Vote tally - Combinatorial Explosion (Worm/Original)

Adhoc vote count started by Shadestyle on Feb 1, 2021 at 2:24 PM, finished with 14 posts and 6 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Combinatorial Explosion (Worm/Original)
Post #309
Post #322

  • 6

    [X][Mana] Mana-Test Materials (Write-In)
    -[X][Mana] Attempt to string together an Attunement Chain (Thaum > Brain > Zinc; Thaum > Zinc > Brain; Thaum > Brain > Tungsten; Thaum > Tungsten > Brain; Thaum > Brain > Rose Gold; Thaum > Rose Gold > Brain; Thaum > Copper > Brain; Thaum > Brain > Copper; Thaum > Brain > Blood; Thaum > Blood > Brain; )
    [X][Mana] Test rose gold to see if we can control the petal size and specifically when in the past it shows.
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Platinum>Diamond
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Diamond>Platinum
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Graphite>Platinum
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Platinum>Graphite
    [X][Mana] Salt>Quartz
    [x][mana]salt >zinc
    [X][Mana] True Water
    [X][Mana] True Diamond
    [X][Mana] True Air
    [X][Mana] True Quartz
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Graphite
    [X][Mana] Mana-Test Materials (Write-In)
    -[X][Mana] Study a target for Phomens (Diamond, Graphite)
    -[X][Mana] Healing magic v0.2: (Clone) + (Energy Sphere) > Mild Steel > Salt > Tungsten > Crystal Quartz > Graphite > Graphite; Thaum > Diamond > Diamond; Thaum > Diamond > Diamond > Diamond; Thaum > Graphite > Kidney; Thaum > Salt > Copper > Graphite; Thaum > Salt > Copper > Graphite > Graphite; Thaum > Egg > Graphite > Bread
    -[X][Mana] What are those question marks in Time? and Absorb?: Thaum > Copper > Copper > Graphite; Thaum > Copper > Copper > Copper > Graphite; Thaum > Salt > Copper > Copper; Thaum > Aluminum > Aluminum > Tungsten; Thaum > Aluminum > Aluminum > Aluminum > Tungsten;
    -[X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Knife, Glasses)
    -[X][Mana] Antigravity and Gravity magic: Thaum > Salt > (Gravity); (Ripfield) > (Gravity); (Curse) > (Gravity); Thaum > Aluminum > (Gravity);
    -[X][Mana] Misc. tests: Thaum > Zinc > Zinc > Zinc > Zinc; Thaum > Zinc > Zinc > Zinc > Zinc > Zinc; Thaum > Platinum > Blood > Zinc; Thaum > Air > Platinum; Thaum > (Catalyst) + (Enzyme) > Salt, attempt to use this to separate out a pure element (e.g. carbon and iron from steel);
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Platinum
    [X][Mana] Quartz>Salt
    [X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Glowstone)
    [X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Wardstone)
    [X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Lumic Condensite)
    [X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Sage (the plant not the Rouge))
    [X][Mana] Test a piece of equipment's True Attunement (Wheat)
    [X][Mana] Attempt to string together an Attunement Chain (Bird > Lumic Condensite)
    [X][Mana] Test a Transmutation (Stone Free on Plants/Wood)
    [X][Mana] Something Else (Instead of directly attuning, isolate a shard of Lumic Condensite, and bathe it in light made by various mana types, such as Cobold Gleam, Serene Light, Warm Glow, Lunar Sunglow , Light of the Vampire, And other magical lights that strike us as intresting.)
    [X][Mana] Using Arcane Mana, string together a spell with the phonems, Daka, Goun and Bang, to form launching large hands.
    [X][Mana] Leave a small bead of sea glass on the roof and wait for it to become saturated.
  • 4

    [X][Daily Activities] What sort of things will you do during the day?
    -[X][Daily Activities] Call the number that weird lady velcro'd to you.
    [X][Daily Activities] What sort of things will you do during the day?
    -[X][Daily Activities] Do NOT Call the number that weird lady velcro'd to you.
    [X][Daily Activities] What sort of things will you do during the day?
    -[X][Daily Activities] Visit a location (Acquire other pure elements and test mana on them. Go shopping on the Boardwalk for things like an old mercury thermometer, a magnesium firestarter and a helium balloon. A rock shop might have small samples of pure elements like sulfur, arsenic and bismuth.)
    -[X][Daily Activities] Call the number that weird lady velcro'd to you.
  • 2

    [X][Research] Is that all you know?
    -[X][Research] No (Phenoms from natural sounds and human-perceived onomatopoeias typically exhibit thematically appropriate effects, e.g. Bang, Zap, Snip. Attunement chains always display the same type and roughly the same effect as the last attuned element, except in the case of transmutations.)
    [X][Research] Is that all you know?
    -[X][Research] No (Synthesis seem to be more of a sub branch of transmutation that produces "grist" to transmute, with the only difference from raw silicon mana being an applied enchantment since the core material is the same for all synthesis types. Also, willpower can modify how and even if mana interacts with certain materials very easily, such as rapidly attuning without applying the magical effect, applying effects without attuning and even bypassing materials to get at things contained within.)
  • 3

    [X][Name] What should you name the pigeon?
    -[X][Name] Write-in: Thoth
    [X][Name] What should you name the pigeon?
    -[X][Name] Write-in (Pepper)
    -[X][Name] Write-in: Thoth
    [X][Name] What should you name the pigeon?
    -[X][Name] Write-in: Psyche
  • 3

    [X][Cape Activities] What will you do as Sage?
    -[X][Cape Activities] Continue your magical training.
    --[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to perfectly copy even a pigeon's memories. Focus on Brain Magic
    -[X][Cape Activities] Stay at home (Enhances other actions)
    [X][Cape Activities] What will you do as Sage?
    -[X][Cape Activities] Continue your magical training.
    --[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to perfectly copy even a pigeon's memories. Focus on Brain Magic
    [X][Cape Activities] What will you do as Sage?
    -[X][Cape Activities] Continue your magical training.
    --[X][Cape Activities] Right now, your control over your mana isn't good enough to produce more than a crude golem via Synthesis. Focus on Synthesis )
  • 1

    [X][Project] You'll begin a project of some kind.
    -[X][Project] Create some form of Saffron Harvesting system
    --[X][Project] Use Golem Birds to harvest it. (After refining our ability to craft golems, we will begin creating golem birds, preferably good at climbing or capable of flight, and attempt to integrate some plant magic into them, or, perhaps transmute plants INTO golems. Either way, the golems should have plant based softish edges and be capable of gentle grips to not damage the saffron. Once picked, they should deliver it to a drying area, before moving it to a basket. If we so choose we could also have the birds handle packaging the saffron as well.)