so is the shelmet going to want to wear cool sun glasses :D
Honestly I had no plans to, but now you've put the idea in my head I think it would work. There are glasses with practical benefits in the games, after all.

Edit: I'll credit you with the idea if I do include them, thanks!
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I'm now imagining Naruto the Ninetales, Kakashi the Cacturne and Sasuke the Psyduck/Ducklet/Quaxly. Maybe Sai the Smeargle too.
I'm now imagining Naruto the Ninetales, Kakashi the Cacturne and Sasuke the Psyduck/Ducklet/Quaxly. Maybe Sai the Smeargle too.
The keywords for Sakura's Pokemon are "healing" and "pink", usually both where possible, though yes I tried to match them to specific Naruto characters in Sakura's life as well. I may have other Trainers' Pokemon being reminiscent of the Naruto characters I don't include on her team, though.
The keywords for Sakura's Pokemon are "healing" and "pink", usually both where possible, though yes I tried to match them to specific Naruto characters in Sakura's life as well. I may have other Trainers' Pokemon being reminiscent of the Naruto characters I don't include on her team, though.
Alright. Healing + Pink + Johto Region
Gonna spit out some guesses.

Major Guesses
Miltank - Milk Drink provides healing both for self and others.

Hoppip/Shiny Jumpluff - Synthesis, Ingrain, Leech Seed, Pollen Puff, Mega/Giga Drain, Grassy Terrain, Strength Sap. Huge amount of healing potential both for itself and for allies.

Slowpoke line - Can learn Heal Pulse and also Slack Off, can have the ability Regenerator.

Clefairy lines- Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Healing Wish,

Corsola - Recover, Life Dew, Aqua Ring, and the abilities Regenerator or Natural Cure

Weaker possibilities
Chansey line - I feel if Sakura really wanted one, she could easily get one from the Joy clan.

Jigglypuff line - Basically almost the same as Clefairy line, but in general has less healing moves available to it. It is conceivably less rare than Clefairy however, so it could easily be the Pokemon Sakura can locate.

Joke guesses
Mew - Can learn literally every healing move.

Shiny Celebi - Healing via time-travel shenanigans.

Of these guesses, Miltank is the only Pokemon where I can draw a pretty clear reference to a Naruto character, that being Tsunade. The combination of the super strength and the massive...erhem...womanly assets would absolutely a parallel to Tsunade.
Alright. Healing + Pink + Johto Region
Gonna spit out some guesses.
You're definitely on the right track, and I won't confirm or deny any of the guesses; just a tip to think about thematically appropriate Pokemon who can be found in Johto in the games no matter their actual Generation of origin :D
Chapter 8
Janine took a deep yet silent breath. Crouched unseen in the branches, she observed her target intently. This was one of the most crucial aspects of being a big sister, and she would not be found wanting.

Below her, Sakura stopped and looked up. She was visibly holding back a sigh.

"I know you're there, you know."

Janine ignored her, perfectly still on her chosen tree at the border of Fuchsia city grounds. She was one with the shadows. One with nature.

"...Want some of my mochi?"

Janine gently plucked the sweet from Sakura's outstretched hand. Sakura's other hand was covering her face, and Janine felt a mix of warmth and embarrassment melting her from within. She knew she needed to get faster at her movement technique, but her sister didn't say anything.

Together, the sisters ate the goodbye snack in companionable silence. Sakura hadn't wanted a flashy farewell, and she had already packed before the ceremony for a quick exit, as befit a true shinobi. Of course, she and Ino didn't leave until after hugging Aunt Joy, Koga, Janine herself and several of the Pokemon.

It still amused Janine to see Koga remaining stoic while being squished between Sakura and Ino in their group hug.

She had said goodbye already, both out loud and in her heart. Even if Sakura had stayed in Kanto, she likely wouldn't have returned until months later after the circuit wrapped up.

But still…

"I'll write to you, okay?" Sakura said, smiling. Both Ino and Sarada were in their Pokeballs, resting till Sakura reached the Saffron Train Station.

Janine was sure her face remained as calm and impassive as their father. But family always knew.

"I look forward to it."

The mochi had never tasted so sweet.
Chapter 9
"Hey hey! Do you want to battle?!"

Sakura blinked up at the boy standing next to her seat; though it would be more accurate to say he was vibrating in place. An unfamiliar Pokemon bobbed in the air beside the boy, matching his wavelength. Sparks seemed to fly in the air.

No, Sakura thought, and shook her head, getting rid of the last traces of fuzziness from her daydreaming. The view from the windows of the Magnet Train had been soothing even as they constantly shifted, and it made the perfect backdrop to rest up after her short hike from Fuchsia to Saffron. Feeling a prickle of guilt at her lack of situational awareness, she squinted at the boy. Her second impression was the right one.

There were actual sparks, shooting back and forth between the boy and the Pokemon, the latter being a yellow light-bulb with a smiley face. The boy had spiky yellow hair, making the effect even more striking.

A pang went through her as she looked at that hair. She instinctively focused on her breathing to calm down after the (thankfully metaphorical) shock. Looking closer at the boy, there were less resemblances to Naruto than she'd first seen. His eyes were dark brown and his face squarer. No whisker marks either, obviously enough.

But the expression on his face…energetic, excitable and passionate…That was the same.

Sakura tamped down on the budding hope she was feeling. His expression may make him look like Naruto, but there was no sign of recognition in his eyes. She knew she looked essentially the same as her past life, whatever quirk of fate and genetics giving her the same pink hair and green eyes.

It wasn't him.

"Sorry, random boy," she smiled at him. "Don't think we're allowed to fight on the Train."

The boy squinted in confusion, before his eyes widened in realization.

"Oh man, I'm too used to the Battle Subway!" He scratched his cheek sheepishly, looking around. Thankfully there weren't any other passengers in the compartment; Sakura had chosen the earliest possible time to avoid the rush specifically for that reason.

"I guess there's no space to battle, either…I did think that was weird."

"Tadbulb! Bulb!" his Pokemon chimed in, still hovering around his head.

"Sorry, pal. Guess we'll have to wait till we reach Goldenrod. Oh!" he perked up, back to staring at Sakura. "Will you battle me when we reach? I'm sorry, Visquez-neechan said not to bother anyone else on the train but I just saw you and thought you're definitely a strong Trainer and had to ask!"

Sakura blinked. Behind them, the compartment door chimed and opened. The constant stream of words was slightly too much for her still foggy-brain, but the familiarity of it was a welcome feeling.

Sakura sighed, but couldn't help the wave of fondness that washed over her. "Sure, let's do it."

"Awesome," he grinned, and she couldn't help smiling back. Then he looked up and frowned at something behind her. "Hey, what are you do-?"

Something shifted in the air behind her, and her instincts screamed. Finally fully awake, Sakura started to turn-

And fell into darkness.

Author's Note: I swear I don't mean to make things so angsty, it just seems inevitable when dealing with a transmigrated character. But Sakura's almost over the hill now regarding her past. Trust me?

And fun as it might be to encourage speculation, no the kid isn't Naruto reborn. Should be fairly obvious who he is, but it'll be revealed pretty soon (though given my track record so far, I definitely don't blame anyone for not trusting my definition of "pretty soon").