How the crap does this happen? Juniper and Aspen will be 17 next turn.

Colonial adults for all intents and purposes. As in John and Mira will almost certainly be grandparents within another 3 turns from now.


By my count you guys have 33 Jobs used out of 42 available by the way. Playing close to the margins on what can be done there, but that just maps to "full employment" so that's a good thing.
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By my count you guys have 33 Jobs used out of 42 available by the way. Playing close to the margins on what can be done there, but that just maps to "full employment" so that's a good thing.
I only count 27 jobs. That's a discrepancy of 6, but I'm too fog-brained to chase it down right now. Surplus either way, so it doesn't matter too much right now.

I liked the way you slipped in the Readiness requirement, gonna make a nice transition to the post-founder era.

  • FOOD
    [Food as Biomass: at will]
    3 Greenhouse Farm (blight-hardened): +9 Food
    3 Kelp Farms: +6 Food
    1 Grass Farm (blight-hardened): +3 Food
    1 Food Synthesizer: 0/+X Food
    4 Human Population: -4 Food
    3 Exowomb Nursery: -3 Food
    1 "Clan" Exowomb Nursery: -1 Food
    2 "Civilian" Autofactory: -4 Food
    BLIGHT: complicated, see anydice link

    [1 Syngas Reactor: -0/.../-3 Biomass]
    [1 Food Synthesizer: 0/-X Biomass]
    [1 Biomechanical Material Farm: 0/-Y Biomass]
    5 Basic Peat Mine Complex: +10 Biomass
    3 Ironwood-seeded Mine Tailings: +3 Biomass
    2 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps: +4 Biomass
    3 Basic Lumber Camp: +6 Biomass
    3 Kelp Farms: +6 Biomass
    1 Grass Farm (blight-hardened): +3 Biomass
    2 "Civilian" Autofactory: -4 Biomass
    1 Honeypede cultivation: -1 Biomass

    [1 Biomechanical Material Farm: 0/+Y Minerals]
    3 Basic Mine Complex (powered): +9 Minerals
    3 Ironwood-seeded Mine Tailings: +3 Minerals
    2 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps: +4 Minerals
    1 Dredging Facility: +2 Minerals
    2 "Civilian" Autofactory: -4 Minerals

    [1 Syngas Reactor: +0/.../+3 Energy]
    [1 Food Synthesizer: 0/-1 Energy]
    [1 Biomechanical Material Farm: 0/-1 Energy]
    4 Basic Peat Mine Complex: +8 Energy
    10 Basic Fusion Reactor: +30 Energy
    (Energy Imports): +30 Energy (2+4+24 imported from [Kin Prime C IV Orbit])
    Cultural Center - Automated Field Hospital: -1 Energy
    Cultural Center - Central Computer Core: -2 Energy
    Cultural Center - Archives: -1 Energy
    2 Govt. Research Facility: -2 Energy
    1 Govt. Research Facility (blight-hardened): -2 Energy
    1 Public Research Facility: -1 Energy
    3 Greenhouses (blight-hardened): -3 Energy
    1 Grass Farm (blight-hardened): -2 Energy
    1 Vehicle Maintenance Bay: -1 Energy
    1 Vehicle Maintenance Bay (fishing): -1 Energy
    8 Autofactory: -16 Energy
    2 "Civilian" Autofactory: -4 Energy
    1 Biomechanical Material Farm (blight-hardened): -1 Energy
    3 Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Device: -3 Energy
    1 Civilian Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Device: -1 Energy
    3 Basic Mine Complex (powered): -3 Energy
    1 Dredging Facility: -1 Energy
    Starport (Phase 3): -6 Energy
    4 Gunshuttles: -4 Energy
    3 Exowomb Nursery: -6 Energy
    1 "Clan" Exowomb Nursery: -2 Energy
    3 Kelp Farm: -3 Energy
    2 Psi-Drone Pop: -2 Energy

    2 "Civilian" Autofactory
    2 Vehicle Maintenance Bay
    3 Basic Greenhouse Farm
    3 Basic Mine Complex (powered)
    2 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps
    3 Basic Lumber Camp
    4 Basic Peat Mine Complex
    1 Storm Nullifier
    1 Syngas Reactor
    3 Kelp Farm
    1 Dredging Facility
    1 Honeypede cultivation
    1 commuter (1 commuting to [Kin Prime C IV Orbit])

    1 Centauri Cargo Hauler
    3 Standard Shuttle
    4 Gunshuttle
  • FOOD
    [Food as Biomass: at will]
    (nothing currently)

    (nothing currently)

    0, all minerals sent groundside

    1 Storm Nullifier: +2 Energy
    2 Solar Satellite: +4 Energy
    24 Orbital Solar Farms: +24 Energy
    (Energy Exports): -30 Energy (2+4+24 exported to [Kin Prime C IV "Kithame City"])

    (1) Asteroid Mining Bay (1 commuter from [Kin Prime C IV "Kithame City"])

    0 for now. everything parks at the spaceport groundside

State of the Colony:
Previous Turn

  • FOOD
    [Convert 1 Food → 1 Biomass: Free]
    - Base income: 18
    -- Ancient Blight: 10% chance of total crop failure in Farms annually.
    - Fishing Fleets: 1
    -- Expected fishing yield: 1x(1d4+1)
    - Expected income: 21 (50% odds) / 13 (95% odds) / 11 (worst case)
    - Base expenses: 12
    - Current stockpile: 21/60
    - Projected surplus: +9 / +1 / -1
    - We have enough food stockpiled to survive MANY worst-case years
    - In the worst possible case, we will have NEGATIVE (-1) food income

    [Convert 1 Biomass → 1 Food: 1 Energy activation cost]
    [Convert 1 Biomass → 1 Minerals: 1 Energy activation cost; Max 50% total Minerals used]
    [Convert 1 Biomass → 1 Energy: Free; Max 3 (Syngas Reactor)]

    - Base income: 32
    - Base expenses: 5
    - Current stockpile: 23/60
    - Projected surplus: 27


    - Base income: 18
    - Base expenses: 4
    - Projected surplus: 14
    - Current stockpile: 47/60
    - Expected asteroid mining: 85 (50% odds) / 70 (95% odds) / 32 (worst case)
    -- (assuming all available ships used for mining)
    - POSSIBLE STORAGE OVERFLOW: Spend more minerals!

    - Base income: 38
    - Imported: 30
    - Base expenses: 68
    - Current stockpile: 30/30
    - Projected surplus: 0


    - Human Pops: 4
    - Growth: 80 children/year (0.32 Pop/t)
    - Housing used/available: 4/6
    - Psi Drones (max HP*3): 2
    - Capacity (HP*10+PD): 42
    - Jobs: 27
    - Spare Capacity: 15 (!!! may be incorrect !!!)

    - Seeding Ironwood Plantation: 1 Autofab/t
    -- Requires active Dredging Station
    -- Active through Turn 21

    - 3 Autofabricator actions
    -- 1 Autofabricator reserved for Ongoing Projects
    - 8 Autofactory actions
    -- (or get 3 autofab actions per 1 autofac)
    - 3 Psi-Crystal fabricator action

    - 8 Orbital Operations
  • FOOD:
    [Convert 1 Food → 1 Biomass: Free]
    - 0 Produced Locally
    - 0 Imported

    - 0 Produced Locally
    - 0 Imported

    - Asteroid Mining Bay Goes Here

    - Base income: 36
    - Base expenses: ?
    - Exports: 30
    - spent/wastage(?): 6?

    - 0 local pop
    - 1 commuter pop
    -- ties up a shuttle?

    - are any ships based here?
    - 4 based at asteroid mining bay maybe?

As always, let me know if you catch a mistake.


[X] Goodbye Old Friend
- POSSIBLE STORAGE OVERFLOW: Spend more minerals!

I'm trying! To be fair we only get the bonus on 4 mining Actions, so I've have been trying to keep 4 assigned to keep things simple. It's still a lot of minerals to spend and some potential big swings depending on how much the science projects consume.
By my count you guys have 33 Jobs used out of 42 available by the way. Playing close to the margins on what can be done there, but that just maps to "full employment" so that's a good thing.

I'm really not that worried about our Jobs situation, at the rate our population is growing we may have more trouble finding work for people.

The only part of my economy I'm really worried about is energy, and the readiness issue of having so much of our power being from Orbital sources. I have to think of a way to resolve that in future turns. Researching better storage technology, or build a lot of Syngas plants and leave them switched off in case anything happens to our solar farms. The Solar Farms have been an effective way to support more infrastructure at low Autofactory cost, but they have drawbacks.

And I may have made the problem worse this turn, sort of robbing Peter to pay Paul building more Solar farms while also trying to build Readiness with the extra construction capacity.
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2 Vehicle Maintenance Bays. -2 Energy. (Provides 'care and feeding' for 2 squadrons of GEVs.) (Storm Hardened.)

2 Jobs

3 Exowomb Nursery ( +30 Births/t, -6 Energy/t, -3 Food/t. Max 1 Facility per Human Pop. Storm Hardened.)

5 Jobs

3 Research Facilities -4 Energy/t ( Grants "Labs" perk, granting +10 to research rolls. Can sustain 1 research project per turn each. Storm Hardened. 1 Facility Blight-Hardened.)

8 Jobs

Astro-Mining Bay: Supports 1 Job, allowing up to 4 Asteroid Mining Operations per Job. Each Asteroid Mining Operation gets "best-of-2" on yield roll.

9 Jobs

Honeypede Ranching. -1 Biomass/t, Improves Morale Bonus 1 step. (Bonus now applies to terrestrial random rolls.)

10 Jobs

2 "Civilian" Autofactory. -4 Energy, -4 Food, -4 Biomass, -4 Minerals. (Storm Hardened, Reserved for 'private'/'civilian' economy. Costs 1 Job per Autofactory.)

12 Jobs

3 Basic Greenhouse Farms: +9 Food, -3 Energy ( 3 Food, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Purification, -3 Energy [Blight], Storm Hardened, Blight-Hardened)

15 Jobs

3 Basic Kelp Farms: +6 Food, +6 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 2 Food/Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)

18 Jobs

3 Basic Lumbercamps: +6 Biomass ( 3 Biomass, +3 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened )

21 Jobs

3 Basic Mine Complex. +12 Minerals, +3 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 3 Minerals, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Powered Machinery, Ironwood Tailings [ +3 Minerals, +3 Biomass], Storm Hardened. )

24 Jobs

2 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps. +4 Minerals, +4 Biomass (2 Minerals, 2 Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)

26 Jobs

1 Dredging Station +3 Minerals, -1 Energy ( 2 Minerals, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened.)

27 Jobs

5 Basic Peat Mine Complex. +10 Energy, +10 Biomass ( +1 Energy, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened. )

32 Jobs

+2 Psi-Drones assigned to Private Research Lab

34 Jobs.

Had to do a recount. Still a surplus, sure, but only by 8.

Researching better storage technology, or build a lot of Syngas plants and leave them switched off in case anything happens to our solar farms.
Remember you still have the Colony Database to work with. You could without a Lab requirement search it for better power storage solutions and work with them.

Anything you find in there that will do large scale storage will have inefficiencies though.

There's two examples I'll give outright -- others would require you guys to suggest something.

Hydro Reservoirs cost 1 Autofab and 2 Minerals to set up but then cost 2 Energy for every stored Energy. They have no cap on storage though.

Syngas Tanks cost 1 Autofab and 1 Minerals per 2 Storage (24 Storage per Autofab Action), but can only store Syngas Reactor Energy. You can use stored Syngas at a 4:1 ratio instead of Biomass per Reactor (but remember it takes 1 Biomass to make 1 Syngas).

The batteries in the warehouses have low capacity but are cheap and efficient. 1 Autofab gets you 10 Energy storage. The cost in Resources is abstracted away.
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There's two examples I'll give outright -- others would require you guys to suggest something.

Hydro Reservoirs cost 1 Autofab and 2 Minerals to set up but then cost 2 Energy for every stored Energy. They have no cap on storage though.

Syngas Tanks cost 1 Autofab and 1 Minerals per 2 Storage (24 Storage per Autofab Action), but can only store Syngas Reactor Energy. You can use stored Syngas at a 4:1 ratio instead of Biomass per Reactor (but remember it takes 1 Biomass to make 1 Syngas).

The batteries in the warehouses have low capacity but are cheap and efficient. 1 Autofab gets you 10 Energy storage. The cost in Resources is abstracted away.

Can you expand on the Syngas 4:1 ratio? If 1 Biomass produces 1 Syngas, what is the 4:1?

Hydro Reservoirs seem to be an incredibly useful option. The 2:1 cost in energy isn't so bad for uncapped storage, given how easy it is to install surplus orbital solar and then store up excess energy for the event of an attack or disaster destroying a lot of our infrastructure.
Can you expand on the Syngas 4:1 ratio? If 1 Biomass produces 1 Syngas, what is the 4:1?
A Syngas reactor has two functions: the first is that it converts biomass into syngas, and the second is that it burns syngas to produce power. When converting biomass into syngas the throughput for converting power is lowered. So if it's running on stored syngas it can run at higher pressures and yields.

So normally you feed 0-3 Biomass and get 0-3 Energy out. But if you run on stored Biomass a single Syngas reactor can produce up to 12 E/t, at the cost of consuming tank-stored syngas. It's more efficient than hydro in terms of how much power you get back when drawing from the stores, but it has limited throughput in retrieving that power. You put in 1E, you get 1E, and far denser than batteries, but you need multiple Syngas Reactors to get it all out and to build up charge.

Hydro by contrast is cheap on everything but power -- you put in 2 and get 1 out.

Batteries are expensive in Build Operations but nothing else.

And so on.

I might decide to limit hydro rate out to 12 E/t for each autofab+2M though, to reflect the fact that hydro storage is literally building artificial reservoirs and pumping water into them so it can be retrieved as hydroelectric power.
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I think, and this is just personal opinion, I'd rather not build Hydro Reservoirs at this point in time and go for batteries and SynGas tanks.

Admittedly, I might be overworrying about the storm years.
I think, and this is just personal opinion, I'd rather not build Hydro Reservoirs at this point in time and go for batteries and SynGas tanks.

Admittedly, I might be overworrying about the storm years.

Do you think we won't be able to build the Hydro Reservoir robustly enough to Storm Harden it? Better make sure the spillway is far from the Colony.

@Logos01 based on the discussion on Energy storage and the numbers @TeaMug provided the build has been tweaked. The Fishing fleet expansion is gone, and 1 storm hardened warehouse + 1 storm hardened Hydro Reservoir have been added in it's place.
Turn 21: A Sunday Drive
Scheduled vote count started by Logos01 on Sep 5, 2024 at 4:15 AM, finished with 40 posts and 6 votes.

  • [X] Goodbye Old Friend
    [X] Goodbye Old Friend
    -[X] Major Event: Decommission the Centauri-built colony ship
    -[X] Industry:
    --[X] 3 Autofactories will serve as 9 Autofabbers this turn (3/9)
    --[X] Build 2 Storm hardened Basic Autofactories: Cost: -4 Autofabber (4/11). -12 Minerals.
    --[X] Build 2 Telekinetic Militia Equipment. Cost: -2 Autofabber (6/11), -2 Psi-Crystal Machine (2/4), -4 Minerals.
    --[X] Build 12 Orbital solar farms and boost them to Orbit. Cost: -24 Minerals,= -1 Autofabber (7/11), 1 Orbital Action
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened Basic Vehicular Maintenance Bay. Specialized for military use. Cost: -2 Autofabber (9/11), -2 Biomass, -3 Minerals.
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened Warehouse. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (10/11), -1 Minerals
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened Hydro Reservoir. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (11/11), -3 Minerals
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened science lab, -1 Autofactory, (4/11) -5 Minerals -1 biomass
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened, Blight hardened Exowomb Nursery. Cost: -1 Autofactory, (5/11) -3 Minerals. -2 Food
    --[X] Build 1 Storm hardened Psi-Crystal Machine. Cost: -6 Minerals, -2 Biomass, -1 Psi-Crystal Machine (3/5), -1 Autofactory Action (6/11)
    --[X] Build 1 Militarized Shuttle: Cost: -1 Autofactory Action (7/11), -1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action (4/5), -7 Minerals, -6 Biomass.
    --[X] Build 1 Solar Satellite and boost to Orbit. Cost: -5 Minerals, -1 Autofactory Action (8/11), 1 Orbital Operation
    --[X] Total Build cost -2 Food, -74 Minerals, -10 Biomass
    --[X] Syngas Burn Rate set to 0/3
    --[X] Remaining 3 Autofactories and 1 Psi-Crystal Machine held in reserve to fulfill other Actions
    -[X] Orbital
    --[X] 1 supply Job (1/8)
    --[X] 4 asteroid mining (5/8)
    --[X] 2 Building installations (7/8)
    --[X] 1 Shakedown flights. The new militarized shuttle needs to be taken out to test capabilities and provide data to Lab 4's research. Crew needs to become familiar with the craft as well.
    -[X] Military:
    --[X] Design and build Special Ops training facility. To support the Matriarch's efforts to create a special ops tradition training facilities must be created. Creating designs for such a facility is closer to Mira's expertise than any of our research teams so designing training facilities falls to the militia, as does supporting the Matriarchs' efforts with promising recruits.
    -[X] Exploration:
    --[X] Continue planetary surveys in the area around the colony, now with support from the Orbital Sensor network
    -[X] Research:
    --[X] Lab 1 will continue current project
    --[X] Lab 2 will conduct a detailed examination of the decommissioned Colony Ship. Highest priority is the preservation of the gravity plating for study. After that try to look at other components while not ripping the ship apart too badly. The ship served us well and it would nice to keep some kind of memorial.
    --[X] Lab 3 will continue current project
    --[X] Lab 4 will focus on Psi-Crystal assisted weaponry, fighter/shuttle scale
    -[X] Diplomacy:
    --[X] Hold the decommissioning ceremony. It's funny to think that the overwhelming majority of the people in attendance have no memory of fleeing Earth or the voyage here. Besides the uptimers those born on Kithmake now outnumber the first colonists. As this event passes into memory, and then into History, it's worth it to take a moment to commemorate our voyage and the last two decades that have followed. Before any components are removed recordings should be made of the ship's entire interior, a record of the ship as it was. Once useful technology has been extracted from the vessel what remains should be stored in a secure hardened warehouse or hanger safe from the storms and with as much climate control as we can manage to preserve it. One day this may be part of a museum, or even a museum ship if we can keep the hull together while extracting the gravity plating
    -[X] Personal:
    --[X] Walk the old ship one last time before the crews get to work on her. Then head home to Mira and the girls. It's times like this that you think about Legacy, about what you leave behind when your time passes.

Event Roll: 98
Sandworm Attack: 62
Blight Check: 22

Year: 2091

  • Income:
    • Food: +20 ( Base +18, Fishing +2 )
    • Biomass: +32
    • Minerals: +73 ( Base: +18, Asteroid Mining +56)
    • Energy: +84
  • Expenses:
    • Food: -17 (Maint: -4 Pop Cost, -4 Civ Economy, -5 Exowombs) ( -2 Construction ) ( -2 Research )
    • Biomass: -27 ( Maint: -4 Civ Economy, -5 Buildings ) ( -12 Construction ) ( -6 Research )
    • Minerals: -84 (Maint: -4 Civ Economy, -2 Buildings ) ( -73 Construction ) ( -5 Research )
    • Energy: -84 ( Maint: -9 Civ Economy, -43 Infra, -32 Buildings
  • Reserves:
    • 24/80 Food Units
    • 28/80 Biomass
    • 38/80 Minerals
    • 30/40 Energy
      • Hydro-Store:

Military Assets:
-- Telekinetic Militia. (+1 Effectiveness, +1 Psi-Amps, +1 Well-Equipped )
-- Clan Irregulars. 1 Squad. ( Can be applied in offworld operations and spec/recon activities, including spacewalk operations.)
-- Networked Watch Drones ( +1 Effectiveness )
-- 2 Squadrons of Telekinetic Militia Ground Effect Vehicles.

== Database Techs
- Colonization Basics.
Can build Tier 0 "Basic" basic facilities with autofabber action.
- Defense Basics.
Can build basic military gear, both personal and semi-autonomous drones.
- Energy Production Tier 1
Can design specialty Tier 1 facilities for power production. Most will require a Basic Autofactory.
- Ecological Architecture.
Can perform special actions to modify buildings to better perform or integrate better with local environment. (Example: "Storm Hardening").
- Space Operations.
Spaceports, Shuttles, Sensor Grids, and bears. Oh my!
- Ground Effect Vehicles.
Amphibious colonial survey design found in database. Increases efficacy of surveys, patrols, and hunts.

== Social Development
- Production/Energy Credit Economics
Basic and specialist pops have a minimum output that will always be met, and maintenance cost.
- Sporting Event Telepathic Training
Psi-amps have allowed teep training to be viewed as a form of athleticism rather than something to be endured. Long term impacts yet to be revealed.
- Clan Secrets
The Council of Matriarchs is planning to have each Clan develop their own unique spin on the skills one acquires as a teep and how to obtain them. While this can't affect Psi-ratings, the techniques one focuses on can have an impact on the jobs one is good at.
- Apprenticeships
The teens of the colony have persuaded the original generation to allow them to take on more responsibility and provide practical aid to the workers of the colony, easing the burden on the workforce.
- Telekinetic Dueling Culture.
The people of the colony are growing more invested in the personal prowess capabilities offered by the psi-amps.
- Civilian Economy Morale
The Civilian Economy has expanded to the state that it now provides a +1 Morale bonus to any facility with a malus that turn.
- Disaster Preparedness.
Militia Effectiveness now applies to disaster events.
- Storm Festivals.
Shocking culinary practices will now be a long-term part of the colony's social identity, representing endurance and togetherness. The Storm Month will be seen as a time when social status is secondary to reconciliation.

== Kithhame Techs
- Anti-Sandworm Thumpers
Sonic generators designed to mimic pestilent sandworms' predators.

== Kobold Techs
- Kobold Veterancy Archives.
Eliminates potential unskilled labor penalties. Grants +1 bonus to tasks requiring extreme skill (combat rolls, medical performance, etc.,)
- Squadlink Technique.
Provides +1 effectiveness in small units from superior coordination.
- Stealth Technique.
Can allow militia members to remain undetected by sentient beings.
- Hive Repeaters.
Psi-crystal receiver/broadcasters that digitize Kobold hivemind mental broadcasts so they can be relayed via tightbeam tachyon broadcast. Allows Kobold Pets perk to apply in more situations, especially orbital operations.

== Psi-Crystal Techs
- Psi-Amps (Primitive)
Through the use of electrically charged Psi-Crystals, a telepath can -- very clumsily -- use telekinetic abilities. The surface has barely been scratched with this. Psi-Amps can now also enhance telepathic operations and mind-machine interactions. +1 benefit (+10 to Research rolls).
- Telekinetic Weapons
Can use unengraved but larger psi-crystals to create heavy recoilless slug-thrower weapons, though they require hip or backpack power supplies.
- Laser-kinetic Weapons
Vehicle-scale weapons based on mining lasers using telekinetic "bubbles" as supplemental focusing media, imparting kinetic energy psychically to the energy streaming through creating lasers with kinetic impact.
- Telekinetic Thrusters
Use of psi-amp telekinesis to recoillessly compress springs in conjunction with "mental echo" training to provide impulse in a given direction. (Needs further research to advance above human-scale.)
- Psionic Interfaces
Telepathic interface technology can now work reliably with human-made computer components.
- Telekinetic Auras
By imbueing telekinetic energy into one's own bioelectric field, the field can draw on the person's metabolic energy and provide a basic 'reinforcement' of the bioelectric field into a sort of aura.
- Psi-Amp Multitasking.
Stronger telepaths can split their attention to perform telepathic and telekinetic actions simultaneously by 'shoring up' the strength of the 'psychic echo' in the psi-amps.

== Clan Psi-techs
> Alexander
-- Telescopic Clairsentience: Alexanders learn to use psi-amp interactions with light and sound to amplify signals coming from a given direction. Improves Psi-Amp bonus to some military actions.
-- Hostility Awareness: Alexanders (and those trained by them) can detect "killing intent" directed towards them in advance of the action actually being carried out. This can allow pre-emptive dodging or deflecting in almost prescient senses
> Gray
-- Empathic Telemetry: Grays learn to use their telepathic senses to detect the emotional resonance a person experiences with objects, thus determining in a sense the nature and degree of any importance personal possession, greatly easing disputes over personal possessions and theft complaints.
> Runningdeer
-- Kobold Memory Art: Runningdeers learn to use the Kobold Veterancy Archive in an abstract way, allowing the 'encryption' of personal secrets within the group by pairing symbolic references within the Archive with imagery that's shared as 'decryption keys' with fellow teeps.
> Ironheart
-- Circle Amplification: Ironhearts learn to include psi-amps in their cooperative choirs. While traditionally choirs cannot actually increase their effective P-rating, including a trained Ironheart into a choir can make psi-amps more energy-efficient when multiple teeps are involved. Adds +1 to the effect of psi-amps on any telepathic action that requires a choir.
> Stoner
-- Psychic Contracts: Stoners learn to use their telepathic capabilities and the informed consent of those involved to create a 'resonance' with a certain list of terms between those individuals. This creates a sort of mutual awareness of compliance with the agreement and, with psi-amp assistance, an aversion to breaking the terms as understood by both parties. Improves Civilian Economy yields with +1.
> Namikawa
-- Psi-Hand Technique: Namikawas have learned methods to partner the telekinetic 'bubble' psi-amps can maintain with the tactile response of their hands, drastically improving the resolution of sensory feedback from psi-amps when analyzing or appreciating the shapes and flows within the field. Adds +10 to Psi-Amp bonus to Research Rolls.

== Military Techs
- Clan Irregulars. 1 Job per Squad. Specialist Operatives trained to perform hostile ship boarding, hostage rescue, and sabotage operations.

== Biomechanoid Techs
- Biomechanical Material Farms. Grows ancient alien's biomechanoid structural material from raw biomass.
-- High Tensile: Biomechanoid Materials usage reduces total Minerals/Biomass cost by 10%. Highly suitable as armor.

Tier 0:
- Basic Autofab: -1 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Autofab Action/turn. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 2 Minerals.
- Basic Militia Gear. Allows 1 pop to perform military actions. Cost: 1 Autofab Action. 1 Minerals.
- Basic Hab Complexes. +1 Pop Cap. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Greenhouses. +1 Food Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Mines: +1 Minerals Prod. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Basic Lumber Camp: +1 Biomass. Cost: 1 Autofab Action.
- Wind/Solar Farm: +1 Energy Prod. Cost: 2 Minerals. Up to 1 Autofab Action (build up to 12 with 1 action.) (Cannot be Storm Hardened.)
- Syngas Reactor: +1-3 Energy/-1-3 Biomass. Cost: 2 Minerals. 1 Autofab Action.
- Hydroelectric Reservoir: Can store Energy for later use. 2 Energy to bank 1. No cap on storage. Can output up to 12E/t. Cost: 2 Minerals, 1 Autofab.
- Basic Autofactory: -2 Energy Prod. Allows 3 Autofab Actions OR 1 Autofactory Action. Cost: 2 Autofab Action. 5 Minerals.
- Gunshuttle. -1 Energy Prod. Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions. 5 Minerals, 4 Biomass (Biomechanoid). (High-Tensile: -1 Biomass)
- Basic Kelp Farm. +1 Food, +1 Biomass, -1 Energy Prod. Requires deposit. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Minerals.
- Cultural Center. 0/0/0. Negates all Cultural Crisis penalties when complete. 1 Autofab Action, 4 Food per stage. (Core / Ring / Wings )
- Basic Vehicular Maintenance Bay. Provides 'care and feeding' for 1 squadron of storm-hardened GEV's. -1 Energy. Cost: 2 Autofab Actions, 2 Biomass, 2 Minerals. Includes the squadron.

- Build Storm Peat Deposit. Adds a Storm Peat deposit to the planet. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 10 Food.
- Build Ironwood Plantation. Takes 4 years. Requires at least one Dredging Station to be operational the entire term. Cost: 3 Biomass, 1 Minerals per turn. 1 Autofabricator action per turn.
- Seed Ironwoods Into Mine Tailings. Adds +1 Minerals and +1 Biomass to a Mine. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 2 Biomass.

Psionic Tier 0:
- Telekinetic Militia: +1 Effectiveness. Cost: 1 Autofab Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals.

Tier 1:
- Basic Dredging Stations. +2 Minerals, -1 Energy. Costs 1 Minerals to build. 1 Autofactory Action.
- Basic Fusion Reactor: +3 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 3 Minerals. (-1 Without Purifier.)
- Grass Farm: +2 Food/t, +2 Biomass/t, -2 Energy/t. Automated (No Jobs). Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, -2 Minerals, -2 Food, -2 Biomass.

- Standard Shuttle: Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 12 Minerals.
- Militarized Shuttle: Allows 1 Orbital Operation /turn. Can perform Orbital Combats. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 7 Minerals, 6 Biomass. (High-Tensile: -1 Biomass)

- Exowomb Nursery: -2 Energy Prod, -1 Food. Counts as extra pop for Pop Growth calculations. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 2 Minerals. 2 Food.
- Spaceport (3 stage facility.) -2 Energy per stage. Provides subfacility slots for orbital-related activities. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals per stage.

- Deep Core Mine. +1d4 Minerals/t, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals.
- Deep Syngas Rig. +1d4 Syngas/t, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals.

- Solar Rectenna Station: Provides ground link to Orbital Solar Satellites. Supports up to 5 Satellites. Cost: 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.
- Food Synthesizer: Converts Biomass into Food. Not very palatable, requires -1 Energy/t when in operation. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 5 Minerals, 3 Biomass.
- Biomechanical Material Farm: Permits production of Biomechanoid Materials to substitute Minerals with Biomass. -1 Energy/t when in operation. Cost: 2 Autofactory Actions, 5 Minerals, 5 Biomass.
- Training Facility: Provides ongoing Training experience to Colonial Military units. Requires: -2E/t, -2M/t, -2B/t. Cost: 1 Autofactory, 5 Minerals.

Psionic Tier 1:
- Psionic Drones: +1 "psi-drones" pop. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action, 2 Minerals. Can support 3 Psi-Drones pops per Human Pop. Psi-Drones may work 1 Job per pop, producing +1 to that Job, and cost -1 E/t.
- Psi-Crystal Machines: +1 Psi-Crystal Build Operation, -1 Energy/t. Cost: 5 Minerals, 2 Biomass, 1 Psi-Crystal Build, 1 Autofactory Action

Orbital Infrastructure Tier 1:
- Storm Nullifier Satellites: +2 Energy Prod. Cost: 1 Autofactory Action. 5 Minerals. (Mitigates Storm Turn Penalty.)
- Sensor Grid Satellites: Requires ground control. Provides sensor coverage for star system. Less effective when used passively. -2 Energy. Cost: 1 Orbital Operation, 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action.
- Solar Satellite: Provides control to up to 12 Solar Farms in Orbit. +2 Energy/t (base). Cost: 5 Minerals, 1 Autofactory Action, 1 Orbital Operation.
- Orbital Station Modules: Provides Job-related infrastructure or habitation. Costs: 10 Minerals, 4 Autofabber Actions, 2 Orbital Operations, 1 Basic Fusion Reactor.
-- Orbital Station Core: Allows other Modules, provides habitation for Jobs. Requires 1 Orbital Operation per Job sustained aboard station.
-- Astro-Mining Bay: Supports 1 Job, allowing up to 4 Asteroid Mining Operations per Job. Each Asteroid Mining Operation gets "best-of-2" on yield roll.

Tier 2:
- Shipscale Fusion Reactor. +18 Energy/t. Cost: 15 Minerals, 4 Autofactories.

Psionic Tier 2:
- Neuro-Throne Room: 2 Autofactory Actions, 1 Psi-Machine Action, 5 Minerals. Requires 1 Human Job, allows 3 Psi-Drone Jobs. -1 Energy/t. Limit 3 Throne-Rooms per Human Pop.

- Asteroid Mining. Harvest Asteroids that approach near Kithhame orbit. Provides 1d12 Minerals.
- Launch Assets. Allows deploying manufactured goods into orbit. (Max capacity, 12 Solar Farms / 1 Satellite.)
- Send Probe. Allows exploring anomalies or other planetary bodies.
- Capture Asteroid. Capture Organic asteroid and seed with biomech materials, that can then grow with solar energy and planetary dust emissions, allowing +2 Biomass/t from Harvest Orbital Biomass Operations.
- Harvest Orbital Biomass. Collect all Captured Asteroid Biomass that turn.

  • Trinary Star System.
    • Kith Prime A. Yellow Giant (50x larger than Sol). 2 hadean planets, 2 hot dead worlds, 1 possibly terrestrial, 2 gas giants. 2 dwarf planets. No asteroid belt.
    • Kith Prime B. Brown Dwarf. 2 frozen worlds. 1 gas giant. 2 asteroid belts. 1 dwarf planet.
    • Kith Prime C. Blue Dwarf. 2 Hadean Worlds. 1 Hot dead world. Kithhame. 1 frozen world. 1 asteroid belt. 2 gas giants. 3 dwarf planets.
    • 2 Energetic Anomalies.
      • "Lighting Hole". Building "Rift Observation Station" will grant permanent +20 to Hyperspace Theory rolls.
      • "Radrock". Building "Radrock Observation Station" will grant permanent +10 to Nuclear Physics rolls.
    • Charted (+1 to asteroid mining operations).

  • Kithhame
    • [*]Population:
      • Humans: 4 Units (~940 people) ( -4 Food/t )
      • Kobolds: 7 Units (Self-sustaining)
      • Psi-Drones: 2 Units ( -2 Energy/t )
    • [*]Planetary status:
      • Marginally habitable. Indigenous wildlife obviously alien but at times oddly familiar.
      • Planetary Storms hit every 5 years. (2072,2077,2082, etc.. Causes -1 to all facilities that turn. Chance of facility loss.)
      • Hostile Fauna: Sandworms. 25% 10% chance annually of attack on food reserves/production.
      • Notable Fauna: Stormrider Anemone. Catxlotls.
      • 3 Basic Minerals deposit found (3 Medium Exploited).
      • 5 "Storm Peat" Deposits Found (5 Lightly Exploited). ( Build mine to produce +1 Energy/turn, +1 Biomass.)
      • 3 Kelp Forest Deposits Found ( 3 Lightly Exploited). (Build Kelp Farm to produce +1 Food, +1 Biomass, -1 Energy.)
      • 3 Ironwood Deposits Found (2 Lightly Exploited)(1 Unexploited). (Build Logging Camp to produce +1 Minerals, +1 Biomass.)
      • 0 Ironwood Deposit Growing: 0/4t. ( When growing: -1 Minerals/t, -3 Biomass/t, 1 Autofabber/t.)
      • 3 High-mineral silt deposits found. (1 Lightly Exploited) (2 Unexploited). (Build Dredging Station to produce +2 Minerals, -1 Energy.)
      • 2 Deep Mineral Deposits Found. (2 Unexploited). (Build Deep Core Mine to produce 1d4 Minerals, -1 Energy.)
      • 2 Deep Petrochemical Deposit Found. (2 Unexploited). (Build Deep Syngas Rig to produce 1d4 Syngas, -1 Energy.)
      • 1 Alien Ruins Found. Unlocks biotech, telepathic interface, cybernetics technology paths.
      • Ancient Blight: 20% chance of total crop failure in Farms annually.
    • [*]Colonization status:
      • One permanently landed converted Centauri cargo hauler. No jump-engine, but the previous owner never removed the on-board grav plating. Colony Ship Museum: The Old Ship can no longer function, but its systems are available for study and for 'edutainment' trips by colony children.
      • One ruined/derelict transport ship from 2260
      • Water Purification Plant ( Grants "Purified" Perk, Adding +1 to Hab Complexes and Farming Complexes, Storm Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Hab Complex: 6 Pop Cap ( 2 Pop Limit, +2 Purification, Storm Hardened)
      • 4 Basic Warehouse Complex. +80 Storage Caps. (Storm Hardened.)
      • 1 Hydroelectric Reservoir. No Storage Cap. Costs 2 Power to store 1. Can output 12 E/t.
      • Cultural Center (Complete) ( Negates Cultural Crisis.) (All sub facilities automatically Storm Hardened.)
        • Automated Field Hospital. -1 Energy, -1 medical emergency impact
        • Central Computer Core. -2 Energy. (Telepathic interfaces. Colony-wide network.)
        • Archives. -1 Energy. (Retains memories of history, culture, social theory, improves educational outcomes)
      • 3 Vehicle Maintenance Bays. -3 Energy. (Provides 'care and feeding' for 2 squadrons of GEVs.) (Storm Hardened.)
      • Starport (Complete) -6 Energy. (Allows synthesis of fusion torch fuel. Protects Shuttles. Has subfacilities.) (Storm Hardened.) (Phase 2: Magnetic Launchers -- +1 to all Orbital Actions.) ( Phase 3: Tachyon Beacon )
        • Drydock. (Permits study, repair, and construction of larger ship classes.)

      • 3 Standard Shuttle. ( +3 Orbital Operations. )
      • 4 Gunshuttle ( +4 Orbital Operations. -4 Energy/t )
      • 1 Militarized Shuttle ( +1 Orbital Operations. Can perform Orbital Military Ops.)
      • Clan Exowomb Nursery ( +10 Births/t, -3 Energy/t, -1 Food/t, Special: Does not count against cap, Storm Hardened, Blight-Hardened).
      • 4 Exowomb Nursery ( +40 Births/t, -12 Energy/t, -4 Food/t. Max 1 Facility per Human Pop. Storm Hardened. Blight-Hardened.)
      • 4 Research Facilities -4 Energy/t ( Grants "Labs" perk, granting +10 to research rolls. Can sustain 1 research project per turn each. Storm Hardened. 1 Facility Blight-Hardened.)
      • Private Research Facility -1 Energy/t ( Allows 1 research project per turn not under Questor control. Storm Hardened.)
      • Biomechanical Material Farm, -1 Energy/t ( Can spend 1 Biomass for 1 Minerals, for up to 50% of Minerals costs. -1 Energy when in use. Blight-Hardened.)
      • Orbital Station:
        • Core: Allows other Modules, provides habitation for Jobs. Requires 1 Orbital Operation per Job sustained aboard station.
        • Astro-Mining Bay: Supports 1 Job, allowing up to 4 Asteroid Mining Operations per Job. Each Asteroid Mining Operation gets "best-of-2" on yield roll.
      • Honeypede Ranching. -1 Biomass/t, Improves Morale Bonus 1 step. (Bonus now applies to terrestrial random rolls.)
      • Food Synthesizer (Can convert Biomass into Food. Requires -1 Energy/t when active.).
      • Planetary Sensor Grid. (Provides early warning of spaceborn events, or planetary ecological disasters. Can improve survey and exploration actions.)
      • Training Facility. Provides Training Experience to Colonial military assets. -2 Energy/t, -2 Minerals/t, -2 Biomass/t.
      • 2 Neuro-Throne Rooms. -2 Energy/t, 2 Human Jobs. Provides 6 Psi-Drone Jobs.
    • [*]Economic status:
      • 3 "lightly pre-owned" Centauri-make autofabbers.
      • 10 Autofactory. -20 Energy ( Storm Hardened )
      • 5 Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Devices. -5 Energy/t
      • 2 "Civilian" Autofactory. -4 Energy, -4 Food, -4 Biomass, -4 Minerals. (Storm Hardened, Reserved for 'private'/'civilian' economy. Costs 1 Job per Autofactory.)
      • 1 Civilian Psi-Crystal Manufacturing Device. -1 Energy/t (Colonists will have access to personal psi-amps.)
      • 3 Basic Greenhouse Farms: +9 Food, -3 Energy ( 3 Food, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Purification, -3 Energy [Blight], Storm Hardened, Blight-Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Kelp Farms: +6 Food, +6 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 2 Food/Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Lumbercamps: +6 Biomass ( 3 Biomass, +3 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened )
      • 1 Fishing GEV Fleet: 1d4->1+2 Food ( 1d4 Food, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Morale )
      • 1 Grass Farm: +3 Food, +3 Biomass, -2 Energy ( 2 Food, 2 Biomass, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 3 Basic Mine Complex. +12 Minerals, +3 Biomass, -3 Energy ( 3 Minerals, +3 Kobold Pets, +3 Powered Machinery, Ironwood Tailings [ +3 Minerals, +3 Biomass], Storm Hardened. )
      • 2 Basic Ironwood Logging Camps. +4 Minerals, +4 Biomass (2 Minerals, 2 Biomass, +2 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened)
      • 1 Dredging Station +3 Minerals, -1 Energy ( 2 Minerals, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened.)
      • 5 Basic Peat Mine Complex. +10 Energy, +10 Biomass ( +1 Energy, +1 Kobold Pets, Storm Hardened. )
      • 1 Storm Nullifier. +2 Energy. (Reduces Storm Turn penalty by 1 step).
      • 10 Basic Fusion Reactor. +30 Energy. (Storm Hardened. Purified. )
      • 1 Syngas Reactor. +0 Energy -0 Biomass. (Max of 3) (Storm Hardened.)
      • Solar Rectenna Station: 3/5 Satellites. (Storm Hardened).
        • 3 Solar Satellite(s). +6 E/t, ( Supports 12 Orbital Solar Farms. )
        • 36 Orbital Solar Farms. +36 E/t.

Clan Activity:
-- Matriarchs have begged/borrowed/stolen/cajoled their way into utilizing the private psi-machine and autofactory in order to develop personal military equipment for the highest performers in the teek dueling leagues, with a special focus in developing personal operator mobility gear. Telekinetic thruster packs -- working by squeezing compression springs in a chosen direction in continuous pulse -- with charged battery packs and redundant crystals to allow teek bubbles in preemption to possible attacks; and training their operators in telepathically sensing "intent to kill" to respond to attacks in advance.

-- Result:
- Telekinetic Irregulars unlocked. 1 Clan Unit established.

Civilian Economy:
-- Autofactories and psi-crystal machine co-opted by Clans.

Spaceport Beacon Transcripts:
-- Recent beacon intercepts include what appears to have been a Drazi explorer ship's broadcast. It was barely detectable, and your people estimate it was more than four jumps away regardless.

-- 1 Ironwood Deposit Seeding ( -1 M, -3 B, 1/3 Autofabbers, 4/4 Years )
-- 3 Autofactories will serve as 9 Autofabbers this turn (3/8 Autofactories -> 1/12 Autofabbers )
-- Build 2 Storm hardened Basic Autofactories: Cost: -4 Autofabber (4/11). -12 Minerals. ( -13M, -3B, 5/12 Autofab, -4E/t )
-- Build 2 Telekinetic Militia Equipment. Cost: -2 Autofabber (6/12), -2 Psi-Crystal Machine (2/4), -4 Minerals. ( -17M, -3B, 2/4 Psi-Mach, 7/12 Autofab)
-- Build 12 Orbital solar farms and boost them to Orbit. Cost: -24 Minerals,= -1 Autofabber (7/11), 1 Orbital Operation ( -41M, -3B, 8/12 Autofab, -4 E/t, +12 E/t)
-- Build 1 Solar Satellite and boost to Orbit. Cost: -5 Minerals, -1 Autofactory Action (8/11), 1 Orbital Operation ( -46M, -3B, 4/10 Autofac, -4E/t, +14E/t )
-- Build 1 Storm hardened Basic Vehicular Maintenance Bay. Specialized for military use. Cost: -2 Autofabber (9/11), -2 Biomass, -3 Minerals. (-49M, -5B, 10/12 Autofab, -5E/t, +14 E/t )
-- Build 1 Storm hardened Warehouse. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (10/11), -1 Minerals ( -50M, 11/12 Autofab )
-- Build 1 Storm hardened Hydro Reservoir. Cost: 1 Autofabber Action (11/11), -3 Minerals ( -53M, 12/12 Autofab)
-- Build 1 Storm hardened science lab, -1 Autofactory, (4/11) -5 Minerals -1 biomass ( -58M, -6B, 5/10 Autofac, -6E/t )
-- Build 1 Storm hardened, Blight hardened Exowomb Nursery. Cost: -1 Autofactory, (5/11) -3 Minerals. -2 Food ( -61M, -6B, -2F, 6/10 Autofac, -1F/t, -9E/t, +14E/t )
-- Build 1 Storm hardened Psi-Crystal Machine. Cost: -6 Minerals, -2 Biomass, -1 Psi-Crystal Machine (3/5), -1 Autofactory Action (6/11) ( -67M, -6B, -2F, 7/10 Autofac, -1F/t, -10E/t, +14E/t )
-- Build 1 Militarized Shuttle: Cost: -1 Autofactory Action (7/11), -1 Psi-Crystal Machine Action (4/5), -7 Minerals, -6 Biomass. ( -73M, -12B, -2F, 8/10 Autofac, 4/5 Psi-Mach, -1F/t, -10E/t, +14E/t )
-- Syngas Burn Rate set to 0/3
~~ Orbital
-- Supply Job: Astro-Mining Bay ( 1/8 )
-- Deploy Asset: Solar Satellite. ( 2/8 )
-- Deploy Asset: Orbital Solar Farms x12 ( 3/8 )
-- 4x Astro-Mining Bay Mining ( 7 / 8 )
-- 1x "Shakedown" <See: Research> ( 8/ 8 )

Something unexpected happened while harvesting asteroids; one of your shuttles' hull scraped against some of the non-metallic debris left over from acquiring asteroid material for harvest. This in itself is relatively ordinary, and had happened dozens if not hundreds of times over the years.

But in this case, a freak outcome occurred: the self-repair mechanisms of the living material activated, and started to harvest the debris despite being in space -- feathering out into a webwork to catch orbital dust and solar energy to form more of itself. By "seeding" more organic asteroids, further biomass could thus be harvested from the dust emitted by the planet into space and solar irradiation. While a given captured asteroid would not yield huge amounts, the cumulative nature of the strain could make harvesting quite profitable over time.

-- Results:
--( 2d12->(12,6)->12 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +16 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(10,3)->10 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +14 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(9,3)->9 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +13 Minerals Acquired.
--( 2d12->(9,1)->9 + 1 KVA, +1 Charted, +1 Kobold Pets, +1 Spaceport Launchers) +13 Minerals Acquired.

-- Build Costs:
-> -73M, -12B, -2F, 8/10 Autofac, 4/5 Psi-Mach, 12/12 Autofab, -1F/t, -10E/t, +14E/t
-> 2 Autofactory, 1 Psi-Crystal Machine, 1 Orbital Ops reserved for below.

-- Design and build Special Ops training facility. To support the Matriarch's efforts to create a special ops tradition training facilities must be created. Creating designs for such a facility is closer to Mira's expertise than any of our research teams so designing training facilities falls to the militia, as does supporting the Matriarchs' efforts with promising recruits.

The Clan Irregulars make extensive use of the simulated urban and randomized targets and simulated weapons, undergoing constant operations and practice in simulated rescues, boarding operations, and sabotage runs. The repairs and rebuilds of the materials requires constant resupply to keep the Irregulars at their peak efficacy, but their knock-on training effect of being the "best fighters of the colony" is lost on no-one.

-- Results:
-- 1 Autofactory used. -2 E/t, -2M/t, -2B/t to Training Facility. Requires 1 Job. Provides ongoing Training Experience to colony militia and especially Irregulars.

-- Continue planetary surveys in the area around the colony, now with support from the Orbital Sensor network

With the orbital sensor grid in place, certain spectrographic and thermal signatures led your surveyors to make deeper terrain analysis than in years past. This has led to the discovery of a number of possible anomalies worth further digging that would require dedicated equipment. The initial surveys have however given some idea of what might be found.

-- Results:
- 2 Deep Minerals Sites Found. (Autofactory action to develop Deep Core Mine. 1 E/t, 1d4 Minerals yield.)
- 2 Petrochemical Sites Found (Autofactory action to develop Deep Gas Rig. 1 E/t, 1d4 Syngas yield.)

-- Lab I will study Blight Cure I
-- Lab II will study Colony Ship Systems
-- Lab III will study Future Transport:Transport Hulls
-- Lab IV will study Psi-Crystal Weaponry (vehicle/fighter scale)

The Blight Cure research has reached a turning point. You can now screen your personnel in a month-long process that can result in a patient being cured of any trace of the Blight. This process is much like having a month-long low-grade flue, and doesn't immunize a patient from being reinfected. Partial treatments are ineffective. But it is, critically, safe. Further, your researchers are convinced that the Storm Nullifier system could be retuned to use the stimulation frequencies that trigger the Blight burnout on a truly wide area effect, possibly eliminating the threat of the Blight permanently.

The colony ship's decommission would have been much simpler if it weren't for the extreme care that all involved were taking. No one was quite willing to disassemble the ship; so work got "lost" and was "rechecked" often. And a good thing it was: the Centauri, it turned out, were not always as diligent as they could have been with their refurbishing work. Had you not made the decision to decommission the colony ship, its reactor and most of its equipment would have needed a complete drydock overhaul and replacement within years at most. Ironically, about the only thing that wasn't at risk of falling apart at the seams metaphorically speaking was the gravity plates. It seems they were designed to be easily removed from the cargo ship design so it could be rendered "safe for export". This allowed the plates to be extracted intact, as they were highly modular and always intended for rapid installation and removal. This should make actual study of the devices far easier, you hope. Interestingly, however, the thrusters and fusion reactor of the colony ship are at first glance less effective than the Future Transport's systems.

With the immense focus on the Centauri colony ship that first freed your people, however, the most experienced personnel when dealing with such studies were retasked. This resulted in a slowdown in the blueprint-reconstruction efforts on the Future Transport, so further attention on that matter will be needed before the design can be made ready for reproduction.

Meanwhile, the attempts to further militarize the psi-amps for vehicle/shuttle grade equipment are somewhat daunting. No one is quite satisfied with the idea of merely "jerry-rigging" a solution, so optimizing the possible weapons available and learning how to channel more energy through the psi-amp fields safely have been seeing far more attention. Alternative designs for psi-crystals to more selectively operate on light over other kinds of energy are being worked on, based on past hints at possible paths to research. But this is a long process that will take more time than can be squeezed into a single year.

In other news, however, significant turn that could have longer term ramifications, the private lab's experience with the psi-drones has resulted in a new method of interacting with them. Rather than embedding individual drones with psi-crystals, a new "neuro-throne" was developed -- a chair with a headrest lined with psi-crystals to best read the operator's mental activity and feed it back to that operator with the greatest fidelity. This allows individual operators to run multiple Drones simultaneously.

-- Results:
- (196 + 1d100->39 + 20 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs +10 Sampling + 10 Hardened )=285 out of 200 to study Blight Cure I. (Lab1) -2 Food, -2 Biomass.
- ( 0 + 1d100->11 + 20 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs )=41 out of 100 to study Colony Ship Systems (Lab2)
- (31 + 1d100->19 + 20 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs )=69 out of 150 to study Future Transport Hulls. (Lab3)
- ( 0 + 1d100->3 +20 Psi-Amps +10 Labs, +10 Shakedown )=43 out of 200 to study Psi-Crystal Weaponry (Lab4) (Psi-Crystal Machine, Autofactory, -5 Minerals, -2 Biomass)
- (50 + 1d100->38 + 20 Psi-Amps + 10 Labs + 30 Psi-Drones )=148 out of 100 to unlock Psi-Thrones. (Private Lab)
(Costs: -2 F, -5M, -6 B )
- Psi-Drone Pops converted to Neuro-Throne Rooms.

-- Hold the decommissioning ceremony. It's funny to think that the overwhelming majority of the people in attendance have no memory of fleeing Earth or the voyage here. Besides the uptimers those born on Kithmake now outnumber the first colonists. As this event passes into memory, and then into History, it's worth it to take a moment to commemorate our voyage and the last two decades that have followed. Before any components are removed recordings should be made of the ship's entire interior, a record of the ship as it was. Once useful technology has been extracted from the vessel what remains should be stored in a secure hardened warehouse or hanger safe from the storms and with as much climate control as we can manage to preserve it. One day this may be part of a museum, or even a museum ship if we can keep the hull together while extracting the gravity plating

The ceremony to decommission the colony ship consisted of a final flight under escort of the colony's gun-shuttles, followed by a "missing man" formation sweeping overhead as you spoke at length about the ship's faithful service to your people and what your experiences were like during that first furtive escape from the nascent Psi-Corps and Old Earth. This was accompanied with Archive memory transfer and replay of the events and a founding memory -- "Arrival Day". The ship's 'well-worn' condition just made her more seasoned.

-- Results:
- Arrival Day now considered the formal New Years' for the colony. Colony ship formally decommissioned and its warehouse converted to a museum location with mimicked gravity plating put in place to be replaced with the originals when the technology is mastered to new purpose.

-- Walk the old ship one last time before the crews get to work on her. Then head home to Mira and the girls. It's times like this that you think about Legacy, about what you leave behind when your time passes.

The eerie silence of the colony ship with no systems aboard running at all gave you a hell of a case of nostalgia. One that lasted all the way back to home where your little girls dropped a bomb on you: you and Mira were now grandparents. Four times over. Juniper and Aspen had, it turns out, leveraged their status as Alexanders to get reserved time with the Clan Exo-Womb and arranged to have twins of their own each.

A part of you wanted to be furious, but with the colony's practice of increased emancipation and earlier majority, the girls had made the case that it was their "civic duty" to show the rest of the colony that the First Family of the colony was as enthusiastic about the population growth and the rights of the new generation as everyone else. And that commitment leaves you incredibly troubled... and immensely proud.

-- Results:
- The First Family of the colony is now 3 generations big. The girls won't be 18 for another year. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Votes by plan, please:
Each turn is 1 year.
1 Action in each category, only write-ins for now while the dust settles and interest is shown.

- [] Industry:
(Agricultural, economic, and residential leadership actions go here.)
-- []
- [] Military:
(Militia, naval, wartime, and such go here.)
-- []
- [] Exploration:
(Scouting, mapping, resource survey type actions go here.)
-- []
- [] Research:
(Pulling schematics for practical application out of the colony ship's AI, discovering new techniques, biotech, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Diplomacy:
(Internal or external diplomatic actions. Building community, negotiating trade deals, and so on.)
-- []
- [] Personal:
(Things you do yourself.)
-- []
Last edited:
I'll chime in later when I can actually get up to date, but aren't our psi-amps still at primitive?

Might be worth looking into that considering they're the underlying foundation of it all.
I'll chime in later when I can actually get up to date, but aren't our psi-amps still at primitive?
They are, yes. The Military ones won't be once that research is finished -- that'd be one of the reasons it's a 200pt research rather than a 100pt.

As an aside, you guys have 3 Psi-Drone Jobs you can now assign. Each one replaces a Human Job elsewhere and comes with a +1 bonus to the yield of whatever facility it's added to.

You /can/ make a Neuro-Throne module for the orbital station by the way, and doing so would allow the +1 Psi Drone yield to apply to the Astro-Mining Bay rolls. You'd have to expand to use the other two Jobs on something, but that might be a good reason to develop the Ready Launch Bay for military shuttles.

It'd also make whoever is working "up there" happier since they'd basically never have to leave the gravdecks at all.
Just a thought i had @Logos01 could we either get a plus/minus or colouring here to make it clear if the reserves are decreasing at a glance?.
  • Reserves:
    • 24/80 Food Units
    • 28/80 Biomass
    • 38/80 Minerals
    • 30/40 Energy
      • Hydro-Store:

idea of merely "jerry-rigging" a solution
Is this meant to be jerry instead of jury? no issue just not a common way to say it.

"Jury-rigged" vs. "Jerry-rigged"

What's the difference between "jury-rigged" and "jerry-rigged"? And is the jury still out on whether one is preferred over the other?
Loved it!

Also I kind of got a bit choked up with the section about the colony ship. Not sure why but its like very awwwww to me.

Also I am amused that the Centauri made the gravplate stuff so easy to attach and detach. Very nifty. I am NOT surprised that future human engine tech is somewhat better, the Earthers always did kind of stand toe to toe space movement wise with the other powers. Probably cause humanity was always innovating and the Centauri are basically static.

I am fine with the Clans co-opting an autofactory and psi-crystal machine. We should make that official, while also making their use a logged thing.

We should also work to establish a Clan for those who are not in a Clan. A Union for the clanless. Lets make sure they never loose their equality.

AND we should make sure to provide those in the union access to an autofactory and psi-crystal matrix too.

Hmm on the Drazi. So I can't tell if this signal is moving closer towards us or father away. Either way its interesting.

Also. Sideways question. I'm assuming that the ship that the future-future people used to get here didn't have their own jump engine, right. I mean it would make sense if it didn't.

That said we do have a rift in space that opens to hyperspace seemingly naturally. A bit of study there could lead us to developing jump engines of our own. And we know that telepathy is boosted in hyperspace, so that could lead to some interesting potential developments.

The Ironwood deposit stuff is great. Lots of potential for us to 'grow' metal.

Speaking of growing metal, hmmm on using the biomaterial on an asteroid to gather materials easier. How very interesting.

Reading all our various storm hardened shelters, do we have a transit network underground? I think it might come in handy if we built a massive underground travel route between our buildings so that even during storm times our people can walk around.

Our use of Telekinesis in combat makes me wonder about our use of it in Construction and Manufacture. Lots of use there.

Also I wonder if a person who does a lot of TK stuff with the psi-crystal gets to keep the ability even when they don't have it. Like yeah lesser but it would be interesting if flexing the telepathic muscle about TK would enable access to it all alone.

Also also I def thing we should study psionics in time. See if we can figure out new disciplines. Canon wise we know Telepathy, Telekinesis, and some sort of Clairsentience/Divination exists (future seeing is a canon thing). Lots of potential in what psionics in B5 can do.

Hmmm on Deep Mineral Sites and Petrochemical Sites. While I don't want to destroy the environment those could be useful.

Interesting progress on research!

I definitely think we should look into Blight Cure II now.

And we should def continue with Colony Ship Systems, Future Transport: Transport Hulls, and Psi-Crystal Weaponry. Might as well continue to see what we can do.

Also I want gravdeck plating!

Maybe we could create Lab V. That could be useful.

Arrival Day is a good holiday to have!

On personal, hope its some grandboys. hehe

For our future personal, maybe we could take some time to study our own psychic skills. See if we have taken in anything unconsciously that might increase or abilities.

Long term I wouldn't mind us working on Telepathy based longevity systems. Let us live longer!

Great stuff. Fun reading. A joy to think about and figure out.
Thanks for the update.

I am very concerned about a Drazi explorer ship that close. Depending on how many jumps between us and that ship have been charted it could be a decade before they find us, or it could be months.

How does everyone feel about our situation with regards to the Blight? We are almost at reliable prevention for the Colony, but labs are very short right now. If we keep Lab 1 on Blight research it will be at least next turn before we can start researching the Ready Launch Bay. But if we switch it off of Blight research it will be several years before we can return to Blight prevention.

@Logos01 would it be possible to anonymize the early data on the Blight we have?

Not the stuff about curing or containing it; but the basics that it is a pathogen that can travel through bioelectricity, either kill hosts or turn them into asymptomatic carriers, and go dormant and return centuries later. Could we communicate the data on that without revealing too much about the biology of Kithmake, ourselves, or the Earth plants and alien Biomaterial that it killed? Because if a Drazi explorer ship is that close another way to keep them from approaching the planet if they do stumble into the system would be to create a quarantine announcement. Explain that our world is being ravaged by this Blight, a possible bio-weapon from long ago, and that for their own safety they should avoid close contact.
I don't know if we need to do the announcement to keep the Drazi away and stuff. Like they aren't exactly a warmongering power that conquers territory next to them so i don't know if we need to super worry too much.

That said its hard to determine what we need to do, or should do, or not do, till we get more details and stuff. So like I am in a wait and see mode for that.

On Blight research, hmmm. Interesting. Not sure.

I guess maybe I need to see potential path options before I can fully say one way on my personal thoughts. Cause yeah, I'm not sure.
Also I wonder if a person who does a lot of TK stuff with the psi-crystal gets to keep the ability even when they don't have it. Like yeah lesser but it would be interesting if flexing the telepathic muscle about TK would enable access to it all alone.
1 in a 1,000 telepaths have any natural telekinesis, and it's almost always comorbid with some kind of cognitive disability. The use of psi-crystals right now doesn't seem to have any lingering effects on a telepath. The P-rating one is born with is functionally immutable as far as your people know. (A couple of uptimers have heard horror stories from the Teep Underground about Psi Corps experiments to make stronger teeps, but it's just that: rumors.)

You're quickly reaching a point where basically every colonist will have their own personal psi-amp anyway.

Is this meant to be jerry instead of jury? no issue just not a common way to say it.

I'm a hobbyist of etymology, so I tend to use archaic phrasing. The term was originally Jerry-rigged as in from the WWII soldier slang epithet for Germans, referring to improvised devices the Germans made that the doughboys often found in encampments. "Jury-rigged" is just the linguistic drift from that and doesn't make any sense anyhow. That's how I've always known it. That article is making claims that are very novel to me and has no sources to confirm it.
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I don't know if we need to do the announcement to keep the Drazi away and stuff. Like they aren't exactly a warmongering power that conquers territory next to them so i don't know if we need to super worry too much.

It's not so much wanting to keep the Drazi specifically away as it is avoiding an unnecessary confrontation. The Kith are about 1000 individuals, mostly adolescents, who are living alone on a planet in a system with no jumpgate, and we have our own orbital infrastructure. That's a situation that begs all kinds of questions about who we are; and the honest answer, that we are time travelers stranded in this system, in the past by some unknown force, strains credulity. The situation also opens us up to exploitation, the Drazi may not be the most aggressive power but only a thousand souls on an entire planet is an awfully big temptation for colonization. If we can avoid close scrutiny for a while it's better for us.

In addition I think the fact that Kithmake's photsynthesizing plant analogues are immune to the Blight insulated us from just how scary it is. We could suplement our diets with native food and replenish the greenhouses from the seed bank, but if it got loose on a world where local plant analogues were not asymptomatic it would be an extinction level event. Just imagine if it got loose on Earth, spread by human or animal carriers to the different continents and wiping out plant life. Carbon dioxide and methane would rise from decomposition and before you know it most life is dead on the planet. If a few plants are resistant maybe some life survives, if not it's the extremophiles in volcanic vents on the ocean floor carrying on. Better for the Drazi or the Hyach or Brakiri if they get a warning that a dangerous pathogen is endemic to this world.

Warning visitors about the plant pathogen that is loose on our planet is just being friendly really. But species in Baylon 5 are very cautious about sharing information about their physiology with outsiders for fear of biological weapons. We have our own reasons for wanting to keep details of our physiology and origins secret. So we don't want to share too much, but we need to share enough that outsiders understand that the danger is real, their homeworlds would be better off if we talked from a distance and they didn't come down to have a look.

Sometimes a quarantine announcement is just being a good neighbor.
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It's worth noting that an Explorer Ship can take as much as a decade to map out the viable jump routes from a given star system it first discovers.

Earth Force Explorers were more interested in depth than thoroughness -- they were Johnny Appleseeding new Jump Gates in unoccupied star systems to push back the Rim of known space.

This led to lots of First Contacts and discoveries of derelicts that Earth used to ramp up its tech base, but is generally considered highly reckless by the other Younger Races.

The more traditional practice is to completely chart every viable Jump Route from a star before moving on to the next, identifying the "interconnecting" and "minor" routes so you can know what paths unknown entities might traverse to enter your space.

All of which is to say, the Hyach and Brakiri broadcasts being closer than the Drazi means they're very likely to turn their Exploration away to avoid political entanglements, and even if they didn't you can expect each Jump's distance to take at least a decade before they show up at all.

In other words, by your best estimates they're at absolute bare minimum twenty years away.

All things considered, though, having contact through the Drazi wouldn't be the worst thing for your people. You'd need to have a stiff enough resistance to fight off any raiders that might come, but with that the Drazi would be more likely to trade with your people than attempt outright conquest. Any hostile military action would likely come through intermediaries. (Canonically the Drazi government espoused honor and oath-keeping while simultaneously unofficially backing raider groups that targeted defenseless primitive worlds near their borders.)

The Brakiri would be roughly equivalent -- if you got an honest group up front all's well, they'd trade for your mining output merrily. But they have lots of "mafia" crime families that would merrily enslave your people if they could get away with it.

The Hyach on the other hand are likely your best bet if you can swing it. They are pacifists, traders, and culturally stable and have strong enough relations with the Drazi that if you were introduced to them through the Hyach the Drazi would avoid targeting you just to avoid angering the Hyach.

That's assuming you don't find some other race still out there. Contacting a minor race and having strong relations with them before making contact with a canonical race would change the script significantly.

And of course in the meantime you can try to bluff your population numbers by sticking BilPro semiauto rifles into the hands of kobolds and stiffen up your numbers (on paper) that way. Actively recruiting hives into military service /is/ a thing you could do, though they'd need a human officer per hive and there are moral considerations involved.
Its funny how despite it being years since I watched the show I was nodding along with the above post as it was exactly what I remembered, brought to mind, as I read the nations.

Honestly, us being by the future-League isn't the worst things there could be.

And like its good we are on that side of the map rather than the Vorlon-Minbari-Shadows side.

So yeah. Personally I say we don't really need to emphasize the 'first contact' part.

Though. Ooh. Idea. Though we should develop an office/agency/person sitting in said office who listens and translates the radio, which we should develop further. I think intel gathering would be super important even if we didn't do much now.