Comic Relief Quest

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Your name is Taiga Takagi, and many would say that you are a big, silly fool that has his heart...
Couching Moron, Hidden Badass


Sleep Zombie
Your name is Taiga Takagi, and many would say that you are a big, silly fool that has his heart on his sleeve and who could not find his way out of a wet paper bag. That's alright with you, that is what you want other to see after all, ever since you met your best friend. Sugimoto haven't a clue either, that you are in fact quite capable as far as soon to be high school students go… that you're playing the idiot because he got the worst case of trouble magnet you ever saw in your life. Seriously, the guy get in trouble by going to the local convenience store: he get in trouble for a carton of milk!

You noticed that quickly enough when the two of you met in kindergarten, and modifying your behavior was no big deal when it meant you got to protect your brother in all but blood. Things had gone smoothly since then, with your working from the shadows so that the poor sucker doesn't get into too much trouble for him to handle on his own. You're a pretty good secret guardian angel, if you say so yourself!

The problem is that you both are entering high school this year, and a fact you had never noticed before is about to make itself known. That important fact is this: Rento Sugimoto is the protagonist of a…

[ ] Shounen manga
[ ] Shoujo manga
[ ] Seinen manga
[ ] Josei manga
[ ] Harem manga

Let's just say you will have your work cut out for you from now on. Good luck. You'll need it.
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[X] Shounen manga

I just have this feeling that everything will go wrong.

But fuck everything, this will be hilarious.
Question to all: Should the Harem manga win, would you guys prefer a small cast or a hilariously huge number of waifus?
Huge, and half of them is Tsundere for the protagonist, and the protagonist is a unlucky pervert for maximum pain. For my amusement
Huge, and half of them is Tsundere for the protagonist, and the protagonist is a unlucky pervert for maximum pain.

You may be happy to know that the next round (who will start tonight I think) will chose the subgenre, that means that some kind of super mega academy of doom is possible for even more unlucky protagonist time.
ok we should go

[x] Shounen manga

seinen is for older males so basically their is gonna be more blood and we are more likely gonna get killed. I am fine with josei if we have a waifu.

we CANNOT do a harem manga. our friend will be a babe magnet and the girls wont even look at us. so no relationships.
It looks like you guys will have a ridiculously attractive friend as the Harem manga is in the lead.