A/N: This is based off of a concept not made by me. However, I currently Can't post links.
@The-Fall-Guy , could you get over here and post a link to the documents and junk this setting is based on please?
An indeterminate amount of time ago, multiple worlds fused together. In the ensuing chaos, The Villains succeeded in their respective goals and many heroes died. Perfect Bidoof (Pokemon Rusty) is one such Villain, chaining his incompetent trainer to a sandwich shop for all eternity and ruling over Kanto as a god. Like many gods, he has incomprehensible whims occasionally.
For example, he has decided to Open a high school inhabited solely by clones of various deceased figures.
...Buckle in folks, We're in for a weird ride.
Sonic the Hedgehog (Sonic For Hire) was a pretty chill dude. ... Well, a Clone of him was at least, the original Sonic being one of the first casualties of this world merger.
Though he DID Annoy everyone with his conspiracy theories.
"Sonic, would you give it a rest?" a Clone of Neil Armstrong Jr. AKA Space Kid (Camp Camp) shook his head in exasperation at lunch.
"I'm telling you man, It's weird! Why would Principal Perfect Bidoof Clone us JUST to send us to High School?" Sonic insisted.
"Dude, He's a god. They're not exactly known for being comprehensible." Crash Bandicoot (Sonic For Hire)'s clone pointed out.
Suddenly, before the trio could add much more, the trio of Cloned school bullies, Yamcha (Dragon Ball Z Abridged), Skout (Nomad of Nowhere) and Homsar (Homestar Runner) barge in.
"Where's Son-small-dick?" Yamcha glared.
"Heh heh, clever one!" Homsar and Skout giggle.
"Really you think so?" Yamcha beamed.
Sonic manages to:
[] Escape
[] Bump into the trio
[] almost escape and THEN bump into the trio