Conclave of the Damned (Black Crusade Minicampaign)-closed!

Incidentally, I'll be allowing anything from the various Tomes for Black Crusade- anything from, say, the other FFG systems is on a case by case basis.
Incidentally, I'll be allowing anything from the various Tomes for Black Crusade- anything from, say, the other FFG systems is on a case by case basis.
On seconds thoughts I don't think I'll be able to play this one, bit busy right now but another time I would be down for it.
I mean yeah, if you guys are starting off with your own ship, I'd crib the Rogue Trader rules for that sort of thing as you guys go off on wacky evil pirate adventures.


I'd groan a bit because I'm not a Rogue Trader fan
But money! And spaceships! And money! And unexplored, xenos-filled death planets with hidden archeotech!

RT is best FFG you heretic!
...but I could potentially work with it. Elaborate? :p
Pirate Prince gotta have an epic space boat to pirate from, and this being the kind of game it is in the kind of community this is, people (read: me) demanding precise stats for everything is pretty much a given so that they know exactly how they can and can't exploit everything.

That said, I am quite capable of recognizing that anything too crazy winds up completely changing the focus of the game from whatever it was going to be to "Rogue Trader-lite but with Chaos," so unless both you and the other players are fine with something more elaborate I'll probably just stick with one of the standard Chaos vessels out of the back of Battlefleet Koronus.

...I also might just ditch the Pirate Prince in favor of a crazed Heretek. Gotta flip a coin.
I suggest window shopping in Rogue Trader, Battlefleet Koronus, or Into the Storm for potential hulls to run by your fellow Heretics. No planet killer but go for what you think might be fun- if it's too much I'll shoot it down but you may be pleasantly surprised.

I'm perfectly okay with Pirate Prince- it gives the campaign some focus!
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Starting XP: 5000 extra on top of starting XP (7000), meaning +15 additional Infamy (on top of the starting Infamy of 19+1d5) and +25 additional Corruption on top of however much you'd have started with for characters that didn't take an advanced class from one of the Tomes.

If you took an advanced class, just use the Infamy and Corruption modifiers from there instead. Making a character from the Tomes effectively costs 3600 XP for a Chaos Marine template or 4600 for a human template- per page 26 of Tome of Fate.

Starting abilities are on page 49 and 50 of the Black Crusade core rulebook.

EDIT: Revised up to account for advanced classes in Tomes.
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Archetype: Pirate Prince
Pride: Charm
Disgrace: Greed
Motivation: Dominion

- WS: 40
- BS: 40
- S: 34
- T: 29
- AG: 42
- Int: 33
- Per: 38
- WP: 44
- Fel: 69
- Inf: 44

Acrobatics (Ag)
Awareness +20 (Per)
Charm (Fel) +20
Command +10 (Fel)
Commerce (Int)
Common Lore (Imperial Navy, Imperium, Ragged Helix, Screaming Vortex) (Int)
Deceive +20 (Fel)
Dodge (Ag) +20
Forbidden Lore (Daemonology, Pirates, The Warp) (Int)
Linguistics (Low Gothic) (Int)
Navigate (Stellar) (Int)
Operate (Voidship +10) (Int)
Parry (WS)
Scrutiny (Per)
Security (Int)
Trade (Voidfarer) (Int)

Air of Authority
Cold Hearted
Double Team
Enemy (Imperial Navy)
Excessive Wealth
Iron Discipline
Lightning Reflexes
Quick Draw
Rapid Reaction
Two-Weapon Wielder (Melee, Ranged)
Weapon Training (Bolt, Chain, Las, Plasma, Power, Primary, SP)

The Quick and the Dead
Maniacal Narcissist (Operate [Voidship])
Creatures of Comfort

6x Best Plasma Pistol
Best Power Weapon
Best Light Power Armor (Customization: Chain Loinguard, Sub-Systems: Life Sustainer, Magnetized Boots, Sustainable Power Source)
Best Conversion Field
Good Alcohol

Wounds: 12

Infamy Points: 4
Corruption Points: 29

Gifts of The Gods:
Eye of Chaos

Psy Rating: -
Psychic Powers: -

Alignment: Slaanesh [10]
Tzeentch [3]

Minion of Chaos (500)
Simple Fellowship (100) [Slaanesh]
Intermediate Fellowship (250) [Slaanesh]
Trained Fellowship (500) [Slaanesh]
Expert Fellowship (750) [Slaanesh]
Simple Willpower (250) [Tzeentch]
Two-Weapon Wielder (500)
Sidearm (750)
Weapon Training (250)
Charm +10 (200) [Slaanesh]
Charm +20 (400) [Slaanesh]
Deceive +10 (200) [Slaanesh]
Deceive +20 (400) [Slaanesh]
Common Lore (200)
Forbidden Lore (200) [Tzeentch]
Forbidden Lore (200) [Tzeentch]
Dodge +10 (200) [Slaanesh]
Dodge +20 (400) [Slaanesh]
Infamy (500)
Awareness +20 (500)

Experience Total
Current: 150
Spent: 11850

BS: 01
WS: 01
S: 10
T: 35
Ag: 22
Int: 35
Per: 35
WP: 35
Fel: 01

Awareness +10
Psyniscience +10


Size (1)
Machine (4)

Psy Rating:
Psychic Powers:
-Mind Link
-Mind Probe
-Psychic Scream
-Thought Sending

Chem Injector
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I might try and make a Heretek. Gotta read the Black Crusade rulebook first. Never played that one, only Dark Heresy.
You're in, have fun! We're also using the other Tome supplements, and anything else (ie: If you want to use stuff from the other systems, ask on a case by case basis.)

Party's got a Warpsmith, a social sorceress, and a pirate captain right now, if that makes any difference!
You're in, have fun! We're also using the other Tome supplements, and anything else (ie: If you want to use stuff from the other systems, ask on a case by case basis.)

Party's got a Warpsmith, a social sorceress, and a pirate captain right now, if that makes any difference!

Okay. Right now I'm thinking of making a bio specialized Heretek who is a very good medic, so long as you don't mind him borrowing a few organs for his own experimentation.
Mulciber Infernas, of the Black Legion, Veteran of the Long War. The Nightmare Smith. Hated Foe of the Church and its Daughters, and Despised of the Omnissiah.

And his faithful minions...

WS: 30
BS: 25
Strength: 30
Toughness: 20
Agility: 20
Intelligence: 35
Willpower: 13
Perception: 1
Fellowship: 1

Tech Use+10
Forbidden Lore(Daemonology)

Berzerk Charge
Bolt Weapon Training
Chain Weapon Training

Brutal Charge(2)

WS: 5
BS: 5
Strength: 14
Toughness: 35
Agility: 15
Perception: 30
Willpower: 35
Intelligence: 35
Fellowship: 1

Tech Use
Forbidden Lore(Daemonology)+10

Cold Hearted
Child of the Warp

Unnatural Willpower(2)


Host of Fiends
Personal Augery
Manifest Flame
One With the Flame
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Port Horus
Welcome to Port Horus- Watch your step, and keep your eyes open. There's no shortage of opportunists- or worse things- looking to prey on the weak here, and newcomers stand out as easy pickings.

Port Horus. Once known as the proud Imperial star fortress "Light of Reason", this vast, decrepit ruin is a twisted and broken parody of its former self. Forcibly "liberated" by an enterprising (and long since forgotten) band of heretics from a Space Hulk countless centuries ago, it acts as a gateway for all manner of unclean and unpleasant individuals either fleeing the wrath of the Imperium or seeking to make their way deeper into that corrupt empire.

Aliens rub shoulders with renegades rub shoulders with things that have no name. Generations of heretics have passed through its cramped corridors or spilled their lifeblood on its corroded deck plates. Entire cultures of mutant abominations have risen- and occasionally been slaughtered out of necessity or sport- in the depths of the hulk's rotten heart. Gangs constantly vie for supremacy, reavers restock and prepare for future raids, and the population-such as it is- claw among themselves in the dark, struggling to eke out a living or rise from the dark to lord it over their fellows. Mad prophets scream blindly in the passageways, spouting gibberish and unsavory revelations in equal measure- often before being torn apart by their fellows or gutted for their meager belongings.

Entire sections of the cross-shaped, massive Port have fallen into permanent ruin, impassable due to lack of air or less obvious dangers.

Heretics have grafted countless new structures on or over the wreckage- docking clamps, bolted on hanger bays, void temples, whole sections salvaged from other ships- until the original architecture is all but buried under directionless and haphazard additions like moss over a stone. Half-broken air recyclers- solely maintained by a particularly nasty heretek cult which charges a hefty tithe for their work- struggle to keep the scum, murderers, and monsters that call this place home from choking to death. Everything on the station leeches from the dim flickers of power coming from the station's ancient- and largely dormant- warp drive. Random power fluctuations- usually every few years- have been known to cause minor explosions or catastrophic deck shaking...but once the dust's settled, there's no shortage of rabble to replace the poor fools that got caught in the blasts.

Twisted and broken cannon batteries lie forgotten and disused, only intact for lack of air to cause them to rust- the handful of great macrocannons that are still operational have managed to deal with the odd Rogue Trader, Ork raider, or foolhardy reavers that've tried to attack the ruined fort over the centuries...mostly due to the fact that an outsider that attacks Port Horus is one of the few things that can (relatively) unify its squabbling occupants- and their motley fleets of ships. This has sufficed to keep the Port "safe"- or at least functional- over the years.

This is Port Horus. As renegade ports go, it could be a lot worse.
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