Code Guardian (Code Geass/Destiny Crossover)

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Chasing lost Ghosts through a Vex portal, a trio of Guardians find themselves aiding an exiled prince against a human empire trying to imitate the Cabal. But all must soon stand United to face the Final Shape.
Prologue: Guardians in a New World
The sounds of battle raged around the trio of guardians as they cut through the Vex, weaving in and out of cover as the machines tried to cut them down under a hail of energy attacks. It was a futile effort for the cyborgs, though - against three paracausal warriors who could return from death, the radiolarians all fell resonably quickly. Soon, the area was empty, aside from the trio.

"So," asked the hunter among the group, Conchobar, "we almost at the heart of this place?"

"Correct," confirmed the Warlock among them, Madeline-3, known alternatively as Maddy and the Young Wolf. "It should be just ahead of us."

"Then let us make haste and destroy it, so that we may eliminate another threat to the city," finished the third member of the group, the Titan Samantha.

"Do you really have to sound so formal saying that?" ask Conchobar.

Samantha sighed. "Force of habit."

"Let's just get this over with," interjected Madeline. "The sooner we deal with this, the sooner we can get back to handling things with Caiatl and her Cabal."

"Amen to that - no way in hell I'm submitting to a Cabal. Though their guns make the offer tempting."

"Conchobar, we already know about your lust for weapons, you need not mention it now."

"Fuck you, Sam!"

Carefully, the Guardians advanced through the Vex structure, searching for any stragglers they had missed. They had already defeated the mind in charge of this research facility, but they weren't taking any chances. And sure enough, they did find the occasional Vex straggler, which was swiftly cut down under a hail of bullets and Light.

As the progresses deeper into the facility, Madeline turned her attention toward her ghost. "Polaris, any idea what this does?"

"Something relating to alternate universes. I can't say for certain beyond that, but a lot of ghosts have vanished here, so taking these ruins offline is a priority. And yes, I know they don't really count as ruins since the Vex are still using them. Just bare with me."

Conchobar could only snort in amusement. "It's all fine, Little Light."

Polaris groaned in annoyance, while a second Ghost emerged and glanced at the Awoken Hunter. "That was mean."

"Eh, sorry, Ogma."

The Ghost in questioned narrowed his one eye. "I'm not the one you need to apologize to."

"...sigh, Fine. I'm sorry Polaris."

"Must you always argue like this?" Asked a third Ghost.

That seemed to offend Conchobar. "We don't always argue - most of it is just some ribbing!"

"Be that as it may, you always seem to do that when the three of you are together."

"As annoying as it can be," interjected Samantha, "I find it an enjoyable, and it doesn't seem to be harmful.

The Third Ghost stared at her guardian for a moment, then sighed (somehow). "Very well, I trust your judgement. Forgive me, Samantha."

"There is nothing to forgive, Esther."

Suddenly, Madeline came to a stop. "Guys, I think we're almost at the heart of facility."

Instantly, her companions were on the alert - Conchobar had drawn the Persuader while Sam was loading the Werewolf. As for Madeline herself, she had her hands on the Colony. Their Ghosts, meanwhile, faded away, knowing better than to stay out now.

The group was ready for anything that may come their way. But ultimately, their readiness proved unnecessary - when they finally reached the center of the room, they found it unoccupied - there were no active Vex consoles, or any active Vex frames. All that lay within were dead Vex.
Many dead Vex.

To say that the room was a Vex graveyard was an understatement - the floor was absolutely littered with the husks of Vex frames. Most were Goblins, Hobgoblins, and harpies, but there were also several dead Minotaurs and Hydras, and even three destroyed wyverns. What was more surprising was that there were human corpses hear as well, wearing strange armor unlike any used by the city. A quick ghost scan showed that it was pretty low-tech too, which made it odd that so many people had used it - couldn't they have scavenged something more useful?

Most peculiar of all, though, was the five large wrecks laying around the room. They looked like humanoid Mecha, obviously, but as opposed to the sleek designs used by the vex, these ones were far larger and bulkier, and as one showed, appeared to possess cockpits. Evidently, yet surprisingly, they appeared to be man made.

"...Did these guys build those?" wondered Conchobar.
"Looks like it," affirmed Polaris. "Scans show that it is running on some kind of unknown fuel source, and that despite the legs, it apparently travels on wheels attached to said legs."

Sam wasn't impressed by what she saw. "Bet fifty glimmer a Drake would crush one of them in a straight fight."

Con glanced at his titan companion. "You know I'm a gambler, but now ain't the time for bets."

"Sorry. So, where did the come from?"

Moments later, Polaris, Ogma, and Esther had emerged, and were flying over to scan a few of the nearby Vex consoles - it turned out that some were still online, which made answering their question a whole lot easier.
Esther was the first to speak. "According to these research logs, the Vex tunneled into another universe using this installation. It appears that these soldiers and their...walkers are from that location and...oh dear."

Sam did not like the town in her Ghost's voice. "What is it?"
"Apparently, these soldiers launched a road of their own, and managed to acquire multiple items the Vex had in storage before the raiding parting was repelled. And among those items were...several Ghosts."


"That seems appropriate. So, rescue mission when?"

Sam glanced at Madeline, who tended to be their fireteam's leader. "How about now?"

"No objections."

"I've got none."

Beneath her helmet, Momentum, Sam felt a smile etching itself on her face. "Good. Now let's go raise some havoc."

As soon as their ghosts had managed to fudge the systems enough to get the one Vex gate in the room to work, the Fireteam had charged through, guns ready, prepared to take back the Ghosts. Unfortunately for them, this proved unnecessary once again - all they found on the other side were yet more Vex and human corpses, alongside several wrecked vehicles. They also found explosives in the area, all rigged to blow, presumably meant to seal the Vex within the structure - not like that would've worked. As far as the ghosts could tell, the detonator for explosives was either defective or had never sent out a signal, and it didn't take them long to disarm all of them. Once those were dealt with, it was back to scouring terminals.

Madeline was the one to break the silence. "So, what did you find from the terminals? Do you know where we are?"

"Yes," confirmed Polaris, "and it is...well, you won't like what we found out."

"Not surprised. Tell us. Now."

"If you insist. First off, we're not in Nessus anymore - we're on Earth."

All three guardians froze up for a moment, and the silence only ended when Con decided to speak up. "..The fuck?!"

Despite the tenseness of the situation, Ogma couldn't help laughing, though soon he retired to being serious. "Yeah, this is Earth. Specifically, we appear to be in the Japanese Alps."

"Huh. Japan. Neat," noted Sam. "Since we're dealing with the Vex, can we know what the date is?"

"According to the local dating system, Septemb in er 6, 2017 ATB. So a couple millennia before the Golden Age."

"...What does ATB mean?" Asked Madeline.

"That is what bothers you?!"

"Hey, I was in a timeline that ended with me saving Saint from death! Time travel isn't as weird as it used to be for me."

"Oh yeah, you were. Right. Well, since you asked, ATB stands for 'Ascension Britannian Throne', and refers to when the Celtic King Alwin I was chosen to be king of all Celts. He would later go on to repel the Roman Republic and prevent them from conquering the British Isles."

Ogma chose that minute to chip on. "I am not a major historian like the Cryptarchs or Osiris or, well, any actual historian, but I'm pretty sure records from before the Golden Age all say that the British Isles fell under Roman control."

"I am aware, and am marking this as the point of divergence for this universe's timeline. Moving on - it appears that the dead soldiers and the wrecks that we have seen belong to a polity known as the Holy Britannian Empire. They appear to descend from the British, but their location is....well, weird."

Con asked the obvious question. "Define weird."

"Well, it appears that they originate from North America. I'm seeing some mentions of a crushed rebellion that allowed the ancient British Empire to retain its colonies in the New World. If I would have to guess, it might be a difference between this timeline and ours - maybe that rebellion succeeded and led to the foundations for the nations do Old America? At least, the ones that didn't arise from the original inhabitants?"

"Esther, stay on topic."

"Right, sorry Sam. So, apparently, sometime after the rebellion failed, the British Royal Family evacuated to these colonies after a European Warlord named Napoleon initiated a campaign of conquest. They would rebrand themselves as the Holy Britannian Empire and, well, did what empires did - started expanding and conquering everyone they could. As of now, they've taken dominion over all of the Americas, much of the Pacific, and now seem to be setting their eyes on Europe and Africa."

Conchobar couldn't help scoffing. "Guess we found a human version of the Cabal. On, and while I am enjoying the history lesson, could you just tell us where the Ghosts were taken?"

"...Yeah, I really should've said that earlier. Regarding the Ghosts, they appear to be headed to Tokyo of all places."
"Which way is that?"

"Marking directions now. Be advised, we may need to keep a low profile."

Encrypted Military Frequency
"General Bartley?"

"Ah, Prince Clovis. My apologies, I wasn't expecting you-"

"My previous engagement had to be called off - the gala I was attending didn't seem so important in the face of a terror attack. I have a public display of sympathy planned for tomorrow, but I want an update on Code R. How is it progressing, and how are the new subjects doing?"

"Progress is the same - we are still trying to synthesize the girl's abilities. As for her new, er, companions, we haven't had too much time to analyze them. I've moved them to our Tokyo Lab to see if the instruments there will accelerate our progress."

"Excellent. Please continue to keep me informed. And Bartley?"

"Yes, my prince?"

"Your loyalty is appreciated, but if you cannot crack the secrets I desire you to, I will find another who can, and you will be their subordinate. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Prince Clovis."

AN: Yeah, me doing another story when I already have a horribly bloated list of stories I am working on. I needed to get this out of my system and I have plans that go beyond a one shot.
I admit that this story owes much of its inspiration to Code Geass: Paladins of Voltron by Naruwitch and Code Prime by Iron117Prime. I've done Code Geass works before, but this one is my tribute to them.
Just so we have the timeline clear, this starts at some point in Season of the Chosen for Destiny and a few hours before R1 of Code Geass. The story will zigzag around canon (meaning I will follow it as much as I deem it useful to the plot of the story) until Shirley at Gunpoint. Then the rails are gonna be twisted and chewed up such that canon will be playing second fiddle. Just try to hang on until then.
Read, review, do what you want! This is Flameal15k, signing off!
They Day a New Legend Was Born Pt. 1
The young girl walked across the ground, trying to recover her lost ball. Every so often she would look over shoulder, hoping Britannian would not be in sight - she hadn't left the ghetto, but the Britannians didn't need an excuse to be cruel to her, as mama and pap could tell.

Ironically, her efforts to look over her shoulder meant she never noticed the trio in front of her until she walked right into them. She promptly fell onto her butt, but within moments she was back on her feet, a look of fear on her face.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I-"

"It's nothing."

The grail froze - not just at the reply, but because it had been in Japanese. "Wha-"

"We mean you no harm," spoke one of the trio - a girl that seemed to have an oddly mechanical voice. Almost as if she was talking over a loudspeaker. The other two wore a somewhat ramshackle outfit with a cloak and what looked like either knight or samurai armor. She wondered if they were some kind of otaku - Brittania had it's fair share of that subculture, not that they would ever admit it.


"So," began the armored one, who turned out to be a woman, "could you tell us which way the Tokyo Settlement is?"

The girl stared wordlessly at them, then pointed.

"Thank you."

"Hey," asked the cloaked figure - a man, "is this yours?"

Looking at his hands, the girl found that he was holding her ball. She hastily nodded, and when he gave it to her, she practically ripped it out of his hands and ran off, though not before offering a curt thank you.

Hopefully nothing bad would happen today. It wasn't like the Britannians would have a reason to come down to Saitama today, right?

"That girl looks like she thought we were Hive. Or Taken. Or Scorn. Or starving Fallen-"

Samantha sighed. "Yes, we get it, Conchobar. These Britannians must be fucking savages to get that kind of reaction from those they conquered."

"Not really," noted Esther. "They just need to be vicious bullies. The Cabal were like that before Calus and when Ghaul took over."

"I know. It's just so fucking stupid that people act like this toward each other. Why can't they be like the people in the Last City?"

"We have a common enemy...err, enemies to unite against," replied Madeline. "This world has three different powers, and as bad as Britannia is, they aren't evil enough to everyone to be that unifier."

"I know! Now, do we have any additional information about where the Ghosts are?!"

"According to their battle net equivalent, they've moved them to a facility for a group called Code R, which is looking into...weird things," answered Ogma.

"Paracausal bullshit?"

"No, Con - apparently they found a different kind of bullshit."

The trio instantly came a halt. And three voices said as one:


"We would love to, but now isn't the best time."


"Well, since you asked, the Code R base that holds our companions is currently being raided by a bunch of Japanese rebels."

The group froze for a minute. Then Polaris decided they needed a push.

"Not to interrupt your moment of shock, but now would be a time to move it, Guardians!"

The old man could hear the news report broadcasting, which talked about yesterday's terrorist bombing in Osaka, but right now, he wasn't concerned with that.

No, he was more concerned with how he has reached the time limit for making a move in chess. As the man next to him informed him that he would now have to make moves once every twenty seconds, he wondered how he was going to endure this.

And then salvation came.

"Very well, I'm game."

The noble he was playing maintained his air of smugness. "Oh, did your substitute arrive?"

The old man could practically have jumped. "Thank Heaven, I'm saved." Then he glanced at the two teenage boys that had just walked in. "Are things going well at school?"

"Oh, really? School boys? You're depending on them for help?"

"Oh look," spoke the more intimidating of the duo, who had purple eyes, black hair, and a regal aura around him.

"Ah, so it seems I'm playing a nobleman."

The elderly man paid his foe no mind. "I envy you kids, you have so much time on your hands. Time for joy and regrets. What's you're name?"

The boy in question only gave him the barest of acknowledgments. "Lelouch Lamperouge."

The other boy, Rivalz Cardemonde, felt his heart sink when he saw the chess board. "Whoa, now wait a minute. You can't win this one, it's impossible!"

The first boy did not seem disheartened. "Rivalz, when would we need to leave to make it to our next class?"

"Uh, twenty minutes if we bust our hump."

Lelouch smiled. "Then be sure to drive back safely. I'll need nine minutes." Then the boy turned his attention to the elderly man. "And about yesterday."

"Understood, we'll discuss it later."

The nobleman was incredulous at this. "You think you can win in nine minutes? With only twenty seconds per move?"

The boy never lost his smile as he sat down and grabbed the black king. "That's enough time."

"Really? And you're starting with your king?"

Lelouch only continued to smile.

High above Area 11, three jumpships soared through the heavens, listening in on the news broadcast. The Guardians had been sure to take their ships with them when they arrived in this world, and now that choice was proving prudent.

"Oh, a terrorist attack. How sad," said Conchobar, in a sarcastic tone. "And before one of you killjoys says anything, it is sad for those who lost their families in the attack, but get real - the Britannians are brining this on themselves."

"I agree," admitted Samantha.


"You reap what you sow."

"Look, do we have any idea where the Ghosts are?!"

"Yes, Maddy, pulling it up now."

"Thanks. Is there anything else that we should know?"

"The Britannians appear to have stored the Ghosts alongside several artifacts they got from our world, including some Vex relics and...some things they got from a bunch of insect creatures that wreaked of death. Some of which also ended up in this world."


"So it seems."

The Guardians groaned in anger. "What else do they have?" Asked Conchobar.

"Guns, grenades, crossbows, some other stuff and...oh dear."

"What now, Ogma?!"

"...They have live specimens."

What followed was a mass of angry speech that cannot be translated into words.

Far away from both the chess match and the Guardians lay the school of Ashford Academy - the institute that Lelouch and Rivalz currently attended. The only reason the boys had been able to sneak out was that it was lunchtime, and among those eating lunch were a trio of girls.

"Where's Lelouch?" wondered the blonde of the group - Milicent Ashford, granddaughter of the principal, whose family were the namesake of the school.

"He went somewhere with Rivalz," said the second member of the trio - an orange haired girl named Shirley Fenette. "Probably gamblin," she added, a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Oh, I wonder what it is this time - maybe poker or dice?"

"They always seem to forget that they're members of the student council!" groused Shirley. "But instead they're wasting time gambling. Lelouch might be smart, but he wastes that intellect on the dumbest things. If he applied all that intelligence to school, surely he'd get high grades!"

The last girl in the trio, Nina Einstein, could only nod in agreement. Milly, however, just smirked.

"Oh how adorable! 'I wish my darling Lelouch would grow up', isn't that right?"

Shirley could only blush in embarassment. "Madam President, please."

Back with the Guardians (or rather below them), the hunt was on. It had been determined that the Ghosts (and several other artifacts) were being transported on a truck that was in possession of those who had raided the Code R facility, alongside something that was disguised as a poison-gas bomb. Said raiders/terrorists/freedom fighters were currently very unhappy with how their efforts to quietly steal their cargo had failed.

"Damn it! We finally get a big break and Tamaki ruins it because he couldn't wait for Ohgi!"

Lelouch smirked as the nobleman dropped his file in shock - the boy had indeed beaten him, and in only slightly over eight and half minutes!

"I love playing against nobility!" declared Rivalz. "Every time you beat them, they pay out of pride. And wasn't that a new record, buddy?"

"He didn't have much time to move either," noted Lelouch. "And besides, nobles are tepid. Hardly any fun to challenge except for seeing their faces when they lose."

"Well, then why not try playing against an Eleven?" wondered Rivalz, failing to notice the slight look of annoyance on his friend's face. "They're nothing like us Britannians."

Just then, a new image appeared on all the nearby signs and televisions - on it was Prince Clovis la Britannia, third prince of Britannia, and current Viceroy of Area Eleven. What followed was him offering a sob speech over the terror attack the previous day, evidently to provoke sympathy from those watching. Lelouch was fairly certain he was actually at a party of some sort, just trying to play the heartstrings for the Britannian audience - Clovis never really cared about Elevens.

In the stolen truck, the two terrorists groused about how they were Japanese, not Elevens.

In the skies above the truck, the Guardians and there ghosts noted how Clovis only mentioned the Britannian deaths, but not the Japanese ones.

Lelouch could almost laugh when Clovis demanded a moment of silence, instead opting to pay the parking fee for Rivalz's motorcycle.

"Aren't you going to join in?" asked the blue haired boy.

"Aren't you?"

Rivalz scratched his head. "It does seem rather embarassing."

"I agree. Besides, spilling tears won't bring back the dead."

"That's dark, buddy."

"It is what it is."

As the broadcast finished, Clovis smiled - what a wonderful act he had put on. His guests were all applauding his performance, though one of the reporters seemed less than pleased. Odd - perhaps he should speak with him later.

Then General Bartley entered the room. "Your highness-"

"What is it Bartley?"

"Well, you see.."

Bartley walked up to Clovis and started whispering in his ear. After a few moments of dialogue, Clovis' eyes widened. "You fool!"

"The police were informed that it is poison gas. If we scramble the army then there'll be a pan-"

"Then deploy the Royal Guard, and their Knightmares!"

Moments later, and the Royal Guard was mobilizing for a new mission. Among those of note were a man with teal hair and orange eyes, a younger man with brown hair and blue eyes, and at odds with the rest of the group, a dark-skinned woman with silver blue hair and yellow eyes.

"Why'd you start with the king?" asked Rivalz as the duo headed back to Ashford.

"IF the King does not lead, then why should others follow?"

"Why's that?"


"Do you fantasize about running a corporation or something?"

"No, those tend to be hazardous for your health."

Before any further conversation could occur, a loud hord sounded behind them - the stolen truck had ended up on the same road as they were, and was barreling right toward them!

"We're gonna die!" shouted Rivalz as he veered out of their path. The terrorists, meanwhile, ended up taking a left despite the warnings of the younger of their membership - they consisted of a grown man and a teenage girl - and ended up crashing into a construction site.

Getting out of his motorcycle, Rivalz stared at the crash. "Eh, was that our fault?"

"I don't think so," replied Lelouch.

Overhead, helicopters were beginning to circle, trying to keep an eye on the situation. The guardians watched on from higher up, trying to find an opening to rescue the ghosts.

In the command center Clovis was using, Bartley gave out the order to recover the cargo at all costs.

Back on the ground, Lelouch took a glance at the crash, where the dust had begun to settle. Strangely, somekind of energy was emanating from it. Entranced, Lelouch paid no mind as Rivalz said that his bike's powerline had been cut. Instead, he watched as the energy seemed to resolve itself into a humanoid shape before dissolving, though there were also several other areas the glowed faitnly before darkening.

Lelouch tried to call Rivalz over, but his voice was drowned out by others - a crowd had gathered to gawk at the crash, with not a single one trying to call the police. "Idiots," he said, before running toward the crash to do something himself.

Unknown to Lelouch, the occupants had survived, and were slowly rousing themselves.

Lelouch had run to the truck by the time he was noticed by the crowd, not that they called for help - too much collective apathy. The boy paid them no mind, instead focusing on the truck. In moments he was atop it and looking down a a hole in its carrier. "Hey, are you alright?"

The girl had awakened and was trying to rouse her compatriot, but she did not hear what Lelouch had to say. Lelouch didn't notice her either - not only could he not see her, but now his vision was replaced by something else: a multicolored tunnnel. And somehow, he could hear the voice of a woman saying...something.

"It's you! Finally I have found my-"

Suddenly the vision was replaced by another - that of a strange white sphere, accompanied by another voice, this one a rougher female one that the previous voice.

"So, another comes searching for my light."

That vision was replaced by a final one - that of a strange looking black tetrahedral pyramid, with another voice speaking, this one male.

"Oh, what's this? One so in tune with the Deep?"

Recovering his sight, Lelouch shook himself out of his stupor, realizing that he should probably get off. Unfortunately, it was at that moment that the occupants restarted the truck and started backing up, causing the boy to fall in. Moments later, they drove off, leaving a perplexed Rivalz to gawk. "Uh, does that count as a hit and run."

Unnoticed by the gathered crowd, a trio of ships flew overhead, following the truck as the army did closer to Earth. Both groups wanted to secure the truck, unaware that two other parties were also in pursuit...or that a new legend would be born in the struggle to come.

AN: Going to post these chapters in segments (2-3 segments for chapter) on SB and SV, with the completed chapters being uploaded on FFN and AO3. That way I can get them out faster and maintain a decent writing schedule. These will be uploaded as sidestory chapters until the last one drops, then compiled into a single chapter.

Also, if anyone has suggestions for which Code Geass characters would end up as which Guardian classes (or has requests for Code Geass characters to become Guardians, because that is too good an opportunity to miss), please submit them.

Read and Review at your Leisure! This is Flameal15k, signing off!