Vote tally - Clarisse Quest [now in Part II, Revolutionary Girl Clarisse] (a PMMM/TTS quest)

Adhoc vote count started by Aoinfinity on Apr 10, 2019 at 11:12 PM, finished with 4685 posts and 9 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
Clarisse Quest [now in Part II, Revolutionary Girl Clarisse] (a PMMM/TTS quest)
Post #1
Post #4685


  • [x][Gretchen] Make out with me?
    [X][Questions] What do we have wrong?
    [X] (Priority) Do not kiss Gretchen
    [x][Gretchen] Actually, forget the questions. They're a distraction.
    [x][Gretchen] Apologize
    -[x] you're sorry, you know that she's here basically by herself and and how lonely that is, and you very much understand having a body and wanting to do body-things with it and other people, so you can really relate of course and you are tempted but uh, the mood isn't-actually that's irrelevant because- so what I'm saying is-
    -[x] I have a girlfriend. and It's complicated with her. But we're trying to treat each other seriously. I don't want to be the kind of person that throws that sort commitment away because there might be some benefit, selfish or otherwise, for me personally. Because I know that I could convince Kyouko to forgive me, and I could get her to accept it, and I shouldn't be putting her in that situation in the first place. It's not how I want to treat my relationships with people.
    -[x] sorry.
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[x] Doesn't Gretchen already have someone she likes?
    -[x] She can have a hug, tho.
    [x][Gretchen] Hug or make out with Gretchen, either way.
    [x][Gretchen] Don't hug the eldritch being that just offered to give you knowledge in exchange for breaking promises and selling your body. We sympathize, but we don't want to go down this road
    [X] [Gretchen] No kissing. We have a girlfriend.
    -[X] No hugs either
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.
    -[x] Saving Asami.
    -[x] Saving Governance.
    -[x] Stopping the Star Empire.
    [X][Questions] Can you explain how these different universes are interacting with each other, and causing me and others to jump around so much? The 2011 one I'm in shouldn't ought to exist from my understanding, with witches, but it does. But other universes interact with it, which include powers that ought to make it not-exist. This isn't just some 'souls are timeless and unbound by death' stuff, physical stuff and magic is jumping around and I don't understand how, or why they even exist to jump to. Godoka still exists in some universes, but doesn't stop witches, and also she seems to stop witches in two universes but not this third one. Is there basically infinite number of universes and timelines, and people are just trying to preserve/damn the timelines they personally interact with while ignorant of all the possibilities? Or are there only a few that were caused by some event and the universe is trying to fold back into one time-stream?
    [X][Questions] How do these timelines exist and interact with each other?
    [X][Questions] Can you explain the Feathers and whats happened to them?
    [x][Questions] wait until first question is answered before figuring out what to ask for our second question
    [X] [Questions] How do we fix all this? Without wishing.