Claymore: Awakened Being Quest 2: How (Not) To Be An Evil People Eating Monster

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2nd Thread to Claymore Awakened being quest.

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Opening Post: Combat Mechanics


Proud GM
Scraped from here.

2nd Thread to Claymore Awakened being quest.

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Combat Mechanics:

Attacks: 1 for every dex point, or related perk. 5Dexterity=5 Attacks.
The higher number wins 18>12. When two attacks meet at equal numbers (12=12), the damage is applied both ways unless an actual held weapon is used. Every point of dexterity gives you +1 to damage.

Dodging: Similar to attacking the higher number wins, however if the person in question has a higher number then any points left are carried over to the next roll.
+4 on next roll.
The agility stat is added onto your armor for if you do get hit.

Armor: Armor is damage reduction. 3 points of it will negate 3 damage. If you have more armor than an attack, it is completely negated.

Damage: How much your attacks hit for. Dependent on several things. Your dexterity (+1 per point) Strength (+1per point) and the actual damage of the weapon itself. Certain Perks and mutations can increase damage depending on their level.

Hitting: Works on a 1d20 system made by Open Sketchbook. Link

Called Shots: Suffer a -2 to hit chance unless you have a perk.

Youki/Youkai Energy:
Youki is one of your most important stats. It's how much energy you have, and produce. Why is it important? Because almost everything costs Youki. If it runs out you become helpless until you get more. It takes roughly 24 hours to regenerate from 0. Food of any kind helps fill the pool. Human tastes the best.

Natural: Is how much energy your body produces, and is equal to your other stats combined. It Cannot be used to purchase stats and mutations, and is used up by creating things with your flesh/armor, transforming, and creating fire/hot air.

Supplementary: Is how much extra energy you have. It is gained from eating yoma, and awakened beings. It can be used to buy upgrades to stats, and mutations. But it also can be used in place of natural Youki to create things.

Regeneration: You can currently spend 1 point of Youki to regenerate a single 1/10 of your full health.

Claymore: Awakened Being Quest Thread 1.And 2 Story only Thread
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Character Sheet
Character Sheet
[X] Name: Liam
[X]Age: 9-10 Years old.
[X]Max Youki (Natural) 34
[X]Vitality: 4 (40health)
[X]Strength: 5 (+2=7) (+7 to damage)
[X]Dexterity: 7 (7 attacks +7 to damage)
[X]Agility:4 (+2=6 when flying) (slightly above average speed for a claymore or yoma)
[X]Resistance: 7 (Extremely tough, and outright immune to most poisons)
[X]Intelligence: 7 (Very smart. There are very few on the island with intelligence near your level)

Armor: 12 (7 in other form)
Current Health: 40
Current Natural Youki: 3/34

-[X]Hearing: Enhanced tier 1
-[X]Sight: Enhanced tier 1
-[X]Touch: Enhanced tier 1
-[X]Taste: Enhanced tier 1
-[X]Smell: Enhanced tier 1

Bonuses To Hit: 3
+2 Situational Clairvoyance
+1 Pinpoint sensing II

Claws: 3Damage 7 1d10+8
+7 From strength.
+7 From Dex.
+1 From Structural Debility.
+3 From Hot Body.
21Damage In total

Razor Wings: 1Damage (Ground Only) 7 1d10+5
+7 From Dexterity
+7 From Strength
+1 From Structural Debility
+3 From hot body
18Damage In total

Razor Wings:3Damage (Flight Only)
+7 Strength.
+7 For Dexterity.
+6 For Agility.
+3 For Hot body
+1 From Structural Debility.
27 Damage In total.

Fists:1Damage 7 1d10+5
+7 Strength
+7 Dex
+3 Hot Body
+1 Structural debility
18 Damage In total

Air blast: 8 Damage Ranged

Skills: How good you are at something: You gain more skill by using the ability in question. Every five points give a +1 to rolls, at 25 you get a bonus.
Knife Fighting: 5 (+1) You are mildly skilled at using knives. Your earlier experience were helpful in that regard.
Dodging: 16 (+3) You have spent a lot of time fighting recently. Even with armor, dodging is till important.
Swordsmanship: 5 (+1) you have witnessed claymores, and their fighting styles. You could in theory use one of their blades.
Claws: 28 (+5) The sharp digits of your finger are a natural weapon you have plenty of practice with, and at this point are extremely skilled with the instruments of death. (+1 bonus to damage)
Wingstriking:10 (+2) Your wings have been used in combat recently. They are formidable weapons
Grappling: 6 (+1) You have wrestled around a tiny bit. But nothing useful for fighting yet.
Sensing: 29 (+5) You know how to pick up the signatures of others with youki. Whats more you are getting better every encounter.
Speech: 8 (+1) You know a little about speaking to others. But not much.
Sneaking: 10 (+2) You have gotten a large amount of practice with sneaking recently. It has helped your stealth considerably.
Crafting: 7. You can create basic articles of clothing, but not much more
General Medicinal: 20 (+4) You have the scattered memories of several low level medical practitioners. And although you don't exactly have their full knowledge available, you know how to cure, and treat a wide variety of wounds, and illnesses.
Science: 16 (+3) You have consumed several low level practitioners. And while you won't be conducting any mad experiments, you can still understand a bit of scientific theory.
Psychic's: 15 (+3) You have traversed several minds, and while still new at this, you are more experienced, and have even shown yourself to have a talent for it.
Regeneration: 1 You know a small bit about how the ability works, but beyond that all you can currently rely on is instinct.
Listening: 2: You're not heavily experienced in listening intently to the surroundings.
Advanced Observation: 12: You've learned a lot watching others, though its mostly been in combat, you can however read all sorts of things like body language, facial expressions, and even lip movements! (+2 to checks regarding observation with your eyes)
Scent Detection: 1: You don't use your sense of smell that much, probably something to do with the rotten village you've been too.
Touch Identification: 2: You know little about identifying things through touch, but to be fair you haven't exactly been trying to figure out how that even works.
Taste Discernment: 5: You've eaten enough yoma, humans and normal food for that matter to get a general idea of how

You are very small for an awakened being, but still slightly larger than most adult humans. Your Stocky, heavy set frame is covered in White Plates of thick Bone like Material.
The Material is eternally warm from the energy emanating from your core. When you wish it, you can melt even the best steel within a few seconds. Each of your fingers is a curved blade ending in a sharp point. Good for cutting, slashing and stabbing. The Plate covering your face may be absorbed back into your body to reveal your mouth. The dozen of teeth are all sharp and serrated. Your eyes can see past the opaque coverings..... Somehow.
A Large Pair of Wings grow out from your back, the edges are Razor sharp. Even with your heavy build, they can propel you through the air at extremely high speeds. They too share the protection of Bony plates. At a whim the white material can expel extremely hot air to hurt opponent, and boost your flight.

[X]Protective fury: When someone is in danger of being killed by a yoma, you gain an additional attack against the Foe. (1d10)
[X]Weighted Hatred: You have developed a deep hatred for Yoma, and will go in for the kill whenever the opportunity arises. The Hate effects your energy somewhat. Must resist a 1d10+6 to not attack
[X]Structural Debility: Due to your intelligence, you can see the weakness in structures like armor, and ruthlessly exploit them. (+1 Damage)
[X] Situational Clairvoyance: You can predict, the movements of anything near you. +1 to attack, dodge and parry.
[X] Fast Mind: You think fast, and interpret information at an unmatched speed. It also allows you to pick up skills faster, and from just watching.
[X] Claw Mastery I: Your skill in using claws is extraordinary giving you another point in damage

[X] Plated Exoskeleton: Your body is covered in dense bony plates, that can Shrug off very powerful hits. +5 Armor. (Loses the ability to stretch when in true form)
-[X] Powered armor I (Secondary) Building muscles, directly into the Outer shell gives a +1 to strength
-[X] Bone Crafting (Secondary) Allows you to create weapons from the same material as your armor, and change your armor's physical appearance. (5 YE)
-[X] A large Pair of Bat-like wings sprout from your back. They count on your agility to move around. (Flight)
[X] Hotter Body II: Your body has an extremely high. Useful for burning things. Currently Gives a +3 to damage.
-[X] Hot tissue. Your muscles are put into overdrive whenever combat starts. +1 to effective strength.
-[X] Thermal jets: Allows you to open up pathways through your body to expel extremely hot air, at an incredible force.
[X] Info Eater: You can Gain Information by eating another living thing. This can even go to the genetic level.
[X] Youki Sense: You can sense the inherent energy of youki, however right now, you can't do much other than sense that it's there. (1d10)
[X] Youki Control. You can control your flow of YE
-[X]Youki Control II: (tertiary) Allows you to further control how much yokai energy you can exert or hide.(5 YE)
-[X] Pinpoint sensing I: Upgrades the accuracy of your sensing for combat purposes.
-[X] Pinpoint Sensing II: Upgrades your energy sensing abilities further giving you another +1 to all Melee Combat.
-[X] Ranged Sensing: Increases the range of your sense to a larger area. Allows you to track things

[X]Shapeshifting: You can shift your form.
[X] Regeneration: Heals 10% of your health per round (costs 1 nYE) Current cap is 1 point.
[X] Extrasensory Telesthesia: There are thing you can do with your mind strange things. Sometimes when you touch people.... You can hear their thoughts, and can even interact with them on a deeper level.

[X] Other form:
-[X] Currently your other form is that of a Ten year old boy. You have short brown hair, and a lean build. Not very tall or short.

[X] Name of Best friend: Trisha
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Achievements: Ally Character Sheets

This is The Index For Claymore: Awakened Being Quest. Thank you for reading. Look down below for the appropriate links

#1: Background Rewritten.
#2: Report, and Character Creation.
#3: Reports, and awakening.
#4: Dinnertime, wings, and a hard shell.
#5: Escape.
#6: Divebomb
#7: And Slice
#8: Eh Youkai energy what's that?
#9: Hunting time!
#10: I can Shapeshift, can you shapeshift?
#11:Sneaking,sneaking,sneaking, "Huh I'm pretty good at this"
#12: Rip, tear, and explode.
#13: Searching, Searchin, Searching.
#14: Ambushed!
#15: First true Battle
#16: Tracking
#17: Aerial assault!
#18: Really? The left arm again!?
#19" This is Wrastlin!
#20 And it's done.
#21 "I'm sorry for all the ruckus. our argument just got a little heated"
#22 Ugh get the awful taste out of my mouth.
#23 Over the Meadows and through the woods to the slaughtered village we go
#24 Some burial
#25 Claymore, surprise and disgust
#26 Some more Burial
#27 And of course just ignore my questions
#28 Ow my foot
#29 And you did nothing to my armor.
#30 Okay I'm not attacking the dangerous soldier.
#31 Ooh a city
#32 Two Yoma guarding an entrance
#33 Discovered
#34 Running
#35 I have a plan! And Six intelligence!
#36 Chop, chop, chop, Blimey's need to die.
#37 I'm Sneaking into the city.
#38 Thirst is Quenched!
#39 Did up not know? Every city has street rats.
#40 Some small trolling, and a long walk.
#41 Huh Old man can stare hard.
#42 Talking.
#43 More talking, and his name is Tyrone Coleman.
#44 Getting geared up.
#45 Welp that didn't go as expected.
#94 Sea of memories
#100: Finishing up at the mansion.
#100.5: Interlude: Tyrone's son.
#101 Learning to fly.
#102: Conversations and Realizations.
#103: Return to town.
#104: Tyrone remains competent, news at eleven.
#105:Talkin' with Tyrone, meanwhile Horas.
#105.2: Interlude:Silver eyed whining.
#106: Sleepin' with Valina.
#107:Cheering, Congratulations, and Claymores.
#108: Imminent ambush.
#108.5: Interlude: Could have been.
#109: Drexal gets writer's block.
#110: Drexal gets over writers block, and Liam prepares for diplomacy.
#111: Claymores come out to talk.
#112: Inquiries from a damaged sword.
#113: Valina proves herself the master of tact.
#114 Crossbow Once Again Proves Useful
#119: Well, that was easy
#8120: Shut up and sit down

#A particular set of skills #Wait, You are Batman! well Batyoma MY PARENTS ARE DEAD!#Blind GM#No One Expects The Bat!
#Musings of an awakened mind

People of Interest:

Trisha Best Friend: Presumed dead But actually training to be a claymore. May end up as Ophelia

Tyrone Coleman Ally: An old pudgy warrior who is head of the city watch. Experienced and the strongest human you have ever seen. Is too fat to wear about half of his armor Currently standing behind you.

Custom Crossbow: Damage:???? A metal and wood monstrosity, of four and a half feet.

Custom Warhammer: Damage:4 An enormous metal hammer that could probably crack even your armor.

[X]Dexterity: 2
[X]Strength: 3

Crossbow Marksmanship: 66
Warhammer proficiency: 47

Called training: Tyrone has trained enough in the ways of the crossbow to remove the -2 from called shots.

[X] Name: Valina: Friend


Claymore Sword: A large two handed blade made out of an incredibly sturdy material. Big, and sharp, some people might suggest that it's overcompensating for something.
[X]Youki (Natural) 31
[X] Vitality: 3 (30 Health)
[X]Dexterity: 7 (7 attacks +7 to damage)
[X]Strength: 6 (+6 to damage)
[X]Agility 5 (A lot higher speed than a claymore or yoma)
[X] Resistance: 4 (Very tough, and resistant to most poisons)
[X] Intelligence 6 (Very smart. There are very few on the island with intelligence above her level. You are one of them)

Armor: 8 (4 in other form)
Current health: 30

Bonuses To Hit: 1
+1 To hit Sensing


Claymore Sword: Damage 3 1d10+7
+6 Strength
+7 Dexterity
16Damage In total

Claws: 2 Damage 7 1d10+1
+6 Strength
+7 Dexterity
15 Damage In total

Siren's Roar: 7 Damage 1d10+7

Swordsmanship: 31 (+6) (+1 to hit)
Dodging: 15 (+3 to dodge)
Singing: 36 (+7 to singing)

Valina's height stretches up to far beyond that of a normal human. She stands extemly tall, the top of her head nearly reaching your own armored visor. However the claymores body shape is not lanky. Her frame is too broad for that. A mixture of muscle and fat cover her body, shown even through the clothes that normally surround her fit body. The woman's skin once horribly scarred, has now been healed, as has her voice. Her golden eyes now shine with a fulfilled light, her revenge taken. When she wishes it, Valina can surround her body in set of boney plates, similar to your own. Another new addition is her wings, while the woman cannot fly as fast as you, she can move faster than most claymores.

[X] Master Swordswoman I
Gives a +1 to hit with swords, and sword-like weapons.

[X] Plated Exoskeleton: Her body is covered in light, dense bony plates, that can Shrug off very powerful hits. +4 Armor. (Loses the ability to stretch when in true form)
[X] Wings: Valina has a pair of boney feathered wings, that can lift her almost effortlessly.
-[X] A large Pair of Bat-like wings sprout from Valina's back. They count on her agility to move around. (Flight)
[X] Siren's Call: Valina can use her mutated voice, to both physically, and mentally hurt enemies. It can also be used to effect the mood's of youki filled creatures. A last thing is that the power can be used to alter people's minds.
[X] Regeneration:Heals 10% of her health per round by spending nYE. (currently capped at 1 point)
The Great Escape- Escape the headquarters of the organization.
Dine and Dash- End one encounter in a single round, leave immediately with the body, and consume it.
Mostly armless- remove an enemy's arm.
Sinister Prejudice- remove an enemy's left arm, twice.
Hot and unusual punishment- use your hot body ability to force someone to rip off the seared flesh to heal.
Oh Yeah just like the cool aid man- Burst through a wall to surprise your quarry.
One Liner-You like so many action movie heroes have said something awesome/silly.
Double cannibal- eat a cannibalistic Yoma or Awakened Being
One tap too many- roll a hit location for an already removed body part
Wolf in sheep's clothing-Trick one or more enemies into attacking you by pretending to be weaker than you actually are.
Now this just ain't fair- Gang up on an opponent with an ally.
Finishing combo: Duo- Combine attacks with an ally to finish a weakened enemy.
And timber- Cause a massive enemy to fall over.
The bigger They Are, The Harder they Fall- You have fell the largest class of enemy. And it fell quite hard.
The Dark Knight- Become similar to Batman.
WTF?!- OOCly find information even the GM was unaware of
Attack From above!- Attack by bursting down from above.
Jump in the waters fine - Delved into your first sea of memories.
Leo Major wannabee-Liberated a city most due to your own efforts, without anyone on your side dying.
Under the Influence - Fight an ally that's mentally compromised.
Percussive Therapy - And get some sense in him again
Thanks for the help hero (Says the Villain) - Unwittingly help an enemy
Pride Goeth Before The Fall - Deliver an absolutely one-sided beatdown on an enemy after he gloats to you
Shounen Flashback - Explore someone's tragic backstory mid-fight
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Mutations: Stats: And Upgrading Them
Mutations Stats And Upgrading Them
Current Supplementary Yokai Energy (YE or Youki): 1

Current stats:
[X]Vitality: 4 (Determines Health) (1 point=10 health)
[X]Strength: 5 (7) (Your general strength)
[X]Dexterity: 7 (The amount of attacks you can throw out, and how much more damage you do per hit)
[X]Agility: 4 (6 When flying) (How fast you are whether it be flying or running)
[X]Resistance: 7 (How tough you are in general. Poisons, claws, the works)
[X]Intelligence: 7 (How smart you are in general. The higher the stat, the more you notice, and more you can compute)

Upgrading Stats:
Stats are linear, and as expected high ranking character have really high stats. Your favored stats (Strength, Intelligence) however have discounts. Shown in brackets.

1-2 costs 2
2-3 cost 3+1
3-4 costs 4+2
4-5 costs 5+3 (5+1)
5-6 costs 6+4 (6+2)
6-7 costs 7+5 (7+3)
7-8 costs 8+6 (8+4)
8-9 costs 9+7 (9+5)
9-10 costs 10+8 (10+6)

Mutations require different amounts of energy to upgrade, and branch off. If you buy something then more mutations will be unlocked.

There are several different types of Mutations:

Primary Mutations: Are in bold. They can be unlocked by eating special yoma or other Awakened Beings. Other can be unlocked by purchasing certain secondary, or tertiary mutations. Costs 10-20 points of Yoma energy.

Secondary mutations: Are mutations that branch off underneath primary ones. They are unlocked after purchasing Primary Mutations, or secondary mutations. Costs 5-15 points of Yoma energy depending on the change in question.

Tertiary Mutations: Are in italics. They are the smallest of the mutations, and make the least change. However they can still be very effective. Costs 1-10 points depending on the choice.

When bought, a mutation is crossed out, and added to the Character Sheet. Buying the mutation may also unlock new ones.

(Senses for the purpose of the game will go under mutations)

[X] Plated Exoskeleton: (Primary)
-[X] Lighter armor: (Secondary)(2 YE) (Takes away the -1 agility)
-[X] Powered armor I (Secondary) Building muscles, directly into the Outer shell gives a +1 to strength (4 YE)

-[X] Powered armor II (Secondary) (8 YE) Additional muscles are built directly into your armor. They empower you significantly. (+1 Strength +1 agility)
-[X] Denser armor I: (Secondary) (4 YE) (Adds +1 armor)
-[X] Flexing armor: (Secondary) (4 YE) (Puts a small amount of elasticity in your armor so your plates do not shatter nearly as easily) (+1 armor)
-[X] Bone Crafting (Secondary) Allows you to create weapons from the same material as your armor, and change your armor's physical appearance. (5 YE)
-[X]Combat Shifting: (Secondary) (8YE) Allows you to speed up the process of your armor growing, making great weapons, and other such construct in seconds.
-[X] Weight: (Tertiary) You can alter the weight of your armor (4 YE) (???)

[X]Scaly Skin (Primary) (13 YE) (Adds +2 armor) (??? Effects)

[X]Expansion and Compression (Primary)( 18 YE)

[X] Wings: (Primary)
-[X] Second Set (Secondary)Grows a second set of wing below your primary set. (5 YE)
-[X] Boosters (Secondary) When closed your wings gain the ability to form a conduit for hot air boosting travel for short periods of time (+1 agility) (5YE)
-[X] Extra joints:(Tertiary) Allows you to use your wings for an extra attack. (3 YE)

[X] New Limb: (Primary) (5YE)
-[X] Write in

[X] Hot Body: (Primary)
-[X] Hotter body I: (Secondary) You are about as hot as a blacksmith's forge. And it adds another point of damage. (5 YE)
-[X]Hotter Body II: (Secondary) There are few things on the surface that are hotter than though. (10 YE)

-[X]Hotter Body III: (Secondary) At this point even claymore swords can be melted in a combat time frame. Dragonfire? Please (13 YE)
-[X] Thermal vents: (Secondary) Allows you to open up pathways through your body to expel extremely hot air. (5 YE)
-[X] Altered Thermal Jets: (Tertiary) By further powers up your jets, and changing their function from just flight allows for the speed boost even while on the ground. (6YE)
-[X] Thermal Jets: (Tertiary) Powers up your thermal vents to be much more powerful. (3 YE)
-[X] Hot tissue: (Tertiary) Puts your muscles into overdrive in times of stress giving one point of strength.

[X] Fire!: (Primary) (Warning It is Recommended that thermal vents are purchased first.)
Allows you to generate fire within your body (8 YE)

[X] External Temperature control: (Primary)
Allows you to slightly alter the temperature of anything close to you. (10 YE)

[X] Youki sensing: (Primary)
-[X] Ranged Sensing: (Secondary) Increases the range of your sense to a larger area. Allows you to track things (2 YE)
-[X] Pinpoint sensing I: (tertiary) Upgrades the accuracy of your sensing for combat purposes. (4 YE)
-[X] Pinpoint Sensing II: (tertiary) Upgrades your energy sensing abilities further giving you another +1 to all Melee Combat. (6 points)

-[X]Youki Control I: (tertiary) Allows you to regulate how much yokai energy you exert at any given time. (6 YE)
-[X]Youki Control II: (tertiary) Allows you to further control how much yokai energy you can exert or hide.(5 YE)

-[X]Youki Control III: (Tertiary) Allows you to almost completely hide your signature, and also flare it up tremendously. (10YE)

[X]Enhanced Youki Generation: (Primary) Your entire body produces more Youki than usual (Doubles ones generation of NYE) ??? (8YE)
[X]Youki Manufactorum Organ (Primary) Forms an Organ in the body which sole purpose is to produce Natural Youkai Energy. (8YE) (Generates 1 NYE per turn) ??? Effects.
[X]Youki Storage Depot (Primary) Forms an internal Organ that stores large quantities of Youki. (8YE) (Increases NYE capacity by 10)
-[X] Youki Efficiency (Secondary) Increasing the efficiency of how your Natural Yokai Energy is expended, by limiting the amount released through transformation, and combat. (Halves cost for NYE in transforming, and fighting) (4YE)
-[X]Increased Youki Generation: (Secondary) Permanently increases the rate at which you generate youki. (4YE) (Also Doubles effectiveness of Organ)
-[X]Denser Youki: (Secondary) By compressing Your Yokai together, you can store 50% more NYE than otherwise. ??? Effects (13 YE)

[X] Cloak: (Primary) 8 YE

[X] Info Eater: (Primary) You can Gain Information by eating another living thing. This can even go to the genetic level.

[X] Regeneration: 5 YE (Primary) Heals 10% points of health per round. (Requires 1 point of nYE)
-[X] Regeneration II (Secondary) Heals 20% health every turn. (8 YE) (Requires 2 points of nYE)

[X]Extrasensory Telesthesia: You can interact with people's minds, and even hear their thoughts when directly touching them. This is the most basic rank, and more intelligence is required to unlock a higher rank.

[X]Enhanced Senses: (Primary) (Free)
[X]Enhanced Senses Teir 2: (Secondary) (Costs 10 NYE) (Gives a further upgrade to the senses 3 sets of 10 instead of 2 sets)
-[X]Hearing: Enhanced tier 2 (tertiary) (Costs 2 NYE)
-[X]Sight: Enhanced tier 2 (tertiary) (Costs 2 NYE)
-[X]Touch: Enhanced tier 2 (tertiary) (Costs 2 NYE)
-[X]Taste: Enhanced tier 2 (tertiary) (Costs 2 NYE)
-[X]Smell: Enhanced tier 2
(tertiary) (Costs 2 NYE)
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Going to want to pick up Fire! Soon though, between Hotter Body II and Thermal Jets, it'd be one hell of a ranged attack.
Alectai said:
Going to want to pick up Fire! Soon though, between Hotter Body II and Thermal Jets, it'd be one hell of a ranged attack.
Indeed. The 8 Will double up to 16. And that's just one out of the seven attacks.

Plus Active rocket boost will boost dex, strength, and agility So another 2 points of damage.
IronForge said:
The full range of that power or just the "this aren't the droids you are looking for" thing?
Well what you can do is casually do small minderapey things without touching them. It's great for not being seen, and commanding weak willed people.
Would prefer to pick up some armor-upgrades next time.

Speaking of which; Drexal, do you have anything more planned regarding mutations besides what's available currently?
Leoric said:
I want to do male Simurgh. Can we do Simurgh? Please?
I guess.
Karion said:
Would prefer to pick up some armor-upgrades next time.
Well speaking of armor, you've got 12 now. But Valina if serious and buffed could still get 4 points of damage passed you.
Speaking of which; Drexal, do you have anything more planned regarding mutations besides what's available currently?
I have a lot planned. A lot of mutations work well together, especially to create mixed ones.

Then there are the mutations available after eating other awakened beings.
And as badass as we are, we're still not even a speedbump to most Awakened Beings :(
Karion said:
Creature from the webserial "Worm". Mind rapes entire cities using telekenisis to turn them into frothing psycopaths or deranged lunatics. Or just make them react in detrimental ways. And some of them have time triggers. She can also see the past and the future.

I can recommend the story in question and you can find it over here.
Alectai said:
And as badass as we are, we're still not even a speedbump to most Awakened Beings :(
In the beginning you were yes.

In fact you basically started of with the weakest build in terms of stats,

But there have been some serious upgrades in strength, dexterity and toughness.


An "Average" awakened being is about as fast, but stronger, and has more health.

You could beat several in the main series, fairly easily now. If only because their main method of attack is tendril which could be completely laughed off.
Leoric said:
Creature from the webserial "Worm". Mind rapes entire cities using telekenisis to turn them into frothing psycopaths or deranged lunatics. Or just make them react in detrimental ways. And some of them have time triggers. She can also see the past and the future.

I can recommend the story in question and you can find it over here.
Don't really have the time or attention to spare; trying to follow 12 (penetrator, valhalla, dynasty, your god quest, this, both of GX's, some from BoS, Jemnite's Bret quest, facehugger's sup-com one, ...) or so quests, novels, games which I want to try...

And that is in my free time.

Edit: not to mention that I can be rather zerstreut (scatter-brained; I think), sometimes.
Karion said:
Don't really have the time or attention to spare; trying to follow 12 (penetrator, valhalla, dynasty, your god quest, this, both of GX's, some from BoS, Jemnite's Bret quest, facehugger's sup-com one, ...) or so quests, novels, games which I want to try...

And that is in my free time.

Edit: not to mention that I can be rather zerstreut (scatter-brained; I think), sometimes.
Well Worm is actualy completed as it is if thats any good in your eyes. So its more a mater of reading it to the end rather then following it.

Also Drexal - can we get telekenisis? Or will we have to wait and see?
Abhoth said:
Yay, a new thread!

Drexal, a question: Are there stat caps in this system, or can we just keep getting stronger/faster/smarter/etc. without limit?
The cap for dexterity, strength, and agility is muscle compilation and size. Eventually you get too big, to move at a decent speed, or there is simply not enough muscle.

Intelligence..... That's stranger, but it works in a similar fashion.

However I believe the cap is going to be in the 20's but I haven't decided yet.
Cheshire said:
So, I just noticed Valina has the skill 'singing'. Ouch, that's pretty messed up.
Yeah. Valina and her sisters were fine singers before her throat got ripped out.
Leoric said:
Also Drexal - can we get telekenisis? Or will we have to wait and see?
[] External Temperature control: (Primary)
Allows you to slightly alter the temperature of anything close to you. (15 YE)

That is telekinesis although a limited one.

I wonder what the odds are that one of her sisters Awakened and became the Siren?