Chronicles of a Young Woman's Love Life

Celestia might be angrier about the rampant racism than the defying of her aithority.
Unfortunately for those transgressing in this particular case, though, those more or less the same thing here. Celestia issued an Official Edict telling them to give these changelings a chance, and some of them decided that obviously it was fake because all changelings are evil and should be persecuted for being born.

But, yes, as for what the consequences are, I'd imaging that it's more likely to be non-euphemistic reeducation in their own town rather than the "reeducation" in a definitely very nice wilderness camp or just outright martial crackdown that some other regimes might respond with. The entire town getting mandated to attend a series of lectures in the town hall (or square, as capacity may demand) about being nicer and more open-minded, that sort of thing.
"I cannot believe this play harvesting strategy is actually working. It's ridiculous!"

"Well, what did you expect dude? Our new queen had to have fed herself somehow before ruling the hive."

"Well yeah, but she didn't do it as herself, did she? And I don't think asking nicely like this has ever worked for us before."

"...Did Chrysalis even let us try that?" Bored now! Moving on.
Now this is a good sign, even with how uncooperative some places are being, Tanya methods are being proven to work for other changelings. This is to state the obvious for all involved. It makes the Changelings more loyal to Tanya and less likely to backslide into using 'traditional' methods of love harvesting, since her minions are more loyal and getting fed, Tanya doesn't need to dip into her reserves to feed them and her authority is more secure, for the ponies it means Changelings are much less to go behind Tanya's back.

So, what are the consequences of ignoring a Celestial Edict?
Honestly even with Celestia very obvious distaste to racism she's probably very busy more so now than usual, so it'll probably come down to a few factors like how many villages outright ignored the Edict, how cooperative the ones that didn't actually were. to start with Celestia will probably just send a few of the Royal guard on a tour to state her displeasure.

If any of the villages try to say those Royal Guard members are Changeling infiltrators, they'll probably rate a more personal visit from the Princess and if they try to say she's a Changeling Infiltrator that's when the real fun starts
So, what are the consequences of ignoring a Celestial Edict? I would expect them to be severe, but these are ponies we're talking about. Celestia might be angrier about the rampant racism than the defying of her aithority.
Celestia is definitely angrier about the rampant racism than the defying of her authority. She might, however, be annoyed enough by the combination to point Prince Blue Blood in an appropriate direction and let him run with it, and BB would be outraged about the defying of her authority (and, to give the pompous prig his due, probably at least mildly annoyed about the racism*).

*Classism would be another matter entirely, but sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.
"I still can't believe anybody would defy a Celestial Edict like that. This is the second time too!" I look over to the pink one from my cozy roost.
Ha! Called it! Pinkie will have to work for her money.

"I can't believe those monsters thought they could get away with faking a Celestial Edict!" Looks like an old gossipy mare and her son. "The nerve of them. Too bad they outnumber our guard or else we'd have whipped 'em real good!"

"Mee-ma, are you sure it was a forgery? It used real gold for the lettering and-"

"Pshaw, of course it was fake. No way the Princesses would let these monsters back in after what they did..
Hear this? This is the sound of Celestia grinding her teeth so hard she's spitting diamonds.

"Well how was I supposed to know that's not what they meant by love soaked?"

"Relax honey, they didn't seem to mind. They even said it was a good conductor for love magic. They probably just overcharged you a bit."
Dare I ask what they wanted and what they got in the end? Because I have a pretty good idea from one of the two but not for the other.

The Queen stares at her for a few seconds. She starts wilting under the Queen's heavy gaze.
What Tanya is thinking: "What a selfless person, we should do something nice for her to encourage similar positive interactions".
What Fluttershy is experiencing: The abyss staring at you, its gaze heavy with the burden of a thousand nameless horrors.
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Chapter 12: Princess Cadenza

I look up from my paperwork to see a messenger pegasus careening into my office.

"My Princess! Fluttershy has arrived with a message. The medics are looking her over now."

"Good." As I set my pen down. "And the message?" He starts rummaging around in his bags before I just locate it and rip it out to start reading. A fair bit rude on my part, but this is extremely important and I'm impatient. It's all written with the love letter spell of course.

Dear Princess Mi Amore Cadenza.

Please for the love of Harmony take your element bearers back. I was not aware they were so important when they departed with my retinue, and I refuse to have a diplomatic incident start over something so avoidable. Fluttershy should have delivered this message, but Pinkie Pie refuses to leave my stallions alone. She's working off her frustrations at missing her bonus. I'll not get into that here though. The important thing is, while I am fully aware of the allures of passionate lovemaking, there still exists a time and a place for such things. In the middle of a foreign polity's camp while on the verge of sensitive negotiations are neither. I would ask you to retrieve her in whatever manner you see fit.

The second item I would like to bring to your attention is Fluttershy herself. She has been feeding my drones sporadically and all throughout her stay with us, and has refused any reward for such. This is grating to my sensibilities. Good work deserves a reward. I would request your help with picking out a tangible reward that she cannot refuse in good conscience.

Thirdly is the scheduling and venue of our negotiations...

And all the rest is the kind of mind numbing minutiae that Twilight Sparkle would have loved to go through if her temper and paranoia weren't still raw from the invasion. I must admit I would have been much worse about that myself if I didn't have my Shining Armor to center me. He can be annoying at times, but he always tells me the truth.

Though that doesn't excuse the nigh disastrous letter she sent to Princess Celestia. We almost had the royal guard mobilized to rescue Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy before Fluttershy herself delivered a letter to each of us Princesses through Spike. The one addressed to Celestia detailed the bribe Pinkie Pie got for helping smooth over relations. The one addressed to Luna revealed Fluttershy to be a Batpony. That was shocking, but I'll trust Luna's expertise and rhetoric on that matter. Equestria was founded on equality and acceptance between ponies after all! It also brought to light a fascinating philosophical debate on nature versus nurture. It gives me great hope for our negotiations!

My letter arguably had the most interesting information of all. Gossip on Degurechaff's love life! I can't wait to ask her all about it!

Enough of that though. I leave my chambers to go check up on Fluttershy. Looking in on the infirmary I see a few diagnostic spells being run on her, including one I designed myself just after the invasion. A way to tell if anybody is being mind controlled through love based magic. Given how long I was reading that letter, this can't have been the first time they cast it on her.

"Ahem. Everypony except for Fluttershy leave us." The nurses and doctors look at each other and obey. Fluttershy, as always, seems quite nervous.

"H-hello P-p-princess"

"Hello Fluttershy. It seems you have everypony worried about how you are."

"I kn-know how this looks, Princess, but this integration cannot fail." She takes out a flier from her saddlebag. "Read this and you'll understand." I raise my eyebrow, but take the flyer. Changelings And You. Reading through it... Oh. Oh, that is horrific!! And Chrysalis did what to those who wouldn't fall in line?! Sweet Celestia, this almost makes me happy she's dead! Love should never be misused like that! I'm feeling very conflicted right now.

"How much of this is accurate?"

"En-nough that I could tell every changeling in the camp desperately needed a hug." Hmm, troubling.

"Princess!" Shouts another messenger trotting up to me. "We have a problem with the changelings!" Oh boy.

"What's going on?"

"They're demanding that stands displaying certain news stories shut down for as long as the negotiations take place."

"That's totally unacc-" Wait a minute... "What kind of news stories?" He pulls out a newspaper, partially soaked from being on the ground probably.

Idiot Changeling Believes The Princesses Are Changelings!!

My eye twitches. "Send out the royal guard! We're going to get these stories off of the main boulevard."

"Princess?" He asks.

"This is a diplomatic event. I will not have it ruined by having our guests insulted so blatantly!" He salutes and flies off. Phew. Good thing he accepted that so easily, I'm not sure how long I can keep a lid on the fact that I'm not a changeling to the Queen. I think I'll let Pinkie Pie work her stresses off though. I'm tempted to do the same myself with Shining, but I still have work to do.

*Trumpet Noises*

"Introducing Queen Degurechaff of the changeling hive." She walks into the entrance hall and bows to me and Shining.

"I greet the Princess of Love." Her escorts notably do not bow. They look very tense.

"Come. We will conduct negotiations in the garden." This was not a surprise of course. It has been three days since she arrived in Canterlot. Well, camped outside the gates as it were. We've exchanged many letters since then. First came the provisions for guards. She brought a small squad with her but at the actual negotiations table we will only have two each. We also delineated the scope of the negotiations. Reparations will be paid to me, but not at Queen Degurechaff's personal expense. The Changelings will also be giving up most of their autonomy to live under Equestrian law, but measures and laws will be put in place so that they don't starve. And we will be discussing the transition to Equestrian laws.

"So Queen Degurechaff, how was your journey here?" I ask, as soon as I sit down at the prepared table. We're in the Central gardens right next to the statue of Discord.

"Mixed. Two of the four villages we planned to stop at refused us. I look forward to your response to this flagrant defiance of your orders." I curse internally. I know what this looks like to a predatory species. We have a few of them as neighbors. She may or may not particularly care about the act itself, but she'll definitely view our response as how highly she's valued.

"I will have to confer with the other Princesses before a punishment is decided." I demure. No reason to co-opt Cellie's guard for this just yet. "Any questions before we begin?"

"Yes Princess. What is that right next to us." As she points to the draconic statue.

"Oh, that's Discord. Don't worry, he's perfectly contained. He's actually why we're in this garden today. Every act of order and treaty signed here strengthens his prison that much more." She slowly looks towards me.

"You mean he wasn't just a cover story? I thought the Princesses just got really drunk one day and ordered some chocolate rain from the Pegasi." I snicker at the thought as my guards shuffle and Degurechaff looks horrified at the spirit of chaos' statue.

"No, he's very real. Anyways, let's move on to the agenda you set out. I see here that you wanted to talk about reparations first?"

"Yes Princess. Seeing as we agreed that my personal assets were off limits, I find the hive to be incredibly poor and unsuitable for such things. Therefore I must look to other forms of payment. And it comes to my attention that you do not have a personalized guard yet. I am willing to part with one hundred drones to your personal control for this purpose." Oh. Oh wow. But as with all things political, I cannot take this at face value. I look at her sharply.

"What's the catch?"

"You will have to feed them, train them, and train out the bad habits that Chrysalis instilled in them. I also only had a few weeks to train them in any kind of combat."

"Combat training? Where would you have learned much about combat? I know we monitor our guard captains much more closely than most other ponies."

"I did not always live in Equestria Princess Cadenza. My time before here was significantly more violent." That feels like a big no duh moment right there. "Living here was an excellent retirement until the wedding." And I did not miss the way her guards twitched at that. Seems like somebody is still very angry about it. Good thing Shining is still here, or else I might be nervous. Hahahahaha.

"I accept your proposal for reparations." Teaching a hundred changelings about love is sure to be a treat. And possibly fun depending on how Shining Armor reacts to the situation. "Though I am interested in how I'm expected to feed them." Degurechaff rolls her eyes at that.

"You have the love of an entire nation gravitating towards you." I do? "Even if you've never used it for anything other than recharging, I believe you have the capacity to figure it out." Mare, I was just making a saucy joke!

"Ahem. Quite. Now the next thing on the list. Captives." Oh joy, this is going to be one of those days, isn't it? By the time we're done she's extracted several concessions out of me. Most of which are just general methodologies on how best to integrate the changelings. We're guaranteeing the right to voluntarily feed, and the right for ponies to give up their freedom to the changelings for limited amounts of time. The last bit will be regulated locally, and I understand she intends to negotiate for ponies already sentenced to jail.

The part of negotiations that took the longest was what will be done with all the captives the hive gathered under Queen Chrysalis. I all but demanded they be released immediately, but she managed to talk me down to a schedule of one per week so the changelings don't starve as they transition over to alternate love sources. I did not budge on revealing all infiltrators though. To Queen Degurechaff's knowledge there are seven left, and at her insistence they will be revealed under the influence of a calming spell. Fair enough. By the time we were done it was 6:30 and we were both very tired.

"That settles all the boring stuff." As I set aside the folder with my copy of the treaty outline. "I'll have the law ponies take that, and make sure it won't conflict with any past treaties, or laws, or any other fiddly bits."

"Very good, yes-"

"Now for the fun part." She freezes, wide eyed and open jawed at my declaration. "Gossip! Tell me about your love life Degurechaff! I just have to know about your wife." She continues to stare at me.

"...Can we not, and simply say we did?"

"I guess so, but why would you want that?"

"Because I am a private individual."

"We'll be that as it may, I don't see it lasting. You were trying to get a seat in Equestrian politics, right? I just can't imagine not talking about love with those closest to me. You especially. It's in our very nature you see." And that is all true, I swear. I also want to find some common ground between us. I've been having just the worst time getting a bead on her personality. She's severe and strict, yet exceedingly easy to work with on a personal level. Sent me a severed head, yet almost aggressively pursues peace, and about a hundred other little conflicting details I don't have the time to list.

She sighs in exasperation. "Would we be able to schedule something for tomorrow? I'm feeling just a bit wrung out today."

"Of course! How does afternoon tea time sound?"

"As long as coffee is available."

The next day was busy. Not overly so, as my normal duties were replaced with ensuring the surrender goes smoothly. And then Queen Degurechaff brought eighty changeling in around noon to be inducted into my guard. That caused a whole kerfuffle on its own, but was handled easily enough. I tested out feeding them all and it went very smoothly. Queen Degurechaff even noticed that I used one of her spells to do it, and I got to compliment her on her spellsmithing.

Once we were both able to relax in the gardens, (the ones without Discord) we were able to make amicable small talk. We danced around the issue of her love life for a while. It was clear she's uncomfortable talking about it. Many ponies are. Until finally I could stand it no longer.

"I can't keep doing this. Queen Degurechaff I have to tell you, I'm not a Changeling. That's not what an Alicorn is. I was a Pegasus before I accomplished the embodiment of my cutie mark and ascended. I'm sorry to say this now, but you would surely realize it eventually." She sips her coffee.

"Interesting. I also changed species when I became a Changeling." One of her bodyguards turns their head towards Degurechaff at that. "I don't believe you about not being a Changeling by the way." Oh come on!! "Equine species don't have biologically distinct Queen specimens. Insectoid species do." How am I even supposed to argue with that!? We obviously do! "You've probably just instinctually used your shape shifting all this time. I myself transformed when I fell into a patch of these things." She constructs an illusion of a droopy blue flower in front of us.

"What are those?"

"Poison Joke. A magically mischievous flower. They always transform you into some sort of joke."

"...How did a flower possess the power for such a potent transformation?" She may not be an Alicorn, but she's probably biologically immortal. Such things take a certain amount of magical oomph.

"I was previously a fairly powerful mage."

"Oh? So you were a Unicorn?"

"Primate." As she shakes her head. "But that is neither here nor there. The point is that taxonomic families are no barrier to such a species change." ...Am I a Changeling? I shake my head.

"So, blatantly changing the subject, why did you choose a broken heart as your Cutie Mark when you were acting as Shimmering Heart?"

"I didn't. Stupid things always come out as broken whenever I make them heart shaped. It's annoying."

"Very unfortunate. Did you want to talk about it?"

"But we just did?"

"..." I think I'm beginning to see what kind of joke those flowers were going for when they transformed her. Kind of mean of them actually.

"Did you want to talk about my love life now? I think I'm finally comfortable enough for that."

"Yes I would. Did you want to go first, or should I?"

AN: beta credit to Pandora
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Ouch, the poison joke, what a cruel joke, but honestly it probably was for the best, discord must be laughing his ass off in the statue.
Fluttershy has arrived with a message. The medics are looking her over now."
Why is Fluttershy with the medics? What do they think is wrong with her?
Fluttershy should have delivered this message, but Pinkie Pie refuses to leave my stallions alone.
This sentence feels wrong. Saying that Fluttershy "should have delivered this message, but" implies that Fluttershy didn't. Honestly, the whole sentence feels like it should only be about Pinkie.
My letter arguably had the most interesting information of all. Gossip on Degurechaff's love life! I can't wait to ask her all about it!
How old is Cadenza again?
A way to tell if anybody is being mind controlled through love based magic. Given how long I was reading that letter, this can't have been the first time they cast it on her.
I feel that the result should have been noted. It could be that they aren't believing the negative results, got a positive, cast some counterspell, and are verifying it worked, or are just casting repeatedly to avoid false positives or false negatives.
I know what this looks like to a predatory species. We have a few of them as neighbors. She may or may not particularly care about the act itself, but she'll definitely view our response as how highly she's valued.
I'm not sure what being a predatory species has to do with it. It seems more a standard diplomatic signalling concern.
"You mean he wasn't just a cover story? I thought the Princesses just got really drunk one day and ordered some chocolate rain from the Pegasi."
Can pegasi actually do that? Also, now I expect Luna to order it as a prank at some point, only for ponies to start freaking out.
"Combat training? Where would you have learned much about combat? I know we monitor our guard captains much more closely than most other ponies."
Did you forget she qualified for a combat magic archmage certification? And changelings are all discount alicorns? Just from that, you should assume she put as much effort into physical combat skills as magical.
Teaching a hundred changelings about love is sure to be a treat. And possibly fun depending on how Shining Armor reacts to the situation.
Mare, I was just making a saucy joke!
Good to know the logistics of feeding 100 sophonts in your care is a joke to you, Cadenza.
Well, maybe not as much to Cadenza specifically.
And then Queen Degurechaff brought eighty changeling
I thought she promised 100. Could she not find 20 more she could trust not to embarass the Hive, or did they settle on a lower number?

Also, changeling should be plural.
...Am I a Changeling? I shake my head.
Ha! She's even getting Cadenza to doubt her own species! Is Cadenza going to confront Celestia and Luna?
Did you want to go first, or should I?"
Oh you tease! That was a terrible place to end it! At least let us see her reaction to learning it's Daring Do.
The one addressed to Luna revealed Fluttershy to be a Batpony.
Wut? Does Flutters have some sort of enchantment on her to make her look like a pegasus then? And I guess this would put the "Flutterbat" episode in a new light... It may ALSO put FLutters actions during the whole kerfuffle with Zecora into a WORSE light.

Once we were both able to relax in the gardens, (the ones without Discord) we were able to make amicable small talk.
Honestly, I'd think this would feel nostalgic for Tanya. Harkening back to afterwork drinking in her first life as a salaryman. Heh, and officers do something similar as well.

One of her bodyguards turns their head towards Degurechaff at that.
HAHAHA! I can only imagine the gossip that will spread around the hive at that little tidbit. That will explain so much to the other Changelings about their new Queen's oddities.

"..." I think I'm beginning to see what kind of joke those flowers were going for when they transformed her. Kind of mean of them actually.
Yeah, the tea party was a good idea. Because Cadance now has Tanya's personality pegged. I can't wait to see the conversation she'll have with Celestia and Luna about all this.
Chapter 13: Negotiations New
I have arrived at Canterlot. Again. Not much has changed since I was flung out into the badlands, but the oppressive security measures not being here is nice. A day of correspondence was enough to set the itinerary for the negotiations. I arranged it so that the most contentious of the issues come up first. That way any stumbling blocks that come up during the big items can be worked around when we're discussing the smaller items. All the other fiddly bits we don't have time for can be figured out afterwards. Preferably with somebody who is not the absolute monarch of Equestria. That is just way too much pressure for an everyday occurrence.

And then she blew all my expectations away by accepting my first reparations proposal in the first two minutes. I was honestly expecting to spend multiple days on this one issue alone. That was a pleasant surprise. Gave me hope for this whole endeavor, even if I was a little put out by all my backup plans going to waste.

Discord, on the other hand, was a decidedly unpleasant surprise. He was conscious too. Kind of horrifying if you think about it. I shudder to imagine how insane this method of containment has driven him. His emotional signature reminds me of a particularly hyperactive child being forced to stand in a corner. His emotional signature on hearing my coverup theory was split between absolutely gleeful and decidedly miffed. Hopefully I'll never have to meet the mad bastard as anything more than a statue.

Unsettling magical phenomena aside, the next roadblock I set for myself turned out to be an actual issue. Though I do believe the root cause revealed itself to be an ethical issue when she said

"And I refuse to let my little ponies spend another day in captivity. No matter how well they're being treated."

"Oh, I think I figured out the problem. I'm not arguing for keeping the ponies out of any kind of love for the techniques involved. They are, in fact, extremely wasteful and inefficient. You can get twenty times the love from one happy marriage over any kind of forcible extraction. We just need them as a transitional love source to avoid starvation while the little ones learn how relationships work. After all, it simply will not do to have them go mad with hunger, and attack the populace. That would just ruin all the work I've put in here."

"You think that could actually happen?!" Good, I have her on the back hoof.

"I think it already did. Chrysalis kept them hungry and vicious after all." I can feel that she's close to giving in somehow. "Tell you what, how about we schedule something. Say, releasing one pony a week?" Surprise blooms in her, then she starts rustling through the papers in front of her. I brace myself for her counteroffer. I'm prepared to go all the way up to three ponies a week.

"If I'm going to accept this then I need all of the remaining infiltrators in Equestria revealed immediately." I squint my eyes at her. That was one of the later little detail items.

"Princess, that runs into the exact same issues as before. Those infiltrators supply about a third of the hive's love supply. Most of them are married! And not via the hackjob that Chrysalis tried on you and Shining. Most of these found a lonely pony to honestly woo and made it stick."

"Not honestly enough. Reveal them." I look over to the Princess' disguised form, and then over to her husband. Yeah, uh-huh, pull the other one. She is being strangely stubborn about this though.

"Princess, I'm not saying we're going to continue courting that way, but we can leave these couples be while also being better in the future. The loss of trust alone would be devastating, but the rising changeling paranoia in the general populace would be where the real damage this action would do. This could set the reconciliation back so much." I can tell I got to her a little bit, but then she digs in her metaphorical hooves.

"Public opinion on changelings is the lowest it will ever be. Right now is the perfect time to do this. Like ripping off a band-aid, or getting out of a toxic relationship. The public needs a show of goodwill." Oh, I see.

"If it will set your mind at ease, fine, but with a few conditions. First being that this isn't publicized. Cross species relationships are not newsworthy. If you need a public victory milk the royal guard angle for all it's worth. Second is that the reveal happens under the influence of a calming spell. I want to give these relationships a fighting chance in the face of all the inevitable hurt feelings." She nods at my conditions

"Acceptable. Now, the next item." And on it went. And to my absolute shock the bulk of the negotiations only lasted a day. Citizenship for all my new subordinates was my biggest victory here. Negotiated after all the fiddly bits that codified acceptable changeling feeding habits of course. And then the rest she delegated to the local leaders. It was like I wasn't even dealing with a politician, but somebody who was legitimately working towards the best outcome for everyone. Weird.

Once we were all done with the negotiations she damn near gave me a heart attack.

"Now for the fun part." What?! Oh I swear to Harmony, if this is some sort of sex thing- "Gossip! Tell me about your love life Degurechaff! I just have to know about your wife." Oh. Well then.

I managed to beg off that conversation for an entire day. And then I tried to buck it all together by bringing in my tithe of troops to serve as a distraction. Eighty out of a hundred just so I can dump some of my home guard on her. But then I got bogged down in details, and then I was scheduling shifts with Princess Cadenza's husband, and then the Princess herself fed all of the present changelings sans myself with one of my spells, and then I was sitting in one of the more relaxing gardens with her, sipping coffee.

How do these things even happen to me!? It's been hundreds of years since I've been caught off guard like this! I had a real hot streak going! I'd blame being x, but he doesn't even know I still exist. Ahh, I'll just have to suck it up I guess. I make some small talk until I'm feeling comfortable. Stupid gardeners, how dare they make this place so relaxing. I did learn that Cadenza apparently thinks she's not a changeling. Makes me think she's actually as young as everypony says she is if she hasn't used her shape shifting yet. If so, she's done a remarkable job with the negotiations so far. The other two Princesses might be angry with her for not getting as much out of me as they would have, but that's not my problem.

And finally. "Did you want to talk about my love life now? I think I'm finally comfortable enough for that."

"Yes I would. Did you want to go first, or should I?"


"Very well. I met my Shining Armor when he was just an up and coming squad leader in the guard. He always, ah, noticed me whenever I walked into the room." Oh goody, she's horny. She proceeds to regale me with a tale of seduction targeted at a pony that sounds like the stereotypical gym bro crossed with a frat boy from my first life. No accounting for taste I suppose, but he looks professional enough standing next to her. Feels like he has a will of steel in him too, despite what Chrysalis did to him. He's a little bit embarrassed at the story too.

"How did you keep your relationship from becoming predatory? As a Princess you have a great deal of power over him, and in my experience that can twist a relationship into a flaming pile of hurt feelings and coercion more often than not." The experience of a late 20th century man really, but that's not a relevant detail here. She is offended at my words.

"I've been the Alicorn of love since I was twelve. I have the ability to notice when a relationship is turning toxic, and break it off before then. What about you, how did you meet your wife? And there's no need to go into as much lurid detail as I did. I just like to brag." I noticed that, yes. My bodyguards shift nervously beside me.

"I met my most recent wife when I was trying to tame some Timberwolves." I start my tale. She listens with rapt attention. I get to the part where we got into the temple before she interrupts.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Isn't this just the plot of a Daring Doo book with yourself along for the ride?"

"Oh, you noticed? I don't know why she decided to publish it as fiction. I get that she has a couple enemies among the nobility, but they saw through the ruse almost immediately." She sits back mystified for a couple seconds.

"So you... Would have been the bumbling assistant character? Why did she cast you as the comedy relief?"

"That was my idea. I don't like being in the spotlight for too long. Makes my wings itch. She also deserved to be the star of her own expedition. She funded it herself you know, and it wouldn't have been fair to her for me to upstage her in the book as well as real life. It also added a layer of obfuscation for her flimsy secret identity. Nobody who ever met me in person could ever describe me as bumbling."

"...Huh." She suddenly starts looking around in a fit of paranoia. "I'm not about to star in another one of her books, am I?"

"Unlikely." My eye and wing twitches. She looks at me in curiosity.

"That was unusually to the point of you. You were really vocal about her up until now. Is there a story here?"

"...I was separated from her during your wedding when I was thrown into the badlands." Her jaw slacks open.

"Queen Degurechaff, we can find her and-"

"Touch a hair on her mane and I will level this castle." A wave of fear reaches me from Cadenza's side of the table. And then my brain catches up with what my mouth just said.

"I was going to say get you back together! Why would you assume I wanted to hurt her?"

"Apologies, my paranoia and bad memories got the better of me." When did I start using the truth spell? "Usually when things are too good to be true they are, and this has all been a fantastic experience." I shoot some encoded love to my bodyguards telling them to take a measured withdrawal.

"Again, I apologize for thinking unkindly of you, but I must ask. What would you do for love if you thought yours was being threatened?" I get up and start backing away from her. Shining Armor has interposed himself in-between us and speaks up.

"Before you go I gotta ask. Why did you think we would enjoy getting Chrysalis' head in the mail?" They didn't like it? Not even a little bit?

"While your enjoyment of my gift would have been nice, that was strictly a secondary concern. Without irrefutable proof of her demise the question of whether or not this was all an elaborate setup would never have left your minds. Good day Princess. Shining Armor." And I scooch myself out of the gardens. What follows has to be the tensest ten minutes I've experienced in the last century. The royal guard escorting us out from a respectful distance, and me praying my idiot charges don't blow up all my efforts at peacemaking.

I really would like to succeed here.

AN: Beta credit to Pandora
Oof, now I have to wonder exactly how Cadance will report all of this to Celestia? From Tanya's former species, her thoughts on Tanya's mentality and WHY the Poison Joke gave her that form, to that last oopsie daisy in the negotiations. If nothing else it shows just how protective Tanya is over her wifey.
I kinda hope Tanya gives Cadence another chance. Obviously she's spooked, but Cadence getting her to just relax, even after all that she had to go through recently is a big deal. I can see a weird but legitimate friendship forming between the two, but it all hinges on Tanya not just booking it and slotting Cadence into the "Scary not-friend" category in her head.

Edit: hell, Tanya recognizing that Cadence is trying her best to do what's best for EVERYBODY is some huge praise from her.
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Tanya has been spending a lot of love recently, and I doubt she has been feeding since the wedding. While she still has significant reserves, I think she's feeling hungrier than she has in decades, and hungry Changelings are hangry Changelings.