-Seteth you are incorrect, the Black Eagles did have a strategy, their somewhat organized attack with Caspar at the head, grasped their victory after all."

I preened slightly. Only slightly! I simply recognized honest praise. Hmph. Damn right, we're awesome!

A voice behind the classes spoke. "Pairs. Good idea." Motherfucke-!

Shocking more than half of the totaled houses, some even shrieked upon seeing the blank visage of Byleth Eisner eating more popcorn. Where. How. Why.

"Byleth! Again?!" Again? This is common thing for her to do? A sneaky cat?

Ignoring Marigold's shout, the blue mercenary continued. "Everyone did very well fighting. But they should use the environment more. Ah. And the Green boy, he took out the most. It's important to use cover effectively. The Blue Cats should have secured the hill better instead of attempting to take out the Red Birds. Yellow Does were too disorganized, especially compared to the other animals." Pffft.

"By. You know that's not their names right?" Jeralt rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"Oh.... Black Eagles. Congratulations."

Both the Marigolds clapped at that. Clap~ Clap~ Damn right you should clap! Then the red one pointed at Ms. Eisner.

"Oh yeah! That reminds me, the next battle will be against Byleth and co, or Jeralt and co. Or as I like to say, Jeralt's five adopted idiots! So have fun~"

Jeralt growled. "I knew it! I thought it was fine with the red one! She was quiet and sarcastic. I could live with that, but she was an arsonist! And then the whole thing with Shamir and her boytoy…Actually they're fine. Except for Aiax, he needs more sunlight. But then! Then that smooth pretty boy?! You Dastard! I don't want a son-in-law!" Smooth pretty boy? Kind of a redundancy there. Just saying.

The Immaculate one coughed. "Jeralt…. Byleth's outfit? And what of a daughter-in-law?" She then winked at me. At least I assumed it was a wink. My irritation made it hard to tell.

Why does her outfit have stockings? Are they metal engravings? Can you even do that to stockings? That might be ingenious. Also fuck off, I will never marry such a suspicious person!

The concerned father whirled to the lazily stretching lancer. "Hapi?!"

"Don't bring me into this. Hey, Chatterbox. Pass me the popcorn."

I ignored the ensuing comedy to face my house. This was more important. I ignored my house's personality quirks manifesting. Lindhardt was sleeping standing up, Hubert was attempting to secretly strangle Ferdinand, Caspar was being held back by Perta as he tried to storm the staff, Bernadetta was searching for her bow, and Dorothea was failing to wipe away the paint on her.

"Black Eagles! Through our efforts, we have secured a victory! In honor of that, I propose we have a feast to celebrate. And of course, the other houses are welcome! We have to defeat the mercenaries after all."

I allowed myself to smile. The first victory of many.

So that's all of the Ashen wolves accounted for, except Balthus. He's actually up by Holst partying it up. Once he gets debt ridden though...
Hot damn, that has got to have been some of the best comedy in a Fire Emblems 'fic we've read in years. Congrats on your portrayel of this zany Edelgard, she definitely feels like somone who was made for the original dark reality of FE:3H in an out of place reality.

We're looking forward to the next chapter.
Hahaha. Thank you! The sheer quirkiness of the Black Eagles offsets a lot of their harsh realities. Really all the characters, but really, a lot of people see the Golden Deer as the meme house. The most Chaotic ones, but looking at the total disasters that are the Black Eagles? Haha.

Next Chapter is being edited, probably I'll be done after I eat!
Chapter 5: 8th of Horsebow Moon: Bandits
Chapter 5: 8th of Horsebow Moon: Bandits

I needed…. I needed a name for our collaboration! Despite knowing of the battle for at least a week, I had difficulty in procuring a satisfactory name to describe all houses equally. Usually, the Three Houses would never formulate into a true cooperation, but with the changes implemented in the curriculum already... It was made abundantly clear that none of my previous research on Garreg Mach could be applied now.

Fucking meddling overpowered idiots.

Before, I had theorized that the three houses were pitted against each other because of the Church's desire to disrupt any unification from being possible. A way to secure their reign over Fodlan. However, I was gravely mistaken. The true reason being deceptively simple.

We were always going to be at each other's throats. At least, Claude and I.

Dimitri attempted to play the peacemaker, but that arrogant cocky schemer overrode any of his attempts in favor of his own. What was wrong with 'Three Houses United'?! I thought of that all night! It felt like a very touching and poetic epithet for our first trial in collective battle! And Dimitri's own 'Garreg Mach Team' was inspired!

Both of our ideas were summarily dismissed by an exasperated shake of the Golden Deer leader's head. Hmph. I didn't recall him adding his own idea. He did. Loser. What kind of name is United Houses? That's just my idea fucking changed a bit!

Sometimes, it was easy to forget. Easy to get lost in the present. Easy to ignore the future that I would have to build. Easy to just… be.

Yet, the blood and ashes of my future path were inescapable. My lonely road to my ideals was drenched in blood. A singular evil journey except for my loyal support, Hubert.

I could not, did not delude myself otherwise. The Black Eagles would never support my bloody dream. And I would never ask them to. I was well aware of my future betrayal. And so I kept a distance from my classmates, never revealing the depth of my ambitions. No one would understand, I would only be seen as a conqueror who was unable to accept reality. An idealist who drowned the world in blood.

There were times, especially in the current reality, that I wondered if I was mistaken in my future. Surely the cost was too high? Nobility would fall in perhaps a century or two, and crests would fall with them.

I didn't have to-No. Even then crests would still haunt the world. The blood of dragons forever a curse upon mankind. Both Marigold's saw crests as useless decorations, a failing in true strength. While that was true, it did not capture the truth of what crests were for ordinary soldiers and civilians. To them crests were not only magic, but proof of the goddess's grace. Despite the Church revealing the truth of the origins of crests. Crests themselves were still worshiped, still wanted.

Humans have to cling to such things. People with power could never let go of the justification. They could never let go of the crests that proved their own actions were correct. Crests were their vindication of greatness. Their very superiority came from crests. The nobility… Even if they were cast down from their lofty peaks, the nobility would grasp onto their crests. How could they not? If they accepted that crests did not make them different, then they would have to confront their own sins… They would have to confront their sacrifices to keep that crest were, Meaningless. Pointless. All the cruelty, all the sacrifices.

And so. Despite everything. Despite happiness. Despite Peace. No... Because of the peace I could see. Because of the happiness I saw. I had to tear down the world order and rebuild it. I could not risk the possibility of crests/nobility re-emerging and devastating the world again. Reverting all the progress. The current happiness and peace are fragile. If given the slightest opportunity, nobility from all over the continent would unite. To steal and pillage every ounce of power that they have lost.

The Kingdom, The Alliance, The Empire. Everything would be reborn in flame. I could not allow more children to suffer like I did, for crests, for the dying nobility, for their cornered and desperate attempts to keep hold of their power. Even if I must destroy the current happiness, I would ensure that future suffering like mine would never be possible.

I am Edelgard von Hresvelg. I am the Flame Emperor.

It was a rare moment to myself, that I brooded and reflected. Hubert would often accompany me, a silent shadow supporting me without question.

I swung gleaming steel again. The moonlight reflecting off the blade showed another shine of steel. At this point, I wasn't even surprised… And… The smell of blood revealed her long before my blade did.

I spoke to the air. "Ms. Eisner."

"Byleth. Hello Edelgard." The blue haired woman reiterated her own name as she stepped out of the forest's shadows.

"Perhaps if you didn't reek of blood. Was there trouble again?"

Bandit attacks on Remire were not common, but the last war had left many to turn to darker methods of securing their future. The criminal problem had been festering long before, but the once minimal disruption had blown into a massive issue for all of Fodlan. Even in the heart of Fodlan, and so very near the Church's bastion. The desperate and cruel had tried to attack this seemingly sleepy town.

The students were protected, of course, by the faculty and the Blade Breakers. It appeared that man was true to his word. Attempting to ensure that no student had to shed blood. A laudable notion, if naive. Both Hubert and I had already killed. And I believe that Dimitri nearly would have if not for the intervention of my own mother. There were other students who almost certainly killed before, in self defense. The bandit problem made that nearly inescapable. But the vast majority were bloodless. Unlike this woman before me.

"Mmmhm. You should head to bed. It's late. Sleep is good before battle." Said woman stepped further into the light. Her outfit was untouched by blood, including her iron sword. A thorough cleaning of her equipment must have been completed afterwards.

"I could say the same for you. And I find it difficult to sleep before battle, better to apply myself than waste my time attempting to sink into oblivion." The nightmares haunted me, yet I understood the importance of sleep. It did not change the fact, that exhausting my body completely was the only solution to my restlessness.

"...Ah. Papa does that too… hmmm. Drink?"

"Are you asking me if I would like to imbibe alcohol to sleep?"

I was not aware of.. In hindsight, the man seemed to use alcohol fairly regularly. Perhaps he too is tormented by his past. There was, after all, a significant lack of a mother/wife or friends around his age in his mercenary band.

"Yes. I can go get some?"

Should you really be providing alcohol to young adults?!

"No! Ahem. No. I will be just fine, I simply need to exhaust my body and mind."

The mercenary's face slightly lifted in comprehension. A curve lightly applied itself to her mouth. Her face's expression may have been a trick of the moon's glow, but her cobalt eyes more than showed her excitement. The lack of inflection in her following words, however, were unable to show a similar interest.

"We should spar."

What? Oh I see. A natural conclusion to draw. But… Why would I spar with som- No. this is an excellent chance to gauge a potential enemy's abilities!

"A spar? Yes. I would appreciate a chance to test the Ashen Demon's abilities for myself."

Cobalt diminished instantly. The moment that her alias left my lips, the woman looked to be shaken from her excitement.

I hastily corrected myself, "Ah. My apologies,.. Sparring against a fearsome opponent such as yourself, Ms. Eisner. That would be extremely helpful." I had thought she would take pride in her title, but I was mistaken.

I disliked her hurt expression, while it was only natural to be wary of the women. I did not wish to hurt someone without cause. There was no excuse for my own suspicion to damage someone who had done nothing to me.

I tried for a tease to reinvigorate the mood. "But.. I must ask. Are you so confident to take on the Imperial Princess?"

Blue hair nodded. Unsheathing her sword in answer. Despite myself, A smile grew on my lips. Proving her strength in combat? A refreshing breeze compared to the blow-hard nobles I defeated so readily.

No posturing, only using her actions to prove her strength. I flourished my sword and stopped back, allowing the training ground to be balanced between us.

Was it arrogant to think I could defeat a legend in the making? Yes. But I thrived on arrogance, on my confidence in my own abilities. Once upon a time, I would have stormed the Church to fight against a millennia old nightmare. Even now, without that foe.

My strength had to be tested, had to be unbreakable, indomitable. My dream demanded no less. Byleth Eisner would be my test, another way to strengthen my resolve. I would face her with everything I am, and I would not be found wanting.

The mercenary leaped forward aiming to strike me from shoulder to hip. There was no countdown, only a clash of metal, as I deflected the blow and lashed out with my blade in return. Strong. Her strike numbed my arm with the force.

Another! Not even aiming to parry my blade and instead going for my openings! A strike following my own! She's fast. Not as fast as my backhanded return slash. Forcing her to leap backwards to avoid my sword. I flourished my blade, testing out the movement with my numbed sense of touch. Her eyes warily tracked my arm, not the blade. An experienced combatant always looked at the opponent's movements from their musculature rather than the actual weapon. Of course, keeping the actual steel in mind was vital.

She blinked.


I lunge. Byleth blocks, and spins to end my existence. Ducking underneath the blade, I rotate my own blade and move into a slash.


Byleth catches the blade between her elbow and knee! Is that the purpose of her brace!

She must be an experienced close-range warrior to employ such tactics. Her risk is rewarded and she reverses her blade aiming to stab me. I twist my blade free and swing it in a light slice towards her face. Dodge.

We both disgenage.

Her face! It's terrifyingly calm. The radiance of the heavenly body only shows her blankness in cold light. Utterly focused on the battle. I steel myself to do the same.

We both lunge.

Our blades pass by each other's necks! My head shifts, barely in time to avoid it. But her left gauntlet comes up to bat away my arm and deliver a crushing jab to my torso.

Despite my small form, I powerfully tense my body in preparation. The blow barely affects me and I turn my blade to sever her neck. She twists her entire body and pivots her darkened pauldron to catch my blade. Forcing me to step forward in order to avoid falling over. Her arm wraps my neck in a parody of a friendly embrace and she knees me in the same location as she struck her fist.

This time, I recoil from the blow. My head rears back instinctively. And I slam it forward onto her nose! Aiming for her soft cartilage to break. She doesn't flinch! Her pain tolerance must be ludicrous! But her momentary pause does allow for me to launch up both of my legs to kick off her torso. I land and roll backwards to further the distance and avoid any retaliatory strikes.

I must keep my distance.

In close combat, her abilities are greater than mine. I shall have to either practice a magic or an unarmed skill to overcome this weakness.

Realizing her strength in intimate range, Byleth presses forward with another slash.

I force my blade to slide against the edge harshly.

A light shines!

The crest of flames alights both of our faces and I see it reflected in her cornflower blue eyes!

My blade easily slices through her own and cuts through her defenses. A lethal strike through her entire chest! My sword barely stops from ending her life entirely, resting just above her heart.


Cobalt dims- Suddenly. An anomaly occurs. An impossibility is made reality. There's a stutter in the world. A heaving, shaking breath of dea-life. Wrong. Something is wrong! The world bleaches of color. My pulse rockets in my ears. No. Not my own . A massive heartbeat echoes in my mind.

I cannot move, no one can! Byleth is frozen in the world along with own body! This must be the godes-. No. This must be Sothis! Only a god's power would break reality! Why now! Why arise at this moment! Was my regret at a senseless murder of an innocent so strong?

My crest of flames! It must have called forth the Being! But why now!? A tide of endless void rushes towards us.

I open my eyes.

A darkened throne room greets my vision. A green light shines and illuminates a throne and little else. Where is this? I do not recognize the location or the throne. I do not even recognize the small.. Child? A child? Here? That can't be the goddess… Surely? What is a child doing in a throne room?

Her messy sprawling green locks shake as the diminutive person yawns without decorum. Stretching without reservation of her outlandish outfit.

In the stained glass of the cathedral, the goddess looked nothing like the figure before me, and considering who constructed those tacky masterpieces. I simply can't believe that this child must be a goddess. It looked nothing like her. And she was at least depicted as a fully grown woman. Perhaps Sothis had truly died? … then who is this?

I step forward. "Identify yourself!"

"...What-? Who are you!" the small child is flabbergasted at me, it seems neither of us understands what is happening.

"Answer my question first and I shall answer yours in turn."

"What do you- who are you then? Why are there two of you!"

What! I spin around, and Indeed! Byleth Eisner stood slightly shadowed to my right, looking in wonder at her own miraculous and impossible survival. So miraculous that she was unharmed?!

"Irrelevant!" This entire mystery is relevant, but I must first secure the identity of this small child. Without a doubt, a deity's power was at play here! And since Byleth has never shown any godlike power or my crest, then the only culprit must be! "Answer this! Are you Sothis! The goddess of Fodlan!"

The small child is shocked at my words, before she slowly leans back into the throne, comically so in the massive seat. "So-this? Yes yes, that is my name!"

Confirmation. I almost leaped forward to End the Beginning, before… No. That's right... isn't it. The goddess had nothing to do with the sins I once applied to her. She did not spread crests. Or empower the nobility randomly. The only thing I could fault her for. Was for… Her child raising skills? Considering her own appearance. Perhaps I cannot. Could I fault her for not answering the(our) prayers? Looking at this small child… Not easily.

"Hey! Why are you looking at me like that! Ugh. And you! Why are you still in the shadows like a weirdo? Ugh. Since I have answered your question, fulfill your end of the bargain!"

Is the goddess of Fodlan really this? This. Sassy and confused child?

I shake my head. "My name is Edelgard von Hresvelg."

The goddess? Nods at that "Hhmmhm. A strange name, but it fits you. And you?"

I glance over to the blue haired woman, strange she was here. I suppose my own inadvertent activation of the crest of flames pulled her in? Only a theory. I shall remain wary. Cobalt eyes flicked between the child and I, "Byleth."

The goddess nods at that as well. "Hmm. A good name. Now. What are we going to do? With the grace of my power I have stalled the hands of death. Locking you in time's flow.... What were you two thinking! Fighting with live steel in a simple spar? Honestly it is of no surprise that one of you nearly died! Really, you should be thanking me, not questioning me!"

I cough. "Thanks? My gratitude? I can see my own fault in this, but the true blame lies in your crest."

Byleth nods with me on that. "Her Crest? Ah. True. We would have been fine. The fight was going to end soon without that shiny light."

'Crest?' Why does it sound like she has no idea what a crest is? Surely, she knows what a crest is?

Wait. "What do you mean going to end soon?'"

"You overextended."

"That does not mean the fight would end! I was well prepared to compensate for that!" Who does this mercenary think she is? … Wait. Ahem. "Ah. I must apologize profusely for my lack of control. I had no intention of harming you so badly!"

"Oh. It's okay."

"No it isn't you idiots! Don't ignore me! We have to figure out a way so you don't die!"

A way to prevent Byleth's death at my own hand? Is such a thing even possible? The event has already occurred. Her death is all but moments away.

Byleth hums. "Reverse time?"

Reverse time? What does that even mean? Time only marches forward inescapably. The thought of even reversing it is… suffice to say, not even the most learned on Fodlan would imagine such an idea. Repeating the past would mean nothing. As much as we all dreamed of changing the past… The future is the only thing we could change.

I speak my concern. "Reverse time? Unless you can cast our minds back from now, it would only end in the same conclusion."

The child sits up fully. "Aha! That's it, I can reverse time! Yeah!"

"She just said that."

"I said that."

"Shut up you two, this is going to be hard! Strangely I feel as if both of you can be returned. Don't kill each okay!"

Darkness swallowed the room. Both of us? But only I possess her crest?

We were back in that moment. The world was still grayed out, and my own pulse had faded. But the heartbeat of what must be Sothis resounded in my ears. As if rewinding a lantern play. My body moved without my consent and reversed its course. Through my eyes, I could see the blood that sprayed from Byleth's torso change their course and fly back into their origin.

A step back.

My sword unlodged itself from her body. Torn skin and muscles seemingly healed itself. No, not healed- It undid the damage. Changed the past.

Another step back.

My blade was at hers, I could see the steel shearing through the iron.

Another grueling shaking step back.

My head was in agony. My mind barely grasping the impossibility before me. Impossible. Wrong. Unnatural. My entire being screamed out.

In the reversal I saw that awful sigil appear in the air. It unwrote itself from existence vanishing into the Aether that it had spawned from.

I could not breathe. I could not speak.

Finally the hands of the clock stopped. We were now at the point in time just before Byleth had pressed me to strike me, and I had just readied myself to meet her sword with my own. Light slowly fades back in from the edges of my vision and color follows it.

The moment that the entire world is rendered as it naturally is, I collapse. Gasping out and leaning on my blade. Blood drops to the ground. My left hand reaches to feel its source. My nose is bleeding. I wipe away the crimson. I don't hear the footsteps of Byleth approach. But I hear her jacket flap slightly as she rushes to me.

"Are you okay? Your nose."

"...I'm fine. And you? Is your?" I look over, her. There's not even a mark. She barely looks fazed. Unlike my own weakness, it appears that she is completely unaffected. Ah. I understand! Without having to shoulder the actual goddess, without the crest of flames, all the burden of allowing the goddess to enact a miracle weighed on me!

Ah. That confirms it. This crest of mine is a curse.

"No problem." She spins slowly. Why-" Do you want me to remove my armor" She starts to pull down her-

"No! N-o!" My voice cracks embarrassingly. "I believe you! Stop!"

"Okay." Byleth stops attempting to strip and instead reaches to help me up.

I grasp her hand. Warm. Calloused. Surprisingly soft for a deadly mercenary. Unlike my own. At the thought I nearly try to adjust my gloves.

I cough, instead. "Ahem. Byleth. Once again I apologize for my… I… I'm sorry for my lack of control. But I must ask you, to keep this a secret. " I fumble for an excuse. She likely does not understand what it means to bear my legendary crest, and the terrible omen it can be. "The goddess has been gone for many years, and to suddenly reappear. Well-"

Byleth tilts her head. "The Goddess?"

"... I should have expected this. Yes. I believe we encountered the goddess worshipped by the Church of Seiros?"

"Oh." Her expression is practically asking 'why a church would worship the small child we saw.' Or is she asking what the Church of Seiros is? That would be dumb, she obviously knows the dragon. Her father was the Captain of the Knights too.

I shake my head. "In any case. Let us not speak of this to anyone… and. Thank you for the spar… It was enjoyable." I smile slightly. "If possible I would enjoy a second spar, without live steel. After all, the conclusion was cut short."

"Cut short? Like I was cut… A pun? I have one too. I'm a bandit."

I stare.

She stares right back.


She's a fucking idiot.

"Haaah. I can't believe it." How could I imagine this moron was a potential foe for me to prevail against. Hubert was getting to me, encouraging him to spy, had left him seeing enemies where there were none.

"Good night. Byleth. Snrk. Hahaha- Bandit.- Hahaha-"

That's not how you set up a joke at all.

I laugh back to my sleeping tent. I hear a callout to my back. "Good night…Someone laughed at my joke!" The last words were whispered to herself, and only the quiet night allows me to hear it. I turn. Is she doing a fist pump? She sees my turn around and waves. I wave back.

Ah that's it. I got it.

The name of the Three Houses working together. Bandits. Hahahaaha.

Naturally after that strange sequence of events. I pass out instantly on hitting my pillow. Though. Just before my rest, I almost hear. Hear the yelling of some sort of .. child in my head?

Why did Byleth find Edelgard? Headcanon that she can somehow sense the 'motivation' level of her students. Basically a canonical reason why she is such an amazing teacher. She's' got no experience otherwise, besides leading the merc company.
Oh wow. That was a very unique way to set up the awakening of Sothis, wish more 'fics took a page out of your book and did something other than the millionth 'Bandits Attack Remire' scenario.

Also, the Bandits is a fairly accurate name for all the three houses together, after all, if you're not looting your enemies bare then are you even trying?
Oh wow. That was a very unique way to set up the awakening of Sothis, wish more 'fics took a page out of your book and did something other than the millionth 'Bandits Attack Remire' scenario.

Also, the Bandits is a fairly accurate name for all the three houses together, after all, if you're not looting your enemies bare then are you even trying?

Breaking canon from the get-go is pretty hard to be fair. It's honestly terrifying stepping out of that safety note, the way I do it? Just be more afraid of fucking up the characters. Honestly this was not even supposed to be Sothis's awakening, but suddenly it happened! And I rolled with it.

Loot! Loot all the way! How else are you meant to pay for the all the expensive tea and brib-gifts for all the students? Fishing? Fishing.

Alright, next will probably be an interlude.

Have a nice night!
Interlude I: Last Villain
Interlude I: Last Villain

Warning High Intensity Shipping. So uh. Ya know.

Cripes. Sometimes I can barely believe I'm still alive. Considering all the bullcrap I pulled, I honestly thought I would have died before even 1180. Though now, I think we're well past the original start. Hmmm. Does that mean canon is fully off the rails now? I'm going to go with a hesitant, sure. Sure why not.

Ugh. I toss the massive book about biology or whatever crap that Seir used to allow about biology into a patch of soft grass. Technically as the librarian I was supposed to treat books with respect and what not. And yeah, I did that, but most books in this era were so freaking boring. And that one was complete and utter tripe? Tripe I think is the term. I would just call it trash. Or kindling.

You might of noticed my lack of swearing? Yep, that's my character development right there. I totes matured and now I'm way less childish and stuff. No swearing for me, no siree. Hahaha.

Unfortunately it's more because they're a bunch of goshdarn children running around Garreg Mach. And I don't mean the brats trying to beat up the mercs down there. Ignoring Cyril the menace, who keeps alternating between utter confusion at me marrying his idol and to asking me for archery/training in order to be stronger like his idol- There's also a bunch of kids of the whole bloody town that moved in when Garreg Mach became a quasi-capitol of Fodlan. Well when it became even more of a capitol. The little marketplace that I once painted? You know the one, the one I painted extensively. Now it's a sprawl of commerce. Ah. Brings a tear to my eyes seeing them grow up.

But seriously, those little kids keep following me and I have to stop swearing 'round them. Corrupting the youth is a little too far even for me. Gotta at least wait till they're 9 and are finally just the right amount of evil for quality minions.

I scan the area for any bandit intrusions, we probably fended off the majority of them last night, but being careless when it could possibly kill the brats? Yeah fuck that. Oh gosh I swore. Oh noes.

Seir was down there herself, barely using her full skill while also keeping vigilant. t I wave. Yahallo wifey! I should try shooting an arrow at her. Might make it more fun for her.

Ugh. There's no convenient tree for me to lean against and suspiciously watch the battlefield. I should have brought a lawn chair. If I was going to backseat commentate on the Houses then I should at least do it in style!

I roll my shoulder. Both actually. I can do that now! Gotta say Constance really outdid herself. A magical prosthetic that works through a careful application of mana to the nervous system and with a fully biological motion range? She really did go above and beyond. Alright 'nough gushing. What is the strategy the 'Bandits' went with anyways? Confusing name, 7/10. Still funny.

Hmm. Back to a pair system? If it ain't broke don't fix it. Lowkey proud that Hubert listened to me. And Khalid. Who I then made pass it on to a Blue Lion somehow.

Does Khalid count as a minion for me then? I just bribe him with chess matches. No idea why that brat wants to play chess with me, I just tell random stories during the thing. Really, I still suck at any form of board game. Hmph, I leave the strategy up to someone else like Seir. She may also be a dummy but she's my dummy. I mean that doesn't change anything about the actual viability of any plan.


A pair system then? Mixing and matching students of each house? Oh? They expanded slightly by grouping pairs of appropriate ranges and versatility together. Petra and Dorothea, Ignatz and Lysithea, along with … Bernadetta and Hubert.

Her hair… I see that shitty mother is at least doing something with her daughter. Cough. Lysithea and her fun hairstyle. I know it's probably some sort of remembrance thingy, still gonna call it what it is. Gothy Punky.

Moving on. Archers and mages were one group. Another group was clerics and mages. Another was blah blah.

You know what would be more fun? Sports announcers style!

"Oh! They're going for a coordinated attack on Manuela. Smart, take out the healer first. We got Marianne paired up with Ashe who are absolutely devastating her, and then Manuela retaliates like she just got rejected again! Blowing away Ashe with a Magnificent display of sword skill, and then casually Silencing Marriane. That's why she's a teacher folks! Despite her total inability to manage her life, she's got her teaching well in hand. Ah! It looks like she heard me somehow. Meh. I'll direct it onto Hanneman.

Looking over to said man, I see.

"Ooh. Who is fending off the combined power of Lindhardt and Mercedes! The man deflects away some of their strikes, but their rapid offensive is pressing heavily on him! Mostly because of the additional support of Annette and Khalid? A fascinating team up that is surprisingly working wonders. The Professor is getting pushed to the brink. Is he going to be the first out? No! In a shocking turn of events….Not. He is saved by Hapi! That would be poetic as fudge, but this is a mock battle! Hapi's spinning her lance. Huh. That looks familiar. Wait, that was my move! She stole that! She literally threw her lance like a frisbee! I told her that as a joke! She ends the joke by throwing out Bolgannes willy nilly! And Lindhardt is taken out by a stray bolt, and it looks like the lance caught an unfortunate Ignatz! Ooh. Okay, now I know that was on purpose."

I turn to the more close range side. "Lets refocus on the other guys. Looks like Seir is easily handling Edie, Hilda, Capsar, and Rapheal. Tsk tsk. Pairs may work on students, but on Seir? She's kicking their butts by just throwing them into each other! That is what we call a badass. And hax strength. Ahem. Ooh? Looks like Jeralt and Byleth have teamed up on their own! The father- daughter duo is absolutely snowballing their competition! Ooh. And the forces of Leonie and Felix? A strange combo but it may prove to be their salva- Hsss. That looked nasty. Rest in pieces, practice sword 71. And speaking of breaking weapons."

Let's not speak about breaking any more weapons please! I have to write up the damn paperwork!

"It looks like surprisingly Shamir and Aiax have joined up with Yuri! The power of teamwork on both sides means there are no easy wins here! Yuri and Aiax performing a stylish double cross cut on poor Ferdinand and Lorenz… They just got styled on. Damn. The disrespect. In contrast! Dimitri and Dedue go in for a powerful combo, but a long ranged sniper breaks through Dedue's gauntlet! Shamir! Please! That's a training bow!"

Man, I want some of Byleth's popcorn. This is good entertainment. Pausing in my announcer's voice, I watch the horizon. Hmm. I really was expecting some sort of bandit attack? Or even a demonic beast incursion? Hahaha. Maybe Seri and I did go overboard last night when we competed to see who would mop up the most bandits? I won b.t.w. She's still weak to tactical flirting. How cute~ Wait. I slipped into lovey-dovey husband mode! I might have missed some action!

"Sorry about that folks. Speaking of love tho, it looks like Aiax might finally be in Shamir's good graces? I really can't figure out their dynamic nor do I want to! But it looks like Sylvain and Ingrid are next up on the trio's chopping block! Sylvain looks confused on whether he should be flirting with Yuri or not. I'll answer for you .Yes. Always flirt with your enemy! It's a definite ship! – And it looks like you won't be shipped ever again with that absolutely savage strike by Yuri, right into the Gautier's crotch! Even Ingrid winced at that! Don't close your eyes kids! Because of that she just got whacked out of existence by Shamir. Dimitri is still standing, with Dedue having heroically sacrificed himself.! And instead of going into a grief spiral, our resident cinnamon roll throws his lance at the Archer! And it hits! The first one out is surprisingly Shamir! My gosh! What an upset, folks that is. Insane. Shamir? Not Manuela?!"

Why am I not participating? Well. Taking into account.. my ahem. My universal hatred amongst the students. I might actually be killed by one down there. Hahaha. Plus Seir wanted to fight with the kids too. And at least one staff member should stay observing the area. Shamir's a better archer than me, no sweat. And Hanneman or Hapi blew me out of the water in Reason. Still probably would have whooped the kids' butts. But This provided them with more focused targets to strategize against. Seir is the big target of course, she's got the most versatile skill set next to mine. And Byleth with Jeralt were the next biggest threats. Seteth who? Joking joking. Cichol is back at the monastery, someone's got to be there. Besides Flayn, Alois, Aelfric, Gatekeeper, both Macneary parents, Constance, and the Knights of Seiros…. Wait-

"Byleth and Jeralt are actually being separated! It looks like Leonie has stayed in battle? From her poor showing last time… to surprising Byleth with a move straight out of Jeralt's playbook. Ooh. There's some drama possibly brewing between daughter and appren-ope. Nevermind Byleth just threw her broken sword at Leonie. And then scooping up some paint on the ground she goes into to punch her into submission! That's a take down right there! And what's this?! Felix cannot handle Jeralt's sheer mobility! But he does redirect him into the 5-way battle of the Axe wielders! My gosh! There is a horse loose in the field! I repeat there is a horse loose in the field! There she goes!"

Maybe we should have made Jeralt be on foot?

"And Seir has somehow managed to ride onto the horse and is epically striking down students while standing on the saddle?! Don't wave at me! Stop being so cool this instant! There goes Felix, there goes Annete, and now the untouched long range harriers are finally being approached! Bernadetta screams, but manages to send off a surprisingly accurate arrow into the horse's nose! Luckily the arrows are softened! Flashy-flashy. The horse leaves the field! Now Seir is talking while deflecting their spells and arrows? I can't quite hear her, but I imagine it's something hella formal and something about their weak-sauce magic and desperate archery."


"There's a dramatic battle of Dimitri and Edelgard vs Byleth! While the other axe wielders try to overwhelm Jeralt! And is that Khalid shakily coming up from behind?! Damn! Manuela and Hanneman are both eliminated! But Hapi is still fending off Marianne and Ashe- Ah there goes Ashe. Only Marianne's magical resistance is keeping her in this fight! And Hapi decides that she's done! That about wraps up that area. So let's check back on the terrible trio-duo! Oh yeah. They defeated everyone already."

Now they're just watching the battle like me.

"The brother and sister of royalty are tag teaming Byleth! She's getting real pressed here folks! This might be her end! Whoa! She just pulled Dimitri into a shot by Khalid! That's that tactical awareness of an experienced fighter! Khalid visibly curses but he leaps into the fray with Edelgard! Wait what is that sound! Jeralt no! Stop breaking all their weapons! We might be rich and all, but that's just wasteful! With the breakage of their weapons most of the axe wielders don't give up still! They're going to try to rush the man! Truly remarkable fighting spirit! Even Hilda gave it a go after seeing Marianne get eliminated!"

Power of Friendship OP right there.

"Jeralt is so tall that she can't even grapple him properly! But she does distract him, for Caspar and Rapheal to tackle him! Oh no! That was a feint! Now he's using Raphael as a weapon! Run! Hsss. That's going to leave a mark. Yeah they're all out."

Power of Friendship needs a power up apparently.

"Looks like Byleth has snapped Edie's axe in two like her dad! Cripes! You people need to stop! I have to help write up the expense reports for this shit! Seteth was going to but that bastard was too worried about his daughter and left! Don't use your daughter as a way to get out of paperwork! I didn't even have two arms a couple years ago! I don't want to write! Cough. Woah. Got a little distracted there."


"Byleth has taken advantage of the two house leader's discord! She slid between them, causing Edelgard to whack Khalid with her borrowed lance! Does Edelgard know how to use that thing?! She does! Spearing it towards Byleth! And she's tripped instead! Dirty move. I approve! Boop. And that's all the house leaders out. Only Seir has to finish up!"

I can see most of the students being disgruntled/shocked/confused/pained/unconscious in the expansive medical tent. So many Rescues can really exhaust even our massive team, but they assured me they could handle it. Not sure why they told me, Manuela is the one managing that. Then again, I am the cautionary tale on overcasting. Haha-

Bernadetta flashes into existence. The spell bringing her right where I was looking. My fucking luck- Our eyes meet, and I look away first. Dammit, why do I feel like a deadbeat? That doesn't even make sense?

Neither of us speak, Her out of hatred for my existence… And my own silence is because I have no right to say anything to her.

I sigh. I wonder if she's here to kill me. Sorry but, I'll won't let you kill me. But you're welcome to try.

Woah, got morbid fast.

Let's focus on the last battle. Anyway!

It looks like Lysithea is the last one standing. And she goes for a spell? That's excessive Lysithea. Dark magic here? Ah nah. Seir knocks her out. A little too slow Lysithea. Oh yeah-

I said the exact same thing to her when she showed up earlier in the year. I may have forgotten one teensy little thing, that there might be a potential war that would prevent early enrollment. Oops. My bad. Man was she pissed.

The remaining faculty who were not eliminated walk up.

So that's the battle against the Blade Breakers and faculty. About what is to be expected from students. They can't expect to win against my heroic wife! That's reserved only for me! Only the final true villain left in Fodlan could defeat the hero. Mwahahaaha!

After all, I killed every other villain.

Only Shamir, Hanneman, and Manuela were eliminated? Hmm, a decent spread. Those are definitely the most focused on one expertise. Though Shamir's was more out of luck, I think. Throwing a lance that far was pretty ludicrous. Man, Dimitri's strength is just…ugh. I'll have to replace that lance too!

Thank gosh Seir is still rich. I mean I spend most of my paycheck on food, and baking supplies so it equals out, right? Neither of us manage the Church's finances anymore, so she's not super rich, but she's got a quality nest egg for rainy days or something. I mean I guess if you want to burn your g-notes on a rainy day? I feel that. I wish I was that rich. Said rich dragon proudly sauntered up to me.

"How were your observations? I could hear your inane commentary and while it was amusing, I believe you exaggerated occasionally"

"My observations? If you heard my commentary then why… ah. You want praise!"

"Obviously." She cups my face. "I have full confidence in my abilities. yet still I would like to hear it directly from my love"

S-smooth as ever Seir! However- I step forward, close enough to kiss. And she starts closing her eyes, when I simply lean my forehead on hers. Hah! I was anticipating this.

"Greedy Dragon. You were just as beautiful as you always are. You don't need me to tell you that. But sure, I'll keep telling you the truth. Now and Forever. "

Critical hit. Seir's face blooms in a charming rose pink. "F-Fool. If I am greedy than y-you are as well! Again and again with y-your r-ridiculously sincere words! It's only natural that I-I shall keep asking then! Now and forever!"

In the background, I don't hear. Because I'm being kissed into a blushing mess. But If I could hear anything beyond Seir.

"Why must we suffer. Every day with these idiots."

"Aw Lighten up Hubert! I think they're adorable."

"Old man's got some moves! Hilda write that down!"

"I cannot believe I must witness this so often."

"Really El? I saw our mother and fath-"

"Ahem. Your Majesty. Please do not reveal state secrets so easily."

"Critical hit. Papa, did you do that with-"

"Kid. Don't watch those two. Your mom and I were normal compared to that."

That's right! The idiot couple is even more embarrassing now! I still want to die of shame, but that only makes me stronger! Kind of hard to balance referencing previous events. Didn't want to bloat this even further.
You know mc could technically gall Jeralt "son in law" and Beyleth "granddaughter" it would lead to some fun reactions from El and crew
You know mc could technically call Jeralt "son in law" and Byleth "granddaughter" it would lead to some fun reactions from El and crew

Hahahah! I'll be honest, I'm waiting for an opportune moment just for that. only need to wait, until Byleth can actually get more embarrassed.

Speaking of waiting, no update tonight, my hands in every moment have sent tremors of pain shooting through me. Gotta take a break so I don't actually get carpal tunnel. Damn tendons, why didn't you evolve for sustained use!
"Why must we suffer. Every day with these idiots."
"Why are we still here? Just to suffer? Every day, I can see their cringe… and sappyness… even their gross looks. The innocence I've lost… the same loss I've seen in my friends… won't stop traumatising us... It's like they're still on their honeymoon. You feel it, too, don't you?" - Metal Gear Emblem- or something like that.
Was I secretly a Rom-com writer? honestly, I have no idea.

Ugh. Why am I still typing.

Fun fact: Even the Knights and the clergy are sick of them.
Chapter 6: 13th of Horsebow Moon: Apparition
Chapter 6: 13th of Horsebow Moon: Apparition

Prayer, is a useless vapid thing. How could relying on an unknown, faceless, being ever be comparable to taking your own actions? No, unlike that foolish little girl I once was, never again would I let myself depend on such a false truth. The idea of worshiping and hoping for salvation from another has lost all its appeal. I truly believe that humans need to stand on their own, without relying on a deity.

So why then as the most heretical and most ardent non-believer...

Why must I have to listen to a goddess in the sanctity of my own mind?!

Said goddess yells. "Hey! It is not as if I asked to be in your mind either!" A high pitched tone, rightly the voice of god. Fucking annoying and weirdly archaic?

Perhaps, this is a hallucination brought on by stress? I recall that Hubert once suffered under similar ills. Or was that because of his dark magic exposure? It is difficult to determine with his refusal to divulge such things to me. Actually, that reminds me, I should begin training in dark magic myself. Ignoring my weakness in close combat would be detrimental, and the effectiveness of such foul power could not be denied.

"Are you even listening to me? Do not presume you can ignore me!" Goddamit. Sothishit.

And really, the side effects would not be worse than imagining the mother of the Immaculate One was in my mind.

"Mother! Excuse-"

In fact, I should go see Hubert now. It's not as if I have anything else to do. If I ignore the voice it'll go away. Or maybe I should try killing it? How do I murder a voice in my mind?

It was the last day in Remire, and while some students were unhappy to leave. Most students were quite sick of the poor encampments they had to suffer through, especially considering their own relatively large dormitories. Ferdinand and Dorothea were actually extremely vehement in this, as both claimed their hair was being ruined. I touched my own locks to verify their claims. Yes, my hair was getting slightly frizzy in the lacking conditions. I shall have to-

"Why are you going on about hair! Explain yourself, especially on my being a mother!"

Nearly sighing, I remember reading the teachings of Sothis as a child and then teenager, once to admire the goddess, and once to see the lies spread by Seiros. I certainly don't remember the Goddess being described as so bratty and commanding. But then again, a goddess could be no less than a false idol lording over man.

"Stop deflecting already!"

Shut up! I am not about to start conversing with myself out of thin air! Or give my delusional mind any more power than it already has!

Ignoring the angry shrieks inside my mind, I approach the Black Eagle's region of the encampment just outside of Remire. Seeing my loyal retainer surprisingly in plain sight, I changed my directions to speak to him.

"Ah Hubert, strange to you see in plain sight. But convenient for my purposes." He slightly dips his head to acknowledge my presence. Then returns his gaze to our House before speaking to me.

"Lady Edelgard, unfortunately I must be visible to ensure the smooth gathering of our items. What do you require?" Hubert's visible eye glares out upon the rest of my classmates. His already cold yellow chills further in displeasure upon witnessing Lindhardt being dragged out by Caspar. The green haired man still asleep and being unable to be roused by even his electric blue's exuberance.

I checked my mental clock, it was already late morning? Should I be impressed? I wasn't. Half tempted to begin lecturing Lindhardt on the importance of a healthy morning routine, I shake my head instead, and answer my friend.

"Recently, I have been made aware of my deficiency in close range combat-"

Hubert turns to face me before sagely interrupting me.

"Of course, you need not even ask. But I must inform you of it's practice before you undertake any action. I trust, you recall Professor Hanneman's lecture on reason? That Reason magic as it implies, demands a rigorously focused and calm mind. Or at least a sufficient ability to memorize long sequences of arcane formulas. Dark Magic is much the same, except it also is strangely similar to Faith."

"Faith? The magical discipline correct? Hubert, you surprise me. I had no idea you were studying such?"

"Hmph. Yes correct, and I surprised myself. No, it was only during our mutual suffering that the Marigold mentioned it to me, in passing. A moment of contemplation of the merits of magical systems. And as he was undoubtedly curious on the difference between Black and White -so to speak- he added his own use of Faith and it's requirements."

Interesting. Beyond the aesthetic differences between disciplines, was there a possible conceptual one as well?

Hubert continues. "Just as White magic requires the users' belief to manifest into the world as reality, Black Magic demands more than a simple recollection of advanced formulae. It's true power comes from it's cost of life. Whether that is the wielder's or the target's."

Nearly I ask my friend to immediately stop his sacrifice, but then I reconsider, the cost must not be so high that it would negatively lifespan unless overused. If Lysithea was using it despite the cost, I trust she would never be so reckless with her time. So, my voice is calm when I speak.

"I knew that it took a toll on your body, and Lysithea's. But I simply imagined that there were side effects?"

"If there were I could not say for myself. Sadly it is a lost art. Lady Edelgard, now that you have understood the expense of such power, leave it to only myself. I do not doubt your strength, but concerning we still do not understand the mystery of your impossible Crest."

His eyes stare into mine, asking a silent plea. I answer it.

"Hubert. I understand your concerns. You have made your point clear to me... Then for now, I will look into other alternatives that I considered. But… I still wish to learn a little of your art. After all, if both of my companions see fit to use it despite its risks. Naturally, I should be willing to delve slightly into it myself. Should I not?"

There is moment of silence as my friend closes his eyes. I wait as he parses through my words. I can't tell if he is once again swallowing his words or-

Hubert chuckles. "Haha. You outwit me at every turn Lady Edelgard. Very well, I shall help you along the darkest of paths, with the most malign of arts."

A high-pitched voice interrupts. "He sounds far too dramatic. Honestly, it's as if you are acting out parts in some opera. And are you talking about some 'Crest' again? Is that the power I sensed?"

Instead of replying my delusion, I turn to survey the Black Eagles. And waving off to Hubert, and him bowing in return-Unnecessary, but he insists on doing so- I walk over to Petra who already completed her packing.

Speaking to my fellow princess was difficult, but surely this time I would be able to properly relay my intentions!

"Greetings Petra. I'm curious, how did you manage to complete your preparation so quickly. I'm quite efficient with time myself, but did we not only begin our arrangement to leave Remire only shortly after the communal dining?"

Excellent. Short, succinct and with natural compliments to her. Aaaaaahh I sounded so fucking badass!

"Greets to you as well Edelgard!" She hums. "Are you speaking of my skill? Oh! You are doing the politeness of praising me!" She glances furtively before whispering to me. "I am an actually being sneaky! The night of yesterday, I had packed most my supplies!"

While confusing, her words were easily translated by myself. For only having perhaps a few months to study the language, Petra had done remarkably well. That was damn adorable.

"Petra please, I was talking about your tent setup? But yes, you did very well." Sometimes I wonder how the young girl before me was so cheerful and kind-hearted. Especially considering I was the princess of the Empire that had stolen her father and held him hostage. I did not know if I could be so magnanimous if I was in her place.

"Ah, that is making more sense. I and my grandfather often enjoyed hunting trips together! So it is only natural that my skill in tearing down my tent is so sharp!"

She struck a bright smile. I resist the urge to pat her head as I did with a particularly adorable cat. Or a grumpy Lysithea.

"You should pet her! Her hair looks soft."

It does- I cannot pet a fellow student! Do it. Pet the Petra.

Eventually, despite some late arrivals, all the students had managed to load their items and encampment supplies into the caravans that would be taking them back to Garreg Mach. For our last day in Remire, the students were lined -standing around randomly- in the edge of the village, while the mercenary company leaders, and the faculty addressed us for our final day.

The draconic half of the Marigolds begins, stepping forward ahead of the rest of the faculty. "And so now we bring to a close our-

"Seir! No! We talked about this!" The mortal half stops whatever inspiring words his other half started.

"You talked, I ignored."

"C'mon, no more fancy speeches, they make people fall asleep!"

"Really. You are accusing me of making embellished speeches?"

"Psh. I only make fancy speeches when the moment is epic-

"Hmph. Then would they not be lulled into a slumber then by your words? Ruining the 'epicness'?"

Attempting to ignore their blatant flirting and heart eyes.

I do a quick observation of the rest of the Houses. Most are quite drowsy but mingling with each other in whispers. Dimitri was attempting to stop Sylvain from flirting, to no avail. While Lysithea was sighing at the annoying sight of our professors. Ferdinand appeared to be deliberating the merits of stopping their outrageous behavior.

The ghost in my consciousness suddenly says. "Wait. That one. The one in the fashionable clothing. She feels… familiar? There is a strange feeling in my mind that I should recall-"

You do not even recognize your own daughter? Maybe I should be more sympathetic to the dragon.

"That's my daughter?!"

I smile. Yes she is. You know...

A cruel idea manifests and for once, I don't reign in my dark impulse.

Facing the quarrel, I force myself to watch the couple.

Do you not wish to see your daughter Sothis? I believe every parent enjoys their child flirting in front of them.

"That is not flirting! They are only arguing! Do not cast allegations on my-my. Do not spread wild rumours about that very impressively dressed woman!"

Denying your own relation? I thought the green hair would have been an obvious giveaway. Or those ridiculous draconic decorations.

"I would not raise my child to ignore proper decorum! Cough. I thought she was a grand leader of this 'Church of Seiros'. To ruin her own image so-"

A Church worshipping you. And her image was long ruined. We have only been here for a month, but this sight is nothing new. See? Not one student is surprised. Even the mercenaries are used to it, and they have only been with us for, perhaps a week.

Both Marigolds get taken out of their play, by Jeralt who coughs and pointedly tilts his head.

"Ope. Hehe. That's a little embarrassing, we got a little carried away." Now you are embarrassed?

Seiros blushes slightly, and adds. "Y-yes. Why do you not take the floor? I suppose that since I have already introduced them, it is only fair that you leave them."

The two smile at each other, easily revealing that their 'argument' held no value.

The child in my mind whines. "Why are you watching them make-make. Make eyes of love at each other! It is wholly embarrassing for some non-applicable reason!"

Hush. I sense that the Marigolds are about to say something of actual value.


Red eyes pierce through the students, lingering slightly on Sylvain, before moving onto to curve slightly at Marianne smiling to Hilda, then winking at Khalid, and finally his gaze rests on mine. For a moment I fear that he can feel the presence of Sothis. If anyone would be able to sense the presence of divinity, and I must face the grim reality of housing such in my body, one who once did the same would be able to.

He tilts his head imperceptibly to most. Before his gaze flicks to Byleth. He speaks.

"Good Morning. Sorry not sorry about earlier. Hahaha. Anyway you guys are leaving Remire after your training montage. Hopefully you learned something other than how much it sucks to get your butt kicked by other people. And if you didn't then maybe you'll learn something by our newest teacher's assistant!"

Taking a moment to pause, and letting the shock of his words sink in, he dramatically brandishes Ms.Eis- Byleth.

"Byleth will be joining our staff along with the rest of the Blade Breaker's, because honestly. Why not have more people in the Monastery? Not like we don't have room. She won't be a teacher, because she's barely older than some of you, and about nearly the same age as the rest, but she'll basically be running around all of the Houses. And you can go for any of the Blade Breakers for additional instruction or training, I guess. Damn we have so many bloody people to teach it's almost stupid. hmmm. Byleth do you want to add anything? Or say anything else I forgot?"

The Cobalt woman stares blankly, before she says. "There will be free food right?"

"... Sure why not. What's one more blackhole to feed."

Byleth slightly curves her lips. "I think… I'll be happy teaching everyone. Please take care of me."

What? Shouldn't it be the other way around? That was sweet. Kinda weird she's so expressionless though. Oh! I could accomplish that spar now!

"You reckless fool, again?!"

And I can receive training in close combat from the one who showed me my own weakness. How convenient. Though it may be slightly awkward interacting with the woman I once killed. Fucking bullshit, stupid crests! Thankfully, it appears the woman did not reveal the presence of the Goddess and her power to either Marigold.

All in all. The trip to Remire had certainly cemented itself as a useful experience for me.

"I refuse to change the flow of Time again for your silly challenges!"

Fuck off Sothis.

No update today!

Doing wrist exercises and taking it easy before I actually do develop carpal tunnel.

Instead here's a fun fact. Khalid actually didn't manage to get Byleth to smile for his bet. He got waylaid by Jeralt. Rough day buddy.
Chapter 7: 20th of Horsebow Moon: Apotheosis
Chapter 7: 20th of Horsebow Moon: Apotheosis

"The 20th… I believe that is also my birthday!"

What month then?

"What? What ever do you mean?"

Are you not descended from the stars? Why would you have a birthday that aligns to our calendar?

"I am an amnesiac! How would I know the answers to your questions! Hmph. You should just believe me when I recall my own day of birth."

This is why I don't converse with you. You're so arrogant! How can you ask me to believe you when you don't even remember anything? You don't remember your own children! You don't remember the Agarthans! You don't even remember who you are!

"You are one to speak! If I am arrogant then you are doubly so! How rude, honestly. Undoubtedly, I suffered from a traumatic event, it is no wonder I have a poor recollection of what you describe!"

Do you even know what traumatic event you suffered from?

"...No. But-"

That is what I thought.

So how could I believe you when you say your birthday is today of all days? You are likely just latching onto a familiar face's traits. It's not like Byleth is related to you directly.

Perhaps through Seiros? No, her father is clearly Jeralt? Is Jeralt Seiros's child? No? Then .. her mother was related to Seiros and then you? Her mother from Seiros? Did the Immaculate One adopt a child?

I put my glove to cool my head. That entire family line is just… convoluted.

I haven't even added in the Marigold yet.

"Wait! Shouldn't Byleth's mother be from the Marigold? I believe you thought he was partial divinity or similar to Seiros?"

No? He only showed up 5 years ago. The timeline wouldn't make any sense, and he was mortal, and barely older than I when he forged a contact with… Dagda I believe?

"Then… he is what his age implies him to be? Only a relatively young mortal? Compared to Seiros existing a millennia, and a… My daughter is a cradle thief?!"

"Pffffft!" I barely restrain my snort at the thought. The sheer shock of the snide goddess breaking through my composure.

She's right-I will have to rub that in the Immaculate One's face in our next tea time!

"I am a failure of a mother! No No! It is simply impossible! I surely cannot have had children! And certainly not children who-"

"Haahahahaha!" This time I can't stop my laughter. Seiros the cradle robber! Hahahaha!

Heading to the marketplace, I try my best to not get lost in the dizzying array of merchandise and the rowdy populace buying and trading goods. I know that the marketplace was wildly busy, but I had no idea that Dorothea downplayed it so much! My brief sojourns to Enbarr's marketplace were less crowded.

My short stature does not help matters, causing me to be unable to find my desired shop as I had to force my way through frustratingly taller crowds and individuals. Why didn't I grab my axe! I could have cut them all down to my height.

"Watch it!"

"You watch yourself."

My words strike as if they were meant to slice through wheat. The taller man flinches at my acidic tone. Don't fuck with me. Being too soft-hearted here would only cause me to be pushed to the sidelines. If I wanted to get anywhere, then I would have to muscle my way through this. Since, I lacked the presence to frighten off shoppers from my walk.

"Ahoy there!" A happy and loud voice cuts though the slightly less hustle and bustle.

I ignore it, likely not intended for me. Who even says things such as 'ahoy?"

"Miss von Hresvelg! Ahoy there? Did she not hear me? I must be even louder then!"

Who is that? I don't recall hearing such a voice before? I don't see the speaker? A possible heckler? Could they not wait until the weekend?

"Ah Excuse me, pushing through, sorry sorry!"

A stocky burly man with thick hair and slightly rough facial hair steps into my path. Ah. Hubert mentioned such a character before. Alois Rangeld, the captain of the Knights of Seiros.

"Good to see you here, Miss von Hresvelg! I was surprised to see you here, why didn't I notice you until I saw your… hair!"

I stare. Silently. Judgmentally.

Sothis is equally silent. Before she muffles her snorts and giggles.

"Hair? Get it?" He tries again

If I don't respond he'll continue, won't he? I respond to end it. "Very funny. Why have you called me out? I don't believe we've ever had the pleasure of meeting."

I actually avoided his weekly seminars in axe work. In favor of training my sword play, from Manuela. Not that it had been too useful. The former songstress using a far more agile and flexible style then one I had employed. Interesting however to prepare against. Perhaps I should have gone to at least one, to inoculate myself against his sense of humour.

Alois chuckles. "Aha. You're right. But then why not now? And it's not every day you see the Imperial princess in the marketplace?"

An implicit question was asked. I flick my hair back to ignore the annoying humidity from the press of people.

"I suppose I see the merit. I can ask of you the same. It's not everyday you see the Captain of the Knights of Seiros."

He scratches his head bashfully at his title. "Ah. Speaking of being a Captain. I'm here to get a gift for my old friend's daughter! Really, the man up and leaves with no explanation and comes back with a fully grown daughter! As his right hand man I have so many gifts to make up for!"

"Then our interests align. I too am here for a gift for Ms.Eisn-Byleth."

"Splendid! I had an inkling of it myself, but it was no… squid."

"..." I can't respond. If I do , I'm sure something that will shatter my image will come forth. I don't even fucking know.

I… why are all the members of the Church of Seiros so bizarre! And why does his puns make Sothis laugh! Was the goddess so weak to poor jokes?! Wait. Did not Byleth make similarly poor jokes recently? Did the Blade Breaker pass it down?!

Alois did make good company, if a chatty one while we perused the market. While browsing, we greeted many other students who apparently also just heard the teaching assistant's birthday. Clearly the gift giving scene would be quite impressive for a formerly feared mercenary. So my own gift must be at least meaningful in return!

Sothis adds. "And unfortunately you can't give her a joke book, that hilarious man already did so."

I would not do so anyway. In fact, I should have attempted to stop the man. But.. time was running short. Byleth was nearing the end of her private party with close friends and family, so my own gift needed to be chosen quickly.

The difficulty, of course, was incredibly high, considering the sheer number of gifts that were bought. Having a unique gift, let alone one that would be useful as I intended would be a high bar to pass. Maybe a sword?

"Why would you give a lady a sword?! Are you some brute who only thinks of violence!"

A sword would be plenty useful! She was a mercenary, as a distinctive warrior would she not not enjoy a new tool?

"And those blue brats have already cornered that idea, I believe they practically emptied out the armory. Honestly. Where did the idea of giving weapons for gifts even arise from?!"

Curses. I was too late! I should have known from my step-brother!

"Just pick another idea!"

Oil? Cleaning her equipment is something she does diligently. Actually, I should buy some as well-

"Not related to weapons, you simple headed fool!"

Ah. You're making some sense. A tactical primer would do well for her-

"Or war! I cannot believe the standard of the youth. If you are having so much trouble would you care to listen to my far more sensible suggestion?"


"I thought as much, so I will speak it anyway. She enjoys teaching yes? Then perhaps obtain a gift that would help her in such."

If you weren't clearly lacking in sense and memories, then I would almost say that was a good idea.

I smile to myself as I hear the shrieking of an angry goddess. Too easy

And I have my gift.

Because of the sheer amount. No, the total amount of all students who wished to wish Byleth a happy name day, the after party was placed in the Dining Hall. Almost as if the staff had somehow predicted the sheer popularity Byleth would have? No, I must be overthinking such things. How would any predict that a former mercenary be so loved? Not even Hubert could have imagined so. Not the best example, now that I'm thinking on it.

Normally, the Houses would be usually separated by a natural group formation. The Black Eagles with other fledglings, the Golden Deer with their fawns, and the Blue Lions with their own cubs.

Obviously this was still mostly the case, friendship between other houses were fraught with tension. Friendly tension and rivalry-forming tension yet tension all the same. I encouraged the Black Eagles to mingle the most with other Houses actually. It would only serve them well in the future to make the most of the ability to form connections and new understandings.

I could see Dorothea and Ingrid surprisingly, chatting lively. Strange, what kind of commonalities could they share? As far as I was aware Ingrid is extremely focused on her own fiancé and chivalric duty. While Dorothea in contrast is far more focused on her own education and securing her own future first and foremost. Admirable qualities in each, but sharply divisive I would think.

And is that Ferdinand and Lorenz? Well that actually makes far more sense than I ever wanted.

Interrupted from my musings, the guest of honor arrives with little fanfare. But with plenty of cheer and greetings.

A small smile plays on her face. Hmph.

I could hear the audible awwing and cooing at the teaching assistant's happiness. I'm still confused how she managed to charm so many so readily. To be fair, she was conventionally attractive? But so was everyone at Garreg Mach? Unimportant. I shall have to determine her ability to charm at a different date.

"Hmm. I do agree with you on the peculiarity of your newest teaching assistant. Perhaps…"

Dimi steps up next to present his gift. "Professor!-"

"Byleth." Said woman interrupts with the slightest curtness. Over the course of her first days at Garreg Mach, she had attempted to correct all the students on using her first name. Just as I found limited success, she found even less success. Her title had stuck as a playful nickname, and earnest admiration from all. I use her first name still and yes it's weird, but whatever. Losers.

"By-No, no I simply can't. My apologies, but Professor feels only natural to me" Dimi gestures to the rest of the students. "To us, especially after you thoroughly instructed us!"

Shining eyes of admiration are revealed from his now cleaned back hair. My own work, with Miss Mercedes.

Byleth sighs but acquiesces. Her small smile undeterred.

Dimitri is handed a shining lance by Dedue, then a polished sword, then a gleaming axe, then… Suffice to say, the Blue Lions had certainly taken after their leader, nearly every kind of weapon was present. Especially a large assortment of swords. Dammit. Everyone stole my idea!

"Professor, we uh… We may have gone slightly overboard, but we'll organize these in the armory for your use only! And Mercedes , Ashe and Dedue helped bake and cook you these delightful snacks!"

Claude adds, "And don't forget the addition of pastries by Marianne and Bernadetta!" The two shy girls blush but wave to the cobalt-eyed woman.

I also speak. "Truly all the houses pitched in to decorate and gift you this celebration."

I smile back to Byleth. But I desist from adding anything more. Content to be barely a spectator.

Soon Byleth is accepting various individual gifts by the Golden Deer and Black Eagles.

To name only a few, two elegant handkerchiefs, on all sorts of subjects, a hunting dagger, a delicate flower of Brigid, a sewing kit, a pouch to hold money in decorated with a cutesy image of a sword, a surprising gift from Hubert of a tactical primer, a training weight and a painted piece of…fish? Then a horse's brush, a different brush for human hair, a fishing rod, boxing tape. Apparently the Blue Lions also added their own unique charms to the weapons they obtained.

And finally Claude's own gift of a chess set set in beautiful ivory and ebony. Strangely, at times the ivory and ebony would appear to be both transparent, and become indistinguishable. How very Claudian.

The gifts are set on a table. Later I believe, Caspar and Rapheal will carry the entire table to Byleth's quarters. Certainly, a grandiose affair.

I step forward myself after Claude and others have finished. Not out of any desire to be last, but more my own interest in watching all the changes in Byleth's expression.

There was a time that I imagined the Ashen Demon to be someone similar to myself, especially after I heard of her emotionless mask. Lies. What emotionless mask? Her micro expressions are non-existent and her expressions reduced to micro, but. But seeing her current smile, even if it can't match the one of some students? There's not even a comparison between us.

I am a weapon to end the world, and she is a person. A person with difficulties in showing emotion, but is infinitely more human than I.

And so my gift to her is something she can use to connect better with her students.

A tea set.

That damn Seiros may be correct in the power of conversation over a tasteful drink and platter of sweets, but I shall never allow her to know.

Byleth confusedly looks at the tea set. "... I don't drink tea."

I nearly roll my eyes. "But many of the students here do, in fact I believe this is basically a family tradition of yours. Try inviting some more difficult students to tea, I have also included in a list of most preferences I have found."

Her blue eyes light up in realization and her small smile brightens into what most would call an average smile. "Thank you Edelgard."

Hmm. I suppose she is quite adorable with those large eyes. Is that the key to her charm? I respond with a small smile of my own.

"Happy Birthday, Byleth."

Maybe you were always meant to be here. Surrounded by students who adore you.

Happiness like this, so present and physical, is suffocating.

Truly, Family is reserved for others.

I slip out quietly.

"I am confused, why did you leave?"

I don't respond to the goddess.

Seeing all the Houses united by affection and a singular goal, how…

I didn't imagine it, I couldn't imagine it. The natural barrier of distance, of different pasts, different pains, different views. So easily crossed.

I clench my fists. Feeling the stretch of my scars over my skin.

Yes. My dream is not wrong. There was no separation of noble or commoner. And to all follow a singular mercenary without any lineage? My siblings would have laughed at the notion.

Yes. I affirmed to myself yet again. I did not laugh. Not when this was proof. I knew it was possible, but to see it with my eyes?

Looking into the bright moon, I smile. Nothing compared to Byleth's, but I smile still.


"Yes, Why have you suddenly addressed me?"

How would you like to help me create a world without crests? Without pointless and meaningless nobility?

If I have to live with you in my head. Then I will use you just as I used the Agarthans. I make no secret of that. And you can use me, if I can accept it. What do you wish for?

The goddess is silent, but a tangible presence in my mind.

"Arrogant. How arrogant are you to use a goddess, the progenitor god, the Beginning? But that is simply how you are, is it not? I think I like that about you.. Hmph. And you are not even attempting to hide the blatant unfairness of what you ask…. Is my wish not obvious? I simply want to exist, to remember, to feel what it means to have family."

Ah. So humanity and divinity are no different. I already had the spirit of such an idea from my interactions with Seiros, with Luke.

I speak in the deserted Chapel. My feet inadvertently bringing me to this place of prayer.

"Very well Sothis! Lend me your strength and I shall lend you mine. Together we will create an ideal world. Together we shall resurrect you. But Be warned if you attempt to control, manipulate, rule over humanity then I will not hesitate in killing you."

"And I shall warn you the same. If you stray from your path, if you falter and fall into depravity, if your ideal world is nothing but a beautiful lie. Then I, Sothis will kill you."

The moonlight shining through the stained-glass windows of the massive chapel is distorted into a myriad of light. Both I and Sothis are silent as I slowly sink into tattered memories.

Have I abandoned my dream by aligning with the Goddess? I desired a world without immortals ruling over it. Undying beings perpetuating a cycle.

Perhaps foolishly, I believed that the children of goddess could never change. That Seiros especially, would only ever be able to continue her cycle that she caused over the centuries. Now here I am, reaching my hand to her goddess. But my ideal cannot be defined as only that. In truth- Someone's here.

As expected.

Soft footsteps echo in the cathedral.

From beyond the shadows cast by the moonlight, I see that familiar blue woman. Marianne? No, it's obviously Byleth.

"You always seem to find me at such times. Should you not be with the rest of the students?"

Byleth steps into the light. How poetic. "It's still a regular day of instruction. Not a holiday. Everyone has already started cleaning up."

I must have gotten lost in my memories for longer than I thought. I walk towards the exit, passing Byleth.

I feel no desire to explain myself.

Unsatisfied with my lacking response, Byleth step in my path. "Edelgard. Is something wrong? … Restless again?"

"Nothing's wrong Byleth, I was simply a little nostalgic."

Nostalgic for a long ago time, I can hardly remember.

She shuffles a bit, before hesitantly she states.

"... You can call me professor like everyone else does. If it makes you uncomfortable-"

"It's fine, don't worry too much, Byleth." I stop her. Honestly, I'm in no mood to properly speak as I should tonight.

Her downcast expression resembles a puppy, when I don't continue with more.


My white glove pats her head, without my input.

"Cough. My apologies! I don't know what happened! My hand suddenly-"

Strangely that seems to make her brighten up as if she is a canine and she raises her head.

"Papa does that too… Can I try?"

Try?! You want to pet my hair? Weirdo! Wait I'm the fucking weirdo who did it first!

I suppose it would only be fair, As an apology? Ugh. Why would I put myself into this embarrassing situation!

I slightly lower my head in answer. You do anything funny, and I'll bite your hand off.

Pat pat

"...Soft. Your hair is very soft."

I squeak.

"B-Byleth! You can stop now!" I feel like any more would be dangerous! That was too comfortable!

Byleth retracts her hand. "Awww."

I try to regain my scattered dignity. "Ahem. Now that we have concluded whatever that was, I should go assist in cleaning."

She tilts her head. "Are you feeling happier now?"

"What kind of question is that. How embarrassing, to attempt to comfort me on your birthday. It is your day, Byleth, focus on your own happiness."

I begin to leave again.

Sothis suddenly speaks up. "Turn around fool!"


"Just do it!"

As a heretic the answer is logical no to anything Sothis says. I do so anyway.

Byleth stares right into my eyes. Cobalt piercing into my lilac.

"My own happiness? … Everyone's been so kind today. It's strange isn't it?"

I try to clear my confusion. "It is? I suppose it is."

"Everyone's been so kind, yet I haven't really done anything. I'm heartless. I'm the Ashen Demon. They shouldn't be so happy to celebrate my existence. It's really too weird."

I stare into Blue eyes that suddenly seem to be endlessly deep.

"I can't reciprocate. I' can't show the happiness that they want from me."


I blaze forward. And force this idiot from her self-pity.

"Shut up. You're not the Ashen Demon. You're not heartless. You idiot, have you not noticed? You've been smiling already. And reciprocation was never asked for. If you cannot realize your own happiness, then I'll tell you."

I glare into cobalt. I may have to crane my neck upwards, but my anger and determination more than make up for height.

"You are happy by teaching those idiots out there. Just continue what you've been doing and I'm sure you'll realize your own happiness. This is where you are meant to be."

Byleth's shocked expression slowly, and slightly morphs.

"... Okay."

Her smile this time only makes my heart beat faster in irritation. How dare she smile, while I'm lecturing her!

I'm back! Woooooo! Had to rewrite this chapter twice, but I'm kind of satisfied with it!

We can't help but conjure the image of Marigold just hanging around in the background snooping on this scene, just like in the game where Byleth watches the others' interactions thorugh a window... like a creep. A lovable creep, but a creep nonetheless.

Thanks for the chapter, it ceratinly gave us more cavities than we had before. :)
Chapter 8: 31st of Horsebow Moon: Confrontation
Chapter 8: 31st of Horsebow Moon: Confrontation

To break a seal, that's what most cannot do. To take an action that causes an irreversible course, the idea strikes fear in all. In the end, most are content to suffer in silence, or worse complain to all who must endure it. So instead of doing either, I complain directly.

"Bernadetta. What do you think you are doing?"

"Eek!" My purple haired archer seizes up and flails out of her bush. Further proving her identity, if it was Petra, who had also taken up archery recently, Then I likely would not have sensed her until she wanted me to." Don't kill me! I-I'm not doing anything weird!"

I resist the urge to help her to her feet. "Bernadetta you have been hiding in that bush for nearly an hour now. What are you so afraid of?"

"N-Nothing!" Patting the dust off herself, Bernadetta looks away after answering.

"If you were not afraid, then why would you be hiding?"

"I-Its…" Bernadetta looks around quickly, before whispering. "One of the Blade Breakers! He keeps following me for some reason!"

"Oh. I see, if he is making unwanted advances onto you, I will most assuredly-"

"No no! Th-that's crazy! Advances onto me?! That's even scarier! He must be a real weirdo! Nopity nope nope! H-He's only trying to kill me!"

"..." Is that better? I shake my head. Trying to glean meaning from Bernadetta's nervous ramblings was difficult, even when she was not fearing for her life. I must resolve one of the two issues first "Regardless, tell me of the man's features. I shall ask Mr. Eisner to discipline his men."

Bernadetta perks up at that. "Oh thank you so much! But that's not necessary! I only didn't want to go to Mr. Jeralt myself, because he's always scary and smells like alcohol, not that he seems like a bad person, just that he-"

Before she works herself into an incorrect understanding of events, I stop her. "Bernadetta. A description please."

"Eek! Sorry. Um. I think he looks very… pretty? He's got hair that's a little darker than your eyes. Um. around Hubert's height? No. Maybe a little shorter?"

"Do you mean.. Yuri?" There's only one pretty boy in the Blade Breakers. Another person that Hubert wasn't able to find much information on. Likely only a wandering mercenary, his lack of last name, at least a record one showed as such.

"Someone say my name?" A smooth voice sounds behind us. "I couldn't help but hear someone call me pretty. Really, no need to be jealous."

At the voice, Bernadetta shrieks and attempts to simultaneously run and reach for a non-existent bow.

I whip around, to see a flash of recognition in the man's eyes. Bernadetta is correct, his eyes and hair are barely shade darker than my own irises. I command the man.

"Stop. Clearly you are not welcome by Bernadetta. Anymore, and-"

"Haaah. That's what I've been trying to tell her. I'm not trying to kill her. Bernie. Stop running." Said woman freezes in her tracks. "I'm just trying to catch up with an old friend."

Bernadetta immediately shouts out. "Lies! I don't have any old friends! Ha! T-Take that!"

I step in the way of his view of Bernadetta. "Do not attempt to lie to us!" "Y-Yeah!"

At that, Yuri only sighs into his hand, before cocking it up in a flourish. "Really? Don't tell me you've forgotten the friend you so injured." He wipes away something on his cheek. .. Makeup? And reveals a thin pink scar on his face. "Those gardening shears really did quite the number on me. But I've heard you did worse to someone else with an arrow recently?"

Bernadetta screams in surprise. It cuts out.

And she simply stands there. … Not moving, just with her mouth open.

Sothis adds her thoughts. "I think… I think she just fainted? Her eyes and mouth are both open, but I can only imagine she is totally unresponsive to the world."

Both Yuri and I try waving a hand past her face. No reaction.

I attempt to clear the air. "Ahem. It is clear you do know Bernadetta, while I'm unsure why she temporarily forgot you, the surprise certainly has…"

Yuri shakes his head. "And here I was, hoping to catch up with her. Nice to meetcha Imperial highness. I better go before she faints upon seeing me again." He eyes me. "I'm glad Bernadetta has friends like you."

Friends? I go to correct him, but the distractingly pretty man leaves without a trace.

I was only doing the minimum I would do to any under my temporary command.

In fact, I should ensure Bernadetta doesn't die of dehydration. I thoughtfully close her mouth. Well now, it just looks like she's staring into thin air.


My arrow hits the far left to my target.


My arrow hits the far right to my target.

The world shutters to a standstill. And color drains away as my own body drains of life. My pulse stops thundering in my senses.

A beat.

A step back.

A beat.

My arrow hits the far left of my target.


"...away from her, give her bloody space!"

"Lady Edelgard!"

"I'm fine, I'm fine." I speak out, before any more panic can overtake Hubert. I pant, standing barely, forcing my body upright through my bent knees and shaky forelimbs.

"Lady Edelgard, You are clearly not well, please see to the infirmary as soon as possible!"

"E-Edelgard! Are you okay! Of course she's not stupid Bernie! She just passed out and fell!"

I glare at Hubert, hoping he would understand my message. Ever since I had told him of my alliance with the Goddess, my friend has been increasingly worried over the possible repercussions of my lifespan.

I grit out. "Hubert. No. I am only feeling fatigued from a lack of sleep. And Bernadetta, please, it was only a momentary lapse."

Closing his eyes in sheer frustration and worry, Hubert stiffly speaks. "I will concede to your will then."

"I won't." The Archery part-time instructor cuts in. "Edie, what the hell are you doing? Nose bleeds?"

Marigold sharply faces Hubert, and his crimson eyes quickly scan between us.

I take advantage of his possible misunderstanding. "Don't blame Hubert, I knew the risks." I see Bernadetta back away, as Marigold seems to grow fiercer at my words.

Marigold's eyes narrow. "... Risks? Don't lie to me, nose bleeding? If you knew the risks you wouldn't be nearly passing out on a simple archery lesson"

A pale right hand lays onto Marigold's right shoulder. "Enough, she said she's fine."

"... Haah." The man sighs, unbelieving of such. He jerks his thumb over to the side. "If you're really 'fine'.... Go sit by the benches anyway. Your technique is awful and Shamir would probably be better to teach you. I still have no idea why you decided to show up today."

The aloof archers' face clearly indicates she doesn't want to teach at all. But she nods despite her expression and stalks over to the nearest bench.

Past the ringing in my ears, I now hear Sothis.

"The divine pulse is not meant for 'testing'!"

Using a tool without extensively understanding it will only lead to my downfall. Naturally testing it in a safe controlled environment was a logical and rational decision. And testing it out in the comfort of my own room, had proven decently safe.

"That is all very well and good, but your body is simply unequipped to handle my power! … If only there was a way to increase our. Compatibility?"

Our compatibility? I already have your crest? I don't believe there is a way to increase our current connection. And-

Having even this slight divine power will prove invaluable. But It does not appear to be able to reverse time farther than one action. Invaluable still.

I stiffly sit down on the bench. It appears without prompting Mrs. Nevrand won't say anything. An excellent opportunity to watch for Bernadetta, she still seems skittish. After she regained consciousness, she silently screamed for about an minute. So I advised to talk to her old friend. She thanked me in her stammering way, but said-

Mrs. Nevrand interrupts my recollection.

"Your form is all wrong. Watch Luk-. He calls himself Marigold, now, right? Watch Marigold. He uses a strange form that you may like better. Too fancy for me."

Marigold's form is rather strange. Aiming the bow up from a horizontal position and then drawing it downwards? How strange, I don't believe any other archer shoots like him, and for good reason, far too long of a draw time.

"Ignoring the intricacies of the form, what it boils down to is what you're aiming at. And the stillness of your body, You're used to exhaling out when striking right? Or shouting whatever words you kids like. It's similar to that but you want your body to have the least movement when aiming. Or at least no breath changing your aim. So fire when you're not breathing. Got it?"

Dark eyes bore into my eyes. I don't flinch, but only just. She continues, upon seeing my comprehension.

"Aiming is complicated. And you want to have the least amount of disturbances. Aim before you shoot. That's what his form is all about."

"Thank you for the instruction Professor Nevrand." She grimaces at the title before turning back to observe the rest of the attendees.

I don't believe I will ever be an expert in archery. Despite the useful understandings imparted by either Professor.

Archery is not a frontline combat skill. To be the bulwark of my army, and to fully utilize my own talents. Using a sword or an axe is far more ideal.

Usually I attend a different class, but I wanted to choose a less intensive physical moment. And to test if Marigold would be affected by the time slip in close proximity. For now. No sign of such.

"Why are you testing him?"

Don't tell me you are forgetting new memories now? I said he used to house divinity such as yourself. If anyone could detect your interference besides your children…

"That is not how the flow of time works! Divinities don't interact with other divinities like that! Why do you think that none of my children sense my power?"

So you accept your relations then?

"...Of course I cannot deny it anymore! I may not have the memories, but the feelings are still present. And growing stronger. But why would you be so reckless!"

Because he is the most dangerous opponent to my plans. Besides the opposing noble coalition Hubert has been able to hear from whispers. While he may not be ideologically opposed to me such as they are, he is.. Somewhat ideologically opposed? He's tried to convince me against my dream, more than once, in favor of the long term. Something painfully naive about preventing the students from staining their futures with blood. Which includes myself.

"Naive, but admirable I suppose. Still I don't approve yet! He did not even ask for my blessin-"

Shush. There's something different today.


Bernadetta is passed by Marigold, both as silent as a grave.

While Marigold never singles her out, he also never addresses her. Clearly his first appearance in Varley had affected him greatly. But the full story was never revealed or discovered by Hubert.

My shy classmate fires another arrow. Splitting her previous one down the middle.

I watch as Marigold tries to speak, but instead turns away. A flash of something in Bernadetta's eyes flickers when she notices his aborted speech. But it's gone too fast for me to identify it. Definitely hatred. Considering Marigold was the one murder her father.

Bernadetta spins to face Marigold.

"E-Enough! I'm sick of it! The silence!"


"Exactly! Are you still following that 'one last thing' nonsense you said to me!"

"..." Grimacing, Marigold turns to leave.

"Don't you dare leave! You coward! You're always running and running!" In her anger, Bernadette fires an arrow. Forcing Marigold to dodge.

"Dammit, if you won't speak. T-Then I'll make you!" Taking up a stance, she aims another projectile.

Should I interfere? I go to stand, but a gloved left hand stops me. I'm forced to watch for now.

Another arrow, dodged. Still no response.

Spinning out his own bow, Marigold shatters another arrow in mid flight. His white coat fluttering through his movements.

Hubert stops anyone from interfering as well. Was this a planned maneuver, by Bernadetta!

Bernadetta furiously fires an arrow that lodges into his coat and traps him. Cursing under his breath, Marigold snaps off the arrow.

Strange. That arrow, what a strange design. Both Bernadetta and Marigold use the same arrowhead? Lacking a barbed tip? In favor of a more streamlined, nearly dagger-like shape. An arrow of mercy.

Said arrowhead slices Marigold's cheek. Still he doesn't speak.

Bernadetta in contrast screams. "You killed my father. And you can't even speak to me?"

Marigold responds by firing an arrow toward Bernadetta's bow.

She rolls away, before it can make contact. Coming up into a crouch and firing a quick sweep of arrows that Marigold is forced to leap upwards from.

"You held my mother hostage!"

I see a flash of a smile on his face. Bernadetta trapped him. She aims the arrow directly at his torso and looses it.

"And then you forced her back home! F-Fuck you!"


The arrow is splintered from Marigold's prosthetic, blocking it. Shamir's grip on my shoulder loosens in relief.

He lands, and sweeps out his arm, shaking off the splinters.


"Still. You! Still can't say anything!" Furious tears fall. Reaching for another arrow, she fails to find one.

Seeing that she has run out of arrows, Marigold sighs, and turns his back to her. And speaks to the air.

"Class you're dismissed. Get the fuck out of here." The students flinch away from his tone.

Then he picks up the splintered arrow. Examining the arrowhead.

"I have no right to say anything else. But… I never had a right to anything in the first place. Isn't that right? Bernadetta."

She glares at his back. "Coward. You can't even look at me…You're right. You had no right to interfere with our lives."

"No I didn't. But I won't apologize for doing so. Feel free to try killing me again…" He pockets the arrowhead, and pauses. "Your archery was impressive. But if you're going to be using these, aim to kill next time."

He walks away. I don't know if he hears Bernadetta's last words.

"...I'll show you. I'll show you, I don't need you to save me, not anymore." Gripping her bow, she leaves in the opposite direction.

I see.

So that is why she thanked me, but said that she would be fine on her own next time.

If anything I should be the one glad if I was friends with her.

The day only becomes more turbulent when Claude stands up in the middle of dinner.

"Attention, Attention! I've got a very important announcement to make!"

Lysithea shuts him down. "No one wants to hear another prank, Claude, just-"

"Then you will have to hear it." His tone becomes solemn and serious. Lysithea quiets upon seeing the sudden abrupt change.

"I've been lying to everyone." Taking a breath, he looks over his House.

"Claude. My name isn't Claude at all, it's Khalid."

Instantly, Hilda shoots up blood draining from her face. "Claude?! What are you talking about!"

Khalid? But that is an Almyran name! The man in question confirms my suspicions.

"I'm talking about how I'm not from Fodlan, how I'm not handsomely tanned to perfection. I was born in Almyra. I'm not just the heir to the alliance, I'm a foreigner who's the heir to the Alliance."

Khalid von Riegan sweeps his arms out. "I'm sorry for lying to everyone! , But I'm not sorry about who I am! If you can't accept that, then take it up with me later!'

Bowing, the man flashes away. A flashy exit, for a flashy man.

Silence, before pandemonium breaks out in the dining hall.

Chapter 9: 2nd of Wyvern Moon: Growth?
Chapter 9: 2nd of Wyvern Moon: Growth?

"I'm curious. What do you make of Khalid's confession?"

I ask Byleth, trying to ignore my stomach instinctively tightening up and flipping to avoid her crushing blows. Unarmed sparring was something that had become a routine for both of us, nearly every other day. I had inquired if I was taking up too much of her time, but she simply stated that she likes spending time with me. My body instinctively recoiled in fear from that. If by spending time with me, meant flipping my body and most certainly creating several bruises on my ego and self.

Byleth hums. "Hmmm. I have to change his name on the rosters."

I gape at her. "...That's it? Khalid is from Almyra! This is shocking news! How did an Almyran become the heir to the Leicester Alliance?!"

"You didn't realize? He looks just like Cyril or Luke."

"He repeatedly deflected by saying he was simply tanned. And their darker skin tone is not uncommon in the Alliance and Empire."

I take a sip of water, both of us taking a small break. I had a feeling she was taking a break for me, but I consoled my pride. She's sweating just as much as me. My gaze is attracted to a small droplet of water that drips down her neck. Her outfit removed her heavy jacket and armor pieces, revealing a skintight black body shirt. With a boob window of all things, Why!? Another droplet follows the previous one. That's annoying I should help-

"Edelgard? Do you think it changes anything?" What? Oh.

I offer her my towel.

"Politically, it's a massive change. Personally… hmm. If Lysithea were here, I believe she would say something along the lines of. 'Khalid? He's the same smug annoying leader as he always was. Hmph, he better treat me to a thousand sweets though!' "

"...That does sound like Lysithea."

That didn't get a laugh? I thought my impression was on-point myself.

Sothis doesn't laugh either, but she does say. "A thousand sweets? How much sugar would that be?"

I ignore the goddess, in favor of standing up.

Byleth does so as well, her shadow temporarily shielding me from the sun. "Again?"

"No rest for the wicked." The poetic nature of me being in shadow and her in the light does not escape me.

Byleth tilts her head. "But you're not wicked? If anything you're sweet."

"Byleth, please! It's only a form of speech." I huff, trying to ignore the rising heat of embarrassment at her blunt nature.

I can't believe I ever compared her to a cat, if anything she is a clueless wolf. Honestly how did Jeralt raise her without knowledge of so much. Hmm, I could sketch out a quick pair of ears. That fits way too well!


It was a beautiful Sunday, except for the fact that Professor Marigold was smirking at me for some reason. Wipe that damn twinkle in your eye away.

She sets her tea cup down. "...Edelgard, what are your intentions toward my granddaughter?"

"Are you referring to Byleth?" So Jeralt is your son! Wait.. No, that seems wrong. Probably a marriage relation not a blood one. Fucking empty nesting dragons. "Again with your ridiculous teasing."

"I jest, I jest. Though speaking of Byleth, how does she seem to faring among the students?"

"Why don't you ask them yourself?" Just to be petty, I deflect her question. Sothis had been pestering me about details of her daughter. Even now, she was curiously floating around Seiros. Why would a goddess fucking float? I knew she was a ghost.

"I would, but my presence still seems to quieten any discussions. Honestly, it is not as if I am the Archbishop anymore." Sighing into her drink, the Immaculate One looks away at a pair of students who freeze at her stare and hastily wave and walk away. Losers.

I follow her gaze, and shake my head. "Hmph. I would think it was because of that out-of-nowhere apology you and your husband made at the introduction ceremony. Your dramatics, really."

"Hmm. A necessary sacrifice then." A brilliant political move, acknowledging their mistakes was something that no nobility or reality was wont to do. It certainly ensured that the students respected them more. At least the commoners. The nobility was a mixed bag.

I answer her question, from before. "Byleth seems to be adored by the student populace unlike yourself. She's practically charmed the entire school."

"Even yourself?"

Does she have some sort of agenda in hoping for a deeper relationship between Byleth and I? "Enough already. I simply admire her teaching abilities. I'm in no way charmed." By that idiot? She may be cute, but I have no time for romance.

"You left that open yourself." She smirks. "Anyway, this is as good a time as ever.-"

Sothis interrupts her taking over Seiros. "Hey! She is right, it is a good time. I still think you should mention my existence."

Sothis not now. "-Monthly mission?"

Professor Marigold , must be talking about monthly missions? I ask to stall for time, and possibly make her further explain herself. "Monthly missions? I thought that those would be given out by the Church."

Dammit Sothis! This is not the time to have this argument again! All the dragons are fucking annoying. Just because you look like a child, doesn't give you the right to act like one.

Marigold tilts her head. "... You must be distracted." A reptilian emerald eye pierces into my own.

Unable to find what she was searching for in my steady gaze. She continues. "Hmph. Child, you can keep your secrets. I can scarcely imagine you telling them to me. But I will say, You should take a lesson from the sneak child's example. Secrets have a tendency to escape, it is best to choose for yourself when they inevitably escape."

"I don't need to hear that from you. Just because you've turned over a new leaf, doesn't mean your own secret keeping is forgiven or forgotten." I ignore Sothis as best I can.

"And what of your own secrets? Have you told anyone of your plans? I may be still distant from the students, but I am not blind. You keep a greater distance than I ever could."

I slam my tea down. "You've more than said enough. My distance is necessary… My path is for me alone to walk." I stop myself from flinging her tea in her face. The damn dragon would only calmly avoid it.

I flick my hair, and walk away. Ignoring Sothis who is still curiously poking at Seiros.

My intentions and my plans must be kept quiet until I can strike. This is not a fairy tale where honesty and 'friendships' can fix everything.

Monthly missions, unlike the ones in Horsebow Moon, or the lack of such in Verdant Rain Moon. Now the missions available for each House were able to be chosen by each House. The Golden Deer had already chosen their mission, a casual merchant mission that involved dealing and escorting a caravan from Garreg Mach all the way to Derdriu. They would soon set off, despite the troubled leadership issues they have. Lorenz openly challenging Khalid, and Hilda…

I believe Dimitri was deliberating over a diplomatic overture to Sreng, where the students would be more of an accessory than anything, or a rather interesting exploration type mission through the far north seas. Both far out of Church Influence, likely to ensure that the future generation was not swayed by Garreg Mach.

My own missions were to be decided for myself. And while there was always unrest in some areas of the Adrestain Empire. I found no pressing areas to mission in. Sending my idiots into a kill-or -be killed situation? In your fucking dreams. That bastard may be naive, but he's right. They're not ready.

I corrected my aim. Should I apply archery tips to magical aiming? The mix of mental formulaic calculations and instinctual aim clash.

Hubert materializes from the shadows, with a bow. "Lady Edelgard. I have come across a particularly interesting factoid." He's reely getting way too fond of slurping people.

The simple Fire spell I was using felt apt. Too apt. Did magic already set my path before me? Or was it because of my path that my magic manifested in this spell? I could not cast the simplest dark magic tomes that either Hubert or Lysithea did. But this Fire spell nearly leapt to my aid.

"Hubert, you missed dinner again. Go eat a sandwich, you're looking more emancipated than I've ever seen." I stare judgmentally at his awful eye bags and loosely hanging uniform.

"My apologies for my lacking appearance, I've finally been able to discover the location that the Marigolds' have been routinely visiting." Still get a damn sandwich. You look like hell warmed over.

I spin, dismissing my magical practice. "Hubert von Vestra! You outdo yourself!" Despite their claims of neutrality, I made sure to keep close watch on any signs of activity from the Church. Or rather Hubert did.

"Thank you, but… I'm disappointed in myself, it was fairly obvious. Where else would that creature from the past g?. Zanado has been often visited by both. I would have dismissed this as an appropriate mourning of sorts, yet it wasn't the draconic half visiting Zanado the most."

Why would that man visit the red canyon? The sacred place of the Church?

It all reeked of some grand plan. I knew it! They were keeping secrets! Hypocritical assholes.

Sothis speaks in my mind. "...Zanado. That name certainly brings forth complex emotions in me, but no memories."

That confirms it. Then we must visit the location ourselves. But without arousing suspicion. Perhaps the last home of the Nabateans may hold some secrets yet. And with the goddess in tow, maybe I could discover more of my mysterious connection to her.

"Hubert. Why do we not kill two birds with one stone? I have been struggling to determine a satisfactory mission for the Black Eagles, and that may prove to be our chance to leave discreetly and investigate the Red Canyon."

Hubert raises an eyebrow, but allows me to continue, knowing that I would not suggest a mission solely to Zanado. Tipping our hands and minds to the Church.

I place my hands on my hips. "We need to gather cooperation from Noble families in the Empire. And there's a recently reinstated noble family that would likely be all too willing to help us secure his territory."

I point westward. Towards our mission's location.

"Hubert. Our recent communications with Hevring and Bergliez have been weakened without any potential leverage. They have all the power, and they know that we have no other choice. So we must show them that we have other options." Dealing with them would still be inevitable, but with leverage, it may be possible to reduce their future standing. Who the hell do you think I am! If I'm going to fucking coup all the bastards that helped murder my entre family. I'm not going to stop at any one. They will all fall to flames.

The Nuvelle family may only have two members, but their contributions to magic and innovation more than made them a strong fixture in nobility. And they have already fallen to flames.

Two birds with one stone indeed.

Interlude II: The Present
Interlude II: The Present

Khalid smirks at the old meddler.

"I'm surprised that you decided to follow us, instead of your wife for once."

Marigold fires back. "Well, if you can't be bothered to deal with the fallout of your confession then I guess I should help you out." He twiddles with his ring while he says that.

"A confession you forced me to make." Khalid jokingly sends back, but a hint of anger enters his voice.

"I never said you had to announce it like that. It's your own fault for putting it off." Marigold sits up, to better handle the jostling of the caravan. "Speaking of putting things off. Talk to Hilda? Your second in command? Instead of hiding in this caravan? Talking to me?"

Khalid adjusts his own position. "I get it. You don't need to spell it out for me. And you're one to talk, I heard about that little battle you had with Bernadetta."

"... Fair enough. You wanna just hide in this wagon like me? Go fish."

"Isn't that a kid's game? Aren't you a little old for that?"

"Aren't you a little ballsy nowadays? Ya know…" A grin overtakes Marigold.

Khalid preparing for a savage rebuttal. Realizes what's about to happen and shouts "Don't you dar-!"


Kicked and falling ass over teakettle, Khalid swears in Almyran at the bastard. "I was always **** you son of a ******"

Dusting off his uniform, the House leader sighs and shakes his head in his hand.

"Well Well, Look who decided to finally grace us with his noble presence."

"Shut up Lorenz."

He doesn't. "What a fine example of leadership."

"And you wonder why I didn't want to deal with this."

Looking towards Hilda, he almost signals her for a follow-up… She's already walking past them both. Barely sparing them a pink glare.

Oh yeah. She's still pissed that he lied to her.

Falling into step with the rest of the Golden Deer, Khalid scans the faces of his subordinates. Really, most of them took his reveal well, but others needed some time to come to grips with it.

Lysithea barely minded, but she was always focused on her own things. So that was no surprise. Raphael and Maranne actually both thanked him for trusting them. Which was sweet, even if Marianne was conflicted on who to support between him and Hilda. An argument between friends was… awkward apparently. For more than just the arguers. Though it was nice, to know Marianne saw him as a friend. Maybe he wouldn't be so pushy about asking her secrets.
Leonie was the same as Lysithea, except she asked him if he knew any exclusive Almyran bow shooting techniques. Only wyvern riding ones. And he was keeping those to himself. Needed something to outclass her. Being top dog meant keeping his leadership intact, Leonie respected strength after all.

But, Ignatz, in contrast to his gentle giant friend, needed some time. Being raised on stories of attacks by Almyrans, and his own shy nature combining to make him wary of Khalid.

Khalid sighs. Pros and cons to everything.

Lorenz was still blathering on, but honestly he did that half the time anyway. No. This has gone on long enough. It's already been a few days, and he hasn't stopped.

Khalid needed to deal with this now.


"-And furthermore, I don't believe you are in anyway-" Foppishly waving his arms around, Lorenz ignores Khalid.

Repeating himself, "Lorenz. Stop. You have a problem with me? Yeah? Get over it."

A snort. "I will not 'get over it'. How can we trust your leadership! If you are hiding even this basic fact from us." Sweeping his arms out to indicate the rest of the Golden Deer, the man sniffed and put his nose in the air.

Did the blowhard have a point? Yes. No. Maybe. Khalid couldn't say for sure. Maybe he had a point about my lying and the inability to trust him. But that's not what Lorenz was doing this whole debacle for.

"... What do you really think, Lorenz?. Stop parroting your asshole of a father." Continuing and ignoring the shocked gasp from Lorenz, Khalid pushes on "Look at me. Really look at me. I'm Almyran, yeah? You never gave a rat's ass about Marigold or Cyril. So then… Your problem with me is that you want my position. Or your father wants it." How sad. How fucking pitiable. "...You can't even see that, can you?"

"Excuse me! My father may instruct me, but I am in full control of my decisions. And my decision to challenge you for the leadership of the Golden Deer is solely my own!" His affronted words are betrayed by Lorenz's step back.

Khalid steps forward. "No it isn't. Do you think any of them will listen to you? They barely listen to you now. And you barely even listen to me. In the mock battle against the other Houses, you didn't follow my plan."

Lorenz recoups and gathers himself. "Your plan? The plan you did not truly divulge to all of us?"

"That's on me, but you don't break a plan just because you disagree with it. You come to me and tell me of your concerns. You don't get taken out like an idiot. No offense Leonie."

A mutter from the orange-haired lancer. "Plenty taken"

Lorenz scrambles.

"... T-Then. Ahem. Still your hiding of your own name-"

"Face it Lorenz. You don't have any other arguments. You never had any of your own in the first place…. Get out of your father's shadow already."

Khalid had enough experience to see that much. Lorenz was trapped. Trapped, perhaps in a gilded cage, but a cage is a cage. He needed a push. He needs to see what's really out there.

That's what Khalid had to do after all. His father may not be a douche like Lorenz's. But he certainly didn't stop his siblings and him from killing each other. A dog-eat-dog world.

He may hate Lorenz, may get pissed off at his pompous attitude, but.

He deserves the chance to be something more. That's what Khalid had to believe. Had to dream of. Changing the nobility one step at a time.

Khalid extends a hand towards the quiet man, Stripped of his fanciness, dusted by the dirt kicked up, Lorenz is silent in defeat.

Staring at the offered hand. He mutters. "Why are you showing me your hand?"

"I'm asking you to trust me. I'm asking if you want to be your own man for once. Join me, Listen to me. Let me try to lead you into a brighter future. And if I fuck up. I expect you to tell me. With your own words next time."

A sudden strength grips a tanned hand.

"Hahaha! You have utterly proven yourself to me. No. Not utterly! I won't be a sycophant. If everyone else were to follow you without a second thought. Then I will be the one Deer to challenge you. Khalid."

Lorenz looks over the rest of the Golden Deer, they all followed Khalid's plan without nary a question. So it fell to him then! To take a burden for them! He did not know if Khalid was correct about his father speaking through himself. Apparently, everything he once took for granted didn't make much sense. He was forced to confront much of himself at this vaunted academy. His nobility, his crest. Everything that his father had demanded of him. Had praised him for. Beauty, elegance, all staples of the Gloucester name. But in the very first mock battle he had utterly failed, being the first to be taken out, right alongside Leonie. He was no paragon of elegance. Not then. And not now.

…But. Lorenz was more than his crest, his lineage. True elegance could be found in defeat. He speaks.

"You should watch for yourself! If you mess up too many times, then I, Lorenz Hellman Gloucester will snatch that leadership from you!"

A grin overtakes Khalid.

"Wouldn't have it any other way."

One down. One to go.

Chapter 10: 5th of Wyvern Moon: Zanado
Chapter 10: 5th of Wyvern Moon: Zanado

"Lindhardt. What a surprise to see you here. Nearly…" I check the position of the sun. "Noon. Noon, far later than I asked the rest of the Black Eagles to already be prepared."

The green haired man takes no notice of my acidic language. "Oh really? Hmm. I was actually hoping to miss it entirely."

"Unfortunately for you, we were delayed by the participation of the professor."

"Truly unfortunate."

"That was sarcasm."

"Was it? If you don't mind, may you move? You are in the way of my nap in the caravan."

I sigh. "How you ever managed to remain so lackadaisical confounds me." I resist lecturing the man, clearly it would only be useless in his present state.

"You should try it yourself, you certainly could use less time being so uptight."

"The nerve of you. If you said that to any other leader you might find yourself short of a head to sleep with."

"Now that would be a tragedy." With that the man passes me by into the caravan.

Half-tempted, to force him to walk instead, I decide against it.

I speak to the air instead. "Hubert?"

"Lady Edelgard?" Appearing from the side of the caravan, Hubert slides through the sleeping goddess floating in his path.

"Please ensure that you remove him after we break. It's only fair that he walks alongside the rest of us."

A cruel light shines in Hubert's pale eye. "It would be my pleasure."

I resist my desire to tell him not to go too far. Not a hard decision to make at all.

Marching in pace, out of Garreg Mach, the Black Eagles make an impressive sight. Our delaying causes our journey to be cast into the light of the afternoon sun. A piece I may enjoy painting later on.

Painting is a metaphor. It's a method to release my emotions in a healthy constructive manner. At least that's what I would imagine Professor Manuela would describe it as. I admire that of her character, beyond her own fumblings of life, she does seem to have a steady teaching method to be admired.

I'm.. unsure if I see painting in such a way. I scarcely have time for such an activity of leisure anyway. It's difficult to ration out that time for art, when I could be training or forging letters and securing my future reign. Even with my now greatly expanded lifespan, I haven't lost my efficiency and drive. Lysithea and I share that, passing by each other from the training grounds, and the library are often moments we share.

If anything, I see painting as a way to memorize moments of time.

Especially to lock snapshots of people before they are gone. Like dust in the wind.

So when I sneak out with Hubert to visit the Red canyon. The sight of it causes my fingers to twitch for a brush.

That romantic fool.

A sprawling array of green overtakes the canyon, with various species of color dotting the high ridges and cliffsides. Vivids yellows, astnocihsing purples, and striking reds all bloom unabated. The previously recorded wild dust of the area had been overtaken by a wild growth of plant life. That dust had been watered into the clumps of clay that served as flower beds. The large cracks that ran through Zanado before, now had small rivers diverted through it, forming oasises of iridescence at the valleys.

It's as if Marigold just threw as many seeds he could throughout the area and hoped they would grow. And then diverted a mountain spring pool into the canyon.

Extra. Incredibly Extra.

I've never seen such dramatic people in my life. Shut up Dorothea. What do you mean, I sound as if I'm the character of a grand act?!

"Hubert." The man looks to be so drained, I can nearly feel it.

"My deepest apologies , Lady Edelgard." No wait, that is simply both of us being so fucking done with the over-romantic displays.

"...Let's just continue."

Navigating the ruins of Zanado while they are no longer overtaken by dust, does save us from the mess I could have expected. Wiping away grime and accumulated dirt from faded paintings and writings on crumbling surfaces, I refrain from asking for a handkerchief from my friend.

Hubert and I had split up to try to glean as much as we could.

Sothis floats through the wall. Ever since she had witnessed the sight Zanado had become, she was rendered mute. Lost in her memories, that conflicted with the present.

I will say, it does look much better this way, does it not Sothis? I've heard that the canyon was named for the red clay of its foundation and the red that was soaked in the massacre of a people.

"Life from death at last. No longer forced to languish in the dust of a bygone age."

She murmurs the words, in a reverie.

I quiet my thoughts. Letting the goddess mourn, I return my attention to the ruins. Exploring the gravesite of the Nabateans may be considered sacrilege. And yet, I could see the signs of recent struggle in some areas. Bandits had already gone this way before. Hubert and I would be far more respectful than the likes of them at the very least.

Hoping to salvage the risk, we undertook in coming here, I journey further down into the canyon, descending through crude stone grips carved in the cliffsides.

"Centuries ago… There were never the massive ravines that you so descend into. There was a massive city of peace and prosperity that the world had never seen before. Humans and my children living in unity, in balance….Time is cruel."

A natural disaster? Or the work of the Agarthans to further plunge the Nabateans into memory. Engineering an earthquake would not be beyond them, I believe.

The Valley of Torment, The Sunflower craters, and the Lake of Heart as it was recently agreed upon stand as proof of their power. In particular the Lake from the sinkhole of 1175, or as it has been fearfully named, an Entrance to the underworld. With a mysterious substance polluting the waters there, and a distinct lack of life in its grey waters.

Crumbling remains of buildings from above litter the area in the crack through the earth. But unlike the last stand of the Agarthans, the depths here are filled with life. Vines and flowers, even rare orchid species hum with vitality, I step over the small river that feeds them.

"... Over there, I feel.. Something."

I nearly smile in relief. Perhaps, there was something beyond the cruel, lost memories found here.

I follow her outstretched finger. The light from the waning crescent moon has been blocked, but I bring a small flame alight in my hand.

Shadows writhe. The strange and flickering flight of my Reason casting the previously dimmed area into strange movements. It's almost as if the shadows move on their own. Acting out long dead parts in a play.

I should call for Hubert, but my curiosity drives me forward.

I can nearly make it out, past a array of vines, hidden underneath the cliffside.

A leaning, broken monument greets us. No. Not a monument titled on its side.

It's the Throne from the moment I first met Sothis!

"That is!" The goddess is equally surprised. "But. But why is it?!"

Why is it stained so terribly?

Somehow, despite the ravages of a millenia. There is a dark scar upon the throne, a massive bloodstain that has darkened with exposure to air, but unwithering, unrotting.

"...So it was true. I really did die."

Sothis floats over to the throne, reaching to the stain, but ultimately never touching it. Her outstretched hand flinching away even spectrally and ephemerally she was.

"Yet I live. Diminished and bereft of memories, I still live… is this fate? To appear in you and see my previous vanquishment?"

Sothis, nothing is fated.

"Do not sound so confident. Denying destiny is impossible."

"...Destiny? If you are so sure then look around you!"

She startles at my fierceness.

"Was it not destiny to have this place die? To have the goddess and her children fade into dust? To have the Agarthans crawl and slither into their malign victory!?"

"Life always returns! Their victory and my children's was not fated! What was fated was my death! Death is the only thing that ends time. I may control the flow of events, but true death? True death that is irreversible and unstoppable? A thousand reversals, a thousand changes, yet nothing can be stopped. The cycle of life and death is permanent."

Sothis glares. Wisdom beyond her appearance shifts the shadows on her face. For a moment I see the goddess as she once was. A beacon of wisdom and grace. A leader who guided humanity and her children in unison.

"My power may be to change the flow of time! But it cannot change the ever-present immutable fate! I escaped fate once by falling to this planet! But look where I am now! Exhausting my power and falling into deep slumber only to have my death be in one of the cruelest ways possible. By trying to escape fate, I only delayed it! … Fate fights back."

"No! I refuse to believe that! You said fate fights back. But obviously you were the one fighting back!"

"Do you not understand my words! I tried and I failed!"

"Then why did your power re-manifest in me! Despite the removal of your blood and even your daughter's crest from me?! You fight back against death! Just like any mortal, you're clinging onto life! You could have faded away!"

I unsheathe my blade.

"Even if fate exists. Even if destiny is undeniable. We have to challenge them. We have to stand against and struggle desperately… You see this throne as proof of your failure, correct!"

"What are you-!"

The sigil of Sothis appears before the air before I slash through the carved, defiled throne.

"Then I'll destroy that failure and cut a path to a new future! Beyond fate! Beyond destiny!"

I slash the throne again and again. The crest of Flames constantly activating. Hahaha! You are still fighting! With every stroke the dried blood dissipates. With every crushing blow, cracking and breaking the throne beyond all repair. With all my strength-

I reduce the throne to nothing but dust and rubble.

A wild smile flashes in the light of my flame.

"I am Edelgard von Hresvelg! I have never fallen to my fate, never fallen to destiny! If you are so afraid to challenge fate! Then I swear to you now! I'll challenge it! I'll change your fate! For all the helpless, for all the weak, for all those who are too afraid! I'll change the fate of this fucking world!"
