Conquer The Posleen! An SV Council Game!

The Beginning


Really in the mood for ribs.
Brussels, Belgium, January 2001

It is done. You and your compatriots have taken control of The European Union thanks to the ROB who inserted you in your false identities as The European Defense Council. Your duties and powers will be to bring the EU's military forces to bear against an incoming alien threat, although whether this threat is the Posleen or the Galactic Federation is still up for debate.

By taking control, the EU has rejected the Galactic Federation's technology deal. For better or worse, Europe stands alone to represent humanity's greatest efforts in defending the homeworld. Fortunately, things are not quite as bleak as some analysts believe. The Solaris Energy Project was successfully tested, both in it's intended capacity as a power collection system, and as a military weapon although there were only a few test firings due to the need for secrecy, leading to rampant conspiracy theories about the nature of columns of sunlight reducing stretches of empty Icelandic wilderness into baked wasteland.

Organising the armies, navies and air forces of the member nations will take some effort, but the one advantage you have is that you have the capability to manufacture your own private forces, allowing you to support the conventional armies with your own troops who will naturally be the first to receive the fruits of your scientific and military endeavors.

But it's not all good news either. The Galactic Federation in covert meetings has informed that the Posleen will reach the world of Barwhon and the US has put forward plans for a recon mission to the world before the Posleen arrive, and the European Union has been asked to contribute. France intends on sending a token force of Foreign Legionnaires, unwilling to commit other assets, while the other member nations are leery of sending troops to an alien world.

It's time to get to work.

World News:
-At this point in time, there is nothing special happening this month.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-None To Report

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-Random experimentation has created an accidental breakthrough in Nanotechnology! (New Research Available: Basic Nanotech)

Military Movements:
-The United States is calling together as many officers, active and retired, as they can.
-The Russians are increasing military manufacturing.
-China has increased recruitment and manufacturing.
-Multiple Middle East nations are engaging in military exercises

Income Report:
-Manpower: +10,000
-Supplies: +3000
-Ammunition: +1500
-Industrial Capacity: +10,000
-Fuel: +20,000
-Electronics: +60,000
-Radioactives: +4000
-Research Points: +200,000

Active Research:

Available Research:
-Unified Defensive Protocols (Universal Prerequisite. RP Cost: 5000)
Organises the military forces of the European Union to begin operating under a unified chain of command headquartered in Brussels. Necessary if the EU is to stand together against the impending alien invasion.

Diplomatic Considerations:
-The United States is putting together and leading a planned international recon mission to Barwhon, a planet that will soon come under threat from the Posleen. The French have volunteered a token force, but the US want the EU to contribute more.

-China does not trust the Darhel, they want Europe to support them in case the PRC pulls out of the Darhel tech agreement, and are willing to sign agreements for a portion of European research capability.

Internal Considerations:
-No issues to report.
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Master Data Sheet
Master Data Sheet for the European Union:

-Manpower: 15,700
-Supplies: 9200
-Ammunition: 6000
-Industrial Capacity: 30,000
-Fuel: 60,000
-Electronics: 160,000
-Radioactives: 12,000
-Research Points: 1, 264,500

Active Research:

Available Research:
-Industrial Nanotechnology: 40,000 RP
-Medical Nanotechnolgy: 20,000 RP
-Military Nanotechnology: 60,000 RP
-Advanced Defensive Weapon Emplacements: 12,000 RP
-AI Research: 7,000,000 RP
-Field Powerplant: 800,000 RP
-European Continental Universal Language: 1,200,000 RP

Available Military Production:

-Felin Riflemen Battalion (1000/1/200/200/400/1/0)
Technically these troops are trained from all over the European Union, but they have been done so according to the French 'Felin' model for their infantry.

-Panzerfaust Tankbuster Company (100/50/300/600/220/100/0)
A company of German-trained tankbusters armed with the heavy Panzerfaust-III rocket launcher, designed to defeat conventional tanks.

-Combat Medic Company (100/300/200/400/200/200/0)
These troops fly in the face of Red Cross conventions in that they are armed with a submachinegun for self-defense, but that could be the only thing that saves them in the future.

-Lynx APC Detachment (300/100/300/500/700/200/0)
A detachment of Lynx APCs, which consist of an engine unit towing one or more infantry-carrier modules behind it. Lightly armoured, but in enough numbers to transport a regiment of troops.

-Warhound AVRE Company (200/1/300/450/500/150/0)
The Warhound Armoured Recovery Vehicle - Engineering is a modification and upgrade of the Terrier Combat Engineering Vehicle, armed with a 140mm mortar and sufficient repair and engineering tools to rapidly build defenses, entrench itself, and repair other vehicles and patch up nearby field buildings.

-Harrier VTOL Multirole Fighter Squadron (24/1/600/400/1000/500/0)
The Harrier is a venerable and effective VTOL fighter, able to be deployed from just about anywhere a short runway can be prepared. These aircraft are typically armed with gunpods, rockets, and bombs.

Available Infrastructure Production:
-Fortification Network: A country-wide network of cheap bunkers made with sandbags, some sheet metal and wooden planks.

-Guard Tower Network: These high towers are fitted with spotlights, sophisticated detection equipment and armed with MG3 machineguns, the modern remake of the infamous MG42 that still retains it's fearsome buzzsaw noise when firing.

-Vehicle Dugouts: These sandbag-reinforced pits allow vehicles and tanks greater protection while still allowing them to fire at the enemy.

-Tank Trap Barricades: Able to provide protection for a squad of soldiers behind them, this mashup of sandbags, steel tank traps and thick tangles of razorwire is designed to provide a quick way to block and funnel enemy forces.

-Field Trenches: These mark out large swathes of forest and open fields for networks of trenches to allow soldiers to rapidly establish defensive lines that could potentially span a continent.

-Munition Bunkers: These bunkers cannot house infantry, but instead house massive amounts of munitions with automated systems connected to underground rails where robotic electric trains

Completed Research:
-Basic Nanotech
-Satellite Personal Defence Systems
-Molecular Computing
-Hydrogen Rocketry

Technologies Unlocked:
-Basic Nanotech
-Chinese Proprietary Napalm
-Satellite Personal Defence Systems
-Hydrogen Rocket Engines
-Fleshgrater Fletchette Rounds

Special Personnel/Heroes:

-Large Hadron Collider:
This massive ring-shaped facility is the world's most sophisticated, largest and expensive particle accelerator. With this, the European Union can begin cracking key mysterious high-energy and quantum physics.

Available Superweapons:
-Solaris Relay: Solar Burst

The Solaris Satellite fires a concentrated burst of solar energy, reducing a kilometer-wide area into an ashen, glass-strewn wasteland.

Available Support Assets:
-Teargas Strikes:
Fighter-bombers armed with dispensers drop hundreds of bomblets filled with tear gas over a battlefield.
-Pegasus MEDEVAC: An NH-40 'Pegasus' Utility Helicopter squadron comes in to recover the critically wounded and take them from the battlefield. Will also rescue civilians in the area.
-Pegasus Minelayer Lvl 1: Despite the Geneva Convention, you have access to squadrons of NH-40s equipped with dispensers to deploy hundreds of mines over a wide area. This current level deploys Anti-Personnel mines.

European Union Defensive Status: Uneasy
European Union Coordination Status: Coordinated
European Union Firepower: 3700

Established Support Infrastructure:
-Field Bases

Established Defenses:
-Artillery Batteries: +2600 Firepower

Intelligence Reports:

United States:
-The United States has begun testing of a series of combat vehicles made using GalFed technology.




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"Hmm. Well. Time to get to work, I suppose." Beetlegeuse said, drumming his fingers together. "I'll go ahead and work with the chinese. Other than that, I suppose I'll work on developing Nanotech."

Production: The US wants us to contribute? Fine, we'll contribute. Not through manpower, however. Instead, we'll supply weapons, supplies, etc.

Military: Abstain

Research: Nanotechnology,
10,000 RP

Design: Abstain

Covert: Contact the chinese, giving our support. At the same time, offer to help develop their own research industry/share various technological developments. As a token of good faith, start with any results from our Nanotechnology.
"Very well," Hans says with a gruff nod. "I'll work on organizing the forces. Can't have everyone stepping on each others' toes. I'll see about getting public opinion up too."

Production: Abstain

Military: Abstain

Research: Unified Defensive Protocols (Universal Prerequisite. RP Cost: 5000)

Design: Abstain

Covert: Work up ideas for pro-military propaganda and the like, to increase public opinion and perhaps increase recruitment rates.
"Lets get this show on the road!" Laughed Anzec in an almost crazed tone. "All shall fall before our might, the inexhaustible march of progress shall lead us to domination over all! The EU shall rule!"

Production: Abstain

Military: Abstain

Research: Development of Point defence systems on satellites to protect against micro meteors, trash and deliberate sabotage or attack.

Design: Abstain

Covert: Gather blackmail and methods of coercing any disparate members of the EU into following our vision without question.
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Sunati looked at her... Enthusiastic council member.
"Please don't. The mess that would cause is not worth the benefits. I won't be against you integrating the half members, like Iceland or Switzerland, however."

The Asian placed the typed report on the table.

Production: Abstain

Military: Abstain

Research: Research molecular computing, where instead of a few hundred/thousand atoms making up a transistor, a few hundred may be an entire logic gate. This allows for both an increase in energy efficiency verses traditional microelectronics, as well as allowing for much greater parallelisation of tasks. It will also get a few more decades out of Moore's law, soon to fail as it is.
Design: Using recent developments in thermoplastics and high fidelity actuators, builds a commercially available (if not residential) 3D printer. This should allow for more rapid prototyping as well as custom parts to be made on demand, reducing warehousing of parts on the of chance that break. And who knows, maybe in the future, you could build entire homes.

Sunati looked at her... Enthusiastic council member.
"Please don't. The mess that would cause is not worth the benefits. I won't be against you integrating the half members, like Iceland or Switzerland, however."

The Asian placed the typed report on the table.

Production: Abstain

Military: Abstain

Research: Research molecular computing, where instead of a few hundred/thousand atoms making up a transistor, a few hundred may be an entire logic gate. This allows for both an increase in energy efficiency verses traditional microelectronics, as well as allowing for much greater parallelisation of tasks. It will also get a few more decades out of Moore's law, soon to fail as it is.
Design: Using recent developments in thermoplastics and high fidelity actuators, builds a commercially available (if not residential) 3D printer. This should allow for more rapid prototyping as well as custom parts to be made on demand, reducing warehousing of parts on the of chance that break. And who knows, maybe in the future, you could build entire homes.


"Oh fine." Sighed Anzec in an almost disappointed tone of voice, "I guess if you ask so kindly I'll follow your suggestion."

Changed vote to:

Production: Abstain

Military: Abstain

Research: Development of Point defence systems on satellites to protect against micro meteors, trash and deliberate sabotage or attack. (15,000 RP)

Design: Abstain

Covert: Gather information, blackmail and possible willing politicians to support for aid in coercing and laying groundwork in any nearby countries such as Iceland and Switzerland into becoming members of the EU.
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Production: If the EU is to centralize and work together to combat a common goal, then it will take more than written word and law to make it happen. The people must have a symbol of Europe's unity, as well as a central location for command of both military and domestic matters to take place in. Begin production of a central headquarters, staffed with the best and brightest, and fortified to the gills to prepare for the coming years.

Military: A unified command is all nice and good on paper, but to put it into practice may be another matter entirely. Attempt to organize joint drills and practices between the various militaries of Europe, and any other sovereign nations who may wish to participate. China may be a good example of a potential partner as they may be hedging towards our side, as may the US and Russa to help build bridges.

Research: Push for research efforts that focus on improved rocketry and other means of more efficient and speedy space travel. Getting a solid foundation is going to be crucial if we ever plan on going onto the offensive, and in the short term, improved rocketry could mean better ballistic missiles to target alien craft incoming to Earth.

Design: Begin design of new defensive fortifications that can be quickly deployed and set up in the field. If fortification is the EU's strength, the faster we can build up that strength, the better. Pre-fabbed forward bases, bunkers, and so on, along with anything else someone is creative enough to come up with.

Covert: Send agents into the US to passively watch their actions. While we may not be enemies, keeping an eye on your neighbors, especially powerful ones, is never a bad idea.
Production: Personally I believe we require a fortified center of operations perhaps in the alps nice and secure underground and inside.

Military: I suspect we'll need our forces ready , Having them maintain security in the boarder countries specifically Poland should keep the Russians in check

Research: I leave this to you fellow, councilors.

Design: I abstain once more

Covert: Why look at our failing politicians why not begin forming underground groups to get the average person involved and shifted to our ideals.
"Hmm. Well. Time to get to work, I suppose." Beetlegeuse said, drumming his fingers together. "I'll go ahead and work with the chinese. Other than that, I suppose I'll work on developing Nanotech."

Production: The US wants us to contribute? Fine, we'll contribute. Not through manpower, however. Instead, we'll supply weapons, supplies, etc.

Result: Failure

The United States rejects the proposed deal and your people categorically refuse to waste European lives on a doomed scouting mission to an alien world, no matter what is promised in return by the Galactic Federation, who are promising access to their advanced manufacturing base and other technology, including functional AI's.

Some officers regard it in the same fashion as dazzling primitives with flashy gifts.

Research: Nanotechnology, 10,000 RP

Result: Success!

With the focus and funding allocated, the scientists crack the secret to massproducible nanotechnology, allowing for further research into nanotechnology applications. As it stands, you just have simple goo that cannot do anything special.

(New research unlocked: Medical Nanotechnology)
(New research unlocked: Industrial Nanotechnology)
(New research unlocked: Military Nanotechnology)

Covert: Contact the chinese, giving our support. At the same time, offer to help develop their own research industry/share various technological developments. As a token of good faith, start with any results from our Nanotechnology.

Result: Critical Success!

The Chinese are happy to receive your information on Basic Nanotechnology, which will help their research efforts immensely. They in turn reveal that the Darhel have been short-selling humanity in the bounty payments on Posleen technologies, and have forced the Darhel to accept new turns, but would appreciate any assistance that the European Union can offer.

The Chinese also provide details on their proprietary napalm in exchange.

(Research Deal with China: -200 Research Points per turn.)
(New Technology Acquired: Chinese Napalm)
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Research: Unified Defensive Protocols (Universal Prerequisite. RP Cost: 5000)

Result: Success!

The conferences and meetings with politicians and military officers is mostly to make sure that no-one is stepping on each other's toes, as well as placing the central command in the Bavarian Alps, under one of the mountains. It is quickly established that the Germans, French and British will take the lead, forming a core that will support the other nations in the European Union by also establishing their training regimens in the various participant nations.

This also opens up a variety of troops, armor and aircraft for training and manufacturing for your personal forces.

(Infrastructure Production unlocked!)
(Military Production unlocked!)

Covert: Work up ideas for pro-military propaganda and the like, to increase public opinion and perhaps increase recruitment rates.

Result: Success!

The new propaganda campaign is mostly in the form of TV, magazine and radio ads, but it does inspire people to join their respective militaries.

(+1000 Manpower per turn.)
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Research: Research molecular computing, where instead of a few hundred/thousand atoms making up a transistor, a few hundred may be an entire logic gate. This allows for both an increase in energy efficiency verses traditional microelectronics, as well as allowing for much greater parallelisation of tasks. It will also get a few more decades out of Moore's law, soon to fail as it is.

Result: Success!

The research teams have a few promising leads in the field of molecular computing, which will be key to making more advanced electronics and computing equipment which in turn will be vital for improved and more effective weapons.

(New Active Research: Molecular Computing. Research Point Cost: 100,000. RP per turn investment: 100 RP)

Design: Using recent developments in thermoplastics and high fidelity actuators, builds a commercially available (if not residential) 3D printer. This should allow for more rapid prototyping as well as custom parts to be made on demand, reducing warehousing of parts on the of chance that break. And who knows, maybe in the future, you could build entire homes.

Result: Success!

3D-Printing technology is still largely in it's infancy, but the money you've tossed into developing it has allowed you to make great strides in creating fairly compact 3D printers that are affordable at the industrial, commercial and residential level, with government incentives towards finding ways to use 3D printers in everything from toys to firearms components.

(Industrial Capacity costs of all forces reduced by 10%)

Research: Development of Point defence systems on satellites to protect against micro meteors, trash and deliberate sabotage or attack. (15,000 RP)

Result: Success

You take cues from a Russian project to arm satellites with 23mm cannons for attacking other satellites or defending themselves. In this case, the usage of specially-modified assault rifles fitted in specific areas for coverage. It should be more than sufficient for large objects, carries 2000 rounds of ammunition per weapon, and should also prevent any unwanted visitors.

(New technology unlocked: Satellite Personal Defence Systems.)

Covert: Gather information, blackmail and possible willing politicians to support for aid in coercing and laying groundwork in any nearby countries such as Iceland and Switzerland into becoming members of the EU.

Result: Success!

While Switzerland's policy of neutrality is in place for a reason, it's place is instead secured as a diplomatic and financial sector and it's entry into the European Union comes as a surprise to the rest of the world.

Iceland follows soon after, declaring that the EU offers incredible advantages for the Icelandic peoples.

(Switzerland and Iceland have joined the EU. They will not contribute for 5 turns.)
Production: If the EU is to centralize and work together to combat a common goal, then it will take more than written word and law to make it happen. The people must have a symbol of Europe's unity, as well as a central location for command of both military and domestic matters to take place in. Begin production of a central headquarters, staffed with the best and brightest, and fortified to the gills to prepare for the coming years.

Result: Success!

While the main nerve center is located underneath a mountain, a very visible headquarters is established in Paris that should be sufficient to protect it from possible Posleen landings. Fully functional and with a staff drawn from all member nations of the European Union, the European Continental Command Center offers a vision of what a future, unified, European army of many nations will look like.

(New Infrastructure Built: European Continental Command Center.)
(You have the beginnings of a Supra-National Armed Forces...)

Military: A unified command is all nice and good on paper, but to put it into practice may be another matter entirely. Attempt to organize joint drills and practices between the various militaries of Europe, and any other sovereign nations who may wish to participate. China may be a good example of a potential partner as they may be hedging towards our side, as may the US and Russa to help build bridges.

Result: Minor Success

While the Chinese do send forces to participate, the United States and Russia decline invitations. The exercises are a great success though, although there are grumblings about the difficulty of communications between various groups.

(EU member state military forces have their Firepower improved by 10%. Morale is improved to Confident.)

Research: Push for research efforts that focus on improved rocketry and other means of more efficient and speedy space travel. Getting a solid foundation is going to be crucial if we ever plan on going onto the offensive, and in the short term, improved rocketry could mean better ballistic missiles to target alien craft incoming to Earth.

Result: Success!

A team of scientists manages to create a working prototype of a hydrogen-fueled rocket that offers greater fuel efficiency and thrust to weight ratios than conventional rocket fuels. While the hydrogen fuel is more volatile, it is no more so than other fuels, and should allow for faster missiles which may be of importance in the future.

(New Active Research: Hydrogen Rocketry. Research Point Cost: 10,000. RP Per Turn: 100)

Design: Begin design of new defensive fortifications that can be quickly deployed and set up in the field. If fortification is the EU's strength, the faster we can build up that strength, the better. Pre-fabbed forward bases, bunkers, and so on, along with anything else someone is creative enough to come up with.

Result: Success!

Several companies have come forward with a number of affordable designs for tank-traps, a new type of razor-wire that offers more effective entanglement and injury of attacking troops, and better tools for establishing trenches and sandbag lines.

Their prefab structures can be thrown up by teams of soldiers, or assisted with a dual-purpose excavator/crane vehicle that would allow for large scale bases to be established within minutes to hours, days for larger bases.

The only problem is finding a way to power these bases without resorting to huge numbers of generators or building large numbers of dedicated powerplants.

(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Field Bases)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Vehicle Dugouts)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Tank Trap Barricades)
(New Infrastructure Unlocked: Field Trenches)

Covert: Send agents into the US to passively watch their actions. While we may not be enemies, keeping an eye on your neighbors, especially powerful ones, is never a bad idea.

Result: Success!

Your agents are now inserted into positions, in some cases operating in plain sight as liasons with the CIA and NSA. Already they have found signs of Darhel interference in the workings of the United States government, but they are easily in a position to leak information that should stop any sudden cases of incompetence.

(Master Data Sheet will be updated with American Intel every turn.)
(You can now spend Covert Actions to counteract Darhel interference.)
(Could there be Darhel operatives in the EU?)
Production: Personally I believe we require a fortified center of operations perhaps in the alps nice and secure underground and inside.

Result: Success!

Apart from a command center built somewhat mostly as a showpiece, the main command center for the European Union's nascent unified forces is constructed and established underneath a peak in the Bavarian Alps, allowing a safe and secure location for the protection of the command staff that will be organising and directing the overall strategy of the European Union's forces.

Military: I suspect we'll need our forces ready , Having them maintain security in the boarder countries specifically Poland should keep the Russians in check

Result: Success!

I hope you weren't expecting this to go unnoticed. Russia's forces also mobilize at the border and plenty of other nations notice the European Union's various militaries moving to an increased level of readiness.

Covert: Why look at our failing politicians why not begin forming underground groups to get the average person involved and shifted to our ideals.

Result: Success!

You begin making clandestine overtures to various groups, some of which are of more...radical persuasions, who could be useful in formenting useful political and social change.
Pre-Turn 1: February
World News:

-The European Union has gained two new member states; Iceland and in a shocking state of events, Switzerland. The famously neutral republic has stated that its joining the EU was done in the face of ensuring a properly unified spirit of cooperation amongst all European nations.

-The United States has begun a recall of retired military officers, but the exact reason why is unknown.

-The European Union's member states have begun moving to an increased state of military readiness for unknown reasons. Russia in response had begun mobilizing increased forces at their border.

Outside Scientific Discoveries:
-None to report.

Internal Scientific Discoveries:
-A team has put forward the beginnings of a plan to integrate larger and more advanced weapon systems into planned defensive networks. (New Research Available: Advanced Defensive Emplacements.)

Military Movements:
-The United States is continuing to pull in as many officers as they can.
-The Russians are mobilizing forces in response to your increased readiness orders.
-China has begun construction of new military bases.
-Iran has increased military spending.

Income Report:
-Manpower: +3000
-Supplies: +3000
-Ammunition: +2000
-Industrial Capacity: +10,000
-Fuel: +20,000
-Electronics: +60,000
-Radioactives: +4000
-Research Points: +40,000

Diplomatic Considerations:
-The United States is attempting to put pressure on NATO member-states to contribute troops to the planned Diess Recon Expedition. Many in the EU are insulted by this and want the NATO treaty dissolved to prevent their troops being yanked away by the Americans.

-Russia is demanding that Poland stand down it's troops.

Internal Considerations:
-There is a conspiracy theorist spouting conjecture about a secret council manipulating the European Union from the shadows. While for now it is ignored save by other conspiracy nuts, as your grip tightens it could ring more truly. You will have to deal with this, quietly.

New Intel has been added to the Master Data Sheet.

New Production has been added to the Master Data Sheet.

New Infrastructure has been added to the Master Data Sheet.
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Beetlegeuse grunted. "The russians seem to be acting up. Someone should get on that. I'll work on solidifying our gains with China."

Social: Help China develop its own research apparatus via training chinese scientists and providing hefty 'loans' to help it afford to build labs, universities, etc. The exact date these loans need to be paid back is, of course, something to be discussed at a later date, preferably when this whole 'Posleen' thing has blown over. As an olive branch, offer the same thing to Russia.

Production: Artillery Batteries Infrastructure

Research: Molecular Computing, 100,000

Covert: Attempt to find out if there exist any Darhel dupes in the EU/China.
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"Ugh, damn conspiracy nuts, making my job harder." Growled Anzec in an irritated voice. "They want to poke the hornets nest, they need to be stung."

Production: We may have the direct approach, a hammer to crush our enemies with, but we need a knife in the dark, teams of wetworks and covert operatives specialised in more subtle and off - the - books work to be trained and placed in the field. What we require is a hidden base within which to train and prepare disposable, specialised spies and assassins with which we can deal with our enemies from the shadows.

Military: Begin intensive training for all soldiers, may they be army, navy, air force or paramilitary. All must be trained above and beyond all those in other nations. Whilst quantity may have its own quality, quality in and of itself in inherently superior to drowning your foes in bodies like those pathetic Russians. If a foreign soldier is capable of killing 10 men, every one of our men and women in the Armed Forces must be able to kill 15. The armies of the EU shall rule via both superior technology and superior skill!

Research: Hydrogen Rocketry: 100/10,000RP, add remaining 9900 RP

Design: Our weapons may work, but in some cases are unwieldy, not as precise and perfect as the weapons the greatest union in the world deserves, thus our designers need to be put to work on fine tuning and ensuring the ergonomics of all weaponry used by the EU.

Covert: These conspiracy nuts are beginning to be a thorn in our sides, a thorn that needs to be removed and the bush from which it formed used for firewood. Thus work needs to be done to discredit any and all theorists speaking of an EU shadow cabal, any possible evidence found and removed, their accounts scrubbed and covered with infractions, even hacking them and entering psychotic ramblings under their names to make it seem like they've snapped and are insane. And should even these measures fail and they need to be permanently dealt with then placing them under arrest for falsified charges to ensure they are delivered to prisons for extensive lengths of time need to be performed.

Social: Begin speaking with the political figures in Russia in hopes of de escalating conflict with them, possibly offering incentives to like minded political figures in exchange for them distracting those against us in hopes of possible gaining an alliance or non-aggression pact with the Russians.
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Hans swore under his breath and rubbed at the bridge of his nose at the report of the Russians' activity. "What did you think was going to happen," he grumbled. Getting into a pissing match with the Russian Federation was the last thing they needed, not with the apparent Posleen threat and their so-called Darhel 'benefactors' toying with them.

Production: Prepare at least one fallback location in case the Alps base is discovered and breached. It doesn't need to be as elaborate or as large; as long as it is hidden, it will suffice.

Military: Standardized field equipment. Guns are nice, but there's more to soldiery than shooting at things; armour, radios, and the like are all vital to ensuring that our troops can effectively operate in the field and come home alive. The unified forces should have likewise standard equipment, and training in its proper use; if nothing else, it will streamline our supply needs. The best designs from across the formerly-separate forces should be used, as is economical. Go for ruggedness and survivability first.

Research: Medical Nanotechnology - 30,000 RP

Design: The lifeblood of the EU is the citizenry. Our duty is to them, first and foremost, and they must be protected as such. Begin design of reinforced bunkers and emergency shelters which civilians can retreat to should the worst happen and our cities come under attack.

Covert: Assist in the effort to uncover any Darhel spies within our borders. The Americans are the world's premier superpower, and if the Darhel managed to infiltrate them... Well, it's not unlikely they might have compromised us as well.

Social: Assist in the efforts to cool Russia down.
Social: Opinions of the Darhel are mixed all across the world, but most see accepting their offer as the only choice for survival. While many scientists may be eager to play with whatever new technologies these aliens have to offer, there are surely just as many who are dubious of such offers or may fear that our scientific dependency on another civilization may harm humanity in the long run. Search for and recruit these great minds and invite them to Europe where they may continue their own works and collaborations in supporting human scientific endeavors.

Production: Field Bases

Military: Have our military leaders confront the US on their attempts to pressure NATO forces into providing troops. Open up applications for troops to be sent on the US-led recon mission, but only on a volunteer basis of those who are willing to go. Give all those who may be considering to apply a good understanding of what they are risking and losing to go on this mission, but promote the idea to be among some of the first humans to set foot on another world, but combat the alien threat and provide valuable intelligence to those they defend back home.

Research: Improved radar tech. Radar remains one of the world's most efficient and longest range early warning systems, and its use in weapon systems and target tracking are not to be forgotten either.

Design: Begin design of an improved early warning system of incoming attacks from space. As is, space-based monitoring largely consists of government agencies who monitor the orbits of satellites, and various scientific observatories and universities studying the stars. An organized and well established system must be put into place. Invite all the nations of the world in implementing this program, and offering positions to help develop it to the major powers of the world, such as the US, China, and Russia. Have these fellow developers request information from the Darhel on exactly what to look for from Polseen vessels, and any kind of signatures they may emit aside from the usual norm.

Covert: Begin gathering and organizing intelligence on Darhel infiltrators in the US, while slowly leaking to them when and where the Darhel are interfering with their actions and policies. Begin building ties with those that our operatives can be assured of their loyalty to humanity, or at the very least the well being and freedom of the United States, emphasizing the idea that it is the entire world at stake, and that cooperation will be necessary.
Social: The monetary union that the Euro promises next year will bind Europe closer together. However, the imbalance between the fiscal policies and the United monetary policy could pose a problem. See if we can try for further integration: If not fiscal union, then at least a series of common limitations and requirements.
Production: Start Production on a large, cylindrical accelerator, buried beneath a certain patch of land. This will allow us to extend research into high energy particles even further. Call it... The large hadron collider.
Military: Build a new Carrier force, for the defence of the UK, Iceland, Ireland and the Nordic countries.
Research: The creation of a bionic contact lens. This will not only allow soliders to see precisely what they are aiming that, but for documents to be used on the fly, and augmented reality manuals which means that much more complicated devices can be fixed with no instruction. (15,000 initial, 5,000 a turn)
Design: A common language for the EU, one that is easy for all members to learn and has a basis in all current member languages.
Covert: Set up a common agency so that everyone from MI6 to the DGSI. Es
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Hans glanced over Sunati's proposal, and winced "Contact lenses might not be the best platform for this idea," the big Dane warned. "There's problems with power for something that small, and I'd be uncomfortable putting something like this in my eye. Even ignoring the risk of injury if the thing should happen to fry itself in the field, contact lenses are simply impractical to wear for long periods, and soldiers aren't allowed wearing corrective ones in the field for precisely that reason. We make them wear glasses because they're easier to put on and remove, and harder to lose or destroy; the idea is sound, but integrated into glasses or goggles would be better."
Social: Help China develop its own research apparatus via training chinese scientists and providing hefty 'loans' to help it afford to build labs, universities, etc. The exact date these loans need to be paid back is, of course, something to be discussed at a later date, preferably when this whole 'Posleen' thing has blown over. As an olive branch, offer the same thing to Russia.

Result: Success

Russia refuses your deal, but China is agreeable and they are equally understand about the nature of the 'loans' to their research apparatus.

(-300 RP per turn)
(China may offer a unique unit as random Diplomatic Considerations for a trade deal.)

Production: Artillery Batteries Infrastructure

Result: Success!

155mm Howitzer positions are quickly established across the European Union, placed and pre-sighted to rain hell down on enemy. Based on considerations for range, and the need to maximise defensive firepower, a new model of self-propelled Artillery may allow for better unification of EU forces, and allow for improved logistics.

(Artillery Batteries Produced: +2600 Firepower for the European Union.)
(New Available Research: New Model Artillery.)

Research: Molecular Computing, 100,000

Result: Success!

With the influx of new funding and support, the research on Molecular Computer is completed in record time.

Molecular Computer allows for the creation of computing structures with molecules to act as microscopic, high-speed and highly energy-efficient switches, allowing for massively boosted computing speeds, more sophisticated and advanced programming, and it is theorised that it could be possible to make better nanotechnology and even begin looking into the creation of true AI technology, intelligent and self-aware programs that while will be unlikely to have any capacity for conversation, will be very capable when employed as part of defensive weapon emplacements as well as controlling nanotechnology, avoiding Grey Goo scenarios.

(Nanotechnology projects reduced by 10,000 RP)
(New Research Available: AI Technology - 7,000,000 RP)

Covert: Attempt to find out if there exist any Darhel dupes in the EU/China.

Result: Nat 100!

The Chinese and their closed, highly stratified military and politics, are clean of Darhel influence, but across Europe your carefully screened covert agents have to frame, arrest and in a few situations kill Darhel-influenced members of various opposition parties who are espousing a number of things that would make defending Europe much more difficult in the long term or just being plain obstructive.

This is unacceptable. The council's control over Europe needs to be strengthened and you cannot strengthen it with Darhel influence in Europe.

(China is free from direct Darhel influence.)
(Darhel influence discovered in Europe. Private agents have unearthed the beginnings of a network of Darhel agents and dupes and have begun removing them.)
Production: We may have the direct approach, a hammer to crush our enemies with, but we need a knife in the dark, teams of wetworks and covert operatives specialised in more subtle and off - the - books work to be trained and placed in the field. What we require is a hidden base within which to train and prepare disposable, specialised spies and assassins with which we can deal with our enemies from the shadows.

Result: Failure

If it's one thing that Europeans are good at over their long history, it's knives in the dark, but a leak prevents the establishment of your assassination school as the undue attention is exacerbated by the lone, vocal conspiracy theorist.

Military: Begin intensive training for all soldiers, may they be army, navy, air force or paramilitary. All must be trained above and beyond all those in other nations. Whilst quantity may have its own quality, quality in and of itself in inherently superior to drowning your foes in bodies like those pathetic Russians. If a foreign soldier is capable of killing 10 men, every one of our men and women in the Armed Forces must be able to kill 15. The armies of the EU shall rule via both superior technology and superior skill!

Result: Success!

The new joint-training exercises are a big hit with the various armies, who in training together and learning from each other are able to form a basic but necessary level of camaraderie that hopefully will be the base for something more significant. The main problem highlighted by the training exercises is the personal weaponry of the soldiers as based on the data concerning Posleen biology, there will be a need for a return to full-size rifle rounds as well as more powerful propellents and more effective bullets to stand a chance.

(European Union Member state armies now have Cooperative level of Coordination.)
(It is now a priority to improve the weapons of the European Union to a single standard. Hint: Military Nanotech may open new paths...)

Research: Hydrogen Rocketry: 100/10,000RP, add remaining 9900 RP

Result: Success!

The development of working hydrogen rockets takes advantage of an abundant resource that is easily gathered, allowing for rockets capable of lifting larger payloads into space while in terms of long-range missiles they make the entire missile a flying bomb due to how volatile hydrogen is as a fuel. As it stands, the European Union's space programs have gotten a serious boost.

(Actions involving orbital infrastructure are now slightly easier.)
(New Technology developed: Hydrogen Rocket Motors.)

Design: Our weapons may work, but in some cases are unwieldy, not as precise and perfect as the weapons the greatest union in the world deserves, thus our designers need to be put to work on fine tuning and ensuring the ergonomics of all weaponry used by the EU.

Result: Critical Success!

By pure luck, Fabrique Nationale alongside Heckler & Koch both design a bullpup rifle and seeing the various improved aspects of each have combined to make a new model of rifle for the European Union forces, particularly those forces seconded to the 'European Continental Command' forces which act as your private military.

The HKFN22 is a bullpup rifle that actually brings back an old concept, caseless ammunition, and makes it work. The caseless rounds are of a larger caliber than the current rifles in service, designed for stopping power and penetration over longer ranges and the new rifle lives up expectations superbly.

With this new rifle, easily manufactured in the FN and HK factories as well as any other facilities across Europe, the EU's forces should be much more capable of facing down any foreign threat.

(Felin Riflemen Firepower improved by 700)

Covert: These conspiracy nuts are beginning to be a thorn in our sides, a thorn that needs to be removed and the bush from which it formed used for firewood. Thus work needs to be done to discredit any and all theorists speaking of an EU shadow cabal, any possible evidence found and removed, their accounts scrubbed and covered with infractions, even hacking them and entering psychotic ramblings under their names to make it seem like they've snapped and are insane. And should even these measures fail and they need to be permanently dealt with then placing them under arrest for falsified charges to ensure they are delivered to prisons for extensive lengths of time need to be performed.

Result: Minor Success!

While your agents manage to get the job done, the suddenness of their actions only lends further fuel to the fire, but the spread of conspiracy talk is curtailed as many realize that these shadowy agents are in fact monitoring message boards and forums.

(Conspiracy Theorists suppressed.)

Social: Begin speaking with the political figures in Russia in hopes of de escalating conflict with them, possibly offering incentives to like minded political figures in exchange for them distracting those against us in hopes of possible gaining an alliance or non-aggression pact with the Russians.

Result: Failure

Russia refuses to negotiate with your diplomats.
Production: Prepare at least one fallback location in case the Alps base is discovered and breached. It doesn't need to be as elaborate or as large; as long as it is hidden, it will suffice.

Result: Critical Success!

A series of fall-back bases are built in Britain, Norway and Spain, to ensure that there is always at least one headquarters for the coordination of European Forces no matter what happens.

Military: Standardized field equipment. Guns are nice, but there's more to soldiery than shooting at things; armour, radios, and the like are all vital to ensuring that our troops can effectively operate in the field and come home alive. The unified forces should have likewise standard equipment, and training in its proper use; if nothing else, it will streamline our supply needs. The best designs from across the formerly-separate forces should be used, as is economical. Go for ruggedness and survivability first.

Result: Success!

The Unified Military Equipment Review is one of the largest reviews of military equipment in the world, spanning multiple countries as European Continental Command begins introducing a single new standard in body-armour, communications equipment, and more to better unify the armies of the European Union and the greatly simplify logistics; these new standards had a greater impact however on the civilian sector, as the changes in the militaries promised signs that Europe was truly becoming united.

(European Union Forces now cost -100 Supplies less and -200 Electronics less.)
(Civilian morale improves, +100 Manpower per turn.)

Research: Medical Nanotechnology - 30,000 RP

Result: Success! 10,000 RP refunded!

With the new advances in Molecular Computing, the next generation of nanites, designed for medical purposes, is of a level of sophistication that nearly matches that of futurist visions, able to perform incredibly precise surgeries while overseen by specialist surgeons, seal wounds with incredible and visible speed, and even be able to reset bones without the need for casts or rebreaking the bone.

With this new technology integrated into field hospitals and the medical kits of Field Medics, these machines will greatly help to reduce casualties in combat.

(European Union Forces will recover increased numbers of casualties and suffer reduced combat casualties.)

Design: The lifeblood of the EU is the citizenry. Our duty is to them, first and foremost, and they must be protected as such. Begin design of reinforced bunkers and emergency shelters which civilians can retreat to should the worst happen and our cities come under attack.

Result: Success!

The new system of public emergency shelters and bunkers is in large part the construction of miniature cities underground, with Paris being the easiest as the ancient catacombs are mapped with sonar in order to provide the majority of tunnels connecting huge underground complexes to evacuate civilians into during a time of conflict.

Many political analysts take note of the construction of such defenses and for now believe it to simply be in response to Russia.

(New Infrastructure built: Underground Shelters)

Covert: Assist in the effort to uncover any Darhel spies within our borders. The Americans are the world's premier superpower, and if the Darhel managed to infiltrate them... Well, it's not unlikely they might have compromised us as well.

Result: Auto-Success

Social: Assist in the efforts to cool Russia down.

Result: Failure