[X][Healing] First priority is saving lives; get a doctor or nurse to help you prioritize. Ideally, explain your healing capabilities (and the major side effects) to the nurse while you help stabilize the worst patients. Focus on using weaker spells, endurance will be more important than healing people fully for the immediate future. Don't worry about aesthetics until people are no longer in danger of immediately dying. If you have energy left over, then you can take the time going around to try and remove the side effects of healing magic.
-[X][Healing] Blacklist: Any healing spells that cause permanent side effects besides attunement chains composed of diamond, graphite, blood and plant.
[X][Healing] Write In Plan
-[X][Healing] Whitelist. You will ONLY use a small set of magics that you trust. Write-in magics that you are willing to use as-needed during this event, in addition to your plan.
[X][Healing] Write In Plan: ONLY saving lives matters. This is not the time for caution, hesitation, or caring for future consequence. We need to thinking bigger than giving personalized treatments one at a time. For that, we need lots of mana, and to get that mana we need dust, in larger amounts than we brought. What might we have in the immediate vicinity? There's lots of blood, water, sand, and splintered wood.
-[X][Healing] we should be able to use Clay Mana to transmute water into dust and burn that for arcane mana. Use that arcane mana to gather up the plentiful blood in the area, use clay and sand mana to turn that into blood dust. Then we use a HUGE amount of water dust to make arcane mana, and a HUGE amount of blood dust to create blood mana, MIX them, and scream out all the pain we see around us in a single spell that burns everything we have. FUCK consequences and secrecy and holding back, this is BIGGER than us.
-[X][Healing] Arcane + blood (Screamed while crying and gesticulating wildly upwards and all around) "Blood and water, hear my plea,
-[X][Healing] Blacklist. ONLY saving lives matters. This is not the time for caution, hesitation, or caring for future consequence. So Blacklist. And that list is empty.