-[X]Fair: Put them on trial, and make it a fair trial for treason. This will nail most of them and anger the army, provided the trials go well. If the trials go poorly, the officers get acquitted anyways and have used the trials as a platform for agitation. At the same time, it will show that we are ready and willing to call the army to account – on the tail end of the war, we won't have a coup from this. But it will mean that we have to placate the army later.
-[X]Public Trials: Put the few commanders that we have on trial, and make sure that it's a fair one. We have an ironclad treason case in any event, and the trial of the commanders allow us to drive home the victory of the republic over the insurrection – and will also burnish our credentials on the center and the center-right sides of the aisle. The Zentrum wants to see them in court, and we can oblige them – at the cost of leaving those experienced agitators a place to spread their ideas.
-[X]Gericht: Let the army try the KPD high commanders, since the ones that we captured were former soldiers or serving officers who flipped with the 6th Infantry Division. This will almost certainly mean that the high command will be shot, and it will be done quietly, but there will be no martyrs to the revolution made here. The Zentrum will not like it much and will view it as capitulating to the army and the far-right, though, and they have a point. We don't want the army running courts, but can we avoid that in this case?