Codename: M

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First time posting here, along with first piece of fiction written. There are several more...
Chronicle #1: One-Day Conflict
Somewhere Over The Rainbow
First time posting here, along with first piece of fiction written. There are several more chapters that have been written, and will post shortly. Please give feedback on how the story could be improved, but keep in mid that the next few chapters may not show improvement in writing quality.

Chronicle #1: One-Day Conflict

The year was 2020. The world was coming to an crossroads in the new decade. Continue going down the beaten path of the olden days filled with grief, strife, and poverty that would result in the undoing of mankind, or face the important problems as a collective whole and solve them once and for all to ease the burdens of future generations.

The turning point of all these issues was on March 13th at 12:00am, the day of the One-Day Conflict. Everybody remembered that day, as it was the day that mankind finally put its feet on the ground and truly started to embark on a new road, one that was still filled with strife, but also one that was inevitably heading towards a better and brighter future for all. However, people also remembered it for a different reason: the first appearance of that mysterious organization and its tools of war.

The One-Day Conflict happened on one of the disputed islands in the East China Sea between China and Japan, when nobody was in official control of the islands, but both countries sought them out for their strategic value both for war and for profit. Of course, neither of those things would matter anymore to both sides as the events on that day unfolded.

On that fateful day, a radical group simply known as Isolation occupied that island after sailing a modified passenger ferry from northern Taiwan. Comprised of people from both China and Japan, their purpose for doing so was to declare the independence of these islands from both countries after many years of conflict. However, their means of enacting this 'independence' was with armed occupation using smuggled weapons including an anti-aircraft cannon obtained from an arms dealer at sea, and forceful resistance if any country tried to remove them, using a quasi-scratch-built FOAB, the most powerful non-nuclear bomb in existence to blow up themselves and the island.

Since there was no way to remove the isolation activists without causing the island to be blown up, a secret emergency committee was formed comprised of important military and political figures from both China and Japan. They were still discussing about using negotiation tactics when the sole phone present at the table rang.

This was odd, as nobody had this phone's number aside from the people in the room and a select few others who had no reason to call unless it was to announce any new developments.

"Who is it?" answered the Chinese general sharply.

"Ah, General Wei." the deep voice on the other side of the phone answered in fluent Chinese. "So you were the one to pick up the phone."

"Who are you, and what do you want from us?" Wei questioned the voice.

"I am Pi, and I want nothing from you but an end to this incident." the voice spoke.

"Pi? What sort of a name is that, and how did he get this phone number?" One of the Japanese generals at the table mockingly questioned.

"It is a perfectly acceptable name, Michi-san. I have friends in powerful places who gave me this number, and unless you want one of your precious islands vaporized or occupied by terrorists, I suggest you listen to what I have to say." Pi retorted, still in Chinese that was translated swiftly, causing Michi to shrink away to save face.

"I have in my possession a weapon that can swiftly neutralize the conflict, but I will only use it if you agree to pay me $20 million in USD after this is all over. The diagrams of this weapon and a recording of its power will be sent over now, and bank account details will be sent by then." Pi continued.

Simultaneous beeps rang from the mobile phones of the people inside the room as the blueprints were sent to them.

"What? He expects us to pay for his services? What kind of person is he, to behave in the same manner as those terrorists he promised to fight?" a Japanese politician mused out loud.

"I am simply a man with power that wants to help in times of need, but seeks repayment for his deeds, Waraisha-san, and time is running short for my offer and the looming threat." Pi replied.

"Fine." Wei concluded "We will take you up on your offer and give you 24 hours for enactment of your plan, but if nothing happens, we will find you wherever you are and arrest you for treason, so you better make something happen."

"I will. Prepare to witness the birth of a new age."


"The design of this weapon is quite advanced and powerful, but it doesn't resemble anything else in any other armed force, nor is it technologically feasible in theory. Where did he get or make it?" Wei questioned out loud after scanning the blueprints, not knowing that others were having similar thoughts.

After some brief discussion, the recording sent by the mysterious man about his so-called weapon was quickly put on the main screen to verify the weapon's strength. It was filmed quite professionally on a remote island, not unlike the one that Isolation was currently occupying. A narrator explained that the goal of the mock battle that the weapon was used in was to disarm and destroy 15 dummy tanks that fired BB rounds in 10 minutes without any external support. The weapon expertly dodged as much BB fire as it possibly could, and the shots that hit bounced off it. The point of view shifted to the weapon's camera as it fired its machine guns at its targets several times, destroying 7 of the tanks. The remaining 8 dummies continued their fire, but the weapon remained unscathed, instead using arm-like manipulators affixed to the sides of its turret area to flip over them in rapid succession.

"Mission Accomplished" a cool voice announced "The total time was 8 minutes 52 seconds."

"Wow." Wei said in shock "If it can truly live up to its potential, then it may be our saving grace after all.


"Was all that really necessary?"

"Yes. This will tip the balance of power in our favor, with the added benefit of furthering our goals."

"Sometimes, I wonder why I sided with you in this grand scheme of yours."

"In the end, you will get what you want, as will I. That is the main purpose of the Project."


March 14th 2020 12:00 am...
A lone plane lazily flew low over the island, about 200m above the island's highest point. Unfortunately, it was quickly shot down by Isolation's anti-aircraft cannon. However, it was a remote-controlled drone and its cargo, along with the person accompanying, survived the impact, because it was auto-ejected the moment the projectile exited the cannon.

"Pilot ready?"


"Good. Commence Operation Groupthink."

The High-Mobility Heavy Tank-Like Weapon 314P-001 roared to life, startling the members of Isolation. Panicked, some members began running to the FOAB in an attempt to detonate it, while others began to fire at the 314P-001 in an attempt to destroy it using M4 carbines. However, its thick carbon armor absorbed the multiple shots like they were rubber bullets, and proceeded to launch a smokescreen mini-missile and a knockout gas mini-missile near its assailants, effectively incapacitating them. The people who were lucky enough not to be in the effective radius of the projectiles frantically scrambled towards the bomb. The 314P-001, being a High-Mobility Heavy Tank-Like Weapon, was obviously faster than them, and used its twin manipulators to grab ahold of the FOAB and chuck it into the ocean like it was an American football, effectively neutralizing Isolation's trump card in an instant. It then proceeded to collect every weapon in the island and dump them in the ocean. Now, the once threatening group Isolation was little more than a bunch of people cowering in fear.

"Mission accomplished."

"Good. I will make arrangements for your return."

As the military forces of China and Japan began to land on the island, another modified passenger ferry arrived, collected the 314P-001 in its cargo hold, and sailed away.


"...reports are coming in as the hostile standoff between the terrorist group Isolation and combined Chinese-Japanese forces come to a close. Apparently, they had received help from an external organization, but the spokespeople from both countries declined to comment on the matter. More on TVB News at 7:30. In other news, China and Japan have signed a treaty that places these islands under joint rule-"

"So our first foray into the public eye has been completed with no losses."

"Indeed. Our pilot has proven spectacular in today's performance. A reward is in order."

"Have they sent the money to your account yet?"

"Yes, they have. I will send my message to the United Nations soon. Our position in the world is rising, and along with it comes completion of the Project."

"Sometimes I do worry about your mental stability."


This message was sent to the United Nations and distributed to all member states within the hour:



Next Chronicle: March.14/The Final Piece
Last edited:
Chronicle #2: March.14/The Final Piece
Chronicle #2: March.14/The Final piece

July 21st 2023, somewhere off the coast of Melbourne...

A lone speedboat scurried across the Bass Strait which separated Australia and Tasmania in the middle of the day. On it, there were only two people, the captain and the passenger.

The captain was becoming increasingly irritated with the passenger's suspicious behaviour, or rather the lack of it. Normally, people would chat him up, but this person just stared off into the distance, thinking to himself.

"Just what is it with rich people these days taking cruises in the middle of the ocean? There's nothing out here!" The captain exclaimed to himself, unaware that his passenger could hear him speak.

"You need not worry about the business that I am conducting here, Mr. Williams. All that matters is the amount of money that I have promised you when I find what I want." the passenger replied, patting the briefcase he was holding which contained 1 million in Australian dollars, a fine sum of money for any sailor, which was verified by Williams before the enigmatic man embarked upon his seafaring vessel, the Storm's Siren.

"What is it that you want? There are very few shipwrecks around here, and none of them contain any sort of valuable treasure. Also, how are you getting back? You didn't hire me for a round trip. What are you gonna do, swim?" Williams snarked to his passenger.

"I am searching for an island that does not appear on any map, even today. It has the final piece of the puzzle I am completing. When I get to the island, I will contact my companions via satellite phone. They have already arranged a plane back to Melbourne for myself along with my cargo." Pi stated.

"Alright pal, whatever you say." Williams concluded in defeat.

Despite his cold and unforgiving exterior, Pi had a ghost of a smile on his lips. With the discovery of the island and its potential, the Project could now be completed at a greater pace.


1 month before...

"Sir, come down to the hidden basement! There's something you need to see!"

Pi was filing budget reports for March.14 when a young archivist rang through to notify him of something important. The reason that he knew it was important was his secretary would have answered mundane calls, as he was a busy man and did not have time to listen to the mewls of childish employees.

Pi walked over to the private elevator in his office and pressed the button for the bottommost floor. When the elevator dinged as it reached the ground, he walked into a smashed-up section of a wall that contained a staircase leading down to a cellar filled with filing cabinets. Once he had walked down, he saw the archivist currently combing the records of the secret cellar that had been recently discovered at March.14's headquarters. This was the latest secret that this building has shown to its new tenants, as it originally belonged to the secret United Nations sub-organization Multinational Energy Coalition Agency, or MECA for short.

MECA was a neutral branch of the UN formed after World War II whose purpose was to research alternative forms of energy in fears that the Cold War would cause an energy crisis. At the height of the Cold War in the mid 1970s, it was rumored that they had developed a device that could produce a large quantity of energy from something as small as a sugar cube, but these allegations were never proved true. However, at the turn of the new millennium, it suddenly disbanded and all the research done was left behind in its various facilities scattered across the globe.

Pi had been interested in what MECA was doing for a long time, and was secretly buying up all its facilities to continue their ambitious research in order to further his own goals. How he knew of the agency's existence and its purpose was not known to anyone except himself, but most people suspected that an associate of his either worked at MECA directly, or was at such a high position of the UN that they would be privy to this sort of classified information. Whatever the case, it was obvious that Pi intended to use MECA's innovations for completion of his mysterious Project, his personal magnum opus.

His own organization March.14 had risen out of MECA's ashes, and intended to use it's predecessor's creations for war and for profit, as opposed to MECA's purely peaceful intentions. It described itself a private paramilitary R&D organization, which meant that while it has its own fighting force, it specialized in weapons and robotics technology, and it still sells its finished technology to anyone who can pay the price, namely the 314P-001 Tank-Like Weapon that debuted 3 years ago against the terrorist group Isolation.

The reason that the 314P-001 was so powerful in combat was because of its special power source, known as the M² reactor. M² reactors were the completed version of the high-efficiency power source that MECA had been developing in the mid 1970s. They generated power by emitting a special sound frequency that breaks up the energy bonds between molecules, harvesting the energy left over with an absorption system, so they can function for quite a long time even with a small amount of material. However, they are challenging to produce even with March.14's advanced technology, and March.14 only sold completed M² reactors that were impossible to take out of a 314P-001. Even if a group managed to dismantle the tank to reverse-engineer its M² reactor, the outer shell was rigged with an explosive that would destroy the reactor and anything around it within a 250m radius.

Since it revealed itself to the world on that fateful day, March.14 had become the biggest private paramilitary organization and the 5th largest defense contractor in the world after 3 years, selling its creations to several countries that were edge with one another, or big spenders such as the United States or China. Other 'conventional' rival paramilitary organizations either bought March.14's weapons for their own use, or tried to attack and destroy them. Needless to say, all attempts failed as March.14's private squadron of 314P-001s wiped out all enemy forces instantaneously, scaring away other potential attacks on March.14 bases.

As Pi reminiscenced about the origins and rise of his organization, he swiftly took the tattered file from the archivist's hands and began to read it:

MECA Internal Report No. 3254:
The first test of the Mechanized Reactor Housing/Defense System (MeRe) (blueprints attached) will be held at MECA's Australian base on February 25th 1980. All personnel involved in this project will have to arrive at least 7 days before the activation test. Since this base is on an unmapped island, it is advised that personnel charter a boat to arrive on the island. DO NOT tell anyone about your intentions on the island, as there are people who will kill for this technology. The Finances Department will cover all fees used on the journey. Directions to the base are as follows...

Pi raised an eyebrow. There were 20 known MECA bases in total across the globe, and he had already bought all of them beforehand with his vast resources, while also converting them into March.14's facilities. If there was one more base that existed, it would surely be the one that housed the first prototype of the M² reactor, and if the blueprints that were attached to the document were any indication, MECA already had a functioning model of that M² reactor inside a housing unit that could defend itself against any attacks from others that may seek to destroy the technology inside it.

While his harsh demeanor remained, Pi was ecstatic inside. The housing unit for the M² reactor shown in the blueprints resembled the planned weapon that March.14 planned to roll out four years later. Now, the time from rollout would be shortened to two years thanks to the information the blueprints provided, and if the housing unit still existed in MECA's Australian base, the weapon could be more advanced than what he had initially planned.

"You have been of a valuable service to March.14. You are deserving of a promotion from the lowly role of an archivist to the position of an analyst in the Intelligence Department as well as added benefits and a raise. I will make the necessary arrangements. Go home and rest, for you have more daunting tasks ahead of you in the future. Good job." Pi said to the archivist.

"Thank you sir!" The newly promoted analyst squealed in delight.

"These matters are of little concern to me." Pi replied as the analyst scurried away to get home. "Now, I will have to make arrangements for a trip to Australia in the near future. I wonder if there are any discounts this time of year..."


Present day...

Pi handed the briefcase to Williams as he stepped off the boat. The ill-fortuned sailor snatched the briefcase off Pi as he sailed his boat back to Melbourne to spend his newfound wealth. The pristine air of the island and the cool sea breeze hit Pi's rugged face as he continued his walk on a beaten path to the center of the island. He had saw a tall antenna poking out near the center, so that was most likely where the base was. The path was a sure sign that people had traversed the island previously, so he trusted his instincts and blazed on.

When he reached the end of the path, what he saw caught him by surprise. The 'base' comprised of little more than an observing deck, a control station with the antenna on top, and a makeshift hangar composed of only wood, with nails holding the weathered planks together. However, inside the hangar laid the most expensive object on the island: the Mechanized Reactor Housing/Defense System, or MeRe for short. It stood 5 meters tall, and resembled a decapitated human with a camera on its chest, shoulder armor, and claws at the end of its 'arms'. It was held up by little more than bamboo sticks expertly tied together, suggesting that this machine's stability was not good. Beside it laid what looked like a cannon from a tank and a 5-tube missile pod with spare shoulder armor, indicating that the machine could equip those weapons for defense. There were also schematics for a scaled-up riot shield and rocket boosters, presumably equipment that was designed initially but not built.

"Hallelujah!" Pi cried out in triumph. Rarely would he display such a strong burst of emotion like this under regular circumstances, but if this discovery meant the Project would near completion quicker, it would be a dream come true for him.

When he regained his composure, Pi reached for his satellite phone and dialed his private line to March.14 headquarters. "Hello? This is Pi. I have found what I wanted on the island. Send the cargo plane over. Make sure it has a full fuel tank. We will return to headquarters immediately to analyse and reverse-engineer it. Thank you very much. See you."

Pi smiled as he hear the roar of the cargo plane's engines in the distance. This was just one small step for him and March.14, but a giant leap for the future of mankind as a whole. As the plane started to touch down on the island, he recalled a phrase from a television show he liked to watch, and thought that it would be appropriate for this moment.

'God's in his heaven, all's right with the world.'

However, Pi had no intention of letting God sit back in heaven and let the world be right. Rather, his goal was to bring His divine power down to the realm of mankind, and by extension, Himself.


Next Chronicle: The First True Mecha/Battle in the Ural Mountains