Cold War Babysub (Kantai SI, Other) And Fleet

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D'aww, the pink parrot is adorable. Of course, so is Cpl Mackerel, and pretty much anything she touches, so...
I'm sure her little fleet will become the most adorifying one around, even to the good guys.
That's new. I don't think I have ever seen a PoV from the fairies. It reminds me of an idea I had of rogue fairies without a ship girl boarding and capturing an abyssal ship.

Maybe they will be used to do something similar? I don't think she has the crew for it though.

Now I'm wondering if there's a story where the MC is a fairy SI and how the heck that would work.
Hmm, Hastar, Admiral_Kotori, Ancient Scholar, have you fine fellows seen "Three Frigates and The Abyss" ?

While the fairy in question didn't *start* the story as one, it's looking a lot like they're going to be staying one for the remainder of the story.
I'll look at it thanks.

since I was bored and got hung up on it (curse you plot bunnies) I thought about it and for some reason I got hung up on a weird double Isekai with the fairy being an SI and the shipgirl they are on an isekai protag. Also shamelessly stealing from Ace Combat because these games are amazing and that's the only way I could think of to make the combat scenes interesting from the point of view of the fairy that's not multiple variations of 'I aimed the ship's canons at the creepy lady and shot her'.
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I'll look at it thanks.

since I was bored and got hung up on it (curse you plot bunnies) I thought about it and for some reason I got hung up on a weird double Isekai with the fairy being an SI and the shipgirl they are on an isekai protag. Also shamelessly stealing from Ace Combat because these games are amazing and that's the only way I could think of to make the combat scenes interesting from the point of view of the fairy that's not multiple variations of 'I aimed the ship's canons at the creepy lady and shot her'.
Initially when doing my research for this story, I was trying to find WW2 vessels that had boarded, or stolen enemy ships. If I had been able to find one, I would have been writing that story, of a fairy captain and his fleet of pirate Abyssals.

Instead, weve got Babysub. So.

Age of sail ships could be funny for boarding action though, if youre looking to write a fairy tale
Age of sail ships could be funny for boarding action though, if you're looking to write a fairy tale

heh, 'fairy tale'. Age of sails girls would require a bunch of magical shipgirl BS handwaving to do much of anything, still if it was me I'd probably go with one of Oliver Levaseur's ships, after all being the ship of the guy that inspired Gol D Roger would have to count for something right?
heh, 'fairy tale'. Age of sails girls would require a bunch of magical shipgirl BS handwaving to do much of anything, still if it was me I'd probably go with one of Oliver Levaseur's ships, after all being the ship of the guy that inspired Gol D Roger would have to count for something right?
This would be especially interesting if it becomes a One Piece cross after ten or fifteen chapters. Luffy's reaction would be amazing.
Initially when doing my research for this story, I was trying to find WW2 vessels that had boarded, or stolen enemy ships. If I had been able to find one, I would have been writing that story, of a fairy captain and his fleet of pirate Abyssals.

Instead, weve got Babysub. So.

Age of sail ships could be funny for boarding action though, if youre looking to write a fairy tale
Closest I can find is the Altmark Incident:

Wikipedia said:
On board the Altmarkwere some 300[3] allied prisoners (officially internees), whose ships were sunk by the pocket battleship Graf Spee in the Southern Atlantic Ocean.

. . .
After being intercepted by the destroyer HMS Cossack, captained by Philip Vian, Altmark sought refuge in the Jøssingfjord, but Cossack followed her in the next day.

. . .
The Norwegian forces refused to take part in a joint escort, reiterating that their earlier searches of Altmark had found nothing. Vian then stated that he intended to board Altmark and invited the Norwegians to take part, but this was also refused. In the ensuing action, Altmark ran aground. The British then boarded her at 22:20 on 16 February, and – after some hand-to-hand fighting with bayonets – overwhelmed the ship's crew and went down to the hold.[7]:227–239​ One of the released prisoners stated that the first they knew of the operation was when they heard the shout "any Englishmen here?" from the boarding party. When the prisoners shouted back "yes! We are all British!", the response was "well, the Navy's here!" which brought cheers.[8]
Aside from that, there were a few times when a ship was shot until it surrendered, and were then boarded and either searched or captured, but there the fighting was largely contained to normal naval gunner/torpedoes and so on, as far as I can tell.
This would be especially interesting if it becomes a One Piece cross after ten or fifteen chapters. Luffy's reaction would be amazing.
I've no idea how that would work but yes, Luffy would probably vibrate from hype fast enough to be used as a vibroblade by Zoro and his eyes would shine hard enough to power a small country.

Edit: I just realized something, a bunch of french ships are named after corsairs (Jean Bart and Surcouf among others), why wouldn't they be Rhum drinking, booty loving, boarding, French swearing, lewd and crude pirates?
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As its taking longer than expected to work through chem, I wanted to try something out thats a bit different, until I could get back into the swing of things with Babysub.

Largely I have no intention of really exploring any upgrades for her until after shes back in the US and has completed the return arc.

Im intending on doing a sidestory for an airship Kantai story. I wanted opinions as to doing the K-40 equipped with the Lulu W-34 Nuclear depth charge, or the USS Macon (ZRS-5) a flying aircraft carrier with 5 Sparrowhawk prop planes.

Rigid: (US)

Rigid: (German)
Graf Zeppelin II

Non-rigged: (US)

I may skip ahead with Babysub past the mediterranean and the first few akward meetings, as im not sure how I want to write those yet. Thoughts on that would be appreciated, as would potential wreckages that fit the babsub combat style (small, fast, and able to fight up close)

As for the previous conversation regarding the age of sail stuff, it would effectively take removing the ww2 ships from the equation, and just using ships from the age of sail, which in and of itself could work rather well.

After this post, give me a week or so to get started on the next, which will be a sidestory until I can get back into the swing of things with Babysub. Alternatively, if the general concensus is to start a seperate thread for the Airship sidestory, that is what I will do instead.

I apologize for the necro, but I needed to get this out in order to get back into the swing of writing for Kantai.
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You're back! Yay!

Well, as to meetings, I did have the amusing thought of all the other warships managing to talk to baby!sub for a while only for all of them to end up staring and day dreaming a bit (shes too cute!). While this happens baby!sub gets a little alarmed/scared/whydoesthishappen? and sneaks off while they're distracted.
For the shipwrecks, it really depends on what kind of area the baby sub is heading through.
There are 400 odd shipwrecks from both world wars, so you've got plenty of choice.
Just found this today. I love how she's embraced her inner (outer?) six-year-old without realizing it. While harsh, the intro does help explain why she's adapted so quickly: It is less painful to accept being a shipgirl than to deal with how she died.

When she did the red-eye thing, I started to worry that she might be starting to turn Abyssal. Combined with her goal of raising her own fleet, and that could get very ugly very quickly.

Cpl Mackerel is small, cute, cuddly, sharp, and will cheerfully eat your face. She's a cat with a kitten army. Nagamon is going to implode. XD
Macon 1
The wind ruffled through her hair like a soft and gentle caress, carrying her as she slept in the skys. The clouds blanketed her, a soft and cold comfort against her hull as she drifted, letting the world pass her by, her gental snores buoyed by the currents as they brushed through her hair.

Help us!

She stirred softly, the gentle smile on her lips sliding off her face, she rolled in the air, settling bacck into her slumber after a mere moment.


Her eyebrows furled, her lips came to a small frown as her slumber was disturbed. She tossed over again, her hull rippling and her engines starting to flutter.


Bolting straight up, her eyes snapped wide, taking in the world for the first time through eyes as never had before beheld the splendor of the skies.

She took in her sights, before being interrupted by her radio operator, one Radioman 1st Class Dailey, as he informed her of a distress call. "Ma'am, SOS on the shortwave, enemy ships west south west, bearing 203 from our location estimated distance between five and twenty miles. Florentino reports wind blowing in from that bearing, so were not going to sail crosswise into it if theres an issue. Orders?"

The young woman hovered in mid air, for a moment indecisive, but the mentality shared by the only two crew she had left, both of which hadn't truly abandoned her as the rest had made her mind. She turned, speaking softly as her engines spun, surging her forward into her future.
Macon 2
Her worry was evident on her face. She had two crew onboard, which was not near enough to be of use. None of her pilots were aboard, which meant her sparrows wouldn'y be participating. She didn't know quite what she could do, as getting to low to the surface would chance her being damaged by the waves. Best she could provide was an eye in the sky for the moment. At least for her, the necessity of a helmsman was no more. She found her ability to take direct control of her foils and engines sufficient for the moment, though it took more attention than she would have liked.

She drifted down in the clouds, hovering just above the open skies as she prepared her spy car. First she took the small fishing rod hanging off her belt, hooking the sky car to it like a small lure. She swept it back, before casting it over her shoulder, allowing it to fall below the clouds. Her little messman had a radio and a set of binoculars, truly naval equipment of the highest degree. Still, he was useful in spotting the ongoing naval battle below between demonic fish and a catholic school, judging by the skirts and heavy weaponry. Truly only the most rightous of catholic schools would be battling such evil beasts with as heavy equipment as they could, and only the most devout of classes would be able to walk on water.

Macon thought to herself for a moment, before decieding that yes, if she had to fight such demons, than she could easily see finding refuge in such a faith, though it wasn't her particular brand of naval coffee, not after her crash.

What could she really do here? The ships below were busy fighting air craft, which she really did not want to have flapping about her rather perforable hull. Their radio chatter indicated they were looking for the carriers, and probabbly couldn't see them as they had no carrier of their own. A few destroyers, a crusier, a smattering of supply ships, and two battleships, but no carrier. She took note that her messman was inexperienced in spotting, as though she could clearly see the submarines below he hadn't until she poked him and told him what to look for. She took a sip of the coffee he made, and grimaced at the truly disgusting navy style. It was rather excellent, extremely bitter, twice burnt and filled with Cafe.

Still, she had a course of action. A quick word, and Dailey was broadcasting on the naval bands. She wished she had a code talker, but the radioman would do for the moment. "BreakBreakBreak, Red CV, bearing 285, range from eastern most BB 8.7 NM. Wait. Enemy CV moving at 4 knotts heading 232.5. Wait. Second CV matching speed and heading, 0.4NM bearing 95 from enemy CV. Over."

As the submarine in the fleet dropped out of sight, she chuckled, even as Dailey set to talking with the fleet below, passing information around and sliding into the comnet like he had been born to the task.
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Macon 3
"USS Macon, this is Marat, firing main guns, watch for splash and direct fire, over."

"Marat, Macon here Rog. Will advise on splash, time to target from firing requested over."

"Marat to Macon, time to splash 45 seconds from firing over."

"Macon to Marat, Rog, wait 235 seconds for confirmation over."

As her radio operator relayed to the russian battleship below, the young airship pondered the fight below. A Russian and US battleship leading a supply fleet to Hawaii from San Diego. Somewhat odd, but as the two were allies it wasn't that far fetched, and maybe to be expected as they were basically brothers in arms against the evil of the German Reich.

As she watched below, one enemy CV had already taken a bracket of torpedos, and was sliding into the deep, even as her aircraft swarmed trying to locate the vessel which had spelled her death knell. She giggled, the small aircraft were looking in all the wrong places, as she was far above their heads, not near the surface like they obviously expected.

She looked on, the enemy CV, a possessed looking woman who had obviously made a pact with the darker forces, as shown by her black metal clothes, was bracketed by the Marat's guns. The Gothic CV looked a bit panicked, and began to dance evasively, but the pattern was obvious after another half a minute, and so she passed on to her Radioman what she saw. He passed to the russian Battleship the expected range and bearing of the enemy ship. After another 45 seconds, the demonic girl was rather holey, and began flinging her fighters into the air trying depseratly to get them off her even as she sank into the sea, her citadel penetrated, and her hull filling with water rapidly.

"USS Macon to Marat, good hit, target splashed, fire for effect. All other ships, switch to mop up of enemy aircraft."

Macon began to reel in her wayward messman, congratulating him for the first fight of their lives, and the sheer success it had brought, thanks to the information they were able to pass on to those that needed it.

Damn the forums for breaking formatting...

So thats it for Macon today, unless I get some crazy inspiration. Todays not one of the days where I make 8 or 9 posts.

Of, for those posting corrections, please spoiler all corrections, and mark them in ORANGE, not red. Red hurts my eyes.

To those that know how to handle radio communications better, by all means, please correct that as well. Its been about 6 years since ive handled them, and so my current knowledge of radio protocal is dusty, and largely confined to squad to higher communication, not ship to ship or ship to fleet.

I may also switch to km over NM, as the ranges are a bit easier to calculate at any given time, and work better for a multi-national fleet rather than a purely US force. Ill even explain that in character rather than just making the change, but expect that.
I may also switch to km over NM, as the ranges are a bit easier to calculate at any given time, and work better for a multi-national fleet rather than a purely US force. Ill even explain that in character rather than just making the change, but expect that.
In case you're not certain about that, it's actually relatively easy to calculate nautical miles, at least accurately enough for a rough figure. Divide range in yards by 2000, or range in feet by 6000, or range in kilometers by 2. 1 nm == 2028 yards/6076 feet/1.8519648 kilometers, for precise values, but considering the limits of accuracy in the measurement, the quick conversion numbers I gave are close enough and are quick and easy to do in your head. (I put it in that order because I tend to think of within-visual-range naval ranges in yards, since that's what gun range tables were calibrated in because someone way back in the age of the dinosaurs decided that artillery ranges would be measured in yards, probably because it made the math easier for some early computation that's long been superceded. Sort of like how NASA measures spacecraft speed in feet per second, because that's what the missile people in the military measured speed in back in the 50s, because that's what the artillery guys that they spun out of measured speed in before that, because some guy with brass on his shoulders decided back in the age of the dinosaur that they'd measure speed in feet per second because it'd make the computations easier in some now-outdated formula... or how, while a "nominal" atomic bomb for comparison purposes to laypeople would be about 20 kilotons because that's what Trinity and Nagasaki were, during the days of atmospheric testing, the vast majority of effects tests were done with a specific combination of outdated core and outdated implosion apparatus, because it gave a nice consistent one-kiloton yield that made the math much simpler in predicting effects, since you could just slot a "1" in for yield and effectively leave it out of the multiplication/division entirely... or the famous tale about standard railroad gauge, but I'm rambling now.)

Just learned of this today, thoroughly enjoying and watchlisted!