Cluster-World (A collab world-building thread partially inspired by ISOT Map Games)

Slap Fights And Commandments


Law of dibs, we each stake a claim for a (In universe) week on the HIGHEST THRONE, where you write what occurs on Cluster-World during your turns week, you've gotta stay consistent with established canon and personalities though, also try to make sense please
You can stake claim on another week by simply calling dibs on the appropriate number, and only one at a time, you cannot call dibs on two weeks in a row

You've got 3 real life days to write what occurs during the (In universe) week, if there is something important delaying you, just simply explain it and we can extend the limit to 5 days, if you don't post within the time limit you're moved to the bottom of the schedule list
Or you could give away your week to someone else, it won't violate the two week rule if you offer your turn to someone else

You can add up to 3 things to the setting during your turn, your Archon forms it from nothing, but there are limits to avoid someone overshadowing everyone else's work with their personal creation
So nothing bigger than france, so if you make a nation you can't cover the entire map with your personal empire, or make an entirely new planet to mess with
Nothing that can destroy and or effect all of france with ease, and or destroy and or effect everything with ease, so you can't forge an overpowered thing that will just conquer everyone immediately
And lastly, no copyright, we don't want to get sued by the Archons of other universes, so if you wanna create goku, or some other character from fiction, make something close but make sure that it isn't them

Don't be a jerk, pretty please
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Current State Of Things
(Will change to match the current condition of things)

The Kidney Continent
- North of the Dotty Archipelago, west of Blotch-Land
- Large landmass that has the silhouette of a kidney if viewed from space
Pile Tribe Home
- Close to the South Coast
- a hut made of welded together stone, like the name suggests it is home to the Chimeri Pile Tribe
- The perimeter has a small barebones tomato farm and a couple small walls also made of stone welded together

-On the East Coast their towers stand proud, a city with 1920s level technology
- Home to the Democratic Districts Of Unihattan, 6 districts in total, 3 on the coast, rest is further into the mainland
- Populated mainly by Unicorites

Kingdom Of Kedini
- On the north eastern portion of kidney continent resides a medieval feudal state populated mainly by humans
- It is ruled by a boy king named Edward Stone, who had taken the place of his father
- The residents believe the city has been split in half, but in actuality the city was only half-made by the Archons

Fields Of The Petty
- Near Kedini, these are a couple smaller feudal communities ruled by nobles that wanted to start their own nation, forming their own tiny kingdoms

The Dotty Archipelago
- South of the Kidney Continent, South-West of Blotch-Land
- Various close together islands dotting the ocean, a significant portion of them are connected by crude stone bridges that are tinted slightly red
Tower Of Feral Wizards
- On one of the centre islands is a large cobblestone tower with bearded faces carved into it
- Home to packs of Feral Wizards and libraries worth of tomes with strange symbols
- Connecting the island to multiple others are some crudely made stone bridges

The Bridges
- Bridges made of piles of stone stacked atop each other scattered in between a significant amount of islands, barely function as a proper bridge, - - They all lead to the tower, they're stained red
- The Feral Wizards constructed them

- East of the Kidney Continent, North-East of the Dotty Archipelago
- Large landmass that has the silhouette of a blotch if viewed from space
- The forests and fields are cold, frost bitten, hardy wildlife are the only type here
The Cold Mountain
- In the centre of the continent, a large mountain with a flat top covered in snow and almost always bombarded by snow storms rises high
- Multiple times on a monthly basis the snow storms come down from the mountain, ravaging the lands below before returning, they still affect things badly even when dormant

- In Blotch-Lands West stands Scariland, in a huge cold forest
- A living theme park that grows stronger with every soul filled with fear that it ends
- It has control over all parts of itself, and is filled with various theme park themed death traps, currently going with a winter wonderland theme cause of the snow

The Triad-Sea
- In Between the Kidney Continent, Blotch-Land, and the Dotty Archipelago
- Filled with fish, and coral, and there are some spooky but mundane fish deeper down
Temple to the Moon
- A large stack pierces the cold sea reaching the height of a modern day skyscraper and resembling an ancient structure.
- At its peak there is a large marble temple structured much like those of the Greeks with a large carving of the moon at its centre.
- Upon a full moon the temple glows with a bright white light and all those who enter it are transported to the Moon, but with breathable air, they can also look to the distance to see Cluster-World.

Various other landmasses, islands, and stuff, obviously just filled with mundane animals and plants, if you point them out and tell me where they're located relative to all current countries in your post, I'll add it to the list

- They have the upper bodies of humans, small vestigial wings on their backs, the legs of dogs, and the tails of lizards
- They're a curious people
- Have the ability to learn an art that allows them to weld stuff with a touch, though the welding seems to work differently on living creatures if they're capable of giving permission, if they say no the power won't work on them, you could fuse a plant and dog if they can't comprehend permission but a dog or plant that are sapient enough to say no must allow the welding

Feral Wizards
- Emaciated figures with marble-white skin, and wild sunken eyes, wearing tattered robes of varying shades of azure
- They act more like wild animals then men, but they wield magical wands with incredible finesse
- They use these to summon blue mana which they use to telekinetically control stuff
- They usually just murder and eat things

- A species of ursi that possess a supernatural ability to enter a rage which induces in them muscle growth.
- The already large bear doubles in size and mass for as long as the rage lasts and rampages attacking friend and foe, until they calm down.

- Humanoid unicorns that all have the ability to summon a single thing made of hard-light from their horn, the thing depends on the specific unicorn and matches them as an individual and evolve when they change as a person
- If their horn is hurt or destroyed their ability to make hard light is impeded, good thing the horn can heal and grow back

There of course various normal animals around like squirrels or wolves, just listing off every animal ever is difficult

The Pile Tribe
- A very primitive tribe of Chimeri, they mainly sleep in a big pile in a large stone hut made of welded together stone
- One of their heroes is Crem The Ground-Welder

The Democratic Districts Of Unihattan
- A democratic nation with 1920s level technology divided into districts of territory
- Each district elects an official who will be part of the ruling council, each with a term of 4 years before needing to be reelected
- Primarily composed of Unicorites

The Kingdom Of Kedini
- A feudalistic state ruled by a boy king named Edward Stone
- Currently in disarray after its creation
- Follows the classic societal structure you would see in medieval times, also has the technology level of medieval europe
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Week 1

The Chimeri
Description: They have the upper bodies of humans, small vestigial wings on their backs, the legs of dogs, and the tails of lizards, they're a curious people, and have the ability to learn an art that allows them to weld stuff with a touch, though the welding seems to work differently on living creatures if they're capable of giving permission, if they say no the power won't work on them, you could fuse a plant and dog if they can't comprehend permission but a dog or plant that are sapient enough to say no must allow the welding
Drop Off: Kidney Continent

Tower Of Feral Wizards
Description: A stone tower filled with old faded books of indecipherable symbols, and home to pale old magicians in tattered cloaks, driven mad by their magic, but still wielding their wands with the finesse of masters, summoning blue mana to lift and manipulate objects, mostly to catch local wildlife to consume
Drop Off: Dotty Archipelago

Kidney Continent
The Chimeri wash onto the shore, just created recently by the current Archon, confused, but looking at this new world with wonder in their eyes, they explore the shores, grabbing shells and welding them together for fun, licking the sand to see how it tastes before immediatly regretting that decision, and then running away from the small crabs that kept pinching them

After escaping the scuttling little monsters the Chimeri found they have walked further into the land, seeing grass, trees, vast open plains, and wol- OH GOD THEY BITE
The Chimeri get their first taste of combat as they were attacked by wolves, but the one who would soon be called Crem The Ground-Welder quickly hatched a plan, as the wolf went in to bite a small Chimeri she tackled it to the ground, welding its flesh with the dirt, making the beast experience agonizing pain

Soon the others followed her example, though some were lost or injured, the vast majority of the Chimeri survived while the remaining wolves ran off back into the forests
Then they were wet like when they were first brought to this world, and so they quickly discovered the art of making shelter, welding together dirt and rocks to create a communal hut where they all slept in a big pile for warmth, and thus the Pile Tribe was born

Dotty Archipelago
A giant Archon hand placed a tower on an island in the Archipelago, of cobblestone with creepy bearded faces carved into it, and dusty libraries filled with feral wizards, the local wildlife are frightened as the unknown structure is placed down and the large hand recedes back up to the 30th dimension

Some random monkey scaled the tower, curious about what may lie within, their reward was blue mana ripping them to shreds, as the feral wizard crawled over wand raised, before consuming the chunks leftover on the ground, they would be a scourge among the ecosystem of the island, wiping out many of the species that weren't good at hiding

And when they ran out they found more, making crude bridges or levitating to the other islands with their blue mana, they hunted in packs, they were more than enough by themselves but they worked together well, they descended on the poor island animals with an unmatched viciousness, with claws not of flesh and bone but of mana and wands

A deer ate some grass, not much

The Triad-Sea
A storm occurred there, knocking some fish around
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Week 2


-Cold Mountain
A large mountain rises from the centre of Blotch-Land affecting the local environment with a large flat top upon which an even pile of snow lies. From that day onward Blotch-Land experiences monthly periodic snow storms descending from the mountain to ravage the low lands before returning to it peak.
Drop Off: Blotch-Land

-Barbarian Bears
On one large island of the archipelago a family of bears have appeared and possess a supernatural ability to enter a rage which induces in them muscle growth. The already large bear doubles in size and mass for as long as the rage lasts and rampages attacking friend and foe, until they calm down.
Drop Off: Dotty Archipelago

Kidney Continent
The Pile Tribe enjoys a few peaceful days as the wounded animals lick their wounds and they begin to construct a few rock walls to better protect their sleeping area. They do realise they need to eat and drink quickly, which leads to some hasty decision in testing berries, leading to poor old Ali dying and then being dragged of by wolves as his dying corpse screams, "I'm not dead yet! You bastards!"

Dotty Archipelago
The Feral Wizards scouring the islands continue as they slowly but surely depopulate them, with only the smallest of critters surviving. As the days draw on they hear a sea shaking roar from a distant island and begin to construct a bridge towards, curious what could be causing such a thing and partially to kill whatever it was. On that island the pack of Barbarian Bears are tearing up the island throwing trees around and boulders, generally causing a mess.

The Cold Mountain causes a lot of shakeup in it appearances which means the wildlife runs for it life before settling into the new status quo. The animals unadapted towards the cold find themselves unprepared for the giant snow storms descending monthly for a short time to freeze regions of their land. During the initial storms a lot of animals and plants die, only the hardier ones remain.

The Triad-Sea
The sea is placid.
Week 3
New Additions

Description: It's a city with 1920s level technology, got 6 large districts, 3 at the coast, the rest further into the mainland, ruled by a council of elected officials, 1 from each district
It is entirely populated by Unicorites, humanoid unicorns that vary in appearance but all have the ability to summon a single thing made of hard-light from their horn, the thing depends on the specific unicorn and matches them as an individual and evolve when they change as a person, if their horn is hurt or destroyed their ability to make hard light is impeded, good thing the horn can heal and grow back
Drop Off: Kidney Continent

Description: A living theme park, it's all part of the same mystical organism, hungering for both fear and death in equal measure, all assets of the park shift according to its whims, the rides, the items in the gift shop, the staff, and it gets slightly stronger with every poor soul it frightens and ends, its main motif is the adorable fleshless mascot Scari The Skelley
Drop Off: Blotch-Land

Kidney Continent
An avatar of the Archons sat on a hill with a canvas on an easel, on which was a perfectly lined up painting of the far off Kidney north coast, they raised a brush and began to quickly start using an assortment of paints to add a city into the landscape's design, after that they removed the painting and easel, but the city was still there
The hustle and bustle disturbed the nearby wildlife, but the Unicorites didn't care much for that, instead they did their usual thing, and a small amount expeditioners went out to check out the rest of the world, even sailed across the ocean

The Pile Tribe get a bit hungry once the nearby berry supply dwindles, so they attempted to figure out farming, but then a strange fellow with a horses head adorned with a single horn and black mane, wearing overalls and checking out the land, his name was Daisy-Dale, he saw the trouble the Pile Tribe had with food and shared with them some of his supplies and some farming tips, resulting the tribe's first farm

Dotty Archipelago
The Feral Wizards and Barbearians begin to fight, one bear gets their armed ripped off by blue mana, but the wizard who did so is then beaten to death with the severed arm, another wizard pierces the one-armed bear with spikes of mana lifted stone killing them instantly, but was then consumed by five at the same time from the legs up, but those bears were squished between two large rocks lifted by, you guessed it, a feral wizard's mana
This also all happened in the span of about 20 seconds

The bloodbath continued until both sides were incredibly tired, so they both called it quits for the rest of the week and get some sleep, resting in their appropriate caves or tower, preparing to murder each other to death next week

Rising on the west of Blotch-Land, through the frostbitten forest, with twisted obsidian black rollercoasters twisting and turning, ferris wheels with removable floors, and grinning mascots getting the easily poppable balloons filled with tox gas ready for the potential guests, welcome to Scariland! the most place frightful place on Cluster-World! Probably not gonna be if we're given some time but it's their slogan

The living theme park prepares for the terrible snowstorms, adding hot cocoa stands, maybe a couple death trap filled ski slopes, and finally instead of a mall santa they got a mall krampus, who instead of letting children sit on their lap it tortures them instead, you don't even have to wait in line. he'll come to YOU

The Triad-Sea
Captain Bayhab the Unicorite and his loyal crew sailed across the Triad-Sea trying to check out the place for their bosses at Mor-Dosh Enterprises, existence was a new thing for everyone in Unihattan and Mor-Dosh immediately decided to go and capitalize on whatever they could before the rival companies (Which the Archons all said were definately rivals before, despite not even existing a week prior) got them first

Which was why Bayhab was now sailing the sea with the vague orders of finding "Anything profitable" and was now currently fighting off a bunch of sharks with a harpoon gun made of hard-light cause some idiot cut their hand on something during the current storm, attracting the many-toothed sea beasts

As the ship rocked, a crewmember almost slid into the water but luckily was stopped by the railing, but a shark jumped out and tried to take this chance to bite the fisher-horses head off, but was stopped with a hard-light harpoon right through the face, Bayhab wasn't losing any of his men today if he could help it
And within a couple hours, they scared off the sharks and the storm calmed down to just sheets of rain, and near the end of the week they reach a new colder landmass, which was called Blotch-Land
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Week 4
Kingdom of Kedini
Description: The north eastern portion of the Kidney Continent is physically altered to fit in a civilised feudal state known as the Kingdom of Kedini. A state roughly the size of Northern Ireland with an equivalent population during the 1400 Irish peasantry or about 650,000 peasantry in it ranks. With the Kingdom in disarray due to only half the country the population remember appearing leading to the loss of their "true" monarch, the young boy prince Edward Stone has risen to be the new king.
Drop Off: Kidney Continent

Temple to the Moon
Description: A large stack pierces the cold sea reaching the height of a modern day skyscraper and resembling an ancient structure. At it peak there is a large marble temple structured much like the Greek's with a large carving of the moon at it centre. Upon a full moon the temple glows with a bright white light and all those who enter it are transported to a pocket dimension otherwise known as the Moon. Possessing breathable air it exists in a state from which those trapped on the Moon can see the Cluster-World and those upon the world can see the Moon.
Drop Off: The Triad-Sea

Kidney Continent


"You fancy that the city went into some kind of renovation."

"Not since I last went their, those it look cleaner?"

"No, I mean yes. But it sawed in half."


The Kingdom of Kedini found itself stranded on the Kidney Continent and the initial chaos lead to the nation destabilising especially amongst it border provinces. All out rebellion of angry human barons and peasants occurring across the sawn in half kingdom as the boy prince gathers a force of loyalists to combat the revolutionaries. Some nobles taking bands of their peasantry to escape the yoke of the kingdom and establish themselves as petty kings in the wilderness past it borders. A few have made the trek south to see what all the lights are in the distance being quite shocked when they saw Unihattan.

Unihatten on the other hand was experiencing some of the first taste of taming a land as they began the mass attempt at well feeding their city state population. The districts of the city magnificent thought they were needed food and so began the "internship" of the lower classes who were less profitable to begin the region wide farmification of the land.

The Pile Tribe had their first success. They grew some tomatoes or was it tomato? WHO CARES!?

Dotty Archipelago
The Feral Wizards learning from their mistakes instead of going straight down the bridge they had constructed into the road raging bears decided to surround the bears. Using their levitation to float themselves to the island so they may land on it beech's and then ambush them when they weren't expecting... apparently they were. It seems when they're not angry these bears are about as intelligent as a human barbarian which means they actually know some strategy unlike puny wizards. It is now commented as B-Day in the minds of the Feral Wizards as large numbers of their kind found themselves being torn apart on the sands.

Bayhab looks across the colder landmass it was a circular but irregular circular much like a really poorly made clay sphere. He was not a poet, but nonetheless he jumped off his ship and began to walk around with a few crew mates. The exploration of a small portion of the island had began they would notice a few interesting things.

First a lot of the animal life had well recently died and the plant life too with only a few hardy specks of flora remaining that were slowly reclaiming the region. Evergreens growing seemingly in strength while oak, thorn and ash trees were seemingly dying out. The fact that insects as well were seemingly gone from the region due to the shifting weather was a pleasant suprise the only pests on the island being a bunch of shrews, rat's and mice that seemed to scurry around for a crumb of food.

The Triad-Sea
The Temple to the Moon exists... what?

Oh, alright occasionally it has blinding glowing colour during the full moon which may attract someones attention later.
Imma get to work on updating world info

Couple quick questions tho

half the country the population remember appearing
So is the kingdom cut in half or is it both cut in half AND half the population believe they existed before this?

so began the "internship" of the lower classes who were less profitable to begin the region wide farmification of the land.
The lower classes from Kedini? The lower classes of Unihattan? Both?
Imma get to work on updating world info

Couple quick questions tho

So is the kingdom cut in half or is it both cut in half AND half the population believe they existed before this?

The lower classes from Kedini? The lower classes of Unihattan? Both?

For Kedini the believe they were cut in half they didn't actually exist before.

Unihattan their own lower classes.
1. On a night with a Full moon, upon the rising tides of the Tria-Sea, and the glow of the Moon temple, a new (Size of Hawaii Island) landmass come up from the depths. This Island is shaped as a large seashell, with several smaller, rocky islands, forming a chain linking it with the moon temple. It is blessed with the force of Life, and grows thick, lush rainforest over the course of the night. The next day, all of its plants ripen its fruit, and the one tree, the one called The Palm of the Sea, made a large brown fruit...but it would then be given life and sentience, and gave birth to the first people of its land.

2. The Lemans. large oranguatan sized Flying Lemurs, which have the intelligence to be self aware, and organize societies, make peace with the land, and create simple homes for themselves in the trees, eating fruit, and the occasional fish, for sustenance.

3. Elsewhere in the world, a mysterious merchant with pineapple leaves for hair appears be selling silverware with imbedded jewels. He can not take money for his wares, nor can he say where he came from.
1. On a night with a Full moon, upon the rising tides of the Tria-Sea, and the glow of the Moon temple, a new (Size of Hawaii Island) landmass come up from the depths. This Island is shaped as a large seashell, with several smaller, rocky islands, forming a chain linking it with the moon temple. It is blessed with the force of Life, and grows thick, lush rainforest over the course of the night. The next day, all of its plants ripen its fruit, and the one tree, the one called The Palm of the Sea, made a large brown fruit...but it would then be given life and sentience, and gave birth to the first people of its land.

2. The Lemans. large oranguatan sized Flying Lemurs, which have the intelligence to be self aware, and organize societies, make peace with the land, and create simple homes for themselves in the trees, eating fruit, and the occasional fish, for sustenance.

3. Elsewhere in the world, a mysterious merchant with pineapple leaves for hair appears be selling silverware with imbedded jewels. He can not take money for his wares, nor can he say where he came from.
This isn't like my other collaborative world-building things, you can't just describe what you made, you gotta write down what occurred that week
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