Vote tally - Comic book publisher: Make a splash!

Scheduled vote count started by Blackangel on Oct 17, 2022 at 6:29 PM, finished with 10 posts and 4 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Comic book publisher: Make a splash!
Post #54
Post #63


  • [X]He was born with sharp teeth, claws, and weird sharp ears. His mother, fearing that she gave birth to a devil spawn, but unwilling to kill her own child, left him in the wild.
    [X]The spirit forest. The forest entrance appears somewhere within a 300 mile radius smack dab in the center of Kobuk valley national park(It's not a national park then, but roll with it.). This forest is often hidden and poachers often try to find it to hunt the spirits within.
    [X]In his werewolf form he is 8 feet tall, is black in color with white lightning bolt patterns in its fur, strong durable muscles that are steel-like in hardness, slender in figure that somehow hides said muscles, teeth and claws that practically radiate how sharp they are.
    [X] Plan Fortuna Dos
    -[X]Write in: T-shirts and Overalls
    -[X]Write in: Shining Stars Academy
    -[X]An older woman in her 40s, she's Caucasian, 6 feet tall, and is slender in figure. She has an outgoing personality, very observant of her surroundings, and overall a good teacher.
    -[X]Write in: Black turtle neck, White waist band, Layered knee high black tulle skirt front with the back half reaching and dragging on the floor. Her mask being a White masquerade dance mask.
    -[X]Very loud, attention-seeking, and proud. She abuses her luck and is almost carefree while fighting, this is due to guns almost always jamming when pointed at her.
    -[X]No change.
    [X] Mr. Wizard Specialist
    [X] Niece is magic and studing to be more like research and create new spell
    [X] Specialist
    [X]Some street level entities that can range anywhere from goblins and bookies to at his best a single troll.
    [X] Mr Wizard
    -[X] Street level entities that can range anywhere from a dozen goblins and bookies to a couple of trolls.
    --[X] At his best, with a couple of days of preparation time, to craft the appropriate ritual and whatnot, he can safely deal with up to a lesser fae courtier or a hundred-year-old vampire.
    ---[X] anything beyond that, he needs outside support such as other magic-users, rival supernatural entities, or superplanar spirits such as gods (he primarily deals with Celtic ad nordic pantheons), angelic host or Djinn
    ---[X] He is notably ill-equipped to deal with enemy Human magic-users, and there must resort to guile, cunning and naked force.
    -[X]His niece is a magic user in training.
    --[X] Most of their other relatives are magic aware but incapable of using magic. Only a few each generation can learn magic, despite its history of magic users.
    --[X] When angry, annoyed or enraged, both Bairre and Barbara (once she shows up) tend to swear by the name of great uncle Reggie (Reginald Euan).
    -[X] He specializes in capture and banishment magic. He has a few big spells in this field he can use!
    --[X] Describe some: Banishment by Oak and Ash - Speaks Dair ag Nion and points at the inhuman foe. A semi-homing ray extends from Mr. Wizards hand and strikes the foe throwing them for 5-6 feet and knocking them prone. Depending on the size of his foes, can hit multiple smaller opponents. Visibly strains and is left winded when hitting opponents bigger/more massive than him, or if the opponent has notable resistance and/or resiliance against magic. Does nothing against humans or terrestrial animals. If channeled through his banishing rod, the range becomes mele, but the power of the spell increases many times - e.g. human sized target gets thrown as much as 100 yards; Binding by Wine and Willow - Speaks Muin ag Sail and points at person or object. Spectral wines erupt from out of seemingly nowhere and tie up what has been pointed at bound objects or people are subjected to a limited form of telekinesis; Delving by Hawthorne and Blackthorne - speaks Uath ag Straif and gains sense of he direction and distance to the nearest planar gate/breach. By adding Rowan to the spell - Uath ag Sraif ag Luis, he also gains sense of the nature of the breach/gate and approximately when the last time anything/one passed through it.
    --[X]Basically, use Ogham runes and invent spells as necessary, keeping in mind that spell 'threshold levels' are three and seven runes, and Bairre can only go up to four runes on his own (Barbara only one). The more runes used, the stronger the spell
    --[X] When crafting rituals, runes are carved, inscribed, built, etc into and out of natural materials - plant and animal parts, unprocessed/uncut ores and crystals, natural beeswax, handmade clay and cement, that kind of thing, and time of day is important rather than astronomical/astrological influences (First light of day, high noon, twilight, second hour after midnight, etc...)