[X][Mana] Mana-Test Materials (Denature and test pure elements. Chlorine and Sodium can be found in salt or bleach, calcium from bones, sulfur from eggs, fluorine from toothpaste, potassium from bananas, etc.)
[X][Mana] Test a few basic items submerged in water, e.g. Arcane(?*) > Sand, Arcane > Copper, Arcane > Graphite. (Ignore this if the result if it results in thaumic mana still).
[X][Mana] Healing magic v.3: Thaum > Kidney > Liver; Thaum > Graphite > Copper; Thaum > Graphite > Copper > Copper; Thaum > Sweat > Graphite > Coal; Thaum > Kidney > Graphite; Thaum > Skin > Paper (might work to cover up visual side-effects); Try and make an Arcane Mana healing spell using the chant: Stitch and clot and set that sprain, Your wounds are gone, if not the stain.
[X][Daily Activities] What sort of things will you do during the day?
-[X][Daily Activities] Visit a location (Go to the Library and do research on various cape organizations which would like to affiliate with rouges, who are operating in Brockton Bay and the surrounding areas. Examine their policies, practices, restrictions, conditions, status, Everything. If we have time consider looking into the MIRRIS initiative the PRT/Protectorate offers as well, and compare and contrast the two. We should also be able to print off the information we find and take it home with us to go over with dad, though we may have to pay for printing services. Print off some related pages which are less relevant to us, but still concern such agencies. Mostly to obfuscate our intentions further and make sure no one suspects anything more then a likely school related project.)
--[X][Daily Activities] Also look into parahuman assisted investigations and what is or isn't allowed.
[X][Daily Activities] What sort of things will you do during the day?
-[X][Daily Activities] Spend time with dad.
-[X][Daily Activities] Stay at home (Enhances other actions)
[X][Cape Activities] What will you do as Sage?
-[X][Cape Activities] Continue your magical training.
--[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to produce more than a crude golem via Synthesis. Focus on Synthesis Crafting.
[X][Cape Activities] What will you do as Sage?
-[X][Cape Activities] Continue your magical training.
--[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to perfectly copy even a pigeon's memories. Focus on Brain Magic.
--[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to produce more than a crude golem via Synthesis. Focus on Synthesis Crafting.
-[X][Daily Activities] Stay at home (Enhances other actions)
[X][Project] You'll begin a project of some kind.
-[X][Project] Something Else (Dad gets his weapon now. Ask him about what he wants, and try to construct something suitable. The weapon should be small, or capable of folding into a small formfactor, should be at least as effective as an average normal gun, or bladed weapon depending on his preference, and should ideally have some special quirk or function. If we make the weapon with lots of wood parts, or at least, a wooden exterior it could also likely be passed off as a show or art piece. Make the Suggestion of a Wood Plated, Organic Revolver, with internal cactus thorns like what we made before, with the gimmick of using bioelectricty in the Thorns to also shock and tazze a target.)