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Weiss Schnee has a secret.
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Character Creation 1


Herald of the Cassowaries
Not Australia
"Against the white snow of Atlesian high society, the black shadows of secrets and scandals are far more obvious to see."

- Uriel Lumen, A Treatise on Traveling


You are Weiss Schnee. You are the daughter of Jacques and Bianca Schnee, and heir to the Schnee Dust Company. You are a talented singer and pianist, and your sister, Winter, has recently joined the Atlesian military, an honorable job that nonetheless cost her status as heir to the Schnee Dust Company. Overall, at fifteen years of age, your life is good.

At least, that's what the public thinks.

In reality, your life… well, it isn't the best. For one thing, you want to be a huntress. The problem with this is your father, who is (to put it very bluntly) against the prospect. You would like to believe that it was because he cared for you, but in all likelihood, it was because of your… secret.

Oh yes, your secret. It is something that's always been a part of you, but naturally, you have been raised to hide it. After all, it would be a massive scandal if anyone were to find out that you had

[] A Pitch-Black Arm.

[] A Steel-Gray Heart.

[] A Snow-White Tail.

And in Atlas, well, if anyone knew of such a scandal, it could very well mean the end of the Schnee Dust Company… at least, that's what your father always said.

Of course, you have your own opinions of this… facet of yourself.

[] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.

[] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.

[] You hate it. You desperately wish that you were just a normal, human girl. (Well, as normal as a Schnee can be, but that's beside the point.)

Ultimately, though, it felt like it didn't really matter at all what you thought. All that mattered was the Schnee Family's continued reputation. You were a dark spot on that reputation, one that they were determined to keep secret.

But you refused to fade into obscurity.


AN: This is a story-based quest. Also, I have a history of inconsistency. You have been warned.
You have been warned.
Bwahaha! Clearly you have not met ME!

[X] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[X] You hate it. You desperately wish that you were just a normal, human girl. (Well, as normal as a Schnee can be, but that's beside the point.)

Also, cold cold heart.
[x] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[x] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.
[x] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[x] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.
[x] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[x] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.

As fun as throwing a spanner into White Fang propaganda would be, this fits far too well, and brings so much more to the table.
[X] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[X] You hate it. You desperately wish that you were just a normal, human girl. (Well, as normal as a Schnee can be, but that's beside the point.)
[x] A Steel-Gray Heart.
[x] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.

As fun as throwing a spanner into White Fang propaganda would be, this fits far too well, and brings so much more to the table.
Remember, this is a story-based quest. And in my opinion, Having Weiss say 'yay I'm an awesome robot' is the most stagnant option. None of these options will make Weiss win or lose any more battles, it's all about character, and the only way to make a robot who's proud of being a robot when the number of sentient robots is 2 does not make a very complex character in my opinion. Unless they're a villain. I don't want to write that.

Ultimately, I will bow to your votes, but I would really rather Weiss not end up being a flat character or Skynet. I want her difference to be a part of her character, not a fun add-on.
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Remember, this is a story-based quest. And in my opinion, Having Weiss say 'yay I'm an awesome robot' is the most stagnant option. None of these options will make Weiss win or lose any more battles, it's all about character, and the only way to make a robot who's proud of being a robot when the number of sentient robots is 2 does not make a very complex character in my opinion. Unless they're a villain.

Ultimately, I will bow to your votes, but I would really rather Weiss not be Skynet. Please.
It would be interesting when we find Penny though. Who's the real robot?
[X] A Pitch-Black Arm.

[X] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.

"I am a souless monster that thrives on human suffering! Oh, and I have this weirdo arm too, I guess." :V
[X] A Pitch-Black Arm.

[X] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.

"I am a souless monster that thrives on human suffering! Oh, and I have this weirdo arm too, I guess." :V
I feel like this option has Salem being able to track us down D:
Remember, this is a story-based quest. And in my opinion, Having Weiss say 'yay I'm an awesome robot' is the most stagnant option. None of these options will make Weiss win or lose any more battles, it's all about character, and the only way to make a robot who's proud of being a robot when the number of sentient robots is 2 does not make a very complex character in my opinion. Unless they're a villain.

Ultimately, I will bow to your votes, but I would really rather Weiss not be Skynet. Please.
Look at it this way. Just because Weiss is cool with being a robot, doesn't mean she's good at being human. The story, and perhaps drama, could about Weiss balancing the two sides of herself that she loves equally. She needs to find how to have her cake and eat it too, instead of dealing with an instinctual urge to disavow eating the cake entirely.
[X] A Pitch-Black Arm.
[X] You hate it. You desperately wish that you were just a normal, human girl. (Well, as normal as a Schnee can be, but that's beside the point.)

Faunus-Schnee somehow manages to be cliche without actually being cliche and Penny's the only robogirl I'm interested in for a RWBY quest (not normally hugely into robots anyway). Grimm!Weiss it is, I guess? And, of course, it makes zero sense for someone to be proud or ambivalent about grimmness. Unless they're a psychopath, I guess. Seriously, what kind of teenage girl looks on having an actual semi-apocalyptic demon arm in terms of "it's pretty cool, but man is it inconvenient sometimes"?
[X] A Snow-White Tail.
[X] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.

"My father, in both public and private, decries faunus as subhuman yet has a clear kink for them. I am directly in the crossfire of this contradiction."
Look at it this way. Just because Weiss is cool with being a robot, doesn't mean she's good at being human. The story, and perhaps drama, could about Weiss balancing the two sides of herself that she loves equally. She needs to find how to have her cake and eat it too, instead of dealing with an instinctual urge to disavow eating the cake entirely.

I have been corrected. You, Sir/Madam, get the AilingStar Medal of Literary Approval, whatever that stands for.

"My father, in both public and private, decries faunus as subhuman yet has a clear kink for them. I am directly in the crossfire of this contradiction."

When did I ever say that her father would be her biological parent in that circumstance?
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[X] A Pitch-Black Arm.
[X] You hate it. You desperately wish that you were just a normal, human girl. (Well, as normal as a Schnee can be, but that's beside the point.)

Faunus-Schnee somehow manages to be cliche without actually being cliche and Penny's the only robogirl I'm interested in for a RWBY quest (not normally hugely into robots anyway). Grimm!Weiss it is, I guess? And, of course, it makes zero sense for someone to be proud or ambivalent about grimmness. Unless they're a psychopath, I guess. Seriously, what kind of teenage girl looks on having an actual semi-apocalyptic demon arm in terms of "it's pretty cool, but man is it inconvenient sometimes"?
See, that's a recipe for a comedy quest. Something like that anime with the pink haired psychic that gives exactly zero fucks.
what kind of teenage girl looks on having an actual semi-apocalyptic demon arm in terms of "it's pretty cool, but man is it inconvenient sometimes"?
A Chuuni?


[X] A Pitch-Black Arm
[X] You are proud of it. If it were not for the terrible ramifications, you would gladly shout from the heavens about what made you unique.

"This Fell Arm of mine may be seen as an omen of the End Times, but up in my lonely tower... it was the only thing that kept me sane, kept me nourished; I gorged myself on the Sorrow and Hate sown by you and Father, for that I must thank you Taurus, but recently I've found the Darkness of the Soul has grown bitter on my tongue. So I've decided to indulge in one last grand banquet before moving on in search of lighter flavours, and guess who's the main course. Let the Hunt begin; Snedronningen! "
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[X] A Snow-White Tail.
[X] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.
Non-canon Omake: Daughter of Sparda
Dante!Weiss must exist. :V

I don't know if this is the same Dante, but... OMAKE!

Salem frowned. "It was my opinion that those Grimm would be far inferior in face of your... tactics."

"You spawn and kill!" Weiss scoffed. "Spawn and kill. I fail to see the logic here!" She took a dramatic pose. "Is sanity... the price to pay... for power?!"

In the background, Ruby was giving her a thumbs up, Blake was holding her face in her palms, Yang was laughing hysterically, and Cinder was (literally) steaming mad.
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I don't know if this is the same Dante, but... OMAKE!

Salem frowned. "It was my opinion that those Grimm would be far inferior in face of your... tactics."

"You spawn and kill." Weiss scoffed. "Spawn and kill. I fail to see the logic here!" She took a dramatic pose. "Is sanity... the price to pay... for power?!"

In the background, Ruby was giving her a thumbs up, Blake was holding her face in her palms, Yang was laughing hysterically, and Cinder was (literally) steaming mad.

Remnant won't survive the Sasspocolypse. :V
[X] A Snow-White Tail.
[X] You have mixed feelings about it. On one hand there are most definitely advantages to your situation but, scandal aside, it still causes problems for you.

Fluffy tail!