Vote tally - City Building in Middle-Earth

Adhoc vote count started by Sayle on Apr 25, 2017 at 10:20 AM, finished with 364 posts and 16 votes.

Tally configuration

Simple majority
City Building in Middle-Earth
Post #1
Post #364


  • [X] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    [X] Small Stone Civic District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +1 Prestige)
    ----[X] Establish Barracks (-2 Gold, +2 Rule of Law, +1 Prosperity)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood)
    [x] Sell 1 Lebethron (Market Price)​
    [x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)​
    [x] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)​
    [x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)​
    [x] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)

    [x] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)

    --[x] Upgrade to Stone Walls (-4 Stone)

    ----[x] Convert to Administrative Center (+5 Taxes)
    [x] Buy 2 Stone (Market Price-1)
    [x] Clear new land for farms, bypassing the housing issue (-2 Gold, +3 Food, +1 Housing)
    [x] Small Stone Mercantile District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Taxes, +1 Prestige)
    --[x] Establish Woodworker's Quarter (-2 Gold, -2 Taxes, 2 Lebethron Converted to 2 Hardwood per turn)
    [x] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[x] Open the docks (Shipbuilding Available - Increased Trade Quantities)
    [X] Buy 2 Food (Market Price)
    [X] Buy 2 Metal (Market Price)
    [X] Build a Stone Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Stone, +2 Housing)
    --[X] Corral wild sheep and start shepherding (-2 Gold, +2 Food, +1 Income)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
    [X] Build an Inner Wall (-5 Gold. -4 Wood OR -8 Stone)
    [X] Renovate City Center (-5 Gold, -2 Housing, -6 Stone)
    ----[X] Convert to Citadel (Defensive Bonuses)
    [X] Small Residential District (-5 Gold, -2 Wood, +2 Housing)