[X] Plan: Begin with that first certain step
- [X] Industry:
-- [X] Use the autofabber for houses and a greenhouse to establish basic needs
- [X] Military:
-- [X] Use one autofabber to build infantry gear to hunt large wildlife and secure the area of the colony. Clear approaches to the colony to establish good sight-lines and use the third autofabber for a watchtower.
- [X] Exploration:
-- [X] Search for viable mineral resource deposits in the area of the colony. Map the nearby area, and make sure we have a good source of water.
- [X] Research:
-- [X] Review the tech database for best-practices in colony-building, focusing on needs and first defenses.
- [X] Diplomacy:
-- [X] Establish a council with the other family heads, and identify a list of priorities.
- [X] Personal
-- [X] Work with a few of the better clairvoyant teeps to check if we're alone, and any imminent dangers.