[X] Plan: power underwhelming
- [X] Industry:
-- [X] Build Basic Autofactory (2 autofab, 5 minerals)
-- [X] Build Syngas Reactor (1 autofab, 2 minerals) (burn -2 FoodCost from peat mine for +2 energy)
-- [X] Build Basic Fusion Reactor (1 autofac, 2 minerals)
- [X] Military:
-- [X] Protect Exploration group from potentially hostile fauna. Maybe supplement colony food stores with some light hunting.
- [X] Exploration:
-- [X] Begin planetary biosurvey. Focus on identifying potentially hazardous flora/fauna. Maybe we can catch the next sandworm-level-problem before they're chewing on our colony.
- [X] Research:
-- [X] We need a design for a satellite that can detect and track spaceships entering our solar system. Ideally quiet, passive sensors only. Bonus points for tracking potential planetary impactors.
- [X] Diplomacy:
-- [X] If the stoners are going to try to establish an economy, let's talk about the basics. What is money; is it pure fiat, or is it based in something? How do you prevent abuses of wealth? Are we going to do taxes? Long term this can cause big issues, so let's do it right.
-- [X] Suggest basing 'money' on productive capacity - currency can be exchanged for a specific amount of autofabber runtime. Suggest community-owned fabbers could regularly pay out "production credits" to all citizens.
- [X] Personal:
-- [X] Yeah, a human can easily psychically dominate a group of kobolds. But what if you didn't? Try to sink into the kobold group-mind, see what you can learn. Also, take your wife on some nice dates.
- [X] Plan: The Next.. .5 year plan?
-- [X] Industry: Build Fusion Power Plant. Build out mines. Build out greenhouse, since Stoner clan apparently wants to be capitalists. (Autofactory, autofabber)
-- [X] Military: Build emergency caches, send to help with the expedition.
-- [X] Exploration: Assist with expedition to the sandworms area.
-- [X] Research: Work on the expedition, also continue research on psi-tech. Work on ways to move the colony ship core as a backup to the Comm Center.
-- [X] Diplomacy: Work on setting up a routine council so clans can *tell each other* goals they have, or even just regular telepathic meetings, so we can have an agenda. Discuss potential research outposts in storm or underwater. (Well, I mean.)
-- [X] Personal: A date with Mira. Doing some mining if we have time.