Which do you want to see most?

  • SLAY Vs. AVLN.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • NNKL Vs. TRPA.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • AVCD Vs. FSMN.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • TRBL Vs. QKSV.

    Votes: 1 10.0%
  • CORL Vs. MBLA.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • BRHT Vs. BRNZ.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • NITE Vs. BBLC.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GRIS Vs. ABRN.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • TZSY Vs. PSAC.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Mainline Quest!

    Votes: 9 90.0%
  • Ailingstar taking it easy.

    Votes: 5 50.0%

  • Total voters
[X] Hang out with Penny.

[X] Hang out with Ruby and Cardin.

I'm kind of just picking stuff at random at this point.
[X] Meet Hannah's Team.
[X] Browse online forums for the previous True Self games.

We haven't met Hannah's team yet, and we should go browse the interwebs!
[X] Meet Hannah's Team.
[X] Browse online forums for the previous True Self games.

I can get behind giving Weiss some solitary relaxation time.
[X] Meet Hannah's Team.
[X] Browse online forums for the previous True Self games.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by AilingStar on Aug 16, 2019 at 7:10 PM, finished with 10 posts and 10 votes.
Alright then...

Voting Closed!

I have an important announcement. I am going to be taking a bit of a break from the mainline quest, in order to keep myself from burning out. During this period, I will be working on what I feel like for this quest, but for the most part, I'm going to be writing some of the battles. This includes the three battles I didn't write from Day 3, the battles on day 4, and the two battles on day 1 I only skimmed over. If people want to help me out by writing some of the battles, feel free to start a conversation with me, and we can hash out the details. Other than that, I'm currently in the process of writing TRBL Vs. QKSV, and after that, I'll put up a vote to see what fight I write next.

Thank you all for being so understanding.
Character Sheets
Sorry this isn't a full update, but I figured I might as well give you some character sheets other than just Weiss's. The more you bond with a person, the more info will show up on their character sheets. You can also get new information by interacting with the person in question. This information can and most likely will change as the story goes on, especially the title.

Winter Schnee
Warrior of Ice

Winter Schnee

Relationship: 4/10

Age: 22

Birthday: January 17

Species: Human

Title: Warrior of Ice

Semblance: Glyphs

Weapon: Discontent, Glorious Summer

Affiliation: Atlas Millitary

Bianca Schnee
Bianca Schnee


Age: 45

Birthday: September 2

Species: Human

Affiliation: SDC

Ruby Rose
Ruby Rose


Age: 15

Species: Human

Affiliation: None

Penny Polendina
Real Girl?

Penny Polendina


Age: 1 (Appears 16)

Birthday: August 4

Species: Combat Android

Title: Real Girl?

Weapon: Atlesian Nano-Edge Wire-blades MK VII

Affiliation: Atlas Millitary

Ciel Soleil
Bound Sky

Ciel Soleil


Age: 16

Birthday: April 1

Species: Human

Title: Bound Sky

Weapon: Minuet, Gavotte

Affiliation: Soleil Family

Miltia Malachite
Miltia Malachite


Age: 15

Species: Human

Affiliation: ???

Niko Crystales

Niko Crystales


Age: 17

Birthday: June 20

Species: Faunus

Title: Lightbringer

Weapon: Helios, Selene

Affiliation: Shade Acadamy

More characters will show up here when more characters get up to social link bond level 2.

Tyler frowned, gripping Melisso and Bombadi as he thought over his team's strategy. There was a myriad of factors for him to consider, and the fact that he didn't know much about his opponents just made it harder. All he knew about them was that they were brutally strong.

Not exactly the easiest thing to work around.

"Hey Tyler!" Tyler jumped and turned to Lustre. "You still thinking about the strategy?"

"Well… yeah?"

Lustre grinned. "Let me ask you something," she said. "Is Raymond going to listen to your plan?"

"Well a guy can hope-"

"Is the plan likely to still be valid after the first round of fighting?"

"Well, no, but-"

"So why are you trying to make a plan, again?"

Tyler sighed. "I get it, Lustre. Just get your guns."


"Gun-knives, right." Tyler sighed as Lustre got ready. "Why did I have to get stuck with her as my partner?"

"Because Ozpin is crazy." Tyler smiled as he turned to Blanche, the only other sane member of his team. She was polishing her beast of a sword. (Seriously, how did she swing that thing around?!) "Seriously, what kind of teacher throws his students into a forest full of Grimm?"

Tyler sighs. "Great, so it's not just half my team that's crazy, it's half of Beacon. Good to know."

"And in two years, my little brother is going to be applying." Blanche shook her head, her wolf hears laid flat. "The worst thing is, he could probably get in, but… I worry about him, you know? It's what big siblings do."

"Yo." The two of them turned to look at Raymond, whose tail was twitching impatiently. "Battle's about to start. We going to do this or not?"

Tyler sighed and nodded. "Right… let's go."


"And now, we have Team TRBL from Beacon Vs. Team QKSV from Haven!" The announcer shouted.

Hornet frowned. "He's… quite loud."

'Aren't there usually two commentators, though?' Aloe's 'voice' echoed in their minds. 'I wonder what happened to the other one?'

"Perhaps she's sick?" Quirrel shrugged as he gripped his bow. "Ah, no matter. It seems our opponents are quite ready for us."

Ghost just gripped Dreamnail, briefly tapping his teammates with it, before facing TRBL.

"Are the combatants ready? Three!"

Quirrel reached for an arrow.


Then, to QKSV's surprise, one of TRBL, Raymond, grew into a nine-foot tall, feline monstrosity.

"O-one! Go!"

'I'll hold off the big one!' Aloe called to her allies, before rushing at Raymond.

Quirrel nodded, and let loose an arrow at the rest of TRBL, causing a huge explosion. He reached for another arrow as hornet zipped around the battlefield, laying her traps, and Ghost walked forward toward the dust.

Then, a giant rhino beetle made of rock charged from the cloud, meeting Ghost's horns. Panicking, Ghost activated one of the pockets of Void Dust he kept concealed in his cloak, sending a shadowy shot forward and causing the beetle to fly on its back, before it dissolved into gravel.

Ghost barely had enough time to react before he was beaned with a baton. The blow didn't do much, admittedly, but it did get him to face his assailant just in time to get a face full of fire.

Quirrel narrowed his eyes and fired an arrow at the boy, only for a flash of light to throw off his aim.

'Ow, watch it!'

He winced. "Sorry, Aloe!" He folded his bow into a sword shaped similar to Ghost's and charged into the fray. He couldn't risk another shot being thrown off.

He ducked just in time to avoid getting hit by the biggest blade he had ever seen. "Rude," He commented as he slashed at the girl.

Blanche swung her blade again, this time managing to nick Quirrel as he dodged. "I could say the same to you, you know."

A fair distance away, Hornet was battling with Lustre. Who was, without a doubt, extremely infuriating. The girl was not only extremely skilled, she seemed to know where all of Hornet's traps were, and disabling them the moment Hornet gave her enough room to do so.

Which, given that Lustre kept using her semblance to make Hornet's muscles seize up, was infuriatingly often.

"Stop that!" Hornet shouted as Lustre cut yet another string.

Lustre smirked, and sidestepped Hornet's needle as it whizzed past her. "Make me, princess."

"Maybe I will!" Hornet cried as she tugged her string, getting her right next to Lustre, and slashing. Lustre yelped, but used the opportunity to fire off a few shots from her pistol-knives. Hornet tried to dodge, but – of course – her leg seized up, causing her to stumble a bit. She frowned. "You'll pay for that."

"Sorry, I'm broke!" Lustre called. She then idly shot Aloe once before twisting around to dodge Hornet's needle again.


Aloe roared as she fought against her opponent. The two were evenly matched, with Aloe maybe having an edge over him. It had always been a bit tough being regarded as passive due to her support-oriented semblance (which really only made her muteness a non-issue), so she had decided to train.

And train.

And train until she couldn't get any more powerful, and then train some more after that.

And since the kid she was fighting seemed to have so little skill to his style, she was easily more skilled then him.

And yet she was going to lose, due to one simple fact.

His allies.

Kept. Taking. Potshots. At her.

Aloe was… the slightest bit upset.

So she found it perfectly reasonable when, the moment one of the pests got to close, she delivered a huge sweeping blow to the girl, sending her crashing against a tree.

"Blanche Lobos is eliminated!"

Of course, the moment she did, she was given a huge blow to her chest by the big guy, but it was worth it. Completely worth it.

"And it looks like Aloe Knite is also eliminated!"


The moment the remaining members of Team QKSV heard that, they knew what they needed to do. The only problem was, without Aloe's telepathy, they each had different ideas of how to pull it off.

So while Ghost worked on keeping Tyler and Lustre at bay, Quirrel was busy firing fire arrows that were burning the traps that Hornet had set, forcing her to get up-close and personal to re-set them, which in turn forced Quirrel to do the same so he didn't risk hitting her.

All in all, they felt very foolish when one of Quirrel's panicked blows when Raymond was practically on top of the two of them dropped his aura to 15%.

"Raymond Linte is eliminated!"

"Well..." Quirrel breathed a sigh of relief as Raymond stormed off the field, "That's a relief-"

"Ghost Void is also eliminated!"

Quirrel paled. "Well, that isn't good..."

"You think?" Hornet muttered, before grabbing Quirrel and forming a string to a tree branch above, pulling the two of them up just in time to avoid a giant beetle of rock charging at them. "That semblance is too powerful."

Quirrel chuckled. "Which one?"


Tyler was not having the best time. Both of TRBL's heavy hitters had been defeated, and he and Lustre had trouble defeating one of the other members of QKSV. Now he and Lustre could really only depend on Atlas being able to defeat the two remaining members, who both seemed too agile to get hit by it-

Lustre pulled Tyler down just in time to avoid an electricity-infused arrow. Tyler gripped Melisso and readied Bombadi. Any moment…

A needle flew by, and Tyler fired Bombadi, letting loose a cloud of flame just as Hornet flew into it, causing the girl to yelp and jump out of the fire.

But it was too late.

"Hornet Silk is eliminated!"

Hornet narrowed her eyes, and calmly walked off the field.

Tyler kept an eye on Lustre as her eyes darted back and forth. There was still one more member of their team, after all-

Tyler blinked as Lustre gently placed two fingers on his arm, then drew them apart. He nodded.

A few moments passed in silence.

Lustre charged toward the bushes, firing with wild abandon. At the same time, Tyler charged off in the opposite direction. Whatever crazy plan Lustre had this time, he didn't want to be caught in the crossfire.

Once he had gotten to the flatland area of the arena, he turned to face the forest area, ready for anything.

A few seconds passed, before an explosion sounded.

"Lustre Alecson and Quirrel Moss have been eliminated! Team TRBL Wins!"

Tyler breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the ground. That… that was too close.


AN: Remember to vote in the poll above for what you want to see next. Thanks for reading! hopefully, I won't stall out the moment school starts back up...